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篇3:游颐和园导游词 北京颐和园旅游解说词

范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,旅游,全文共 467 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2085 字

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1993年底时,孙中山先生铜像被隆重地矗立在公园门口。中山先生半身铜像连同青黑的花岗岩基座,高约3 米。他神情庄重,目光深邃,令人肃然起敬。铜像是由中国著名雕刻家曾竹韶教授雕塑,由中国海外交流协会与中国人民对外友好协会赠送。铜像揭幕典礼那天,加拿大政府代表、中国驻温哥华总领事及公园管理委员会负责人等出席了仪式,并分别致词:孙中山的名字与中华民族同在;中山先生的铜像与温哥华的华人们的同在;中山先生的思想与世界和平与进步同在。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 512 字

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篇6:北京颐和园导游词300字 北京颐和园导游词600字

范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 419 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1129 字

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故宫布局左右对称コ乔剿拿娓魃璩敲乓蛔ツ厦娴奈缑弄ケ泵媸巧裎涿拧M獬以太和殿、中和殿、保和殿三大殿为中心,可谓是天白灿烂,暗夜肃穆。而文华、武英两殿为侧翼,是皇帝举行朝会的地方,称为前朝。北半部以乾清、交泰、坤宁三宫为中心,东西又有妃嫔居住的六宫, 再向外东侧是奉先殿和皇极殿,西侧是养心殿、雨花阁、慈宁宫等,最后一部分是御花园,这部分整体被称为是“后寝”或“内廷”是皇帝处理日常政务、祭祀和居住的地方。









范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4911 字

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Tian'anmen(the Gate of Heavenly Peace), is located in the center of Beijing. It was first built in 1417 and named Chengtianmen(the Gate of Heavenly Succession)。 At the end of the Ming Dynasty, it was seriously damaged by war. When it was rebuilt under the Qing in 1651, it was renamed Tian'anmen,and served as the main entrance to the Imperial City,the administrative and residential quarters for court officials and retainers. The southern sections of the Imperial City wall still stand on both sides of the Gate.

The tower at the top of the gate is nine-room wide and five–room deep. According to the Book of Changes,the two numbers nine and five,when combined,symbolize the supreme status of a sovereign. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Tian'anmen was the place where state ceremonies took place. The most important one of them was the issuing of imperial edicts, which followed these steps:1) The Minister of Rites would receive the edict in Taihedian(Hall of Supreme Harmony),where the Emperor was holding his court. The minister would then carry the decree on a yunpan(tray of cloud),and withdraw from the hall via Taihemen(Gate of supreme Harmony)2)The Minister would put the tray in a miniature longting(dragon pavilion)。 Beneath a yellow umbrella and carry it via Wumen(Meridian Gate),to Tian'anmen Gate tower. 3)A courtier would be invested to proclaim the edict. The civil and military officials lining both sides of the gateway beneath the tower would prostrate themselves in the direction of the emperor in waiting for the decree to the proclaimed.3)The courtier would then put the edict in a phoenix-shaped wooden box and lower it from the tower by means of a silk cord. The document would finally be carried in a similar tray of cloud under a yellow umbrella to the Ministry of Rites.4)The edict,copied on yellow paper,would be made known to the whole country. Such a process was historically recorded as " Imperial Edict Issued by Golden Phoenix". During the Ming and Qing dynasties Tian'anmen was the most important passage. It was this gate that the Emperor and his retinue would go through on their way to the altars for ritual and religious activities.On the Westside of Tian'anmen stands ZhongshanPark(Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Park),and on the east side,the Working People's Cultural Palace. The Park was formerly called Shejitan(Altar of Land and Grain),built in 1420 for offering sacrificial items to the God of Land. It was opened to the public as a park in 1914 and its name was changed in 1928 to the present one in memory of the great pioneer of the Chinese Democratic Revolution. The Working People's Cultural Palace used to be Taimiao(the Supreme Ancestral Temple),where tablets of the deceased dynastic rulers were kept.The stream in front of Tian'anmen is called Waijinshuihe(Outer Golden River),with seven marble bridges spanning over it . Of these seven bridges,historical records say the middle one was for the exclusive use of the emperor and was accordingly called Yuluqiao(Imperial Bridge)。

The bridges flanking it on either side were meant for the members of the royal family and were therefore called Wanggongqiao(Royal's Bridges)。Farther away on each side of the two were bridges for officials ranking above the third order and were named Pinjiqiao(ministerial Bridges)。The remaining two bridges were for the use by the retinue below the third order and were called Gongshengqiao(common Bridges)。They are the one in front of the Supreme Ancestral Temple to the east and the one in front of the Altar of land and Grain to the west.The two stone lions by the Gate of Tian'anmen,one on each side were meant as sentries. They gaze toward the middle axis,guarding the emperor's walkway. In front of the gate stands a pair of marble columns called Huabiao. They are elaborately cut in bas-relief following the pattern of a legendary dragon. Behind the gate stands another pair of similar columns. The story of Huabiao may be traced to a couple of sources. One of the versions accredits its invention to one of the Chinese sage kings named Yao,who was said to have set up a wooden pillar in order to allow the ordinary people to expose evil-doers, hence it was originally called a slander pillar. Later it was reduced to a signpost,and now it serves as an ornament.The beast sitting on the top of the column is called "hou",a legendary animal,which is said to have been a watcher of an emperor's behaviour. He was doing such duties as warning the emperor against staying too long outside the palace or indulging in pleasure and urging him to go to the people for their complaints or return in due time. Therefore,the two pairs of beasts were given the names "Wangjunhui"(Expecting the emperor's coming back) and "wangjunchu"(Expecting the emperor's going out) respectively。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 445 字

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篇10:北京恭王府游记 庆王府导游词

范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 19022 字

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prince gongs residence is located in the northwest of beijing, nearqianhai in the east and houhai in the north. in the early stage, a canal fromthe northeast corner of jishuitan (west sea) water area in deshengmen bypassedthe west wall of prince gongs residence, turned outside the south wall(commonly known as yueya river), and flowed into shichahai (qianhai) throughthree bridges. facing water in the west and south, and near water in the eastand north, it can be said that it is surrounded by water and has a beautifulenvironment. by the early 1950s, the canal had been filled up to form liuyinstreet and qianhaixi street.

prince gongs residence was first built in 1776, with a history of morethan 230 years. in the fourth year of jiaqing, he was convicted and his housewas confiscated. after that, the house was divided into two parts: the east andthe west. emperor jiaqing of the west gave the house to his younger brotherprince yonggui, and the east left it to the ten princesses. in the first year ofchengfeng (1851), emperor xianfeng gave the whole palace to prince gong yi? tolive in. so far, it was named prince gongs palace, which is still in use remember the two main masters of the garden: big corrupt official andprince gong yi?.

prince gongs residence is 330 meters long from north to south and 180meters wide from east to west. there are dozens of palaces in beijing, whichwere either destroyed or used for other purposes. only prince gongs mansion,which has been preserved in its original style, is open to the outside world. asan ancient garden of manchu royal family, it is composed of two parts: mansionand garden, covering an area of more than 60000 square meters, including 32000square meters of mansion and 28000 square meters of garden.

the buildings in the mansion are divided into three roads: the east road,the middle road and the west road. from the south to the north, they arecomposed of many three-way quadrangles with strict central axis. the layout isclear. the east road goes to park shanghua, the middle road is solemn andsolemn, and the west road is simple and elegant. the three roads areself-contained and harmonious. in these houses, there are not only the buildingsreflecting the royal style and majesty, but also the exquisite architecture anddecoration style from the folk, which constitute the biggest feature of theroyal culture. the garden integrates jiangnan garden and northern architecture,and integrates western architecture and chinese classical garden gongs mansion is not only one of the important representatives of theqing dynastys mansion architecture, but also an important performance of themost mature period of chinese traditional architecture and gardening skills. renzhi, a famous scholar, called it "a palace of prince gong, half of thehistory of qing dynasty".

prince gongs house was listed as a key national protection unit in 1982,and the garden of prince gongs house was opened to the public in 1988. in theprocess of my explanation, in order to better protect this precious heritage andensure the safety of your visit to the park, please cooperate. first, do notsmoke. second, do not climb rocks. third, take good care of your , take good care of the environment and do not litter in the park

1、 the first master of the mansion, he (born in 1750 a.d. in the 15th yearof qianlong and died in 1799 a.d. in the 4th year of jiaqing), was originallynamed shanbao, with the word zhizhai and the surname niuhulu. he belonged to thezhenghong banner of manchuria (once carried into zhenghuang banner, but hisfamily members were classified as zhenghong banner after being convicted).)among the eight banners, they are not aristocrats (eight banners are dividedinto yellow flag, yellow flag, white flag, white flag, red flag, red flag, blueflag and blue flag). the yellow flag, the yellow flag and the white flag led bythe emperor were the upper three banners, the nobles and the lower five banners.)how could he be the greatest favorite of emperor qianlong if he was not borninto a noble family and had no degree of jinshi

there are five main reasons why he is favored

first, smart. he? has an amazing memory, makes a clear reading and makes asmart decision. even jiaqing affirmed that he was "smart and agile". when he wasa child, he studied in xianan palace, the best school in the capital at thattime (xianan palace is in the imperial palace, which is equivalent to thecurrent national key school. it mainly recruits the children of the internalaffairs government and eight banners officials who are both good-looking andgood-looking). he is proficient in manchu, chinese, mongolian and tibetanlanguages, and can be both civil and military. at the age of 19, he inheritedthe position of third-class light truck captain earned by his ancestors. threeyears later, there was another vacancy for the third class bodyguard, which gavehim a chance to get close to emperor qianlong.

second, the united tobacco royal family. his son, fengshen yinde, was giventhe name by emperor qianlong, which means longevity in manchu. moreover,qianlong married his 65 year old daughter gu lun and princess xiao to his sonfengshen yinde. the relationship between emperor qianlong and "he" changed fromthe relationship between master and slave, the relationship between monarch andminister to the relationship between daughter and family, and qianlong becamethe real umbrella of "he".

thirdly, according to unofficial history, i remember that when hongli wasyoung (later emperor qianlong), i once played in the palace and saw nianguifeicombing her hair. nianguifei was the younger sister of general nian genyao ofthe qing dynasty and one of the top ten beauties of the qing dynasty. her namewas nianqiuyue. hongli was moved by her beauty and secretly went over to coverher eyes from behind. qing, nians concubine was startled and didnt know whowas behind. she picked up the hairpin and rowed back, which just cut honglisforehead. later, the empress learned about it, because it spread that it was notgood for honglis reputation (she was the royal concubine of yongzheng, honglishould call her erniang. )next year, the imperial concubine hanged cried bitterly at that time, because one of his frivolous actions killednian guifei. i secretly vowed that when i became an emperor, i would meet again,not to repair this life and the afterlife. so stained with cinnabar, she printeda red fingerprint behind her ear. many years later, when hongli became emperor,he was emperor qianlong. when he first saw him, he was still a stick ng was surprised and felt that he looked like the young lady who died manyyears ago. so he stepped down from the throne and asked if there were anysisters in his family. he said that there were only two brothers, he and he?.when the emperor was disappointed, he suddenly saw a red mole behind his ear. itwas not only similar to nianguifeis face, but also the size and location of themole. so the emperor thinks that he? is the reincarnation of nian guifei. so theemperor kept him close to him and favored him. he also used his intelligence toplease qianlong. as a result, his position and status rose like a three years, emperor qianlong passed orders to promote him to theposition of official. he almost made all kinds of high-ranking officials in theqing dynasty. he had been a military aircraft minister for 23 years, and wasknown as the second emperor.

many friends come to prince gongs residence with admiration. the film andtelevision works also make a lot of hype about ho. however, there is a big gapbetween the real image of ho and the image of the film and television works. hois a real beautiful man with a white face, quick action, dignified and humorousspeech.

the second master, prince gong yi? (1833-1898), was the sixth son ofemperor daoguang. he was named prince gong in the imperial edict of emperordaoguang in 1850. he was an important and influential figure in the politicalsituation of the late qing dynasty. after the death of emperor xianfeng in 1861,he and cixi jointly launched the "xinyou coup" to eliminate eight ministers,such as sushun, which paved the way for cixi to reach the peak of power. afterthat, he was appointed as the king of political affairs, walked on the militaryplane, and participated in military affairs as a prince, which was very rare inthe qing dynasty. as a "leader", he, together with zeng guofan, zhang zhidongand other feudal officials, set off the famous "westernization movement" inmodern chinese history. under his invitation and planning, the qing governmentestablished in 1860 the first official "ministry of foreign affairs" in chinesehistory, the premiers national affairs yamen, to deal with foreign affairs. in1862, under his own planning, the qing government established the capitaltongwen school in beijing. the establishment of tongwen school was the beginningof the establishment of a new school in china. it entered the school of beijingnormal university in 1902 and became the earliest part of the establishment ofpeking university. it seems that the prince of the late qing dynasty has acertain relationship with peking university. yi? was the sixth son of emperordaoguang. at that time, he was famous for his foreign affairs. therefore, peoplenicknamed him gui zi liu, and he didnt mind. because yi? was very independentand active in politics, he was afraid of empress dowager cixi. later, he lostpower and lived in seclusion in jiehe temple. yi? became the tenth iron hat kingof the qing dynasty in 1872. he is the author of the collection of works ofledaotang. after the sino japanese war of 1894-1895, it was used again. it wasthe prime minister of the navy, the council for military affairs, and the innercourt. he died in 1898 with the posthumous title of "zhong". )

2、 scenic spots in the mansion

the main hall of the palace of yinan, commonly known as "yinan hall", isthe place where important ceremonial activities are held. a group of screens andthe throne of the prince are placed in the center of the hall. it corresponds tothe jinluan hall of the forbidden city. jinluan hall was the place where theemperor summoned and held important ceremonies.

the tall building you see now was newly built in this overhaul as it was inthe guangxu reign of tongzhi. the original yinan hall, together with the eastand west side halls, was destroyed by burning incense on the night of thelantern festival on january 15, 1921.

the new construction process of yinan hall:

the yinan hall was built according to the strict architectural regulationsof the qing dynasty and the highest standard roof of the royal palace.

tourists, please observe the color of the tiles on the roof of the mainhall, the number of animals on the roof ridge, the number of doornails on themain door, etc. how are they different from the palace museum you can see?

the roof of the imperial palace is covered with golden colored glass, whichis the symbol of imperial power; the roof of the main hall of the royal palaceis covered with green colored glass tiles, and the roof of the auxiliary hall iscovered with gray tiles, which indicates the princes status.

in ancient architecture, door nails were only used on board ally used to guard against the enemys fire attack, so zhuoyi was coveredwith mud to prevent fire. doornails are usually made of copper. in the qingdynasty, the use of door nails was regulated. in royal architecture, there arenine nails for each door, nine in each direction, and a total of ninety-nine andeighty-one nails. nine is the pole of yang number, symbolizing the higheststatus of the emperor. because the imperial temple is dedicated to the emperorsof the past dynasties, it also has nine road studs; seven roads in the royalpalace take seven roads, but seven roads in the princes palace take nine roads;further down there are five roads take five roads.

duofuxuan is commonly known as "tengluoyuan". the main hall was called"yanxi hall" in the period of peace, which was the residence of the son andprincess of peace. it was called "duofuxuan" in the period of prince gong. itwas the hall and living room of the palace. it was mainly used by the host toreceive visitors, relatives and friends or subordinates who came to report backto the official affairs. it was also used to store gifts sent by the emperor."duofuxuan" was inscribed by emperor xianfeng. it means the palace of a lot ofhappiness. the plaque of "tongde yanxi" is hung in the center of the hall, whichis intended to warn the host that only when you and the emperor have the samevirtue can you extend the xi (xi: good luck and long life). please observecarefully that the four walls of the hall near the ceiling are all hung with theinscription of "fu shou". the inscription of "fu shou" is written on the redsquare paper (i.e. "dou fang") and is placed in a shuttle shape. the inscriptionof "fu shou" is made in pairs.

since the reign of kangxi in the qing dynasty, every winter, the emperorhad to write the words "fu" and "shou" in person and give them to the king, theduke, the minister and the empress. the word "shou" will be added to every majorbirthday celebration. according to convention, the old "fu shou" dou fang cannot be removed. instead, the new "fu shou" dou fang is pasted directly on theold one, meaning "fu tian shou". now what you see is the original copy.

please carefully observe the phoenix and seal painting of qianlong periodon the roof beam. although only partial phoenix tail pattern remains, it hasspecial value. its existence confirms that fudi east road was once princessmansion.

hexi painting is also known as palace architectural painting. this kind ofarchitectural painting is the highest level painting in the qing dynasty, mostlypainted on palace buildings or buildings related to the royal family

ledaotang is the largest building on the east road and the last one toenter the courtyard. the main room is called "ledaotang". on the interior beams,there are two hundred years of colorful paintings of baojindi and phoenix in themiddle qing dynasty, which indicates that it was the residence of the princessduring the period of peace. in the period of prince gong, this is the livingroom of the prince. now the interior is displayed as it was when prince gonglived. the plaque of "ledaotang" was given to yi? by emperor daoguang expresses a fathers wish for his sons happiness and auspiciousness.

he is not a prince. in the qing dynasty, when the feudal hierarchy was verystrict, why did he build such a luxurious private house in spite of large-scaleconstruction? you can see the reason from the following records.

yin de, the son of he, was born on the 19th of the first month of the 40thyear of qianlong (1775), half a month younger than princess he xiao. he andqianlong formed a family of sons and daughters, and became the most unattainablerelatives of the emperor. he jianhe house was actually built as princess house,so he jianhe house was built according to the double specifications of princesshouse and first-class officials of the imperial court

jiale hall

jiale hall is the hall name of hejin period. it is said that the plaque ofjiale hall was given to hejin by qianlong. during the period of prince gong, itwas the "temple", that is, the place where shamanism activities were held.

shamanism sacrificial activities: ancient mongolians believed in shamanismfirst. shamanism worships gods and divides the world into three kinds: heavenabove, earth in the middle and hell below.

the most important way of shaman sacrifice is to worship ancestors andheaven. it is said that the ancestors of manchu people fell into a trap in abattle and had to hide in a big tree in a hurry. the birds on the tree did notmove, so they did not expose the ancestors of manchu people to the enemy and letthem survive. therefore, manchu people revered the birds as gods.

grand theater

the grand theater building of prince gongs mansion, built during the reignof tongzhi (1862-1874), is a place for prince gong and his relatives to watchthe opera. this theater is the only existing fully enclosed theater in china. inthe archives of the qing dynasty, theatrical buildings were called "bigtheatrical rooms". the building area is 685 square meters, and its architecturalform adopts a three volume hook and build fully enclosed structure. it is saidthat although the whole theater building is of brick and wood structure, it doesnot use an iron nail. in particular, it is worth mentioning the sound effect ofthe grand theater. in order to ensure the fidelity of the sound, several largetanks are placed under the stage. the ingenious and special structure increasesthe resonance reverberation space, so that the audience can clearly hear thesinging of the actors without any sound transmission tools at any position inthe theater. once, after a famous singer came here to sing, he excitedly praisedthat the timbre effect of the grand theater building was better than that of theconcert hall.

in the peony courtyard, the location of the theater is general, but theinside is resplendent. on both sides of the stage, the two pillars, the fourwalls and the top are all painted with twigs and vines. the scene of greenleaves and purple flowers in full bloom makes people feel like watching theopera under the vines. it is said that at that time, even empress dowager cixiwas sitting in the courtyard. prince gong worried that he would be guilty ofoverstepping the system, so he painted a lot of vines on the roof, which meansthat this is the vines rack, not the lobby. its very kind of him. there are 20large palace lanterns hanging on the top of the shed, and 20 eight immortalstables with taishi chairs are placed in an orderly manner. the back walls of thetheater are light brown wooden lattice, with dark blue silk cloth as the bottomlining. on the south side of the hall is a stage about one meter high. above thestage, there is a black plaque with gold characters, which is written with fourseal characters of "enjoy yourself". in the south, there is an actors dressingroom in the backstage and a stage in the front. in the north, there are placesfor vips and their wives to watch and rest. yis birthday is in the late octoberof the lunar calendar. when holding a birthday party, a fire is needed, so thegrand theater is also called "warm building" by the government. in addition toacting, it was also the place where the wedding ceremony was held in princegongs mansion. every time the important figures in the mansion die, the theaterwill be full of couplets, buildings, cigarettes, long hanging, and monks andnuns in each temple will sprinkle sutras one after another to pass the dead.

in 1936, pu ru, the grandson of prince gong yi? who lived in the garden atthat time, celebrated his mother mrs. xiangs birthday and organized a hall playin the theater. at that time, famous actors in the peking opera circle gatheredin the grand theater and performed on the stage one after another. this is thelast meeting of prince gongs mansion. now?



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 725 字

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篇12:北京旅游十三陵导游词 明十三陵导游讲解

范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 2686 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3312 字

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钟鼓楼是钟楼和鼓楼的合称。在古代,钟楼和鼓楼通常建造在城市中心地带,作为报时和聚众议事的工具,还有另一种,建于宫廷内,做报告时间和朝会时节制礼仪之用。钟鼓楼各地都有,但从某种程度上说,在元明清三朝,北京的钟鼓楼相当于每日发布标准“北京时间”的国家授时中心,是钟鼓楼中的“权威”。 元代鼓楼在大都中心,原名齐政楼,取齐七政(日、月、金星、木星、水星、火星、土星)之义,其位置在明清鼓楼以西,今旧鼓楼大街南口。明永乐十八年营建北京城,重建钟鼓楼。据谈迁《北游录》记载,清顺治十一年(1654年),钟楼和鼓楼毁于火灾,乾隆时重建,嘉庆五年(1800年)重修。1900年,“八国联军”入侵京师时,钟鼓楼上文物遭到了破坏,建筑幸免于毁。民国年间钟鼓楼对外开放,民国十三年(1923年)将鼓楼改为明耻楼,第二年复改为齐政楼。1957年钟鼓楼被列为北京市级文物保护单位。1984年政府拨款重修钟鼓楼,1987年和1988年鼓楼和钟楼相继开放,随后作为展览功能的文物建筑得到了保护和利用。1996年,钟鼓楼被列为全国重点文物保护单位。





2001年岁末的午夜11时57分,北京鼓楼沉寂了近百年的群鼓再度被敲响——25位年轻鼓手表演了《二十四节令鼓之冬》乐章(鼓谱的作者是中央民族乐团打击声乐部首席朱啸林先生),鼓声持续3分钟,到2002年元旦0 时结束。鼓楼从2002年元旦起,正式对外开放。每天将四次击鼓,每次15分钟。




鼓楼,初名齐政楼,建于元至元九年(1272),明永乐十八年(1420)重建,现存建筑为明嘉靖年十八年(1539)所建.楼高46.7米,,为重檐三滴水木结构楼阁建筑,通高46.7米。楼身有上下二个功能层和中间的一个结构暗层,平面面阔五间,进深三间,外带周围廊;城台(下层)外显面阔七间,进深五间,内部为拱券结构,前后各有三座券门,左右各一券门,南门前有一对石狮。楼台东北隅有一门,门内有石梯69级,由此登临。鼓楼屋顶为灰筒瓦绿琉璃剪边重檐歇山式,正脊两端安背兽,平坐周围以木制滴珠板封护,下层檐为四坡屋顶,各层屋顶戗脊上曾置狮子为首的五跑小兽,现为仙人为首的七跑小兽。上层檐下施重昂五踩斗拱,下层檐下施单翘单昂五踩斗拱,平坐下施重翘五踩斗拱。室内方砖漫地,外檐装修采用六抹方格格扇门窗。上层室外环楼有走廊,设木栏杆,四角支撑有擎檐柱。鼓楼二层内原有主鼓一面,群鼓二十四面,代表代表一年二十四个节气,清代的群股如今仅存一面主鼓,鼓高2.22米,长2.25米,腰径1.71米,鼓面直径1.40米,已残破不堪,并在鼓皮上留有侵华日军用刺刀捅破的刀痕;有木制鼓座,鼓座为红油漆上雕云纹,高1.8米,长2米,宽1.9米。1988年依据旧主鼓复制两面新鼓;后又依据清嘉庆年间的史料记载仿制主鼓一面,鼓高2.40米,鼓面直径1.60米,二十四面小鼓高1.60米,鼓面直径1.12米。 从前在鼓楼上还有用于计时的“铜刻漏”,可惜早已遗失。据文献记载:“鼓楼之铜刻漏制极精妙,故老相传,以为先宋故物,其制为铜漏壶四:上曰‘天池’,次曰‘平水’,又次曰‘万分’,下曰‘收水’„„口安挠神,设机械,时至,则每刻击铙者八,以壶水满为度。涸则随是增添,冬则用火温之。”当年鼓楼击鼓报时,有一定的规律。每晚7时“定更”,击鼓两通,共108声,以后,每个 更次都击鼓两通108声,直至五更(晨5时)击最后的“亮更”鼓。击鼓也有一定的节奏,至今,北京仍流传着“紧十 八,慢十八,不紧不慢又十八”之说。 鼓楼以漏刻计时,击鼓定更;从元朝到清朝,钟楼撞钟报时的历史延续了652年。1924年后钟楼,鼓楼成为京城民众教育及娱乐场所。曾一度名为“明耻楼”,展有八国联军在北京屠杀和抢掠的图片、实物和模型。






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Imagination of hutong in Beijing, is a quiet, clean, harmonious and peaceful. When I enter the hutong neighborhoods, sitting on the human tricycles, accompanied by the bell, shuttle less in the courtyard of neat feeling.

My trip to Beijing hutong from pipe smoke byway started the earliest Beijing hutongs, but no impression of shadow. In addition to the old, bumpy and full of mud green flag to prove its history, on both sides of the house is a bit can't see the years vicissitudes of life. House is trying to keep the style of of primitive simplicity, but seem very uncomfortable. Who lives with shops, mixed with underwear hanging on the street without cover, buzzing flies unbridled ground playing the rubbish in the corner.

Through the pipe of diagonal into hutong neighborhoods, slowly to find a little feeling. The afternoon sun on a few sparse poplar tree in the alley, and from leaking in leaf gap between, on the ground to form the dappled light and shadow, birds and cicadas seems to break the silence, silence silent. Away from the downtown of hutong, a peaceful, as if every other city. Without a map, only know that all the hutongs out "through", also no matter so much, go blind. And so, hutong tour pleasantly surprised unceasingly, full of fun. , for example, two turn son, encountered the drum tower, and walk, a while after the sultry swaying willow Yin was the palace, is the big corrupt official and arsenic home garden. And the 13 middle school in Beijing, is the tao baylor ye palace. Hey! In one hundred old buildings learning modern scientific and cultural knowledge, probably see a new world. The school, will be a combination of classical and modern perfectly. Turn seven took, hit the mei lanfang's former residence. This is a standard siheyuan, is rich to live within the range of a spacious house. The siheyun of now see on television, share, is also home to a few few single-family house. a

Walking in the alley, see the houses are painted on both sides of the road, the green paint, green paint falls off in some places, revealing the mottled walls. Buy a pile of hutong postcards all the ruins, the roof long weeds, parked at the gate of broken bicycle; Vendors carry a burden, shaved teacher carrying carrying pole with its load, a knife of pushing the car, Shouting a lane. Hutong in summer is cool, winter? The wind through the alleys, snow, blocking the road to sell carbon labored to pull tricycle difficult along...

Yes, Beijing's hutong is ailing. A history of coagulation, in one hundred the capital of the humanities, thus being a little eating into high-rise buildings. Many people always called for, Shouting: "put some hutongs left to future generations," the idea is good, but for those three generations the petty townsfolk and ordinary people, old and young in a room, in order to keep hutongs and crowded in a small room, it is not fair. Now hutongs, some really has been broken, and only those who deliberately protection of cultural relics are beautiful, the other only in front of the fuzzy stone, lost the edges of the board and the towering old trees recording the hutong's prosperous. And all this, it is necessary to be replaced by a modern things, because things are growing.

My hutong tour will be at the end, I walked into a halal Beijing snack bar, choose the opening on the seat, smelling the aroma of Fried cake, steamed stuffed bun, through the be born glass looked at the street. The lights on, hutong courtyard raised smoke, children playing by his mother calling home for dinner. And I look around the store, the edge of the square table is diners. From the human face, I can't see the tall building is yearning, also can not read and attachment to the hutong, perhaps in hutong life has become a historical inertia, or perhaps, they change from the bottom of my heart quietly looking forward to...



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年的社会大课堂活动,全体六年级学生来到了位于顺义区北京国际鲜花港,并有幸参观了第十一届中国(北京)菊花展览会。 菊花是中国十大名花之一,在中国已有三千多年的栽培历史,古神话传说中菊花又被赋予了吉祥,长寿的含义。

经过了两个小时的车程,我们来到了目的地。刚进入大门就闻到这一些弥漫四周的花香,突然间有一种精神上的放松油然而生一种亲近大自然的感觉似乎向往陶渊明那种采菊东篱下,悠然见南山的生活。碧绿清秀的湖水令人心旷神怡,一簇簇的鲜花也在争奇斗艳。那成片的花儿令人赏心悦目,这些花儿看上去色彩鲜艳,朝气蓬勃。有的花瓣像一枚枚金针,有的花瓣层层叠叠,有的像一团团的绣球,还有的迎风而立向游客,尤其是湖中的莲花,紫红色的花瓣在荷叶的衬托下,显得十分娇艳,宛若一个亭亭玉立的少女。 午饭以后,我们排着队走进一个大展厅。看到了用鲜花装饰的花轿,有的同学还想亲身感受一下;我也想亲手抱抱,亲亲那个可爱的小娃娃;我还想骑上那匹骏马飞奔而去;我更想开着敞篷汽车游车河。在这里,我们还看到了颜色各异的菊花。我印象最深的是用菊花装饰的地铁。地铁的窗户上贴纸片,纸片上介绍着菊花的花语:红色代表着喜恋,黄色代表着友情,白色代表纯洁优雅……




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Chinese food is divided into four big cuisines sichuan, guangdong, shandong, jiangsu, and dozens of branch of major cuisine, there are thousands of different flavors, each branch work different famous manufacturer, food culture is means all the world, impressive.

Beijing capital, brought together the national cuisine, is to eat what you crave. Not only that, in recent years in Beijing's western cuisine also in Kyoto, French food, Russian western food, Italian food, American fast food, has become Beijing on-off taste delicious. Since long, however, came to Beijing, you have to taste the first genuine Beijing cuisine. Kyoto today, it is the delicacy of the foreign administrative, even all over the country, people can enjoy almost any kind of cuisines of China all over the world the best flavor, so, for the guests to Beijing today, seize the opportunity, and are indeed very lucky.

Beijing roast duck is regarded as "world a delicious", also is the representative work of Beijing flavor. One of the best places to eat roast duck, when Beijing front door, the peace arch, wangfujing quanjude roast duck restaurant. The shop was founded 130 years ago, if from the ancestor of roast duck restaurant Yang Renquan operating ducks, that is going to push for 30 years. Palace cuisine is one of the pillars of the Beijing cuisine, reflect the historical characteristics of Beijing 800 for all, a real blue blood. Today, imperial dishes into folk already, although strictly keeping his aristocratic demeanor. Because of Beijing winter cold, hot pot is from Beijing's pet on the table. Flavor snack is a feature in Beijing, as a result of destinations ethnic characteristics snacks, breed is very rich. The street there are many snack bar, night market and the free market also have snacks stalls, in the Spring Festival, temple fair, flowers at the meeting - always the most attractive places. At present, can eat snacks in Beijing have a cake, soy milk, rice cakes, Fried cake, soybean curd, tea soup, roast sweet potato, wonton, baked wheat cake, etc.




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