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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2975 字

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Everybody is good! My name is wang, can call me the king tour guide. Today we are going to swim the Palace Museum, it was listed as a world heritage site in 1987.

Look! In front of us now is the Palace Museum. It is also called the Forbidden City, is the imperial palace during the Ming and qing dynasties, is the world's largest and most complete existing ancient wooden buildings. It is Ming yongle built four years (AD 1406), 14 years to complete, covers an area of 720000 square meters. There are 9999 palace. A total of 24 emperors successively in this reign.

Now we three buildings in the Forbidden City is the most attractive, the solar temple, zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace, they are all yellow glass roof and green white stone base, decorated with resplendent and magnificent painting. Tell you a recent discoveries: all of the imperial palace palace is arranged by along a north-south axis, and to expand on both sides, north and south straightening, left and right sides is symmetrical. The central axis not only within the imperial palace, and nanda YongDingMen, north to the bell tower, drum tower, throughout the entire city, verve, magnificent plan is rigorous, very spectacular. Inside the palace is now about one million items of precious historical relics and art collection. And, more importantly, the imperial palace construction according to the layout of function is divided into the outer court and the imperial palace, the outer court and the imperial palace by a gate of heavenly purity, dry outside the south gate of dynasty qing, north of the imperial palace. The outer court in taihe palace, zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace three main halls as the center, in addition the two wings with mandarin house, therefore the court, south three, hall of martial valor, office buildings, etc. I'm afraid you will ask, and the imperial palace? Don't worry, stay will say to the imperial palace area.

Ok, we can say now. Because we came to the center of the imperial palace, after three palace, the palace of heavenly purity, alternating between tai temple, palace of earthly tranquility. Imperial palace flanks are yangxin temple, east sixth, west sixth palace, the hall of abstinence, min city palace. Although they like in front of the three main halls (yellow glass roof and green white stone base), but the internal structure of the east to the table, tea table, west cultural relics for the chair. Three palace, the imperial and creature door, after the creature door to the north gate, east gate DongHuaMen, Simon called xihua gate, main entrance is the meridian gate.

Okay, now into the free browsing time, time for three hours, please pay attention to the points:

1. Not call, do not run, do not disorderly touch, do not tamper with, do not litter;

2. Keep quiet;

3. Now back to the location of the set on time.

How time flies, suddenly the say goodbye. The tourists, goodbye! Hope the next time you come to Beijing to visit the Forbidden City!



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:景区,导游,全文共 690 字

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年保仙女湖(藏语“西木措湖”)。在年保主峰的北侧,在神话传说中传说是白牦牛的化身, 湖泊面积约 17 平方公里。由巨大冰川的剖蚀作用形成的冰川湖,距县城 47 公里,距西久公路4公里处,公路已延伸至仙女湖景区。湖泊如镜,每日晨昏浓雾围绕,蒙蒙细雨,湖面变幻莫测,以其“神奇”之势难以言状而著名于世,深受当地藏族人民赞誉崇拜的一座神山和神密的“宫殿”。藏族人民将马瑙、保石、银币和哈达抛洒在湖中,祈求吉祥如意,幸福安康,带去美好的祝福。湖中有各种鱼类、水獭、鸟类。

湖的中心有一鸟岛,形如金鱼,故命名为“金鱼岛”,各种鸟类在岛上生息繁衍,五、六、七月份鸟蛋遍布小岛,遍布小岛丛林中, 晨昏时节,小鸟在空中飞翔嬉戏追逐,伴随着清脆的鸟叫声,形成了一道美丽的风景线。大仙女湖右侧约 2 公里处为第一道瀑布,清泉飞瀑,掩隐在冬青和丛林之中,给人以清心流畅之美,长约 0.9 公里,登上第一道台阶, 前方是第二道瀑布,虽不长,但奇险无比,沿着石缝攀沿上去,眼前出现一个清绿无比的“天池”,面积约 2 平方公里,池水绿如墨池,醉人心脾,池水的前方出现第三道来自天边的瀑布;小仙女湖的左侧有湍急的溪流,落差很大,溪流在巨石间翻滚,吐出无数道白沫,仙女湖的四周自然生长着各种植物,有名贵的中草药材,如雪莲,川贝、大黄、冬虫夏草,还有珍贵的动物,如:鹿、熊、雪豹、猞猁、岩羊、黄羊、雪鸡、娃娃鱼等。


仙女湖被国家列为三江源生态保护区, 正在进行生态观测站。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:景区,导游,全文共 393 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3492 字

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Full name of the guangxi zhuang autonomous region of guangxi, hereinafter referred to as "guangxi". Nanning, capital is the asean countries and China's unity and cooperation meeting place, known as the green city the laudatory name. The guangxi zhuang autonomous region is located in the motherland southern xinjiang, located in east longitude 104 ° 26 '- 112 ° 04', north latitude 20 ° 54 '- 26 ° 24', between the tropic of cancer crosses the central district. Is the most convenient sea route, the southwest and southeast of resource-based economy in western China and the open economy of integration, in occupies an important position in the economic exchange between China and southeast Asia.

All autonomous regions populated zhuang, han, yao, miao, dong, MuLao, monao ethnic group had, hui, jing, yi, such as water, GeLao nation. Guangxi is located in southern xinjiang of the motherland, is located in north latitude 20 ° 54 '~ 26 ° 23', longitude 104 ° 29 '~ 112 ° 04'. South beibu bay, and hainan province across the sea, the east of guangdong, the northeast of hunan province, northwest guizhou province, west yunnan, southwest and adjacent to Vietnam, the road boundary line 1020 kilometers long.

River water rich in guangxi, sediment concentration, less up summer and fall winter. Landscape in guangxi belongs to hilly basin, many mountains and plains, the topography is surrounded by high, middle low. Guangxi belongs to subtropical humid monsoon climate zone, short winters and long summer heat, rainfall is rich, rain heat the same. 17 ~ 22 ℃, annual average temperature in July was the most thermidor, is the most of January. Average annual rainfall in 1250 ~ 1750 mm, rainfall is the most against the city, is the least tianyang. In addition to the mountains of north guangxi, much of the winter average temperature above 10 ℃, rare frost and snow.

Guangxi ancient belong to the earth, has a long history. Archaeological discoveries of the baise paleoanthropological sites show that as early as 700000 years ago have primitive humans lived here.

Guangxi since the ancient times is a multi-ethnic populated areas, is one of the five ethnic autonomous regions in China, inhabited by the han, zhuang, yao, miao, dong, jing, mulam, maonan, hui, yi, aquatic animals, kelao 12 people. Guangxi minorities have maintained their simple folk customs, in food, clothing, housing, holidays, custom and so on all have distinctive national features, and in the long-term economic interaction and influence each other in the cultural exchange, absorb each other.

In the long history of several thousand years, people of all ethnic groups in guangxi rich created the brilliant national culture. Ancient culture, liu sanjie folk culture, stone culture, art of the white lotus makes guangxi culture is bright beautiful. The baise basin archaeological findings shocked the Chinese and foreign, special fat; National great songs BaGui large song and dance and zhuang "mama le's visit to the sky" arrogant won the double, clueless. Murals, tonggu, folk songs is a dazzling pearl in the culture.

Localized 11 ethnic minority in guangxi, in addition to the hui dialect, use live all have their own language, and zhuang, miao and yao also have their own dialects. Guangxi region of the six kinds of Chinese dialects, which are respectively, southwest mandarin, cantonese, hakka, xinsheng township and min dialects.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,景区,全文共 515 字

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Everybody is good! I am the guide from China travel company, you can call me "small xuan". Today, I will accompany you to visit the Palace Museum.

The imperial palace and the Forbidden City, where towering palace, pavilions, white jade railing, red Huang Wa, glittering. The glittering sea of "palace" covers an area of 72 square kilometers, with a construction area of 150000 square meters, there are all kinds of palace in 890, houses nearly 9000.

We went to the place called meridian gate, now is the main gate of the Forbidden City, 38. ChengTai show "concave" glyph, easy to keep difficult tapping, embodies the wisdom of the elders.

Here is the gate, it is the door of the Forbidden City ranks the highest, taihe in front of the Forbidden City's largest bronze lions. The left foot of copper ball copper lion lion, a symbol of the unity; On the right foot on copper lion cubs for female lions, the significance of offspring prosperity. The copper lion is the symbol of supreme imperial power.

The hall of supreme harmony is the highest building in the Forbidden City mid-range. Ming and qing dynasty, the emperor, wedding, conferring the, life will be for the ceremony and flower, such as New Year's day and winter solstice three large sections of the instrument are held here. In the early qing dynasty, held in this position also.

Jinlong decoration glittering inside the hall of supreme harmony, the throne in the middle and later gold lacquer screen, 6 up on both sides of the pillar panlong hypostyle column, and array a treasure like, Angle side, cranes and incense pavilion. Treasure as a symbol of national stability and consolidate regime; Angle of the side is the legendary auspicious animals, cranes symbolize longevity, incense burner mountain strong meaning. Temple top central jinlong bit like treasure sunk panel, orb for xuanyuan mirror, moral monarch collapsed.

Behind and zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace building, please you go to visit!



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篇14:黄山风景区导游词1200字 黄山风景区导游词5分钟

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篇15:昆明旅游英文导游词范文1:Huating temple,

范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 2435 字

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Huatingtemple, formerly known as great circle sleep temple, the yuan dynasty to treat three years (1323) XuanFeng monk is adding site of gause villa, the Dali kingdom period tomorrow shun six years (1462), temple monk sheng host rebuilt, the twenty-sixth year of the reign of emperor kangxi (1688) rebuilt after the expansion of the name huating temple.

Virtual cloud presided over the old monk rebuilt in 1920, called "by the cloud of Buddha, the most jinzhou.would in kunming area. 1984 to carry out the party's religious policy, huating temple on the first temple, open wide by courtesy of the merits of good people, to reconstruct the scripture-stored, overhaul hall, the newly built five hundred arhat hall, repair of cultural relics and ancient and modern famous inscriptions, increase the modern calligraphy couplet, fully protect the famous buddhist temple.

Huating temple complete structure, layout, exactly, imposing manner is thick, the study of religious culture and ancient architectural art has important value. Main building are: Ursa major, the scripture-stored tower, the clock tower, the abbot, meditation room, ancestor's hall, monastery, guest room, bell and drum tower, and the sea will tower, etc. A rectangular plane layout, in the buddhist architecture of axisymmetric, closed courtyard type. Have that plastic Ursa iii golden body of Buddha, the south China sea guanyin and five hundred arhats, great plastic maitreya, four major Kings, fire, water, and two transformers and bodhisattva wei tuo, the scripture-stored consecrate Buddha white marble statue. Temple treasures have: yuan tai (1324) of the first year of Sanskrit mantra stone statue of sheng tuo Ronnie after building, tomorrow the Yang Ming dynasty the imperial tablet, number one scholar of the couplet "hold west monohydrate, with or without haze, column outside the monk to be diffused rod; peaks toward you, sunny rain shade, lean on a bar person" in the drawing, and other precious historical relics.

Too hua temple years of vicissitudes of life after seven hundred years of wind and rain BingXian, Ming and qing dynasties expansion and repair for many times, but the rule is still keeping the yuan dynasty architectural style. Summer temple east west, scale, layout rigorous, five mixture patio, circus turrets, showed more traditional wear bucket structure, temple pavilion, pavilion, gallery, ChiHuiCheng, quiet quiet.



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Each group members:

You hard all the way, welcome to the new fourth army site tour! I am from anhui province travel guide, my name is wang ping, a vertical three horizontal king, you can call me xiao wang or Wang Dao. The sitting next to us, is our driver Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang is a has many years driving experience

The old driver, so you can feel free in his car. In today's tour, if you have any questions, can put forward to us, we will solve for you as soon as possible.

I want to take you to visit below is a classic red tourism scenic spot - the new fourth army memorial site. Before the visit, let me give you about the new fourth army memorial site situation.

The new fourth army memorial site is located in jingxian county in anhui province yuengling 24 kilometers rural village of Florida. After "the July 7th incident in 1937, eight provinces in southern region of the red army guerrillas 14 adapted into the national revolutionary army new fourth army (hereinafter referred to as the new fourth army). In December 25, the new fourth army in wuhan, and on August 2, 1938 in yuengling, until the "southern anhui incident" occurred in January of 1941. Army in yuengling nearly three years, is the new fourth army to central China behind the critical period of development. Under the leadership of the army, xiangying, the new fourth army soldiers is active in the great river north and south, deadlock, created a number of anti-japanese base areas. As the period of the new fourth army, made great contribution for China's revolution, in the annals of the Chinese revolution, left a glorious page. The new fourth army is the site of the new fourth army left during the period of yuengling stationed.

Memorial hall is now protected site points are: military command, army hall, XiuXieSuo, political department, the squad, field service, bureau of the central committee of the communist party of China southeast, tomb, Ye Tingqiao ten, and added yuengling tablet garden, ye ting statue square, quduwenry display, special exhibition facilities. Within the existing various precious pictures, more than 4000 cultural relics, data. Combined with rehabilitation and quduwenry, are in a different representation of the new fourth army, the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries feats, and shocked the Chinese and foreign "southern anhui incident" tragic one page.

Fellow group members, the following time please follow my steps, go to step into this piece of sacred red territory, let's go to understand this period of history. May this visit will give you leave a good and deep memory. Now we are going to visit is the reconstruction of the new fourth army army memorial. As we all know, people in the great war of resistance against Japan in China, there is a known as tiejun's forces, it is the new fourth army. The new fourth army, under the leadership of the communist party of China from 1937 to 1937, under extremely difficult conditions, created across five provinces including eight and directives of the anti-japanese democratic base areas, formed with the echo of the eighth route army north and south of north China's strategic posture, for the Chinese people's war of resistance against Japan and the world anti-fascist war victory made tremendous contributions. To remember the great feats of new fourth army adhere to the central China Anti-Japanese War, carry forward the glorious traditions of the work of our party and army, carrying out patriotic education, in October 1986 when the reconstruction of the new fourth army headquarters is located - yancheng reconstruction of the new fourth army army memorial was established. The memorial which area covers an area of about 70 mu. Now, we have come to the new fourth army memorial. This is memorial square, square things stand on both sides of the two groups of high-relief combination group

Now we come to the garden is a kind of ink, ink garden turned out to be a landlord house, built in the late qing dynasty, there are 3 into 47 room and a garden, present the ship type. Commander ye ting, deputy chief of staff Zhou Zikun etc. The new fourth army generals and international friends smedley, musicians once lived here, office. In the spring of 1939, comrade zhou enlai had stayed ye ting as he visited the new fourth army commander's office.

Ye ting is not only a famous militarist, or a scholar. In addition, he is a quite deep attainments of the artist, in a military despite my hectic, comrades yeh ting took a lot of work. Here is that he has a darkroom for photos developed. Yeh ting general photography exhibition "here" and "general yeh ting sponsored", works the picture naturalness, era flavor, real century-the war years, is the new fourth army in military history do valuable historical materials. Photography most of them are Ye Tingren filming in south anhui during the period of the new fourth army commanders. Yeh ting of the second representative now works on display are donated by the family.

First and then we go to the doctor, the doctor first built in the late qing dynasty, upstairs downstairs, a total of 64 rooms, otherwise yard, gate house, house more than 10 foot. Vice captains xiangying live in ground floor, office. House staff section in the hall, and the staff work meeting. In May 1998, comrade piper, the 100th anniversary of the "official" comrade xiangying sponsored, let the audience understand xiangying revolution comrade's life.

Next, we came to the great hall of military, everyone with me this way, the great hall of the new fourth army site, is also home to the new fourth army site galleries now. It is yuengling "Chen ancestral hall", built in the qing emperor kangxi seven years (AD 1468). Jingxian county is one of the largest two ancestral temple. On August 2, 1938, the new fourth army moved to yuengling, namely as the great hall of the new fourth army here. Was a large meeting, to carry out cultural and recreational activities, a military and civilian gala and major trophy display exhibition venues. In the spring of 1939, zhou enlai in the important report to the new fourth army commanders. After Chen ancestral hall Into the new display bi is the new fourth army in southern anhui. The exhibition in 2000 won the award of the national top 10 high-quality goods display.

Our journey is about to end, wang also want to say goodbye to everyone. Leaving nothing to send you, send you four word please. First of all, the first word is fate, the fate of fate, as the saying goes, "the annual leave of cultivate degree" and everyone's coexistence is the "best annual leave with the car!" " Next is the original, forgive the word in the last few days, wang has done enough good place, hope you forgive me, here to say sorry. Another since is a complete circle, the end of the trip a great thanks to everyone for the support of my work and cooperate with, in this wang said thank you! The last word or source, the source of revenue, and I wish you all the money is like the xin river and continuous, also wish everyone good health, good work, in a good mood, today, tomorrow is good, with good, give some applause is good.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:景区,导游,全文共 14675 字

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Everybody is good! Welcome to sightseeing, as cabinet. I am a scenic docent of xx, hope that through my explanation, can let everybody to the ancient city of changsha and the massive historical culture as ancient pavilion has a preliminary understanding.

As cabinet are signs and symbols of the ancient city of changsha, changsha is the testimony of history and culture development, ancient times known as "xiaoxiang pavilion, qin and han dynasties city" reputation, as the national AAAA level scenic spots. Because its ley uplift, the auspicious trillion, it has been regarded as a geomantic precious place of changsha. Scenic area was built in 1924, is to protect the ancient city wall with a history of more than 2200 years and 2200 years of history of the ancient attic built in changsha first garden scenic spot.

First of all you see is "embalm wind pavilion" and "lun jian pool". "Cured" is a kind of vanilla, "kaori wind" namely "sweet wind"; Pavilion built in midsummer, pleasant fragrance, all around its name. Red rock cliff "Aaron as" two words, "Aaron" is the similar meaning, "learning" as the mirror, meaning is refers to the water as bright as a mirror. Words taizong account in the proposal making official Wei Zheng died, sadness of leaving "for copper mirror, can is the headgear; with history as a mirror, can know replaced; the looking-glass self, can know the gain and loss" of training, "Aaron as a".

As pavilion is the spirit of chu culture of changsha, changsha is the state council released the first batch of 24 cities in our country one of the famous historical and cultural city, heavenly heart pavilion is a symbol of changsha, witnessed the historical development and changes of the changsha. All the cities in the world history has a city into town, because of the history of the town and city, so the changsha city origin with long history, according to historical records as early as in the shifu, king "of the western zhou dynasty, the changsha city after thousands of years, don't move don't move, don't change, still thrive, a rare in today's cities. Changsha every construction project is likely to dig up a batch of rare and precious cultural relics, such as the western han dynasty mawangdui woman corpse, chow tai bronze ware, cook's floor bamboo slips of The Three Kingdoms, etc... Are legion.

Now you see this piece of strewn at random have the stone forest, is the "historical figures carved stone gallery" scenic area, it is time for us to draw the 33 hunan had outstanding contribution of historical figures, some of them was born in hunan, an official in hunan, including XiangJi 16 people. Yan emperor shen nung, tasted grass bouquet to benefit the people, he later because of eating a "flame grass" (also known as "graceful jessamine herb") plants and xie in hunan, emperor yandi mausoleum in our hunan ZhuZhou tianxinli; Zhu xi, Zhang Shi under the capital city of changsha yuelu academy lecture; Lee Fei, changsha (called tam states) year hunan conciliation, the late southern song dynasty, yuan soldiers in an attack on guarding city changsha 3 hopeless situation, bring the whole family 19th mouth people collective suicide, in order to show the valiant ones; Zeng guofan, hunan hunan assembly of people, the qing daoguang years one of the westernization movement leader, created the "xiang no of xiang army", was crazy to suppress the taiping rebels, after the defeat by twisting forces, but his way of life has always been talk of learning, by later generations, by income more complete works "once Wen Zhenggong; Wei yuan, from longhui, hunan, and puts forward "long skill with barbarians", the Lin zexu, supported by the 50 volumes "sealand 'disposition, known as the world's first person, I opened my eyes XiangYin guo song-tao, hunan people, diplomat in the late qing dynasty, to the west in modern China sent the first permanent chiefs, during the mission's (Singapore), access to public funds only pay to rent two, and said: "budget before the gentleman to remorse, unfavorable to blame others; hui is the gentleman to suicide, unfavorable in hopes to man", said.

Is engaging you see in front of the pavilion, there are "as whirlwind to heaven, to the party engaging" say, mean as natural began. Please note that the above couplet, top allied "day if sentient days also old," second line is "heart to the selfless heart wide". This is embedded word couplet, poem is orz. Did you see it, by the way, is the name of our scenic area "as", this couplet a cultivate one's morality philosophy in it.

Please look at the other side of the pavilion "chong DE", this plaque for Chiang kai-shek, "fresh call forth the past unforgettable a surprised noon dream, thousands of miles to see sunrise" according to legend for Chiang kai-shek, built for the 1946 memorial for those who died in the anti-japanese, also known as "the fierce pavilion". From September 1939 to December 1941, the Japanese aggressively attack changsha three times, in the ninth theater commander Sir Hsueh yueh as the main body of China's armed forces to take the back decisive battle "strategy, strive to resist. Three times in battle, the Japanese were losing from changsha. Changsha become resistance for five years in the history of world war ii hero city, become one of the main positive battlefield of the Chinese Anti-Japanese War stalemate. Because, as cabinet in changsha city high ground, have lost three times as one of the main platforms of our important department. Hero of changsha city undefeated to figure stands in front of the world, and majestic, magnificent ancient city wall, also became the pride of changsha people.

Now everyone viewed from the looks, is built in the Ming dynasty chongzhen years ago, has 400 years of history, as cabinet. Attic for a layer, when he first built qing qianlong built into two layers, in 1774 as a "ku" always read officer wang li degrees also made the repairing as pavilion "; As to the qing dynasty jiaqing years, your academy dean luo funding reconstruction, Ohio, south of the city is now everyone can see three layer, and increase the south and north two attached to the cabinet, make it more grand, magnificent; 14.6 meters high, is now the main pavilion two attached cabinet each 10 meters high, the entire attic imitation Ming and qing dynasties south garden architectural style, "not as pavilion, don't know the ancient changsha." Please follow me together pavilion to visit.

Main pavilion, a layer for the exhibition in one hundred, changsha, changsha one hundred history of the 20th century is shown. First of all, please see the heavenly heart pavilion overlooking a poem, the poem "tam states that" today's changsha. The poem are taken from the good county annals "(the original changsha, good two counties are divided into changsha, as pavilion is a good county), the author YuYi for Ming chongzhen years in Beijing took command, which can be concluded as cabinet as early as 400 years ago stand high above the city. Then take a look at the ancient changsha old topographic map, it is the long and narrow strip, changsha has a picture of a household name, popular pairs: "land and sea chau interstate system boat boat move motionless, as presently live pigeons fly cabinet did not fly", this amphibious continent is j, amphibious continent is about more than 5500 meters long, about 100 meters wide, is the changsha this special geographic landscape. Changsha geological structure on the basis of quartz sandstone, through all the year round external force, make a lot of sand and stone are gathered in the surface, thus changsha placenames origin in "long Fang Zhou, sandy land".

Main cabinet of the second floor has two large relief, one shows the late November 12, 1938, "Wen Xi fire", zhou enlai and then KMT chairman zhang zhizhong to attic inspect the scene of the disaster of hunan province, wuhan, the Japanese open the portal to southern China, Chiang kai-shek to defend the changsha lack of confidence; The order after the yueyang lost, zhang zhizhong in changsha "scorched earth" of the war of resistance against Japan, with their torches as cabinet, put a good carry of changsha city into a ruin, destroyed the city area of 90%, burned more than 3000 people, burns victims of nearly twenty thousand people, the city common people homeless, history says "Wen Xi fire", changsha which is listed as a world war ii one of the most serious city four great destruction. But less than three months, heroic unyielding changsha people and set up a small hut on the ruins of new changsha, with a burning desire to fight the Japanese again, make the Japanese admitted for the first time in all the way the successful cases of the Chinese people do not reproach. Second is shown in July 1930, the red headed by peng dehuai SanJunTuan armed attack changsha, in ShanTing victory stationed in the scene. Hunan liling people at that time li lisan's adventurism authorized by the communist international, put forward the strategic thought of "armed to encircle the cities", after the general strength is too wide, the red army and take the initiative to leave changsha.

Why call this building as "pavilion"? According to ancient Chinese star like learning, heaven have 28 stars, including seven southern provinces as "the linnet", in its tail there is a main life "star" in changsha, and attic built after just on the "changsha star" in the sky, as it is the stars in the sky, therefore, formerly known as "star pavilion", is the star of stars, is the ancient worship god, stars "gv 10"; We all know that the ancients has always been advocating dao, original attic to worship the statue of Confucius, mencius and others, the moral "for Kong Mengchuan orthodoxy, for heaven and earth and heart", so the star of stars and change to the heart of the heart. Another story, the qing emperor kangxi years, emperor kangxi to changsha southern found changsha wooden house much more special, very easy to cause HuoHuan, to save the people in distress, and local officials in changsha, changsha is highest, feng shui, the best place to build such a disaster in the town of fire prevention, attic, said "the mind of" son of heaven. Written by scholars in the late qing dynasty Huang Zhaomei yunshan all eyes, all around of fireworks always concerned about "in the name of the union, better generalization for the cabinet in the first place.

Now you see, is the ancient city wall in changsha. In 202 BC, that is, the west five years, emperor gaozu Liu Bangjian han closed his eight major contributor to the king, the changsha Wang Wu rui, has formed ram changsha built the ancient city wall, according to the present 2200 years of history. In the Ming hongwu five years, that is, in 1372 AD, changsha command make Qiu Guang defence, content of the wall for masonry building, the purpose is to strengthen the defense, makes changsha is solid "citizen". Ming scored changsha yellow tiger rate army onishi, the wall had been destroyed; Qing shunzhi eleven years (AD 1654), seduction on the plains of hunan, in changsha, dismantle MingFan fu brick building the wall, to return to the old city walls. Two years qing xianfeng (1852 AD), the walls and damaged by taiping rebels, after successive hunan governor LuoBingZhang, Mao Hongbin repair reinforcement, such as design and additional battery around, the ancient city wall to a pattern of arch ring type in Minnesota. Original ancient city wall is 8.8 kilometers, the north and south long and narrow strip, in 1914, the kuomintang government in order to repair the ring road, retain only 251 meters at present this period survives, as an important witness of changsha history development.

Please look the direction of my finger, this is an important component of the ancient city wall in changsha - "around", also known as the barbican. As the name implies, named after the deep shaped like a half moon, is an ancient riot police, according to the place and the battery. It usually consists of two parts, the long-range artillery is placed above, the following placed close to Tom. In the city as well as storage of ammunition and food with warehouse and the secret to the outside, it are of great value to the research of ancient Chinese military fortifications. Interested friends can visit it.

Tourists friends, everybody in the official kilns are everywhere on the wall. The brick kiln with Ming and qing dynasties, which was the ancient brick factory brand, another is "responsibility" for the Great Wall brick sample.

Now watch, please "changsha fire" phantom imaging, said it was just introduced in 1938 "Wen Xi fire".

Occurs under the ancient city wall of the most famous battle, is "the duke guan war changsha". Chibi war, zhuge liang detachment of the will, and enterprising lingling, guiyang, wuling, changsha county. Guan yu at the gates in changsha war ShouJiang huang zhong, alternate admire: each a 50 rounds the first world war, regardless of the outcome; World war ii, the duke guan "knife meter" and huang zhong up, close the second brother to win and aboveboard, so put huang zhong; Three wars huang zhong cheat, go back to the GuanYuFang three arrows, the first two arrows to close the second brother, also Huang Zhongfang is empty of arrows, in return for first don't kill the grace of huang zhong only shot at guan yu's head scarf, this time to turn off the second brother know huang zhong, frighten when hands are off, so today changsha and "fishing knife river". Back to changsha after the satrap han xuan yi huang zhong collaboration, will launch him beheaded. Saved huang zhong wei, han xuan, han xuan for wei, deliberately put the two boots the south and north two places, so today, changsha, and "south, north to take off the boots. Wei yan see through the trick, grasp its kill, the changsha has given "idle lake" (thorn Han Hu). After Wei Yanxian city; Huang zhong home anyway, guan yu, please visit to surrender.

To this end, the interpretation of good, I thank you for your support for my work, I wish you all a pleasant journey, bon voyage!
