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各位游客,大家好。我市本次带你们游览丽江古城的导游,我叫林婧儀,你们可以叫我林导。 请大家跟我来,这里就是丽江古城了。我先简单地介绍一下:丽江古城地处云贵高原,海拔2400余米,全城面积达38平方公里,自古就是远近闻名的集市和古镇。 好了,现在大家跟我进古城看看。我们先去古城中心的四方街。这里的街道两旁各有一条哗哗流淌的小河,河中有许许多多五颜六色的金鱼。

这儿的工艺品琳琅满目,人气兴旺,四周都是古香古色的小店。来丽江的游客都来过这里。古城与新城交界处的大水车是丽江的标志。现在给大家十分钟时间买东西吧,十分钟后在原地集合。 接下来,我们要去著名的木府游玩了。木府位于丽江古城狮子山下,木老爷,从前就是这座浩大宅第的主人,几百年前的木府,相当于丽江的紫禁城。大家快跟上来。绕过长廊,首先映入眼帘的是玉音楼。大家跟我进去看看,楼中分三层,最低的那层放着当初流传下来的珍宝。最高的那层是专门瞭望的。这一层在府中最高。好了,现在给大家半小时时间拍照自由游赏,但要注意不能损坏公物和用玻璃或带子保护的文物哦。 游赏完了木府,我们就要结束这次愉快的旅行了,如果你满意的话,欢迎下次再来游玩!




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我们的旅途还没有结束,穿过热闹的四方街,便来到了神奇的东巴许愿铃。一根红线下面挂着一个小小的草帽,草帽下挂着铜铃,铜铃下系着木牌,木牌一面写有代表祝福的东巴象形文字,另一面可以写下自己的愿望,这就是东巴许愿铃。传说它能实现自己的愿望。 今天,我们游览了“子母车”、四方车、东巴许愿铃……丽江还有许多美丽的景点,但是天下没有不散的宴席,我们有缘再见。



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Ladies and gentlemen, now Xiao Li is going to take you to the

next scenic spot, Lijiang ancient city, which is also the most famous scenic

spot in Lijiang. Just coming out of the jade clear Yuquan park at the foot of

Xiangshan Mountain, we have to follow the Yuquan water flowing from the

northwest end of the ancient city to the south of the city to the ancient city

of Lijiang, known as "Gusu on the plateau" and "Venice in the East". Here, you

will think that how can Xiao Li exaggerate the name of this plateau town? In

fact, it is not exaggerated by Xiao Li at all. The ancient city of Lijiang is

divided into three tributaries, the West River, the middle river and the East

River, and then into countless tributaries because of the Yuquan water running

through the whole city. There are also many longtans and springs in the city.

Taking advantage of this favorable condition, the ancient city has a free layout

of streets and no need for neat network. The main street is next to the river,

and the alleys are close to the canals. The clear spring water flows through the

street and the town, and through the walls and houses. The poetic flavor of

"every family flows with water, and every family hangs with Yang" is a true

portrayal of the ancient city. Although it is a small town in Yunnan Guizhou

Plateau, it has the characteristics of Jiangnan Water Town.

Lijiang ancient city is also called Dayan town. It is composed of Dayan,

Baisha and Shuhe. Dayan ancient city is the representative of them, so people

often call it Dayan ancient city or Dayan town. In addition, Dayan ancient city

is located in the center of Lijiang basin. In the southwest corner of the

ancient city, there stands a writing brush which is similar to Shutian giant

pen. Lijiang basin is like a big inkstone made of Jasper. In ancient times,

"Yan" and "inkstone" are interlinked, so the ancient city is called Dayan. We

arrived at the ancient city. The most attractive thing at the entrance of the

city should be a pair of waterwheel. Some people say it is a son and mother

waterwheel, while others say it is a lover waterwheel. There used to be

waterwheel in the ancient city, but today it is also used in some remote


The ancient city was formed in the late Southern Song Dynasty and has a

history of more than 800 years. It covers an area of 3.8 square kilometers and

has a permanent population of about 30000. In 1986, it became a national

historical and cultural city. In 1997, it was listed as a world cultural

heritage. Lijiang Ancient City has the same characteristics as Suzhou ancient

city, such as "small bridge, flowing water and family". Besides, it also has its

location, street and house layout, Naxi dwellings and so on There is a


Lijiang's world cultural heritage consists of three parts: Baisha ancient

town, Shuhe ancient town and Dayan ancient town. But for you, the most

attractive thing is Dayan ancient town. There are many entrances to the ancient

town. You follow Xiaoli to enter from the entrance on the right. After you see

the conspicuous waterwheel, on the right is the Zhaobi with President Jiang

Zemin's inscription, and there are three rooms and one Zhaobi houses in the

ancient town It's like you can see one of them. Further to the right is the

water dragon column. The dragon is in charge of water. The civil buildings in

the ancient city are most afraid of fire, but water can overcome fire.

Therefore, the water dragon column represents the desire of the people in the

ancient city to avoid fire. For thousands of years, the people of the ancient

city have taken good care of the ancient city like their own eyes. Please also

take good care of the ancient city like the people of the ancient city. If you

look at the world cultural heritage logo, the circle represents the earth and

nature, the box represents the politeness created by human beings, the circle

and the box are connected, representing the harmony between man and nature.

Lijiang ancient city is a masterpiece of the harmony between man and nature.

These stone carvings on the right can be called Lijiang's "Qingming River map",

which is a rich Naxi style painting. At our feet is "bagtu", which was created

by Naxi ancestors according to the theory of five elements. Dongba priests often

use it to determine the location and divination.

Xiao Li has told you so much in the ancient city, and you have seen so

much, but he is about to enter the ancient city. How can he not see the gate? In

fact, you can't see it. It's also a wonder of Lijiang ancient city, that is, you

can't see the city gate or the city wall, because there is no city wall or the

city gate in the ancient city, because the head of Naxi nationality's surname is

"Mu". If the city wall and the city gate are built, it will become "trapped". So

there is no city wall or the city gate in the ancient city.

Ladies and gentlemen, there must be such a question in mind. There are many

ancient cities like this in China. Why is this remote ancient city on the

plateau chosen? If you want to get the answer, please follow Xiao Li. A lane, a

family, a careless you stand in a hundred years of history, this feeling, on the

road, in various courtyards, you can feel everywhere. Therefore, this ancient

city is not built for filming or mystery. It's a real and living ancient city.

If you look at it, you will feel that it's much smoother than the road you just

walked. The stone slabs with five flowers seem to have a lot of gravel in them.

However, it's a kind of lejiaoyan unique to Lijiang. It's collected from the

surrounding mountains. Because of its colorful colors, the local people call it

five flowers Stone, pedestrian horse tread, after hundreds of years, polished

smooth and transparent, first-class rain, poetic at your feet, this street is

called Xinhua street.

On both sides of the street, you can occasionally see couplets of different

colors pasted on the doors of some people's houses. Some Naxi people have died,

and they all have to commemorate three years. The first year is white couplet

with black characters, the second year is green couplet with black characters,

and the third year is couplet pasted. This is the nostalgia of Naxi people for

their dead relatives. After some forest like pavements, clear river water, small

bridges and weeping willows, it is printed in your eyes, but you don't see it

Passing by such a clear river, I can see rows of tables and chairs and bursts of

music coming into my ears. This is what the guests call "Foreigner Street".

However, the shops on this street are not run by foreigners. The bars there are

bookish, rebellious and pure business. Everyone can get what they want. The

convenient place for people in the city to "recharge" in Lijiang is to find the

feeling in the bar, especially for foreigners. There are friends, there are

bridges, water, as long as not drunk, life can find a moment of carefree.

After passing the bar street, you can see a small stone bridge, which is

called pea bridge because it sold peas there earlier. The small gate building on

the west of the bridge is Kegong square. Kegong square is named in the alley

behind the square. In the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty, there were two

brothers of the Yang family in the alley, and in the Daoguang period, their

younger brother was elected again. This is a matter of pride for Lijiang people.

In order to praise the Yang family and encourage them, the government praised

them This is a special place.

Standing there, looking to the East, you can see a vast expanse of space.

This is the central square of the ancient city, which covers an area of about

five mu. There are two main reasons why it is called Sifang street. One reason

is that the shape of the square is very similar to the square seal of the

magistrate. The Tusi named it Sifang street, which means "Quan Zhen Sifang".

Some people say that the roads there lead to all directions It's a hub of people

and logistics in all directions, so it's called Sifang street. So why is Sifang

street so famous? If the silk road is another world-famous trade channel in the

north of China, there is also a trade channel in the south of China called "tea

horse ancient road". It is a trade channel for the horses, fur, Tibetan medicine

and other specialties in the Tibetan area and Lijiang, as well as tea, silk,

jewelry and other commodities in the south. Lijiang ancient city is an important

town on the tea horse ancient road, and Sifang street is an important town Since

ancient times, Sifang street, a trade center, has been an open-air fair with a

history of 300 years. It is necessary to realize the mystery of Sifang street.

In the early morning, people who get up early begin to buy breakfast, which is a

hazy Sifang street. In the afternoon, traders who buy Copper, mountain goods and

snacks form a prosperous market, which is energy Sifang street is full of

vitality; it's just dark, when businessmen go home, there are still people and

sunshine left after a time of friction. The old people basking in the sun at the

bridge head are replaced by children playing, and the bars on both sides show

the oily light of night. This is Sifang Street with makeup. At about two o'clock

in the morning, Sifang street people go to empty streets, and the alleys are

unpredictable, only the sound of flowing water rises and falls Lijiang faces the

sky. "Li Jun

There are three major events in Lijiang men's life: building a house,

marrying a daughter-in-law, and basking in the sun. Lijiang men have an unusual

hobby and a lot of time for planting flowers, raising birds, writing, drawing

and playing mahjong. Men are good at all kinds of activities in the hospital. In

addition, one of their favorite outdoor activities is sitting in. Naxi Women can

only sleep in one day on the first day of the Lunar New Year. From "Pan Ji Mei"

to "a nai", the blink of an eye is only two words "industrious". Naxi Women work

from morning to night, from physical work to small business, from cleaning up

the fields to killing pigs, from sewing clothes to making a fire to cook. They

are all like Fairies in the world, while men have no time to do so. Naxi people

have a large number of Chinese people, which makes people dizzying. It can not

be said that Naxi Women have brought up Naxi culture.

Naxi people are good at learning, which can also be reflected in the

residential buildings in the ancient city. While absorbing the architectural

styles of Han, Tibetan, Bai and other nationalities, the ancient city dwellings

also integrate the national architectural culture and aesthetic consciousness,

forming many architectural styles with Naxi characteristics, such as three rooms

and one screen wall, four in five patio, front and back courtyard, one in

several courtyard, etc., and forming a strong foundation in the setting of

gatehouse and front porch, patio paving, Liuhe door and its decoration The

characteristics of local culture and national culture. If you ask which part of

the courtyard is the most distinctive, it is the Liuhe gate of the main room and

the window core on the Liuhe gate, which is called "four seasons Bo Gu".

Although these are also the results of learning Han, Tibetan, Bai and other

national cultures. But at the moment, there is no other nation like Naxi. Every

family must have Liuhe gate and "four seasons Bogu". Look at this six door,

which can be installed or removed. It's convenient and flexible. When it's

opened, it's the door and when it's closed, it's the window. Usually, only the

middle two doors are opened. If there are many red and white guests at home and

it is inconvenient to walk, the six doors can be removed. The window core carved

on the Liuhe gate is called "four seasons Bo Gu". In the composition, famous

flowers and different flowers, auspicious birds and auspicious animals, and

perfect allusions are used to express the perfect wishes of Naxi people for four

auspicious seasons, happiness and longevity, and for farming and reading their

descendants. You can see that there are different patterns on the six doors,

which are "pines and cranes with spring", "spring" and "longevity", which are

"magpies competing for plum", which are "winter" and "joy", which are "Eagles

standing on chrysanthemums", which are "autumn" and "blessing", which are

"egrets in the sky", which are "summer" and "Lu", which are "peacock Magnolia"

and "Golden Rooster peony". Please think about it What moral do they


After crossing Wuyi street, you can see many small bridges. At the foot of

this small stone bridge, you can't help sitting down and having a rest. When you

see the words "centenary square" beside the bridge, it's not hard to guess that

this is centenary square. Just imagine the origin of centenary square. Most

people think that centenary square is related to the old people. That's




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现在,我们看到丽江古城的两座大风车,他们叫母 子轮。大的是妈妈,小的是儿子,怎么样,形象吧?我们在向前走,这个广场就是四方街了。四方街是一条历史悠久的街道。它可是茶马古道的必经之路。在这我们顺便讲讲茶马古道的故事。茶马古道是一条运盐巴,茶叶的道路,它从香格里拉一直到西藏。因为路上很危险,运输的队伍又经常遇险或被异族的人抢了货物杀害。所以,至今还有很多人记得他们。




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1997年,黑龙潭游览区占地3.6公顷。1999年,黑龙潭有风景林51.4公顷,植有各种乔灌木12万多株。梅园28.5公顷,地栽梅5794株,盆栽梅1725盆。庭园占地6.9公顷,有乔木3973株,灌木48660株,修竹306丛。 1978年建苗圃,占地5.6公顷。建有杜鹃谷,植各种杜鹃10万多株。1998年又新辟一期绿化工程,占地33公顷,游览区扩大到45.4公顷。园内有昆明市绿化委员会挂牌保护的古树名木18株,是昆明市存有古树名木最多的风景名胜区。





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Hello everyone, my name is hong, are you the lijiang tour guide, I hope you have fun in the tour.

I told you so much, everybody also saw so many, but is coming into the city, how didn't see the gate? Actually is invisible to the guests, this is also the one of the ancient city of lijiang, can't see the gate, could not see the wall, because there is no ancient city walls and gates, because the head of the naxi nationality name is "wood" if built walls and gates became "trapped" word, so ancient city without walls, also does not have the gates.

Into the old town of lijiang, see the square street. Square street, like the spider web, southeast of the northwest each have a way to it. Sifang street was paved by the multicolored, heels, on a multicolored sounds don't have a new idea, the sound is ringing, somewhat like the sound of a bell. Sifang street is the center of the city square, natural adornment beautiful and distinctive, even the inn is very beautiful. Sifang street inn is located in the center of the lijiang ancient city square street plaza, has a unique environmental advantages. Inn garden Bridges, lush flowers and trees, inherited the naxi ethnic aesthetic temperament and interest, one thousand years is harmony, harmonious concept of natural life. Inn each room design is unique, you can walk in the square street, absolutely no two rooms are the same.

The old town of lijiang have to put the light! Lijiang has a very special custom, is light. Put the lamp is old town of lijiang river of an ancient custom. It is said that each night, the dragon king of ying tan will follow the ancient city of jade river cruise, put a river light points to the dragon king the lighting, not only can protect the ancient city of peace, can make oneself and family get the dragon king bless and luck, success in the coming days. This legend. Put a river light, make a wish.

In many parts of lijiang is very beautiful, said also said not net, I hope you have a chance to be touring. This time you have fun? The answer is yes!!!! The chance next time I will take you to see the scenery of the ancient city of lijiang again!



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篇20:丽江旅游导游词英文范文3:Lugu lake

范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 5858 字

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Lugulakeis located in the mountains between ning ninglang yi people autonomous county county of yunnan and sichuan yanyuan, 69 kilometers away from the ninglang county. Lake covers an area of 52 square kilometers, with an average depth of 45 meters, the depth of 93 meters. Limpid blue lake, the maximum visibility is 12 meters. The lake east yalong river, jinsha river, the Yangtze river water system. The whole lake, shape if the horseshoe, north and south long and narrow, such as curve neck bottle gourd, so named lugu lake. Pull ku shan YaKou stood a decorated gateway across the road, about 200 meters of road under the decorated gateway is the perfect place to watch the lugu lake view. Here, you can clearly see the lugu lake beautiful curve contour, CuiQing spit cloth peninsula are scattered in the blue glass mirror lake, graham goddess mountain (sierra leone) in hubei shore enshrouded dignified. If is the spring, you of the edge of the lens or string to ponder the red mountain.

Lugu lake beautiful shape like a marks, legend has it that the goddess of graham and her "summer" as the man of god to meet that night, because of lingering drunk, male god up what was about to leave when the day is bright, the morning after he can't go back again, what is the REINS tightly and tread down a deep horse these, on horseback male deified became the east look back of the tile, such as card that mountain, the goddess of the sad tears filled with these, she became a graham hill. This is a tears of love filled with lakes. After you read it marks the story of form, to walk on the shores of lake mosuo village, is ready for a swim in the beauty of a women "" in the mood.

Lugu lake, known as "the pearl of the plateau. Each island standing in the lake, forms and lush, green, and in the meantime, yt, clear as a mirror, algal blooms to adorn meantime, slowly slide in the waves of the pig slot ship and slowly float dry water day between spindle folk songs, to make it more add a few minutes of of primitive simplicity, quiet, is a far away from the city and a virgin not contaminated lake. In November 2009, the lugu lake scenic area by the national tourism scenic spot A judge experts assess for AAAA level scenic area, lugu lake tickets for 100 yuan.

Lugu lake is located in sichuan and yunnan outside the border of yanyuan county of sichuan province lugu lake town, 258 km away from xichang, just like a pure white and flawless huge pearl inlaid in the southwest of the country. Her picturesque scene, ancient matriarchal clan heritage of folklore, "Noah's ark" in Christianity, the clock MuGu lamaism, is that attract attention, to make the eyes of many tourists to the mysterious land of lugu lake, locals say "schenna mi", meaning the sea, the mother lake, bird's eye view from a high place, as a spread your wings and fly is sichuan's largest natural freshwater lake, known as the "plateau pearl". The northwest of the lake, magnificent mountains stand graham, this is the worship of the mosuo people and the personification of graham goddess. The southeast south of the lake, connected to the grass sea, grass here a big, fat cattle and sheep, offshore thick reed in the wind ripples, straw cocooning frame unfurled in straw cocooning frame of flowers and plants, every winter, swans, black-necked tens of thousands of rare migratory birds perched on the, smooth add a angry, a kind of scenery. Lake weeks, in the dense virgin forest, leopard, roe, deer, blue sheep, panda, macaque, spot haunted by antelope and other rare animals, meanwhile, give a person fear, a few minutes the delight. Lake, criss-crossed, rural, white, sunrise, whether wood pile of houses, madadayo smoke from kitchen chimneys, pastoral Chen Chen,, little brother a-mei, companion, good pack picture myriad of farm plantations, makes visitors's spaced out.

The naxi mosuo lugu lake side live, marriage is unique, unique customs, the house of lords, for women, their family members by blood, all are matrilineal descent. Such as family members, grandparents only grandma and his brothers and sisters, mothers only mother, uncle and aunt. Shaw is called walking marriages father married children o o "wave" or "Ada".

Here, everything is so magical, so simple, whether ChengDing ceremony, xia, matrilineal family, marriage funeral, are unique. Each protocol, each customs, is a beautiful and moving story, the individual best young beautiful pastoral, all full of somewhat mysterious, a few minutes of romantic, poetry, painting, so as to give a person to daydream and thought. Lugu lake beauty more beautiful mountains water, in addition to the peculiar marriage and customs, on the Banks of lake lugu co-eds that a unique clothing is more remarkable. Lugu lake is the girl country, it is the kingdom of the song and dance, once set foot on this land, visitors to the near, leisurely satisfied the purest khabarov o "pull", for it such as the dragon scroll a rub. Look, the drift distance to the pig slot of a ship, carrying a-mei, waved to you, to you put throat: "ah, my friend, don't go to the, a-mei accompany you to the month fell west hill". On the fertile land of lugu lake, the diet culture of people deeply infected with the features of natural, of primitive simplicity. Today, the Japanese diet staple or fushi, still is the mountain spring water, herbs, nuts, whole grains for seasoning, artificial brewed, the pickled, since the roast, after boiling at the altar, put on the fire, the pot, and then a few days, months and years to open the feed has, for the distance visitors taste, this is the famous pig fat meat, lugu lake in wine, cow sour fish, dried fish, rice, pig blood meter, etc. The gourmet food, make you see, delicious.

