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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4131 字

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Article 1: introduced general situation of Shanghai's commentaries

Hereinafter referred to as Shanghai. The Yangtze river estuary is located in China. Shanghai municipal area of 5800 square kilometers and a population of 13.49 million, the urban population of about 8.7 million, is China's largest city, is also one of the metropolis in the world. Shanghai a humid subtropical monsoon climate, four seasons. One, in the coldest, lowest temperature is 5 ℃ to - 8 ℃, usually the hottest July, the highest temperature 35 ℃ - 38 ℃. In mid-june to early July is plum rains season every year.

Shanghai ancient fishing village by the sea. In the spring and autumn for wu, when the warring states period for ChuGuoChun shen jun principality. The song dynasty town, said the Shanghai. A city in 1927. Now the capital of China's three big one of the municipalities directly under the central government.

Shanghai city history began in the yuan dynasty to yuan July 28 years, from 1291 on August 19, build county court approval of Shanghai. This day as the anniversary of the founding of Shanghai, more than 700 years ago.

Because Shanghai is located in the Yangtze river delta, and the conjugate of the Yangtze river exports, so Shanghai is China's important gateway. In the 17th century it has become a flourishing port. High on the huangpu river boat, Chinese and foreign vessels, and with flies. But in old China, especially after the opium war in 1840, more than 100 years, the Shanghai become imperialism for political, economic and cultural aggression against China's stronghold. In 1842, the British imperialism forced the qing government to sign the treaty of nanjing which will be Shanghai listed as one of the five trading ports. Later, the United States and France imperialism and forced the qing government to unequal treaties, strong monarch concession in Shanghai, take the customs, stationed troops, to set up the room, to obtain the consular jurisdiction. In under the protection of the privilege, they are a large number of dumping goods, opening bank, company, factory, operating a variety of public utilities, drug trafficking. At that time in Shanghai is called "the paradise of adventurers". Since then, Shanghai gradually became a semi-colonial and semi-feudal nature of the deformity development of industry and commerce city.

Today's Shanghai is China's largest industrial city. Shanghai since the founding of further development of the textile industry, at the same time, the rapid development of heavy industry, metallurgy, petrochemical, machinery, electronics and other industries. In recent years, Shanghai's aviation, aerospace, automotive industry also is on the rise, has become a comprehensive industrial base can produce high-tech products. Shanghai gross industrial output value accounts for the one over ten, taxes andprofits accounts for about one 5 of the country. Shanghai is China's largest commercial and financial center, both internal and external trade in the country's first major trade center, social total retail sales of goods are among the top of the three municipalities directly under the central cities in China. Clothing, children's toys, cloth, leather, cosmetics, gold and silver jewelry, all kinds of traditional crafts, foods, breed of design and color is complete, is a famous shopping center at home and abroad.

Shanghai is in the western Pacific region important international port city. Shanghai is known as the economic artery of Shanghai, has more than 50 each berth, port throughput which accounts for a third.

Shanghai is China's largest industrial technology base, has more than 800 scientific research institutions, 550000 technical personnel, more than 50 full-time colleges and universities.

Shanghai tourism industry has developed rapidly, the main attractions are yu garden, the jade Buddha temple, the longhua temple, the zoo, a big site of the communist party of China, sun yat-sen and lu xun's former residence, Confucius temple, jiading guyi garden, songjiang simulating, drunken Bai Chi, drawing from fort, etc.



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白沙是丽江壁画的主要聚集点,明洪武十五年,纳西族首领阿甲阿得率众归附明朝,得明太祖“钦赐姓木”,木氏土司秉“纳百川精神”、“窥中原之脉”的思想,积极引进内地先进文化和技艺,在白沙大肆修建庙宇二十余处,并邀请汉、藏、纳西族画师在这些殿宇四壁作画,而大宝积宫和琉璃殿及大定阁是保存明代壁画较集中之处。 白沙是丽江壁画的主要聚集点,白沙明代壁画为国家级重点文物保护单位,其中规模较大的是大宝积宫壁画。


种宗教文化的兼收并蓄是白沙壁画的第一个特点。 壁画是从明代到清初二百年间,先后由汉、藏、纳西等民族画师陆续完成的,画师人根据各自对佛陀世界的理解,在不同的时间,不断在壁画上表现,层层相继,它既有纳西族东巴教的粗犷,又有藏族喇嘛教的鲜艳,还有汉族佛教的庄严宝相,各民族艺术交流与汇集是白沙壁画的第三个特点。



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Dear visitors! Today I'll be your tour guide. Today, we can go to visit guilin, elephant trunk hill park.

Everyone to see! The SLATE the park door. All the above recorded by the ancient seen an elephant in the world.

Everyone went east. Visitors, this is a natural formation of the hole, "anus" is an elephant. Before this "anus" did you feel there is a scent wafts of wine. This is one of sambo guilin osmanthus wine fragrance.

We continue to go forward, that is the whole elephant trunk hill. You see, the lijiang river in the set up of the pillars and the elephant head connection, with four legs apart, plus the and like body together like tail, formed a lifelike elephant trunk hill.

The elephant trunk hill there is a touching legend, everyone to take a look by yourself:

The elephant trunk hill, this is the jade emperor is used to carry a drop the magic of a head of Aquarius. Once, the jade emperor go out and fell on the way, god like ill. The jade emperor in order to catch time to god, like to stay in guilin. Of guilin people found the only passion, cured, god like to repay, also in order to appreciate the beautiful scene, so I live in guilin. But not for long, it was made known to the jade emperor, he sent a god to except it. God and the god wars for ten days and ten nights, fully JiuJiuBaShiYi round, hasn't been a tie. God like a thirsty, drink water to lijiang, is god a sword to kill. God like into a mountain, to stay in guilin.

Ladies and gentlemen, to the east, thus ended the travel today, hope you can "visit" in guilin.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3913 字

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Liaocheng city is a famous cultural city with a long history. Named after the deep chat is located in the ancient river west bank, has a "city" reputation. Liaocheng city in shandong province is located in the economically developed, the highest in luxi, henan, hebei, is located in east China, north China, central China at the junction of three administrative region.

Liaocheng as early as in primitive society have ancestors in the breeding, engaged in agricultural production. Can be traced back to about sixty-seven thousand years ago the eight longshan culture city, found they are by far the largest of the longshan culture. Visible, the ancient west bank dhi water was an important political and cultural center.

Xia period, liaocheng economic and social development faster, agriculture and handicraft industry is developed. Minister of early shang yi zhi has "put his ideas into the field of qixin", for Thomson destroyed xia jie, he xian phase. There is "one of the 24 filial piety" MinZiQian. During the spring and autumn period, liaocheng for qi west important cities. There are counselors meter. During the warring states period, liaocheng fight for governors. There is a famous town sun bin, LuZhongLian fame spread far to celebrities.

Glorious period in the history of the Ming and qing dynasties is liaocheng, yuan to $26 years (1289) to the Ming yongle nine years (1411) brought several times between the open river, motivated throughout much of north and south China grand canal boom brought vitality to the development of liaocheng, linqing, liaocheng along one of the nine largest commercial port. "Chan liaocheng city of fireworks, more than thousand households", many businessmen, doing well in all sectors, boat and ZhouLu connect, horses and chariots, goods product, however. Foreign merchant guild alongside the river, a famous chung building shelf, a house, the qing emperor kangxi emperor 4 times to chat, qianlong emperor nine times in liaocheng.

ChengJianLi after the People's Republic of China, liaocheng people inherit the historical tradition, the arduous struggle, forge ahead, in all walks of life have made significant achievements. Liaocheng called dongchang, has a long history, the humanities landscape and the natural landscape is very rich. 446 places of interest, of which 3 national key cultural relics protection units, the provincial key cultural relics protection unit 15. Picturesque fairmont lake, covers an area of 4.2 square kilometers, the ancient liaocheng city is located in the middle of the lake, formed "the city has a lake, the lake city, lake city" of the unique pattern and style of the ancient city, is a famous city in northern China, is known as the "Oriental Venice". The city's major tourist resources of liaocheng ShanShan hall, linqing stupas, mosques, the company's tomb, si 5 jingyang hill, etc.

Dccement built in the Ming dynasty, grand, "yellow crane, yueyang also when looking at worship". ShanShan hall built in the qing dynasty, fine carving, layout rigorous, is a rare masterpiece in our guild buildings. Is known as "dongchang sambo" one of the song dynasty tower, of primitive simplicity is bold, vigorous tall and straight, is one of the few remaining tower in our country. Four private realm, one of the library in qing dynasty, the collection of the rich "map of armour to view". Around the city, wu song also distributed on the west door celebrate lion pavilion, wu3 song dozen tiger jingyang hill, fish's tomb, at the foot of the mountain and the ancient well, labyrinths, topped the rocky, stupas etc. A large number of famous places of interest.

Liaocheng is a beautiful place, and is a famous scholar fu sinian, ji, his traditional Chinese painting master flavor, national hero and the party's good cadre kong fansen hometown.



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现在进入眼前的是著名的“石林” 题字景区。“石林”二字是民国时云南省省长龙云亲笔题字。这也叫大石林景区。后面是小石林景区。也是最有灵性的地方。像这个阿诗玛石,惟妙惟肖,栩栩如生。这里面有个传说。很久很久以前,石林地区生活着一个美丽的彝族姑娘叫阿诗玛,她喜欢勤劳的阿黑哥。不久一财主家向阿诗玛提亲,那当然没有结果,财主便硬把阿诗玛抢走。这事被阿黑哥知道了,他匆匆赶回去救阿诗玛。经过几番周折,终于逃出财主家来到这个地方。虽然阿诗玛和阿黑哥一次又一次逃出财主家的阴谋诡计,最后还是在这里被坏蛋放水淹死了。这样阿诗玛变成了石峰,永远屹立在现在这个地方。各位游客,再往前就是唐僧石了,你们当中有属猴、猪、马的人,看见唐僧石可以跪拜。师傅唐僧会保佑你们一路平安的。还有前面的那是许愿石。你们也可以用手摸一摸。它会给你们带来好运。




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3949 字

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I have friends, everybody is good. I am responsible for your today's interpretation of the tour guides, you can call me little lai, thanks and welcome to the tourism in the first place, I will sincerely service for you, let you have a wonderful and unforgettable experience. Before I start the tour, I'd like to make a brief introduction of built for everyone.

Built in chongqing fuling city shore of the Yangtze river, is a national key cultural relics protection units, belong to historical culture class humanistic scenery scenic spots, is the vast natural Shi Liang rock in the river sand. It extends from the west to the east, parallel to the river, a 14.5 degrees slope to jiangxin tilt, perennial fu river, only a year since the turn of the winter, water level is lower part above the water. Has more than 160 inscriptions on beam (part is inscribed copy flooded with water), calligraphy attainments is higher, inscription skill, however, because of the high water storage, to prevent flood, specially built underwater museum to protect the inscribed copy, in February 2003, completed by the end of 2007.

Built, called BaZi beam, about the origin of its name, said today (Monday) because its name built on crane group gathered bridge, there is a saying is from tang dynasty, zhu reality in the science of uniting the, after word, take the crane fairy, therefore built. It is a natural Shi Liang fuling city of the Yangtze river, 1600 meters long, width of 15 meters on average. Since the first year of the tang dynasty GuangDe Shi Liang inscribed copy has many poems on the design and the Yangtze river stage, it has been more than 1200 years of history, is known as "the world's ancient hydrological station", "underwater forest of steles". Carved on the stone fish is ancient hydrological observation symbol, carved stone text words is ancient hydrologic observation records, it is extremely important hydrologic data. Its inscribed copy, images, intermittent recorded more than 1200 years, 72 years history of low water level, to the study of the Yangtze river shelter-forest low water law, shipping and production, etc., all have significant historical value. In Paris in 1974 at the international hydrological work conference, the Chinese delegation "fuling stone fish inscribed copy" to submit a report to congress, built the scientific value of get the world recognized. Built on huang tingjian, zhu xi, Mr Sun, joao doesn, Wang Shizhen successive dynasties are many poems, locations of grass, nationalities, line, all ready, yan, liu, yellow, and Sue and appears, deep and shallow relief, relief, line carve, ha design, lace, etc., style each different, colorful, the underwater inscription, has a long history, the rich content, the form of diversity, the underwater wonders of the world.

Due to the construction of the three gorges project, located in the flood water level line built inscribed copy will sink in the Yangtze river forever. In order to protect the underwater treasures, built underwater approved by the state administration of cultural heritage protection project, construction of underwater museum, the project by the "underwater museum", "connect traffic corridor", "anti-collision pier in water", and "shore gallery" of four parts. Underwater museum of shielding body engineering design of the "dome", is located in the upper part, oval covered the entire inscribed copy plane. Underwater shield wall body has visited channels, visitors from the shore by the steel corridor take the escalator to underwater protection body, points to visit in three ways: through the corridor watch glass, through the underwater camera watch and wearing a diving suit to watch.

Time like running water, swim about introduction I said here before, we immediately began to formal journey, everybody ready, ok, now please follow me to go see it.



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Yunnan ethnic village is located in the north shore of dianchi lake haigeng sports, it is a sin in dianchi lake from east to west long peninsula beaches, commonly known as "haigeng sports". It covers an area of 20000 mu, there is a natural swimming baths and sports training base, good place for summer recreation holiday. It with the west mountain forest park, grand view park, zheng he park scenic area on the other side of the water. Of ethnic village to have cableway connection xishan longmen xishan scenic area of the loop. Recently for the development of tourism, has built the yunnan ethnic village and yunnan national museum. Set the main yunnan yi, bai, dai, miao, jingbo, wa, hani, naxi, lisu, dulong 25 ethnic minority villages, dance halls, national square and laser fountains, water curtain movies and other tourist facilities. Ethnic village with recovery of display, yunnan ethnic customs. Walked into the village see a different style of ethnic village distribution, strewn at random have send, each show charm, rich ethnic village construction, production, life and religious practices are faithfully display, is a microcosm of the yunnan ethnic culture.

Yunnan ethnic village main gate is a group of rich and elegant, magnificent steel-frame architecture. Door hanging "yunnan ethnic village" five elegant hot stamping of characters, the middle is a wings off the golden peacock graphics logo, a symbol of the yunnan ethnic village auspicious happiness, prosperous future. Front of the gate is wide and smooth flow distributing plaza, the following is a group of vivid in the lawn. Lively Bai Xiangqun sculpture, called the "welcome" white elephants.

Yunnan ethnic village scenic area within the amphibious staggered, pure and fresh and elegant, each village spots strewn at random have send, to meet different style. With green shade path pavilions corridors, arch bridge, the stone steps into the meshes, and fore and aft well versed in the dianchi lake avenue. Turn the water back to the tour line, road, away from her, fascinating. The surrounding natural landscape and advantaged natural adjustment, make ethnic village cuttlefish, profusion of the four seasons, every moment, every season, have their own beautiful scenery.

Tourists in villages, in addition to understand the architecture of the yunnan nationalities, ethnic costumes, ethnic customs, also can watch the laser fountains, water curtain cinema, national song and dance, the elephants; Taste the ethnic flavor snack, buy national arts and crafts. Miss dressed in national costumes of the guide for visitors to provide tour guide service, explain the ethnic customs. Combined with ethnic festival, held in the village also bai's "march street", "water-splashing festival" of the dai, yi "torch festival", Su Su of jingpo people "tool rod festival", the "MuNao ZongGe" and the "three section" of the naxi nationality unique national characteristics of ethnic festivals, let people enjoy viewing, immersed in the sea of all ethnic groups, is an important tourist scenic spots in yunnan tourism.

Yunnan ethnic village scenic spot has a variety of ethnic residential building, has a colorful dress clothes and have fun marriage customs and etiquette, colorful ethnic festivals, beautiful music and dance, both expo, recreation, vacation, catering services and other comprehensive supporting facilities.

Yunnan ethnic village, auspicious dai village monastery, spectacular bai Dali three towers, the towering yi stockade, totem pole, has a long history of naxi dongba culture, wa the wooden drum, marriage customs of the blang nationality, the jino sun drum, lahu, lusheng dance, snow area plateau Tibetan buddhist temple, the dragon of hani door, deang place in Shanghai tower, jingbo wood brain ZongGe, zhuang bronze culture, peculiar mosuo matriarchal society legacy, and funny Asian group like performance, exquisite unique ethnic cuisine, diverse national culture and customs of the rich folk customs show, will make you intoxicated, linger.




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普济寺在西海南沿48号。始建年代无考,重建于明正德十四年(1519)。因地势高而俗称高庙、关帝高庙,也叫华陀庙。清康熙年间曾为大学士明珠家庙。清咸丰十年(1860) 恭亲王奕欣将关押在刑部监狱的英法联军代表巴夏礼等人送至此处囚禁。原为道观,民国期间改为佛寺。




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Shanghai,is China's largest economic center and trade port,is the nation's largest comprehensive industrial city,also is the national important science and technology center,trade center,finance and information center,is located in 31 degrees north latitude 14 points,east longitude 121 degrees 29 points.Shanghai is located in the Yangtze river delta front,the east faces the east China sea,south is near hangzhou bay,west of jiangsu and zhejiang provinces,north of the Yangtze river estuary,is located in central China's north-south coastline,convenient transportation,vast hinterland,the geographical position is superior,is a good jianghai port.Comprises in chongming island,covers an area of 1041 square kilometers,is the third largest island in China.

Shanghai 100 km wide from east to west,north and south long 120 km,the city's land area of 6340.5 square kilometers,including outer ring within the city covers an area of 610 square kilometers.Existing 18 districts (huangpu district,xuhui district,luwan district,jing 'an district,changning district,zhabei district,putuo district,yangpu district,hongkou district,baoshan district,qingpu,minhang district,the pudong new area,jiading,jinshan and songjiang districts,nanhui,fengxian) (for) and 1 county.Shanghai north subtropical monsoon climate,four seasons,full of sunshine,abundant rainfall.Short,moderate and moist climate of Shanghai in the spring and autumn,winter and summer is longer than the other.A year 60% of rainfall concentrated in flood season from may to September,flood season have a spring rain,rainy,autumn rain three phases of the rain.Change and clear all the year round: long winter and summer,short spring,autumn,winter,about 126 days,and around 110 days in summer,spring and autumn season two together about 130 days.Annual average temperature was around 16 ℃,July and August is the highest temperature,monthly average of about 28 ℃; Lowest in January,the monthly average of about 4 ℃.Winter without cold,summer without heat,can travel throughout the year,and the two season,spring,summer is the best tourist season.

Shanghai's history is not long,but opened since 1843,formed the five party clans,a blend of Chinese and western cultural characteristics.Shanghai's new financial securities,futures,foreign exchange and technology such as the establishment of the national market,established the position of Shanghai as a national resource allocation center,but also accelerated the pace of Shanghai's economy and international standards.In October 2001,the APEC conference was held in Shanghai,Shanghai as one of the new century international economic,financial and trade center status has been preliminary established.Entering the 21st century Shanghai,prosperity and open here sow,Oriental pearl TV tower,jinmao tower,Shanghai international conference center,pudong international airport,all depict the international metropolis the open prospects,of the 21st century Shanghai,glory and dream here convergence,Shanghai museum,Shanghai grand theatre,the urban planning museum,all make a broad feelings of international metropolis.In the new century o



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客栈二楼的大露台是拍元阳县城,云雾和梯田的绝佳之地,同时也是喝茶聊天,睡午觉的好地方。三叔本人是当地通,凡是有关梯田,民族,节日,赶街等都咳向他咨询。客站还有上网设施和免费小吃。 新县城有更多宾馆饭店可供选择,但游览不太方便。衣:元阳处在北回归线上,但海拔仍有1600多米,所以气候很好,不冷不热,但早晚较凉,中午的阳光很毒,注意防晒。衣物以轻便为主,T-恤,短裤,一年四季都可以穿。还需要备一件外套。食最近几年,到元阳旅行的人一般都在小余的饭馆吃饭,这里是摄影爱好者聚集的地方。饭菜可口卫生,小余人非常热情,很快就能成为朋友。她那里还有留言本,是新浪斑竹狡兔发起的。早餐一般是米线,面条。在三叔客栈附近有一家肥肠米线很好吃。





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One came to the aquarium, tall building gave me a sense of mystery, we can't wait to go in. Into the aquarium, I saw a big glass tank, water tank in the colorful rare fish seemed to welcome us to visit.

We walked along the tour route, visited many sea animals along the way: the terrible sharks, simple and honest as turtles, portrait paper soft electric ray, and I have never seen a hermit crab... Very good.

One of the most interesting thing in Marine gym is feeding the seal. I bought a copy of the seals are like to eat fish, clip on a stick, hanging in the seal above the pool. A group of seals found there is food, have to swim.

A greedy little seals and empty, want to eat fish, I hastened to handle a lift, it closed on empty air. It not voluntarily and at several times, all failed, it shouted "sigh". Satisfiedly smiled, didn't I think of it while I do not pay attention to, jumped suddenly, I caught off-guard, the fish was got by it. It licks contentedly mouth and swam away. Looked at seals that lovely and funny, we couldn't help laughing.

In addition, we also visited the coral fish, whale pavilion pavilion, penguins naval architect theatre and many other things, I also bought some souvenirs!

How time flies, one afternoon passed quickly. Visit the aquarium has taught me a lot of knowledge, understand a lot of fish, really benefited a lot!




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Ghost ye viewing of nature, in China to create across the three provinces of hubei, henan, and anhui wei dabie mountains, has the clock in mood to leave a strip mountains - this is the dabie mountain -odd arteries, extending from west to east in the central and feixi county, hefei ZiPengShan area 25 kilometers.

ZiPengShan area with its rolling mountains, dense forests, pleasant climate, clean water, the rugged rocks, and numerous scenic spots and historical sites, in July 1992 by the national forestry department approval for the national forest park.

ZiPengShan forest park area of nearly square kilometers, lush forests, many historic sites, including name, with origins in the size of the mountains there are more than 30. From hefei recently (only 35 km) at the same time, with the top of the mountain is famous west lu temple, called "LuYang first famous mountains" in the qing dynasty, now in anhui places of interest.

ZiPengShan farmers hing town in feixi county south and east it to Taoist mountain, south mountain even thousand word, west near radish mountain; Mountain area of 6 square kilometers, the main peak elevation of 188.7 meters. Slower peaks at the top of the flat, north to the mountain, the south mountain precipitous appeal without.

ZiPengShan Li Lingshan said again. The tomb of the mountains there are three kingdoms wei will primm, the primm guarding LuZhou, build temple in the mountain, to inspect the vii ZuLiLing, thus the name. The tang dynasty, li ling temple west lu temple instead. Qing guangxu years, Mr. Lane ribbon by the ZiPengShan volunteers had detailed account. It's a pity that the war were struggling, fighting, west lu temple have been destroyed, along with gossip pavilion, general public tower, drum tower, and qing emperor qin gave WangHu floor ruyi, ancient ding, empress dowager cixi royal give "on the whole, and da Ming xuande furnace wait a rare treasure all gone. Is clear to manage to originate, the taiping heavenly kingdom general Yuan Hongmo feeling, into the temple, a monk temple rebuilt hundreds. At this point, the DianGe XiongLi, grand scale, to the anhui region one of the famous ancient temple, also for hefei zoroastrianism temple of the house of lords, known as "little jiu hua". This mountain, and resistance to Kim young woong GeSheng tomb, wu Zhou Gongmiao, as well as it, really guanque tower, main hall, the scripture-stored sites sites, can let visitors send SiGu hard-currency. Hill, dotted with dozens of village fair as group size, the famous Liu Laowei, zhang old fair, zhili governor liu mingchuan prefect, Taiwan's first and huai army general, governor of guangdong Zhang Shusheng's former residence, showing a unique scene of ancient dwellings hefei.

ZiPengShan inside a palatial architecture, three column four door, very grand. There is a plaque on the gate, saying "LuYang first famous mountains". There is three pairs of couplets on the gate, the middle part of the couplet is: sabingga sukdun dergici jimbi jungle historic yu splendid; Allied to: peng shanxi to 10 public fate. ShangXiaLian just acronym "ZiPeng" 2 words are embedded. United in "the jungle" 2 words, semantic pun, a finger ZiPengShan lush forests, forefinger deep buddhist monasteries. Two couplet, a network it: "entertainment great scenes and let fancy free in the mountains; the south was still listen to apricot rain wind the chanting of prayers bell". Another network it: "the hometown of huai army occasion; the beautiful wonders of bright pearl".

Along the mountain road, the first thing you encounter is "fairy lake". "Fairy lake" the lake bottom, the water quality is good, is a natural bathing beach and water park. From the "fairy lake" hundred meters, is a "Buddha" garden scenic spot. "Monuments, fang Buddha garden door sitting west toward the east," sabingga sukdun dergici jimbi "meaning, MenE petition with the word" Buddha garden ". Buddha garden there are stone lions in front of the big one pair, respectively by a square high stone fence enclosure. On both sides of the mountain or carving or plastic on the many different expression, vivid figure of Buddha. Through the stone tablet, along the winding mountain path, all along the way to appreciate the charm of ZiPengShan buddhist culture.

Through the "Buddha garden" soon "west lu temple". There is a tree in front of the temple, like "peacock" pinus massoniana, tree height more than ten zhangs, look up, the old pine tree body spot mark, as the peacock's body and neck feathers, thick and curved continuous stretch upwards, trunk to the sky. The top of the tree branches, like the peacock "tails". This natural tree grow a peculiar form of "peacock", has become an object naming tree and tree ZiPengShan one scene.

"Western" lu temple was built in the eastern han, tang dynasty into a "west lu of Buddha. Waste after the tang dynasty, because of the war of xing Ming qing dynasty, the static settling, the flux of capacity and the late qing dynasty of ancient monks, each have a major repair. : according to "ZiPengShan pass round the monk in stagnation period when repair west lu temple, built was the dian dian 124 rooms, include" big gate 5, for MiTuo Buddha, four major Kings around like, hid in the house between 15, the temple tower, a house around ten Kings. And after the big Buddha hall, temple, palace hall, meditation room, main hall, located in the second floor of gossip pavilion, clock tower pavilion, Tibetan temple buildings, monk's apartment, tower, WangHu floor and so on, have a house, a stately. Temple also has many cultural relics and the su dongpo relics - Song Yan. West lu temple in temples temple, pagoda, also become the largest temple in hefei area at the time.

In the west lu temple buddhist temple worship the "Buddha iii". On the left side of the temple there was a known as a "living fossil" of the ancient ginkgo tree, the tree more than 10 meters high, diameter at breast height thick about 10 laps. It has 500 years history of the ancient ginkgo tree, in addition to the trunk slightly tilted to one side, slightly assumes the doddering state, is still a dense leaves, is green and luxuriant..

West lu shochiku around the temple, ancient towering, quiet and elegant environment. Temple next to the "WangHu floor" is the highest building in the west lu temple. Climb buildings can be seen near ZiPengShan under known as the "bright pearl," said the big dam bay of lakes and mountains; Overlook of chaohu lake, white with unlimited scenery, panoramic view.

By the temple beneath the forest trail to the southeast, came to the "fairy cave". The jagged, Shi Xiang, stone dogs, cows, seems really true, fetching daydream. "Fairy cave" something two holes, has always been a tourist to visit ZiPengShan "musts. The ancients poem praises here "jagged green cliff, natural caves live home. Rose romance the wind blows, the mouth of the cave receive watch made yuhua district."

Down to the bottom of the "fairy cave" have a tomb, that is the tomb of three general primm. From Li Dianmu along the trails, the way one scene "Shi Xiang". Shi Xiang not grow a plant with more than five hundred years, as the dragon neck "dragon neck ancient elm tree".

By "ancient elm" dragon neck again toward the south, in more than one way, namely to baiyun temple. Baiyun temple, formerly known as shoryuji, built for the early years of the western han dynasty, has more than one thousand years ago. According to legend, su dongpo when the integratation of the song dynasty had to the asylum, and on the left side is a foot 2 inches long and seven inches wide of giant ink stone. Under emperor qianlong jiangnan, of su dongpo relics, find the giant inkstone, had to pay their respects, and change "shoryuji" temple is called "cloud temple". "Baiyun temple is located in the" mountain "thousand words. "Thousand words mountain" less than "ZiPengShan" only half a meter, also known as "thousand TongShan", "qian mountain", the qing emperor qianlong, jiaqing, and the carcases of years of the republic of China. "Mountain" thousand words they, jagged, pine trees lush, beautiful scenery. The pleasant ecological environment has created this pleasant climate, the locals call "natural" air conditioning and oxygen bar. Qing dynasty Mr. Lane ribbon of the li ling mountain foothills thousands of words in walks "did:" before the peak after peak, a twofold. Repeat cloud with torrential rain, autumn draw thin clock. Peak solution helped the guest, and the good mountain is pure pine. More bitter lingers, Andrew with Qiong." Just a few words to write the distinguishing features of the mountain, the style and manner. "Baiyun temple" is on the right side of the hillside, the western han dynasty who hurried the site of the tomb.

Not far from the "baiyun temple" ShanYaoChu port named "sichuan well" ones, according to folklore, CiJing springs in sichuan, so the name "well" in sichuan. Guangxu period, but according to relevant personage research: ZiPeng shandong rock old monk lived a man named xu belly, is sichuan people. West lu temple pass round the monk asked him to ZiPengShan study buddhist scriptures. Empty belly to after the visit often to thousand words in mountain area, thirsty in CiJing pumping quench thirst. Later generations to commemorate him, will CiJing named as "well" in sichuan.

ZiPengShan Lin Maojing beauty not only, and plant variety is rich, there are many different kinds of wild animals. According to the survey, ZiPengShan area has more than 100 kinds of wild animals, of which 80 species, most belong to the Chinese and Japanese government protection of the protection of birds, migratory birds and their habitats agreement with ardeidae as the dominant population.


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Puning temple was built in 1775, approved in 1994 by UNESCO as world cultural heritage. Places, is in northern China's largest buddhist monks gathered, incense exuberant, Lao 27.21 meters into the guinness book of world daqo gold lacquer woodcarving thousands of hands and eyes avalokitesvara, after the overall maintenance, more the charm of religious art, in the world its cultural value and artistic value.

Temple covers an area of 33000 square meters, and has halls, pavilions of all kinds of buildings, 29, emperor fo the pattern of the combination, namely a golden lustre fai royal temple, a grand scale and buddhist holy land "the center of the buddhist world mandala.

Body building Ursa is double jehiel mountain type, referred to as the "nine ridge ten dragon temple, inside for Buddha iii with eighteen arhats, murals. Before and after the two buildings are built in 1.4 meters tall stone sumeru stylobate, before the house of the platform has a beautifully carved stone railings, stairs inside the central stone carving art high-quality goods "dragon stone pursuit", the head of the four corners have called "therefore". Temple in the "golden dragon and seal" and "six words and seal" painting in hexiang coloured drawing or pattern is more unique.

Temple in the first half of the han type kuan ti seven hall type, enter into the gate of the temple is the first courtyard, is on the second floor of the bell and drum, the great hall, binary courtyard west peidian peidian enshrined three Buddha; "Goddess of mercy, manjusri, samantabhadra". East palace to three "tantric Buddha".

The second half of the temples are Tibetan temple built by the kite. But have a copy.

Puning temple in the ancient civilization of religious culture, its architecture and sculpture art, almost the same important role at home and abroad, foreshadowing the road of the art of human civilization. In the field of buddhist culture can be called the three saints "China" gathering; Buddha, dhamma, and sangha) lama lineage, Buddha story wall, ocean's bodhisattva ranked halls. Puning temple, the buddhist palace, worthy of cultural tourism.



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西双版纳在云南省的南部,面积约2万平方公里,聚居着10多个民族,其中以傣族人口最多,是傣族自治州。作为一个风景旅游胜地,西双版纳是很有特色的。这里居住的少数民族,基本上都还保留着各自特有的文化和生活习俗。人们在这里可以看到傣族、布朗族的彩色缤纷的头饰和统裙,他们居住的竹楼,吃的竹筒饭 。





放高升和孔明灯是傣族地区特有的活动。人们在节前就搭好高高的高升架,届时将自制的土火箭点燃,它一边喷出白烟,一边”嗖 嗖 嗖 “的尖啸着飞上蓝天,引得人们举目张望,不时发出喝采声,高升飞得越高越远的寨子,人也觉得更光彩、更吉祥,优胜者还将获奖。入夜,人们又在广场空地上,将灯烛点燃,放到自制的大”汽球“内,利用空气的浮力,把一盏盏”孔明灯“放飞上天。一一盏盏明亮的孔明灯在漆黑的夜晚越飞越高,越飞越远。人们以此来纪念古代的圣贤孔明。





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Everybody is good! Welcome to the Palace Museum, I'm glad to serve you, I am the guide from this journey all Korean an inscription, everyone call me Korean guide line. Today I accompanied him you have a good time.

Now, you have came to the Forbidden City, which is located in the centre of Beijing by bus. 24 emperors lived here, is the imperial palace during the Ming and qing dynasties, it is the Palace Museum. The palace the whole building magnificent and solemn gorgeous, whether plane layout, magnificent mountains, in the form of the 3 d effect still is incomparable masterpiece.

Let's watch the center axis of the palace! The central axis in the central axis of Beijing city. After the three main halls, palace, imperial garden is located in the central axis. On both sides of central axis of the palace, but also with many house, grand magnificent.

Looking at central axis, art treasures museum! Some of the Forbidden City palace the establishment of a comprehensive history museum of art, painting, pavilion pavilion, classification of ceramics, bronze, engraved hall, toys, craft art gallery in the Ming and qing dynasties, pavilion, four treasures of the study hall, pride, watches and clocks, and judgments of clear acting palace relics exhibition, collect a large number of ancient art treasures. According to statistics, there are 102653, including many cultural relics are unique priceless.

Even the palace of the four corner, every Angle has 18 column seventy-two liras turrets, there is a legend about turrets. One day, the emperor yongle let ministers in the Forbidden City on the four horns of building a nine beam column 10 seventy-two liras, baffled ministers to it. One day, a carpenter saw a des sauterelles cage, very strange, feel cage went up and took a look, a number, that's nine beam column seventy-two liras ten! The carpenter immediately to the secretary. From then on, they left such turrets.

Dear visitors, our today's tour end, right now, today's explanation to me, you are welcome to put forward opinions and Suggestions, I am thankful. Finally, I wish you all have fun! thank you!

