





出国留学离职申请 大学退学出国留学写申请书

范文类型:辞职信,申请书,适用行业岗位:留学,大学,全文共 745 字

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范文类型:申请书,适用行业岗位:学生,留学,全文共 1846 字

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from: fan pu

department of the special class gifted for youths university of science andtechnology hefei, anhui 230026, p.r. china july 1, 1998 dear sir or madam:

i take great pleasure in recommending wang yong, one of my favoritestudents, for admission into your distinguished graduate program.

mr. wang was admitted in 1986 at 14 years of age into the special class forthe gifted youths, my universitys unique program that caters to theintellectual needs of unusually talented chinese youngsters. it was a rareprivilege he earned with his nearly impeccable academic performance through theyears of his elementary and secondary school.

he impressed me almost as he entered into my university, a major cradle ofchinas scientific and technological talents. at the time, members of the giftedclass all had to spend half a month studying by themselves the principles ofcalculus and then take an exam so that we could evaluate their self-studycapability. mr. wang scored the highest grade in that exam. he also exhibited akeenly whetted mind during class discussions. to my regret at the time, hisenglish was not as good as his mathematics or physics. but i noticed he made apoint of working especially hard in improving his english during his fiveundergraduate years with us. by now, he seems to be at least as proficient inenglish as most of his former classmates in the gifted class.

in my experience with mr. wang, i was impressed with not only his

extraordinary intelligence but also his ambitions and persistence. i amsure that mr. wang will be an outstanding student in any doctoral program thathe may care to enroll in. so i would like to support him firmly in his questrecommendation into account when considering his application. i would greatlyappreciate it you decide to accept him as he wishes.

yours sincerely fan pu professor and deputy head.



范文类型:申请书,适用行业岗位:留学,全文共 2739 字

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Dear _,

I am President of College of Public Health of Shanghai Medical University,

one of the most prestigious medical schools in China. Having been a teacher of

Health Statistics in Miss Marva Han‘s class, I have known her since 1992.

Through years‘ contact, I have gained a profound understanding of her. She has

proved herself to be a student of unusual talent and personal charm. Thus I

regard it as a personal honor to recommend such a promising young woman to study

in your Graduate School.

She was one of the Top 10 students in her home city when entering our

university in the year of 1992. But she has never rested on the laurel of her

superb college entrance examinations scores. Thanks to her enduring diligence

and effective studying habit, she had been a scholarship winner all through the

four college years. She was an efficient student, apt to gain the best results

within the least time. Her GREscores can explicitly prove this. What‘s more, her

comprehension and analytical abilities had also given me with very deep

impression. She could usually bring up thought-provoking questions and

constructive suggestions by applying a series of logical reasoning methods such

as induction and deduction in her complex reasoning process. All these talents

had made her conspicuously outstanding among her peers.

Her graduation thesis Acrilonitrile‘s Toxic Effect on Cytomembrane of

Erythrocyte was named First Class Paper by the papers evaluation team for her

unique selection of thesis topic, meticulous observations and explicit

exposition. Her thesis subjectbelongs to the domain of environmental toxicology,

which has significant guidance to practical applications. This prize-winning

thesis cost her four months‘ hard work and had well demonstrated her aptitude to

be a conscientious researcher. She was always trying her best to keep abreast

with the latest development of her field by all means, for example, she actively

attended academic conferences of all sorts such as "Modern Professional Medical

Development and Problems", etc, which also had deeply impressed me.

With her solid academic foundation, conscientious studying and research

attitude and many years‘ working experience, along with her good English

communicating ability, she has fully prepared herself to be a qualified

applicant for a higher level of study and research of her field. I am confident

enough to assert that her personal qualities under your famous teaching and

research environment will enable this promising young woman to give this world

her best performance.

In the end of my letter, I‘d like to say it‘s an honor to recommend such a

promising student to study in your prestigious university, and your positive

evaluation would be appreciated.

Yours sincerely,




范文类型:申请书,书信,适用行业岗位:留学,全文共 1150 字

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I am pleased to write this letter for my former student Miss Nan Li,who

graduated from this College with an L.B.degree in June 1978.Miss Li was admitted

to the Department of Law of this College in 1974 through highly competitive

entrance examination whi ch is conducted annually and is open to the whole

nation.Even in such aselective group.Miss Li made herself distinguished.As

professor and dean of the College,I have access to her records of academic work

and moral conduct,In her fourth year study,I instructed her in Anglo-American

Laws on Trespass.So Ihave known her quite well.Miss Li''s performance,like that

in many other courses she taken,was excellent with asuperior grade of 86 for the

first semester,and 84 for the second semester.In our university and in other

university here,80 is considered"A",the highest level.As far as Iknow,Miss Li

wishes to continue her study in Law for an advanced degree.I am sure she has had

sufficient prerequisite knowledge for the subject and certainly has the ability

to undertake the study.I recommend Miss Li without reservation and shall

appreciate your favorable consideration of her application.



范文类型:申请书,适用行业岗位:个人,留学,全文共 2806 字

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IM GOING RUNNING TODAY. I am not concerned about my calorie consumption forthe day, nor am I anxious to get in shape for the winter season. I just want togo running。

I used to dislike running. "If you dont win this game, youre all runningfive miles tomorrow," the field hockey coach used to warn, during those lastdays of October when the average temperature seemed to be decreasingexponentially. And so, occasionally, my grief-stricken team would run numerousmiserable laps around the fields. At the end of these excursions, our faces andlimbs would be numb, and we would all have developed those notorious flu-likesymptoms; but the running made us better in the long run, I suppose.Nevertheless, I counted down the days until the end of the field hockey season,vowing never to put on a pair of running shoes again. Then I surprised myself bysigning up for outdoor track in the second half of sophomore year. I was foolishto have believed that I could ever escape this insidious and magneticaddiction。

Anyone would have thought that Id be off the team in a few days, but thelast week of January caught me splashing through puddles of melted ice, andFebruary winds nearly blew me off the track. I looked forward to practices thistime around, to the claps and the persistent cheers of my fellow trackies. I wasfeeling a "runners high" spurred by the endorphins released by exercise. But toattribute my affinity for running solely to chemistry diminishes the personalimportance that running has for me。

I like running—in the cool shade of the towering oak trees, and in the warmsunlight spilling over the horizon, and in the drops of rain falling gently fromthe clouds. Certain things become clear to me when Im running—only whilerunning did I realize that "hippopo_____i" is possibly the funniest word in theEnglish language, and only while running did I realize that the travel sectionof The York Times does not necessarily provide an accurate depiction of theentire world. Running lends me precious moments to contemplate my life: whilerunning I find time to dream about changing the world, to think about recentdeath of a classmate, or to wonder about the secret to college admission。

Running is the awareness of hurdles between me and the finish line; runningis the desire to overcome them. Running is putting up with aches and pains,relishing the knowledge that, in the end, I will have built strength andendurance. Running is the instant clarity of vision with which I can see myfuture just one hundred yards in the distance; it is the understanding thatthese crucial steps will determine victory or defeat。

Running is not the most important thing in the world to me, but it is whatfulfills me when time permits. And right now, before the sun goes down, I liketo take advantage of the road that lies ahead。



范文类型:申请书,适用行业岗位:留学,全文共 2958 字

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Dear _,

Having thoroughly enjoyed the study of English Language at A Level, I

believe I have a secure academic foundation with which to approach a degree

course in this subject with confidence and enthusiasm. The English Language

takes a fundamental and crucial role in enhanced communication between different

social groups, and to read English would, therefore, be extremely beneficial to

both the development of my communication skills and my ability to express ideas

and opinions

Additionally, a course in English at this level would provide me with an

opportunity to further my knowledge of the theory and historical basis of the

language - each of these being aspects of the course that particularly interest

me. I also look forward to studying the practical application of English in

various social contexts, and the ways in which language has evolved and

developed over time. I hope that successful completion of an English degree will

be advantageous to me when pursuing a career in marketing and advertising - a

field I aspire to enter upon leaving university

In addition to my A Level courses, I have pursued various interests, both

in and out of school - including the study of both theoretical and instrumental

music to Grade V standard, by means of school lessons. Playing the 'cello has

allowed me many opportunities to participate in numerous orchestral concerts and

solo performances, which I feel have increased my confidence and improved my

ability to communicate with others - by performing and interacting as part of an

ensemble. This experience has also allowed me to enhance my awareness of music

in general - especially of composers originating from the Baroque period

My part time job as a waitress has also made me more able to co-operate

with others (through both colleague and customer interaction), and has improved

my ability to take initiative and be independent. I have found the work to be a

rewarding and invaluable experience - as both a source of finance, and as a

gateway through which to enter the field of employment

Over the past three years, I have become extremely interested in graphic

design and html programming. These skills have provided me with paid work in the

form of website design for local businesses - through which I have improved my

capability to meet deadlines and work to a schedule, and encouraged myself to

set personal challenges, learn new skills and meet new people. My

self-motivation, creativity and self-expression have also benefited from this

experience - all valuable qualities, which I believe are particularly relevant

when regarding the nature of course I have chosen

On the whole, I believe myself to be a generally sociable, dedicated and

self-disciplined student, although I can be overly competitive at times. I have

enjoyed my A Level studies so far, have gained a great deal from them, and

believe that I have the determination and ability to enjoy a successful

university career.

Yours sincerely,




范文类型:辞职信,申请书,适用行业岗位:留学,全文共 351 字

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f表:原件+ 2份复印件









范文类型:申请书,适用行业岗位:留学,全文共 741 字

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范文类型:申请书,适用行业岗位:留学,个人,全文共 1339 字

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Dear sir or madam,

As the Vice Dean of School of International Business, Tianjin Foreign


University (TFSU), I am writing with pleasure to recommend Wang Ye to your

esteemed university.

I got to know her personally since 2007 as I was her class advisor. And I

taught her International Economics. In my course, she showed her craving for

knowledge. She often read relative economic books to enrich herself. And she

also asked me to recommend some text books and materials to study. When she had

confusion, she always tried her best to figure out the question.

Miss Wang is a self-motivated student. For all I know, her average score is

over 85 and she won scholarships every year in the past three years. Therefore,

she was selected into the experimental class in the third academic year. This

class consists of the best students of Department of International Economics and

Trade, Department of Economics and Department of Finance. What’s more, she

practiced in a small company to gain experience during the winter and summer


I am confident that she will be qualified and perform as well as she did in

TFSU. Therefore, I recommend her with enthusiasm. I hope that you will consider

her application favorably. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need more


Yours Sincerely

Zhu Li (Signature)





范文类型:申请书,适用行业岗位:个人,留学,全文共 997 字

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范文类型:申请书,适用行业岗位:留学,全文共 693 字

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· a bis表:原件+ 2份复印件

· 照片认证表与照片:原件+1份复印件

· 经中国外交部和意大利驻华使馆领事处双认证的高中毕业证书(需翻译成意大利语):原件+2份复印件

· 高中毕业证书:原件+2份复印件

· 由意大利外交部认可的四家语言培训机构(佩鲁贾外国人大学,锡耶纳外国人大学,罗马第三大学,但丁学院)颁发的a2或a2以上等级的语言水平证书,如还未获得证书,则需出示由授权学校出具的证明申请人已通过该语言水平考试的证明:原件+2份复印件

· 向教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心申请办理高考成绩证明、专业考试证明和会考合格证(后者针对进行高中会考的省份)后得到的由该中心出具的付款收据


1. 签证申请表,须用英语或意大利语填写并由申请人签名(点击下载);

2. 浅底色证件近照;

3. 护照需签名,且在签证到期后至少有90天有效期(及两份护照信息页复印件);

4. 机票预定单;

5. 价值不少于5000欧元的资金证明(方式可以为:信用卡及最近三个月的对帐单,或旅行支票,或证明申请人已获得奖学金的相关文件):原件 + 1份复印件;

6. 在意大利的住宿证明(私人提供住宿的证明,租房合同,学校/机构/机关提供的住宿证明)。



· 高三在读即将参加高考的学生

· 大学本科最后一年在读的学生



范文类型:申请书,适用行业岗位:留学,个人,全文共 1892 字

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Dear _,

I am a student of _ school _ (female, born on August 20th, _), and I amabout to become a middle school student. My biggest wish is to be able to studyin _, because destiny made me know _middle school. In the summer of 20_ I wasfortunate to become a member of the school club, and represented _ middle schoolto participate _ in _ the middle school student sports meeting (table tenniscompetition) that year, and achieved good results. In just a few days of thecompetition, through the introduction of the leading teachers and teammates, Ihave a full understanding of _middle school. After that, I pay more attention tolearning and love sports. In my heart, learning and exercise have constitutedthe driving force for mutual promotion. At present, my table tennis skills havebeen further improved. In the 20_20_years, I have won the second place in thewomens group A of the table tennis competition for two consecutive years.

Ping-pong is my hobby, and it is my goal of continuous efforts to improveacademic performance. A good learning environment can create outstandinglearning talents. The suburban high school is my dream choice. The school hasthe traditional virtues of solidarity and mutual assistance, and has a learningatmosphere of "comparison, learning, catching up, and surpassing", and it ismore problem-solving. Good teachers and leaders who are difficult and willing toteach. Opportunities are met but not sought. If the school leaders give me thisopportunity, I will continue to sum up my experience and lessons, be mentallyprepared to dare to endure all hardships, establish the confidence to overcomeall difficulties, and strive to be excellent Achievement completed three yearsof junior high school life. Never let the school leaders down. I dontunderstand whether this formulation is appropriate, but I implore the leaders tostudy my application.

Yours sincerely,




范文类型:申请书,适用行业岗位:留学,全文共 532 字

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奖学金获得者在合适的学校 (如在佩鲁贾或锡耶纳对外国人开放的大学),参加至少三个月以上的语言课程的学习,并取得较好成绩的,通常可获得免试入学资格,另有规定及个别学校除外,因此,建议奖学金获得者提前查明每所学校的具体要求。








范文类型:申请书,适用行业岗位:个人,留学,全文共 452 字

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Dear Sir,

I am going to graduate from Department of Computer in Huabei University in

June next year. I am very eager to enter the Graduate School of your university

next fall to study applied computer for Ph.D. degree.

I would appreciate it very much if you would send me a graduate catalog of

your university and any other necessary information, and also a set of

application forms for admission. Thank you for your kind assistance.

Sincerely yours,

Wang Feng



范文类型:申请书,适用行业岗位:个人,留学,全文共 1542 字

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I am a student, graduated from BaoYang middle school, Nanning, GuangXi

autonomous region, in 2006. I am still studying in high school now, because I

was not enrolled by the ideal university last year. Recently, I have a dream to

study abroad. Then I search online and find that it is more convenient and

suitable for me to go to New Zealand for study.

First, New Zealand is a multicultural country, which has the most advanced

education in the world. Second, the tuition is lower than other countries’,

which I think is mo

re reasonable for me. Finally, the climate of New Zealand is similar with

the climate of the South of China. Considering above reasons, I told my parents

my plan on going to New Zealand for study, and my parent agreed with me.

As a girl, I like preschool education since I was young. Nowadays, Chinese

parents, who want their children to get better education, pay more attention to

preschool education. If I study specialized curriculums on preschool education,

I will go back China and work hard on preschool education after leaving


My plan is as follows: first, I plan to study English in language institute

for about a half year in New Zealand. Then, I will study specialized curriculums

on preschool education.

I believe I have the ability of study abroad, because I have finished all

high school curriculums. Besides, my parents both have job and have rich income,

so they will support me to finish my study. After finishing my study, I will

return to my homeland and work on preschool education, so as to realize my life




范文类型:申请书,适用行业岗位:留学,个人,全文共 1763 字

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篇17:出国留学申请材料详解表 出国留学申请流程详细解答

范文类型:申请书,材料案例,适用行业岗位:留学,全文共 2340 字

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a. three recommendation letters,把三封推荐信分三个信封装好,并在信封口上请教授签上字。



这些材料准备起来非常烦琐,特别是personal statement (商学院是essay)和推荐信的写作,需要有一定的技巧。但是您又不得不倾尽您的全力去准备。因为在您求学之路上,他们将起着至关重要的作用。它们将帮助美国大学的招生委员会成员全面而客观的看待和考察您,而不仅仅只是把您当做一个分数或一份档案。





2. 推荐人对被推荐人的基本评价。侧重于被推荐人的专业基础、个性、特点、工作态度和在学术上的前途估计。若是推荐研究生,推荐人还需进一步说明其深造学习的基础和当前所具备的研究能力。显然,恰如其分地评价被推荐人的基础、能力和前途,比言过其实的赞誉更令人信服,更具有实际意义。

3. 推荐人可以着重介绍被推荐人曾经获得的奖励,发表过的论文,参加过的重要学术会议,以及曾在学生组织或学术团体中的任职等来支持自己的评价。

4. 推荐人还必须清楚地表明被推荐人留学的身份是研究生还是访问学者,专业领域和研究方向是什么。

5. 如果大学提供了现成的推荐表格,则必须按这类表格认真逐项填写。推荐表格中一般有学生综合评估的一项,即要求推荐人说明该生在所教的学生中应列为前5%,10%或25%等。这种评估是指教授的个人评价,可以稍高一点。另外,推荐表格上常有许多难以填写的项目,遇到这种情形可填“i don’t know”,亦不致对该生的评价有何严重影响。

6. 推荐信尾必须有推荐人的亲笔签名,最好直接由推荐人寄给学校招生办官员或申请就读学校的系主任。如果由被推荐人寄送,可将推荐信装入信封内封好后由推荐人在信封口处亲笔签名以示保密。信封正面注明“a letter of recommendation”,表明这是一封推荐信。











10.外语水平。注明参加toefl、gre等考试时间、地点及成绩。若申请者掌握多门外语,则要一一注明语种 并说明熟练程度。

11. 参加何种学术团体,得到何种荣誉。学术团体一般应是省、市或行业一级以上的专业学术团体,在学术团体中所担任职务可予以注明:荣誉主要是指在专业、技术研究方面获得的奖励和荣誉,要注明获奖名称、颁奖时间和颁奖单位。

12. 拟申请的大学和导师的姓名。可根据申请者查询到的资料予以注明,需注意按照每个单位、每位导师给一份简历的原则,即在同一份简历中不必注明全部想要联系的单位或导师。

13. 拟进行的研究方向和希望从事研究的题目。国外院校的专业面一般较宽,要根据国外情况,力求专业面与其一致;研究课题可根据自己的研究兴趣和需要,同时也要尽量考虑对方的条件。简历最好打印。上述项目如遇缺项可不必撰写,只需将下一项内容提前即可。简历的字迹要求工整、清楚。既不要言过其实,又必须充分反映自己的实际水平。




范文类型:申请书,适用行业岗位:留学,全文共 6415 字

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Applied Program: Wireless Telecommunications

On August 27, 20_, at the Central Institute of the Datang TelecomTechnology and Industry Group based in Beijing, a young woman, full of energyand self-confidence, was giving a presentation entitled “The Design of theSwitching Numerical Method of the Radio Resource Management (RRM) Strategy inTD-SCDMA, and the Testing of Its Simulated Systems,” which received raptattention and high remarks from all the experts in Computer andTelecommunications who attended the meeting. That woman was I. At present,TD-SCDMA, W-CDMA, and CDMA 20__ are considered the main technological standardsin the third generation of the world’s technological development in mobiletelecommunications. And the design of a switching computation method for the RRMStrategy is a key element and technological crux for the TD-SCDMA technology. Inretrospection, I found that it was my great enthusiasm for mobiletelecommunications, and my persistent pursuit of accuracy and perfection thathave helped me win accolades from colleagues and experts.

In China, since the TD-SCDMA uses a smart antenna, it makes a demand for afiner research on the computation method for the RRM Strategy, in areas such asPC, DCA, and HC. To me, a new starter in the company, it was a real challenge.Since the research team was new, it lacked engineering data and practicalexperience, although the equipment of the lab was quite advanced. It was onlyafter much library research, thinking, and consultation with experts did I finda RRM computation method suitable for a smart antenna. Because a smart antennahas its advantages of a more accurate VE locating and reduced searching areas,this computation method effectively lowers the complexity of the switchingprocess and its failure rate. During the time when I worked for the project, Ioften stayed up several days in a roll to perfect a lab test. But I also derivedan enormous sense of satisfaction and fulfillment after overcoming obstacles,which more than compensated the pains and difficulties that I had to gothrough.

The rapid development of mobile telecommunication technology places a highdemand on professionals working in this field. To a certain extent, it has to bea labor of love. My keen interest in mobile telecommunications emanated from theconcept of “personal communication.” During my undergraduate years at theNorthwest University of Industry, I spent much of my spare time browsing overprofessional publications and journals, to keep myself abreast of currentdevelopments. The concept of “personal communication” I encountered during thisprocess impressed me immensely. A system of “personal communication” is one thatallows the user to communicate at anytime, anyplace, to anyone, and in any way.It painted such a beautiful of picture of a future society that I became fullyconvinced that it is a subject well worth my lifelong pursuit. This was why Ichose Mobile Telecommunications as my area of specialization in the graduateprogram. As a graduate student, I completed several research projectsindependently and successfully, including, for instance, “Turbo Code and theApplication of Its Coding Concept.” In short frame conditions, the Turbo Code,with its improved application in engineering, seems to have a bright future inreal-time voice-data service (Please see the attached article). After completingmy graduate degree, I entered Datang Group, a pioneer in China’s softwaredevelopment. Here I did software design for the switch control template used atthe RNC equipment for the TD-SCDMA system, and developed a switching computationmethod for the RRM Strategy. I went through the entire process of softwaredesign for the switch control template for the RNC equipment, from topicanalysis to the project outline and then to actual program writing.

The present development of telecommunication technology indicates that thesmart antenna, software radio, and the transmission technology of subline 下行high-speed subdivided exchange data (下行高速分组交换数据传输技术) are key technologies fortoday’s mobile telecommunications. Software radio, in particular, has attractedmuch public attention. The use of DSP and software to solve the problem ofwireless interfaces of diverse standards on a public hardware platform hasbecome a major issue pursued by many professionals in our field. I too hope tomake my own contribution to the technological development in this area. In thenext few years, the traditional concept of using chips to build wirelessequipment for mobile telecommunication will be seriously challenged. In recentyears, the technologies and standards of the third generation of mobiletelecommunication have been rapidly updated. Software radio, I believe, will bethe future of our trade.

My desire to know more about computer engineering prompted me to rise abovemy present conditions. The United States, as technological superpower, havefirst-rate teaching faculty and research facilities in the world. Itsideological openness and tolerance make a sharp contrast to Chinese culture,which tends to value tradition rather than innovation. Wirelesstelecommunication may be said to be one of the newest research areas, and it isnew concepts and new vision that give life to the industry. I believe that inthe fine research environment in the United States, I will be able to make“shortcuts” in attaining my academic and career goals.

I would like to apply for admission to the Center for WirelessTelecommunications of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Asthe most prestigious research institute in Wireless Telecommunications, theCenter has a large number of famed scholars and professionals dedicated to thetheoretic research of Wireless Telecommunications. Meanwhile, it maintains closecontact with the telecommunication industry, and in this way can test the theoryin practical experimentation, which in turn promotes theoretic research. It isan ideal place for me to fully develop my research potential.

I look forward to finding a teaching position at college level in Chinaafter completing my graduate education, which will allow me to continue myresearch work in Wireless Telecommunications. I will impart my theoretic andpractical knowledge to my students, and hope that this will benefit China’swireless telecommunication industry, and society at large. I will make everyeffort to make the idea of “personal communication” a reality.



范文类型:申请书,适用行业岗位:留学,全文共 3721 字

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Dear _,

I am a thinker, but not one to think out loud. I love myself, but am not in

love with the sound of my own voice. I want to be loved, but not at the cost of

not loving myself. I want to know everything, but realize that nothing can ever

be known for sure. I believe that nothing is absolute, but I can absolutely

defend my beliefs. I understand that chance is prevalent in all aspects of life,

but never leave anything important to chance. I am skeptical about everything,

but realistic in the face of my skepticism. I base everything on probability,

but so does nature…probably.

I believe that all our actions are determined, but feel completely free to

do as I choose. I do not believe in anything resembling a God, but would never

profess omniscience with regard to such issues. I have faith in nothing, but

trust that my family and friends will always be faithful. I feel that religion

is among the greatest problems in the world, but also understand that it is

perhaps the ultimate solution. I recognize that many people derive their morals

from religion, but I insist that religion is not the only fountainhead of

morality. I respect the intimate connection between morality and law, but do not

believe that either should unquestioningly respect the other.

I want to study the law and become a lawyer, but I do not want to study the

law just because I want to become a lawyer. I am aware that the law and

economics cannot always be studied in conjunction, but I do not feel that either

one can be properly studied without an awareness of the other. I recognize there

is more to the law than efficiency, but believe the law should recognize the

importance of efficiency more than it does. I love reading about law and

philosophy, but not nearly as much as I love having a good conversation about

the two. I know that logic makes an argument sound, but also know that passion

makes an argument sound logical. I have philosophical beliefs informed by

economics and economic beliefs informed by philosophy, but I have lost track of

which beliefs came first. I know it was the egg though.

I always think very practically, but do not always like to think about the

practical. I have wanted to be a scientist for a while now, but it took me two

undergraduate years to figure out that being a scientist does not necessarily

entail working in a laboratory. I play the saxophone almost every day, but feel

most like an artist when deduction is my instrument. I spent one year at a

college where I did not belong and two years taking classes irrelevant for my

major, but I have no regrets about my undergraduate experience. I am incredibly

passionate about my interests, but cannot imagine being interested in only one

passion for an entire lifetime.

I love the Yankees, but do not hate the Red Sox. I love sports, but hate

the accompanying anti-intellectual culture. I may read the newspaper starting

from the back, but I always make my way to the front eventually. I am liberal on

some issues and conservative on others, but reasonable about all of them. I will

always be politically active, but will never be a political activist. I think

everything through completely, but I am never through thinking about


I can get along with almost anyone, but there are very few

people without whom I could not get along. I am giving of my time, but not to

the point of forgetting its value. I live for each moment, but not as much as I

worry about the next. I consider ambition to be of the utmost importance, but

realize that it is useless without the support of hard work. I am a very

competitive person, but only when competing with myself. I have a million

dreams, but I am more than just a dreamer. I am usually content, but never


Yours sincerely,




范文类型:申请书,适用行业岗位:留学,全文共 3006 字

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Dear _,

I come from a background where my family has been in the retail trade for

the last hundred years. Whist I was growing up I have been actively taking part

in the running of the business. My family has given me the opportunity to

further myself in achieving my goals. I believe studying at university will give

me the opportunity to progress in the understanding I currently have in Business

Studies and ICT. I believe that I can combine my interest in Business Studies

and Accounts to excel in Business Management

At my secondary school I was handed the privilege and the responsibility of

being head prefect. My responsibilities included attending meetings with the

school principal and school staff. I believe these installed essential

characteristics such as leadership

I was also the school football captain and represented the school at many

inter-schools sports activities. Furthermore I represented the Wildlife

Conservation Society of Zambia, which is a charitable organisationfor the

protection of wildlife in Zambian Game Parks. Part of my duties included giving

talks to other students concerning conservation and wildlife. I thoroughly

enjoyed this particular segment of my work because conservation is an issue

close to my heart

I am presently enrolled at Redbridge College in Romford where I am studying

three A2 courses in Mathematics, ICT and Business Studies, and one AS-Level in

Accounts. I do take part in several sports activities not only to remain in good

physical shape but also meet new people. I did not achieve all my targets but I

am confident that with extra effort and help from my tutors I will push past my

predicted grades. I have drawn up a plan of what needs to be done over the next

few months in achieving this. Over the last year I have developed at a personnel

level. I understand that the onus is on me to push myself to achieve my


Outside of college I have a passion for sports both for enjoyment purposes

and maintaining fitness. Football is at the centre of my love for sport, but I

also enjoy and participate in other sporting activities such as cricket, squash,

badminton, tennis, table tennis and long distance running. I am hoping to carry

on these activities whilst conducting my studies at university. I believe sports

play an important role in providing a balance between education and physical


It has long been my ambition to complete my studies at a British

university. As it is well established Britain has the finest reputation for

higher education around the world. A degree from a British university will

assist me in my future career. I am very much looking forward to educational

challenges that university has in store for me. I am also looking forward to

meeting the different cultures and backgrounds that will exist of any

university. But most importantly I believe I have the prerequisites not only to

achieve a good degree but to progress at a personal level. This would act as a

foundation for any future success in the business world.

Yours sincerely,

