






范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 24398 字

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Fellow tourists, fellow gentlemen, young lady, a group laborious, welcome you to come Baotu Spring to visit a park enjoys the spring.

Our park beginning constructed in 1956, because in had Baotu Spring to acquire fame. Presently occupies the town center, is located west the source avenue the head. Around Baotu Spring was multitudinous, has formed the Baotu Spring group. The famous gold thread spring, rinses the jade spring, Ma Paoquan, lies Niu Quan, emperor Hua Quan, the willow catkin spring, the old gold thread spring, washes the earthen bowl spring, the spring, the screw spring, Man Jingquan, the non- sorrow spring, the white clouds spring, looks the spring, east Gao Quan, ascends the state spring, the Dukang liquor spring, mixes , Long Chiquan, the white dragon brand bay and so on, constituted head of the four big springs groups. Has become the spring city unique symbol crown of Baotu Spring as numerous springs.

Our Baotu Spring park take the view spring, enjoys the fish, judges tea, Shan Shi, the culture as a characteristic, by small and exquisite, step moves the scenery differently, clean lonesome and quiet, is plain elegantly is famous. The entire garden altogether plan is ten scenic areas, this is the Baotu Spring scenic area, three main halls scenic area, the hall scenic area, rinses the jade spring scenic area, the east gate , the maple tree brook scenic area, the dark blue garden scenic area, Bai Xuelou the area, Nanmen, ten thousand bamboo plantations scenic areas, the total area nearly hundred Chinese acres.

The Baotu Spring scenic area west leans in our park, is the entire garden composition center, by the pavilion, the hall, the porch, the pavilion was composed a seal space, the height scattered about construction has liked the numerous stars to hold the month to be same, is crowding around Baotu Spring which spurted suddenly leaps wells up, the people were allowed to appreciate the spring scenery from the different angle, by the reputation source of for the Luoshui river, first time appears in the history book is << Spring and Autumn Period >> on and aids about Lu Huan Gong assists a male negotiations both countries boundary matter the record. Lu Huan male 17 years (695 B.C.). Qi Guo and Lu Guoyin the boundary dispute has the war, next year spring, Lu Huan male will arrive in full the country negotiations boundary problem, will gather together in full the marquis (Qi Xianggong) to , Luoshui river's source, namely Baotu Spring. Therefore the Baotu Spring manner knew already has 2500, 600 years history. Source of when the natural at that time Luoshui river, the name certainly is not called Baotu Spring, Northern Wei Dynasty, because on the spring constructs has the E ginger (England) the temple, Gu Cheng the E ginger (England) the water, was called Baotu Spring Tang Song eight great writers of the Tang dynasty of Northern Song Dynasty writer Zeng Gongshi until, and spreads until now. But, the Song Dynasty. Jin Dynasty once had the person to be called "the hot spring", "the threshold spring", "to explode ", "the waterfall " and so on, but all was inferior to Baotu Spring this name was expressive.

Baotu Spring, is concurrent, the sound like hides the thunder, "on the springhead exerts", "Shui Yongre the wheel" called " suddenly soars". "Fog Run steams" is a Baotu Spring scenery. The water seepage throughout the year constantly about 18 degrees centigrade, to the severe winter morning, on the water surface the moisture curled the rise, looks like a thin smoke, at the same time is profound, the wave light is clear, at the same time is the pavilion colored drawing on pottery, the magnificently decorated building, all these with the light mist, constitute a marvelous world fairyland The unusual landscape for Jinan one of eight scenery, the all previous dynasties renowned writer, the philosopher, the poet has praises. Such as Song Dynasty Zeng Gong, Su Shi, Jin Dynasty Yuan Hao asked that, Yuan Daizhao Meng Fu, Zhang Yanghao, the Ming Dynasty Wang Shouren, Qing Dynasty Wang Shizhen, the loose age, He Shaoji and so on all has recites the spring excellent work. Kanghsi, the Qian Long emperor imperial capital once composed a poem nearby Baotu Spring carves, praises the famous spring, contemporary literary giant Guo Moruo and so on also all has the praise the belle-lettre.

Between Baotu Spring thing this north and south to the bridge, the name said the crane bridge, originally is the wooden bridge, the the Ming Dynasty at the beginning of Wanli constructs, the day opens the last years to repair, after Jinan liberates expands when the park it rebuilds for the stone bridge. South the bridge the head colored drawing on pottery wooden memorial arch is the original appearance, the memorial arch inscribed horizontal tablet faces south on engraves "the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals luck place" at the same time; Towards the north is at the same time " the old mark", "" refers to the fable Middle East sea god mountain Penglai, the abbot, the sea state three gods mountains, why Baotu Spring calls " the old mark"? Italy for the east sea god mountain fable, nobody has only seen, but Baotu Spring's three water its as if mountain, but cannot climb, resembles in the myth Penglai to be ordinary, therefore called it is " the old mark". west the side enters in the water the cabin to call the view billows pavilion, this pavilion constructs at clearly faces upwards along five years (1,461), until now some more than 500 years history, west the pavilion on the wall has inlaid two steles which engraves, at the same place "the view billows" two large brush-written Chinese characters, takes from << Mencius >> "The view water has the technique with all one's heart, must observe its billows", for the Ming Dynasty calligrapher Zhang Qin's ink marks. Another one "first spring" the carved stone, is the Qing Dynasty Wang Zhonglin writing skill. East the pavilion center this partly immerses the stele, on carves three vigorous large brush-written Chinese characters: Baotu Spring, writes for the Ming Dynasty Shandong governor Hu Zuanzong, the careful tourist has possibly can discover suddenly turned "suddenly", lacked two points, three water which the fable column welled up has gone against "the cover", only then causes "suddenly" the character to turn present this appearance, certainly this only was described the spring was strong, people's one kind of daydream. the Nanan passes the window is the liberation constructs after the poolside pavilion porch, in recent years became "the idle time literati to be able to be superior" the stage which the Peking opera celebrities performed. East Baotu Spring north shore the pond, according to Shui Erzhuo, the window bright several only constructions is the famous Penglai teahouse, also the name looked the crane pavilion teahouse, Qing Dynasty writer Shi Runzhang once writes the poetry to say: "Yang Er sees the mountain blue, bends down sees the spring to be clean, the pure running water dredges its source? Dives the flood dragon to leave the hibernation of insects, flies the rainbow to wind ". Explained this place in was at that time looks out into the distance, bows the head stares, watches understands far and near America's of the scenery excellent region. It is said same year Kanghsi, the Qian Long two emperors imperial capitals once sat in meditation in here near the water, drink tea enjoy the spring, understood Baotu Spring the graceful bearing. After tastes to the Baotu Spring water, unexpectedly south will patrol takes along drinks the Beijing jade water seepage completely to trade for Baotu Spring's water, therefore will have "the favor spring tea taste really", will not drink Baotu Spring the water, spatially will lose saying of the Jinan tour. North shore the Baotu Spring pond main hall calls " the source hall", tightly suffers the source hall two main halls, the general designation , also calls "Lu Xianci", "Lu Gongci", "Lu Zuge".

These three main halls facing south, in the identical axle wire, from becomes the courtyard, is group of bigger ancient architectural complexes. Before the liberation, the first main hall offers sacrifice to of a Lu Dongbin Taoism Eight Immortals, was called "Lu Zuge", the second main hall offers sacrifice to Lu Dongbin's teacher Chungli power, was called "the clock ", the upper formation offers sacrifice , the third main hall fights the female palace. The most south main hall source hall, three two, rest the mountain upturned eave, antique, on the column wood engraving couplets hung in front of a hall, "fog Run steams China not to pour, the mighty waves acoustic shock Ming Dynasty lake" is Zhao Meng Fu swims the spring sentence, writes by contemporary renowned calligrapher Mr. Jin Rong. A main hall beginning constructs in the Northern Song Dynasty bright rather year, south the palace near Luoshui river's source, therefore calls " the source hall", north the palace facing the experience mountain therefore called "the experience mountain hall", after the liberation restores is " the source hall". The tourists saw among this palace is called E the English ancestral hall, the E England ancestral hall is commemorative big Shun's two imperial concubines E Huang and female England constructs, according to << Water Classic note >> record: "The Luoshui river valley says Ejiang Shui. By the springhead E England ancestral hall therefore also "sufficiently proved constructed in 1500 ago has this ancestral hall. The present ancestral hall is the Ming Dynasty constructs. Behind the E England ancestral hall "three temples" are the Qing Dynasty construct. Of the grate passes the wall is mounting 30 sides carved stone in the courtyard all is the bright peaceful and orderly times celebrity swims the spring excellent work, in the courtyard this stele, "" two characters, after << write Baotu Spring to do again >> stem from hand of Kanghsi and the Qian Long, two emperors write poetry in the identical stele preface, in domestic is extremely rare, these inscribed texts, the carved stone cultural relic not only has high watches the value, also studies the water seepage rare historical data.

Tourist comrades, here is the hall scenic area. the hall originally is "the gold thread academy" (also a academy), acquires fame by the gold thread spring, the Tongzhi nine years, the Shandong governor is valuable constructs the academy, the handwritten letter volume " the hall", is "the justice and humanity" the meaning. After the hall supposes room shed dozens of, the entrance is writing " the lecture hall". Hereafter, changes "the school gentleman hall" one after another, "pedagogically transmits the institute", "saves the ancient hall", specially raises the imperial civil service examination talented person's organization. Outside the courtyard three rills surround, the spring water depth sound of flowing water, along the room covered walkway, causes the entire courtyard to reveal opens has shades, is noisy has static. North primarily constructs, behind has , the Japanese banana covers. West the porch Chinese ilex grove, complements the path, forms the green porch. In the courtyard the famous stone "waits the month peak" to be the Song Dynasty mt. shoushan Gen trigram mountain relic, the above covers entirely passes the hole, whenever the bright moon in the sky, the moonlight passed through the cavern, sprinkles nearby the pond in the water, the landscape is unusual, therefore has the poem to approve chants: "The demon jade exquisite, the god labor clever axe becomes quite the same as, turn of 36 turn of months, fluctuate all in this stone". (Bamboo stone porch) in the hall courtyard transplants the michelia alba, the early spring flower opens, fragrant greets the nostrils, the people also are called as this courtyard "the yulan magnolia courtyard".

Rinses the jade spring scenic area and the hall scenic area is neighboring. high nearly 4 meters, heavy approximately 8 tons too , tall and straight undisguised, vein obvious, the texture is concave-convex, has the merit which wrinkles, l, passes, the name is called the turtle the stone, is thing of the Yuan generation of famous family Zhang Yanghao. Do not despise this stone, it is the important cultural relic, the present phoenix, the dragon, the large male deer are called in a big way four , is a famous stone which only preserves, is extremely precious, is called stone of the town city, mays be called the spring city first stone. The fable will take a souvenir photo under this rubble stone might be in good health. This side name Shi Liyu between this dark green loose green bamboo, if a three-dimensional scenery. Northern side turtle stone place the rockery constructs at the 60's, the spring brook surrounds, the mountain path coils, the blue shade, the climb up looks may as soon as look at inside and outside the garden the scenery. Rinses the jade spring is everybody saw this assumes the rectangle, four walls parapets all have white marble Shi Qicheng, pure white mild, is limpid obviously. You looked that, water seepage from cliff flat and smooth overflow, as if the crystal curtain curtain, passes through the quarry stone which a piece converges slanting to splash, in a lively way jubilantly flows swiftly into in this side far 20 meter ponds, its bang-bang, sound if rinses the jade, when hands down the Song Dynasty famous female excellent poet Li Qingzhao housing, frequently dresses up nearby the spring. Rinses the jade spring opposite this national style the small courtyard, is for commemorates "the Li Qingzhao memorial hall" which Li Qingzhao constructs. This is in rinses nearby the jade spring according to the Li Qingzhao former dwelling the historical record, according to national style 60's constructions. In the courtyard by the main hall brook pavilion, folds the green jade porch, the winding corridor, the front door constitution, the high peak towers, complements, the entire courtyard appears simply is quiet and beautiful. The gate tower, the main hall, welcome around the gate screen to inscribe for the contemporary literary giant Guo Moruo people. In the main hall couplets hung in front of a hall "nearby the Ming Dynasty lakeside Baotu Spring the former dwelling in the weeping simon poplar deep place, after rinses the jade centralism inscription on stone tablet and bronze to record the literary talent has the host customs handed down from the past" the antithetical couplet to manifest the Guo Moruo master's literary talent. The courtyard Rho calf phlegm 20 side carved stone ink marks stem from Qi Gong, Jiang Weisong and so on hand of the famous calligrapher. The memorial hall main hall, welcomes the Li Qingzhao whole body cast which the gate towers, for person and so on renowned sculptor Wang Zhaoshan creates. In the hall exhibits the Li Qingzhao life story, each kind of edition work and the painter-calligrapher the calligraphy and painting which do for the memorial hall extremely precious is rare. Rinses the jade spring scenic area famous spring to be multitudinous, flies except the century flows rinses the jade spring, but also has the spring city fly the willow catkin spring, the thousand years mysterious gold thread spring, plain like mirror emperor China spring, Shui Shengsheng sentiment Ma Paoquan and so on many springs. You looked that, natural talent bright archery target Li Qingzhao isn't precisely the exquisite environment and crystal clear transparent water seepage breeding which this spring struggle flows becomes

In the east gate construction has used many "the construction sketch". Using bonds the scenery technique, welcomes the gate to fold the mountain, avoids being cover all, the mountain height 4 meters, the width 13 meters, the length 30 meters, with overpowering momentum, the blue strip throws over holds, the pine and cypress stores the gorge. After the mountain the brook surrounds, in the mountain the hole gully is profound. The tourist may @ circle the mountain to go through a hole enters the south side scenery open and bright maple tree brook area. The maple tree brook open is long, amounts to 120 meters. The prospect for to the island pavilion, center Jing Weiqu the bridge, the prospect is the rockery, after the mountain falls the waterfall, both banks plants the flowers and trees long, the depth of field.

Southeast Baotu Spring's dark blue garden, was in 1956 for commemorates the the Ming Dynasty during fine clear year Jinan's renowned poet, also was "latter seven" Li Panlong (sea) constructs, because it called self a sea bucket, therefore was the dark blue garden, the altogether three halls two courtyards, surrounded, bend the porch to encircle, in the garden planted has the rare and exotic plants, the exhibition has each kind of bonsai, if in the winter, the dark green pine, the Chimonathus Praecox were in full bloom, was just like a three-dimensional three cold-resistant friends of winter chart. The dark blue garden, in supposes Wang Xue the Tao picture, Wang Xue Tao is the contemporary renowned painter, small is enjoyable, with Pan Tianshou, Li Kuchan and so on shares the honor, in the exhibition room is collecting 200 valuable things posthumous works, watches for a long time for the tourist.

Bai Xuelou west the scenic area near the non- sorrow spring, east depends on the maple tree brook island, south along is new , Bai Xuelou is located the scenic area center. Original Bai Xuelou is the the Ming Dynasty during during ten thousand years constructs, the building is five two, facing south, front the mansion, falls to the ground woodenly , at first called "the experience mountain academy", "the white snow academy" until fine celebrates for eight years, in the building underneath the eave has "Bai Xuelou" the inscribed horizontal tablet. The Guangxu Dynasty, corrects the source in this housing Jiaozhou person has carved "the Li sea in the gate place above first " the inscribed horizontal tablet. After the houses lives for Li Xing, expands time the park is demolished. Bai Xuelou is Li Panlong studying place. Li Panlong (1514-1570), the character to the scale, the number sea scholar, the Licheng person, is the the Ming Dynasty renowned writer, in the Chinese history of literature one of latter seven children, is revered is "Zong Gong great master", is luxuriant is a generation of respected writer. The initiative literature restores the old the movement, writes many has been splendid five, seven-character lyushi and the jueju poem, the person "is 300 years ", is having << sea gentleman the collection >>, after tests the successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations to go to Shaanxi no matter what according to observes Si Tixue vice- to cause. Jiajing 35 years, because the opinion does not gather with governor Yin Zhongcheng, resigns returns to the east, latter according to observes Si Fushi for Zhejiang, transfers the Henan surveillance commissioner, died to the official. Bai Xuelou the scenic area covered the shade, the terrain has open become Baotu Spring's recreation center, every day melodious, the zheng was intermittent, the specialized theatrical troupe offered the program for the tourist which they carefully created, listened to Qu Guanquan an appeal.

The Baotu Spring south gate 1,575 square meters, the thing length 47.5 meters, the north and south deep 13 meters, the main gate height 8.4 meters, the design are novel, the ancient and modern union, the modelling uniquely has the traditional style and the place characteristic, the flavor full decorated second gate, matches to rests Shan Goulian to do the leather tower , gate tower upturned eave, around Dan column, double keel wing to wing. Red column, green tile, abundant ancient Italy. The stone step, the railing, the platform elegant are grave. Front the gate the pond total length 29 meters, the width 9 meters, in the pond spit Shui Tuyu, the man-made eruptive fountain bead splashes the jade. Inside and outside the front door in the face volume , "Baotu Spring" Jin Zibian the sign takes from Kanghsi, the Qian Long original handwriting, the gate inside " the source gate" character of the collection Wang Hsi-Chih. front "spurts bead filings jade Shui Lanfan, full Lu Yuqi three-way confrontation" the couplets hung in front of a hall select from Qian Long's prose handwriting. Entire construction space insightful, the garden scenery revealed, the scenery blends, the streamline links up, welcomes on the gate rockery the red maple tree, , the pine, the green bamboo and the front door serves as contrast to increase the splendor, exquisite is harmonious, the concerned expert recognized, the Baotu Spring south gate mays be called Chinese botanical garden first. Is a Jinan important landscape.

Ten thousand bamboo plantations are in Baotu Spring's garden the garden, is located west the park the neighbour, is an environment quiet and beautiful, the scenery pleasant botanical garden beautiful scenery, its 18 Chinese acres, by 13 different courtyards compositions, garden inside and outside have the white clouds, the white dragon brand, east are high, look the water, ascend the state, Dukang liquor Zhu Mingquan, is an alone style private landscape. Names of beginning ten thousand bamboo plantations sees to Yuan Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty prosperously celebrates for four years (1,570) Prime Minister Yin Shidan to return to native place Jinan, occupies ten thousand bamboo plantations to change name for "passes the paradise", other name "in Sichuan lecture hall", Qing Dynasty Kangxi Dynasty, Jinan renowned poet Wang Pinggou this garden, also changes name as "24 springs thatched houses", takes in the garden to look the spring to occupy the Jinan 24 meaning. To the Republic of China first year, warlord Zhang Huaizhi occupied this garden, has been through repeatedly for several years to construct Fang Cheng today the scale, in 1984 official foreign opening, in 1986, the famous traditional Chinese painting master Li Kuchan memorial hall was located in the garden, Li Kuchan collected the calligraphy and painting, the cultural relic and myself work altogether 400 long-term displays, watched for the tourist, ten thousand bamboo plantations also called Li Kuchan the memorial hall. Ten thousand bamboo plantations are composed by four parts, first, east, west three gardens end products glyph arrangement, in the north central courtyard foundation, kneaded together the Chiangnan classical botanical garden characteristic and the style, using the wall, the porch, the brook, the bridge and so on carries on the division to the space, constituted layer upon layer courtyard. This garden existing 186 between houses, various courtyards all in an axle wire, bend the porch to surround, courtyard courtyard connected, building, hall, pavilion irregular, Liang, and so on place the colored drawing on pottery and the carving character, the birds and beasts wonderful workmanship, exquisite are lifelike. Entered the gate rockery for the end of the Qing the beginning of people the relic, ten thousand bamboo plantations take the bamboo as the main keys, the assorted precious flowers and trees were many, like yulan magnolia courtyard, pomegranate courtyard, hypericum courtyard, Chinese flowering quince courtyard and so on. Ten thousand bamboo plantations are a rare botanical garden, in 1993 is received << the Chinese tradition common people residence atlas >>, it regardless of from botanical garden art, or said from the historical relics, all is a precious cultural heritage.



篇1:游览苏州园林的英语导游词 精选

范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3358 字

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Good morning guys and every folks ,it is my great honour to be your guide . First i wish to extend my warmest welcome to you and i hope you will enjoy today s trip . Now let me introduce myself . My name is wuyingfang . I come from China International travel service . If you have any problem just tell me . I will try my best to help you and achieve your satisfaction with a wonderful trip memory . By the way ,please pay attention to your safety when traveling . I hope everything goes well and all of us will have a good time .

The place we are going to visit today is the land of fish and rice Suzhou . To speak of Suzhou, people are likely to mention the old saying” Up above there is paradise, down here, here are Suzhou and Hangzhou”. Gardening in Suzhou reached its height during the Ming and Qing dynasties. There were over 280 private gardens in Suzhou and landscape became an art with established masters. The mild climate, along with 230 frost_free days and around 43 inches of rain is perfect for gardening endeavors. 69 gardens in and around Suzhou are still in good condition. In 2007,the UNESCO added four of the private gardens of Suzhou to the world heritage list, extending this in 2000 to include the

historic section of the city and five other gardens in the area.

Among so many gardens, the Humble Administrators garden is the most outstanding and the largest garden in Suzhou. And it is the most important part of our todays tour. It is centered upon the broad expanse of a lake, making up about one fifth of the total area, with well spaced buildings. The garden landscape and water scape are simple, extensive and natural, possessing the traditional appearances of the Ming and Qing dynasties.

It is divided into three parts: the eastern, middle of the western parts, the house lies in the south of the garden.

The middle part is the cream of the garden with marvelous mountains, clear water, exquisite buildings and exuberant trees of the scenery in the south of the lower Yangtze. Lying here and there to the south of the lake are the east and west hills made from a mixture of earth and rocks, and covered with trees. The Prunus Mume Pavilion and the Orange Pavilion stand on a top of the hills. By the side of the lake there are forsythias gently stroking the surface of the water, and bringing about delightful effects of nature.

The building in the western part of the garden are properly arranged by the lake. The northern half is named :"the hall of 36 pairs of mandarin ducks" and the southern half:" the hall of 18 camellias"

lying to the south of the garden is the house, which is the typical residence in Suzhou. On a north—south axis there are four successive buildings. To the east of the axis are the MandarinDuck'shall with flower—basket decoration, the flower hall and the four—sided viewing hall.

The Humble administrator's garden boasts altogether 48 different bulidings,101 parallel couplets,and door plateaux,40 stelae,21 precious old trees,and over 700 bonsai kept in the bonsai garden in the western part of the garden,representing the Suzhou style bonsai,one of the four leading bonsai styles in China.

Well ,ladies and gentlemen ,it’s time for your freelance . You can take photos with abandon . We will gather here one hour later . Pay attention to your safety and don’t forget the time !



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3949 字

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I have friends, everybody is good. I am responsible for your today's interpretation of the tour guides, you can call me little lai, thanks and welcome to the tourism in the first place, I will sincerely service for you, let you have a wonderful and unforgettable experience. Before I start the tour, I'd like to make a brief introduction of built for everyone.

Built in chongqing fuling city shore of the Yangtze river, is a national key cultural relics protection units, belong to historical culture class humanistic scenery scenic spots, is the vast natural Shi Liang rock in the river sand. It extends from the west to the east, parallel to the river, a 14.5 degrees slope to jiangxin tilt, perennial fu river, only a year since the turn of the winter, water level is lower part above the water. Has more than 160 inscriptions on beam (part is inscribed copy flooded with water), calligraphy attainments is higher, inscription skill, however, because of the high water storage, to prevent flood, specially built underwater museum to protect the inscribed copy, in February 2003, completed by the end of 2007.

Built, called BaZi beam, about the origin of its name, said today (Monday) because its name built on crane group gathered bridge, there is a saying is from tang dynasty, zhu reality in the science of uniting the, after word, take the crane fairy, therefore built. It is a natural Shi Liang fuling city of the Yangtze river, 1600 meters long, width of 15 meters on average. Since the first year of the tang dynasty GuangDe Shi Liang inscribed copy has many poems on the design and the Yangtze river stage, it has been more than 1200 years of history, is known as "the world's ancient hydrological station", "underwater forest of steles". Carved on the stone fish is ancient hydrological observation symbol, carved stone text words is ancient hydrologic observation records, it is extremely important hydrologic data. Its inscribed copy, images, intermittent recorded more than 1200 years, 72 years history of low water level, to the study of the Yangtze river shelter-forest low water law, shipping and production, etc., all have significant historical value. In Paris in 1974 at the international hydrological work conference, the Chinese delegation "fuling stone fish inscribed copy" to submit a report to congress, built the scientific value of get the world recognized. Built on huang tingjian, zhu xi, Mr Sun, joao doesn, Wang Shizhen successive dynasties are many poems, locations of grass, nationalities, line, all ready, yan, liu, yellow, and Sue and appears, deep and shallow relief, relief, line carve, ha design, lace, etc., style each different, colorful, the underwater inscription, has a long history, the rich content, the form of diversity, the underwater wonders of the world.

Due to the construction of the three gorges project, located in the flood water level line built inscribed copy will sink in the Yangtze river forever. In order to protect the underwater treasures, built underwater approved by the state administration of cultural heritage protection project, construction of underwater museum, the project by the "underwater museum", "connect traffic corridor", "anti-collision pier in water", and "shore gallery" of four parts. Underwater museum of shielding body engineering design of the "dome", is located in the upper part, oval covered the entire inscribed copy plane. Underwater shield wall body has visited channels, visitors from the shore by the steel corridor take the escalator to underwater protection body, points to visit in three ways: through the corridor watch glass, through the underwater camera watch and wearing a diving suit to watch.

Time like running water, swim about introduction I said here before, we immediately began to formal journey, everybody ready, ok, now please follow me to go see it.



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Welcome to the bai causeway! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.

Bai causeway formerly known as white sand dam, built for the case-dough water to irrigate their fields. Old with sand ground, today has been changed to asphalt pavement. As early as one thousand years ago in the tang dynasty, famous for its beautiful landscapes. People thought that the dam was presided over bai juyi building, call it bai causeway. Actually when former hangzhou secretariat of bai juyi, near the old outside a qiantang Shi Hanqiao built a dam, known as the white male dam, now has no trace to be found. Bai causeway known today, although with bai juyi host bai causeway is not in a position of the building, but as a reminder of the hangzhou people made outstanding contributions in hangzhou in "the old mayor", is named bai causeway.

Bai causeway formerly known as "white sand dam", is the tie that will be connected to the scenic spot of hangzhou, east "broken bridge can xue", the brocade belt to the west, in "the foundation", long about 2 in. In tang dynasty is called white sand dike, sand dikes, in song and Ming also called isolated hill road, ShiJin pond.

Secretariat of the tang dynasty poet bai juyi of hangzhou from time to tome did: "love koto line is insufficient, green Yang Yinli white sand dike." Namely the dike. Later generations to commemorate the poet, known as bai causeway.

Bai causeway wide, clear, by the lake density weeping willows, the outer is all kinds of peach blossom, looking back to the mountains with green, the lake TuBi, such as in the middle. Every April willow green narrow leaves with soft switch is the wind dancing dancing on the lake, willow branches fluttering down into the lake. Weeping willows and lake to let a person feel the perfect harmony of nature and love.

Bai causeway scenery, four seasons: spring peach Xia Liu, autumn winter snow, guangxi is a unique style.



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Dear visitors, everybody!

Now we visit the badaling Great Wall was built during the Ming dynasty. For the defense foreign invasion, the qin dynasty, han dynasty and the Ming dynasty Great Wall built more than thirteen thousand. The Great Wall, west jiayuguan, east to shanhaiguan. The Great Wall is known as one of the seven wonders of the world.

You see, the Great Wall was made all the huge stone and ChengZhuan masonry. Outside the walls of rows along the two meters tall building called buttress, buttress the square hole is at the mouth and nozzle, is for the use of the war. On the top of the wall that past ChengTai square, is the bulwark of station troops, every three hundred meters there is a, this war between ChengTai can mutual echo.

Dear visitors, then can not train, car, didn't also the crane, the pieces have two or three one thousand catties of stone and building materials are carried by manpower, modern is an unheard of, it is no wonder that the world recognized it is a miracle!

To visit the Great Wall, and everyone to remember a word: not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall! Only witnessing the predecessors of the great creation, can be in the way of life to become a real bawcock!

Today is to visit here, welcome next time! Thank you all!




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Dali tower is located in the north of Dali should Bruno lafont, three towers, vigorous, is one of the surface between the erhai lake. Dali had been known to the charm of three towers, I want to go to play in Dali three towers once, finally in the last summer vacation, mom and dad took me to visit three towers for a day. Remember that day, the weather is sunny, we go to where, then take the three towers tourism special line, Dali footprints to Dali tower park.

In the three towers outside the park gate, got off the bus, I was fascinated by the view, palatial doors, door on the eaves and on both sides of the door, painted is full of all sorts of color is gorgeous; In the front of the door is a clean SLATE road, stone path in front of an artificial dug out of the stream, stream on the bottom, the small stone bridge built several with white marble frame in the stream, stream lined with weeping willows, a vibrant spring scenery, make the person feel better a lot.

We bought tickets, from the door of the park to walk in. Comes in at the door, first of all to meet us is paved with marble slab channel, channel is grass and all kinds of trees and white green belts on both sides, I also heard the wonderful music in the park, I am curious looked around and found in some corner of the green belts, put some miniature sound, the sound of the outside packing in some of the stones, if there is no music, thought it was an ordinary stone, I hear the music is coming out of these seemingly ordinary stones. I admire landscape stylist elaborate design, it's not easy. Continue to go forward, got to the square in front of the tower, the magnificent marble tower like optimus prime help standing in front of us, the whole square is paved with a film strip of marble, it gives three towers added a kind of elegant, solemn atmosphere. Along the ascending the steps of the square, near the bottom of winter jasmine flowers open, seems to say to us: "welcome you". Standing under the three towers, face them, I couldn't help to awestruck by three towers, the experienced so much snow, rain, wind and frost still stood upright, witnessing the history change, have no fear.

After finished visit magnificent tower, we also visited some other tower park attractions, the buddhist temple is one of the most. Each of the appearance of the buddhist temple architecture and design are the same, just the inside of the figure of Buddha, listen to the tour guide said, it's because of the different buddhist temple consecrate Buddha, such as the drop of a buddhist temple consecrate is the god of wealth, the statue is like the god of wealth. Each to a buddhist temple, there are a lot of visitors to bow down, and burn incense there, some people, to worship, incense, chanting in the mouth, my mother told me that it was telling the Buddha that his wish. Buddhist temple in the tall statue is let me remember in the face of the shining smile in the Ursa major statues of maitreya Buddha, legend has it that he USES his smile purdue beings, makes the peaceful country and safe people, he was the first buddhist, with the power of the universal, and because of his kindness, so love the world.

A day's journey to end soon, it grew dark down, and return the original way, we had three towers that I want to do the coach in the park, but mom and dad don't agree with, say walking exercise can also save money slowly appreciate the scenery in the park again. Swim three tower park really is happy one day, if there is an opportunity, I want to go to swim three tower park.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3401 字

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The dujiangyan irrigation project is located in the chengdu plain in sichuan minjiang river on the west side of the western city of dujiangyan, 56 km away from chengdu. Was built in 256 BC, is the warring states period, qin shu satrap bing leads the people to build a large water conservancy projects, up to now still in irrigated farmland, is the well-being of the people of the great water conservancy project. Its is characterized by s long, undammed diversion, is the ancestor of the world water culture. The project is mainly composed of yuzui water-dividing dike, fly sand dam spillway, the three most BaoPingKou inlet and baizhang dike, herringbone dam and other accessory works, scientifically solve the automatic distributary river (the yuzui water-dividing dike allocation water), automatic and sand (second from the yuzui water-dividing dike eight sand), control the water flow (BaoPingKou and fly sand dam), eliminates the floods. The irrigation area of 668700 hectares, 1998 irrigation area has reached more than 40 counties.

Consists of feeding hub, dujiangyan irrigation area water diversion channels at all levels, all kinds of engineering buildings and big small and medium-sized reservoirs and rivers of a large engineering system, carrying out the sichuan basin in the central and western regions 7 cities (ground) 36 counties (city, area) more than 10.03 million acres of farmland irrigation, more than 50 key enterprises of chengdu and urban water supply, and flood control, power generation, and floating water, aquatic products, aquaculture, multiple target integrated services such as fruit, tourism, environmental protection, is irreplaceable in sichuan province, the national economic development and water conservancy infrastructure, the size of its irrigation area in the country.

Dujiangyan is located in minjiang river alluvial plain of the valley into the river, it irrigation sculling county east of chengdu plain, white on the farmland. Original through the topography of steep hills of the upper reaches of minjiang river, once in the chengdu plain, water speed slow down suddenly, thus placing a lot of sediment and rocks deposited then, siltation of the river.

Every rainy season, the minjiang river and other tributaries of the watershed waters often overrun; Rain is insufficient, will cause drought. Long before dujiangyan into 2, three hundred, the ancient shu kingdom cuckoo king for liberal, open a artificial river in the mountain area of minjiang river, minjiang river water into the river, in addition to the damage. ,

Dujiangyan irrigation area is the most economically developed areas in sichuan province, is the heart of politics, economy and culture in sichuan. "The jie people spirit", history is the "land of abundance" reputation. Irrigation area within the natural landscape, cultural landscape, city huacai and urban scenery, colorful, beautiful. Irrigation and water conservancy, dotted, each exhibition charm, each has its own characteristics, pleasing, "people's canal, DongFengQu, sanhe weir, weir, float water"; the black dragon pool, sancha lake, reservoir, lake ripple twinkling; longquan scored, characterized by open, water rises ". Full irrigation area presents the "long walk on the ground, the Milky Way the sky flow; rainbow valley, happiness.to the pinghu" grand picture.









范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 35904 字

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Humble administrator's garden was built in the Ming dynasty, Wang Xianchen master the zoo first. Him in jiajing, zhengde years in the supervision of the empire, in official career is not satisfied, come back from the office to buy land landscape, borrow the recluse "" compensated" place of the sentence, humble administrator's garden. Park main attractions are: LanXueTang, pavilions, Shu sweet lotus pavilion, looking pavilion, far from the hall, small, pavilions, green blue waves pavilion, etc.

Dominated points east, middle, west, home four parts. The residence is a typical residence in suzhou, now decorate for garden museum exhibition hall. East and lively open and bright, with flat, distant mountains, pine forest lawn, bamboo dock water is given priority to. The main attractions are: LanXueTang, compose yunfeng, pavilions, day spring pavilion, lotus Shu incense pavilion, etc. Humble administrator's garden in essence, the water area accounts for a third, give priority to with water, wide pool tree alum, natural view, arrangement of the water in the form is differ, strewn at random discretion, primary and secondary and clear. The main attractions are: far hong tong, xiangzhou, wind pavilion, small mountains tower, the flying all around, loquat garden, etc. Western main body building for near the home side longmont yuanyang pavilion, pool assumes the rue droit-mur, its main characteristics for the Taiwan pavilion points ups and downs, corridor, the reflection waves, interest, beautifully decorated. Main attractions: thirty six yuanyang pavilion, reflection, and who sat with hin, water corridor, etc.

East garden is introduced

LanXueTang: is the main hall, the east TangMing take meaning on li bai "independent between heaven and earth, the wind is aspersed LanXue" verse. Was built in Ming chongzhen eight years (1635), according to the Lord Wang Xinyi "belongs to the garden and field in" records, LanXueTang for five jacaranda thatched cottage, "something means to screen, then there are mountain, such as painting, and all kinds of clubs. Mae have bamboo, bamboo SengShe, DanMu brahman, when" from the bamboo, secluded environment. Hall before two tree pinus bungeana and vigorous like, verdant bamboo wall, and Shi Linglong lake, green grass clamp diameter, wall is linked together. Hall sits three studio, "LanXueTang" plaque hanging high, long window to the ground, the center of the hall divided by screen door, screen door to the south for a pair of carved lacquerware, panoramic view of the humble administrator's garden, "north for the bamboo figure, screen door are all made of suzhou traditional carved lacquerware craft, screen door on both sides of the partition board and skirt board inscribed with characters.

Compose yunfeng: LanXueTang north, peaks tower in the shadow of the green bamboo, mountain northwest bimodal coexistence, named "wall". Compose yunfeng, couplet peak to belong to the garden and field wall in garden scenic spot. Wang Xinyi "belongs to the garden and field", before LanXueTang pool, "fanaw have peak, cloud compose Miao trees, yue compose yunfeng. The name given to the pool they left two peaks, like the palm like sails, peak of united wall." Fold two peaks of the late Ming dynasty stone masters Chen works like a cloud, the lake stone, exquisite, renew the Zhao Songxue at the end of the yuan dynasty landscape painting as template. Compose yunfeng form gradually from bottom to top shape is large, its top YouWei, such as cloud, bully independence, no support. Summer night in 1943, compose yunfeng suddenly Pi. Later, in the garden, under the guidance of experts Wang Xingbo to pile into the up to two zhangs, and exquisite YaoJiao qifeng, peeling, and now the peak moss vines mixed and disorganized, there is no lack of ancient meaning.

The pavilions of the lotus: pavilions is a very beautiful ancient Chinese architectural form, with the surrounding scenery, constitute, and flexible in form. Hibiscus pavilions for volume shed roof rested on the top of the hill, the four corners to fly up, half built on the bank, half into the water, the spirit empty frame on the water wave, stands near the water, beautiful qian qiao. This wonderful facing wide pool, pool, is a good place to admire the lotus in summer. Walk lotus pavilions, pinglan, finding, visible green pool, make-up water, romantic beauty like a graceful fairy on mesh face-physick out of China and the United States, the breeze suddenly, a piece of green waves, sent the fragrant lotus,... Enjoy a taste of the lotus flower is beautiful, elegant and noble character.

Day spring pavilion, is a double-hipped roof was fixed, the eaves tall and external form the cloister, solemn plain, has the sit sill wai column, can take a rest. Pond surrounded by lawns, flowers and trees. Small pavilion beiping hills, slope, lush vegetation. Pavilion is "day spring" this name, because it has a well under, CiJing perpetual desiccation, water quality sweet, thus known as "spring". According to "the qianlong cheung chau county annals" records, the yuan dynasty, a teacher and a temple with a temple called big macro. For hundreds of years, ze monk living there, and set up a "east". Spring has well before lent, referred to as "day". Suzhou is a gesturing across, river, bridge, and well, but the history is rare. Wang Xinyi built "belongs to the garden and field house", has kept it, also make the garden smooth add how much pastoral scenery.

Shu incense pavilion: Shu incense, paddy fragrance, wall before all is farmland, the harvest season, autumn wind sent waves of rice fragrance, is glorious, the pavilion also hence the name. Shu incense pavilion for the main architecture of the east, hills of flour and water, as the structure of single eaves jehiel mountain, indoor capacious and bright, long window on the apron boxwood carving, a total of 48, according to expert textual research, one for "the west chamber", another one is "good luck". There, in "the west chamber" a "will yuanyang ying-ying went jumping the wall", "copy red" and "pavilion farewell" scenarios, such as fine chase, rich layers, lifelike. The setting sun, with a long afterglow on in Shu incense pavilion floor window. With delicate apron woodcarving, decorated Shu incense pavilion of primitive simplicity is elegant, full of interest.

Han qing ting: garden architecture, with the change of the booth. Pavilion is a kind of roof without wall of the hut, and exquisite lighter, generally by the roof, scape and stylobate of three parts. Point of view, the view in the garden, and for a nap, enjoy the cool, rain shelter. Humble administrator's garden pavilion more not only, and have different forms. Han qing pavilion at the corner, the space is relatively narrow range. But gardening bottom with tall, white wall, built a modular half pavilion, a second from Lord, pick out the main pavilion flat seat above the water, is like a waterside pavilion, both sides vice pavilion slightly backward, toward the left and right sides, like a gallery, the gallery, the main pavilion hair two peak, vice pavilion a peak, the entire pavilion is like a phoenix, wings to fly to flat, drab wall added flying electromotive force. Leaning TingBian beauty by small sit, the skylight cloud water, brocade carp, lotus lotus QingDang.

In the garden is introduced

Lean on rainbow pavilion: in the straight porch corridor to the west, sitting east toward the west, behind the gallery &, shuimu KuangYuan before, is an excellent after enter in the garden. Bamboo pavilion is the right of living, passing a have a stone Bridges, the name "rainbow bridge", bridge, stone reflects the style of the Ming dynasty, is a relic of humble administrator's garden in Ming dynasty. Standing in the middle of the pavilion, open water, winding division of the water. Midsummer, pond full of lotus red type green cover, a piece of jiangnan amorous feelings. Peep of deep shade, a beautiful, exquisite pagoda, this is the technique of using borrow scene, outside the garden thousands of metres north temple tower borrowing in the garden. Is "far" borrow scene "borrow" of the case.

The bamboo of living: the unique architectural style, clever chic the bamboo is a square, as the central ChiDong accent. The gallery pavilion peripheral red white walls, cornices, newborn back against the corridor, in the face of wide pool, a phoenix tree shade, bamboo, the living feeling. Pavilion wonderful place is surrounded by white walls opened four circular burrows, hole ring hole, hole hole, can be seen in different Angle of overlapping circle ring, ring, even the strange landscape. Four round David already fully, daylighting, elegant, and formed four beautiful window, framed by a small bridge flowing water, lakes and mountains, the bamboo of classical beautiful scene images, it interesting. "The bamboo of living" plaques for Wen Zhiming body. Concept of "cool, cool breeze Ming borrow move water watch mountain" couplets for the qing dynasty famous calligrapher zhao zhiqian written books, a laparoscope, usually connected to a part two borrowed words, points out the human and romantic, intimate love in harmony with nature; Bottom allied with a quiet move, one virtual real mutual foil, contrast, set each other off becomes an interest.

Snow sweet YunWeiTing: incense, refers to the plum blossom. YunWei, flowers and trees flourish. This pavilion is suitable for early spring to admire the plum, pavilion next to the plant may, fragrant. Bamboo grove around the green, lush trees, around the stream plate line, to have the taste of city forest. Pavilion is rectangle, on the pool Midwest heaped-up mountains, plain appearance and light, booth in plaques "between" mountain wild birds for contemporary artists Qian Juntao book.

Autumn harvest pavilion: garden grow a lot of loquat, loquat pregnant bud, bloom in winter, the spring as a result, the mature in summer, containing the gas of the four seasons, formed a pill with gold. Harvest pavilion, both for the praise of the jiangnan gardens, and harvest festival. Outside the pavilion wall in the middle of a square humanly scaled, humanly scaled side is accompany, stone beside the winter wintersweet, summer has a banana, and form a natural three-dimensional picture. Through the loquat garden burrows, harvest pavilion and fragrant snow YunWeiTing formed a set of places and this is one of the art of gardening technique.

Listen to woo hin

In the east of harvest pavilion, with the surrounding building corridors connect. Hin before a congested water, plant have lotus; After the pool has a banana, bamboo, porch also grow a clump of banana, set each other off. Five dynasties south down the poet Li Zhongyou poems said: "rain fall bamboo, a monk by old chess". Song dynasty poet compose poems said: "autumn rain sigh" rain "in half yellow lotus leaf green, two a voice". Modern suzhou horticulturist Zhou Shoujuan "banana" poems said: "the banana was raining on the rain, in the dream of broken jade ring." Here has a banana, bamboo, lotus leaf, whether spring, summer, autumn and winter, as long as it is a rainy night, because of the rain falls on different plants, coupled with the rain of different state of mind, since can hear the rain of each has its appeal, wonderful, do not have lasting appeal.

Haitang spring basin: lean on rainbow winding corridor, exquisite pavilion east tracery wall separating independent yard is haitang spring basin. The scroll type brick of chic modelling, embedded in the courtyard south of the wall. Nosocomial haitang several strains of spring flower is abundant, blushing like small jasper show appearance brilliant quality, superb unique kind of beauty. The estrogen acura of men of letters. The courtyard floor with green red and white three color cobble Mosaic and ChengHaiTang pattern. In the tea table decoration patterns are the Chinese flowering crabapple pattern. Everywhere there are attractions, the courtyard is small, quiet and tastefully laid out, is an ideal place to study have a rest.

Far hong tong: far hong tong for all hall, the humble administrator's garden is the central part of the subject construction, in the original MingZhengDe if the site of a luxury hall, built by qing emperor qianlong, bluestone foundation is the time of the original object. And its surface water building, single eaves jehiel the top of the hill, width between the three. The spacious hall of Peiping, kuang lang clear the pond. HeChi broad, red type green cover, pleasant fragrance. TangMing take zhou dunyi "wang" of "XiangYuan yi qing" in the sentence, the water through the plant lotus, due to the lotus name. Summer in the pool of lotus leaf tiantian, Dutch wind lifted, fragrant far, is the good place of appreciation. Park owner borrow from yu, expressed the landowner's sentiments. Inside the hall decoration transparent and exquisite glass French window, specifications, due to the long window nearby, around the scene of each has its appeal, mountain light watermark, panoramic view, like viewing landscape scroll. Elegant and refined indoor display.

Is water, small flying: suzhou humble administrator's garden is water park, water and bridge. In the humble administrator's garden masonry bridge, stone bridge, etc., small flying style is very special. Is the only covered Bridges in suzhou garden. In the song dynasty of the northern and southern dynasties BaoZhao "baiyun" poem "the flying jams Qin He, generic fog light string named". Scarlet bridge are reflected in the water, water waves, like the flying, so the thought of. Rainbow, it is after a storm comes a calm after a brilliant we across the land, the ancients to rainbow YuQiao, wonderful. It is not only a connection channel of water and land, and constitute a unique landscape with the center of the bridge. Little fly to hongqiao for three cross Shi Liang body, slightly arched, show eight word. Bridge deck railing on both sides with a swastika, three, eight columns, covered corridor room, decorated with upside down under eaves fang lintel, connected with song gallery on both ends of the bridge, is a beautiful covered Bridges.

Small: blue waves surging wave in northern song dynasty? Su Shunqin "surging waves pavilion called" cabinet, moral claustral retirement. Width between the three small pavilion, south north window sill, two face water, appearance is very chic, like room the room, like a ship FeiChuan, like bridge, the bridge, is entirely a ShuiGe planes on the surface of the water. ShuiGe across the pool, to divide the water again, builds the garden water in the end of the end, seemingly endless artistic skill. Ting corridor around, open water quiet courtyard. Formerly suzhou's old city numerous scholars, senators, both values house and general housing, all pay special attention to small space decorate, this little space is the courtyard, and the water garden is the unique small blue waves, on the one hand, it embodies the jiangnan amorous feelings, on the other hand, because the water landscape, yard inside and outside borrow scene with each other and build a special cool and refreshing environment.

Wind ShuiGe: pine, bamboo and plum in Chinese traditional culture is referred to as "poetic age", the literati freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese garden, especially love planted this kind of plant to "than", to express thoughts and feelings of the master. The cold depth, stays, the ancients will have noble moral sentiment, "the. Loose the vigorous like that attitude is drawn into the figure, often is one of the main species of Chinese garden. Wind ShuiGe also known as "listen to the wind place", is to look at the pine listen to the tao. The ShuiGe pavilion, your space is closed, the small discrepancy between gallery, the remaining three sides on the structure wall plus half the window. Roof eaves super-large, cornices case become warped, especially high, show the elegant demeanour that fluttered about, elegant light spirit, the entire building is not using structured south north direction, but the oblique Angle of 45 degrees, volley in the water, can avoid Yang ventilation, viewing the most suitable for the summer. Pavilion side of the plant have large number of strains, the wind blows over, pine away, song tao, color is ready, a landscape is a distinctive flavour.

Xiangzhou: xiangzhou is "matter" type structure, there are two layers of the tank floor, perfect the elegant and free and easy, its motions are reflected in the water, more appear center and graceful. Xiangzhou ideals and sentiments of the literati. Xiangzhou, with qu yuan's "FangZhou" allusions, chu "in" with qin xi biddy mining FangZhou xi rico, "sentences. Ancient often vanilla metaphor as lofty, vanilla with lotus landscape metaphor here, is also very appropriate. In numerous beautiful in Chinese classical garden, the humble administrator's garden xiangzhou is probably the most beautiful one shape. Is a bow, front is a pavilion, in the cabin for the pavilions, stern is cabinet, cabinet on the floor, line downy, proportion size is proper, reminiscent of the ancient suzhou, hangzhou, mountain water, yangzhou region soft, original scene like a cloud. Xiangzhou located in the water, as the stream of east, west and north and south river interchange, bounded by water on three sides, one side in accordance with the shore, of article three stone springboard "ship", standing in the bow, wave ripples, surrounded by open and bright, garden xiuse, makes the heart. The hot sun hot summer here but lotus gusty wind, lifted up his eyes, and cool and refreshing. There is written Wen Zhiming TiE xiangzhou bow, also specifically for the inscription of later generations. Xiangzhou this land boat, construction technique and elegant delicate, fascinating, make the person feel a kind of pursuit of noble personality.

Lotus pavilion: all around wind pavilion name due to load, is located in the central park pool island, budai, water in the lake lotus graceful net plant, the shore willow branches filar silk dance, pavilion single eaves hexagon, connect fully, all pavilion with column in the league: "lotus flowers all around three and a half face willow, tam colchicine well." In here is very appropriate. Especially the word "wall" in the league, pavilion buildings is the most open and without the wall between the column, so the line of sight from the shade, bright feel empty, although no wall, but three Banks of the river willows thrive, and surrounded by lotus surrounded, not collected around became a green wall of the soft? Moving exaggeration and rich imagination, gave the island pavilion even more colorful, slim and graceful. The wind wall motion, and the green waves rolling, fragrance 4 excessive, color, aroma, delicate shape. Spring willow light, summer lotus yan, autumn, winter hill is static, Dutch wind pavilion is not only the most appropriate summer heat, and is suitable for four seasons. If the wind from a height overlooking the lotus pavilion all around, but saw booth out of the water, cornices rippers andalusite tall and straight, base white jade, is clearly full TangHe holding a shone bright pearl.

See mountains: mountain building surrounded on three sides by water, on both sides of the mountain, from the west by flat roads into the underlying, while upstairs after climbing the mountain corridor or rockery stair. It is a residential buildings, the jiangnan style double-hipped roof tent, rested on the top of the hill, gentle slope, white wall tiles, colour quietly elegant, MingWa upstairs window, the wind of of primitive simplicity. The bottom is called the "lotus root shaughnessy", set the prince on the verandah along the water, when a nap may can view of thought, to admire the lotus, far the picturesque scene is grounds generally unfolds before our eyes. To the upper floor to see mountain, tao yuanming a yue: "picking tori, carefree and see nanshan." High building open, can be in the garden scenery panoramic view. The spring garden new cui, outstanding displays; Summer is the wind xu, fragrant lotus fragrance of; Autumn poolside rushes the wind chill bleak; Pleasant winter house full of warm Yang, snow. Previously, no tall buildings in suzhou city, telescopic, the building can be out of the outskirts of mountains. Legend has it the king of the taiping heavenly kingdom zhong qing xianfeng years building of political office. See mountain building and not dangerous, and smooth, with the surrounding scenery constitute a balanced picture.

Yulan hall, yulan hall, is an independent closed quiet courtyard, the master in the humble administrator's garden residential area and the border area of the garden, is the Lord met with the guests and handle the daily affairs of the main places, yulan hall tall and spacious yard cabinet and delicate. South wall tall, like paper, rattan grass painting on the wall, under the wall with a flower bed, tianzhu and bamboo grove, the lake stone number peak, yulan and osmanthus flowers, color, aroma and pleasant. Yulan hall has a "pen flower hall", and Wen Zhiming's former residence "pen flower hall" in the same name. This shows that when the Lord Wang Xianchen with Wen Zhiming between different general close relationship; Moreover, "the dream having flowers" is the ancient literati, a pursuit of creative inspiration. Reading in the painting, is a great enjoyment in life.

West park is introduced

Proper two pavilion: in the new world, on the left there is a rockery. Along the rockery stone, there is a hexagonal pavilion is located in the top of the mountain, that is "appropriate two pavilion". It faces Yu Zhongyuan and west park boundary cloud wall, pavilion base is higher, six sides, buy window pane for plum flower pattern. On appropriate two pavilion, overlooking the central scenery. Garden view, from the view of the progressive transformation unfolds, appropriate two pavilions highlighted on the gallery ridge, make whole garden scenery become stretches, form a very profound landscape space, this is a gardening technique on a typical example of "neighbor borrowed". "Appropriate" from an interesting story. Bai juyi in the tang dynasty and yuan ZongJian neighborship, there are tall willows leaned out of the walls in the yard, can enjoy it for two. Bai juyi wrote poems to praise way: "good moon night with three diameter, and the green Yang Yi for two spring", to the analogy between neighborhoods in harmony. That year, the humble administrator's garden in central and western all belong to two, west park owners do not build high-rise buildings, instead, piled mountain pavilion. He can see his envy in the pavilion in the garden scenery, and in the garden owner in the garden can be overlooking pavilions towering appeal, borrow the pavilion into the landscape, landscape, rich far zai! A pavilion should be two, add more add scene, and in this way, a good poem, a much-told story, makes a wonderful pavilion, a scenery.

Waveform corridor: garden border in XiHuaYuan and a water corridor, is rare elsewhere. Look from the surface, the water gallery is "L" ring pool layout, divided into two segments, built by the water, the south from the entrance to the new world, to longmont yuanyang pavilion; Section in reflection floor, dangling in the water. Here is a space, west park in water wall, as the boundary between the two garden cross there, how to plan a scene is a pause. Clever artisan borrow wall of corridor, ling water and build, with a unique place of survival is safe technique to break the wall rigidity, depressing situation, the gallery of the overhead, like plank road, according to the water made winding ups and downs, ways, make the landscape space full of elasticity, has the rhythm and rhythm. From south to north, and, after a series of morphological changes, a sudden sharp turn, pull it away from the garden wall, make the highlight on the tank, low water, or air, the gallery roof changes such as pavilion cover, the water in the vertical columns column, two small like DiaoTai, on the reflection waveform corridor near the floor near the end, one hole is set in the lower part of the tunnel, let corridor cross over, in the garden, west water system are interlinked, the gallery body too high to high. If far water corridor, is like changhong lying wave, splendid.

XiHuaYuan longmont yuanyang pavilion: is the main part of building, the elegant and luxuriant, called "18 datura flower pavilion", south north called "longmont yuanyang pavilion". A building at the same time, there are two names, this is a form of the mandarin duck hall of ancient building, in order to screen, cover, yarn Ge, a hall can be divided into two beams with flat, with round, like a merger of two into the hall, and its role is the southern half like in winter and spring, the northern half like summer, autumn. Mandarin duck hall width between the three, appearance is hard to the top of the hill, the plane square, the four corners of corner all have sophisticated wing of the pavilion, also called NuanGe. The northern half of pick out of the water, shored up by eight pillar pavilion built in the pool. In the middle of the hall of ginkgo wood carving glass screen will hall a separated in two. Which (hall) after linqing pool, summer, autumn when pushed lotus of the visible HeChi floating window, girlfriend, when the eastern han dynasty general huo guang "chisel (in) the garden pool, five-color water lily, yuanyang thirty six pairs, hope it can is if the beatles kam", the pavilion in its meaning, plaques is clear to manage to originate in suzhou top HongJun inscribed. Suzhou out talents since ancient times, the Ming and qing dynasties top ranked among the top nationwide, HongJun is one of them. He in folklore became a legendary figure, mostly because he was married to a generation of famous prostitute "golden flower to be his wife. The story of the golden flower was later people write novels, HongJun is that much more famous. South hall is 18 datura flower pavilion, like the winter and spring, remaining hall south xiangyang, yard fence is wind and warm, and make the interior has the right amount of sunlight. Datura flower camellia. Qing dynasty, Zhang Lvqian built this pavilion has 18 strains of rare plant camellia, winter flowers wither, camellia is as proud of snow wintersweet purples dou, "tree head thousands of flower of fire, cx to burn the red half a day." Showed vigorous vitality, showing a unique beauty, this pavilion plaques is suzhou in late qing dynasty by another top Liu Runxiang. Top and hong top lu hong in the suzhou dialect, homophonic "red, green" lu this red (flood) a green (lu) with two of them for the same city construction write plaques, for the hall. Longmont yuanyang pavilion ceiling adopts four volumes of arched shape, bending and beautiful, both on the top of the cover frame, and use the curved roof to reflect a sound, enhance the sound effect, make the lingering sound waves, leaves a has been. Master friends dinner, receive a visitor, have a rest here, the environment elegant, paved a square red woollen blanket in the hall, the flute flute, sing sing song. Display antique, calligraphy and painting hanging panel, furniture configuration is exact.

Reflection: reflection is given priority to with watching the water reflection of attractions. Floor is divided into two layers, the downstairs is for "worship" of wen yi shen, refers to the Wen Zhiming, shen refers to shen Chou (ishida), the two are of suzhou, a famous painter, shen Chou or Wen Zhiming's teacher. Humble administrator's garden is famous jiangnan, is with the great painter, the poet Wen Zhiming inseparable. , west park garden advocated more modest to express their admiration of love, Yu Guangxu 20 years (1894) was built to commemorate the building, his collection of Wen Zhiming, Shen Shitian portrait and the wang's humble administrator's garden, rubbings and YuSu lu book's stone fill garden, embedded in the two wall around downstairs. Banqiao's calligraphy and painting an original middle apron on. On one side of the surface water in the column installed between fully and exquisite window, window contains wooden low hurdles. Relies on the bar, but by water view. Left accompanying waveform promenade, right "sit with who xuan", especially the reflection of the scenery picturesque, all in the eyes. Underwater moon, the cloud pool, wave shadow floating, scenery. Upstairs is park owner daughter-in-law wang's study. Around the building through planting osmanthus flowers numerous, autumn to admire the remaining of the reward given, cinnamon, such as drinkers' wager game people drunk. Reading, copying, or poetry, and viewing joyful painting, all environment but person, dark sweet and lovely.

Sit with who hin: a small pavilion very chic, restore folding fan. Su dongpo words "sit with who? The moon, the wind, I", so named "sit with who xuan". Hin, water and plane shape for the fan, roof, porch door, humanly scaled, stone desk, stone, porch roof, chimney and wall plaques, gooseneck chair, half bar into arc shape, so it is also called the "fan pavilion". Hin in both sides of the fan humanly scaled hang du fu's poem league "Jiang Shanru needs, take willow from selfless." Eg fan pavilion is located in the foothills near the water, the geographical position, tree height and the males, stone house stood still, people in the porch, whether it is leaning against the door and looked at, pinglan overlook, or in accordance with the window myopia, small sit and rest, can feel the beauty around. After the fan pavilion heaped-up mountains there is a small pavilion, said dai li pavilion ". "Dai li" is a broad rimmed bamboo hat, pavilion as round shape, at the top of the slope is gentle, like a top a broad rimmed bamboo hat, in the flourishing grass tree, slam the door all decoration, simple. Mountain kiosk, collocation is symmetrical, lined by passing a landscape, peremptory a dai fisherman fishing, carefree. Predecessors had written word shout: "flowers she push a mark green, smoke cloud edges lot latent pavilion. Au before dai li eaves domain safety certificate, just for fishing. Red chardonnay edge yamadera Cain, green wrinkled river in the picture. My official willow tree girder around LongLing, sat listening to warbler." Sit with who hin and dai li ting is two different landscape architecture art, is also relatively rare in the classical gardens of pictographic architecture. Pavilion, porch, one integrated mass. Dai li has an octagonal two-storey pavilion, lofty style, really is remarkable. Lush trees on the mountain, lush, building seems to be floating on a piece of green shade, therefore is called "floating cui pavilion". Modelling towering volley, facade Ge fan decorated with beautiful pictures. 's cabinet look around, but see clear aqua green mountains, clear sky, garden green, a vibrant, relaxed and happy making a person, do not think to return. Fan pavilion, pavilion, the floating pavilion, the geographical position is in turn by the water, mountains, mountain, they come in all shapes and sizes, from low to high, step by step, like the scales of duo, for, microphones, coherent whole, make people intoxicated in this beautiful melody.

Leave room cabinet: for single cabinet, tiny, round window, cabinet front platform, the most worthy of a look in the cabinet is the qing dynasty ginkgo wood three-dimensional carved pine, bamboo and plum, magpie fly cover, embossing, engraved look, round, the combination of the art of using saber skilled, skilled and clever, the age of "poetic" and "magpie on mei" soft together two kinds of design, juncture place a trace, like nature itself, is the garden cover rare high-quality goods. Looked from the overall appearance, leave to pavilion is an abstraction of ship hall, hall, a former platform such as the bow. On the left side of the pond full of lotus, lotus laid during the growth, bud, flower, fruit is appearance state, ornamental period of expertise, from late spring pool surface emitted a little green canopy with pool money to summer, until the autumn thick leaves and flowers, each stage has its unique beauty. As the saying goes, no one hundred days red, beautiful flowers and eventually make dust "completion" zero mud ground, flowers and dry bleak outlook for difficult to see, only the autumn withered lotus pond but don't have a kind of incomplete beauty artistic conception, li shangyin has "left to the remaining listen to the rain" sentence, listen to cabinet is take the poetic and name. The flower faded, people already old, king of judah in, love unforgettable, touch the person state of mind, people who does. 44 back to a dream of red mansions, jia baoyu and Lin daiyu in gusu niang supports dynamic role of wood in the water with the touring, dai jade see full lotus pool, said I don't like most Li Yishan poem, just like his "keep the remaining listen to the rain..." Lin daiyu is a girl of great culture, sensitive, clever, but aloof and arrogant, don't want to go with the flow, so would the expression of li shangyin this cold quiet quiet beauty of poem. This is the description in the literary works, but she appreciates such a poetic realm XiHuaYuan also appear in the humble administrator's garden. The sounds of nature of nature, played in the Chinese garden or grand or joy or delight in the beauty of music.

Shadow pavilion: the pavilion from the top to the end and all round the pane are are octagon pattern, is one of the most beautiful buildings in the garden. Listen to it on the cabinet slipway, turn head tower shadow pavilion, feel wonderful to send. Narrow vertical drainage leading up to the level, have a certain distance, the depth of water bay is enhanced, the pavilion was fixed into the water, like a pagoda, dignified and pleasurable. True pavilion false, false or true is linked together, can yet be regarded as a unique landscape in the west garden. In the humble administrator's garden, there are two landscape related to pagoda. One is in lean on rainbow pavilion to see far outside the garden of north temple tower, one is this shadow pavilion by water. See in the garden in the pagoda is the entity, and see in XiHuaYuan pagoda is incorporeal. Whether false or true lookout tower tower house that let a person produce rich lenovo, leave deep impression. Shadow pavilion's position is not prominent, has reached the end of the garden. Smart master in water will far built a small pavilion, if compared the entire west park to the beautiful music melody, so their shadow pavilion Is the final quarter note. Screeching halt music let a person feel abrupt, and here are the shadow pavilion is form the complete movement. Even better, not only have a booth, but, as the song heritage sound aftertaste, aftertaste letting a person.

In the humble administrator's garden for a walk, the feeling is good, scenery is very beautiful, no matter which Angle is a picture.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1951 字

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Dear friends, today we are going to visit is the Summer Palace. I am the guide from today - dong guide.

Now our point is tourism, Beijing's drive to the Summer Palace is about two hours!

Dear friends, do you know why called h and the Summer Palace? Now I will tell you about!

The name of the yard "and" cixi has its own meaning. Say first h word, when maintenance, is synonymous with "a" in this sense, such as "salarymen" "h god raises a gender. Say and words, the original value of harmony, coordination, and the human body if lose harmony, will get sick, so the word "and" extended to health. Choose "and" as YuanMing empress dowager cixi, visible purpose is expected to keep their body as well. Is that clear?

To get off, the Summer Palace! Dear visitors, we have been at the entrance to the Summer Palace. According to the direction of my finger now, around the hall, you can see the famous promenade!

We are now seeing this corridor of more than seven hundred meters long, divided into two hundred and seventy-three. , each cross between sill has a colorful picture, painted figures, flowers and landscape, thousands of painting is no two are the same picture? Isn't it?

Look, on both sides of the corridor is full of flowers and trees, the flowers haven't xie, the flowers opened again, many varieties, right?

Now on the longevity hill, standing in front of Buddha incense looking down, most is the Summer Palace and garden scenery in fundus. Lush trees, set off the wall of the glazed tile roof and scarlet. Very beautiful!

The Summer Palace is so beautiful, I a person also said not over, now is the time of you free activity, three hours later we are to meet at the gate!

Dear visitors! The Summer Palace beautiful not beautiful? Beauty is beauty, but also a lot of fun. But we also have to go back again the beautiful scenery! Have the opportunity to come again next time!




范文类型:导游词,全文共 1871 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2470 字

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Paris, the capital of the French republic, historical and cultural city, one of the world's most bustling metropolis.

A history of 2000 years, as the capital of France also has more than 800 years, is an ancient capital city

And there is a beautiful name - huadu

But the meaning of the "flower" is not the flowers, it is the "romantic".

Paris is the city of real flowers. Call it "flower". Whether it is on the table, on the balcony, in the yard, or in front of the window, the street, people's arms, eyeful is blooming flowers, intoxicating fragrance filled the air. And those colorful flower blossoms and park, is to let people linger. This is a city with a history of more than 2000 years.

Compared to its reputation as a "romantic" in Paris, I felt more "flowers" this title is more appropriate, because it implies the diversity of the city. Indeed, one thousand people in the face of Paris, as in the face of one thousand different Paris. Noble, broad, solemn and quiet, energetic, and dissension, different people will have different feelings.

Paris city covers an area of 105 square kilometers, with seven provinces around it, and constitute a greater, covers an area of 12000 square kilometers, about more than 1000 people, this is Western Europe metropolis. The towering Eiffel Tower, resplendent and magnificent palace of Versailles, solemn arc DE triomphe, world famous Notre Dame DE Paris, etc., attracts tourists from all over the world come.

Paris, the famous landscape in addition to the Eiffel Tower, the arc DE triomphe, the Louvre ` Notre Dame DE Paris, there are more than 70 museums, numerous scenic spots and historical sites, the church square, if want to savor, 1 year is not enough.

Regardless of the other, say first Paris... !

Notre Dame DE Paris is located in the centre of Paris on the Seine cite, was founded in 1163, is the archbishop of Paris, Maurice DE sully decided to build, the whole church was completed in 1345, lasted more than 180 years.

Once had many great ceremony held here, such as read winning the second world war in 1945 hymns, and such as France's President, general DE gaulle's funeral in 1970. Notre Dame DE Paris is a stone building in the world history of architecture, known as the level of large stone symphony. Although this is a religious building, but its flashing the French people's wisdom, reflect people's pursuit and yearning for a better life.



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Cob (k ā), is Mongolian, meaning "the beautiful and rich, the mysterious". Natural reserve is located in the northwest of burqin kanas, located in China's border with kazakhstan, Russia, Mongolia gold district, natural ecological landscape and human landscape kept the original style and is known as the "pure land on earth". Kanas tourist area is the southern border with 48 ° 13 'north latitude, is bounded with acaroid township, east to the northwest border, the planning area of 10030 square kilometers, including kanas national nature reserve, national geological park, white khabarov kanas national forest park, jaden valley national forest park, burqin valley, acaroid valley, acaroid grassland and acaroid village, white khabarov village, three original tuva kanas village, village and so on at home and abroad enjoy - name seven natural landscape area and the three cultural landscape area, the kanas lake is known as "the world's most beautiful lakes.

The main rivers in the kanas river to preserve, from northeast to southwest across the entire district, injection of burqin river, strong erosion due to glaciers, formed by high mountain rivers, broaden and deepen gram coolers and lake kanas lake, just as two huge mirror, into a beaded set in the heart of kanas nature reserve, they belong to high mountain freshwater lakes. Kanas lake, like crescent moon, the 24 km long, 1.6 ~ 2.9 km wide, covers an area of 44.78 square kilometers, 10 times larger than famous bogurda tianchi exactly, the maximum depth of 188.5 meters, in addition to the border of mount paektu tianchi deepest (312.7 meters), it is the deepest of all the lakes in the our country inland.

Kanas lake surrounded by mountains and mountainous overlapping, peak white and forested, lush meadows, slopes of a piece of green, rippling the surface of the lake, the mountains reflected in the lake, the blue sky, white clouds, snow mountain, castle peak one integrated mass, and the green mountains and beautiful. Here obviously perpendicular band spectrum, silver light flashing, modern spectacular glaciers, glacier area in this area and ice reserves accounted for 74.46% of the altai mountains and 74.46% respectively. Mountainside, piedmont original Siberian taiga a green, lush, flowers bloom.

Kanas lake will be as the change of season and weather always change their colour: blue, or green or dark green or gray... And sometimes the both of color, shade, became a famous lake discoloration. By strong valley breeze waft, add the driftwood of kanas lake, inverse home-sick once more, the lake's bay in upstream of the cluster into km long beach, deadwood, colourful is a marvel of the kanas lake.

Kanas for cool alpine region, long summer without winter, spring and autumn period, the average July temperature of 15.9 ℃, frost-free period of 80 ~ 108 days, annual average rainfall of 1065.4 millimeters, air temperature is cool, very suitable for cool the growth of trees. Here is the cool plant species most areas in China, with tall larch, spruce tower, vigorous and five hieroglyphics, fir beautiful and graceful European aspen and birch warts branches such as constitute the main body of vegetation in the forest cover of 19.4%, north in forest land, forest was 82% higher. After the examination, kanas known 83 families, 298 genera and 798 species of plants, the five leaved pine, fir, shrub willow in xinjiang, xinjiang and Siberian rowan, elderberry, LuGen, lobular birch, altai rhubarb chicken leg and is the only area in China. Life has 39 species in kanas known beast, kanas has 22 eye belonging to 63 genera and 63 species of insects, with all kinds of flower butterfly most rich tourism ornamental value.

Kanas is not only rich in natural resources and biological species, and tourism environment and the humanities resources don't also extraordinary splendour. "Kanas" Mongolian is beautiful and rich, the meaning of the mysterious. Fills the yuan dynasty and the law by means of this meter were its yue: "who know western region, beginning letter is not ecstasy, east king three hundred round people, understand the feeling. Kanas, blue sky, white clouds, ice, snow mountain, forest, meadow, hand in photograph reflect with kanas lake river, lakes and mountains, has both north scenery of bold, and jiangnan landscape of jiao xiu, plus there is the "sea of clouds" Buddha's light "color lake" "driftwood" long beach "monster" sites including, greatness can not say how is the charming of the western regions, sea. As a UN official said: "this is the last piece of untapped place on earth, the past her existence proves that human being has good habitat".



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1988 字

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Originally red flower district county zhunyi, in northern guizhou, fruitful achievements, summer shade Holly, scenic, known as suck a pearl on the plateau.

Red granite tourism are mainly composed of zunyi conference site of the long march of cultural memory system, a medieval military castle dragon hoarding, "southwest underground art palace" -- - Yang's tomb, buddhist landmarks Jin Dingshan, xiang yamadera, peach brook temple and big plate water virgin forests and other historical sites and natural landscape, cultural connotation is rich, heavy unique tourism resources. City hills, green trees. Xiangjiang river, luo river across the city, zunyi park, Penn river park, phoenix mountain park and green river natural blend.

Red granite a humid subtropical monsoon climate, mild climate, four seasons all appropriate travel.

Safflower district in northern guizhou, areas.beiqi LouShan, wujiang river in the south, in chongqing municipality directly under the central government and the provincial capital guiyang, safflower district with eight street, eight town, old town streets, street view, austral street, south gate street, west street, boat water bridge street, changzheng town, zhongshan road, Beijing road, streets, street, lane that town, sales town, zhong zhuang town, dragon town, deep creek township, Taiwan international hills, new pu town.

Red flower district has been 800 years of history, through to suck in the political, economic and cultural center. The spring and autumn period and the warring states period belongs to all nations, is attached to the yelang. Qin and han dynasties all county, the tang dynasty for 13 years (AD 639) renamed state. 29 years Ming wanli (1601 AD) to zunyi military and civilian government. In 1914, the government of the republic of China, resuming zunyi county name. Officially set the city on November 25, 1949. On June 10, 1997, approved by the state council, revocation of county set up a red flower district benefits.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1904 字

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Dear visitors, welcome to Beijing's Forbidden City. Today by me to introduce you to the scenic spot here.

Please follow my steps, in front of us is the famous Palace Museum. Good, through the gate, we came to the palace to katyn three hall - the hall of supreme harmony, the largest temple folk known as "during". It was built in the eighteenth year of Ming yongle in 1420, the qing emperor kangxi thirty-four years was rebuilt in 1695, how much you guess the hall of supreme harmony is high, how much area? Yes, it is 35 meters high, is the area of 2377 square meters, about 55 as big classroom, by the 72 big pillars supporting the full weight, is the tallest building in the Forbidden City. You look! Inside is decorated splendid, right in the middle of a throne, throne and between the 6 panlong hypostyle column and to highlight the status of imperial inevitability. Using nanmu carve dragon throne, Kowloon paint gold and become, can be fine!

All right, front came to zhonghe palace. Neutralization hall of the temple of planar square, yellow colored glaze four saving pointed to can be magnificent! You know what? Then the emperor is here to kiss offerings, reading book.

We go forward together with me, the most prominent is the dragon carving on the clearing. This is the largest of the Forbidden City a stone. Stone long 16. 57 meters, width 3. 7 meters, the thick one. For more than 7 meters, weighing two hundred tons! You can close to see, the stone engraved with wrap around branch lotus patterns, the lower, for the briny river limit middle foil carved with cloud nine dragons playing and states dragon, dragon lifelike, fine carving.

Today's explanation to this end, we can visit on their own. I want to remind you: pay attention to see anything can't touch, in order to protect this rare cultural relics. We set here after 20 minutes. Good bye! I wish you all have fun.



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Welcome to changsha, hunan! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. In order to facilitate everyone to visit, let me first introduce the history of changsha in hunan province.

15-200000 years ago, human activity has started in changsha. About 7000 years ago, changsha began to form the village. About 2400 years ago in the spring and autumn period and the warring states period chu in changsha city. Until today, the site has not changed, more than 2000 years ago the location of the road and even today the streets are still coincidence, therefore, changsha become the longest in the history of Chinese city one of the cities at the same address.

The different historical period, changsha has "LinXiang", called "tam states"; Changsha tang and song dynasty and Ming dynasty and qing dynasty, its economy and culture as its most prosperous period in history. The earliest documented in the name of "changsha" ", wang shifu book will be about tribute "changsha turtle" say, more than 3000 years ago. Chow period of ningxiang county coal river site unearthed four sheep statue of bronze ware etc reflects the changsha area with the original a connection. Changsha, about 2400 years history of city construction, city was built in the spring and autumn period and the warring states period, chu. "The millet of changsha, chu also." ChuCheng king set county in guizhou, changsha as its scope. By qin qin shi huang unified China, changsha county 36 county, one of which is changsha starts with China's administrative division name go down in history. Han period, the capital city of changsha, changsha countries. In the early eastern han dynasty waste "changsha" appointed "changsha county" instead.

In The Three Kingdoms and the western jin dynasty period, changsha county governance, belong to the ancient jingzhou. The late western jin dynasty and the northern and southern dynasties, changsha county and hunan state system of governance.

Sui early withdrawal county, head of changsha as tam state government; The late change state for the county, and changsha, changsha county county governance. When set pool by the tang dynasty, once jiangnan road, Jiang Naxi way. Changsha kiln in the five dynasties period of the tang dynasty, once flourished, become the birthplace of under glaze color. Five dynasties and ten states period for changsha chu capital, which is the only country to changsha for capital.

When the song dynasty by the changsha to pool. Changsha yuelu academy, set up in the northern song dynasty to culture and education to the peak. The yuan dynasty in 1274 to pool state road, HuGuang province seat. Is still the tam state road 1281, hunan DaoXuan comfort seat, subordinate HuGuang provinces; Yuan literate admired day calendar for two years due to the "good" emperors name heaven road, yuan state seat change at the end of the pool. Ming to changsha FuZhi, originally department subordinate HuGuang. The qing emperor kangxi three years to build "hunan province", changsha as changsha government FuZhi and hunan province. When Ming and qing dynasties, changsha, there are four big market and big four, what he said, one of the most important market for China.

Late qing dynasty, zeng guofan became "the first person of hunan", the changsha government emerged important figure in Chinese history, such as Ceng Guoquan, zuo zongtang, Hu Linyi, such as elimination of the taiping heavenly kingdom, started the westernization movement, recovered in xinjiang, etc., cause profound influence to the late qing dynasty of China. Late qing dynasty and early republic of China, changsha become important political and revolutionary activities. The reform movement of Chen Baozhen, tan sitong, establishment of The Times in changsha school. ZiLiJun uprising, China after a sudden flash of inspiration, symbol of tian-hua Chen and Yao Hongye, clear ping feels ashamed uprising, rob rice agitation, are influential activities. Against the qing dynasty in the late qing dynasty made a series of qing dynasty, made great contribution to the establishment of the republic of China.



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One came to the aquarium, tall building gave me a sense of mystery, we can't wait to go in. Into the aquarium, I saw a big glass tank, water tank in the colorful rare fish seemed to welcome us to visit.

We walked along the tour route, visited many sea animals along the way: the terrible sharks, simple and honest as turtles, portrait paper soft electric ray, and I have never seen a hermit crab... Very good.

One of the most interesting thing in Marine gym is feeding the seal. I bought a copy of the seals are like to eat fish, clip on a stick, hanging in the seal above the pool. A group of seals found there is food, have to swim.

A greedy little seals and empty, want to eat fish, I hastened to handle a lift, it closed on empty air. It not voluntarily and at several times, all failed, it shouted "sigh". Satisfiedly smiled, didn't I think of it while I do not pay attention to, jumped suddenly, I caught off-guard, the fish was got by it. It licks contentedly mouth and swam away. Looked at seals that lovely and funny, we couldn't help laughing.

In addition, we also visited the coral fish, whale pavilion pavilion, penguins naval architect theatre and many other things, I also bought some souvenirs!

How time flies, one afternoon passed quickly. Visit the aquarium has taught me a lot of knowledge, understand a lot of fish, really benefited a lot!




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2020 字

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Wisps against the morning sun and the cool breeze, our family went on a country road mountaineering. About an hour or two, we across the rugged mountain path, through the narrow and long gravel road, pass by chic pretty little pavilion, through the bamboo forest, can't see the sun at last arrived. Climb over the high level, is a tall lush, grotesque trees, into a look, a sign that read "zhizhi toward the north," I don't understand, mother said to me explain, this tree is called "north zhizhi" according to legend is in honor of yue fei, look, the branches are toward the north, as the name suggests, then it dawned on me.

Then, we come to "longquan". See mountain spring from a big ball of stone bibcock mouth out, jiongjiongweishen eyes, mouth slightly lift eyebrows open-mouthed, how powerful leader! Drank from longkou, it is said, "holy water" can eliminate evil to evil, cure-all, yueyue forecast of everyone. And the "podocarpus". Heard that this is the original water he was personally planted podocarpus, has three hundred years of history, but only 3 meters high, the trunk to wankou thick, about the legend of "podocarpus" everywhere. Browse all the way to "clear water sculptures". The Midas touch, whenever festivals, people come from all parts of the burn incense worshipping Buddha, pray for peace. I fast and keep up with my parents. According to introducing, sculptures with "water", a total of three layers, a, second floor is blessing prayer. The third layer is a fortune-teller.

Of course, this is a luck. Grandmaster of water, about the origin of his lot, it is said that water rock he single-handedly built. TV series "graceful" is in the water and rock, and the anxi tea "tieguanyin" the origin of the fog, only water behind the house is a plant tieguanyin. Myths and legends have a lot of water and rock, said also said not over! Sunset, we rode around the curved road home.




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瑶族居住地区多为亚热带, 海拔一般多在1000至2000米之间,村寨坐落周围,竹木叠翠,

风景秀丽。因其生产方式、居住和服饰等方面的不同特点而有多种自称和他称。如:盘瑶、 茶山瑶、山子瑶、坳瑶、花篮瑶、白裤瑶、红头瑶等,多达2




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1332 字

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Hefei is flow during the day, very busy, but what a night of hefei look like? Let me introduce to you!

Night, I walk on the sidewalk and watch people, some in rushing to work, some go to the supermarket, and people are walking, and chat in the street... Compared with remote and quiet village are much more lively.

On the road, a variety of fast car. The car is like a big black mouth, light like mouth teeth around to bite you. When the red light, the car has stopped, a car, behind a lamp as each car's chain, put together by every car. On both sides of the road, the hotel ah, Internet cafes, department stores and other signs, these signs puts glorious greatly, strange shape Portuguese men-of-war: at the gate of the hotel sign is green square for a while, then becomes yellow triangle, then become a red circle. Internet bar the door of the characters the strange light, let a person see the felt afraid. Compared with the square lamp, the lamp is not important. High-rise buildings by people with the edge of white light, from a distance like a rectangle on the ground. As other buildings, and bloom of his own color. When people through buildings below, like the little people in the picture. The moon has risen into the air, hand in photograph reflect with the colorful lights, beautiful! Hefei at night is a real beauty!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1274 字

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Mount emei is located in emei city, sichuan province, is a famous tourist resort and buddhist mountains, is a collection of natural scenery and buddhist culture as one of the China national mountain scenic area. Mount emei is one of the four famous buddhist mountains in China.

Mount emei scenic area covers an area of 154 square kilometers, mount emei is including big I, I, I, four I four mountain. Big asan for emei mountain, said mount emei is often referred to as big asan. Look relatively big me, I two mountain, mount emei, bimodal as thrush, its steep steep, was born in the majestic momentum.

Emeishan level field ridges, towering, beautiful, ancient, magic. Emei mountain tourism resources with beautiful natural scenery, long history of buddhist culture, abundant animal and plant resources, unique geological landscape and famous throughout the world. Is known as a "town of buddhist", "kingdom of plants" and "animal paradise", "geological museum", etc., known as the "emei world show".

Playful spirit monkey is mount emei elves, fun, secure and temperament of our factory, see people don't surprised, and man dating, joy Shared with others, to visitors countless joys, became a living emei mountain landscape.
