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篇1:北京景山公园导游图 景山公园导游词

范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1344 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 6325 字

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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen:

Welcome to Beijing, welcome you to participate in the hutong. My name is xx, you can call me Grace. Since I was young, I grew up in the hutongs. Today I will take you to visit here, if you have any question, I will do my best to give you a satisfactory answer, make your hutong tour pleasant and memorable.

First of all, I will start with the word "hutong". Experts believe that the word "hutong" is derived from the Mongolian language, meaning "well". In ancient times people living and gathered around the well, so the meaning of the word "hutong" should be "in the people's life. Another explanation is that during the yuan dynasty (13th century), residential area is divided into several regions, areas between the aisles for residents. Another effect of the corridor has been isolated fire. In the Mongolian language, the corridor called hutong. Whatever its exact meaning, one thing is for sure, hutong in Beijing is the first time in the yuan dynasty.

In the 13th century, a Mongolian tribes in the north is becoming more and more powerful. Under the leadership of the tribal leader genghis khan, they occupied the rulers of nations - Beijing. In A.D. 1271, genghis khan's grandson Kublai Khan established the yuan dynasty, made in Beijing in 1272 countries. Unfortunately city was completely destroyed in the war, therefore had to be built. In ancient times, built buildings and roads need symmetrical, so they must find a center, according to the city's center building, the design of the whole city is like a checkerboard. About to build more than 50 residential area, residential area between the road and hutongs connect. At the time, road, street, alley has a clear concept. 37 meters wide road, streets of 18 meters wide, hutong is 9 meters wide.

Today, we see most of the hutongs are the Ming and qing dynasties, no one can say exactly how many hutong in Beijing. But one thing is clear, if connect each hutong, a total length more than the famous Great Wall. Speak more clearly, equivalent to build a highway from Seattle to Boston, it's across the continental United States! Today you can find different shape, length, and the direction of the hutong. The shortest hutong is only 10 meters long, the narrowest hutong just 40 cm wide, that is to say, like I need to walk sideways to figure through the hutongs, also some hutongs have more than 20.

With the growth of the population, some old hutongs, replaced by the springing up of high-rise buildings. Today, I am very glad to take you to well preserved hutong tour, believe it will make you to a typical Chinese residents have a deeper understanding of life. Ok, go!

When we entered the alley, you may find almost all of the walls and brick are grey. In fact, behind the wall is the home of the residents, we call it the "siheyuan". Which is a rectangle around the walls of the four rooms, each room door toward the courtyard. In the past, a courtyard only belongs to a family, but now with the growth of the population, most of the courtyard four to ten families.

We can only see in the hutong courtyard gate. The ancient Chinese people don't want there to be a stranger to bother, so from the appearance of the door can see the identity and status of the owner. The door, for example, tall and big, the door has brick decorated eaves. Carefully look at its design, Li Zihua and bamboo, which means that the owner was serve the emperor of the nobles. Look next to the door, and there is a lion pattern, suggesting that once lived here attache. Interesting, isn't it?

Let's take a look at the door, almost every door has a bar, do you remember we saw in the Palace Museum and the Summer Palace is also the same bar? The effect is a exorcism asylum. Folklore imp is very short, they are not able to skip the steps of high, so set the crossbar.

It treats two against the crossbar stone pillow, have the effect of reinforcement on its gates. Similarly, it also has a decorative role. The two stone drum stone, like drum has a lion on top of it, in the front with two mouth containing copper bat around. In China, people like bats very much, because it's pronunciation is the same as the blessing of blessings, and use it to make adornment to be able to bring good luck for you. Some pillow door is a rectangle, they are after drum stones. They are the product of nearly 100 years, generally appeared at the door of the small and medium-sized siheyuan, usually decorated with flowers and god.

In the past, the traffic is not developed like now, street vendors play an important role in the hutongs, between them in hutong, selling all kinds of goods or provide services. People can distinguish from different cries of what they want to sell or provide what kind of service. They sell food is mainly a pancake, millet congee, Fried fruit, and Fried dough sticks and some vegetables. The barber does not Shouting, he only need to take a haircut tools completes the labor of duty. In the present, but here is modern life atmosphere, is hard to hear the ringing cries of old Beijing.

Over there sat a group of people, you know what are they doing? They were building the new Great Wall! They are using the latest brick - mahjong tiles. It is a very popular pastime, especially in the retired old people.

You may want to ask, why some old people wear red band? Their neighborhood volunteers, they think it is their duty. If you think they are too old to work rather than their armbands, you'd be wrong. Because of these lovely old man, the region will be peaceful and safe environment.

The biggest charm of hutong life is friendly exchanges between people. The children grew up together, like a family. Therefore, Chinese government intends to protect this area without government approval, shall not dismantle sloshing in this region, maintain this precious heritage for our children and grandchildren.

Time really fast! Today we're going to end in the travel. You must have learned that many of our traditional way of life and the housing situation, I hope you not only view, and learn more about hutong culture and people here. If one day you visit again, I will invite you to my home.

Thank you all! Hope you enjoy the rest of the trip to China!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3938 字

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Воображаемые Пекин переулок, забираем кайлу к себе, чистый, гармонии и покойный. Когда я в переулок район, сижу людских трехколесный велосипед, сопровождается хрустальный звон, смешаться с JiZheng, но меньше сыхэюйан в чувство.

Я в пекине переулок путешествие из пекина впервые в переулке пипочка XieJie начал, но совсем не впечатление в тени. Помимо ветхозаветный выпукло неровный и произведение полный каменщик, доказать, что QingShiBan в его истории, обе стороны дома — ни на йоту не вижу в годы превратности судьбы. Хотя бы сохранить дом настоятельно GuPiao стиль, но выглядит особенно не в ладах. Проживающий в и плотник размешать с, белье сушится на уличном с не прятать, жужжание мух циническое спектакль окажутся на краеугольный мусор.

Посмотрела пипочка XieJie в переулок район, только медленно сдачи осталось ощущение. После полудня Солнце светит на аллее несколько деревьев редкий тополь, опять из листьев промежуток между утечка вниз, на земле, GuangYing образование пестрый из птицы, цикады сын также, по-видимому, не перенести нарушить этот тихий, молча 不做声. От юр в переулке, вид, как будто QingYou притягиваются через город. Без карты, знаю только все переулок "сквозное QiEr», независимо от того, столько, слепой идти. И именно так, чтобы приказа, переулок тур сюрприз постоянно, полон интересный. Скажем, оттягивать два колено сын, я наткнулся на ZhongGuLou, снова ходить некоторое, колыхаться-ива инь после GongQinWang провинциях, т.е. был большой дом, в нем мышьяк и чиновники. Еще 13 средних школ пекина, был белькхеир) Ye княжеский дворец. Эй! Сижу органично старомодный строительных учиться в современных знаний, науки, культуры, BieYouDongTian. Эту школу, будет классическая с современными идеально сочетает вставай. Семь кривошип BaGuai, наткнувшись на дом-музей Мэй ланьфан г. Это был норм, сыхэюйан богат семья живет только гораздо медленнее, чем просторный дом. Сегодня по телевизору сыхэюйан, тоже несколько дом жить вместе, мало отдельный дом с. Один

Раздень в переулке, смотри на дорогу по бокам дом все кисть на голубой лак, местами синяя краска слезла, выглядывать, испещренный стены. Купить пакет переулок открытка-JingShi руины, крыши долго сорняк, двери остановился автомобиль тряпичная велосипед; Разносчик центнер с раздорах брить голову мастер выбирает на TiaoZi, точильный, толкаю машины, сообщили на нох нох нох. Лето переулке обратный также остынь, зима? Холодный ветер, снег в переулке от через сопротивление живет дорога, продать углерода с большим скрипом ла трехколесном велосипеде сложные дальше...

Да, в пекине в переулке провал. Фильм затвердевание истории, столетний столице гуманитарные ракурс, вот немного выявляются высотное здание поглотили. Многие люди в общий призыв, лозунг: «переулок оставить что-нибудь для будущих поколений», это хорошо, хотя идея для тех детей, анализировалась одна камера XiaoShiMin и простые люди, например, чтобы сохранить переулок, а заталкивать в DouShi, где было бы нечестно. Теперь переулок, либо очень уже без полного, только те кропотливо защиты артефактов, еще более красивой, осталось только перед другими пятно каменный столб, потерял угол настольные и крупный GuShu вести записи переулок XiRi на основе. И все это, это неизбежно будет модернизации, что альтернативы, потому что, вещи непрерывного развития.

Я в переулке путешествие подходит к концу, я вошел в одной мусульманская Пекин буфет, выбрал фронтона место присесть, нюхать, жареный липкий, пирожок ароматом, сквозь стекло смотреть на улице падает. В начале HuaDeng на улочках различных верфи поднимается на виться, ChuiYan играли дети были мать позвала домой на ужин. Я снова озираться магазине, квадратный стол край принес положительный лопайте. Из людей на лице, я не вижу на небоскребами, тоска, и не читать в переулок с ностальгического, возможно, в переулке жизнь стала своего рода истории, а также инерции, возможно, они в душе под шумок ожидать изменений...



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 682 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2140 字

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Armies of passengers, everyone! Welcome to visit the Summer Palace, I am a small lead decorous wen, please we care a lot! Ok, I'll tell you something about knowledge about the Summer Palace!

The Summer Palace, is China's largest and best-preserved imperial garden existing, is one of China's four big gardens, known as the royal garden museum. The other three gardens as: chengde summer resort, suzhou the humble administrator's garden, and the lingering garden in suzhou. The Summer Palace was built in 1750, built in 1764, the 14 years, built out of the plane or on the surface of the object is about 290 hectares of the Summer Palace.

Now we enter the Summer Palace. The Summer Palace is a beautiful big park, around the hall, came to the famous promenade. The aisle has more than 700 meters long, divided into 273. You look up, each cross sill have colorful paintings, painted figures, flowers and plants, landscape. Thousands of picture is not that is the same. Look at both sides, both sides gallery, filled with flowers and trees, a phuong haven't flowers, that a phuong flowers opened again.

Armies of passengers, covered corridor, a mountain emerge in front of us, the mountain is called longevity hill, 58. 59 meters, halfway up the hill, a triangular pyramid three house building stands in there, that is the Buddha nasal pavilion. The rows of resplendent and magnificent palace, under the row is cloud temple.

On the mountainside of the longevity hill, the Summer Palace landscape in half closed, are the quiet like a mirror in front, green, like a jasper lake is kunming lake, it accounted for three-quarters of the dominated.

Coming down from the longevity hill, the kunming lake. Lake center has a small island, the tips of the trees, we want to the island by a stone bridge, there are seventeen little tunnel in this stone, so called ten 7 bridge. We look at both sides, bridge railing on hundreds of pillar, pillar are engraved a little lion. A lion also have different attitude, no two are the same.

Armies of passengers, today's trip to the Summer Palace is almost over, I hope you have fun!



篇6:导游词北京故宫 200字

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在太和殿外还有很多的陈设。日 :是我国古代的计时器,在此处标准的北京时间。




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 461 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4577 字

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The alley ways of Beijing a dime a dozen, had eight hutongs world-famous. Because in those days, there was a tobacco LiuHang pronoun. "Eight hutongs" at the top of west pearl street, north of cycas, south of diagonal. "Eight" is refers to, the area at least 15 hutongs of old Beijing "red light district". Recognized as one of the eight hutongs are: best suitable hutong, rouge hutong, Han Gutan (now known as Korea's hutong), shanxi lane, stone hutong, Wang Guangfu diagonal (now known as palm diagonal), zhujiajian hutong, lee shamao hutong (now known as hutong, small hutong) energetically. In the alley outside of the eight lanes, also there are nearly hundred size brothels. Just then, the eight hutongs brothels are second-class, more prostitutes "class" is more high, so it is so famous. Eight hutongs in the past hundred along the hutongs, rouge hutong, Han Gutan, shaanxi lane, focus on the first class brothel; Stone hutong with numerous "teahouse", second class brothel; Wang Guangfu byway, zhujiajian hutong, lee shamao hutong, many scattered third-class brothels.

Yi yuan, such as the golden flower to live in is now a shanxi lane hotel; Small class of cloud, impatiens lived is now a painting; CAI and small impatiens double habitat of cherry byway 11 building, now a long palace hotel...

Eight hutongs, not "red light district" at the beginning, but besides the location of the troupe. The qing dynasty, a policy of "flag of the people points city", the eight banners lived in the inner city of Beijing, han people moved to the front door. Eight hutongs are initially offer vocational school choice in residence, hotels are the properties of the outdoor playhouses concentrated in dashilan, actors have been selected in the dashilan, xinhua street, east to the south of the eight hutongs. "When HuiBan besides just staying at the eight hutongs Han Gutan, best suitable hutong area, then four xi, the stage of spring up one after another in Beijing troupe, best suitable at eight hutongs hutongs, shanxi lane and li3 tie3 turn byway. So the old Beijing has a saying: the way to the tiger to mountain, singing opera from the shun, Han Gutan. Visible eight hutongs and drama activities.

"" xianggong" is developed by drama activity. The characteristics of the qing dynasty is very special, the forbidden SuChang and brothel origin, liyuan pederasty daxing, find '" xianggong "' became the vogue of the upper class, slowly developed into a same-sex love relationship to each other." "Xianggong", "is the male prostitutes, the ancient called" rabbit ", "small singing", or "little sexual abuse", there are also called "small hands", later said, "like the gu", that is like a girl's meaning, then a homonym for "" xianggong". "some even have" first lady "in the title.

In the late qing and early republic, brothels are mainly concentrated in the front door avenue, because here are near the inner city, officials out of the city, and enjoy more convenient; Second, there is the railway station, distributes the passengers; Three is the front door avenue is a famous business street, quite busy; Four is in this area is the concentrated outdoor playhouses, teahouse, restaurant, eat, drink, and be merry, form an organic whole.

, according to a statistics of the 30 s "eight big hutong" was registered on the business of the brothel amounted to 117, prostitutes, more than 750 people, this is just a formal "quotation", not "prostitutes" and "were observed.

Old Beijing prostitutes are divided into "the class" and "north" class two kinds, in general, "south class" prostitute is mainly women in jiangnan area, some high level, not only the color, and talented. The prostitute accompany many dignitaries, such as the national capital famous prostitute "golden flower, small impatiens, etc. "The class" prostitute is given priority to with Yellow River north of woman, looks good, but some poor literacy. "Eight hutongs" prostitutes in the majority with "south" class, so much for one, second-class brothels. And in other parts of the brothel, most is the "north". At that time, many high rank and doing business in the capital city is from the south, as a result, "the eight hutongs" as the border of the dignitaries frequented.




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垂花门内的牡丹院,院中有紫藤萝架。 院子正中造形呈蝙蝠形状的小湖。






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北京欢迎你 为你开天辟地 流动中的魅力 充满着朝气北京欢迎你 在太阳下分享呼吸在黄土地刷新成绩······”




当在看电视时,看的是嘻哈剧。但是这个节目放出广告时,手不由的去按别的台。当按到海南台时,电视机里传来了非常热情的歌曲“我家大门常打开 开放怀抱等你 拥抱过就有了默契 你会爱上这里 不管远近都是客人 请不用客气 相约好了再一起 我们欢迎你 ···”

整首歌曲句句附有浓厚的感情,浓厚的北京味。每句附有一个含义,每句附有一个地方,每句附有一个响亮的歌声,每句附有中国各地的中国特色。这句“我家大门常打开 开放怀抱等你 拥抱过就有了默契 你会爱上这里 不管远近都是客人 请不用客气 相约好了再一起 我们欢迎你 ···”这句以中国国旗的颜色“红色”的热情,以中国人友好的心情热情的欢迎你。无论你是什么地方的人,只要来到中国,来到了北京或者是中国的任何一个地方。迷路了,我们的中国人民会以主人的身份来招待你,帮助你。如果你想对中国的领土认识得少,会有热心的中国人民当你的导游带你去了解和参观,为你解说中国古代悠久故事。




篇16:游览北京导游词 介绍北京的导游词200字

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吃过饭,大家坐上车来到了新前门大街。 北京的前门是古都北京九门之首,前门大街位于中轴线上的南端,为皇帝祭天之道,所以也被称为“天街”。现在是北京重点打造的历史风貌保护区。







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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 468 字

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各位游客们,大家好,我是你的导游_,大家可以叫我张导或小张。今天将由去我带领大家参观这美丽的颐和园。lets go!








篇20:北京恭王府游记 庆王府导游词

范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 19022 字

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prince gongs residence is located in the northwest of beijing, nearqianhai in the east and houhai in the north. in the early stage, a canal fromthe northeast corner of jishuitan (west sea) water area in deshengmen bypassedthe west wall of prince gongs residence, turned outside the south wall(commonly known as yueya river), and flowed into shichahai (qianhai) throughthree bridges. facing water in the west and south, and near water in the eastand north, it can be said that it is surrounded by water and has a beautifulenvironment. by the early 1950s, the canal had been filled up to form liuyinstreet and qianhaixi street.

prince gongs residence was first built in 1776, with a history of morethan 230 years. in the fourth year of jiaqing, he was convicted and his housewas confiscated. after that, the house was divided into two parts: the east andthe west. emperor jiaqing of the west gave the house to his younger brotherprince yonggui, and the east left it to the ten princesses. in the first year ofchengfeng (1851), emperor xianfeng gave the whole palace to prince gong yi? tolive in. so far, it was named prince gongs palace, which is still in use remember the two main masters of the garden: big corrupt official andprince gong yi?.

prince gongs residence is 330 meters long from north to south and 180meters wide from east to west. there are dozens of palaces in beijing, whichwere either destroyed or used for other purposes. only prince gongs mansion,which has been preserved in its original style, is open to the outside world. asan ancient garden of manchu royal family, it is composed of two parts: mansionand garden, covering an area of more than 60000 square meters, including 32000square meters of mansion and 28000 square meters of garden.

the buildings in the mansion are divided into three roads: the east road,the middle road and the west road. from the south to the north, they arecomposed of many three-way quadrangles with strict central axis. the layout isclear. the east road goes to park shanghua, the middle road is solemn andsolemn, and the west road is simple and elegant. the three roads areself-contained and harmonious. in these houses, there are not only the buildingsreflecting the royal style and majesty, but also the exquisite architecture anddecoration style from the folk, which constitute the biggest feature of theroyal culture. the garden integrates jiangnan garden and northern architecture,and integrates western architecture and chinese classical garden gongs mansion is not only one of the important representatives of theqing dynastys mansion architecture, but also an important performance of themost mature period of chinese traditional architecture and gardening skills. renzhi, a famous scholar, called it "a palace of prince gong, half of thehistory of qing dynasty".

prince gongs house was listed as a key national protection unit in 1982,and the garden of prince gongs house was opened to the public in 1988. in theprocess of my explanation, in order to better protect this precious heritage andensure the safety of your visit to the park, please cooperate. first, do notsmoke. second, do not climb rocks. third, take good care of your , take good care of the environment and do not litter in the park

1、 the first master of the mansion, he (born in 1750 a.d. in the 15th yearof qianlong and died in 1799 a.d. in the 4th year of jiaqing), was originallynamed shanbao, with the word zhizhai and the surname niuhulu. he belonged to thezhenghong banner of manchuria (once carried into zhenghuang banner, but hisfamily members were classified as zhenghong banner after being convicted).)among the eight banners, they are not aristocrats (eight banners are dividedinto yellow flag, yellow flag, white flag, white flag, red flag, red flag, blueflag and blue flag). the yellow flag, the yellow flag and the white flag led bythe emperor were the upper three banners, the nobles and the lower five banners.)how could he be the greatest favorite of emperor qianlong if he was not borninto a noble family and had no degree of jinshi

there are five main reasons why he is favored

first, smart. he? has an amazing memory, makes a clear reading and makes asmart decision. even jiaqing affirmed that he was "smart and agile". when he wasa child, he studied in xianan palace, the best school in the capital at thattime (xianan palace is in the imperial palace, which is equivalent to thecurrent national key school. it mainly recruits the children of the internalaffairs government and eight banners officials who are both good-looking andgood-looking). he is proficient in manchu, chinese, mongolian and tibetanlanguages, and can be both civil and military. at the age of 19, he inheritedthe position of third-class light truck captain earned by his ancestors. threeyears later, there was another vacancy for the third class bodyguard, which gavehim a chance to get close to emperor qianlong.

second, the united tobacco royal family. his son, fengshen yinde, was giventhe name by emperor qianlong, which means longevity in manchu. moreover,qianlong married his 65 year old daughter gu lun and princess xiao to his sonfengshen yinde. the relationship between emperor qianlong and "he" changed fromthe relationship between master and slave, the relationship between monarch andminister to the relationship between daughter and family, and qianlong becamethe real umbrella of "he".

thirdly, according to unofficial history, i remember that when hongli wasyoung (later emperor qianlong), i once played in the palace and saw nianguifeicombing her hair. nianguifei was the younger sister of general nian genyao ofthe qing dynasty and one of the top ten beauties of the qing dynasty. her namewas nianqiuyue. hongli was moved by her beauty and secretly went over to coverher eyes from behind. qing, nians concubine was startled and didnt know whowas behind. she picked up the hairpin and rowed back, which just cut honglisforehead. later, the empress learned about it, because it spread that it was notgood for honglis reputation (she was the royal concubine of yongzheng, honglishould call her erniang. )next year, the imperial concubine hanged cried bitterly at that time, because one of his frivolous actions killednian guifei. i secretly vowed that when i became an emperor, i would meet again,not to repair this life and the afterlife. so stained with cinnabar, she printeda red fingerprint behind her ear. many years later, when hongli became emperor,he was emperor qianlong. when he first saw him, he was still a stick ng was surprised and felt that he looked like the young lady who died manyyears ago. so he stepped down from the throne and asked if there were anysisters in his family. he said that there were only two brothers, he and he?.when the emperor was disappointed, he suddenly saw a red mole behind his ear. itwas not only similar to nianguifeis face, but also the size and location of themole. so the emperor thinks that he? is the reincarnation of nian guifei. so theemperor kept him close to him and favored him. he also used his intelligence toplease qianlong. as a result, his position and status rose like a three years, emperor qianlong passed orders to promote him to theposition of official. he almost made all kinds of high-ranking officials in theqing dynasty. he had been a military aircraft minister for 23 years, and wasknown as the second emperor.

many friends come to prince gongs residence with admiration. the film andtelevision works also make a lot of hype about ho. however, there is a big gapbetween the real image of ho and the image of the film and television works. hois a real beautiful man with a white face, quick action, dignified and humorousspeech.

the second master, prince gong yi? (1833-1898), was the sixth son ofemperor daoguang. he was named prince gong in the imperial edict of emperordaoguang in 1850. he was an important and influential figure in the politicalsituation of the late qing dynasty. after the death of emperor xianfeng in 1861,he and cixi jointly launched the "xinyou coup" to eliminate eight ministers,such as sushun, which paved the way for cixi to reach the peak of power. afterthat, he was appointed as the king of political affairs, walked on the militaryplane, and participated in military affairs as a prince, which was very rare inthe qing dynasty. as a "leader", he, together with zeng guofan, zhang zhidongand other feudal officials, set off the famous "westernization movement" inmodern chinese history. under his invitation and planning, the qing governmentestablished in 1860 the first official "ministry of foreign affairs" in chinesehistory, the premiers national affairs yamen, to deal with foreign affairs. in1862, under his own planning, the qing government established the capitaltongwen school in beijing. the establishment of tongwen school was the beginningof the establishment of a new school in china. it entered the school of beijingnormal university in 1902 and became the earliest part of the establishment ofpeking university. it seems that the prince of the late qing dynasty has acertain relationship with peking university. yi? was the sixth son of emperordaoguang. at that time, he was famous for his foreign affairs. therefore, peoplenicknamed him gui zi liu, and he didnt mind. because yi? was very independentand active in politics, he was afraid of empress dowager cixi. later, he lostpower and lived in seclusion in jiehe temple. yi? became the tenth iron hat kingof the qing dynasty in 1872. he is the author of the collection of works ofledaotang. after the sino japanese war of 1894-1895, it was used again. it wasthe prime minister of the navy, the council for military affairs, and the innercourt. he died in 1898 with the posthumous title of "zhong". )

2、 scenic spots in the mansion

the main hall of the palace of yinan, commonly known as "yinan hall", isthe place where important ceremonial activities are held. a group of screens andthe throne of the prince are placed in the center of the hall. it corresponds tothe jinluan hall of the forbidden city. jinluan hall was the place where theemperor summoned and held important ceremonies.

the tall building you see now was newly built in this overhaul as it was inthe guangxu reign of tongzhi. the original yinan hall, together with the eastand west side halls, was destroyed by burning incense on the night of thelantern festival on january 15, 1921.

the new construction process of yinan hall:

the yinan hall was built according to the strict architectural regulationsof the qing dynasty and the highest standard roof of the royal palace.

tourists, please observe the color of the tiles on the roof of the mainhall, the number of animals on the roof ridge, the number of doornails on themain door, etc. how are they different from the palace museum you can see?

the roof of the imperial palace is covered with golden colored glass, whichis the symbol of imperial power; the roof of the main hall of the royal palaceis covered with green colored glass tiles, and the roof of the auxiliary hall iscovered with gray tiles, which indicates the princes status.

in ancient architecture, door nails were only used on board ally used to guard against the enemys fire attack, so zhuoyi was coveredwith mud to prevent fire. doornails are usually made of copper. in the qingdynasty, the use of door nails was regulated. in royal architecture, there arenine nails for each door, nine in each direction, and a total of ninety-nine andeighty-one nails. nine is the pole of yang number, symbolizing the higheststatus of the emperor. because the imperial temple is dedicated to the emperorsof the past dynasties, it also has nine road studs; seven roads in the royalpalace take seven roads, but seven roads in the princes palace take nine roads;further down there are five roads take five roads.

duofuxuan is commonly known as "tengluoyuan". the main hall was called"yanxi hall" in the period of peace, which was the residence of the son andprincess of peace. it was called "duofuxuan" in the period of prince gong. itwas the hall and living room of the palace. it was mainly used by the host toreceive visitors, relatives and friends or subordinates who came to report backto the official affairs. it was also used to store gifts sent by the emperor."duofuxuan" was inscribed by emperor xianfeng. it means the palace of a lot ofhappiness. the plaque of "tongde yanxi" is hung in the center of the hall, whichis intended to warn the host that only when you and the emperor have the samevirtue can you extend the xi (xi: good luck and long life). please observecarefully that the four walls of the hall near the ceiling are all hung with theinscription of "fu shou". the inscription of "fu shou" is written on the redsquare paper (i.e. "dou fang") and is placed in a shuttle shape. the inscriptionof "fu shou" is made in pairs.

since the reign of kangxi in the qing dynasty, every winter, the emperorhad to write the words "fu" and "shou" in person and give them to the king, theduke, the minister and the empress. the word "shou" will be added to every majorbirthday celebration. according to convention, the old "fu shou" dou fang cannot be removed. instead, the new "fu shou" dou fang is pasted directly on theold one, meaning "fu tian shou". now what you see is the original copy.

please carefully observe the phoenix and seal painting of qianlong periodon the roof beam. although only partial phoenix tail pattern remains, it hasspecial value. its existence confirms that fudi east road was once princessmansion.

hexi painting is also known as palace architectural painting. this kind ofarchitectural painting is the highest level painting in the qing dynasty, mostlypainted on palace buildings or buildings related to the royal family

ledaotang is the largest building on the east road and the last one toenter the courtyard. the main room is called "ledaotang". on the interior beams,there are two hundred years of colorful paintings of baojindi and phoenix in themiddle qing dynasty, which indicates that it was the residence of the princessduring the period of peace. in the period of prince gong, this is the livingroom of the prince. now the interior is displayed as it was when prince gonglived. the plaque of "ledaotang" was given to yi? by emperor daoguang expresses a fathers wish for his sons happiness and auspiciousness.

he is not a prince. in the qing dynasty, when the feudal hierarchy was verystrict, why did he build such a luxurious private house in spite of large-scaleconstruction? you can see the reason from the following records.

yin de, the son of he, was born on the 19th of the first month of the 40thyear of qianlong (1775), half a month younger than princess he xiao. he andqianlong formed a family of sons and daughters, and became the most unattainablerelatives of the emperor. he jianhe house was actually built as princess house,so he jianhe house was built according to the double specifications of princesshouse and first-class officials of the imperial court

jiale hall

jiale hall is the hall name of hejin period. it is said that the plaque ofjiale hall was given to hejin by qianlong. during the period of prince gong, itwas the "temple", that is, the place where shamanism activities were held.

shamanism sacrificial activities: ancient mongolians believed in shamanismfirst. shamanism worships gods and divides the world into three kinds: heavenabove, earth in the middle and hell below.

the most important way of shaman sacrifice is to worship ancestors andheaven. it is said that the ancestors of manchu people fell into a trap in abattle and had to hide in a big tree in a hurry. the birds on the tree did notmove, so they did not expose the ancestors of manchu people to the enemy and letthem survive. therefore, manchu people revered the birds as gods.

grand theater

the grand theater building of prince gongs mansion, built during the reignof tongzhi (1862-1874), is a place for prince gong and his relatives to watchthe opera. this theater is the only existing fully enclosed theater in china. inthe archives of the qing dynasty, theatrical buildings were called "bigtheatrical rooms". the building area is 685 square meters, and its architecturalform adopts a three volume hook and build fully enclosed structure. it is saidthat although the whole theater building is of brick and wood structure, it doesnot use an iron nail. in particular, it is worth mentioning the sound effect ofthe grand theater. in order to ensure the fidelity of the sound, several largetanks are placed under the stage. the ingenious and special structure increasesthe resonance reverberation space, so that the audience can clearly hear thesinging of the actors without any sound transmission tools at any position inthe theater. once, after a famous singer came here to sing, he excitedly praisedthat the timbre effect of the grand theater building was better than that of theconcert hall.

in the peony courtyard, the location of the theater is general, but theinside is resplendent. on both sides of the stage, the two pillars, the fourwalls and the top are all painted with twigs and vines. the scene of greenleaves and purple flowers in full bloom makes people feel like watching theopera under the vines. it is said that at that time, even empress dowager cixiwas sitting in the courtyard. prince gong worried that he would be guilty ofoverstepping the system, so he painted a lot of vines on the roof, which meansthat this is the vines rack, not the lobby. its very kind of him. there are 20large palace lanterns hanging on the top of the shed, and 20 eight immortalstables with taishi chairs are placed in an orderly manner. the back walls of thetheater are light brown wooden lattice, with dark blue silk cloth as the bottomlining. on the south side of the hall is a stage about one meter high. above thestage, there is a black plaque with gold characters, which is written with fourseal characters of "enjoy yourself". in the south, there is an actors dressingroom in the backstage and a stage in the front. in the north, there are placesfor vips and their wives to watch and rest. yis birthday is in the late octoberof the lunar calendar. when holding a birthday party, a fire is needed, so thegrand theater is also called "warm building" by the government. in addition toacting, it was also the place where the wedding ceremony was held in princegongs mansion. every time the important figures in the mansion die, the theaterwill be full of couplets, buildings, cigarettes, long hanging, and monks andnuns in each temple will sprinkle sutras one after another to pass the dead.

in 1936, pu ru, the grandson of prince gong yi? who lived in the garden atthat time, celebrated his mother mrs. xiangs birthday and organized a hall playin the theater. at that time, famous actors in the peking opera circle gatheredin the grand theater and performed on the stage one after another. this is thelast meeting of prince gongs mansion. now?
