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a clever farmer

uncle sam doesn’t like farmer。 he thinks they are very foolish and only know work on the farm。

one winter morning, the sun is shining。 uncle sam sits on the step of his house。 at that moment, a farmer with a map in his hand es to him。

farmer:excuse me, uncle。 can you tell me know to get to the hospital, please? uncle sam: lie down in the middle of the street and you’ll soon be at a hospital。 farmer please set an example to me。

uncle sam: i think you e to our city at the first time。 it’s much more beautiful than the field。 is that right?

farmer: yes, uncle。 but it is built on the field。 uncle sam’s face turns red。


山姆大叔不喜欢农民。他认为他们很愚蠢只会在农场干活。一个冬天的早晨,阳光明媚,山姆大叔坐在门前的石阶上。这时,一个农民手拿地图向他走来。 农民:请问,大叔,去医院的路怎样走? 山姆大叔:你躺在街当中,很快就会在医院的。 农民:请你做一个示范。

山姆大叔:我想你是第一次进城吧,城市比你那块地漂亮多了,是吧? 农民:是的,大叔,但城市是建在地之上的。 山姆大叔脸红了。




范文类型:演讲稿,全文共 606 字

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A Woman Who Fell

It was rush hour and I was dashing to a train in New York City's Grand Central Terminal - As I neared the gate, a plump, middle-aged woman sprinted up from behind, lost her footing on the smooth marble floor and slid onto her back。 Her momentum carried her close to my shoes。 Before I could help her, however, she had scrambled up。 Gaining her posure, she winked at me and said, "Do you always have beautiful women failing at your feet?"





范文类型:演讲稿,适用行业岗位:小学,学生,全文共 639 字

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Bobby is my dog. I love him. He can roll on the floor. He can play balls with me. He can look after my house when I am out. Bobby is very clever. But sometimes he isn’t.

One day Bobby runs away. He is out for three days. After he comes back, I tie him to a tree and give him some food. Bobby begins to eat. But then he stops. He sees a fox. The fox is looking at his food. Bobby barks and barks. He wants to catch the fox. But he can’t. The fox runs round the tree. Bobby runs after the fox. So the rope goes ground the tree. Of course Bobby can’t run. The doc can eat the food. Quickly she eats up the food and runs away.



范文类型:演讲稿,适用行业岗位:大学,学生,比赛,全文共 715 字

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What would you do if you failed? Many people may choose to give up. However, the surest way to success is to keep your direction and stick to your goal.

On your way to success, you must keep your direction. It is just like a lamp, guiding you in darkness and helping you overcome obstacles on your way. Otherwise, you will easily get lost or hesitate to go ahead.

Direction means objectives. You can get nowhere without an objective in life.

You can try to write your objective on paper and make some plans to achieve it. In this way, you will know how to arrange your time and to spend your time properly. And you should also have a belief that you are sure to succeed as long as you keep your direction all the time.



范文类型:演讲稿,适用行业岗位:小学,学生,全文共 1042 字

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many years ago, a baby boy came into this world. but unfortunately, he

didn't come with a cry, which was a big problem from the medical point of view.

the doctor, tough and quick, turned the baby upside down and slapped his bottom

sharply. the baby cried, and he survived. at that moment, the father yelled at

the doctor, why did you hit my baby? he did not realize that the doctor had

saved the baby's life. the baby cried and cried, and the father smiled and

silently cried as well. he held the baby in his arms and did not allow the

doctor to touch the baby anymore.contest chair, ladies and gentlemen, that baby

was me, and that man was my dad. whenever my mom told people this story, i would

always laugh aloud, and my dad would just shake his head and smile quietly.




范文类型:演讲稿,全文共 487 字

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ulie was saying her bedtime prayers. "please god," she said, "make naples the capital of italy. make naples the capital of italy."

her mother interrupted and said. "julie, why do you want god to make naples the capital of italy?"

and julie replied, "because that's what i put in my geography exam!"






范文类型:演讲稿,全文共 687 字

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A lady went to a hat shop to buy a hat。 As she was very fussy, it took her a long time to pick on one。 Already at the end of his patience the salesman was afraid that she might change her mind again so he tried to flatter her: "An excellent choice, madam。 You look at least ten years younger with this hat on!" To his dismay, the lady took off her hat at once and said: "I don't want a hat that makes me look ten years older as soon as I take it off。 Show me some more hats!"






范文类型:演讲稿,全文共 621 字

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a little kid fell in love with another little kid, a school mate。 sometimes the kids think they fall in love when they have a crush on someone else in the class, when they?re eight or ten years old or something like that。 so the eight-year-oldkid came back home and asked his father, “father, is it expensive to be married?” and the father said, “yes, son, it is very expensive。” so the son asked, “how much does it cost?” and the father said, “i don?t know, son。 i?m still paying。”




范文类型:演讲稿,全文共 974 字

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小蝌蚪找妈妈 tadpole’s mummy

today i say the story is 。

spring es。(春天来了。)the tadpoles are missing their mummy。(小蝌蚪们想妈妈了。)they want to look for her。(他们要去找她。)

a duck is ing。(一只鸭子游过来了。)“mummy,mummy!”(“妈妈,妈妈!”)

the duck says:(鸭子说:)“sorry,i’m not your mummy。(对不起,我不是你们的妈妈。)your mummy has a white belly!(你们的妈妈有一个白肚皮!)”

the tadpoles say:(小蝌蚪说:)“thank you!good-bye!”(“多谢您!再见!”)

a fish is ing。(一条鱼游过来了。)“mummy,mummy!”(“妈妈,妈妈!”)

the fish says:(鱼说:)“sorry,i’m not your mummy。(对不起,我不是你们的妈妈。)your mummy has two big eyes。(你们的妈妈有两只大眼睛。)”

the tadpoles say:(小蝌蚪说:) “thanks!bye!”(“多谢您!再见!”)

a turtle ising。(一只乌龟游过来了。)“mummy,mummy!”(“妈妈,妈妈!”)

the turtle says:(乌龟说:)“sorry,i’m not your

mummy。(对不起,我不是你们的妈妈。)your mummy wears a green dress。(你们的妈妈穿着一件绿衣服。)”

the tadpoles say:(小蝌蚪说:)“thanks a lot!see you!”(多谢您!回头见!)

jest then,(正在这时,)the frog is ing。(青蛙游过来了。)

the tadpoles say:(小蝌蚪说:)“mummy,mummy!”(“妈妈,妈妈!”)

the frog says:(青蛙说:)“how are you,my babies!(你们好啊!我的宝贝!)i love you so much!(我是多么爱你们啊!)”



范文类型:演讲稿,全文共 377 字

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I've Just Bitten My Tongue

"Are we poisonous?" the young snake asked his mother。

"Yes, dear," she replied - "Why do you ask?"

"Cause I've just bitten my tongue! "


1 poisonous adj。有毒的

2 Cause I've just bitten my tongue 因为我刚咬了自我的舌头。 句中 Cause 是 Because 的缩略形式。







范文类型:演讲稿,全文共 1592 字

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as everyone knows, english is very important today. it has been used everywhere in the world. it has become the most common language on internet and for international trade. if we can speak english well, we will have more chance to succeed. because more and more people have taken notice of it, the number of the people who go to learn english has increased at a gh speed.but for myself, i learn english not only because of its importance and its usefulness, but also because of my love for it. when i learn english, i can feel a different way of tnking wch gives me more room to touch the world. when i read english novels, i can feel the pleasure from the book wch is different from reading the translation. when i speak english, i can feel the confident from my words. when i write english, i can see the beauty wch is not the same as our cnese...i love english, it gives me a colorful dream. i hope i can travel around the world one day. with my good english, i can make friends with many people from different countries. i can see many places of great intrests. i dream that i can go to london, because it is the birth place of english.i also want to use my good english to introduce our great places to the english spoken people, i hope that they can love our country like us.i know, rome was not built in a day. i believe that after continuous hard study, one day i can speak english very well.if you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. so i believe as i love english everyday , it will love me too.i am sure that i will realize my dream one day!thank you!




范文类型:演讲稿,全文共 720 字

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What Animals are the sea?

There are all kinds of animals in the sea。 Look! They are ing。

This is an octopus。 The octopus is spraying ink。 This is a shark。 The shark

has sharp teeth。

This is a whale。 The whale shoots water into the air。 This is a sea turtle。

The sea turtle has a hard shell。 These are starfishes。 The starfishes have five


These are angelfishes。 The angelfishes have beautiful colors。 This is a

lobster。 The lobster has strong claws。 This is a jellyfish。 The jellyfish has a

soft body。 They are different。 But all of them live in the sea。







范文类型:演讲稿,全文共 635 字

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Nest and Hair

My sister, a primary school teacher, was informed by one of her pupils that a bird had built its nest in the tree outside the classroom。

"What kind of bird?" my sister asked。

"I didn't see the bird, ma' am, only the nest," replied the child。

"Then, can you give us a description of the nest?" my sister encouraged her 。

"Well, ma'am, it just resembles your hair。 "


1 inform v。告诉

2 nest n。窝;巢

3 description n。描述

4 encourage v。鼓励

5 resemble v。 相似;类似


我姐姐是一位小学老师。一次一个学生告诉她说一只鸟儿在教室外 的树上垒了个窝。







范文类型:演讲稿,全文共 1149 字

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Christmas was coming .Mr Smith had no money to buy any presents for his children .His wife was ill and he spent a lot of money on her medicine .And the harvest was bad and all his family were going go be hungry the next spring .He was quite worried about it .

“We had only a cock ,”said Mrs Smith one day .“You’d better take it to the town .Sell it there and buy some cakes and sweets for our children .”

“It’s a good idea !”the man said and caught the cock the next morning and put it into a box .It was difficult to walk on the road covered with thick snow .Two hours later he was very tied and wanted to have a rest .He put the box to the ground and sat down .

“The air in the box must be close ,”the man said to himself .“I’d better let the cock walk outside for a while ,or it’ll die .”

So he put the cock to the ground .When he started again ,he couldn’t catch it any longer .

“How foolish you are !”Mr Smith called out angrily .“You can herald the break of day at night but you cann’t find the way to the town in the daytime !”



范文类型:演讲稿,适用行业岗位:小学,学生,全文共 1878 字

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What a wonderful fruit the banana is, popular all over the world. Its three colors tell you how ripe it is. Green means go, as in go find another banana. Yellow means eat me. Brown means eat me but don’t bother chewing before you swallow. The only thing that would make a banana more user-friendly is if you could eat the peel. Plus, a banana is neat to eat. When you bite into it, you don’t have to worry about juice squirting all over yourself and your dinner neighbors . And it’s a silent food—you can chew it all you like without driving your neighbors crazy with crunching sounds . Finally, it’s easy to cut—you don’t need a steak knife. You can slice it with a fork or a spoon, if you like.

You’re never too young or too old to eat bananas. Babies eat mashed bananas before their teeth grow in. Great-great-grandparents eat mashed bananas after their teeth fall out.

The banana is versatile. You can fry it, bake it, mash it, or eat it raw. You can slice it and put it on your breakfast cereal. At lunchtime you can snack on a raw banana, or make a peanut butter and banana sandwich, or eat a bag of dried bananas. You can add a banana to your ice cream for dessert and call it a banana split. You can order a healthful banana smoothie at your local smoothie store. On weekends you can order a banana daiquiri at your local bar or restaurant.

Here in the US, we get most of our bananas from Ecuador and Costa Rica, although the fruit reportedly originated in Asia. Bananas give us lots of potassium and vitamins A and C, and hardly any sodium. The price of bananas hasn’t changed much over recent years—they’re still about 65 cents a pound, despite rising gas and labor prices. If that’s too expensive, you can still get three pounds for a buck at many dollar stores.




范文类型:演讲稿,全文共 1328 字

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Good morning teachers and fellow students. Today we would like to introduce a few favorite books to you.

My favorite book is (Italian: Cuore). This is a diary written by an Italian boy Enrico. The diary is about his life and study. It included various touching stories that happened around Enrico, the mottos taught by his parents, as well as the wonderful ten "monthly" stories told by his teacher during the class. Every word in the chapter describes the word "love". From patriotism to friendship, and to the love between parents and child -- really touching.

This novel taught me how to love, and how to learn from love. I really like this book very much. How about you? What is your favorite book?

My favorite book is . Have you read it before?

Oh, I haven't read this book before. What is it about?

Well, it is a story of a rich girl who maintained her noble character after the bankruptcy of her father. The story is happy ending.

Can you tell us why you love this book so much?

Sure. It is because the story taught us to be brave and to face the challenges and difficulties with courage. I am deeply impressed by the strength and perseverance of the little princess in the story. I have decided to learn from her from now on.

Oh I see, the story sounds very good. I cannot wait to read this book as well.



范文类型:演讲稿,适用行业岗位:小学,学生,全文共 1725 字

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who is using the arm of qiu jin, for us to put up a brilliant sky?

who is using the hard-working hands, happy for us to build a home?

are you, father, a great name but ordinary!

father of a mountain, broad-minded, the father of rivers to accommodate an

umbrella for us so that we stay away from disaster

father of a vessel, carrying us, brave the wind and waves, love towards the


in the eyes of his daughter, the father is more like you are leaning

against a tree in spring can love you like fantasy ganlu drop, moisten with my


through the summer to enjoy your love, like bursts of breeze, the wind

blowing softly beside him;

taught me to become ripe autumn, your love is to me is that the rich fruits

of success

taught me to become a strong winter, you love the sun are continuously

given me confidence and strength!

spring, summer, autumn and winter, the sun traces of rotation time, quietly

climbed up the wind and rain on your face honed, so that you vicissitudes

not forget, you earnestly to teach the scene

not forget, you sent her daughter to ride back to school is not to be

forgotten, when the daughter of late in your sad eyes

is not to be forgotten, when the sick daughter on your face can not forget

the scenes of fear, the father and daughter is not to be forgotten ... ... if

the situation can be life-cycle the next life, i also make your daughter!
















范文类型:演讲稿,全文共 1188 字

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Snow White

Snow White is born on a cold winter day. She is as white as snow. Her eyes are very big, her hair is very long and her voice is sweet. She is very kind and beautiful. Everyone loves her. Her mummy, the Queen loves her, too. But she died.

A new Queen comes. She is beautiful, but bad. She doesn’t like Snow White, because Snow White is the most beautiful girl in the world.

“I will kill Snow White.” So she orders a hunter to kill Snow White. The hunter is an honest man. “You are a good girl; I don’t want to kill you.” So he lets Snow White go.

Snow White goes into a forest. She finds a house, and goes into the house. Seven dwarfs live there. They like Snow White, and ask Snow White to live with them.

No sooner, the new Queen dies, because she isn’t the most beautiful woman in the world.




“我一定要杀死白雪公主。“因此,她命令一位猎人去杀白雪公主。这位猎人是一个诚实的人。 “你是一个好姑娘,我不想杀你。”所有他放走了白雪公主。 白雪公主走进一片森林,她发现了一个房子,并且走进了房子。七个小矮人住在房子里。他们很喜欢白雪公主并留她一起住下来了。 不久,女皇死了,因为她不是世界上最美丽的人。




范文类型:演讲稿,适用行业岗位:高一,全文共 1559 字

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Ladies and gentlemen ,thanks for raising your attention .Today I’ll give

you a speech named “global citizenship begins at home”.

Being received by many international organizations just like OPEC ,WTO ,all

of us get closer contact with other parts of the world ,so that we should not

only deal with the native citizenship well ,but also global one .

No doubt “Kyoto Protocol” is a model of assembling abilities all over the

world to administer and green-house gas pollution .It’s beyond the effort made

by politicians and environmentalists only ,and requires all men to attend it

.Face to such issues ,we are no more than a person who comes from a certain city

even a specific country ,but a global citizen that everyone should say it

proudly .

Besides ,from Madam Curies who argues that science and technology should

not be limited by national boundaries .Progreis never a nationality’s or a

country’s progre,it need all to avail from it .Creating or spreading science and

technology ,together with direct economic support ,bridges the gap between one

area and another ,which in order to help a creature as same as ourselves or just

because of deep sympathy .Thus a person exists as individual ,as well an

undivided part of human beings all over the world .Even though what we could do

may be negligible ,doing something without regret is the necessary way to

realize and fulfill our own global citizenship .

Nowadays ,terrorist acts suggest that world lacks comprehension ,and the

divergence of religion and culture should be respect .Being respectful for the

diversity is always.



范文类型:演讲稿,全文共 529 字

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a lady went to a hat shop to buy a hat.

as she was very fussy, it took her a long time to pick on one. already at the end of his patience the salesman was afraid that she might change her mind again so he tried to flatter her: "an excellent choice, madam.

you look at least ten years younger with this hat on!" to his dismay, the lady took off her hat at once and said: "i don't want a hat that makes me look ten years older as soon as i take it off.

show me some more hats!"




范文类型:演讲稿,适用行业岗位:小学,学生,全文共 707 字

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Big Ben

Big Ben is not the name of a man. It is a name of the clock. It is in London. Londonis the capital city of England. The big clock has four faces. So no matter where you stand, you can read the face of the clock. The hands are about four meter long. If you go to London, you may want to visit the house of the Parliament. In that place you will find Big Ben sits at the top of the clock tower in the House of the Parliament. The big clock makes a very loud noise. “Ding dong. Ding dong”- the clock strikes every quarter of an hour.



