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鸭绿江,古称浿水、马訾水,唐朝始称鸭绿江,是位于中国和朝鲜之间的一条界江,发源于长白天池。鸭绿江风景名胜区位于鸭绿江中下游丹东市境内,东起浑江口,西至大东港,全长210公里。 鸭绿江因为水的颜色而得名,那碧绿的江水,犹如雄鸭脖颈的莹绿。两岸青峰耸立,风光旖旎 ,江水蜿蜒曲折,急流险滩不断,在鸭绿江4个梯级电站 云峰、渭原(老虎哨)、水丰、太平湾形成的人工湖,犹如四颗明珠,构成了鸭绿江国境旅游区和鸭绿江风景名胜区两个国家级著名风景区。 鸭绿江大桥位于丹东市城区,是鸭绿江风景名胜区的核心景区,与朝鲜新义州市隔江相望。








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篇3:吉林省优秀导游词范文2: 吉林省延边市防川风景区

范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,景区,全文共 438 字

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Dear tourist friends, Hello everyone! Today we visit Huangdi mausoleum,

which is known as the first mausoleum in the world. I'm your tour guide. My name

is Jiang. You can also call me director Jiang. If you encounter problems in your

travel, you can ask me and I will help you. I wish you a happy trip! In order to

let you have a deep understanding of the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor, I

would like to introduce to you the ancestor of our Shenhua nation - the Yellow


Huangdi was an outstanding leader of tribal alliance at the end of

primitive society about 5020 x years ago. According to ancient records, the

Yellow Emperor was the son of Shaodian. His surname was Gongsun. Because he was

good at Jishui, his surname was Ji. There is a bear in the seal, and there is a

bear in the name. Once lived in Xuanyuan hill, also known as Xuanyuan. It is

also known as the "Yellow Emperor" because of its advocating of local morality

and yellow color.

According to legend, the Yellow Emperor is not only the leader of a hero,

but also the embodiment of wisdom. Many inventions and creations are attributed

to the Yellow Emperor or his wife and subordinates. For example, making boats

and carts, making clothes and crowns, sericulture, creating medicine, setting

temperament, writing, distributing grains, burning painted pottery, and

regulations in political life, wedding and funeral rituals in customs and

habits, etc. later generations regard the era of the Yellow Emperor as the

beginning of the Chinese civilization, so the Yellow Emperor is respected as the

"ancestor of humanity".

There are many opinions about where the Yellow Emperor was buried. However,

from the records of historical materials and the attitude of successive

governments, the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor that you are about to see is

the only resting place for the Yellow Emperor in a hundred years. Sima Qian, a

historian of the Western Han Dynasty, clearly states in his historical records

that "the Yellow Emperor collapsed and was buried in the bridge mountain". The

mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor was called "bridge mausoleum" in history, and it

was renamed in 1944. According to ancient Chinese documents, the yellow emperor

ascended to heaven by riding a dragon in Qiaoshan of Huangling County. Later

generations buried the Yellow Emperor's clothes here and built a tomb for it.

This is the origin of the Yellow Emperor's mausoleum. In addition, the Huangdi

mausoleum area has been proved by archaeology to be the settlement of primitive

clans in this area. The unearthed pottery and stone tools have distinctive

characteristics of Yangshao culture.

Huangdi mausoleum is located in Huangling County, Shaanxi Province, about

180 kilometers north of Xi'an. Huangling County, formerly known as Zhongbu

County, was renamed Huangling County in 1944 with the approval of the former

government of the Republic of China. In June 1997, Huangdi mausoleum was

announced by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee as one of

the 100 patriotic education demonstration bases in China.

You are now in Xuanyuan square. This is the starting point of Yiling. The

ground of Xuanyuan square is paved with natural river pebbles in Qinling

Mountains, with a total of 5000 pieces, which means that it represents the long

history of the Chinese nation for 5020__ years. The pool in front of us is

called YinChi. It is said that it is the place where the Yellow Emperor washed

his pen. The water of YinChi comes from Juhe river. In ancient Chinese, Juhe

river is also regarded as the river of ancestors. When night comes, there will

be a beautiful landscape of "JuShui moon night".

Now, the bridge we pass is called Xuanyuan bridge. The bridge, which spans

YinChi, is built of all granite stone and is known as "the first bridge of all

stone in modern China". At the north end of Xuanyuan bridge, Longwei Road, which

leads to the temple, has 95 steps, implying the lofty status of the Yellow

Emperor as the "king of __". In recent years, most of the public sacrifice

activities have been held here, which has been widely known by modern media.

Stand in front of the broad Temple Square, please look back at Xuanyuan square,

you will feel a "majestic, solemn, solemn, simple" grand momentum.

Generally speaking, worshiping the Yellow Emperor means "worshiping the

temple first, then paying homage to the mausoleum". Xuanyuan temple is located

in the north of JuShui, facing south, commanding and magnificent. Please follow

me into this sacred place. It is said that this ancient temple was built in the

Han Dynasty. It was originally in the West foot of the bridge and moved here in

the Song Dynasty. Xuanyuan temple is composed of four courtyards. The gate of

the temple is in the architectural style of Han Dynasty, with white walls, black

glazed tiles, tall and lofty, simple and generous. "Xuanyuan Temple" was written

by Mr. Jiang Dingwen. Stepping into the gate of Xuanyuan temple, you can see a

towering ancient cypress on the left. The branches of ancient cypress are

vigorous and green, and the crown is like a canopy. The tree is about 4720__

years old. It is said that it was planted by the Yellow Emperor himself, so it

is called "Yellow Emperor's hand planted cypress". In 1982, British forestry

expert Robert and others came to China after inspecting 27 countries in the

world and marveled that it is "the father of cypress in the world". In 1998, the

tree was recognized as one of the first batch of "100 ancient and famous trees

in China".

This pavilion is called "stele Pavilion". There are four stone tablets

here. The content of the first inscription on the right hand is a memorial poem

written by Dr. Sun Yat Sen when he was the provisional president of the Republic

of China. The second pass on the right hand is the three big characters

"mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor" inscribed by Chiang Kai Shek in 1942. The

first passage on the left is a sacrificial essay written by Mao Zedong on April

5, 1937 when the Kuomintang and the Communist Party jointly sacrificed to the

mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor. The second one is Deng Xiaoping's handwritten

"descendants of the Yellow River".

After leaving the pavilion, continue to walk in, you will see a one meter

square blue stone on your left side, with a huge inscription on it

The footprints of the Yellow Emperor. The stone was excavated in Guowa,

Southeast of Huangling. It is said that there are three footprints of the Yellow

Emperor. One is in Henan, one is in Shandong, and the other is in Huangling.

According to the local people, if someone hits the big toe with a coin across

the fence, it indicates good luck and good luck.

On the left side of Xuanyuan hall, there is a cypress tree. The tree trunks

were covered with spots and lines, as if there were broken nails. It is said

that in 120__ BC, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty returned from his northern

expedition to Shuofang, and when he sacrificed to the mausoleum of the Yellow

Emperor, he nailed a nail on the tree trunk to hang his armor. So it's called

"guajia cypress", also called "general cypress". Every year before Qingming

Festival, cypress juice will overflow in the tree hole and condense into beads,

like tears. After the Qingming Festival, it returned to its original state and

was called "the wonder of Qunbai".

Now, the building in front of us is called Xuanyuan hall. The hall was

built in the Ming Dynasty. On the forehead of the hall is a four character

plaque entitled "the first ancestor of humanity" by Cheng Qian, the former

patriotic general of the Kuomintang in 1938.

Entering the main hall, we see a semi relief statue of the Yellow Emperor.

Based on the rubbings of the stone portraits of Wuliang ancestral temple in the

Eastern Han Dynasty, this sacred statue of the nation's ancestor was enlarged

and carved with the approval of the State Administration of cultural relics

after soliciting the opinions of relevant experts.

At the north end of Xuanyuan Temple lies the hall of ancestor worship,

which was newly built in 20__. In 20__, the first national ceremony of

sacrificing Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, the first ancestor of China, was held here

during the Qingming Festival. The whole building of the hall adheres to the

style of Han and Tang Dynasties, and integrates the ancient tradition with the

flavor of the new era. The ancestral square in front of the hall is paved with

granite, covering an area of more than 10000 square meters, and can accommodate

5000 lines of sacrificial activities at the same time.

Well, here is Xuanyuan temple. Next, we will climb mountains and visit the

mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor.

Huangdi mausoleum is the mausoleum of Xuanyuan Huangdi, the ancestor of the

Chinese nation, known as "the first mausoleum in the world". In 1962, it was

announced by the State Council as the national key cultural relics protection

unit "No.1 ancient tomb". Lingjia is located in Qiaoshan, 1km north of Huangling


Huangdi mausoleum has a unique "bridge mountain ancient cypress.". No

matter which direction you enter the county, you can see the 5800 mu Qiaoshan

mountain, full of green cypresses and lush. At present, there are more than

81000 cypresses in Xuanyuan Huangdi Mausoleum scenic area, which is located in

Huangling County, Shaanxi Province. There are more than 30000 ancient cypresses

more than 1000 years old. It is the oldest and best preserved group of ancient

cypresses in China. This is really "the Yellow Emperor's Mausoleum with towering

ancient cypresses. It's full of smoke and light breeze. Qiaoshan completely

towering green, Ju water around the waist for thousands of years. All these

ancient cypresses are priceless. Therefore, the ancient Chinese governments

attach great importance to the protection of the ancient cypresses in the

mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor.

Dear friends, we are now at the gate of the cemetery. Please look to the

left side of the gate. This 20 meter high conical platform is called Hanwu

Sendai. It is said that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, after worshiping his

ancestors, was very envious of the Yellow Emperor's ascending to heaven and

becoming an immortal. So hundreds of thousands of soldiers were ordered to carry

a bag of soil on their backs to build this high platform overnight. He went on

the stage to pray for immortals and said to the people, "if I can go back to

heaven like the Yellow Emperor, it's nothing to leave my wife, but it's just

like leaving my shoes." Today, there are two stone curved paths leading to the

top of the platform. Up 77 steps, down 78 steps, called "seven up and eight

down.". It's said that one visit to the stage can add years and blessings.

Friends, this tomb in front of us is the resting place of our ancestors,

the Yellow Emperor. The tomb is a oblate earth tomb. In front of the tomb, there

is another stele engraved with the four characters of "Qiaoshan Longyu", which

means that this is the place where the yellow emperor ascended to heaven by

driving a dragon. It is said that the Yellow Emperor lived for more than 100

years. The emperor felt that he had made great achievements and sent a dragon to

take him up to heaven. His subjects didn't want the Yellow Emperor to leave and

surrounded him. The dragon carries the Yellow Emperor into the air. In a panic,

people pull off the Yellow Emperor's skirt, boots and sword. People bury the

Yellow Emperor's clothes, boots and swords here, and build a mound as a

memorial. This is the origin of the saying that the mausoleum of the Yellow

Emperor is the family of clothes and crowns, but the legend is a legend after

all. Historical records and other books clearly record that "the Yellow Emperor

collapsed and buried in the bridge mountain.". Moreover, Emperor Wu of the Han

Dynasty and other emperors came here to pay homage to the Yellow Emperor, so it

is recognized as the location of the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor.

In front of the "Qiaoshan Longyu" stele, there is another stele engraved

with three characters of "Huangdi mausoleum" written by Guo Moruo in 1958.

Well, tourists, due to the time constraint, this is the end of our

explanation of Huangdi mausoleum today. You can visit it by yourself. We will

gather at the gate in half an hour. Please pay attention to safety. Thank




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贵阳因位于境内贵山之南而得名,延用至今,已有400多年历史。古代贵阳盛产竹子,以制作乐器“筑”而闻名,故简称筑,也称金筑, 别名林城、筑城,素有避暑之都之美称。古称: 矩州(唐)、贵州(宋)、贵州行省(明)、贵阳府(隆庆三年(1569年))、黑羊箐、金筑司等。后因贵阳处于贵山之南(今关刀岩),古代山南为阳,故赐名贵阳。 繁华夜景



花溪区)、一市(清镇市,但也即将成为区)、三县(修文县、开阳县、息烽县)。全市土地总面积8034平方千米,占全省土地总面积的4.56% 。其中,云岩、南明、小河区、金阳新区为贵阳市城区,面积为383.04平方千米,占全市面积的4.78%;花溪、乌当、白云区为贵阳市郊区,面积为2194.5平方千米,占全市面积的27.31%;清镇市、修文县、息烽县、开阳县总面积5625.5平方千米,占全市面积的68.13% 。




篇10:黄山风景区导游词1200字 黄山风景区导游词5分钟

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神农顶年平均气温7。9°c ,年均降水2500毫米。9月至次年4月为冰雪期。冬春寒风凛冽,白雪皑皑;夏秋雨雾蒙蒙,凉风习习,难见神农真面目。雨后新晴,举目远眺,群山俱俯,唯我独尊,依稀可见长江汉水之缥缈雾带,山头似炊烟袅袅,令人心旷神怡。







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Everybody is good! Welcome to sightseeing, as cabinet. I am a scenic docent of xx, hope that through my explanation, can let everybody to the ancient city of changsha and the massive historical culture as ancient pavilion has a preliminary understanding.

As cabinet are signs and symbols of the ancient city of changsha, changsha is the testimony of history and culture development, ancient times known as "xiaoxiang pavilion, qin and han dynasties city" reputation, as the national AAAA level scenic spots. Because its ley uplift, the auspicious trillion, it has been regarded as a geomantic precious place of changsha. Scenic area was built in 1924, is to protect the ancient city wall with a history of more than 2200 years and 2200 years of history of the ancient attic built in changsha first garden scenic spot.

First of all you see is "embalm wind pavilion" and "lun jian pool". "Cured" is a kind of vanilla, "kaori wind" namely "sweet wind"; Pavilion built in midsummer, pleasant fragrance, all around its name. Red rock cliff "Aaron as" two words, "Aaron" is the similar meaning, "learning" as the mirror, meaning is refers to the water as bright as a mirror. Words taizong account in the proposal making official Wei Zheng died, sadness of leaving "for copper mirror, can is the headgear; with history as a mirror, can know replaced; the looking-glass self, can know the gain and loss" of training, "Aaron as a".

As pavilion is the spirit of chu culture of changsha, changsha is the state council released the first batch of 24 cities in our country one of the famous historical and cultural city, heavenly heart pavilion is a symbol of changsha, witnessed the historical development and changes of the changsha. All the cities in the world history has a city into town, because of the history of the town and city, so the changsha city origin with long history, according to historical records as early as in the shifu, king "of the western zhou dynasty, the changsha city after thousands of years, don't move don't move, don't change, still thrive, a rare in today's cities. Changsha every construction project is likely to dig up a batch of rare and precious cultural relics, such as the western han dynasty mawangdui woman corpse, chow tai bronze ware, cook's floor bamboo slips of The Three Kingdoms, etc... Are legion.

Now you see this piece of strewn at random have the stone forest, is the "historical figures carved stone gallery" scenic area, it is time for us to draw the 33 hunan had outstanding contribution of historical figures, some of them was born in hunan, an official in hunan, including XiangJi 16 people. Yan emperor shen nung, tasted grass bouquet to benefit the people, he later because of eating a "flame grass" (also known as "graceful jessamine herb") plants and xie in hunan, emperor yandi mausoleum in our hunan ZhuZhou tianxinli; Zhu xi, Zhang Shi under the capital city of changsha yuelu academy lecture; Lee Fei, changsha (called tam states) year hunan conciliation, the late southern song dynasty, yuan soldiers in an attack on guarding city changsha 3 hopeless situation, bring the whole family 19th mouth people collective suicide, in order to show the valiant ones; Zeng guofan, hunan hunan assembly of people, the qing daoguang years one of the westernization movement leader, created the "xiang no of xiang army", was crazy to suppress the taiping rebels, after the defeat by twisting forces, but his way of life has always been talk of learning, by later generations, by income more complete works "once Wen Zhenggong; Wei yuan, from longhui, hunan, and puts forward "long skill with barbarians", the Lin zexu, supported by the 50 volumes "sealand 'disposition, known as the world's first person, I opened my eyes XiangYin guo song-tao, hunan people, diplomat in the late qing dynasty, to the west in modern China sent the first permanent chiefs, during the mission's (Singapore), access to public funds only pay to rent two, and said: "budget before the gentleman to remorse, unfavorable to blame others; hui is the gentleman to suicide, unfavorable in hopes to man", said.

Is engaging you see in front of the pavilion, there are "as whirlwind to heaven, to the party engaging" say, mean as natural began. Please note that the above couplet, top allied "day if sentient days also old," second line is "heart to the selfless heart wide". This is embedded word couplet, poem is orz. Did you see it, by the way, is the name of our scenic area "as", this couplet a cultivate one's morality philosophy in it.

Please look at the other side of the pavilion "chong DE", this plaque for Chiang kai-shek, "fresh call forth the past unforgettable a surprised noon dream, thousands of miles to see sunrise" according to legend for Chiang kai-shek, built for the 1946 memorial for those who died in the anti-japanese, also known as "the fierce pavilion". From September 1939 to December 1941, the Japanese aggressively attack changsha three times, in the ninth theater commander Sir Hsueh yueh as the main body of China's armed forces to take the back decisive battle "strategy, strive to resist. Three times in battle, the Japanese were losing from changsha. Changsha become resistance for five years in the history of world war ii hero city, become one of the main positive battlefield of the Chinese Anti-Japanese War stalemate. Because, as cabinet in changsha city high ground, have lost three times as one of the main platforms of our important department. Hero of changsha city undefeated to figure stands in front of the world, and majestic, magnificent ancient city wall, also became the pride of changsha people.

Now everyone viewed from the looks, is built in the Ming dynasty chongzhen years ago, has 400 years of history, as cabinet. Attic for a layer, when he first built qing qianlong built into two layers, in 1774 as a "ku" always read officer wang li degrees also made the repairing as pavilion "; As to the qing dynasty jiaqing years, your academy dean luo funding reconstruction, Ohio, south of the city is now everyone can see three layer, and increase the south and north two attached to the cabinet, make it more grand, magnificent; 14.6 meters high, is now the main pavilion two attached cabinet each 10 meters high, the entire attic imitation Ming and qing dynasties south garden architectural style, "not as pavilion, don't know the ancient changsha." Please follow me together pavilion to visit.

Main pavilion, a layer for the exhibition in one hundred, changsha, changsha one hundred history of the 20th century is shown. First of all, please see the heavenly heart pavilion overlooking a poem, the poem "tam states that" today's changsha. The poem are taken from the good county annals "(the original changsha, good two counties are divided into changsha, as pavilion is a good county), the author YuYi for Ming chongzhen years in Beijing took command, which can be concluded as cabinet as early as 400 years ago stand high above the city. Then take a look at the ancient changsha old topographic map, it is the long and narrow strip, changsha has a picture of a household name, popular pairs: "land and sea chau interstate system boat boat move motionless, as presently live pigeons fly cabinet did not fly", this amphibious continent is j, amphibious continent is about more than 5500 meters long, about 100 meters wide, is the changsha this special geographic landscape. Changsha geological structure on the basis of quartz sandstone, through all the year round external force, make a lot of sand and stone are gathered in the surface, thus changsha placenames origin in "long Fang Zhou, sandy land".

Main cabinet of the second floor has two large relief, one shows the late November 12, 1938, "Wen Xi fire", zhou enlai and then KMT chairman zhang zhizhong to attic inspect the scene of the disaster of hunan province, wuhan, the Japanese open the portal to southern China, Chiang kai-shek to defend the changsha lack of confidence; The order after the yueyang lost, zhang zhizhong in changsha "scorched earth" of the war of resistance against Japan, with their torches as cabinet, put a good carry of changsha city into a ruin, destroyed the city area of 90%, burned more than 3000 people, burns victims of nearly twenty thousand people, the city common people homeless, history says "Wen Xi fire", changsha which is listed as a world war ii one of the most serious city four great destruction. But less than three months, heroic unyielding changsha people and set up a small hut on the ruins of new changsha, with a burning desire to fight the Japanese again, make the Japanese admitted for the first time in all the way the successful cases of the Chinese people do not reproach. Second is shown in July 1930, the red headed by peng dehuai SanJunTuan armed attack changsha, in ShanTing victory stationed in the scene. Hunan liling people at that time li lisan's adventurism authorized by the communist international, put forward the strategic thought of "armed to encircle the cities", after the general strength is too wide, the red army and take the initiative to leave changsha.

Why call this building as "pavilion"? According to ancient Chinese star like learning, heaven have 28 stars, including seven southern provinces as "the linnet", in its tail there is a main life "star" in changsha, and attic built after just on the "changsha star" in the sky, as it is the stars in the sky, therefore, formerly known as "star pavilion", is the star of stars, is the ancient worship god, stars "gv 10"; We all know that the ancients has always been advocating dao, original attic to worship the statue of Confucius, mencius and others, the moral "for Kong Mengchuan orthodoxy, for heaven and earth and heart", so the star of stars and change to the heart of the heart. Another story, the qing emperor kangxi years, emperor kangxi to changsha southern found changsha wooden house much more special, very easy to cause HuoHuan, to save the people in distress, and local officials in changsha, changsha is highest, feng shui, the best place to build such a disaster in the town of fire prevention, attic, said "the mind of" son of heaven. Written by scholars in the late qing dynasty Huang Zhaomei yunshan all eyes, all around of fireworks always concerned about "in the name of the union, better generalization for the cabinet in the first place.

Now you see, is the ancient city wall in changsha. In 202 BC, that is, the west five years, emperor gaozu Liu Bangjian han closed his eight major contributor to the king, the changsha Wang Wu rui, has formed ram changsha built the ancient city wall, according to the present 2200 years of history. In the Ming hongwu five years, that is, in 1372 AD, changsha command make Qiu Guang defence, content of the wall for masonry building, the purpose is to strengthen the defense, makes changsha is solid "citizen". Ming scored changsha yellow tiger rate army onishi, the wall had been destroyed; Qing shunzhi eleven years (AD 1654), seduction on the plains of hunan, in changsha, dismantle MingFan fu brick building the wall, to return to the old city walls. Two years qing xianfeng (1852 AD), the walls and damaged by taiping rebels, after successive hunan governor LuoBingZhang, Mao Hongbin repair reinforcement, such as design and additional battery around, the ancient city wall to a pattern of arch ring type in Minnesota. Original ancient city wall is 8.8 kilometers, the north and south long and narrow strip, in 1914, the kuomintang government in order to repair the ring road, retain only 251 meters at present this period survives, as an important witness of changsha history development.

Please look the direction of my finger, this is an important component of the ancient city wall in changsha - "around", also known as the barbican. As the name implies, named after the deep shaped like a half moon, is an ancient riot police, according to the place and the battery. It usually consists of two parts, the long-range artillery is placed above, the following placed close to Tom. In the city as well as storage of ammunition and food with warehouse and the secret to the outside, it are of great value to the research of ancient Chinese military fortifications. Interested friends can visit it.

Tourists friends, everybody in the official kilns are everywhere on the wall. The brick kiln with Ming and qing dynasties, which was the ancient brick factory brand, another is "responsibility" for the Great Wall brick sample.

Now watch, please "changsha fire" phantom imaging, said it was just introduced in 1938 "Wen Xi fire".

Occurs under the ancient city wall of the most famous battle, is "the duke guan war changsha". Chibi war, zhuge liang detachment of the will, and enterprising lingling, guiyang, wuling, changsha county. Guan yu at the gates in changsha war ShouJiang huang zhong, alternate admire: each a 50 rounds the first world war, regardless of the outcome; World war ii, the duke guan "knife meter" and huang zhong up, close the second brother to win and aboveboard, so put huang zhong; Three wars huang zhong cheat, go back to the GuanYuFang three arrows, the first two arrows to close the second brother, also Huang Zhongfang is empty of arrows, in return for first don't kill the grace of huang zhong only shot at guan yu's head scarf, this time to turn off the second brother know huang zhong, frighten when hands are off, so today changsha and "fishing knife river". Back to changsha after the satrap han xuan yi huang zhong collaboration, will launch him beheaded. Saved huang zhong wei, han xuan, han xuan for wei, deliberately put the two boots the south and north two places, so today, changsha, and "south, north to take off the boots. Wei yan see through the trick, grasp its kill, the changsha has given "idle lake" (thorn Han Hu). After Wei Yanxian city; Huang zhong home anyway, guan yu, please visit to surrender.

To this end, the interpretation of good, I thank you for your support for my work, I wish you all a pleasant journey, bon voyage!



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贵阳花溪国家城市湿地公园 本数据来源于百度地图,最终结果以百度地图数据为准。 截至2009年3月,国家 住房和城乡建设部共批准五批

