






范文类型:演讲稿,全文共 784 字

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Earths biological diversity is being fast decline of many species facing extinction. Threat to the survival of wild animals and plants is a major factor in habitat loss, business development, and wild animals and plants and their products in international trade. Resources are limited, it is necessary for the endangered species, to propose specific measures of protection level. We can formulate the corresponding endangered species laws, application to establish nature reserves, endangered species breeding centers, means of conservation biology, endangered species, the implementation of in situ conservation and ex situ conservation. At the same time, we must restrict international trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, to make laws to protect endangered species.




范文类型:合同协议,全文共 586 字

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转出方:(下称甲方) 转入方:(下称乙方)

户籍地址: 户籍地址:

身份证编号: 身份证编号:

联系电话: 联系电话:

本协议系甲、乙双方自愿签订,甲方愿意将自己购买于 20_________年12月8日的电动车转让给乙方。

型 号:MC2054-1 颜 色:金色

车架号:050X1293008 电机号:车牌号:

第一条 甲方愿意以零万叁仟陆佰零拾元整(¥:3600元)的价格出售自己私有的电动车,出售后不得随意以任何理由提高或者更改价格;

第二条 甲方将电动车一经转让给乙方后,不再为此_____承担任何责任;同时,不对该_____享有任何权利;

第四条 乙方一经接管该_____后,应该对自身安全及_____安全负全部责任,所造成的一切后果或责任与甲方无关。

第五条 甲、乙双方除了交接_____以外,甲方应该将当初购车时的原始票据、_____三包凭证、使用说明书、行驶证等相关证件全部交接给乙方。

第六条 由于电动车属于自行车系列,公安机关交通管理部门没有设立自行车、电动车行驶证过户手续办理项目,因此该过户_____的行驶证件依然是原拥有者的记录,但甲、乙双方达成共识并签定此协议后,在交管部门同样生效。

第七条 以上协议达成共识,一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,签字(盖张)生效,另甲乙双方各附身份证复印件一份,如有不尽之处,由甲、乙双方协商解决。

甲方签字: 乙方签字:

日 期: 日期:



范文类型:演讲稿,全文共 1419 字

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范文类型:演讲稿,适用行业岗位:大学,全文共 1178 字

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Good afternoon, dear judges. Today my speech is “I love black-facedspoonbill.

On a beautiful winter day, I happened to meet the lovely spirit------

Black Faced Spoonbill, a type of migratory bird, which spends winter atHong-Shu-Lin in my city every year. Covered with snow-white feathers, it hasblack legs and a black beak. Besides the blacks and whites, an amazing splash ofyellow is under its neck. So elegant that I couldn’t help loving it at firstsight.

With a big and spoon-shaped beak, it can clasp fishes easily, which makesit a powerful hunter in birds.

However, with human expansion and pollution, only around 20__ ones areliving all over the world.

Like the eleven swan princes in Andersen’s Fairy Tale, the Black FacedSpoonbills have always been struggling to find a tiny rock which can offer thema momentary tranquility. Fortunately, they have found one in my beloved home. Iwould always hold them dearly to my heart and wish they would return with flocksof chicks in the following years, and singing……

Oh, I have a home, such a beautiful home, where I play and resthappily.

Oh, give them a home, such a wonderful home, where the spoonbills play allday.

Thank you very much.



范文类型:介绍信,全文共 822 字

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dearmr. smith,

itake great pleasure to introduce one of my students, kate lawrence to you. sheis going to pursue her further education as a postgraduate in september thisyear. now, i recommend her to do an internship in your company. in the lastfour years, she studied hard and got excellent grads in exams. besides, as themain membership of student union, she develops strongly comprehensive abilityto deal with various situations calmly. in addition, she has a very pleasantand favorable personality that helps her building good relationships withother. i strongly recommend this promising young lady without any reservation. willyou please consider my recommendation and offer her a position in your company?your favorable consideration andassistance to her would be appreciated.

sincerely yours,

david brown



范文类型:感谢信,全文共 301 字

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Dear Liu Mei,

Im back at home right now and I wish to express my great thanks to you for inviting me to have the excellent banquet. I really appreciate yours hospitality and Surely Ive spent a happy day with you all, which will be remembered for long.

thanks and best regards,

Sincerely yours,

Daniel Chan



范文类型:自荐稿,全文共 492 字

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Dear sir,

I am a boy from class1, Grade2. I d love to be a member of the Helping Hands clubs. I am healthy. I work hard at my lessons. I like helping others. I get on well with my classmates and often help them with their lessons. On my way home, I often help old people cross the street. On buses, I always give my seats to women with babies. Sometimes, I pick up rubbish in the park. If I join the club, I will make more friends.

Ill be glad if I m received, I am waiting for your reply.




范文类型:教学反思,适用行业岗位:初中,教研,全文共 865 字

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范文类型:书信,全文共 1253 字

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21 June 20xx

Dear Mary,

Thanks for your last letter. Im so glad that you have been able (at last! ) to arrange a holiday in Australia. As I fear I wont be able to meet you at the airport when you arrive, nor will I be able to be home until later in the afternoon, so here are some instructions and suggestions.

There is a bus from the airport to the city. It is much cheaper than a cab. Take the bus to the city and ask to get off at Town Hall railway station.

To get to my place in the eastern suburbs you have three options. You can either take a cab, a bus or the train. I suggest you take the train, since the airport bus will leave you right at the station. Get off at Cliff Station. From there you can either walk to my place (about ten minutes) or take a taxi. Probably you should take a taxi as you will have luggage.

When you arrive at my flat, ring the intercom for Flat 2. My friend Lillian will be at home and she will open the front door for you and let you into my flat.

Presumably you will be tired and want to sleep. But if you feel like some exercise after that long flight, you could stroll down to Cooper Park, which is only ten minutes away ? you can see it from the window.

Cheers and looking forward to seeing you.

Yours sincerely,




范文类型:介绍信,全文共 1036 字

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Dear sir/madam:

Good morning. its a pleasure for me to be here in front of you to present myself. my name is jennifer wong, and i am a candidate for the position of overseas sales representative.

My background and work experience are tailor-made for this position. i studied marketing as an undergrad here in Chinese Taiwan, and in 1995, i received my mba from the school of business, university of texas. for five years, i have utilized my skills and knowledge as the assistant director of exports for magic kitchen supplies.

Action appliances is a forward-looking company. i am aware that you are expanding into new markets, particularly in the u.s. thus you are going to need aggressive, take-charge sales representatives. at magic kitchen, during my five years there, we expanded our u.s. market share by 25%. this is just one example of my ability to go out there and sell products.

A position with your company would be both a learning experience and a great opportunity. i look forward to becoming part of the action team. thank you.



范文类型:感谢信,全文共 269 字

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Dear Mom and Dad, thank you for the upbringing of my ex. In my life on the road, you have given me in every possible way of an enhanced level of care and concern! I will take away my life on the road, I will repay you well! Thank you again! I love you!

Your Baby



范文类型:工作总结,适用行业岗位:小学,三年级,全文共 1466 字

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三、 学习方面:

要给学生一滴水,老师就要长流水。因此,我不断学习新的知识,掌握现代教学工具的使用方法,还要经由过程各种电视台获取信息,更好的关注、引导学生成材。我相信只有永远保有一颗上进心,我们的教学技巧才会不断翻新,我们的英语知识程度才会更加牢实深博。 在今后的工作中,我将更严格要求自己,努力工作,发扬优点,改正缺点,有耕作总会有收获!祝福明天!英语学习、英语教学愈来愈受到人们的普遍正视。随着时代的发展和社会的进步,英语已从一种工具酿成了一种思想,一种知识库。没有掌握英语犹如缺乏一种思想,缺少了一个重要的知识源泉。可以这样说,学会英语,不单多了一双秋水,一对耳朵,和一条舌头,甚至是多了一个脑筋!因为语言是人的总称思维的工具,熟悉世界的工具,掌握一种语言也即掌握了一种观察和熟悉世界的方法和习惯。










范文类型:慰问信,全文共 1148 字

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Dear :

The people of China have been very much in my thoughts over the past two weeks as I have watched, with mounting concern, the effects of the devastation caused by the terrible earthquake in Sichuan Province.

It has been most impressive to see the marvellous way in which the Chinese humanitarian operations have brought swift and effective relief to those affected. I am particularly pleased that the Wenchuan Earthquake Orphan Fund has been established, to help the children who have lost their parents in the disaster.I wanted to take this opportunity to send my deepest sympathy following this terrible tragedy to the people of China, and my most heartfelt condolences to all those who have lost loved ones.

My Princes Charities are engaging ever more closely in China, including work to assist, in a small way, with the preservation of Chinas rich and diverse heritage.

It would give me the greatest pleasure if we were able to develop these ties still further with, in particular, practical assistance from my Princes Foundation for the Built Environment in planning the reconstruction of parts of Sichuan Province.

CharlesThe Prince of Wales



范文类型:心得体会,全文共 978 字

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1. 口语教学是小学英语教学的一个重要方面。如何给学生创设一个真实地运用英语进行交流和交际的平台,从而真正地让学生在“用中学,学中用”,这是我们在平时教学中经常思考的问题。在这次活动上,吴乐佳老师的课在这一点上对我启发很大。他能熟练运用口语及时组织课堂教学,提问问题能给学生足够的思维时间,能充分调动学生的积极性。听他的课感觉自己像是在听老外上课一样。课中,吴老师还把chant改编成play形式让学生表演出来,突破本节课的难点,使学生在轻松愉快的氛围中学习了本节课的重点句型。复习巩固了已学知识,而且还使学生在学习了新句型后,灵活运用于不同的情景中,达到活学活用的目的。


3.教师自身的良好素质是讲好课的重要前提和基本保证。在听课中我发现几位老师都有几个共同特点:1、口语流利,发音准确。只有做到这一点,才能保证孩子对课程的理解,才能保真孩子学到正确的知识,地道的语言;2、善于利用多媒体,演唱,画画等各种手段辅助教学,使孩子接触到的知识更立体,更直观,更生动; 3、教态亲切,表情丰富,在课堂上能轻松,活泼,潇洒的进行授课,富有艺术性;4、有扎实的英语基础知识作后盾,词汇丰富,课堂充实。




范文类型:邀请函,全文共 543 字

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Dear :

I know you are interested in , so I’m sure you’ll be interested in ! They are coming here to supper , and we’d like you and to come, too.

are that very charming couple we met in last summer. They have a wonderful collection of ; and I understand that Mr. Lin Dun is quite an authority on . I’m sure you and Walter will thoroughly enjoy and evening in their company.

We’re planning supper at six; that will give us a nice long evening to talk. If I don’t hear from you before then, I’ll be expecting you on the !

Affectionately yours,

Li Ming



范文类型:自荐稿,全文共 637 字

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此外,根据银行的特性。我深知,在银行工作,大部分依赖于计算机。因此,在学校期间,我积极拓展知识面,熟悉计算机操作,掌握了AutoCAD, 3dmax等制图软件,以及Windows Office,等其他各种常用软件。并顺利通过国家英语四级等级考试,以求在工作中立于不败之地。









范文类型:新闻广播,适用行业岗位:初中,学校,全文共 875 字

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A:Hello, my dear teachers and students, welcome to our English Broadcast. I’B: Nice to see you again. That’s wonderful. I’m your friend A: Today we are going to talk about the weather in different place of the world.

B: In England, it is warm and rains a lot in August. You need to take an umbrella when you go out.

A: In Australia, it’s winter in August, but it’s not very cold. So it’s the best time to go there. Of course, please remember to wear warm clothes.

B: In most areas of China, it is very hot, The sun shines brightly. You need to wear sunglasses, a T-shirt and shorts. Sometimes it rains suddenly, but later on , it may get fine again.

A: 节目最后, 我们一起来学习两个对天气提问的句型吧,Let’s learn together.

B: 比如说是对今天的天气提问:你可以说,What’s the weather like today?你也可以说,How is the weather today?

播放歌曲( )

A: So much for today, thank you for your listening.

B: Goodbye, everyone, see you next time.



范文类型:开场白,全文共 2600 字

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Good morning, appraises committee members and schoolmates. I come from class 08951, and I am Yu Lianfei.

Today, the title of my paper is On the Network Novels. In recent years, the network literature is developing rapidly. Network novel is one of the fast of them. In the middle schools, high schools and even universities, there is no lack of network novels addicts. For the above facts, I select the subject of “on the network novels” as the title of my paper.

Then, I will show it to you. In the main part of this paper, I divide it into four parts, as the concept of network novels, the classification of their authors, the development of network novels and the prospects of that.

The first part, the definition. Its concept can be divided into the generalized and the narrow. And it can also be divided into boys’ and girls’ in another way.

The second part, the classification of their authors. Generally speaking, there are four kinds of authors. The first kind is some people who have favor of literature, they are writing but not for fame. Then, there is some one has favor for literature and also be for fame. The third kind is some people who have explicit goals at the beginning of his writing. And the last kind are some people who just want to express their view, their viewpoint and their feeling with no desire of being published. They take up the most of the authors.

The third part, the development. The network novels’ development can not separate form the development of the net and the literature websites. Its developing process may be divided into three stages approximately. The first stage is from 1996 to 2000. This times literary work often did not strive for (were also not aware of) the fame and fortune, and moreover received the control of tradition. The second stage is beginning of 21st century, mainly contains 2001 and 2002. In this period, the whole network presented the situation of “chaos”。 The third stage is from May, 2003 and continues until now. In this period, many schools come into the world, and when a school became a hit there must be many people mimic it.

The last part, the forecast. Looking from the internal strength pattern, the outstanding writers in our country mainly hold one kind of critique and the pessimistic manner to the network novels at present. If each big literature website enlarges their own supervision, the vulgar works, the pornography and bad works like those things, meanwhile hanker for new person’s new article as well as depth ones, the network novels can be accepted by more people.

Not a low-level novel but a kind of enjoyment.



范文类型:慰问信,全文共 1044 字

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Dear victims, the earthquake which happened two weeks ago in sichuan province is an enormous disaster for our whole nation.

it has caused both financial and life loss. until now, fifty thousand people lost their lives due to the earthquake and much more injured seriously. five million people have no homes to return as the majority of the buildings were collapsed we are sorry about this accident. it’s a pity that many children lost their parents and many couples lost their lovers.

i could not help but cry when hearing of the moving stories that happened during the disaster. our whole nation is a big family, every member would like to give a helping hand to the people who suffered from the earthquake.

we must show our warm-heartedness and make donations to the stricken area so that their broken heart can be warmed. a series of actions has been taken since the earthquake happened.

i believe the stricken area will soon be restored with the soldiers and other warm-hearted people’s help. the future will be bright, cheer up!

Yours sincerely



范文类型:道歉信,全文共 786 字

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Dear Dad,

How are you doing? I hope you are recovering fast from your illness and that you are already feeling better. I want to apologize for not being able to visit you at the hospital.

I was sent by my office to an international conference in London and I could not leave at the time I received news of your operation.

I am back home and have requested a leave of absence from work next week so that I may visit you there. I am really sorry I wasnt able to accompany you at the time you experienced extreme pain.

It is fortunate that Linda was able to fly home immediately and see you. I will make it up to you and cook you your favorite food when I get there. We will spend a great week together, doing what we have been doing when I was still a child.

See you soon, Dad.

Your son,




范文类型:请假条,全文共 352 字

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parents: sun zhengping

parents: sun zhengping

x dated

by the elder generation children write. cause and time to write clearly, accord with the requirements for writing.


i ask for sick leave of two days, but still not recovered, he cant go to school, need to continue treatment, had to extend leave two days, hope can be approved.

sincerely yours

