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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1696 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2144 字

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丽江地区地处滇西北高原,金沙江中游,位于东经99°23′~101°31′和北纬25°59′~27°56′之间,东西最大横距 212.5公里,南北最大纵距 213.5公里。东接四川省凉山彝族自治州和攀枝花市,

南连大理白族自治州,西、北分别与怒江傈僳族自治州、迪庆藏族自治州毗邻。丽江行署所在地大研镇距云南省会昆明市 599公里。全区总面积20 603.74平方公里,其中坝区 1586.49平方公里(含河谷面积1050.79平方公里)占总面积的7.7%;山区19 017.25平方公里,占总面积的 92.3%,1990年全区总户数 219 773户,总人口 1014 594人。

建置沿革 丽江地区汉属越嶲郡地,蜀汉、晋属云南郡。唐南诏置铁桥节度,后改剑川节度。宋大理属善巨郡,谋统府及么些部地。元宪宗四年(1254年)立茶罕章管民官,至元八年( 27年)改为丽江宣慰司,十三年( 276年)改置丽江路军民总管府,明洪武十五年(138年)置丽江府,后改为丽江军民府,属云南布政使司,因金沙江流经境内,金沙江古名丽水,故而得名。清仍为丽江军民府,雍正元年(172年)改土归流,隶属云南布政使司。民国2年(191年)废府改县,分设丽江、永北(包括宁蒗)华坪等县;民国30年(1941年)设云南省第七行政督察专员公署,后丽江县属第十三行政督察区,永胜、华坪、宁蒗属第十行政督察区。1949年7月1日,丽江县解放,属滇西北人民专员公署管辖。1949年12月28日,成立丽江人民行政专员公署,1950年4月改为丽江专员公署,辖丽江、永胜、华坪、宁蒗、中甸、德钦、维西、碧江。福贡、贡山、兰坪、鹤庆、剑)413县。1953年底,沪水县由保山专区划归丽江地区。1954年8月,沪水、碧江、福贡、贡山4县划出,成立怒江傈僳族自治区(195年再把兰坪县划人怒江并改称怒江傈僳族自治州);1956年将鹤庆、剑川两县划归大理白族自治州。1957年9月,中甸。德钦、维西3县划出,成立迪庆藏族自治州(两自治州成立后到1973年,曾由丽江专区代管)。1957年,丽江专区除代管的怒江、迪庆两个自治州的8个县外,辖丽江县 永胜县、华坪县、宁蒗彝族自治县4县。1973年8月,怒江、迪庆两州直属省管,丽江地区只辖丽江纳凶族自治县、永胜县。华坪县、宁蒗彝族自治县等4县。至 1990年,全区辖 4个县 69个乡镇(11镇、58个乡),其中丽江县 24个乡镇(3个镇。21个乡);永胜18个乡镇(5个镇二 个乡);华坪11个乡镇(2个镇、9个乡);宁蒗16个乡镇(2个镇、9个乡)。

区内除汉族外,有20余种少数民族。据1953年第一次全国人口普查,丽江地区总人口 537 597人,其中汉族 227 240人、纳西族117 895人、彝族 108 001人、傈僳族 46 218人、白族 19 714人、普米族 7 259人。傣族 3 716人、苗族 2 763人。回族 1621人、藏族 1374人、壮族 1366人,总人口中丽江县 177 652人、永胜县 156 665人。华坪县96 355人、宁蒗县 106 925人。1990年第四次人口普查时,全区总人 1014 597人,其中少数民族561815人,占总人口的55.7%。其中纳西族212 223人,占总人口的21%;彝族176 109人,占总人口的17.5%;傈僳族 101 110人,占总人口的 10%;白族42 936人,占总人口的4.2%;普米族 14 133人,占总人口的 1.4%;傣族9 602人,占总人口的0.9%;苗族5 814人,占总人口的0.6%;壮族3 552人,占总人口的0.4%;藏族3461人,占总人口的0.3%;回族3 430人,占总人口的0.3%;其它少数民族602人,占0.1%。

丽江地区地处青藏高原东南缘,滇西北横断山纵谷地带的东部,地形总趋势为西北高东南低,最高点五龙雪山主峰,海拔5 596米,最低点华坪县民主乡塘坝河口,海拔1015米,最大高差4 581米。玉龙山以西为横断山脉切割山地峡谷区的高山峡谷亚区,山高谷深,山势陡峻挺拔,河流深切其间。玉龙山以东属滇东盆地山原区的滇西北中山山原亚区,海拔较高,山势也较浑厚。在主山脉两侧又广泛发育着东西向的沟谷,形成错综复杂的地块地貌景观,地势起伏,海拔悬殊极大。有111个大小坝子星罗棋布于山岭之间,海拔一般都在2 000米以上,其中丽江坝最大,面积约 200平方公里,平均海拔2 466米。

区内横亘着一系列南北走向的大山,自西向东主要有属云岭山脉的老君山、玉龙山以及绵绵山三大山系。老君山从北到南如屏障横列在西边,成为丽江县与维西县、兰坪县的界山。老君山主峰海拔4 247.4米。玉龙雪山位于丽江行署所在地大研镇以北15公里处,发育着高山冰川地貌,终年白雪皑皑,13座山峰首尾相连,直指云天。东部为绵绵山,俗称小凉山。全区海拔3 500-5 000米的高山有 12座。海拔2 500-3 500米的中山各县均有分布,尤以丽江、宁蒗、永胜为多,海拔2 500米以下山地广泛分布于东南部和南部。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 1453 字

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大观公园位于昆明市西郊约3公里的滇池畔,近吞波光浩渺的滇池 ,远与太华山遥遥相望。被赞为“万里云山一水楼”的大观楼耸立其间,园林也因之得名--大观公园。 大观楼是我国名楼之一,最初建成于1828年,是观赏滇池的好地方,登楼四顾,景致十分辽阔壮观,便取名为“大观楼”。大观楼为三层木结构建筑,形式古雅。清乾隆年间,昆明寒士孙髯翁撰出180字的长联,轰动四方。民国初年,大观楼辟为公园,唐继尧曾拨款修葺,并立其铜像于场地正中央。1940年,又在楼前池中竖三个白石墩,仿西湖“三潭印月”之景。








位于庾庄东北面,与楼外楼隔河相望, 公园征用后辟为“垂钓者之家”,鱼塘畔有弧形长廊,柳堤草坪,沿草海航道东侧,长堤与庾庄连接。



地处大观楼东南面,四面环水,柳堤连通,与大观楼隔三潭印月湖面对峙。楼外楼三层,绿色琉璃歇山卷脊屋面,形如画舫。景区有贴水平桥石栏、八角小亭、四方水榭、假山叠石。花坛相连,曲径贯通。西面跨三孔石桥沿柳堤达西园。 西园位于近华浦西面,是1998年征用200亩土地新建的长联文化园。有水面30亩,柳堤拱桥,绿草似茵,临池水榭,石板游路,已经形成“苹天苇地”,亭桥水榭倒映碧水,林木花卉烟水迷离的优美园景。







范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1454 字

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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome you to visit the Terra Cotta Warriors, but please don't litter in the process of play.

Qin Terra Cotta Warriors is qin shihuang PeiZangKeng, consisting of one, two, three, pit, today has been built museum, the Terra Cotta Warriors is divided into general figurines, figurines of knight, terracotta warriors, TaoMa etc... Here, the museum also exhibited large coloured drawing or pattern is called the eighth wonder of the world showed the qin Terra Cotta Warriors GuChangAn old glory.

The biggest area in three pits at the no. 1 pit, the pit of the Terra Cotta Warriors are the most, there are more than six thousand. Look! This is general figurines, it Dai He strapping head crown, dressed in armor, sword in hand, a thoughtful, it seemed to be thinking about how to defeat an enemy.

The terracotta warriors, the warriors are it is wearing a shirt, wear armor, feet still in front tip-tilted war boots, weapons in hand, look at the way it's air, would have scared the shit out of the enemy.

The wearing armor, is riding a horse youth, is the cavalry, armed with bows and arrows, it seems to be waiting for the general commanded, do try to fight with the enemy.

The terracotta warriors is TaoMa, its size and true horse, almost in every form, muscle plump, see their appearance, it seems to be commanded, casting its hooves, taking off, on a journey.

Today's explanation here, I wish you all can have a good time here.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 388 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3003 字

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Yongchuan location Yangtze upstream of the north, west of chongqing, the east metro area, North-East relies on a wall mount county, north tongliang county, rongchang west, southern border with hejiang city, lugu county of sichuan province. Is the chongqing municipal planning and construction of vocational education base and a regional central city.

Yongchuan is very rich in tourism resources, yesterday have moon guishan, bamboo creek patter, tieling hazeline, star saving green, clubmosses hundreds of feet, holy water, double chang state eight sights, such as green, longdong sunglow visited for people place to linger. Today the village of north with the scenic bamboo sea, the south has beautiful scenery of the lake, the four seasons fragrance of national ecological agriculture demonstration garden - best fruit in the corridor and the delight of chongqing wild animals in the world; Has the country's first discovered dinosaur fossils - upstream yongchuan dragon; There are the national famous Jin Shiwei carved works of artist liu channel longshan moya carved stone, sanjiao town stone; Have a book to du fu's "selaginella tamariscina fossil"; There are odd mountain peak of the male, the female stalagmites hill, a land of big literary giant su dongpo linger - suzhou dresser, and the song dynasty stone carving, rock Buddha temple and other scenic spots. Among them with "tea, bamboo, stone" three special brigade culture tour resources is striking. Is the national excellent tourism city.

Yongchuan climate is mild and humid subtropical monsoon climate, is a livable city, the average annual climate around 18 ℃, the lowest temperature in winter in 6-8 ℃, average summer heat, the four seasons are suitable for tourism.

Yongchuan cultural heritage. Yongchuan fossilized dinosaur, clubmosses, famous all over the world, tea culture, the mini-sculpture, bamboo culture has a long history. Gave birth to the qing dynasty in Taiwan magistrate Huang Kaiji, Oriental van gogh Chen Zizhuang, microbiologist wen-kang Chen, the geographer xu nearly, micro carving artist liu channel, writer (novel) all, (drama) Cai Shiwei, Wen Shikui literary critic, (poet) Zhong Daihua celebrities such as, is the Chinese women's soccer team training base, Chinese chess, taekwondo training base in China and chongqing sketch base of Chinese artists association. Yongchuan bright prospects in the future. Will further strengthen the "emancipate the mind, open still wider to the outside world, advocating innovation, the pursuit of excellence" concept, to open the vision, enlightened policy, culture, development of energy, and efforts to shape the "city of the forest, warm, the city of vocational education, the humanities, the city of entrepreneurship, wealth, open city, capital of the business, the bamboo tea city, capital of leisure" characteristic image, tried to build yongchuan into having a unique style, to be modern cities and regional central city!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1655 字

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大观公园位于昆明市西郊约3公里的滇池畔,近吞波光浩渺的滇池 ,远与太华山遥遥相望。被赞为“万里云山一水楼”的大观楼耸立其间,园林也因之得名--大观公园。大观楼是我国名楼之一,最初建成于1828年,是观赏滇池的好地方,登楼四顾,景致十分辽阔壮观,便取名为“大观楼”。大观楼为三层木结构建筑,形式古雅。清乾隆年间,昆明寒士孙髯翁撰出180字的长联,轰动四方。民国初年,大观楼辟为公园,唐继尧曾拨款修葺,并立其铜像于场地正中央。1940年,又在楼前池中竖三个白石墩,仿西湖“三潭印月”之景。








位于庾庄东北面,与楼外楼隔河相望, 公园征用后辟为“垂钓者之家”,鱼塘畔有弧形长廊,柳堤草坪,沿草海航道东侧,长堤与庾庄连接。



地处大观楼东南面,四面环水,柳堤连通,与大观楼隔三潭印月湖面对峙。楼外楼三层,绿色琉璃歇山卷脊屋面,形如画舫。景区有贴水平桥石栏、八角小亭、四方水榭、假山叠石。花坛相连,曲径贯通。西面跨三孔石桥沿柳堤达西园。 西园位于近华浦西面,是1998年征用200亩土地新建的长联文化园。有水面30亩,柳堤拱桥,绿草似茵,临池水榭,石板游路,已经形成“蘋天苇地”,亭桥水榭倒映碧水,林木花卉烟水迷离的优美园景。







范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 820 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1332 字

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Hefei is flow during the day, very busy, but what a night of hefei look like? Let me introduce to you!

Night, I walk on the sidewalk and watch people, some in rushing to work, some go to the supermarket, and people are walking, and chat in the street... Compared with remote and quiet village are much more lively.

On the road, a variety of fast car. The car is like a big black mouth, light like mouth teeth around to bite you. When the red light, the car has stopped, a car, behind a lamp as each car's chain, put together by every car. On both sides of the road, the hotel ah, Internet cafes, department stores and other signs, these signs puts glorious greatly, strange shape Portuguese men-of-war: at the gate of the hotel sign is green square for a while, then becomes yellow triangle, then become a red circle. Internet bar the door of the characters the strange light, let a person see the felt afraid. Compared with the square lamp, the lamp is not important. High-rise buildings by people with the edge of white light, from a distance like a rectangle on the ground. As other buildings, and bloom of his own color. When people through buildings below, like the little people in the picture. The moon has risen into the air, hand in photograph reflect with the colorful lights, beautiful! Hefei at night is a real beauty!


篇11:云南导游词100字 云南导游词1000字

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篇13:新疆景点英语导游词范文3:Tianchi scenic spot

范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4751 字

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Wei tianshan tianchi in mouth, that spans more than 2500 kilometers, north-south width of 250 to 350 kilometers. The border in the west, east to XingXingXia, 1700 kilometers in the territory of China. The whole tianshan mountains consists of three columns mountains, from north to south respectively called north tianshan mountain, in the tianshan mountains and south tianshan mountain. Tianchi lake is located in the north tianshan mountain's mountainous in the central part of the north slope. Gradually's mountainous west, to the mountain high. More than 20 mountain 5000 meters above sea level of the vast, magnificent, the other side of the XianQiao open profound xinjiang. Gradually low and looking eastward across the back, to the mountain. Suddenly,'s mt.bogda to an altitude of 5445 meters tall and straight posture steep stands up in the mountains. With the other two at an altitude of 5287 meters and 5213 meters respectively mountains form the famous "xue three peak", become the symbol of xinjiang. Tianchi is high because of the height of the steep rise in the exception. In fact, it is 1943 meters above sea level, strictly less than halfway up the hill. Dense forests, vast grasslands, numerous in tianshan mountain systems as the "cradle of life" in xinjiang, in the area of more than one-third of xinjiang (more than 570000 square kilometers). The mountain by the mountain, the mountain basin and piedmont plain of three parts.

Tianchiscenicspot, it was centered in tianchi, forests, grasslands, snow-capped mountains, the humanities landscape as a whole, form a unique landscape features. It from the shek mun, south to the snow line, west of horse tooth mountain, east to big donggou, with a total area of 160 square kilometers. Based on high and lifted up his eyes, a piece of green waves, to break out, the acquisitive bibo hung mid-levels, like a jade light was held aloft by the mountain ranges. Coastal pines seem, jagged, smoke hood storage; Surrounded by lush, sheep wandering; That opened one thousand ice, snow mountains, god is unusual, the lakes and mountains, beautiful.

Tianchi a total of three places on the surface, in addition to the main lake, there are two water on both sides of things, and the east to the east small tianchi, the ancient name of ying tan, is located in east 500 meters, the legend is the place where the queen bath wash and dress, so it has a "wash and dress jian", "fairy shower basin". Pool for baizhang cliff, under a waterfall, like a long rainbow depends on day, really spectacular, help into one scene, "suspension springs yao hong". On the west side of west small tianchi, also called herself tam, mouth wash feet for the west, is located in the tianchi two kilometers to the northwest. West small tianchi, like full moon, the water clear, dark DaSong surrounded by four weeks. In case of the haoyue when empty, jing ying, heavy wall scenery infinite, and therefore have to one scene: "longtan blue month". Pool side also flew to hang a waterfall, dozens of meters high, such as the Milky Way, spit bead jade, splashing the scene called "jade belt silver shade". Pool WenTao pavilion, pavilion view It's very fun organ. Eye visible curtain roll ChiTao, pine green water blue; Ear audible water hammer rock, acoustic shock rift valley.

3 km west of tianchi is heigh mountain, elevation 2718 meters, mountain is three kilometers long xu. The old gentleman, dongyue temple was built in the temple. The Taoist priest to erect a loose rod at the top of the mountain, hanging on the sky lanterns, day and night not go out, and all the people in urumqi, the sky lanterns as god, yu changming st is not as long as the lights indicate times too flat, so the light is also called taiping light. By the light pole shanxi jams, urumqi, panoramic view, especially at the beginning of the lights on, far look at urumqi wanjiadenghuo, fun.

Two kilometers southwest of tianchi, m., elevation 3056 meters, mountain 5 kilometers long, the top of the mountain cliffs cliffs Wei, stone forest, like a row of huge horse tooth, thus its name. M. in the stone forest is tianchi area of a special skill, ma stones under the wind erosion, forming hall, horse tooth landscape, its shape strange, stone hall, forms, or giant fangs, like a beast of prey to open, or layers of folding, such as the sea waves. There was a stone is very much like the ancient shepherd, head of the felt hat, expression of enron. Into the stone forest is always let you daydream. In horse tooth top of the mountain, north at tianchi, splendid; East bogurda, xue three peak panoramic view; West jams in urumqi, houses the grange, in the mind.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1830 字

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Words of the Yangtze river from the Tibetan plateau, all the baidi to the eastern han dynasty last years of the tang dynasty period of unique romance, scars and luster of the treasure to record the history, shomandment etimes the hair filled, both to jiangling, during t the tangula mountain flood, freely, all the the mountains of the mountain of splitting a canyon, a turbulent, majestic, li bai mon in jiang river.

We see noentum of hydropo of our Chinese nation.

Friends, jiangling, our trip to the three gorges e to an end, on this trip, of mankind, please dont forget this, remember one etopleted, have the beauty of the fragrant hills. Noe e, is also the most famous. Legend, the queen lived in the jade pool palace 23 a daughter, named yao ji, she is beautiful, kind-hearted, lively open and bright, intelligent bear palace to lonely life. August 15 this day, she invited the 11 sisters, e to the three gorges pearl - yichang ends at nanjinguan of xiling mountain. It is the longest of the three gorges a gorge. It is more than one hundred km. Canyon, beach floe town of big creek, most majestic scenery and steep. Pentium roaring Yangtze river, into the valley in imposing manner is grand KuiMen. Tourists friends attention yo, this KuiMen on both sides of the mountain steep, such as wall, can reach 1000-1500 meters, the highest peak on both sides of the Taiwan straits fall will be dead! River gorge deep water rush here, endless mountains, constitute a very magnificent pictures. As guo moruo is the qutang gorge "a poem says:" if the word landscape, the three gorges this is chief ".

The tour it is the end of the Yangtze river three gorges, the tourist friends, you must be fascinated by the beautiful Yangtze river three gorges!!!! If there is an opportunity, let us be touring together again! Bye bye!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 414 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3560 字

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HLLO! I am the guide from today - it took the JOB, one hour of time, we have already came to the world-famous mount huangshan scenic spot. There are many beautiful places of interest, very worth to come to sightseeing.

Huangshan mountain is located in the south of China in anhui province, belong to the part of the nanling mountains, the whole area of about 1200 square kilometers. Interruption of huangshan mountains, is the essence of huangshan part, that is what we want to browse the huangshan scenic area, the area of about 154 square kilometers. It in huangshan city, south rapidly, huizhou area, Hugh zhengning county and yixian county, huangshan mountain in the north area; These five counties and districts also belong to the jurisdiction of the huangshan city.

Huangshan has a magical legend. It before the tang dynasty in China called Yi mountain, Yi is black, because the mountain rocks, green black and blue black, the ancients gave it a name. Regulus legends we Chinese in the first race at the completion of the central plains of the yellow emperor unified employment. Start after the Chinese civilization, herb gathering here an alchemist, in the hot spring bathing, thus be immortal. The famous tang dynasty emperor Ming huang lung-chi lee very believe this, just under the tianbao six years (747) a rescript, will Yi renamed to huangshan mountain, does it mean, is this mountain is the mountain of the yellow emperor. Since then, has been to huangshan this name now, you got it.

Below, I put the "four unique" huangshan to do a presentation, respectively.

Speak of the "four unique" huangshan, in the first, of course, is loose. Huangshan pines are first in its very tenacious vitality, you have seen without surprise. Say commonly, wherever there is soil can grow plants and crops, and huangshan is comes from the hard stone Huang Gang steadily. Huangshan pine growing everywhere, they peak, long long cliffs, long valley in the mountains, lush, full of vitality.

Odd rocks, constitute the huangshan scenic landscape and a "perfect". In huangshan everywhere can see strange form strange rocks, the rock looks different, some like, some like things, some reflects some of the myths and legends and historical stories, lifelike, vivid and interesting. Known in about 121 stone, there are higher up the "flying stone", "fairy playing chess", "magpie on mei", ", "the monkey view sea"...

Some of these rocks have a plenty of a monster, kit kat and exquisite; Some independent into a scene; Have a plenty of several combination or with pine combined together into a scene.

Besides, the sea of clouds. Although other famous mountains in China also can see the sea of clouds, but no one can be comparable to huangshan sea of clouds as spectacular and infinite change.

About it is for this reason, huangshan mountain has another name, called huangshan sea. This is not a vain, has a history for sign. Ming dynasty renowned one local Chronicles, called Pan Zhiheng, lived in huangshan for decades, wrote a 60 volumes process book, huangshan mountain, called it "the yellow sea. Some of huangshan scenic spots, hotels and many landscape named, is associated with this special "sea", if some landscape view in the sea of clouds, will appear more real, more lasting appeal. These are all proved that the name "yellow sea" is worthy of the name.

It's getting late, let's go back! Hope you have the chance next time, I will service for you. Thank you all!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1205 字

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Dear friends, hello, I have a pleasure to visit together with you. I am a tour guide, you can call me huang guides. Now E868 number are we on the bus, the magnificent Great Wall we will go to the spirit. The Great Wall is a rare treasures, also an art special cultural relics. It symbolizes the pride of the Chinese people and even human pride, it is also a symbol of the Chinese nation indestructible strength and spirit and will of forever in the world. The Great Wall: 6.35 million meters, its English name: Thegreatwall.

Ok, now we come to the Great Wall, the Great Wall, west of jiayuguan in gansu province in western China, the east side to the yalu river in northeast China's liaoning province. It like a long dragon, the mountains, the cliffs, wear a prairie, across the desert, ups and downs in the top of the mountains across the other shore of the Yellow River and the coast of the bohai sea.

You can free activities for an hour, you can take a picture, but can't spit. Don't undermine our Great Wall. Thank you for your cooperation.

Well, to an hour, we are going to leave the Great Wall. May we leave good wishes to the Great Wall, let us leave the beautiful memories here.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 747 字

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范文类型:导游词,全文共 2081 字

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Yulong Snow Mountain is located at the junction of Qinghai Tibet Plateau

and Yunnan Guizhou Plateau, and at the junction of Hengduan Mountain Area in

Northwest Yunnan and plateau area in East Yunnan. It is the main peak of Yunling

mountain in Hengduan Mountain system, and is a young limestone fault block fold

mountain. Due to the uneven rise of the earth's crust, the landform of

alternating high mountains, deep valleys and Intermountain basins is formed,

which belongs to the mountain valley area cut by Hengduan Mountain system, and

the mountain valley sub area in the north section of Hengduan Mountain. It is a

part of the western Yunnan geosyncline in geological history. From Paleozoic to

Mesozoic, it was influenced by transgression and regression several times. The

Himalayan orogeny in tertiary extended to Quaternary, and Yulongshan was finally

formed at this time.

Yulong Snow Mountain belongs to Yunnan Tibet stratigraphic area. They are

mainly carbonate rocks from Middle Devonian to Middle Carboniferous, followed by

basalt with limestone in Permian and limestone with sand shale in Triassic.

There are Carboniferous, Permian basalt limestone interbedding and other

metamorphic rocks in the southern part of the mountain. In the south of

baishacun, there are mainly Triassic strata. Permian basalt and green schist and

greenstone metamorphosed by basalt are found in Hutiao gorge and Jinshajiang

River Valley. The Quaternary glacial deposits and glacial water deposits can be

seen in the east slope and Piedmont.

Yulong Snow Mountain is the southernmost modern monsoon marine glacier

distribution area in the Eurasian continent. According to the glacier catalogue

published in 1994, there are 19 modern glaciers distributed in Yulong Snow

Mountain, including 15 on the east slope and 4 on the west slope, with a total

area of 11.6 square kilometers. Baishui No.1 glacier is the largest glacier,

with a length of 2.7 kilometers and an area of 1.5 square kilometers. The

equilibrium line is about 4800 meters above sea level, and the glacier is at the

end The altitude is about 4200 meters.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1474 字

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Lijiang is a individual one of small town.

The scenery in it can feel different. Where you can enjoy the exotic scenery, there can be to taste the delicacies from all parts of the country, there can also be sitting in a stream on the stone steps, quietly listening to the footfalls of its stream. In the stream of water, can also see lit candles boat to head on to you, as if in to show you the blessings of love. There can also enjoy visiting every street, when you go through every alley, can feel the different culture from all over the country and folk arts and crafts, modern art, abstract art with you, let your eyes overwhelmed. Night, in every small house colourful lights flicker. In bars and teahouse, visitors can enjoy all pleasures. Really can't describe the mood of tourists.

Into the old town of lijiang as if into the room is not a position, will give you a ghost town, enjoy shopping, to savor life.

When my mother and I want to leave her, was reluctant to go, step back three. After the mother said: "when I old, I have to come back, I want some pictures, I also want to write some poems to praise her."

Grow up, if I become a poet, I want to use the most beautiful poem to praise her. If I were a painter, I want to use my brush paint rainbow scene. If I were a writer, I want to use my gift to her folk customs was described.

I think, as long as it is deeply loves the life of people are yearning for the beautiful places in the world.

