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西湖周围的群山,属于天目山余脉。根据岩性差别和山势高低,可分 杭州西湖为内、外两圈。外圈有北高峰、天马山、天竺山、五云山等,属高丘陵地形,山体主要由志留、泥盆纪岩屑砂岩、石英砂岩构成,岩性较坚硬,不易风化侵蚀。峰峦挺秀,溪涧纵横,流水清洌,是西湖泉水最多地带。内圈有飞来峰、南高峰、玉皇山、凤凰山、吴山等,山势较低,属低丘陵地形。山体均为向斜山地,主要由石炭、二迭纪石灰岩构成,易受水流溶蚀,形成了烟霞、水乐、石屋、紫来、紫云等溶洞。内圈的群山,除岩溶丘陵外,还有横亘西湖北缘的葛岭、宝石山,由火山碎屑岩组成,海拔在百米左右。宝石山地貌气势磅礴,石峡陡立壮观,绝壁通幽,赭色宝石(碧玉)嵌入岩中。




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 18713 字

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Comes in front of Hangzhou, you certainly had heard "on has theheaven, gets down has Suzhou and Hangzhou" this famous saying!Actually, analogies Hangzhou between the adult the heaven, in the verygreat degree is because had Xihu. Since 1100, the Xihu scenery has thecharm which prolonged does not fade, her abundant posture beautifulfigure, makes one fall in love. Tang Dynasty big poet Bai Juyi leaveswhen Hangzhou also never forgets Xihu, "has not been able to throwHangzhou to go, one partly stops over is this lake." The poet said himtherefore does not give up leaves Hangzhou, its main reason is becauseHangzhou has a beautiful enchanting Xihu. "The world Xihu 36, centershould better be Hangzhou"!

Friends: Under on rides the ship along with me from the mountainshrine wharf to tour together Xihu. Before ship start, I firstintroduce Xihu the survey: Xihu is located the Hangzhou west end,three goes around a mountain, the east side borders on the urbandistrict, the north and south long approximately 3.2 kilometers, thething width approximately 2.8 kilometers, circles lake week nearly 15kilometers. The area approximately 5.68 square kilometers, includingthe lake in the islands are 6.3 square kilometers, the hydraulic meandepth 1.55 meters, most deep place about 2.8 meters, most shallow partinsufficient 1 meter, water-holding capacity in 8.5 million to 8.7million cubic meters between. Outside Su Di and the Bai Dike divideinto Lake Surface the lake, North In the lake, the syli lake mountain lake andthe small Lake Nanhu 5 parts. Xihu everywhere has the beautifulscenery, in the history except has "the money pond ten scenery", "theXihu 18 scenery" beside, what is most famous is the Southern SongDynasty chooses a name "the Xihu ten scenery", mother: Su Di springday dawn, the tune courtyard wind-load, the Pinghu harvest moon,breaks the bridge remnant snow, the flowered port view fish, south thescreen Wan Zhong, the split-blip inserts the cloud, the thunder peakevening glow, Three deep pools India month, the scull wave hears 茑. If connotationwhich selects by each character, they are: The spring, summer, fall,and winter is colored, late cloud evening month willow tree. The spotleft regardless of spring, summer, fall, and winter, regardless of thebright 晦 dusk, the Xihu beautiful scenery all has at times,everywhere all in characteristic. In 1985 commented "the new Xihu tenscenery". In take Xihu as in the central 60 square kilometersbotanical gardens scenic spot, was proclaiming the main scenery scenicspot has 40 place, the key cultural relic historical site has 30place. Summarizes the Xihu scenery mainly take a lake, two peaks,three springs, four temples, five mountains, six gardens, seven holes,eight graves, nine brooks, ten Jing assheng. On November 8, 1982,State Council Xihu will list as one of first batch of national keyscenery scenic spots. In 1985, in "the Chinese ten big sceneriesscenic spots" in the evaluation, Xihu is evaluated third.

Xihu is such beautiful, certainly is breeding many marvelous movingfables. Hands down before very the long time, the space had jade LongHejin on phoenix's to find a Baiyu nearby Milky Way immortal island,they pondered over very many years, Baiyu turned a light shining inall directions the pearl, where did this no. 3 gunpowder tea pearlyluster according to arrive, where trees evergreen, the hundred flowerswere in full bloom. Day after tomorrow the news will pass to theheavenly palace, queen mother of the west sends the gifted general tocome to snatch the bead. Jade Long Hejin the phoenix hurries to therope bead, encounters the grandmother to reject, thereupon youstruggle me to seize, the grandmother is thrown off in the place, atwo pine, the pearl falls the world, turned crystal clear limpid Xihu,jade Long Hejin the phoenix also descended along with it, turned jadeMt. Longshan (namely Jade Emperor mountain) with Pheonix mountains,forever protected shore of in the Xihu..

Xihu took the famous scenery place, many Chinese and foreign celebrityhave only one in mind to this. The Mao Zedong life Chinese CommunistParty 40 time comes Hangzhou, longest has fully lived 7 months longtime, he treats as Hangzhou "the second family". Mao Zedong frequentlycommended Xihu is elegant, but he before death never officiallypublishes has described Xihu the poetry. The Chinese extraordinarypersonalities like Xihu, the foreign friend is forgets to return toXihu. American former president Nixon two time comes Hangzhou, heacclaims said: "Beijing is China's capital, but Hangzhou is thisnational heart, I also must again come." Nixon the red Pine whichproduced the hometown California state has also given Hangzhou.

Our ship slowly started. I first entire You Hu travelling schedulesimple introduction: A link lake week-long scenic spot has a mountainand two dikes. A Shan Zhi isolated hill, the isolated hill scenic areascenic spot historical site reaches 30 place west, can appreciatealong the lakes has the Ling bridge, the fall 瑾 grave, west outsidethe Ling India society, the building the building, the Zhongshan Parkand so on. After isolated hill is the Bai Dike, gets up from thePinghu harvest moon, finally breaks the bridge remnant snow, after thebridge also has the famous gem to flow landscape and so on rosy cloud.Appreciates along the lake scenery, we will go to in again the lakethree islands, the pleasure boat finally approach shore in the Sovietdike.

Now the ship is going from the west to the east, each position arrivesis area the isolated hill scenery. West west the isolated hill meetsthe Ling bridge, east continually Bai Dike, elevation 35 meters, area200,000 square meters. Isolated hill scenery Tang Songnian has beenwell-known, the Southern Song Dynasty principle ancestor onceconstructed the broad in scale Western Pacific second grade palace inthis, divideed into the most place isolated hill the Emperor's garden.Qing Dynasty Emperor Kanghsi constructs the temporary palace in this,Emperor Yong Zheng changes the temporary palace for the saint becauseof the temple, hid the temple with then spirit, only the kind temple,according to celebrates the temple and calls "Xihu four big jungles" " . Perhaps some friends want to ask that, Does theisolated hill since Xihu in the biggest islands, why have to name "theisolated hill"? This is because in the history this mountain sceneryis specially exquisite, continuously is called loner emperor to hold,therefore is the isolated hill. Says from the geology, the isolatedhill is composed by the volcano blowout liparite, the entire bird isand the land continually in together, therefore "the isolated hill isnot orphaned, breaks the bridge to be unceasing, the long bridge isnot long" is been called Xihu three certainly.

Everybody front looked again that link hole stone arch bridge, issituated at west the isolated hill west, the name is called the Lingbridge. It and broke the bridge, the long bridge and is called theXihu ancient times three big sentiments bridge.

Crossed west the Ling bridge, after the isolated hill in the foothillgreen grove had reveres the white marble cast, only saw this heroineleft hand to fork the waist, the right hand presses the sword,flashing eyes, held up the head front the gaze, resembled is seekingthe revolutionary truth. Who is she? She is our country women'sliberation movement pioneer, for overthrows Qing Dynasty, strives forthe national independence and the heroical sacrifice "the warning lakefemale variant" the fall 瑾. This cast height 2.7 meters, the graveplace height 2 meters, on the positive tablet stone should have SunYat-Sen to write personally "the heroine" 4 large brush-writtenChinese characters. Fall 瑾 martyr's cast, for our one kind ofenlightenment: Xihu's being well-known, not merely has occupiedvictory of the scenery, it multiplied the brilliance because of themultitudinous historical personage. In the Xihu scenic spot, by thereputation is "in the lake three is outstanding" Yue Fei, Yu Qian,Zhang Cangshui, but also has with the fall 瑾 for promotes togethernearly issues 0N another's behalf host revolutionary Xu Xilin, TaoChengzhang which China devoted and so on, all has interred the WestLake lakeside.

Our ship continues slowly to go toward the east, each position sawfront whitewashes a wall together, in the courtyard then is the famouswest Ling India society. Right flank India society, this China and theWest combines and complements one another the construction, is hundredyear old shop Lou Wailou. Outside the building the building founded in1848, shop takes from the Southern Song Dynasty poet forest rises"outside the mountain outside the green hill building the building"the famous phrase. Outside the building the building resulted in theweather, the advantage, the person and then, has received many Chineseand foreign celebrity. Outside the building the building managed ahousehold the famous cuisine number Xihu vinegar fish, it was selectsin Xihu the grass carp which bred in the stipulation scope, was firsthungry in the clear water 12 days, except the soil taste, then boiledthe system to become. Cheng Caihou Xihu vinegar fish, luster redbright, the meat taste fresh and tender, sour and sweet is delicious,slightly brings the crab taste, is Hangzhou most has therepresentative flavor famous cuisine.

Now the ship sailed to the Zhongshan Park, the isolated hill mainentrance in here. "The mountain in is not high, has the immortalthen", the isolated hill not only is a scenery Mingshan, also is acultural Mingshan. Isolated hill status in Xihu scenic area thereforeis such important, is because it is containing the rich history, thecultural connotation, in the scenic area famously has "the Xihu worldscenery," also commemorates the Northern Song Dynasty to hideleisurely poet Lin Hejing to put the crane pavilion. After thesescenic spots and so on come ashore we to go to the visit.

Nearby the Zhongshan Park, we saw this group of buildings wererecently construct are completed "the Zhejiang Province museum". Thenthe surface exhibits on 姆 is crossing the culture to 7000 ago river,gets down to near modern cultural relic exhibit article 1,700. Behindthe museum ancient construction is Qing Dynasty's imperial library WenLange, it is our country one of seven storytelling Chinese stylepavilions which "the Four Books" constructs for the collection.

Please front looked that prominent Lake Surface cement platform double-eavedroof alcove has unfolded us at present, this place constructs at theQing Dynasty Kangxi Dynasty construction, the name calls Pinghu theharvest moon. It is Bai Dike's beginning, also is Hangzhou three bigenjoys looking at the moon one of paradises. In the history Hangzhouperson midautumn festival enjoys looking at the moon has three bigdestinations: In the lake pushes one of three islands Three deep pools India month, onthe mountain should be the phoenix hillside 月岩 the scenic spot, asfor the shore, number this pale blue wind was clear, the water and skyaltogether blue Pinghu harvest moon!

Now each position saw front this strip "between willow peach" the tourcauseway is the Bai Dike. When our ship drives here, the Xihu mostbeautiful scenery presented in front of everybody. Looks! In the dikenearby two respectively has line of willows, the prunus persica,specially is playing, the willow branch exudes, the peach tree greenbright red, a piece of pink willow green scenery, the tourist reachesthis point, as if like near fairyland. The Bai Dike original name "iswhite Sand Dike", as early as in more than 1,000 year ago Tang Dynasty,is famous by the sight fluttering flags. It although manages the BaiDike with Bai Ju which constructs not in a position, but the Hangzhoupeople for cherish the memory of this to make the brilliantcontribution to Hangzhou "senior mayor", still named it as the BaiDike. It manages the construction with Su Dongpo the Soviet dike justlike in the lake two brocades belt, gorgeous is varied, enhances oneanother's beauty. Everybody looked again that, the Bai Dike middlethis bridge is called the brocade belt bridge, before is the placewooden bridge, in the name "contains the blue bridge", now changes thename as the stone arch bridge. In Bai Dike's terminus, to mediated thebridge, the span 1 kilometer Bai Dike from this but "breaks".

Breaks the bridge the name most early to take to the Tang Dynasty, theSong synonym valuable blessing bridge, Yuan Daiyou name is DuanJiazhi, before is the place mess stained ancient stone bridge. We nowsee this bridge although is the place very ordinary stone arch bridge,but its name and "the Tale of the White Snake" the story relates intogether, thus has become in Xihu a most famous bridge.


Talks about here, I saw some friends' already carefully wereobserving, perhaps you immediately could ask: This bridge has notsimply broken, why has to name "breaks the bridge"? This question letsme explain. Breaks the bridge is famous Xihu one of ten scenery,because breaks the position back city surface mountain which thebridge locates, is in North In the lake and outside a lake minute waterdrop, the field of vision is open, is the winter watches the Xihusnowscape best place. Whenever the auspicious snow first clear, thebridge was open already Ice Disappears the snow, but bridge shady-sideactually or snow gleams white, looked by far, the bridge bodyresembled breaks must breaks, "broke the bridge remnant snow"therefore to acquire fame. Also, breaks the bridge also is Bai Dike'send point, comes the Bai Dike from the Pinghu harvest moon to reachthis point the severance. Talks about here, perhaps everybody alreadyunderstood, originally was "the dike breaks the bridge to beunceasing".

Fellow friends: The Xihu coast landscape introduced here, meets us towatch in the lake three islands.

First we look at in Xihu most Oshima "Three deep pools India month", also calls thesmall sea state. This is "in the lake has the island, in the islandhas the lake" in the lake the garden. The entire area 70,000 squaremeters, water surface accounts for 60%. The entire island assumes "thefield" the glyph, thing Lian Liudi, the north and south constructs thetune bridge, bends the bridge two sides, plants the big piece red, isbeing white assortedly Rests Lotus.

Next Surface Invites along with me on the island tour, Three deep pools India month thisisland, initially founded an armed force in the the Ming Dynasty Wanli35 years (in 1607), was with the lake putty which scoured piles upbecomes. Its essence lies in south side the island three pinnacles.Please looked that, Three towers stand like a tripod in the lake, thetower height 2 meters, the tower body sphere, is arranging 5 slightlyCircle Hole, the tower goes against assumes the bottle gourd shape, themodelling is exquisite. Every time brings forth the moonlit night,specially arrived the midautumn festival festival, the bright moon inthe sky, the people in the tower 内点 on candle, along mouthMongolia in the flimsy, outside the candlelight pass, by now "thetower shade, the cloud shadow, the month shade" dissolved a piece,"the candlelight, the moonlight, the lake light" enhanced oneanother's beauty, in the light refraction, three towers lightspenetrated 15 Circle Hole projections on the water surface, altogether had30 moon, added the early space in water 1, Lake Surface may produce aninverted image 32 small moon, presented "the day last month a turn, inthe lake the shade became three" the beautiful scenery, Really is"lake liquid gold wants to dissolve the fall", has says endless richin poetic and artistic flavor.

After that us to look again in the lake that upturned eave Curls upwards Anglepavilion, the name calls the mid-lake pavilion. It is in Xihu abiggest pavilion. Also is an island which most early builds in theXihu three islands, initially constructed in the bright Jiajing 31years (in 1552), the distance read had 440 years to have the history."Lake Heart evenly looks into the distance" is money pond one of tenscenery. Stands looks into the distance from a high place Xihu in themid-lake pavilion, 水光 the mountain color, gets a panoramic view,the Xihu scenery, is cover all.

The mid-lake pavilion northwest that island, is called Ruan Gongdun.Is Xihu three islands smallest, the area only 5,561 square meters. Itwas in Qing Dynasty Fine celebrates Year (in 1800), Zhejiang governor RuanYuan after scoured Xihu the silt to pile up becomes. The Ruan pillarfishes has become the Hangzhou resident holiday leisure the gooddestination, Ruan Dunye you Ze is a Xihu summer feature tourismproject which grandly promotes for each place Traveling person.

Swims in the lake three islands, our ship sailed to soon anchors inthe direction ---- Soviet dike. Everybody please looked that, Frontthis but weakly crosses Xihu from the south, in the span 2.8kilometers lakes the causeway is the Soviet dike. In the dikealtogether has 6 bedstones arched bridges, respectively is reflectsthe wave, the lock billows, looks the mountain, the pressure dike,Dongpu, the cross rainbow, the dike planter peach willow tree, thecotton rose, the formation "the Xihu view six bridges, a willow peach"scenery. Speaks of the Soviet dike, the people naturally can rememberNorthern Song Dynasty's poet Su Dongpo, the local official which SuDongpo once two time held the post of Hangzhou, he organized 200,000labourers to scour Xihu, then the use lake putty 葑 grass, built thisto go nonstop to Roosts Rosy cloud the range foothill causeway from the southPingshan, the posterity for commemorate his merit, named "the Sovietdike". Now dike South End constructed "the Su Dongpo memorial hall" tovisit for the people, cherishes the memory of Su Dongpo the merit.

Fellow friends: The people frequently Lai Mongolia the lake analogy theHangzhou Xihu and the Swiss Geneva two famous beads which East andWest shines for the world in, is precisely because had Xihu, only thencauses Italy Marco Polo after explains Hangzhou is "in the world themost beautiful magnificent and expensive day city". Xihu does for thefamous scenic spot, receives the various countries state head to becountless. Therefore, Xihu not only is Hangzhou's pearl, is East'spearl, the world pearl.



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篇3:西湖的导游词30字 西湖的导游词400字

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这时候,湖岸边停着一只小小的渔船,船头上立着一个满脸愁容的小后生,正在撒网捕鱼。鱼龙公主贪看景色,不提防一头撞进鱼网。小后生收起鱼网,发现一尾赤鳍红鳞的金鲤鱼,脸上露出一丝宽慰的笑意。他收起鱼网,正想回家,突然看到金鲤鱼的眼里流出了泪珠,昂首翘尾,像在向他求情。他轻轻地叹了一口气,把鲤鱼放回湖里去了。 小后生望望西天,太阳已经衔山,只得收起鱼网,心事重重地走回家去。原来这后生从小死了娘,是个苦孩子,爹给他取名叫苦哥.苦哥父子两个,住在湖边,靠着打鱼过日子。前些日子,父子俩冒雨撒了一天网,爹受了风寒,病在床上。苦哥盼爹的病早些好,今天一早来到湖上,想网条鲜鱼给爹煎汤吃。谁知清明断鱼腥,苦哥从早到晚整整撒了一天网,连一条鱼也没有捉到。

刚刚网了一条红鲤鱼,却又遇见这样的奇怪事。 苦哥走不上四五步路,忽然听见身后有人招呼:“小哥哥,等一等!”他回头一看,只见一个十七八岁的姑娘,青衣布衫,渔家人的打扮。那姑娘追上来说:“小哥哥,我来帮你撒一网吧!”说完,从苦哥手里接过鱼网,走到湖边,只听得“噼喇”一声水响,果然网到了一条大青鱼。苦哥真是高兴极了,他望着姑娘红扑扑的圆脸蛋,干谢万谢,还说他家就住在湖北岸的茅屋里,邀姑娘去坐坐,喝杯茶。姑娘也不推辞,欢欢喜喜地一块儿去了。 老爹爹听儿子说这姑娘这么好,问她叫什么名字,家住哪里?姑娘说:“我家住南海渔村,叫渔姑,跟着姨娘来到天竺敬香,失散了没处找。”父子俩就留她住在家里。老爹爹吃了鲜鱼汤,十分病去了七分,没几天,全好了。

他看姑娘心地善良,手勤脚快,更加欢喜。日久天长,苦哥和渔姑生活在一起,情投意合。老爹爹看在眼里,喜在心里,就请邻居作个媒证,给他俩成了亲,一家三口欢欢喜喜地过着日子。 这以后,小夫妻俩双双驾着小船一起去湖里捕鱼。苦哥在后面划桨,渔姑在船头撒网。说也奇怪,不论是暑日夏天,还是严冬腊月,打的鱼总是比别的人多。鱼打多了,老爹挑了色篓子上街去卖,换回了盐米粗布,日子一天天地好起来。 谁知好景不长。第二年桃花吐蕊的时节,这一天,天色晴和,小夫妻俩和渔户们一起下湖去打鱼。船到湖心,突然间,天上传来隆隆的雷声。一霎时浓云密布,罩得大地阴沉沉的,湖面上浪涛汹涌,渔船儿被掀很上下颠簸。苦哥紧握船桨,使劲地稳住渔船,看看渔姑,只见她已经跌倒在船头。这时候,听得天空中有人大叫:“鱼龙!鱼龙!还不回头?”一声震天的霹雳,乌云中伸下一只黄灿灿的龙爪来,抓起渔姑,抛入了湖心。苦哥急忙跳下湖去救她,却不见了渔姑。 只见湖面上一条赤鳞红鳍的大鲤鱼,对他一望三回头,依依不舍地随浪朝东而去。

不一会儿,云散了,浪也平了,晴朗朗的天照得湖面绿水荡漾,镜子一般平静,好像什么事情也没有发生过。苦哥失去了渔姑,难过得不得了。为了生活,他还是天天去湖里捕鱼,可就是打不上鱼来,常常是提着网出去,空着手回来。生活苦,熬得过,心里苦,受不了,要是渔姑还在多么好啊!苦哥对渔姑更想念了。他常常一个人坐在湖边,望着碧波粼粼的湖面,轻轻地叫唤:“渔姑,渔姑!你在哪里?渔姑,渔姑!你快回来!” 有一天,苦哥正在湖边叫唤着渔姑。忽见湖面上漂来一张翠绿翠绿的荷叶,荷叶上跳着两条小小的红鲤鱼,一直漂到他面前,耳朵里听见渔姑的声音:



一对儿女送回来, 永留花港传后代。 苦哥听了,伸手捧起这一对可爱的红鲤鱼,一阵心酸,两行热泪簌簌地流了下来。 以后,苦哥就在花港里精心饲养这一对红鲤鱼,一直到老死。这两条红鲤鱼,在花港里喝着山泉水,吞着百花瓣,年长月久,子孙繁衍,一代又一代,成了五色缤纷的金鱼。从此,到花港来看鱼的人越来越多,人们把这地方称为花港观鱼,成了“西湖十景”之一。乾隆皇帝下江南,特地在这里立了个碑,碑上题了一首诗,其中有两句是:




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篇7:惠州西湖介绍景点的导游词 惠州简介导游词

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国家重点风景名胜区,国家aaaa级旅游景区,广东省第一批省级风景名胜区之一。位于广东省惠州市区内,原名丰湖,历史上曾与杭州西湖,颍州西湖齐名。宋朝诗人杨万里曾有诗曰:“三处西湖一色秋,钱塘颍水与罗浮”,说的就是这三大西湖。有“海内奇观,称西湖者三,惠州其一也”和“大中国西湖三十六,唯惠州足并杭州”的史载。当然,这三个西湖的出名还有一个重要原因,就是它们都曾经是宋朝大 西湖的平湖门

































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As the saying goes: "above there is heaven and below there are suzhou and hangzhou." When it comes to hangzhou, you will think of a bright pearl - the west lake.

"The peach willow, clip to plant. The west lake TaoGongLiuLu of spring. The beauty of the peach blossom laugh red in the face; Green LiuShuChang out of the new green leaves; Lovely songbirds sing the songs of pleasant; Lots and lots of water birds came to the west lake having children. A vibrant spectacle.

"Infinite blue day lotus plants, should be, lotus another red." Qu yuan the wind and the city is the best place to watch lotus: lotus leaf to get package, like a big disc, lotus from between these large disk, some just LiangSanPian petals; Some petals fully opened, revealing one tender Huang Sen small lotus; Sometimes or others, looks full bilge is about to burst.

Autumn autumn extra special. With the fragrance of osmanthus opened. A gust of wind blowing, fragrance drifting with the wind, the scent of osmanthus asperses full of every corner. "Three lalu captures month" is the classic of the west lake is ablaze. When the lunar August 15, can see the big and small, true 32 of the moon.

"Qing lake lake don't like rain, and as yuehu lake, moon lake lake than snow." The snow in the winter of the west lake. Broken bridge cx city of the west lake of a beautiful winter. Broken bridge in the cx "broken bridge" why called "broken bridge"? He is very strange, the location of the original south snow melt faster, so is the constant residual snow bridge.

Song of the west lake at the four seasons, played many deep feeling!



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Of all the distinguished visitors, everybody is good! You must have heard of "above there is heaven, below there are suzhou and hangzhou" this famous saying, yes, this sentence described is that we will soon arrived at the destination - the beautiful west lake in hangzhou. I am your tour guide this trip to hangzhou, my name is Chen, everyone call me Chen guide.

Now we come to the ten views of west lake - chunxiao su causeway. Su causeway three km, is the northern song dynasty poet su dongpo as hangzhou magistrate, management of west lake, using the hollowed out of the mud to build. So the name "su causeway". Early spring night, walking along the long lake, in the light smoke haze, miles of weeping willows, blossoming open hearts with the dew, the scenery is charming and attractive, and when the spring rain started falling, through alluringly wicker overlooking the lake, but see mist diffuses, fade, far view is fantasy, known as "six bridge YanLiu". "Good billow above the sunny side, mountains, emptiness rain also, for the west lake than west, c plus always right."

Great poet fancy compare west lake to Chinese ancient beauty xi shi, as a result, the west lake has a "scenery" bills. You see in front of the bridge? Said treasure on bridge the song dynasty, also called the period of the bridge, is a former moss of ancient stone bridge. Although we now see the bridge is a very common bridge, but its name and "white snake" xu xian and the white niang son story relates in together, thus became one of the most famous bridge in the west lake. Broken bridge cx is a rare west lake landscape. "West lake this victory, clear lake lake don't like rain, rain as yuehu lake, moon lake than snow lake". At this point, I saw some friends already in careful observation, maybe you will ask right away: the bridge is not broken, why the name "broken bridge"? Let me to answer this question. Broken bridge is one of the famous west lake ten views, because of the broken bridge position in the back of mountain city, is in the north outside the lake and lake water points, in the field of vision is open, is the best place to watch the west lake snow scenery in winter. When snow attendance, the positive aspect has deglaciation snow bridge, and the shadow of the bridge still snowy, from a distance, the bridge seems broken broken, hence the name "broken bridge can xue". Also, the broken bridge and the end of bai causeway, bai causeway that runs from the foundation to the interruption. At this point, you may have understood, the original is "dam broken bridge". Fellow friends, along the Banks of the hangzhou west lake landscape is introduced here, and then we go to watch the three islands in the lake.

First of all, let's take a look at the most big island "just" in hangzhou west lake, also called small ying state. This is a "lake island, island in lake" garden on the lake.

Please follow below I island tour, just the island its essence lies in the south of the island three stone tower. See: three elections tower on the lake, 2 meters high tower, the towers are spherical, lined with five small round hole, the top of the tower a gourd shape, beautiful modelling. Every night, especially in the Mid-Autumn festival, bright, people light candles in the tower, along the mouth with tissue paper, candles, outside the "shadow, cloud and shadow" dissolved into a piece, "candlelight, moonlight, lake" hand in photograph reflect, in the refraction of light, tower lights through 15 round hole projection on the surface of the water, with a total of 30 moon, plus 1 early a water in the sky, the lake can be reflected in 32 small moon, present "the day round last month, the lake shadow into three" the beautiful scenery, is "one lake jinshui to dissolve in the autumn," unspeakable poetic.

"Yi jiangnan, most have is hangzhou. Find out the laurel blossoms filled the air. Yamadera months, county kiosk pillow watching tide. When more revisit?" This is bai juyi great poet praises hangzhou west lake to leave aftertaste endless song. My dear friends, when we end of hangzhou west lake trip if you also feel the same? I hope see you soon, we meet again, full sleep (An reward the laurel blossoms filled the air. And the qiantang river on the tide, let the mountains and rivers, hangzhou west lake always retain fond memories of you.



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