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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2582 字

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Ancient capital of luoyang, is a one thousand. The famous historic sites is obviously, like, white horse temple, longmen grottoes, tianjin bridge and so on and so on, a lot. My favorite is the white horse temple.

When I was seven or eight years old, has ever been to the white horse temple once more. I was the first ancient China after two thousand years of wind and rain.

The monastery was founded in AD 68. Published in 1961 by the state council for the national first batch of one of the key cultural relics protection units. White horse temple, the temple there are great, big Buddha hall, male, such as house, a lot of magnificent buildings. And white horse temple is the birthplace of Chinese Buddhism, also known as the "cradle" and "interpretation of the source".

It is said that: one night in the year 67, the han emperor liuzhuang had a dream, dream of a fairy, surrounded by golden body is light, the light come from a far country, landing in front of the royal house. Han Ming emperor was very happy. In court the next morning, he told officials, their own dreams and ask where is sacred. Seeks Fu Yi well-read, he told han Ming emperor: "I heard that western tianzhu (India), and a word of god, as Buddha, can fly in the fantasy, the whole body radiates with light, the emperor you dreamed about Buddha!" And the king of han Ming emperor sent messengers Qin Jing, according to 13 people go to the western regions, such as promise. Three years later, they are the same as the two Indian monks and Ye Ma teng and zhu flange back to luoyang, back to a number of books and Buddha, and start to translate the part of buddhist scriptures, "medallion 42" is one of them. The emperor ordered built China's first buddhist temple in the capital of luoyang, to house the sainted Indian monk, they bring valuable storage by things such as, the temple of luoyang white horse temple today.

White horse temple is not only the first in the history of Chinese ancient temples, or a have a lot of vivid figure of Buddha and grand buildings.

I took a tour of the white horse temple, saw many vivid figure of Buddha. Not only has a vivid interesting "happy Buddha maitreya," there are four jovian pop. Formed a great contrast. There is also a scenery left a deep impression on me. That is JiYun tower. The stupa, though not very grand, but have radian tower, give a person the sense with small and exquisite,.

White horse temple, over one thousand years of wind and rain is a monastery, is the pride of our luoyang people heart!




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:景区,导游,全文共 382 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:景区,导游,全文共 982 字

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这一风景区,包括琅琊山、城西湖、姑山湖、胡古等四大景区,面积115 平方公里。主要山峰有摩陀岭、凤凰山、大丰山、小丰山、琅琊山等。景区以茂林、幽洞、碧湖、流泉为主要景观。山间还有丰富的人文景观,有始建于唐代的琅琊寺,有卜家墩古遗址留下的大量古迹和文物,还有著名碑刻唐吴道子画观音像、唐李幼卿等摩崖碑刻近百处。唐宋著名文人雅士如韦应物、欧阳修、曾巩、苏轼、宋濂等趋之若鹜,均以诗文纪其胜。故琅琊山为我国24座文化名山之一,为皖东的游览胜地。

醉翁亭,位于琅琊山半山腰为我国四大名亭之一。它和丰名亭都因镌有欧阳修文、苏东坡字而著名。醉翁亭初建于北宋仁宗庆历年间,距今已有900多年的历史。它是当时琅琊寺住持僧智仙和尚专门为欧阳修而。当时,欧阳修因在朝得罪了左丞相等一伙奸党,被贬至滁州任太守后,常在此饮酒赋文,智仙同情他特建造了这亭子。欧阳修自称“醉翁”,便命亭为醉翁亭,并作了传世不衰的著名散文《醉翁亭记》。醉翁亭四周的台榭建筑,独具一格,意趣盎然。亭东有一巨石横卧,上刻“醉翁亭”三字,亭西为宝宋斋,内藏高约2米,近1米,刻有苏轼手书的《醉翁亭记》碑两块,为稀世珍宝。亭西侧有古梅一株,传为欧阳修手植,故称“欧梅”。亭前的酿泉,旁有小溪,终年水声潺潺,清澈见底 。 再往西行,可观“九曲流觞”胜景。






范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:景区,导游,全文共 9316 字

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Ladies and gentlemen:

How do you do! Warmly welcome to mount tai, today I will and family together from taishan road on the top of the mountain.

This is high, the ancient taishan contains rich natural and cultural accumulation, has been UNESCO world cultural and natural heritage list. Now, we are still like the ancients, asking how "temple", then join me into the mount, to appreciate the charm of mount tai.

This is dai. Started from the dai temple, temple lane, a heaven, red doors, doors, the arch of ascending immortals to the worse, is the ancient emperor I taishan road, through the now famous person called "heaven scenic spot", also called road, is the oldest of taishan mountain road 6 now. We will from the road to the utmost.

Home before noticed the towering dai temple, and a more temples, that is "remote pavilion", are the starting point of the first emperor I mount tai. The emperor held to taishan I sacrifice, all visits by simple ceremony here first, so before the Ming dynasty, called the "grass and pavilion". Id in the Ming dynasty, changed its name to "remote pavilion" refs. Though it is a word, base devout do contain it.

Friends, the ancient architecture in architectural history in the world has a unique position, is remote and pavilion of the architectural concept for both I would become a standard for a prelude to the need of step by step into the climax, also is the ancient suppression before young's aesthetic thought.

Qianmen is the dai temple, ping is a wonderful party. With such charm to dai temple, is determined by its own characteristics. First of all, it is different from general temple, the walls of the wall week 1300 meters, 5 layer foundation, build by laying bricks or stones on the blue bricks, a trapezoid, 17.6 meters wide, 11 meters wide, 10 meters high, a total of eight gate: for qianmen, as the front entrance to the dai temple. From the dai temple, qianmen into head-on is tianmen, chopped son say "DE with heaven and earth" meaning. With doors on both sides of the east for three spirit Hou Dian, west to qiu, three temple are connected to the wall, and constitute the dai temple between the first into the yard.

Ringha door, is the majestic high Kuang song day, it is also called China sun temple, is the main body of the temple. Width between 9 days Kuang temple, 643.67 meters, the depth 5, 17.18 meters, the intake of 23.3 m. Kuang temple is located in the spacious home, day white stylobate, stone column jacaranda around, around the cloud shape column at his columns, and make the heavens Kuang the environment around the house and has a wonderful effect.

Day around Kuang temple corridors, forming a compound, on the two sides of buildings, gallery is to play the make the space has banded, the folding of the gas and closely, rigorous and abound change, this is to connect the world history of architecture. Dai temple in the corridor to a double-hipped roof hip roof building tightly hugging, straight and high contrast more inspired people to day Kuang own house. Ancient Chinese architects know that there is no absolute absolutely, from comparison, in addition to low around the corridors, days before Kuang temple platform also took two exquisite royal pavilion, both highlighted the day Kuang temple, and in a quiet sound, so the day Kuang temple is not of the two words can be summarized with.

From day Kuang falsely back out, a brick tunnel connected to the bedroom after. When the emperor song zhenzong letter taishan, dubbed "emperor", because of mount tai emperor should be winner ", then to match a lady "shu next year". From this point of view, dai temple is more many, Taoism as more like the royal court, this layout is further revealed the feudal rulers of dai political activities of the utilitarian purpose.

Just now, we are along the dai temple to visit the main axis, and on both sides of main axis, the other 4 individual, both before and after the east, the former as "opzoon", according to legend the emperor of 6 strains of cooper in the courtyard; After the "east the throne", is the place where the emperor the taishan hotel.

Here is the mount tai is famous 18. About 2.5 billion years ago, in a geologist called "taishan sports" orogeny, GuTaiShan from an ocean rise for the first time, after several vicissitudes of life, mount tai is rising and sinking, sinking and rising, finally 30 million years ago in the Himalayan orogeny, finally formed today's mount tai. Ancient orogeny created Tarzan foothill stepped up three fault zone, a step from the cloud layer on the bridge fault zone to the utmost, abrupt rise of more than 400 meters above sea level, making it a layer of strip with all round with a strong contrast peaks, like the pagoda of brake, formed the "column" east days of momentum.

Here is the tight 18, is also the climbing plate is the most difficult part of the road. Cliff house, the inscribed copy of the elders: "hard up", "the first mountain", "green ladder climbing together"... It was the encourage us. Look at the load of one hundred jin, pick, workers think again when the nameless chisel shek sau passers-by... Speechless, but they can motivate people up mountains. Friend, mountaineering is like doing any business, only up to the end, to overcome and obstacles, to reach the highest realm!

The worse, we are in "heaven", although we have not immortal, but we are here to "climb the tianshan and heaven is revealed to the heroic.

Into the worse, as opposed to a temple called "porch" outstanding, outstanding porch one on each side can go to the north. Go out to the west there is a mountain peak "of oar in nature, the mountains have a pavilion, a month view pavilion. It is said that day high air in late autumn season, here also can see" Huang Hejin belts "singular landscape: under the setting sun is reflected in the backdrop, dimmed, but the Yellow River, reflecting the light of the sun, like a flash of gold belt, the day in the ground together. At night, under the bright moonlight, the lights of the north visible at jinan, so the peak month view say again" at the mansion mountain ".

Out the worse yard east fold is the Yin. Yin, the streets of heaven, more poetic. Travel east along the Yin, the north one lane, plaques on the topic shadow Wu Sheng mark ", this is from Confucius and YanYuan see wu Chang outside a white horse. Fang north is the Confucius temple.

Yin is the most eastern end of azure clouds temple, I tell the stories brigitte xia yuan jun to the home. Brigitte xia yuan jun's predecessor is the goddess of mount tai, the folk known as "fairy herself xia yuan jun" is people mind of mount tai is the Lord god, and is referred to as "taishan" grandma, "taishan mother". Taishan syndrome of old people of faith and love, is a history of buried deep in people's heart of a mother's love. For many years, Beckham won the affection of his people, xia yuan jun still stand on the top of mount tai, accept the good faith boy and girl, incense, wandering township called to leave the country.

Ok, let us into the green chardonnay temple. , 2500 square meters, built the throne room, peidian peidian, 3 door god, bell tower, drum tower, incense, long live the floor, one thousand jin ding, pool fire, and zhaobi, dance floor, royal pavilion... And as the royal mountain high winds, the temple of copper for copper tile, stone, glittering, just like the imperial palace in the sky. The height of mount tai azure clouds temple architecture technique is considered to be the model of the construction of the ancient mountains, people come here to visit dance is not feeling it and its high, sacredness arises spontaneously. Today, mount tai azure clouds temple buildings unique prepared.

The azure clouds temple east door north along the winding mountain paths to god, a wall of rock stand tall, cliff stone carvings around, yangyang, called "peak". Peak on the west side, a few years all have the ancients write on a stone, this area is open to the calligraphy art museum.

Peak bends and on the west side of the view to the top, who seems to go all the way up the stone steps finally arrived at the end of the utmost - jade emperor peak is mount tai.

The jade emperor pagoda built in the utmost, aross like to taishan wearing a crown. By the gate into the temple, the first see is a hospital bill "the utmost stone". The utmost stone columns, lie in a circle of fewer meters high, rough surface, if elsewhere, will be a the most ordinary not stone. But here, beside it have ready and ready and the monuments reads: "1545 meters of mount tai is the utmost". According to the geology analysis, that's it, at 30 million years ago from a trough to hog, it rooted in the 10000 meters deep in the earth's crust; Is it, with hundreds of square kilometers of the base, the whole mountain is carried on it, make it the clouds, so that the jade emperor of jade emperor pagoda became the patron saint of it.

My friends, a day of travel is over. Hope you can come again to the mount tai. Thank you for your home!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 5092 字

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Tourists friends:

You are good, welcome you to the north sea park visit tour.

Beihai park is located in the center of Beijing, is my garden extant most glorious, preserves one of most complete imperial garden, it has a history of nearly one thousand years

The development of the north sea garden started in liao dynasty, jin again on the foundation of liao dynasty start-up Yu Dading nineteen years (1179 years) to build great size too ning palace. So the kremlin lineage imperial gardens in China "a pool of three mountains" regulation, and move the bian city gen yue palace garden of taihu in jade island. To yuan four years (1267 years), back Kublai Khan etheric ning GongQiongHua island as the center construction, mostly jade island and the lake is classified as emperor, givennames longevity hill, too fluid pool in the eighteenth year of yongle (1420) Ming dynasty formally moved the capital Beijing, longevity hill, too fluid pool become YuYuan west of the Forbidden City, according to the west. In the Ming dynasty toward the south to develop the surface of the water, forming the pattern of the three sea. From the west in the Ming dynasty, qing dynasty qianlong period to massive rebuilding of the north sea, laid the scale and structure of ever since. After the xinhai revolution in 1925, the north sea park opening to the outside world. After new China was founded in 1949, the party and the government of the north sea park, attention to the protection of the huge sum of money to repair, in 1961 published by the state council as one of the first batch of dominated key cultural relics protection units.

The north sea is the art of Chinese historical gardens masterpiece. Dominated covers an area of 69 hectares, including the water of 39 hectares), is mainly composed of jade island, east and north shore scenic spot jade verdant trees on the island, the house has, pavilions, strewn at random have send, white tower stands a mountain, as the symbol of the park and around the weeping willows with city which lent, great rooms, original zhai, meditation, fast snow hall, the five dragon pavilions and the nine dragon screen, small buddhist paradise, and many other famous attractions, the north sea garden upholds hong kuo momentum of the north gardens and jiangnan private garden charm gracefuls and restrained is varied, and with the magnificent imperial palaces and religious temple solemn, diversity and one integrated mass, is the treasure of the Chinese garden art. The north sea is located in the northwest of Beijing the imperial palace, is the size of the existing in our country has a long history, magnificent ancient imperial palaces. Known as the world "XianShanQiongGe" here was the liao, jin, yuan, Ming and qing dynasty five dynasties royal "detached palace YuYuan Ming and qing dynasties, the north sea with China, the south China sea called the three hoi ching qianlong year large-scale expansion, the existing building is then built more, basically is the pattern of the now.

Beihai district can be divided into the jade island, TuanCheng, four north sea on the east and the north part of the center of the jade island is dominated, architecture, landscape on the island heavy and complicated and changeful, in eastern north sea surface is given priority to with the buddhist architecture, YongAnSi, enlightenment temple, tower, from bottom to top, strewn at random discretion, notably the towering pagoda is the most eye-catching; Such as floor of west yue heart temple, igawa clouds series construction is given priority to, otherwise read ancient building, ripple hall, double rainbow pavilions and many rockery tunnel, corridors, winding path construction, etc.

Many buildings on both sides of the north east, north, each has its own characteristics, there are original, city of lent, great and small buddhist paradise PuJian, meditation, such as five dragon pavilions and the nine dragon screen YuanZhongYuan and buddhist temple building north hainan to edgewater TuanCheng, standing in yongan bridge connected to the jade island; TuanCheng construction according to the central axis symmetry layout, main chengguang temple is located in the central, large scale, modelling is exquisite. Beihai park covers an area of 68 hectares, of which the surface of the water of 39 hectares total view of the north sea dominated architectural layout, the monastery as the center, take jade island as the main body of landscape in all directions. The top of the hill stands the white dagoba, built in the qing shunzhi eight years (in 1651), such as books and mantle around inside the lama DianGe is linked together, forming ZhongXingPengYue north shore of east lake, there are several yards, temple building near the lake if the five dragon pavilions like gone with the wind, constitutes the north sea and a unique landscape. Is located in the north shore of the nine dragon screen is majestic, for China's one of only three nine dragon screen "fangshan" to business in the garden of the qing dynasty palace is famous for its food.


篇8:秦皇岛老龙头景区导游词 龙头山导游词

范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:景区,导游,全文共 659 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2295 字

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Tangshan city is located in the center of bohai sea area, the south shore of bohai sea, north depends on yanshan, the transportation is convenient, can be in and out of the sex is very strong. Back mountain geographical landscape, linhai are diverse and complex landform types and characteristic of the local history and culture, has created many distinctive tourism resources. Taste unique natural landscape, cultural landscape culture deeply. Tangshan northern mountainous area of Ming Great Wall, 221 kilometers, east to shanhaiguan, old faucet, west to badaling and mutianyu, there are 29, jailed narrow watchtowers, 603, 82 beacon tower.

Underwater Great Wall the Great Wall, marble, 72 stamps, prison floor, watergate and the Great Wall brick kilns, raising horses, station troops are only along the Great Wall, on behalf of the Ming Great Wall is the essence of the history and culture. Along the Great Wall has clear dongling, JingZhongShan, JiuFengShan, essence, panjiakou, DaHeiTing, castle peak, lingshan, the Aries valley and a series of scenic spots. Qing dongling, built Yu Kangxi two years, is at present, the scale, the existing system of complete DiWangLing tombs, one of the listed as a world heritage site in November 2000. Land buried five emperors, 15 queen, 137 concubines, 4 princess. Clear dongling, grand, magnificent, elegant and big buildings in China's largest stone memorial arch, the longest god road. Located in the territory of qianxi map JingZhongShan, with its extensive and profound, has a long history of Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism humanities and natural landscape, has been the qing emperor kangxi imperial topic "lingshan thorn", "the world famous mountains".

Tangshan has mountains, sea, forest, a variety of unique natural landscape, there are national level cultural relics protection units 2, 40 provincial key cultural relics protection units. Tangshan has 196.5 kilometers long coastline, beautiful coastal scenery, especially the bodhi island, on tuo island, playing net post three offshore islands, is in the process of development and construction of natural ecology sightseeing and leisure as the main content of the new tourist area, become a bit more beautiful characteristics in north China tourism.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:景区,导游,全文共 553 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4670 字

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Lijiang is a very ethnic characteristics. Even the airport antique. Lijiang ancient city construction are all local naxi style. And modern city. And the city can't driving, only line of the horse.

Only the ancient city inn no hotel, we stayed at a place great inn. Neighbour to the lively square street, inside inn is very quiet, style is a bit like Beijing courtyard house, this is the building of the naxi nationality.

The first day we went to the mu's residence.

Mu's residence, also called wood palace. Is a local tusi (local highest officials) office and living place. Impressive, really a little emperor's taste.

Into a big family, is the place that toast in the office, there is a chair. Covered with a real tiger skins, toast will accept minister worship here, in front of the chair there is a carpet, by the minister.

The second is to collect books pavilion, called Wan Juanlou. This building was the tallest building, there are three layers. The first layer is toast the place of study. Only a few tables and chairs, there is a display case, demonstrates the toast studying buddhist scriptures. On the second floor is the place of books, put the two rows of big bookcase, but no books in it. The display case in front of the several modern book. From the third floor can see jade dragon snow mountain, the mountain is the second mountain in yunnan province. There is also a toast rest place.

After we went to the HuFaDian. Here is the place of our ancestors. A statue standing in front, before the gods have a tablet, it read: emperor division, it means: to worship the first day, and then, next is the emperor, relatives, teachers.

"Local tyrant" worthy. This toast mu's residence built well. But why call "mu's residence? Because before, in lijiang, a few name of wood, ordinary people are first and last, now or so. So a person, if the name is wood, his house is a few before, first and last, it is people. Neither without last name and surname wood, that is not local.

The next day we went to the jade dragon snow mountain.

From the bottom up, has been can feel cold. Although not all covered with snow on the mountain, but also can see a glacier. We take little bolts in the mountain. Unfortunately, cableway in maintenance. Small cableway only up to the sea dials 3000 while large cableway to 4506 m.

Can see the snow on the mountain peaks. This mountain is not high, but it has never been conquered. Because of the mountains, rocks have been weathered couldn't climb up.

Then we rode to the spruce meadow. Here are all spruce trees, has a long history. Like a guard, protected the snow mountain. Snow mountain is like a old man, take care of the spruce. The land of wild flowers, spruce, snow-capped mountains and rainbow, formed a unique landscape.

On the third day, we come to city sea horse. One to the racecourse, first heard a few clear and crisp scream. I was the first time in close contact and horses. These horses are all brown and black, there is no "prince charming".

Our road right away. Ride a horse don't like to ride a bike, how to ride it. Ride a horse to put straight to the bottom, otherwise will uncomfortable, will run wild. I would have felt before. The body forward, up/down the body leaned back, this also should pay attention to.

Along the way, although invisible stream but also can hear the sound stream. Made of green barrier, there are still those dots of light. The owner told us that this is the tea horse road site. Caravan is go here before. Caravan carrying the goods such as tea, silk with horses to groups of other countries. So here is the tea horse road.

At noon, we ate a caravan of rice. Actually is also a plate hoosh with rice, but also quite tasty. Finished we'll ride down the hill.

One to the foot, kaka (I) the name of the horse will gallop. The reason. But really not the kui is kaka, run very fast. My head turned 360 degrees, but I'm not dizzy, don't be left out.

The fourth day, we came to da cuo national park.

First of all, we came to belong to all. The scenery is too beautiful. Mountain by water, water, surrounded by mountains; Mountain water, mountain water. Still can see the green lake, as if returned to the development of science and technology haven't before. From any Angle, a lake with pictures of any kind of camera, can when the computer desktop.

Then another unnamed lake. Go for a short time under the sudden hail! The first time I saw the hail, bean big grains of ice fall down, it's beautiful. The lake at the air after the rain, as if to fairyland. Mist, real or imagined.

To lijiang, it was worthwhile!




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2383 字

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Ha! Hi, I'm happy "tour" of the tour guide. Today, I take you to xi 'an east 30 kilometers. In February 1974, the local farmers in the east of emperor qinshihuang 1.5 zone () at the foot of the mount li qin Terra Cotta Warriors.

In that year, the emperor after he began to reign, and he began to build cemetery, hosted by prime minister lisi planning and design, general ZhangHan supervisors, build time for 38 years, engineering of vast, magnificent verve, the successive feudal rulers luxury lights of precedent. At that time, the qing dynasty a total population of about 20 million, and built ling labor was more than 720000. Xiu ling home soil, from 2000 meters south of this cemetery three between liu village to the county quarry department, there are 5 ~ 25 meters high multistage loess cliff. Fix cemetery used a large amount of stone from nutrient-laden hebei usagi nakayama, asan, depends on human to lintong, engineering is very difficult. Predictably large quantities, usagi nakayama, the corpse and under strict asan side shows the cruelty of the whole project. It is also known as one of "the eight wonders of the world"!

Qin Terra Cotta Warriors is divided into three pits, with a total area of 000 square meters. The Terra Cotta Warriors are robust, forms and more thoughtful! Figures are divided into general figurines, the side horse figurines, kneeling position figurines, figurines of cavalry, terracotta warriors... Among them, the no. 1 pit is the largest, 230 meters long, north and south 62 meters wide, about five meters deep. About 500, the warriors six chariots, driving, horse 24, and bronze sword, wugou, spears and arrows, crossbows, machine, copper halberd combat with weapons of bronze and iron, etc. They all facial expression, ' ', and action each are not identical: some thoughtfully, as if considering how to cooperate, defeat the enemy; Have a deep breath, as if in thought, as the people of qin, must help the emperor beat all places; Some look in the distance, seemed to be missing loved ones far away... Said so much warrior figures, the said the horse figurines: TaoMa ears erect, some mouths scream, some still shut up. All these of the qinshihuang terracotta warriors and touching artistic charm. If you hold your breath gaze of looking at it, you will find it muscle fullness, realistic than a real horse!


篇13:西岳华山旅游示意图 华山景区导游词

范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,景区,导游,全文共 4372 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:景区,导游,全文共 5319 字

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九寨沟的形成,地质学家说它是冰川、地震、钙华等地质作用的结合成果。而民间则流传着一些美丽的传说。其中最动人的传说是:很久很久以前,有一个男山神达戈和女山神沃诺色嫫热烈相恋,他们爱上了九寨沟山高林密,鸟兽和谐,决定留在这里。不料被潜入这里的恶魔蛇魔扎发现,蛇魔扎惊慕色嫫的美色,又反对达戈进沟,就发动了赶走达戈、抢劫色嫫的战争,恶战中色嫫险些被恶魔抢走,色嫫在慌乱中把达戈送给她的定情之物——风云宝镜掉落下地,摔成了一百多个碎片,变成了散布沟内的一百多个海子(请注意,藏胞将高山湖泊叫做海子)。达戈虽然英勇,蛇魔扎也是不弱,双方从沟内打到沟口,仍不能杀死恶魔,这时万山之祖扎依扎嘎伸出了援助之手,以一座屏风似的山崖档住恶魔退路,又以一声霹窝将恶魔埋进山崖,只露出一张丑恶的脸,山崖就是宝镜岩,原来就叫魔鬼岩,崖面上的鬼脸依稀可见。从此,九寨沟恢复了宁静和祥和,更因为一百多个宝镜碎 片变成了五光十色的海子而美丽无比。山神达戈和色嫫在这里长住下来,成了神奇九寨的保护神。



看见公路旁茂密的植物群落吗?它们构成了九寨沟主要的植物景观,主要有油松、青秆、铁杉、冷杉、云杉这些常绿针叶树种;槭 树、小蘖、三颗针、黄栌等红叶树种;桦、栾、榆、落叶松、杨、柳、胡桃树等黄叶树种,这三种基本的色调也是色彩学上的红黄绿之原色,构成色彩斑斓的植物景观,也构成九寨沟的一绝。是什么?对!彩林,是九寨一绝。待到秋时,树的颜色千般万化,倒映于水,如梦如幻,更是美不胜收。






























范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2338 字

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Hunan in taojiang river lake, beautiful scenery, is famous tourist destination at home and abroad. Hunan has a long history, humanities, person of outstanding ability, "subject chuweicai, to fill in. Hunan rich natural resources, known as the reputation of "HuGuang cooked, the world", is the famous "land of fish and rice".

Hunan famous scenic spot: the national famous historical and cultural city, changsha city, yueyang city, fenghuang county. National 5 a grade scenic spot: the capital changsha - j scenic spot, the yueyang yueyang tower, junshan island scenic spot, xiangtan shaoshan scenic spot, hengyang nanyue hengshan scenic area, zhangjiajie wulingyuan, zhangjiajie tianmen mountain scenic spot [. World natural heritage, wulingyuan scenic spot, shaoyang sunnybrook Lang mountain danxia (China)

Hunan is continental humid subtropical monsoon climate, climate has three characteristics: first, light, heat, rich in water resource, the high value of basic synchronization again. Second, climate during the year and interannual change is larger. Winter cold, summer heat, temperature is changeable, spring the autumn temperature steep fall, spring and summer rain, autumn and winter drought. Suitable for autumn tourism.

Hunan province is located in the Yangtze river in the south of the Yangtze river middle reaches, as most is located in the south of dongting lake in hunan province. The xiangjiang river in hunan province on the north-south, so called xiang. Hunan jiangxi province in the east, west chongqing expensive, which the guangdong to the south, north of hubei. The provincial jurisdiction over 14 province, 122 counties (city, area)

Hunan province in the south of the Yangtze river south dongting lake the name. The pre-qin period to the chu, "jiangnan" in hunan province, the earliest name; Until the sui dynasty, "jiangnan" for today in hunan province as the main body cover surrounding parts designed said; Tang belong to jiangnan road, Jiang Naxi, after observation, hunan province, as the beginning of the name of hunan; Song said hunan road; Yuan ridge north of hunan road; Ming HuGuang province, after the change of the provinces HuGuang originally department; Clarify HuGuang provincial place in hunan province, the province has not changed.



篇16:寨沟导游词700 九寨沟景区导游词

范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,景区,全文共 414 字

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今天,将由我带领大家游览著名九寨沟的景点之一-------五彩池。大家就叫我黄导吧 ,希望我的讲解能给大家带来愉快。








范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 8453 字

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Qinhuangdao bohai sea in the south, north depends on yanshan, huludao city, liaoning province in the east, suizhong county, tangshan city west, north to chengde, near Beijing and tianjin, the geographical position 39 ° 24 '- 40 ° north latitude 37', longitude 118 ° 33 '- 119 ° 51', located in the bohai economic circle center of the most potential for development, are the two major economic zones of the northeast and north China. Beidaihe, shanhaiguan, haigang district, qinhuangdao development zone three municipal districts and FuNing, changli, rulon, qinglong manchu autonomous county of the four counties, with a total area of 7812.4 square kilometers, by the end of 2011 the total population in the city has reached to 3 million. Qinhuangdao convenient traffic and communication developed. Qing-shen passenger, with jingha railway, mountain railway, daqin railway, tianjin four railway and jingha expressway, coastal expressway, qin highway, 102, 102 national highway passes through throughout. From Beijing, shenyang, chengde to qinhuangdao are just more than two hours. Civil aviation has opened to Shanghai, hangzhou, dalian, guangzhou, Harbin, heihe and so on dozens of domestic routes. The opening is currently under construction in tianjin qin passenger dedicated line to only 1 hours from tianjin to qinhuangdao. Developed communication network system, but with all over the country and more than 230 countries and regions in the world speak directly, silver wire wuzhou, qinhuangdao like the distance with the world.

Qinhuangdao climate type belongs to the warm temperate zone, is located in the semi-humid zone, belongs to the temperate zone monsoon climate. Because are greatly influenced by ocean, climate is mild, dry little rain in spring, warm summer without heat, autumn cool more sunny, no cold winter long. Variable terrain within their respective jurisdictions, but climate impact is not big.

Qinhuangdao is located in the east section of yanshan mountain hilly region and the piedmont plains, high terrain north south is low, the formation of northern mountains - low hilly land - mountain basin area - - alluvial plain are on the coastal zone. Northern mountainous area is located in qinhuangdao qinglong manchu autonomous county, in the 1000 meters mountain is mountain, soyama etc. 4. Low hilly land mainly in northern mountain area, generally between 100-200 meters above sea level, concentration distribution in lulong and funing, the area is the sweet potato, HanLiang qinhuangdao and industrial and mining areas. Intermountain basin region located in the northwest and north area of qinhuangdao FuNing, YanHe camp, liujiang river three big basin, the area is the main food crops. Alluvial plain, mainly in the region of the 0 to 20 meters, distribution in funing and our caravan left changli county, the area has a Marine aquaculture, wine, travel and other promising integrated industry, is an important agricultural economic zone. The coastal area, mainly distributed in city areas and FuNing, changli county.

Qinhuangdao convenient traffic and communication developed. The basis of high speed railway, jingha, jing qin, qin daqin four railway and Beijing expressway, coastal expressway, 102, 205 national road runs through all. From Beijing and shenyang to qinhuangdao by more than two hours. Civil aviation has opened to Shanghai, guangzhou, hangzhou, dalian, heihe and dozens of domestic routes. Launched to dalian, yantai sea passenger transport routes and incheon, South Korea and other cities. Currently under construction in tianjin after qin passenger dedicated to traffic, only 2 hours from tianjin to qinhuangdao, bearing the qin, after the completion of the highway bridge under construction in just six hours from chengde to qinhuangdao, the former will be opened at the end of 2011, which will open in October 2012. Developed communication network system, but with all over the country and more than 230 countries and regions in the world speak directly, silver wire wuzhou, qinhuangdao like the distance with the world.

Qinhuangdao is an important port city of China, north China, northeast and northwest areas important port. One hundred years of history of qinhuangdao port, and ice free energy such as coal, oil output is given priority to, engaged in cargo and container transport, is a multi-functional integrated modern port. Cargo throughput reached 150 million tons, among the world's port, and the world more than 130 countries and regions have trade. Qinhuangdao port is the world's largest energy output port, qinhuangdao, created the China association of world record for the world's largest energy output port of world records, is China's "south north coal shipped" thoroughfare of pivotal ports, for the "" eight provinces and one city in south China's coal supply, accounted for 50% of the national coastal port coal water. Qinhuangdao is an emerging industrial city. Grain and oil food, building materials machinery manufacturing, glass and metal rolling as the four pillar industries. More than 1000 kinds of industrial products, of which more than 30 reached the international advanced level, more than 170 reached domestic advanced level. Here has China's largest glass bridge industrial base, China's largest manufacturing group, one of the largest shipbuilding and ship repairing base in China, Asia's largest single compound fertilizer production enterprises, China's most important aluminum processing base, China's biggest car wheel factory, is China's famous red wine production base, is to become China's most important gas turbine manufacturing base and service center.

Land resources: the land area of 11687348.5 mu, of which the agricultural land 7901934.6 mu, 67.61% of the total area of jurisdiction; Construction land 1166476.2 mu, 9.98% of the total area of jurisdiction; Unused land 2618937.7 mu, 22.41% of the total area of jurisdiction. Compared with a net increase of farmland 5776.7 mu, the growth of 0.073%, net construction land increase 6.676.6 mu, an increase of 5.49%, unused net reduction of 66453.3 acres, down 2.47%.

Mineral resource is rich in mineral resources, qinhuangdao, variety is more complete. At present, the 56 kinds of minerals have been found all kinds of, has been the development and utilization of 26, 22 kinds of proven reserves. Advantage minerals include gold, iron, cement limestone and non-metallic materials. All kinds of properties including mineral points more than 1000, are mainly distributed in the northern mountainous area and liujiang river basin area. The city is now the development and utilization of minerals are mainly gold, iron, coal, cement limestone and granite and sandstone, mineral water, geothermal and so on more than 20.

Forestry resources: mountain district east section of yanshan mountain, the mountain vegetation in good condition, there are vast forest areas. The main tree species are pinus tabulaeformis, north China larch, arborvitae, oak, aspen and so on more than 40 species. Over 140 kinds of fiber are mainly south snake, lalang, reed, cane, bluish dogbane mulberry, various strange willow, salix integra, linden, etc. More than 90 kinds of brewing class, mainly include quercus variabilis, German oak, Mongolian oak, q. liaotungensis, hazel, mandshurica, etc. Grease kind of more than 100, mainly walnut, pepper, wild honeysuckle, pistacia, mountain of armeniaca sibirica, your son, etc. Fragrance.

Animal resources area of qinhuangdao, fauna belongs to the temperate forests, grassland fauna, farmland are migratory route and stay, especially to migratory birds, animals, abundant plant resources. A total of 20 orders, 61 families 61 species, of which the majority with migratory birds, there are 369 species. In rare birds, into the world of the convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora has 14: short-tailed albatross, white stork, ern, peregrine falcon, red-crowned cranes, crane, capuchin cormorants, black stork, bias geese, bustard.

Marine resources: qinhuangdao sea area located in the west of bohai sea, fishing two wings. East coast shanhaiguan, gold estuary west check our caravan left changli county luanhe river mouth, the total length of 162.7 km. To reduce the area within 20 meters of depth contour with a total area of 2114 square kilometers.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4517 字

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Welcome to here, let me to introduce for everybody!

Wild goose pagoda is located in the southern suburbs within the temple, is the national famous ancient buildings, is regarded as the symbol of the ancient capital of xi 'an. It was said that tang's monk came back from the experiences of India (ancient tianzhu), specializing in translation and the scriptures. Because imitation Indian wild goose pagoda style of the wild goose pagoda. Since then in changan jianfu temple built a small wild goose pagoda, to distinguish, people are often given, jianfu temple tower called the small wild goose pagoda, has spread so far. Wild goose pagoda square plane, built on a party about 45 meters, about 5 meters high stylobate. Seven layers, the bottom side length of 25 meters, from the ground to the top of the tower is 64 meters high. The towers are built with bricks, ground brick for seam strong anomalies. Tower with stairs, can be upwards. Each layer all around a arch form, and can be trapped. Changan view panoramic view. The bottom of the tower is shek mun, have fine lines on the door mast carved Buddha, for big has write in tang dynasty. Within the recess on either side of the tower, the south gate brick, with one of the four famous calligrapher in b on the book of tang monk st preface to teach and the Assyrian monk holy teaching sequence, two pieces of stone tablets. War after tang dynasty, temple, the house burned down, only the wild goose pagoda stand alone.

Another story: the wild goose pagoda was built in the tang Gao Zongyong badge for three years, because of located within the temple, so The tower also known as temple. Temple is the tang dynasty twenty-two years (648) prince Li Zhi reading his mother queen wants to chase. Wild goose pagoda built in only five layer. Wu zetian was rebuilt, and later after numerous repairs. The tower is now seven layers, a total of 64 meters, square pyramid shaped. The tower for the blue brick flies in the build by laying bricks or stones becomes, the layers of wall column fang, bar and so on wood structure. Each layer all around has coupons masonry arch. This in the 2-foot-tall tower, modelling concise, magnificence, is a masterpiece of buddhist art in China. Wild goose pagoda, on both sides of the south gate to the inlaid with b, a famous calligrapher write two pieces of stone tablets of the tang dynasty. One is the preface to tang monk SAN teaching; Another piece is the emperor tang from the teaching sequence, the tang monk holy. A beautiful monument side creeping weed decorative pattern, design, modelling is vivid. These are the research in the tang dynasty calligraphy, painting, sculpture art important cultural relics. Big temple is the most famous and most HongLi Tang Changan city buddhist temple, it is built in the tang dynasty royal decree.

Longevity monk xuan zang, once conducted temple service here and get a tube of sutras translation field, founded Buddhism sect. He personally DuZao temple pagoda is. So big temple has a very prominent position in the history of Chinese doctrines, has been brought to the attention of the domestic and foreign.

Temple gate, the bell and drum tower confrontation. Bell and drum is a temple on the REINS, vulgar said the morning bell and evening drum reminders. The east tower in suspension in the Ming dynasty iron bell, weight thirty thousand jins, three meters. Students in tang dynasty, after the exceeded otherregions jinshi to jion tower under the title, "the wild goose pagoda" title ", after turned lineage. The tang dynasty painter wu daoxuan, wang wei has been for the temple murals, such as precious little already annihilation. But in the wild goose pagoda, stone of four door lintel, door frame, has kept the fine line in the tang dynasty. Westone lintel carved palace figure of the lines is particularly valuable.

The wild goose pagoda, a monk's tomb tower group. Six of them are built in the qing dynasty. Ursa major palace is is the center of the temple buildings, there are three bodies like the Buddha, bodhisattva, and arhat clay sculpture. Is the chanting of course. Dharma is a lecture that place. Hall with amitabha Buddha statue.

Today CiSi temple is the scale since the Ming dynasty, the temple of the temple is the construction of the late qing dynasty. Now after repair of great wild goose pagoda, the majestic, ancient pagoda temple, the temple incense incense, garden flowers bloom, which is a special attract domestic and foreign tourists to visit.


篇19:寨沟简短导游词 九寨沟风景区导游词

范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,景区,全文共 927 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 5759 字

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Rapidly the national famous historical and cultural city - increased (she) county, is located in southern anhui province, 53 '118 ° 15' ~ 118 ° E E, 29 ° 30 '7' N ~ 30 ° N, a county of huangshan city. The county a total area of 2122 square kilometers and a population of about 490000.

Here has a long history, style and prosperity. Beginning qin county, called xinan, since the sui and tang dynasties, has been for the state, the seat of FuZhi, history says "huizhou fu", is the ancient huizhou political, economic and cultural center, known as "southeast turmoil", "state of culture" of reputation, is one of the three major regional culture in China, to show the main birthplace of hui culture and concentrated, also is the famous "China HuiMo city" and "the countryside of China she inkstand", especially in the Ming and qing dynasties had glorious hui village of nearly four hundred years. Cultural relics throughout the county, huizhou city is one of the best preserved Chinese four big ancient city. Here gave birth to the inventor of song dynasty types printing used, peasant uprising leader Wang Hua, Fang La, Ming dynasty famous poet, prose and drama writer wang daokun, wenyuan chamber university many of Ming dynasty, the qing dynasty the body RenGe university Cao Zhenyong literati mingshi etc. Wish it (zhu xi's grandfather), jiang yuan, a spring, wu BaoShuFang, stories and Ye Tianci famous historical hui and Wu Rongshou, Cheng Linsheng, wang and famous modern anhui merchants; ) everyone Cao Sugong; The xin school founder jiang, in the qing dynasty famous painters and calligraphers Wang Shishen, modern Chinese painting master huang. Master modern classics Wu Chengshi Wang Maoyin and economists, people's educator tao xingzhi, revolutionary musician Zhang Shu, literary critic lobe group, party and state leaders of professional revolutionaries KeQing applied such as a large number of historical figures. Neo-confucianism, xinan painting, has been gloriously enrolled xinan medicine, architecture, has been gloriously enrolled miniascape, xinan literature and badge, HuiMo, she inkstand, cuisine and so on all play bright light shining emblem culture, unique in the Chinese culture.

Rapidly is the national historic culture, since the song dynasty to qing dynasty, the commercial prosperity, education developed. Many Shi Fang, siu-tong with PaiFangQun, yu liang dam, zhengshi clan ancestral hall, zhushan academy, Xu Village ancient architectural complexes as the national key cultural relics protection unit. Xinan memorial garden stone, jiang's tomb, changqing temple and tower, Pacific bridge, south we, the valiant ones temple lane, the holy man temple murals, huang's former residence, zhen fang in white stone pagoda, new south wales, Fang Chunfu curtilage, Zhang Linfu curtilage, Fang Shizai curtilage, feng mouth four flour mill, Yin shang bookshop and Stuart fang, by ancestral hall, oh, ancestral hall, wind and rain covered Bridges, east we, huizhou office, this hall, around two curtilage, thick tree name as PaiFangQun, famer, siu-tong with ancient dwellings, male shrine, zhou ancestral hall, Wang Hua 堨 tomb, guan yu ridge, thumb, chang kai temple temple and runner, ziyang bridge, leaf village HongShi ancestral hall, Wan Nianqiao, taihu lake shrine, huaihe basin double lane, so dragon pond oh ancestral hall, BaWeiZu curtilage, huizhou office, sweet village bowman's ancestral hall, the wang so curtilage, zheng village and village five Shi Fang YiTang, male, Wu Chengshi curtilage, Zhang Shu former residence, the centipede ridge terrace and great site for the provincial key cultural relics protection units. And in huizhou peak national nature reserve, national forest park, the cool and refreshing. Siu-tong with PaiFangQun - BaoGu garden scenic spot, huizhou ancient city scenic area, the gallery of xin an river landscape, scenic area rapidly, and the male village scenic spot of national 4 a level scenic spots.

Rapidly traditionally southeast northwest suburbs, different customs, in addition to the common holiday, there are different customs around the festival, xixiang have rock temple on the "nine" (9th), the field of 堨 seiqnyied bat, and mouth "June 2" of the folk wants to raise money, build stage acting, outskirts of farm tools, household items, bamboo furniture appliances gathered to rural communication sales, people are busy, very busy. Now, still retains the traditional customs of festivals, but the content more rich, really turned into a large commodity fair.

Dongxiang have custom section, such as otani yun "June", "June 10" of wang full field, peach pit "half" in June, peach ridge "July", has not respected the pit and half "October", etc., commonly known as "cooked", "celebrates the festival". In the festival, and some made recorded bread flour, do some Fried rice, some wrapped dumplings, pray for the good crop weather, all the corn cooked. And useful bread, rice, rice dumplings to send each other relatives, as a "fu", wish to each other. Many parts of the south township and progeny, and club section, commonly known as "land day". In February the vernal equinox and autumnal equinox in August, a year in the section "and eight" club. In the past, people will go to club male shrine, earth temple worship, prayer times big. In some places cut some inch long straw with soy Fried, into Tian Fan worship, is "Fried insect". To this day, children need to shave their heads, "deinsectization nest," pray means no insects disease-free, good harvest.
