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Dear friends, hello, I have a pleasure to visit together with you. I am a tour guide, you can call me huang guides. Now E868 number are we on the bus, the magnificent Great Wall we will go to the spirit. The Great Wall is a rare treasures, also an art special cultural relics. It symbolizes the pride of the Chinese people and even human pride, it is also a symbol of the Chinese nation indestructible strength and spirit and will of forever in the world. The Great Wall: 6.35 million meters, its English name: Thegreatwall.

Ok, now we come to the Great Wall, the Great Wall, west of jiayuguan in gansu province in western China, the east side to the yalu river in northeast China's liaoning province. It like a long dragon, the mountains, the cliffs, wear a prairie, across the desert, ups and downs in the top of the mountains across the other shore of the Yellow River and the coast of the bohai sea.

You can free activities for an hour, you can take a picture, but can't spit. Don't undermine our Great Wall. Thank you for your cooperation.

Well, to an hour, we are going to leave the Great Wall. May we leave good wishes to the Great Wall, let us leave the beautiful memories here.





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1347 字

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"On the west side of the sun went to bed soon in weishan lake, quiet, bounce my beloved soil pipa, sang the touching song..."

Is famous for its movie "railway guerrillas" national weishan lake is located in jining city in shandong province weishan county, bearing, the four provinces of shandong, jiangsu, anhui, henan eight areas of water, by situated, zhaoyang, nanyang dushan, of four connected to other lakes, formed in north China's largest freshwater lake. The beijing-hangzhou grand canal across the whole lake, still can.

Situated on the island is the largest island in the lake, island numerous cultural relics, there are YanZhou micro child's tomb, the early han zhang liang's tomb, the spring and autumn period and the mu yi tomb, FuYiLing (temple), zhong zi lu temple, liuhe springs, springs of the virgin and a lot of scenery, ancient stone inscriptions and han stone temple monuments, and railway guerrillas monument for people to remember.

7 ~ 8 months each year, one hundred thousand mu of lotus bloom in lake, spectacular. 7 ~ 8 month or fishing season, at this time to weishan lake can enjoy first-of-the-season lotus, also can taste. The annual lotus will be August was held in the greatest concentration of small weishan lake lotus landscape. And railway guerrillas monument for people to remember.


篇2:云南民族村导游词开头 云南民族文化导游词

范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1283 字

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请大家往左边看,这便是傣家的竹楼。竹楼的形式为干栏式建筑。干栏式建筑常见于中国的南方地区,其特点是凉爽防潮。请大家随我上楼参观。楼上右边是卧室,中间是客厅,厅外有凉台。傣族认为自己的灵魂和家神都在卧室里,外人来了会打扰家神,摄走灵魂。所以傣家的卧室外人是不能进入的。竹楼的客厅内置有火塘,内有三脚架。在云南的少数民族生活起居中,火塘占有很崇高的地位,从而形成了神秘的火塘文化。 下了竹楼往前走,一路上经过工艺楼,风情楼,风味楼。


进入佛殿内,大家可能发觉她与我们常见的大乘佛教的佛寺不同。大乘佛教比小乘佛教更具宗教色彩,它把释迦莫逆神化,而且认为三世十方都有佛,所以,大乘佛寺的佛像高大庄严,且数量多。而小乘佛教仅将其奉为始祖。因此其佛像与现实中的人相似,佛像也没有那么多。所以大小乘佛教的佛殿格局也就不尽相同了。 在修行方式上,大乘佛教主张除出家的僧尼外,还要有大批的居家教徒,在这点上,大乘佛教更居世俗化。小乘佛教要求男性信奉者必须出家,所以,云南傣族地区的男孩子都要到寺庙里当一段时间的和尚,学习宗教和文化知识。





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1803 字

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Welcome to Yunnan, Welcome to Tengchong! It’s my honor to be your guide. Today we are going to visit the volcanoes and hot springs in Tengchong, which are the most famous here.

As we will get there in a few minutes, first allow me to give you a brief intoduction of Tengchong. Tengchong is located in the southwest of China and occupies an area of 5800 square kilometers. There are 23 nationalities here, such as 汉、傣、回、白 nationalities and so on. When we mentioned Tengchong, three things will come into mind, which are: the volcanoes and hot springs having 10,000 years, the border city having 1,000 years and the fair of jade having 100 years.

Later we will get to the volcanoes and the hot spring, so now I can tell you something about the latter two ones. They all can reflect the long history Tengchong has. Tengchong is a city on boarder. And because of its location, it has been an important place for military reasons. And that’s a part of its history. It’s also regarded as the county of manners, and it is the hometown of so many famous people. And another part of its history is that Tengchong is one trade center of jade between China and Burma. So don’t forget to get a round to the jade fair. I think you will feel interested.

OK, everyone, here is the Library of the Volcanoes. Now let’s have a look at .The volcanoes in Tengchong are famous in China, and it’s one of the four groups of volcanoes in China. The strong extravasations are the cause of the landform of Tengchong. There is a lieder in Tengchong saying that:” Such a place Tengchong, nine in ten mountains have no peaks.” It’s very vivid, from that you can see so many volcanoes are in Tengchong. There are 97 volcanoes in Tengchong now with high value of tourism and scientific research.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 666 字

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篇6:云南景点的导游词20字 云南景点介绍导游词

范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4192 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 622 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 12662 字

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Distinguished guests, dear friends, good morning! Welcome to chongqing tourism. I am a swan CITS chongqing guide, very honored to have the opportunity to visit mountain scenery, accompany you in this two days, I will try my best to serve you better, also hope you can enjoy my tour guide service, here I wish you enjoy having a good time in chongqing, leave a good memory!

First of all, I simply introduce the history of chongqing, chongqing is one of the earliest assessment of 56 different historical and cultural city, because it has more than 3000 years history, once three times its capital, may be you can remember what it is ancient bashu Pakistan countries, followed by the wartime capital of the republic of China during the Anti-Japanese War, the capital. Experienced the arduous war of resistance against Japan, the world watched in China, also understand the chongqing, issued by the United Nations so it is one of three world famous historical and cultural city in China. There used to be a puzzle, a bear pick two happy character, guess a city, the answer is in chongqing. Its name is the meaning of the double festival, song dynasty captaincy zhao linton the purge states made ready and the king of packet to the southwest, somehow soon began to reign over the emperor, reasoned, this is not a double festival, a wave of his so YuBi for chongqing took a lucky prizes. The ancient ancestors of chongqing since the entry of jialing river, and to grow. Jialing river as chongqing's mother river and jialing river called "YuShui", so referred to as "chongqing, chongqing li bai did" night qingxi to the three gorges, have you noticed the YuZhou "as you swim in chongqing, it will be of thoughts of chongqing night scene, chafing dish, mountain city beauty?

Area of 8.23 square kilometers, jurisdiction over 4 county-level cities, 13 districts, 23 is the largest city in western China, chongqing is one of China's four municipalities directly under the central government.

Counties, the total population of 33.2 million, for the most young has the largest population in China, the largest municipality directly under the central government. Chongqing was China's first plan single row it city, the status quo of it can be said that "change", but after all, cannot be compared with shenzhen, Shanghai and so on, because it represents the whole of China, industrial, agricultural, large population, the burden is heavy, old, ethnic area, the reservoir area. Chongqing more than 20 years of practice in the industrial, agricultural and commercial are issued a batch of later popular national policy and experience. From this point on the progress of chongqing, is has a special significance for the country, out of a country in chongqing, chairman of the marshal of the republic of the three, and comrade deng xiaoping and premier li peng or from chongqing to social or deep origin, so their care and support and chongqing and one of the reasons for nearly two years the leap development. And the construction of the three gorges project, although had a greater influence on the ecological environment of chongqing, but also to new opportunities in chongqing, reforming was again the new chongqing.

When it comes to the terrain of chongqing, many comrades will give a "mountain city", true to its name, it is located in the eastern sichuan basin, hilly terrain, mountains, city is built on the mountain, the mountain is a city, the city is a mountain, rolling circle road, various visions, distinct style building on the peninsula, to show a perfect three-dimensional beauty, chongqing and surrounding the downtown area of the Yangtze river, jialing river like two silver belt, crossties, you can board the "mountain city crown" nanshan tree ancient Buddha figure off and I ridge overlooking a floor, is jiangshan picturesque, and chongqing is China's largest landscape garden city. General CAI e in chongqing has acknowledged the "two silver wire, since day, along with the river and after open the ancient rivers, said the town, the air I ridge tower". Have the opportunity to you can go to try. Three-dimensional city, of course, also have the three-dimensional traffic. Bridges, tunnels, elevator, cable car, cableway. Chongqing bridge in China are known, only seven bridge in city, the city is more difficult to count. , of course, there are two of the most famous, chongqing Yangtze river bridge, built in just after the cultural revolution in 1978, chongqing citizens to actively take part in, all in a great battle form. The bridge is the inscription ye shuai, another is the symbol of the chief engineering and corruption, the qijiang count rainbow bridge, its case shocked the country. Rainbow bridge, of course, new artistic, like art, everybody can grasp the chongqing along five more than a little, just said the bridge, there are holes, tunnel, cable car, the steps and bike, you see this side of the mouth of the cave, the mountain is now just shop, small workshops, the origin of it is big, the Anti-Japanese War authentic air-raid shelter, of course, there are three line construction, as a strategic rear area, for the requirements of the fat, chongqing many factory, shopping center was built in the hole, within the whole chongqing city wide dotted, interwoven into the net, once think on this basis to build the subway in chongqing, then think engineering is too big, rebuilding the light rail. Because it warm in winter and cool in summer, become a lot of hot pot battleground of the boss. Do you want to, don't open central heating in the winter, summer don't open air conditioning, how to save money. Chongqing steps is to make more foreigner very headache, steep hills, too tired, can think of why chongqing girls so good figure? That is because the steps, more girls could be free fitness everywhere. And chongqing people heart patients rarely, benefit a lot. As the saying goes: "good in chongqing city, the mountains are high road uneven, floor is built on the rock, car running in the mountains, and the door more tunnel, bridge zhuang mountain city"

Before going out, I'm sure you will watch TV to understand the temperature of chongqing these days. When it comes to the climate characteristics of chongqing. It has two name famous throughout the country. Is the "foggy city" and "fire". Chongqing is the eponymous world famous travelling to London, during the spring and autumn season, the most is foggy, white mist from the river rising, such as fine gauze, very good-looking, but heavy fog boundless, day by day, the riverbank regardless, even in the opaque, see bearer, opposite to the traffic safety hazard is great, but the fog has the beauty of it, time machine long resistance crazy bombing of chongqing city, chongqing to bring huge losses and damage, but the will of the people like in the city of chongqing jiangbei as the predecessor, the spirit of the fortress, Fried falling down and rebuilt, built of brick wooden to break down, never give in. In the difficult years of the war of resistance against Japan, people use the special way, the whole city buildings are painted beige, and fog color all become a piece of sky. So now, the surviving a few resistance building or this kind of camouflage. Fog day, of course, machine is not used, it will be time for everybody happy street shopping and entertainment. Under the leadership of the CPC NaFangJu to guo moruo, YangHanSheng, tien han, Lao she, he and other progressive writers launched a large number of Anti-Japanese War, the people's morale plays, such as "qu yuan" "peacock" bravery "CAI wenji" bacteria "fascist" and so on, a hit, so the tradition of chongqing has retained the fog season festival. Chongqing also has "three watch watch" - look at night during the day, see the foggy weather sunny day, the girls don't look at the boy. Because we are chongqing industrial zone, basic can't see the scene of a clear fog hazy instead that chongqing city covered with a layer of gauze, the beauty of a little unreal, the night scenery of the mountain is famous all over the world, compared with Hong Kong, New York's colorful, chongqing night scene, stereo sense is strong, distinct, mountains, river night scene one integrated mass, hand in photograph reflect, lights like the Milky Way brilliant stars Even more the feeling of dreaming, let a person full of praise, as for chongqing girls compared with boys, is a proverb, probably because the girls with exquisite chongqing jiao, provocative diao, white and beautiful personality is distinct, likeable.

Chongqing another name "fire", it is said that chongqing is one of the three big stove in the Yangtze river, the other two is the wuhan and nanjing. But 30 ℃ above the weather, chongqing longest, the highest temperature, absolute temperature 42.3 ℃, the average daily temperature. And chongqing hot and humid air, is like a bamboo steamer, let a person the disadvantages. In the middle of the night YiErDian isn't cool. To say this is geographical environment of chongqing, is located in the subtropical, high temperature; Surrounded by two rivers and, moisture evaporation; Mountains, the air circulation, the cold air cannot enter, cooling into the rain, warm climate, adsorption of dust in the air, the spring and autumn period and the day becomes mist. Wet weather has become the second beauty culture, chongqing people pose embellish skin.

Chongqing humid climate also has created the unique diet. Tao is the food in sichuan, in chongqing. In addition to the bean curd, sliced beef and ox tongue in chili sauce, braised pork and so on old outside. Base on the latest can most popular dishes, are made by chongqing chefs, taken in calendar year competition also is given priority to with chongqing chefs, chengdu dishes taste fresh and sweet taste. And chongqing chefs will strong medicine, flavor and taste more wide, heavy, taste thick, spicy fresh aroma, litchi, etc., ensure that impressed. This one of the most typical diet, number of mountain city hot pot, popular in the country, and half of all restaurants is chongqing hotpot restaurant. Wet sweat most see effect, displacement and shook his cattail leaf fan, streaming with sweat, bare arms, yelling that street one scene. Chongqing is called the pot hot bonsai. Rich dishes, taste her and refreshing. Eat, eat a health. Is chongqing people has become the new preferred seats. Swim in chongqing and one of the most famous scenic spot, also had better taste the best diet, it is worthwhile.

Our position now is ChaoTianMen view plaza, ChaoTianMen is one of the chongqing city gates. Wharf was built in the western han dynasty years, because of being intones, it devilishly hard to hard, the Yangtze became the most important channel in bashu, local officials in the ancient beach welcomes imperial edict. The Ming dynasty ChaoTianMen position and is on the right city of nanjing, so its name. Everyone please look ahead, on the left is green like jade of jialing river, on the right is the yellow red gold as the Yangtze river, they are lingering in the thousands of to remit again here, whether it should be the Chinese old saying: "as if by predestination"! ChaoTianMen is the jialing river, the Yangtze river liangjiang rendezvous place. We like to call this: marriage.

ChaoTianMen square is began in March 1998, the same year officially opened on December 30, is currently the largest national square, the roof of 17000 square meters, the square has four storeys high, 21.8 meters high, if you are interested, can go to the river, and looked back, you'll find it form such as the great ship, the yuzhong peninsula is the hull, grand, perhaps like has more than 3000 rivers, children to chongqing, will walk the line from the ChaoTianMen, with rolling the Yangtze river to the east, towards the sea towards the world!

Today's visit to the end. It's time to say goodbye, first of all, thanks for your support and coordination to complete a day of tourism activities smoothly. I also had the opportunity to meet some new friends, of course, also please understanding for I can't find the place of service, of course I was hoping to enjoy my tour guide service. I wish you all in the later journey goes well, have fun! Welcome to have a chance to visit to chongqing, also had better take your relatives and friends, if possible I will again. Mountains and rivers, enjoy visiting chongqing, thank you! Good bye!




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1615 字

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Dear friends hello, I am your tour guide today, I called Chang Yujie, below I will lead you to the world cultural heritage - in zhouzhuang to visit in suzhou.

This is the door zhouzhuang, you all have a look, if found the hotel around the roof has a flower bowls, you see there is a huge inside the pig's feet. Theme is the most delicious food here, especially in the 'three thousand' hoofs of the most famous. He has a horizontal interesting story! Now I will tell you, before, zhouzhuang lived a man named shen three thousand richest, is very kind, favorite food is eating pig's feet. One day, zhu yuanzhang visit shen three thousand, shen three thousand hospitality he eating pig's feet, but cunning confused by zhu yuanzhang a problem, the question is, what's the name of the meat? Shen three thousand think, say pig's feet, shen will be over three thousand, made a deceit gentleman, because is the emperor zhu yuanzhang, so shen three thousand a brainwave, say 'Wan Santi'. This is the origin of 'Wan Santi. For a while, you can taste.

Zhouzhuang is build and name, now let us come for a walk! You look at the build reflection in the water, the bridge is linked together, like a key, then draw a picture of Chen in the United States memory of hometown, build picture is beautiful, the people were charmed by the dreamy scenery, from then on, zhouzhuang known, build is also famous.

Ok, now please walking around, please pay attention to protect its clean, want to tour by boat to the dock, please. So you dissolve go sightseeing tour of the beauty of water - zhouzhuang!!!!


篇10:抚仙湖的导游词 云南抚仙湖赞美词

范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 759 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2298 字

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Kaifeng bao temple is designed to commemorate our country northern song dynasty famous official, political reformers bao zheng, restoration and reconstruction, is the largest and most complete information at home and abroad, the most popular professional memorial places of baogong involved. It is located in the picturesque city of seven dynasties kaifeng bao lake west bank, is the national tourism administration development and construction of the central plains area of important scenic spot, the top ten tourist attractions in henan province.

Bao, the world known as "bao", "bao zheng", is the famous official during the northern song dynasty period of our country. It takes all his life, integrity, strong inhibitory action, impartial, justice for the people, to win a reputation, observation, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign to and respected by people in one thousand. Since jinyuan, kaifeng is bao temple, built to commemorate the historical sages.

Kaifeng bao temple covers an area of more than one hectare, imitation song dynasty style typeface style of ancient architectural complexes located, dignified and elegant, imposing manner, both the northern building style is magnificent, there is no lack of again the call of the jiangnan gardens and refined. And is located in the east lake of baogong involved "KaiFengFu" remote photograph reflect, formed the "east mansion everyone, pavilions water".

Bao temple main exhibition area, the spring scenic spot, function service area. Main exhibition area, gate, second, zhaobi, pavilion, temple, temple, things peidian peidian. With cultural relics, historical books, rubbings, inscriptions, bronze, wax, model, picture form such as comprehensive, detailed introduces the life history of bao, demonstrated the qing bao zheng clean. The spring scenic area in the rockery, waterfalls, jade bridge lie wave, brocade carp swimming, exquisite stone carvings, four seasons with green, yueyue, floral notes everywhere is pleasant. Function service area in the parking lot, at restaurants, multimedia visitor center and high standard star travel toilet, etc. Complete supporting facilities for the majority of tourists from home and abroad to provide high quality full range of travel services.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 651 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2713 字

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Shanghai, a very modern city and do not break the traditional Chinese characteristics on the bund, old-fashioned western building hand in photograph reflect with the skyscrapers of pudong modern; Xujiahui cathedral SAN poem sound, the jade Buddha temple cigarette curled up...

Mixed with the change and status quo has been the rise of international metropolis. The old shikumen construction today is already popular elements and the brand; Once across the river in the passage of today has been replaced by magnetic suspension and the most international airport; Past happy valley has become the park today, who would have thought that arc Wu Shenglu is hundreds of years ago. A corner. Constant is more than hundred years Shanghai has been China business center, meeting places of wealth, is the root and the world the most cohesive ties.

Shanghai is second only to China famous Hong Kong "shopping paradise" : "the Chinese business first street" nanjing road, the prosperous elegant huaihai road commercial street is a national; Zhengda plaza, Hong Kong exchange square size; Hang lung plaza, department store with top brand, fashion goods, public goods, etc.

Began in the early yuan dynasty, the founding of Shanghai to the 16th century, Shanghai has become the national cotton textile manufacturing center, the middle of the 19th century, Shanghai has become a bustling port gates. After the opium war, Shanghai was colonialists bi "treaty ports". After the liberation of Shanghai, and gradually walked out of a very large city development new road, to become one of the biggest economic center in our country. Shanghai has two airports, pudong airport and hongqiao airport. Pudong airport on a day of more than 560 flights, routes covering more than 70 international (regional) city, more than 60 domestic cities. Hongqiao airport, average daily on more than 540 sorties.

Main attractions: Shanghai maglev train, the Oriental pearl tower, the international conference centre, 88 - storied jinmao building, Shanghai museum, the nations building expo, yuyuan garden, the bund "a big" site of the communist party of China, the grand view garden, etc.

Shanghai is also an emerging tourist destination, due to its profound cultural background and numerous historical sites, such as Shanghai puxi landmark, the bund and xintiandi. But in had in the pudong new area, presents another prosperous scene: the Oriental pearl radio and television tower and jinmao tower, Shanghai world financial center building constitute one of the world's most magnificent skyline, the center will be built in Shanghai in 2014, are more likely to put on the "Oriental Paris" brilliant.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:景区,导游,全文共 429 字

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篇15:游览苏州园林的英语导游词 精选

范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3358 字

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Good morning guys and every folks ,it is my great honour to be your guide . First i wish to extend my warmest welcome to you and i hope you will enjoy today s trip . Now let me introduce myself . My name is wuyingfang . I come from China International travel service . If you have any problem just tell me . I will try my best to help you and achieve your satisfaction with a wonderful trip memory . By the way ,please pay attention to your safety when traveling . I hope everything goes well and all of us will have a good time .

The place we are going to visit today is the land of fish and rice Suzhou . To speak of Suzhou, people are likely to mention the old saying” Up above there is paradise, down here, here are Suzhou and Hangzhou”. Gardening in Suzhou reached its height during the Ming and Qing dynasties. There were over 280 private gardens in Suzhou and landscape became an art with established masters. The mild climate, along with 230 frost_free days and around 43 inches of rain is perfect for gardening endeavors. 69 gardens in and around Suzhou are still in good condition. In 2007,the UNESCO added four of the private gardens of Suzhou to the world heritage list, extending this in 2000 to include the

historic section of the city and five other gardens in the area.

Among so many gardens, the Humble Administrators garden is the most outstanding and the largest garden in Suzhou. And it is the most important part of our todays tour. It is centered upon the broad expanse of a lake, making up about one fifth of the total area, with well spaced buildings. The garden landscape and water scape are simple, extensive and natural, possessing the traditional appearances of the Ming and Qing dynasties.

It is divided into three parts: the eastern, middle of the western parts, the house lies in the south of the garden.

The middle part is the cream of the garden with marvelous mountains, clear water, exquisite buildings and exuberant trees of the scenery in the south of the lower Yangtze. Lying here and there to the south of the lake are the east and west hills made from a mixture of earth and rocks, and covered with trees. The Prunus Mume Pavilion and the Orange Pavilion stand on a top of the hills. By the side of the lake there are forsythias gently stroking the surface of the water, and bringing about delightful effects of nature.

The building in the western part of the garden are properly arranged by the lake. The northern half is named :"the hall of 36 pairs of mandarin ducks" and the southern half:" the hall of 18 camellias"

lying to the south of the garden is the house, which is the typical residence in Suzhou. On a north—south axis there are four successive buildings. To the east of the axis are the MandarinDuck'shall with flower—basket decoration, the flower hall and the four—sided viewing hall.

The Humble administrator's garden boasts altogether 48 different bulidings,101 parallel couplets,and door plateaux,40 stelae,21 precious old trees,and over 700 bonsai kept in the bonsai garden in the western part of the garden,representing the Suzhou style bonsai,one of the four leading bonsai styles in China.

Well ,ladies and gentlemen ,it’s time for your freelance . You can take photos with abandon . We will gather here one hour later . Pay attention to your safety and don’t forget the time !



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1745 字

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Dear visitors, everybody is good, I am your tour guide xiao wang. Now we came to the beautiful Summer Palace look endless blocks in the corridor. The aisle has more than seven hundred meters long, divided into 273. Each of the cross on the sill have colorful paintings, painted figures, flowers and plants, landscape, thousands of picture no two are the same.

Now we are through the corridor, came to the foot of the longevity hill. Please look up and stands on the hillside of the anise three layers of pyramid building is the Buddha incense. The following rows of resplendent and magnificent palace is cloud temple. We now set out to the longevity hill.

Tourists, Buddha incense is our position now, the Summer Palace landscape in fundus. See the lush trees, with yellow green glazed tile roof and vermeil wall, give us beautiful enjoyment on the vision. Is the front, is known as the kunming lake. XiangDongYuan see again, I could see a faint several ancient towers and the white pagoda in the city.

We come down from longevity hill came to kunming lake; Bank has several different styles on the ancient bridge, one of the most famous is the marble seventeen-arch bridge which. There are seventeen little tunnel in this stone bridge, hence the name the marble seventeen-arch bridge which. Now with me through the marble seventeen-arch bridge which, please go to the lake center, please have a look at carefully, railing on hundreds of pillar, pillars are carved with a lion. So many lions, posture is differ, no two are just the same.

There are beautiful scenery, the Summer Palace said also said not over. Now please free activities, an hour later at the door of the corridor. Play while you pay attention to safety and environmental protection.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3070 字

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Suzhou, China city, called wu, is referred to as "su, with gusu, wu, wu, wu, wu jiang peace and other multiple times and nickname. Suzhou the spirit, is known as "paradise on earth", always is famous for its beautiful landscape, garden elegance, have "jiangnan garden enjoys, suzhou garden armor chiangnan" the laudatory name, and because of its small Bridges the somebody else of the characteristics of the ancient city, the "Oriental Venice" reputation. Suzhou ever since the dawn of recorded history of more than 4000 years, founded in 514 BC, the key scenic tourist city in China, the Yangtze river delta important economic center. Suzhou in jiangsu province is important to the economy, foreign trade, industry and commerce and logistics center, it is important to culture, art, education, and transportation center.

Suzhou, one of China's super city in east China, east of Shanghai, near the east China sea; West lake taihu, back to wuxi, across the lake far out at changzhou; The Yangtze river in the north, with the economic development of nantong, zhejiang in the south, borders and jiaxing, reduce the water in taihu lake near huzhou, east 81 kilometers away from downtown Shanghai. Is in jiangsu province, the southeast gateway, Shanghai's throat, middle and north jiangsu to zhejiang. Suzhou the spirit, is known as "paradise on earth", "garden city". Suzhou have is famous for its beautiful landscape, garden elegance, have "jiangnan garden enjoys, suzhou garden armor chiangnan" the laudatory name, and because of its small Bridges the somebody else of the characteristics of the ancient city, and has the "Oriental Venice", "Oriental water (east shuicheng)," said. Today's suzhou has become a "city garden", "garden city", mountain, water, city, forest, park, town is an organic whole, classic with contemporary perfect combination, ancient and modern, the harmonious development of international city. Suzhou is located in the temperate zone, four seasons, mild climate, rain

Amount of energy. North subtropical monsoon climate, annual average rainfall of 1100 mm, annual average temperature 15.7 ℃, average temperature 2.5 ℃. 28 ℃, 7 monthly average temperature. Plains of the whole city was low, accounting for 55% of the total area, a watery, fertile land, rich products, abundant rainfall, smooth rice incense, blue waves fish is very rich in agricultural and sideline products, the people told the "near cook a scented rice red-violet knowledge", "peach blossom water mandarin fish fertilizer", "yee from a ship through the night market to buy ling, spring" verse, is all previous dynasties poet of suzhou rich natural resources, a praise and praise. Main plant rice, wheat, rape, producing cotton, sericulture, fruit, specialty "biluochun" tea, saury Yangtze river, taihu whitebait, yangcheng lake hairy crabs, etc. Suzhou is a famous "land of fish and rice", "silk house".



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