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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 556 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 275 字

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古建筑群面积32000多平方米。主要的建筑有吕祖殿 、三清殿、蓬莱阁、天 后宫、龙王宫、弥陀寺等,布置得错落有致。蓬莱阁建于北宋,在它的两侧有观澜亭、宾日楼、避风亭、卧碑亭、姜公祠等建筑。


游人至此,仿佛置身于海天之间,真有出尘超凡之感。在蓬莱阁上,有时可以看到"海市蜃楼"。蓬莱阁是神州九大观日处之一。蓬莱阁观日处位于丹崖山巅,宾日楼为最佳地点 。清晨,极目沧海,日出扶桑,彩霞万道,大海金光粼粼,甚为壮丽。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1710 字

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Came to me I've heard a lot about you as one of the four buildings -- penglai pavilion, it is also one of the most intact buildings, people mountain people sea here, and good feng shui, than four buildings in the world. It makes my mood very excited, really want to hurry up to see this strange landscape, I immediately bought a ticket, to penglai pavilion straight at the past, at that time, I seem to fly the same speed in running.

To inside, the first thing you encounter is mazu, front several maid in ministering to mazu, I had a narrow the mazu, strange, why is masked, then, I asked the narrator, she said: "because the people didn't get married before, before, is not to let others see long what kind, matsu died that year, she is only 28 years old, so we can't see her face." Legend, matsu one day at the seaside for a walk, or just now is calm, suddenly, the wind, to see a fisherman on the surface will be swallowed up by the huge waves, selfless mazu, swam to the fishing boat, matsu saved others, "but gave her precious life. People in honor of mazu in penglai pavilion molded a statue of mazu as for later generations to worship.

Then we went to the east China sea dragon king temple, we take the door, he saw the first three sea, west sea dragon king AoQin north sea dragon king AoShun south China sea dragon king AoRun, they are strong, the handheld. I then went into the first of all, the east China sea dragon king AoGuang halls, spectacular inside, see the dragon king frowned, like himself can't solve the things.

Then, we came to the front of guanyin bodhisattva, see guanyin bodhisattva with a net bottle, dip the flicker of water bamboo purdue spread rebirth.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:景区,导游,全文共 549 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:三年级,导游,全文共 655 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 778 字

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首先我们来到了“人间蓬莱”坊,它位于蓬莱阁景区入口处,中间额题“人间蓬莱”四个闪闪发光的鎏金大字,此为宋代文人苏轼手 迹。经过“人间蓬莱”坊,径直向前走,就到了“丹崖仙境”坊,它金碧辉煌,巍峨壮丽,听导游说,“丹崖仙境” 坊是“仙境”之门,游人若是一步跨过去,就立即成了仙, 若是二步跨过去就成了半仙。 一步成仙后,我们又参观了富丽堂皇的龙王宫,古朴典雅的天后宫,最后来到了“”。据说八仙曾在这里醉后各显神通渡海遨游的,蓬 莱阁即此缘而建。

“蓬莱阁”一层的壁上刻有“日出扶桑”、“晚潮新月”、“千斛碎玉”、“万里澄波” 、“神山现市”、“漏天滴润”等10处景物的壁雕,二层则是根据“八仙醉酒”的图案所建的塑像。登上阁顶,让人有一种心境开阔、舒畅的超世脱俗之感。居身阁上,眼望蔚蓝的天空,白云朵朵, 眺望海面上波涛万顷,海鸥在海上翱翔,远处,时而有几只渔船打鱼归来,在海上乘风破浪。来到水城欣赏“蓬莱阁”又是一番美景,丹崖山拔海而起,与浩茫的碧水相映,阁楼高居顶峰,仿佛镶嵌在绿荫丛中一颗璨灿的明珠,旁边的灯塔居高临下,雄伟壮观,恰如守护蓬莱阁的士兵,巍然矗立在峭壁上。周围有一道城墙雄踞峻岭,气势磅礴,好一幅“仙阁竣空”图啊!




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:景区,导游,全文共 749 字

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蓬莱阁不仅有动人的传说,这里的景观也异常美丽 。一走到黄海和渤海交界处,顿时眼前一亮,我被这水天一色的美惊得目瞪口呆,仿佛进入了童话世界。只见两海交界处界线分明,好似一个绸带把整个海洋分隔开来,一半是黄的,一半是蓝的,并向远方延伸,好一个“人间仙境”!游客们纷纷在此拍照,那一层层被海风卷起的浪花,像一个个孩子唱着跳着扑向岸边,迎接四面八方前来游览的人群,人来潮涌,这里变成了一个欢乐的海洋!我想:“鱼儿们生活在五彩缤纷的海洋里一定十分幸福,说不定美人鱼公主还在海底自由自在地游动呢!




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1551 字

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Penglai pavilion is located in penglai north face danya mountain, with the yellow crane tower, yueyang tower, one of the four famous towers tengwang pavilion said. Penglai pavilion ancient building group covers an area of 32800 square meters, composed by MiTuo temple, the dragon palace, the queen of heaven, penglai pavilion, cliffs, Lv Zudian six parts, covers an area of 1.89 square kilometers. Here is to watch "penglai ten scene" in the "XianGe volley", "fishing song liang fishing" the landscape of the two best view. The ancient building group of pavilions distribution appropriate, temple garden hand in photograph reflect, due to the potential set, coordinate the spectacular. Penglai pavilion below the fine structure, modelling strange xian, that is where the myth ensemble; On the east side, Lv Zudian, qing shines on floor and mission hills pavilion, etc.; West wing for shelter (commonly known as empress temple), the queen of heaven palace, pavilions, the summer and the dragon palace. These pavilions strewn at random have send, penglai pavilion and one integrated mass, generally referred to as the "penglai pavilion".

Penglai Sir, there is a penglai shuicheng. City built south along the danya precipice, as one of the extant ancient naval base in China, also known as Japanese city, originally the song dynasty border water village "diao fish village site. Ming hongwu nine years (AD 1376), building the wall according to the mountain, sea water, ship to anchor, practicing navy division.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 932 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 5774 字

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我们先来说一说海市蜃楼吧,其实海市蜃楼并不是像以前的人所说的是一种仙境,它只是一种空气的再折射现象,海市蜃楼要想出现的条件很多,比如说他最容易出现的时间是春夏之交,而且最好是雨过天晴的午后,阳光灿烂,有北风二到三级,并且能见度良好,其实就算是这些条件都具备了也不一定会出现,所以现在要想看到海市蜃楼的机会很少,但是蓬莱独特的地理位置和气象条件,已成为世界上海市出现最频繁的地区之一,拒记载只是八十 年代就出现过四次,其中有一次是历史上延续时间最长的一次,那就是1988年6月17号这一次,而且这也是第一次拍摄下来的海市蜃楼,据说这次海市蜃楼从刚刚出现到完全消失,断断续续一共延续了五个小时,观看的人看到海上完全是另外一个地方的景象,其中看的最清楚的大约有十分钟左右,当时山东电视台的记者孙玉平正好在蓬莱拍摄风光片,于是就被他拍到了这具有纪念价值的一刻。所以大家才会在市面上买到“海市蜃楼”的录像。自从1989年8月14日那一次海市蜃楼之后,到现在为止就再也没有出现过。


其实蓬莱这里有很多关于八仙的故事,相信大家都知道八仙中有一个人非常的出名,那麽你可不可以说出这个人的名字呢?好,那麽我给大家一点小小的提示,我们经常说的一句歇后语曾经用到过他,对,就是吕洞宾,那麽大家可以说出这句歇后语吗?对,就是“狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心”,这句歇后语大家都知道了,那麽有没有人知道这句 歇后语的来历呢?其实这句歇后语的来历和一个很有意思的故事有关,苟杳指的是一个人的名字,“苟”是苟且偷生的“苟”,“杳”是杳无音信的“杳”,相传吕洞宾未成仙之前,家中很有钱,而苟杳家里却很穷,吕洞宾看到苟杳这个人很有上进心,就和他结拜为兄弟,让他 住到自己家里,并供他读书,希望他以后能有个出头之日。有一天,吕洞宾家里来了一个姓林的客人,看到苟杳一表人才,读书又用功,便对吕洞宾说想把自己的妹妹许配给苟杳。吕洞宾怕这样会误了苟杳的前途,就委婉的拒绝了。没想到苟杳早就听说这家小姐年轻貌美,于是 就要求吕洞宾答应这门亲事,吕洞宾实在是没办法就说:我答应你和这家小姐成亲可以,但是你要答应我一个条件,那就是:成亲之后的前三个晚上必须让新娘子和我一起过。苟杳怎麽也没想到吕洞宾会提出这样的条件,俗话说:朋友妻,不可欺,何况我们情同手足,但是他又 一想,我吃人家的,住人家的,就连成亲要用的钱都是人家给的,唉!没办法啊!于是,苟杳就很不开心的答应了。

从这以后,吕洞宾就开始筹办苟杳的婚礼,转眼间就到了苟杳和林家小姐成亲的这一天,拜完天地之后新娘子就被送回了新房,新娘子坐在床上等新郎来掀红盖头, 但是左等右等都不见新郎有所行动,于是她就偷偷的打开红盖头来看,结果她看到吕洞宾坐在灯下读书,古代的女孩子非常害羞,根本就不好意思问,于是她就自己先睡了。第二、第三天都是这样度过的。很快到了第四天,轮到苟杳入洞房了,于是他就喝了一点点酒壮了壮胆, 迫不及待的推开了新房的门,但当他推开新房的门时,他奇怪的发现新娘子坐在床上哭,这时新娘子听到有人开门,以为是吕洞宾进来了,头也没有抬就边哭边说:“郎君为什麽要这样对我,成亲了三个晚上也不来同床,是不是不喜欢我,如果不喜欢我那为什麽要和我成亲呢?” 苟杳听完之后觉得非常奇怪,咦,这是怎麽一回事呢?新娘子一看没有反应,就抬起头来一看,奇怪怎麽变了一个人?于是苟杳就把整件事的经过说了一遍,两夫妻想来想去,最后终于明白了:原来吕洞宾是用这种办法提醒苟杳,即使结了婚也不要放弃读书。于是苟杳两夫妻就暗暗下定决心,如果有朝一日自己有了出头之日,一定要好好的报答吕洞宾。从此以后,苟杳读书比以前更努力了,终于在这一年金榜题名,他被派去远方做当地的地方官,于是,两家就依依不舍的拜别了。

转眼几年过去了,忽然有一天,吕洞宾家里就遭受了天灾,一场无名的大火把吕洞宾家里烧了个精光。他们只好在临时搭盖的草房里生活,吕洞宾忽然想起了在远方做官的苟杳,就想:不如向苟杳借点钱,重建家园。于是,他就告别妻子去找苟杳帮忙。当他见到苟杳的时候就把自己家里发生的事情告诉了苟杳,并问苟杳可不可以借点钱给他,重建家 园。没想到,苟杳说:“兄长,我们好久都没见面了,不如这样吧,你先在我家里住下,至于借钱的事情,我们以后慢慢商量。”吕洞宾听苟杳这样说也没有办法,只好在他家里住下了。转眼半个月过去了,吕洞宾在苟杳家里吃得好,住得也好,但是就不见苟杳提借钱的事,他就想:可能苟杳已经忘记了当年我对他的恩情,根本不想借钱给我,唉!不要强人所难。

于是,他就留了封信给苟杳,不辞而别了。当他很失望地回到自己家的时候,他很奇怪的发现,原来片瓦不留的地方盖起了三座新房。他就想,这是谁这么不讲道理在我家的地方盖房子?于 是,他就很生气的推开了新房的大门。但,当他推开大门之后,更奇怪的事情发生了:他看到,大厅正中放了一口棺材,而自己的老婆就跪在旁边哭的很伤心。他就走过去拍了拍他老婆的肩膀,说:“娘子,这是怎么一回事?”他老婆回头一看,吓了一大跳,说:“你是人是鬼? ”吕洞宾就说:“我好好的,你为什么这么问?”过了好一会他老婆才镇定下来,发现原来真的是她自己的丈夫。于是,就说:“事情是这个样子的,你走了不久,就来了一批官兵,什么话也没有说就帮我们盖起了这三座新房,我以为是苟杳兄弟派人来的,但是,就在今天早上 他们又送来了这口棺材,说你在苟杳兄弟家里病死了,所以,我才在这里哭的这么伤心。”吕洞宾一听就不明白了,苟杳葫芦里卖的到底是什么药?他为什么要这么做呢?于是,他就和妻子打开棺材的盖子,结果一看里面全都是金银财宝,另外还有一封信。吕洞宾打开一看,里 面有一首诗:苟杳不是负心郎,送上金银加盖房,你让我妻守空房,我让你妻哭断肠!看完之后他终于明白了:原来苟杳是用这种方法报复他当年让他老婆守了三晚空房。从此以后两家的关系就更好了。后来就有了这句歇后语:苟杳吕洞宾不识好人心(狗咬吕洞宾不识好人心)。

好了,我们已经进入了蓬莱市,蓬莱市位于山东半岛最北端,它是属于烟台的一个县级市,总面积为一千二百多平方公里,人口大约有四十九万。蓬莱市是烟台苹果的主要生产地之一,水产品总产量居烟台市第一,黄金产量居全国第五位。因经常出现海市,所以有 仙境之称。好了,我们现在已经到了蓬莱阁。现在大家看到的就是蓬莱阁的正门,上面“人间蓬莱”四个字是苏轼的手迹,我们游览的路线 是正门进,东门出,不走回头路,大家可以在这里拍照留念。 首先大家看到的这个是“丹崖仙境坊”,“丹崖仙境”四个字是董必武在1964年8月来这里时亲笔所书,为什么叫做“丹崖”呢?那是因为蓬莱阁所在的这个小山崖上的石头是红色的,所以叫做“丹崖”,那为什么要在这个地方设一道“丹崖仙境仿”呢?这主要是因为蓬莱阁被称为 “仙境”,那么就以这道坊为界线,过了这道坊,我们都可以做神仙了,所以大家可以在这里拍照留念。

过了“丹崖仙境坊”,大家现在看到 的这个门叫做“显灵门”,“显灵”两个字指的是后边的天后娘娘显灵,我们在去参观天后宫之前,先来看一看旁边的龙王宫。唐贞观年间山顶建有龙王庙,宋嘉佑六年移于现在这个地方,现在大家看到的龙王宫是1984年重修的。现在这个是进入龙王宫的前殿,这俩位是龙王的左 右护法,这个是定海神,那么这个呢是靖海神。我们一起去看一看龙王宫,现在大家看到正中这位就是东海龙王敖广,敖广是四海龙王之首,几乎所有的龙王宫工供奉的都是东海龙王敖广,为什么呢?呆会儿我再告诉大家。我们先来看一看龙王两边的这八位站将,这边呢分别是:雷 公、电母、千里眼和巡海夜叉;那么这边呢分别是:雨神、风婆、顺风耳和赶鱼郎。好,我们一起去看一看龙王的后寝宫,这里就是龙王的后寝宫,正中供奉的是龙王和他的两个妃子,大家看一看这个龙王的手中有一个火种,我们都知道龙王虽然可以兴风作浪,但最怕的就是火,所以他所拥有的这个火种就成了他成为四海龙王之首的原因。另外大家看一看这个龙王的脸为什么是黑的呢?相信大家都知道人们祭拜龙王主要是为了求雨,但当人们屡求不灵的时候,就会抬着龙王的坐像到大街上游行,周围观看的人就把水泼在龙王的身上,如果这样还是不灵验的话, 他们就把龙王的坐像放在太阳底下暴晒,据说龙王自己晒的都受不了才会下雨,所以时间久了龙王的脸就被晒成黑色的了。现在大家看到的这个小小的偏殿是子孙殿,正中供奉的就是送子娘娘,她的作用不用说大家也知道,她的两边分别是眼光娘娘和疹子娘娘,她 们两个主要是去灾除病的。不要看它现在很冷清,因为中国以前重男轻女的思想很严重,所以这个殿以前的香火非常的旺盛。


这里是进入天后宫的前殿,这两位分别是嘉佑和嘉应,相传他们原本是海上的两个妖怪,后来被天后娘娘收复以后,他们就心甘情愿的帮天后娘娘守门。现在我们已经进入了天后宫,首先大家来看一看这棵树,这是一棵唐朝时种的槐树,到现在为止已经有一千多年的历史了,因为时间太久了,所以这棵树的中间已经烂空了,就连这里的树皮也烂掉了,大家现在看到的是经过人工植皮手术植上去的,可能有的人觉得很奇怪,为什么这棵树都这样了还长的这么旺盛?据说这是一棵仙人种的树,相传当年八仙中的铁拐李和吕洞宾在这里下棋,烈日当头,两个人热的实 在是受不了了,铁拐李就随手将一截树枝插在地上,立刻就变成了一棵大树为他们遮阴,所以一千多年了,这棵树还是这么旺盛,但他有一个特点,就是发芽和落叶要比别的树晚一个多月。正中这个就是天后宫了,正中供奉的这位就是天后娘娘,她在福建和台湾一带被称为“妈祖”, 她的俗名叫做林默,福建莆田人,据说她刚刚被生下来的时候不会哭,所以她父母便给她取了个名字叫林默娘,她非常的聪明,五岁时就会诵经,十二岁时对海事感应非常灵验,于是她就在海边经常帮助渔民度过了一次又一次的海难,不幸的是她二十八岁那一年在海上遇难了,人们为了纪念她,就在海边建起了供奉她的庙宇。据说她非常的灵验,有求必应,所以这里是整个蓬莱阁香火最旺盛的地方。


大家看一看这边墙上“碧海丹心”这四个字,它是我国国民党中的爱国将领冯玉祥先生所写的,他为什么要在这里写下“碧海丹心”四个字呢? 1931年九`一八事变以后,日本开始大规模侵占我国,蒋介石不但不主张抗日,而且还挑起内战,冯玉祥被蒋介石挟制,不能参加抗日,情绪 非常低落。国民党中另外一个爱国将领李烈钧就于1934年的五月份邀请冯玉祥到蓬莱游玩,共商抗日之计,当时李烈钧写下了一幅对联,上联是:攻错若石,同具丹心扶社稷;下联是:江山如画,全凭赤手挽乾坤。让冯玉祥出一个横批,于是冯玉祥就提笔写下了“碧海丹心”这四个字,后人为了纪念他,就把这四个字刻在了这里。

大家再往这边看,这就是主题建筑“蓬莱阁”了,它与我国的岳阳楼、黄鹤楼以及滕王阁 并称为中国的四大名楼。它建于宋嘉佑六年,上面“蓬莱阁”三个字是由清代的书法家铁保所书。现在一楼是一些蓬莱的风景图片展览,二楼留有八仙醉酒的蜡像,大家可以上去看一看。 这个呢叫做“避风亭”,建于明正德八年,这个亭子的巧妙之处就在于:不管外面的风有多大,你一进入这个亭子,就一点点风也感觉不到了, 其实原因主要是因为这个亭子只有一面有门有窗,空气形不成对流,所以就感觉不到有风,所以就叫做“避风亭”。好,我们一起去看一看蓬莱水城吧!



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Dear visitors:

Everybody is good! Welcome to penglai pavilion sightseeing tourism. Accompany you visit together, today I am very happy, hope everybody can have a good time here. From the east, this is the large plaque "fairyland", is the script of su dongpo. Here is the fairy cave. Legend here lu dongbin is the careful cultivation of the cave.

Here is a bridge. Lookout mouth outlook from the sea. We are now in qi jiguang statues range. Qi jiguang was a famous general, penglai is his hometown. After his death, people in order to commemorate him, he carved his statues here.

Now we are at the museum of sets. Ancient here has a better model. Long long ago, people knew the shipbuilding. At the moment we arrived at the shelter pavilion, here is amazing. Even if wind hard outside, still candle in a pavilion. Although it looks very strange, but which also has a scientific reason. Because the booth in the windowless, not air convection, the scene was created.

Here are the eight immortals temple, the temple filled with mystery. The eight immortals has lu dongbin, zhang guolao, lotus nun 1 -- -- -- -- -- - they created for us a beautiful myth. Body building penglai pavilion for double mountain and around the corridors, hanging on the calligrapher TieBao calligraphy plaques, give a person the sense HunChong and do not break beautiful. Here is the gathering place for bachelor of celebrity since ancient times.

Penglai, is the place where have reiki. Thank you to come to touring today. I wish you success, academic success! Welcome next time again to travel!



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Penglai pavilion has many moving legends. Shanhaijing and I book, all the penglai, the abbot, yingzhou three mountain alive, so he drew the king, the king YanZhao sent out explorers to seek god mountain in the sea, medicine, emperor qin shihuang east tour o USES fangxian. According to history record, penglai to often appear a north sea, the scattered gas, get together and forming, elusive and unpredictable. Later people and spread the story of the eight immortals, in penglai sea, make the person feels penglai pavilion fantasy and mystery.

An enter a door, he saw a door, the above questions with four Chinese characters "world penglai", is the calligraphy and painting works of liu haisu problem on both sides of the "magic spectacular penglai pavilion, momentum XiongJun danya mountain" and feixinwo inscribed "danya Joan pavilion is at large, blue fairy if mind leap" couplets. Heard people say, just enter the gate, is a fairy. Whose tree-lined trail, paved with stones is individual flourishing of ancient buildings on both sides, give a person a kind of of primitive simplicity.

MiTuo, I first entered the MiTuo temple, is one of the three holy in so-called western amitabha's referred to as "(the west three holy refers to amitabha, the goddess of mercy, trend to). MiTuo temple, temple worship amitabha. MiTuo visited the temple, and the correlation, the dragon king main hall, a king John lone as it landed in the hall, very dignified. The dragon king of tripterygium wilfordii dianmu, patrol sea hag, clairvoyant clairaudient, catch fish lang and wind the rain god Siva, they is to protect the security of the dragon king, the second is to help the dragon king Ms. Shi.

Penglai pavilion pavilion stand on danya mountain side of red ochre, Lord, by the sea, blue sky foil, is barrier with field horizontal majestic mountains, north long mountain island, saury water village in the south, having a unique style, vivid. On the shelf, there is the feeling of free from vulgarity. Pavilion on a picture of a couplet: "nine thousand day, towering the ladder way; thirty thousand the Caspian sea, the waves wind", express the imposing manner of shelf. Pavilion ring around to Ming gallery, it is a view the best place to admire the view, overlooking the city. Lifted up his eyes, here is a sports a diffused. People often say that jianghai broad, can polyester vulgar and wash lung bowel, you would believe in here. The penglai pavilion on the second floor length of 13.75 meters, 8.55 meters deep, all around the corridors, wooden grid helps column, east, west, north three sides of the wooden screen, the north window, for visitors to watch the sea. South door book "the big spring melting", in the forehead book "shenzhou scenic spot". Pavilion in the north hung in the middle of the qing dynasty famous TieBao calligraphy calligraphy "penglai pavilion" plaques, font of powerful vigorous. Indoor wooden beams painted "penglai ten scene", "bamboo wind figure", etc. Display the eight immortals of square table, chair, rendering the immortal culture atmosphere, make the visitors feel the fairy culture of brush. Wen-huan huang in 1984, Vietnam friends visit penglai pavilion, TiLian on the court, "ensemble, rumors so many odd; everything by the people, you've got a great view."



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一进门,便看见一道大门,上面题着“人间蓬莱”四个大字,两旁是书画名家刘海粟题的“神奇壮观蓬莱阁,气势雄峻丹崖山”和费新我题写的“丹崖琼阁步履逍遥,碧海仙槎心神飞跃” 楹联。听人们说,只要进入了这个大门,就是神仙之旅了。一条条用石头铺成的林荫小道,两旁是一棵棵枝繁叶茂的古木,给人一种古朴气息。






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Each group members: we are in now is penglai pavilion scenic spot, this is the front entrance to the penglai pavilion, the "world penglai" four word is the script of su shi, we're visiting route Is front into, go out from the east gate, don't go back, everyone can be a photo here.

Ascend the stairs, we came to the first MiTuo temple. MiTuo temple, was built in the tang dynasty, is the only buddhist temple penglai pavilion scenic area. MiTuo is short for "one of the west three saint" amitabha, MiTuo temple is to sacrifice to amitabha Buddha temple.

Here is the QianDian MiTuo temple, also called three. On the left side of the statue of white good phase, handheld treasure pestle dense trace gold; On the right side of the ChiMian upright, holding a magic pestle call fat general, the two formed a left a right temple's first line of defense.

Here is the east and west wing MiTuo temple. West wing, also known as father of the temple, intermediate principal as shen mage, left for liu huan yi, migration, the right for the tao yuanming, hui. Emerged, also called the duke guan temple. Intermediate principal as the duke guan, right to even close, lavery, ZuoWeiZhou storehouse, zhao tired.

Guan gong, as everybody knows, is the eastern han dynasty last years of west sichuan, (the buddhist is "six quiet" land, how secular duke guan to buddhist temple, become Buddha boundary gods? From jin dynasty monk in the wise master program in yuquan temple, the local villagers reflect the duke guan was killed, feeling resentful, often in the headwinds apparition shouted "is my life!" said the wise master admired guan gong to be a star, righteousness, so set the altar over the duke guan, and the manifestations of the duke guan, guan gong smell method, willing to do the buddhist disciples. The wise master read the duke guan has been into the field, it is plastic kuan ti in the buddhist temple temple. A look at their play) after the song dynasty, rulers need to consolidate power, vigorously promote guan yu's "loyalty". Guan yu status rise ceaselessly, especially since the advent of the romance of The Three Kingdoms guan yu famous, by Wang Sheng for the emperor, the emperor to the emperor, to become a member of the Chinese gods. Many governments build guandi temple, in the north is considered more "martial god of wealth", enter the home of all merchants.

In front was MiTuo temple main hall, the Ursa major. Ursa "male" is the master Buddha, is the ancient Indian buddhist of the supreme leader, mean Buddha so powerful. Ursa major middle three as the west st, middle of amitabha, left for the avalokitesvara, is the right to bodhisattva, left and right sides of the nine lohan, said 18 arhats. Amitabha is dominated western heaven's leader, he was able to lead people chanting to western pure land, also called "lead Buddha". Amitabha is the father of the goddess of mercy, he and his brother, together with the Buddha become trend to bodhisattva, west three saints, the goddess of mercy is the name of the Buddha, in order to avoid later taizong account name, was also a goddess of mercy, now in the temple of avalokitesvara is pure male image, it came from buddhist scriptures, said the goddess of mercy can improvise in the buddhist scriptures, in various incarnations save sentient beings, so they have a different image and name. Lohan is a group of best disciple of Buddha, they are monks, bodhisattva, the monk by the practice, got, can be promoted to lohan, lohan later how many different versions, there are sixteen arhats, 18 arhats, one hundred and eight lohan, ocean's five hundred, and one thousand two hundred and fifty arhats, common are two views 18 arhats and the five hundred arhats.

The MiTuo temple our right direction, there is a stone in our left hand direction. This is feeling DE pavilion. The qing emperor kangxi in to have the monkey exempt taxes, local officials built for sycophancy. The original stone already destroyed, with only a stele base, the tablet was made for 1995. Pavilion for wood structure, the style of anise 16 column, the vault in the eaves.

You step, we come to danya wonderland lane. Saying "mountain is not high, with fairy is name; water not in deep, with dragons are spirit". This danya mountain is not high, but because it has a laudatory name of fairy tales and fairyland, is famous. O fairy, fairy and cultivate immortality of Taoism, right from the start with the mountain in the sea. The alchemist who have long been engaged in to three mountain - penglai, the abbot, yingzhou MiQu undead medicine activities, and encouraged the emperor also to engage in such activities, the expansion of the three mountain legend, leads to the ten states three island paradise. In every industry, known as Taoism resort mainly include "three mountains, mountains and land, the lucky", the place where we are now, is one of the three mountains of Taoism resort - penglai. Now we see danya wonderland, originally called "danya here.taking fang", is a wooden structure. Qing guangxu dynasty was destroyed, the early years of the republic of China after repair, renamed "danya wonderland lane", and then destroyed, this is the second half of 1981 to repair. "Danya wonderland" four word, is the dong for 1964 years, vice President of penglai pavilion, inscribed. Because the penglai pavilion is located on danya mountain, the stone here is reddish brown, so called "danya. Danya mountain called penglai island. Since there are three mountain legend, in our Chinese vocabulary, "penglai" the word has become the pronoun of wonderland. Penglai pavilion is built on the island which danya above, so is the symbol of fairyland. Trademark (the monument is penglai pavilion stronger a building, you can at this photo as a souvenir.) Wenshan Li Qiyuan left in penglai pavilion a couplet wrote: "the eyes of the sea water, and body to penglai is fairy. That cross the memorial arch we also means be immortal, that you fairy friends we continue to visit.

Into the wonderland of natural psychic ability, now you see visions. Apparition gate is the queen of heaven palace. In the temple worship the god of the sea empress, the fishermen is one of the most revered sea empress, often come here to pray bless the sea safe sea empress. Let's go to the west, to have a closer look at the dragon palace.

The dragon palace is the most western end of a monomer in penglai pavilion buildings. Enshrined here is a legendary four dragon king of the east China sea dragon king AoGuang. In ancient times, the fishermen driving a leaf boat in the wind and waves, safety protection, nature is easy to put the blessing to rest and the gods, so it hangs over the dust of danya mountain were fishermen come in handy. The tang dynasty, the fishermen on danya the utmost) (now Lord pavilion built a correlation. Six years of north song dynasty jia, in chief zhu place to meet here a broad mountain, scenery is very beautiful, and the dragon palace westward, towering spectacular build in dragon palace site of penglai pavilion for state visit. In order to not contrary to the fisherman's belief, pavilion under construction when zhu is in also played a little calculation, he said in his "penglai pavilion", good harvest, not human, but the gift of god because of the original temple site terrain high, sacrifice some inconvenience, so will the dragon palace moved to the place now.

The dragon palace covers an area of 2117 square meters. Here is the dragon palace QianDian, inside two general gatekeepers to worship the dragon king, east to dinghai, general west for general jing hai. It is next to the gate guard penglai pavilion.

Here is the dragon king's throne room, please look at the middle is the east China sea dragon king AoGuang sitting. He is eight station officer standing around. East tour sea hag was the first one, he is responsible for night patrol at sea, found, timely report to the dragon king, as now the secretary of defense. The second is clairvoyant, as the name suggests, his one eye can hope to thousands of miles away. Behind the two is our familiar tripterygium wilfordii and dianmu. The west is the first station officer catch fish lang, he is responsible for the rounded up for fishermen catch fish in the sea, is also one of the most popular with fishermen. The second is clairaudient, and opposite of clairvoyance are brothers. The third is the wind witch, to shoulder the wind pocket, hand a loose can strong wind was blowing. The fourth is the rain god, as long as he willow branches dipped in the water in the bottle gourd on the earth, will be under the drizzle. Eight stand officer to have a clear division of responsibilities, individual, obey the assignment given by the dragon king.

Behind is the dragon palace after the temple. In the past as there is the dragon king of woodcarving and dragon king travel step chariot, ceremonial, that is, which was established by the people for the sake of rain. In ancient times people meet cool dry, then to come here to worship, and wore a wicker cap chanted "for the heavy rain, the rain!" Carried the dragon king, the woodcarving like lane, go on both sides of sweet water douse all, for good luck. If people say rain is also very interesting, hot summer drought, and should not be repeatedly people carry the dragon king to sun exposure. Sun, it is said, by the time he can't stand, he HuiXing YunBuYu.

The dragon king temple, left hand direction we go, the children came to the house. This is the place where ancient times to the child for sun, the children wrote to the doors of the temple "bear Pi dream" plaques. "Bear Pi dream" is the wish is the symbol of life. Here to worship the SongZi empress. In the past, people like to have many children, so the son too less and had no children to come here to make a vow to SongZi empress, pray for having more son or have a good son. Now is a family planning policy, so there is no child to the child, and have a child for peace. SongZi empress side of worship is the eye empress and rash empress, they are bless your child an eagle, a healthy body.

Now we came to the temple's courtyard. The queen of heaven is the largest single building in penglai pavilion buildings, broadcasting was built in the northern song dynasty information four years (AD 1122), which covers an area of over 3000 square meters. First of all, let's take a look at the summer, the summer is a castle in the temple type 2 buildings, wood structure. On the 16th to the queen of heaven temple fair each year, according to legend this day is the birthday of days empress, penglai people since song dynasty as the day of the festival to celebrate. People come from all directions, organize a variety of folk activities, and in the summer he used all kinds of wonderful drama, singing and dancing, to the days empress birthday, summer a layer of a door that passage of north and south, the southern half of the actors on the second floor masquerade daddies and rest with the northern half of stage, four pillar support hanging bead curtain, let, north eaves "wondrous" hanging plaque. "Amazing". Mean watch the show here, to play don't need to look elsewhere.

The summer on each side has a reddish-brown rock three, two, like three constellation, three star is the stars, also called SanNeng star, too small walls (region). Qianlong years, then a famous calligrapher of shandong zheng, RuanYuan named this stone for three stone, and sharpening QianDian the queen of heaven palace, embedded in the outer wall. Later magistrate zhang Monsieur beaucaire said six stone one of array shape like a gossip of divination, therefore is also called "kun hexagram stone". The six stone, was built first cabinet to stay as a deck. For dry, the ancients said: day to quinlan, male for dry, female to quinlan, so the name, the temple consecrate a continuing a female god of the sea

Now, we came to the days for QianDian, also called stable. In plastic like two protective deities, east to scarlett, west to jia, legend has it that they are days in putian city states prostrate monster, right become god will protect days later.

We see together these two pieces of sharpening, east to cursive "shou" word, west to cursive "f" word. Are the five dynasties Taoism books by Chen tuan to celebrities. The "f" word is composed of field, for, in the three characters, meaning good fields, to give people happiness. Our local call it the head, more transfer in the wall. "Shou" word is "rich", "Mr", "forest" of three words, good to plant trees, longevity and prosperity. (this monument is a Lv Zhou governor in the qing dynasty jade by he brought from huashan rubbings shaded.)

It is now our position, and the binary compound and watching operas.it comprises three courtyards, in the face of a single ridge double eaves side takes timberwork building, according to hang down beautiful door. By the door on two hanging off the side of the bed-i named gold bud, is the ancient royal or dignitaries to some special female members of a family bedroom adornment, appear serious, rigorous. It is said that in ancient times without permission, rushed into hang down beautiful door, will be severely punished. Thus, days empress status is extremely high.

Please look at the ancient tree in one thousand -- -- -- -- -- Tang Huai. With said he already has more than one thousand years old, but still flourish, is only the trunk is hollow. Turn legend that the eight immortals of iron with li lu dongbin here, play chess, burning sun pawn, to shade, turn iron lee from his gourd out a grain of tree species, and in the ground, we can grow this big tree, and blotting out the sun shade, cool wind blow gently, very not easy. Qing daoguang 16 years (1836 years), the queen of heaven on fire, burning temple more than 30, between near the tree Tang Huai unharmed, four really amazing!

Finish see Tang Huai, we go to the temple main hall.

Penglai pavilion, temple is one of the largest temple, temple in north China. In the middle of sitting is days, plastic golden body again. Days are pious belief in god of the sea, the people on both sides of the strait call each district is different, fujian, Taiwan said mazu, tianjin area called celestial queen, general fishermen said she is the god of the sea empress. Days later, it is said, has the man, surnamed Lin, the name's niang, fujian XingHua fu mai state island, song MAO built long March 23 (960) of the first year of life. Because never cry when she gave birth to and father named her "mom". Silent niang have been clever, infant in see gods, namely "hand made to worship." 5 years old can recite, < guanyin classics >, 16 "gobbledygook" in the well, and familiar with change, magical function, and can often take a seat across the sea, "by traveling between islands", many protect men and merchant ships at sea.

's mother at the age of 28, early summer day, fathers the ship at sea, encountered some giant sea wind, silent niang brothers feel lost, in the midst of the sea, save brother survived, and the father is death. Merlin niang searched the father resin in the sea, negative father corpse back after three days, niang very sad day. On September 9th. Suddenly the hill feather, because often appeared at sea, deliverance, people respect for god. Later, emperors have forgiveness. Bei to fairy horizontal inscribed board, dubbed "the lady", the southern song dynasty and dubbed "spirit HuiFei", back jin dubbed "celestial queen". Twenty-two years of the reign of emperor kangxi, emperor kangxi dubbed "days".

Temple, temple main hall for the type of building, 16.43 meters long, 14.61 meters deep. Central high on three sides by water lines on the total golden body of wooden statue of god of the sea empress cave, about three meters high, about to stand in for four maid. Things on both sides of the eight station officer, and the east China sea to the east king GuangDe guangli king of the south China sea, was the message sent will civilian and handheld method to civilian. On the west side of west sea is distributed the king, the king of the north sea wide embellish, the other two are the days empress the will of the civilians and civilian in charge of the printing.

House is the bedroom of days, after sleep, also known as temple. Plaques on the door "blessing danya" four word is our country famous calligrapher Mr Feixinwo inscribed, meaning days empress give every one came to the blessing of danya mountain people. In the center of worship for days empress, maid stand on both sides. Things between the two has woodcarving when running the type, is days empress's bedroom. On the second floor is the place where days empress of wash and dress

Now, we came to the Lord of the penglai pavilion pavilion. Penglai pavilion is located on danya mountain the utmost, that is, the front of the dragon palace site. Founded in Song Jiayou six years (1061), is a castle in the double timberwork building, have they called penglai pavilion "jiangbei first pavilion", and the topic is: "the pagoda of the north first in penglai is fairy verse. Penglai pavilion for the repairs to the song, Ming and qing expansion, gradually formed the scale of today. Penglai pavilion things on both sides of the wing, wing, symmetrical distribution, these steps directly to the cabinet. Penglai pavilion underlying all corridors, there are ten six MingZhu, front suspension JuBian "penglai pavilion", the qing dynasty calligrapher TieBao handwriting. Penglai pavilion built all around on the second floor corridor, MingZhu ten six ring has wooden fence, wood, screen the north window. Everyone can be trapped penglai various eyesores, can also watch Huang Bohai waves. We can personally to board now. Everybody pavilion from the direction of the left hand, right hand direction under the cabinet.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:景区,导游,全文共 1009 字

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一进门,便看见一道大门,上面题着“人间蓬莱”四个大字,两旁是书画名家刘海粟题的“神奇壮观蓬莱阁,气势雄峻丹崖山”和费新我题写的“丹崖琼阁步履逍遥,碧海仙槎心神飞跃” 楹联。听人们说,只要进入了这个大门,就是神仙之旅了。一条条用石头铺成的林荫小道,两旁是一棵棵枝繁叶茂的古木,给人一种古朴气息。





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1165 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1929 字

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Known as "worldly paradise," said the penglai pavilion, and tengwang pavilion, yellow crane tower, yueyang tower is known as China's top four ancient towers. Penglai pavilion is full of mystery, since ancient times is the legend of Taoism to live; Penglai, yingzhou, the abbot three mountain of the sea, also known as the "three mountains". Qin shihuang ying zheng is said to have sent people to the fairy medicine, want to find elixir of immortality; Household "ensemble, the situation" is originated in the legend.

Penglai pavilion is the national first grade AAAAA scenic spots, national key cultural relics protection units and national key scenic resort. Penglai pavilion scenic area is located in the north sea of penglai city danya mountain, the total area of about 32800 square meters. The entire scenic area consists of penglai pavilion, the queen of heaven, dragon palace, Lv Zudian, cliffs, MiTuo temple, six major landscape and its affiliated construction, is the collection building, temple, pavilion, Taiwan is one of the large-scale ancient buildings.

Penglai pavilion is the most famous landscape "mirage", have a constant stream of visitors each year to this to see the wonders of the sea. A mirage of the beautiful and penglai pavilion to have already fairy color added a "dust".

In addition to the mirage, penglai pavilion and two landscape is certainly worth a look, they are XianGe volley and song yu liang fishing. So-called XianGe volley, it is because of penglai pavilion at the top of the cliff, and below is the cliffs and the rippling sea fog, the landscape like penglai pavilion hangs above the sea surface, to ride home.

In addition to wonderland scenery, penglai pavilion is also full of ShuXiangQi penglai pavilion, the numerous couplets and stone carving, calligraphy literati. Summer is a good time to penglai pavilion to travel, quick action!!!!
