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上海是我的出生地,我一直都爱着上海的一切······ 昨天,我带着远道而来的哥哥姐姐,进行了一次上海一日游。我们吃好午饭后,出发了。我们先来到了人民广场。人民广场真是美丽,尤其是那片草地,鸽子们都在自由自在地飞翔。我们走到了上海博物馆,排队进去参观。首先,我们来到了中国古代青铜馆和中国古代雕塑管。接着,我们参观了二楼,有中国古代陶瓷馆。三楼是中国历代书法馆、玺印馆、绘画馆。我最喜欢的是四楼的中国历代钱币馆和玉器馆。

钱币馆: 中国是世界上最早使用货币的国家之一。上海博物馆钱币收藏的数量和质量在中国钱币界享有声誉。中国历代钱币馆以此为基础,在730平方米展馆中,通过近7000件文物,集中展现了中国货币发生、发展和中外经济文化交流的历史概貌。在浅灰色的基本色调的衬托下,这些古代钱币更凸显它的悠远古朴、千姿百态。钱币馆内还辟有杜维善、谭端言伉俪捐赠的丝绸之路中亚古币专室。


逛完了博物馆,我们来到了城隍庙。城隍庙也是上海的名胜古迹之一,一到寒暑假,这里就聚集了成千上万的国外游客,他们津津有味地品尝着上海的特色小吃,兴致勃勃地欣赏着上海的艺术······那里是城市最初的回忆,哪怕在滴水穿石的时间面前,它也总是保持最执拗的姿态。上海老城厢内的城隍庙和豫园,便是这样的一个地方。在这方圆不足1公里的地方,已经整整热闹了几百年。 拉开中国古代人物的长卷,秦裕伯实在算不上是一个很有名的人物,但他却成了上海的城隍,一座城市的保护神,实在是他的造化。有关于他在历史上的记载是,元末明初,这个有“智谋之士”之称的上海人,为逃避乱世辞官回到了当时还是个小县城的上海。明朝开国后,朱元璋屡次请他出来当官,他也还爱卖点关子,继续在上海过自己的小日子,直到“实在推不掉才勉强入朝”。秦裕伯死后,朱元璋封他为上海“城隍之神”。这个秦裕伯,实在是够精明。







范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4162 字

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Dear visitors, now we have come to is known as "the pearl of the bohai sea BaYuJuan, yalong bay in north China" title BaYuJuan area, it is in the south of yingkou city, namely, yingkou economic and technological development zone, is a national economic and technological development zone. China's coastal port of yinkou, one of the top ten ports located here, is the northeast hinterland recently, the most convenient sea route. Yingkou city BaYuJuan area, also known as yingkou economic and technological development zone (two sign an agency) is located in the bohai bay northeast coast 67 kilometers away from downtown. Covers an area of 268 square kilometers, the resident population of 431000 (2012) here, the depth, pleasant climate, with excellent geographical location and good natural environment.

There is also a myth and legend story: according to legend a long time ago, BaYuJuan was a small fishing village, crescent-shaped coast is not like this, but almost in a straight line. Legend has it that a later when fishing, met a sea breeze, turn the boat; At first, it avoid water in his mouth, and then a mouth, avoid water went off to nowhere. Epigenetic beg for Spanish mackerel princess, the princess is very like the epigenetic the flute, then said: "you gave me the flute."

Later a promise: "good! I guarantee that August 15 that day, with the flute to wait for you in the sea." Epigenetic back out, Spanish mackerel princess hid in his garden; Then shout to all the sisters, for later coming troops in the bohai sea, looking for the lost from the water. After August 15, the flute, attached to a song to blow a tune. Again after a while, this is only the flute will send Spanish mackerel princess, never blow again, he was reluctant to go. Epigenetic was blowing excitedly, a neighbor's old fisherman, suddenly pleasantly surprised to shouted: "later, you come to see, visit." Epigenetic along fisherman fingers into the sea, but the impending, full of Spanish mackerel back the sea, a crowded a black mass, dry pressing, each one is toward the shore with a round mouth, probably is pleased to sing as the flute, because Spanish mackerel princess is going to get the flute for a while. Old fisherman, however, to persuade the epigenetic, way: "you give them the flute, they just don't run away, later, you don't give ah!" Say that finish turned away. Time is up, Spanish mackerel and other epigenetic princess came to pay the flute, but later not to come; Time passed, the princess still later came to hand in the flute, but still didn't come over later. Princess, later have no the meaning of the flute, a signal back to all the sisters, followed by a much long vilifying epigenetic promises.

Epigenetic with flute, turned on his way home. Spanish mackerel, nasty eyes only listened to the princess commanded, "tickle, tickle, tickle" millions of Spanish mackerel devour coast together, want to catch up later, swallow up later. However, despite the coast on to a big, become a crescent bay, lying on the water's edge a get a Spanish mackerel, form for more than half a circle. After the old fisherman left in the boat, speak Spanish mackerel posterior off the net, want to send a big fortune from thought fish much strength, and in a huff, a hard, bring the network to run, drag the boat to turn over, old fisherman drowned. BaYuJuan area is located in warm temperate zone, winter without cold, summer without heat, mild climate. The city 96 km long coastline, the waves slow beach flat, clean sand, water is a natural bathing beach and water, is known as the "golden beach" rare at home and abroad.

BaYuJuan is the famous scenic spot Xiong Yue arboretum, Xiong Yue arboretum is the botanical garden in percent, the earliest and most complete introduction north tree species, the influence of specimen garden trees at home and abroad, known as "Asian pocket specimen garden. A garden flowers trees, various, depressive shade combination would be all empty, has the feeling of returning to nature.

Now I will take you on a tour of this beautiful city.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3071 字

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A garden is located in the outskirts of yangzhou, jiangsu province dongguan street, formerly the ShouZhi garden of qing dynasty. Jiaqing and daoguang years, liang huai salt merchants yellow and converted to the narration for the garden, because of kinds of bamboo, named "a garden", its meaning has straight not bent, modest upward. "Yangzhou gardens, gardens to fold Lin chuang". A garden in his bamboo stone as the main body, in the peak using stone for the characteristics of urban forest, the legend of emperor kangxi years famous painter Shi Taozhi hand. Previous call "by HuiShi Duo mountain", is a garden Duo rao HuaLi, between like and don't like, an infinite daydream. The park mountain peaks, tall and straight, majestic, give a person the sense with rockery real taste. Appropriate woo hin, mountain building and the garden are brushed YunTing transparent, live in the autumn pavilion, yue xuan building, hand in photograph reflect with rockery pool, with a fomous trees, more show of primitive simplicity and elegant.

This park south entrance, there are two central pool, pool east Bridges cross waters as two, fanaw osmanthus hall, the width between the three, single eaves jehiel mountain, is the main building, garden ChiBeiYou hexagonal pavilion a; QiYou west pool is small, the north lake stone rockery, the south bank of bamboo forest. Garden north has up to 11 floor garden architecture.

A garden is famous for its "four seasons rockery". Spring scenery in osmanthus south hall near the entrance, down the tracery wall decorate stalagmites, like spring unearthed bamboo, bamboo echo, increased the spring in the air. Xia Jing in northwest of lake rockery LinChi, jian valley deep and quiet, the purple shadow show wood, the gurgling, beautiful and clinking. Autumn scenery is Yellowstone rockery, the number to pull, towering cliffs, the hole set way, upwards, step different scene change, fascinating. The top of the mountain pavilion, forming dominated the highest scenic spot. Winter rockery in the southeast of the small courtyard, lean on a wall of superimposed color white, body roundy XuanShi (snow), did not disappear, like snow in the south wall four lines round hole, using a narrow alley walls of air change produced by the effect of the north wind roar, as the atmosphere of winter blizzard. And on the west wall of the small courtyard and a round hole empty Windows open, you can see the spring mountain bamboo, camellia, and as winter is over, beautiful spring had come. The design idea, make the garden space changes with new idea.

Four seasons rockery, distinctive expression "hills YanYe and like to laugh, summerhill, such as green, bright and clean, such as makeup, akiyama mountain winter bleak and such as sleep" and "hills should swim, summerhill appropriate, the appropriate akiyama, winter mountain livable" poetry. A novel garden purport, tight structure, is the Chinese garden alone, it is also one of the most famous landscape of yangzhou.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3401 字

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The lion forest is located in the suzhou garden road. Yuan is the monk day two years (AD 1342) such as Jackson 27 Jackson was built to commemorate its division bodhi authentic temple, b again for 27 Jackson had call way lionrock, Buddha's book "the lion roar" meaning, style of the lion forest. Ming hongwu six years (AD 1373), 73 - year - old artist NiZan (yunlin) via suzhou, once the lion forest figure painting. At the beginning of the qing emperor qianlong, temple garden is a private property, from temple temple, name for garden, also known as the five pine garden. For pigment comprador businessman bought BeiRunSheng 1917, after nine years of building, expansion, is still a lion grove garden east (for bayesian clan academy, learn and housing).

The lion Lin Yihu stone rockery under the delightful serenity of seclusion, has the reputation of "kingdom of rockery". Lion Lin Ping rectangularity, area of 15 mu and southeastern mountainous, northwest much water, surrounded by high walls topped yu, meteorological guarded. Lion forest lake was more and exquisite, the rockery stone cave rock, kit kat hovering, circuitous repeatedly. Campus building, give priority to with YanYu hall, after hall for small side hall, the hall has made snow. To the west to BaiXuan, as the attic on the second floor, surrounded by a Wu, gao and exquisite. Refer to the west of BaiXuan is the ancient five pine garden. Southwest corner to see mountain building. Building from the mountains to the west, but to the lotus hall. Hall northwest alongside ChiJian really boring booth, booth in embellishments in writing, the fine flower lifelike characters. There are two layer of beautiful pavilions beside. Marble boat for land for building impressions of fluidity, which follow the corridor turn waterfall can reach south pavilion, is for dominated the top. Park west is asked MeiGe scenery, before the court for the incense pavilion. Double sweet fairy pavilion south, east, southwest has a fan pavilion, pavilion after monarch has a small courtyard, pure and fresh and elegant.

Lion grove style of ancient buildings are mostly kept the yuan dynasty, to the yuan dynasty landscape masterpiece. Garden to win stacked stone, hole lives flowing, peak forest, the pool of water. Hills have BaiXuan, really boring pavilion, ask MeiGe, beautiful, lie the cloud chamber. The main YanYu don, fine structure, furnishings and luxuriant, is a typical form of the mandarin duck hall; Refers to the BaiXuan, south to the rockery, the small pool, in the vigorous cooper, such as buy paintings; See mountain building, but see peaks, mountains like a cloud as the sea; After drawing room chase seiko. Five pine garden courtyard elegant; Lake and impressions of fluidity, fan pavilion, etc all have distinguishing feature each, resistance. Campus corridor hover around, tracery wall tracery change heavy and complicated, famous calligraphy fell stone collection of more than 70 square, xiamen is the world so far.

Scholars in the qing dynasty YuYue praise lion grove "five after five antis see, nine on nine downstream the whole". Contemporary garden experts TongJun lion grove rockery "plate ring twists and turns, drop riches, gully flowing, fan like palindrome". Lion Lin rockery is large-scale rockery only Chinese garden, has important historical value and artistic value.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3492 字

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Full name of the guangxi zhuang autonomous region of guangxi, hereinafter referred to as "guangxi". Nanning, capital is the asean countries and China's unity and cooperation meeting place, known as the green city the laudatory name. The guangxi zhuang autonomous region is located in the motherland southern xinjiang, located in east longitude 104 ° 26 '- 112 ° 04', north latitude 20 ° 54 '- 26 ° 24', between the tropic of cancer crosses the central district. Is the most convenient sea route, the southwest and southeast of resource-based economy in western China and the open economy of integration, in occupies an important position in the economic exchange between China and southeast Asia.

All autonomous regions populated zhuang, han, yao, miao, dong, MuLao, monao ethnic group had, hui, jing, yi, such as water, GeLao nation. Guangxi is located in southern xinjiang of the motherland, is located in north latitude 20 ° 54 '~ 26 ° 23', longitude 104 ° 29 '~ 112 ° 04'. South beibu bay, and hainan province across the sea, the east of guangdong, the northeast of hunan province, northwest guizhou province, west yunnan, southwest and adjacent to Vietnam, the road boundary line 1020 kilometers long.

River water rich in guangxi, sediment concentration, less up summer and fall winter. Landscape in guangxi belongs to hilly basin, many mountains and plains, the topography is surrounded by high, middle low. Guangxi belongs to subtropical humid monsoon climate zone, short winters and long summer heat, rainfall is rich, rain heat the same. 17 ~ 22 ℃, annual average temperature in July was the most thermidor, is the most of January. Average annual rainfall in 1250 ~ 1750 mm, rainfall is the most against the city, is the least tianyang. In addition to the mountains of north guangxi, much of the winter average temperature above 10 ℃, rare frost and snow.

Guangxi ancient belong to the earth, has a long history. Archaeological discoveries of the baise paleoanthropological sites show that as early as 700000 years ago have primitive humans lived here.

Guangxi since the ancient times is a multi-ethnic populated areas, is one of the five ethnic autonomous regions in China, inhabited by the han, zhuang, yao, miao, dong, jing, mulam, maonan, hui, yi, aquatic animals, kelao 12 people. Guangxi minorities have maintained their simple folk customs, in food, clothing, housing, holidays, custom and so on all have distinctive national features, and in the long-term economic interaction and influence each other in the cultural exchange, absorb each other.

In the long history of several thousand years, people of all ethnic groups in guangxi rich created the brilliant national culture. Ancient culture, liu sanjie folk culture, stone culture, art of the white lotus makes guangxi culture is bright beautiful. The baise basin archaeological findings shocked the Chinese and foreign, special fat; National great songs BaGui large song and dance and zhuang "mama le's visit to the sky" arrogant won the double, clueless. Murals, tonggu, folk songs is a dazzling pearl in the culture.

Localized 11 ethnic minority in guangxi, in addition to the hui dialect, use live all have their own language, and zhuang, miao and yao also have their own dialects. Guangxi region of the six kinds of Chinese dialects, which are respectively, southwest mandarin, cantonese, hakka, xinsheng township and min dialects.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2166 字

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Xixi national wetland park located in the west of hangzhou, from the west lake is less than 5 kilometers, is a rare of the secondary wetlands in the city. Here the ecological resources are rich, plain natural landscape, cultural heritage deep, with, go on saying that "three west" hangzhou west lake, is the nation's first and only collection of urban wetland, farming wetland and cultural wetland in the integration of national wetland park. Xixi wins, is that water alone. Water is the soul of xixi, about 70% of the area of river, pond, lake overflow, swamp, such as water, is the so-called "a qu streams a smoke", the entire park six river intersection, meanwhile there are many branchingstream and designed in fish ponds, forming a unique xixi wetland landscape.

Xixi, emphasis on ecology. To strengthen ecological protection, set up a fee in the wetland home pond, shrimp, longtan, sunset sky ripples the three ecological conservation and ecological restoration area. At the entrance to a wetland science pavilion, campus has three bioremediation pva pool and wetland ecology. Xixi is a paradise of birds, it has several GuanDiaoTing, tourists present a flock of birds huan fly. Xixi humanities, has a long history. Xixi is a secluded place since ancient times, being regarded as a pure land on earth, xanadu. Autumn snow, the plum and the bamboo hill temples, xixi in history have been on this site are many scholars started to don't, they left a large number of poems in xixi ode. Leaders such as meidefang, kangxi, qianlong and writing calligraphy to express admiration of xixi. According to research xixi shaoxing opera north pie artists debut.

Xixi folkway, honest plain. The Dragon Boat Festival every year in dragon boat games will be held in deep pools mouth, has a long history and unique in form, known as "dragon boat". Smoke water fish near zhuang "xixi family", "silkworm silk stories", "xixi marriage customs house", "xixi distillery" return of the indigenous inhabitants of the xixi peasant living labor scene, let more people know and understand jiangnan typical folk.



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云谷寺到了,请大家注意安全随我下车。嗨朋友们这边有个歌厅想要唱歌的朋友请到这边来,十分钟后我们到这里集合,排队等候缆车——哦十分钟过去了,大家都打起了吧!咱们上缆车,始信峰到了,请大家拿好自己的行李下车。 始信峰海拔1683米,在黄山36大峰中排行第35名,算是个小老弟,但他的风姿卓越,既有阳刚之气又有阴柔之美,充满了诗情画意,就连他的名字也充满了传奇色彩。相传古时候有位先生云游与此,感觉好像进入画境,但又真真切切确实存在,这才相信黄山风景美丽奇绝,于是题了一幅对联“岂有此理,说也不信,真正绝妙,到此方知”。意思就是说到了始信峰才相信皇上天下奇,于是始信峰这个名字就叫开了


竖琴松的传说,我们再来看看更有魅力的黑虎松,相传早先有位僧人路过这里忽然看见一只黑虎卧于松顶,一转眼这只黑虎便不知去向留下这颗古松,于是便给它取名黑虎松。看完了黑虎松我们再来欣赏享有松魅之称的连理松这颗古松象征爱情的忠贞不渝,看扣栏上已被扣了千万把锁,大家可以在这拍照留恋。 好了 看了这么多相信大家都累了吧?希望大家中午吃好喝好,下午我们将继续我们的行程。

Huangshan Mountain

Hello, every visitor. Welcome to beautiful Huangshan Mountain. At first, please allow me to introduce myself. I’m your tour guide Wang Ping from Anhui Travel Service. You can call me Xiao Wang or Guide Wang. I’m honored to lead you to visit today. If you have any demand or advice during this tour, please tell me immediately. I’ll do my best to help you. Next to me is our driver Master Gao. She is a highly experienced and responsible person, so you can rest assured on her bus. Again wish you a happy tour. You came here joyfully and you will have a satisfying trip.

How time flies. Our bus has arrived at the destination. Please take along your personal belongings and get off the bus following me. Be careful and keep safety. Now we are at the gate of Huangshan Mountain. Please look at this coloured decorated archway. The two words “黄山” look powerful and vigorous. They were the handwriting of Marshal Chen Yi. Do you know where does the name of Mount Huang come from? Yes, you are right. It was granted by Tang Ming Huang. Actually Huangshan Mountain was not named this in the first place. It was called Yishan Mountain “黟山”. The word yi “黟” is made up of “黑” which means black and “多” which means abundant. It was named so because the rock in Huangshan Mountain is black and abundant. According to legend, Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan, the ancestor of the Chinese nation had gathered medical herbs here, made pills of immortality, bathed in hot spring and finally attained the Tao and become an immortal. Tang Ming Huang Li Longji believed in this legend, so he changed the name from Yishan Mountain to Huangshan Mountain in the sixth year of Tianbao i.e. 747 A.D. and it has been used to this day.

As the saying goes, “Return from the five great mountains and then you won’t go to see other mountain; return from Huangshan Mountain and then you won’t go to see the five great mountains”. Is it so charming of Huangshan Mountain? If you have experienced the five wonders, you’ll have to admire her beauty. Does anyone know what the five wonders really are? You get it right. They are strangely-shaped pines, grotesque rock

formations, seas of clouds, hot springs and winter scenery. Well, everyone must want to see her beauty in haste after the introduction. Ok, please stand in line. The transportation of the scenic area is waiting for us.

We’ll take bus to Cloud Valley Temple, and get to Shixin Peak by cable car. I will accompany you to have a taste of the beautiful scenery. Please get on the bus in line. Don’t worry and keep safety. The beautiful scenery is right before your eyes and we’ll see it right away.

Here is Cloud Valley Temple. Please get off the bus following me. There is a singing hall. Anyone who wants to sing could come this way. We’ll assemble here in ten minutes and queue up for cable car. Now, ten minutes have passed. Everybody is here. We get on the cable car and now here is Shixin Peak. Please take your belongings and get off the car.

Shixin Peak is 1683 meters above sea level, ranking 35th in 36 main peaks of Huangshan Mountain and being the little brother of all the peaks. However, its charm is very remarkable, having both masculine and feminine characteristics, full of poetic beauty. Even the name of it is legendary. It is said that in ancient times, a man wandered here, feeling like coming into a picture. However, everything was just real. Only then did he believe the wonder of the beautiful scenery. So he wrote a Chinese couplet “岂有此理,说也不信,真正绝妙,到此方知” which means that he didn't believe the wonder of Huangshan Mountain until he saw Shixin peak. Since then the name Shixin Peak spread widely.

As the saying goes, you won’t see Huangshan Pine until in Shixin Peak. The pines in Shixin Peak are really grotesque. Next I will lead you to admire the grotesque Huangshan Pines. Everybody, please watch carefully. Is this ancient pine like a man opening his arms? This is Greeting Pine with a hearty welcome for us. Look at this pine and you will find its five strong rootlets are exposing in the air, just like the firm claws of black dragon, having a dignified air. This is the Dragon Claw Pine. Over here is a Harp Pine. Legend has it that several immortals were drinking and playing the harp here, just amusing themselves. When they drank happily, they heard the sudden call of Heaven. Therefore they returned to the Court of Heaven immediately. In a hurry they left the harp there. Then this harp turned into a pine, namely this Harp Pine before us. Having heard the story of the Harp Pine, we can have a look of this charming Black Tiger Pine. According to legend in the past a monk passed here and saw a black tiger lie on the top of a pine. In a second the black tiger disappeared without a trace and the pine was left. So he named the pine Black Tiger Pine. Next we will see the Couple Pine with the reputation of being the spirit of the pine. This ancient pine symbolizes unswerving loyalty of love. The fences have been buckled tens of thousands of locks. We can take photos here.

Well, I believe that everybody must be tired now. Have a good lunch and we will continue in the afternoon.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:景区,导游,全文共 724 字

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金茂大厦,由著名的美国芝加哥SOM设计事务所的设计师Adrian Smith设计。因为中国人喜欢塔所以中国才把金茂大厦‘搞’成这样。

遥对东方明珠电视塔,毗邻延安东路隧道 口,与地铁二号线连通,其主体建筑地上88层,地下3层,高420.5米,占地面积23611平方米,总建筑面积29万平方米。曾为上海第一高楼,大陆第一高楼,20__年8月29日被比邻的环球金融中心超越。金茂大厦是融办工、商务、宾馆等多功能为一体的智能化高档楼宇,第3-50层为可容纳10000多人同时办公的、宽敞明亮的无柱空间;第51-52层为机电设备层;第53-87层为世界上最高的超五星级金茂凯悦大酒店,其中第56层至塔顶层的核心内是一个直径27米、阳光可透过玻璃折射进来的净空高达142米的.“空中中庭”环绕中庭四周的是大小不等、风格各异的555间客房和各式中西餐厅等;第86层为企业家俱乐部;第87层 为空中餐厅;距地面340.1米的第88层为国内第二高的观光层(仅次于环球金融中心),可容纳1000多名游客,两部速度为9.1米/秒的高速电梯用45秒将观光宾客从地下室1层直接送达观光层,环顾四周,极目眺望,上海新貌尽收眼底。




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Hatosy park, located in the south ring road of hefei an old outsourcing riverfront wuhu road, on the outside of city southeast of the old walls, due to the northern song dynasty official named bao and its descendants the land of the living. Was built in the scenic bao temple and packet cemetery, makes this a fair death honors the whole life of places of historic interests and respect all the people.

Bao Ming jiajing period, in reading the channel mouth piers built on bao temple, main hall sits eight feet tall statue of baogong involved, dynasty, mahan, get, yan-fang stand on both sides, and there are three Zha bibcock, tiger, dog; Both sides wing cemetery unearthed cultural relics on display package, including the family precepts and exhibits such as pao family tree. Temple east hexagonal pavilion has a well, legend corrupt officials drank Wells have a headache, so the name "CV 23". Hatosy southeast covers an area of 3 hectares of conifers, is the cemetery bao and his wife and children. To commemorate the one thousand anniversary of baogong involved in hatosy park to planning and construction on the basis of the original culture of baogong involved, hereinafter referred to as "package" park. Hatosy park in addition to the bao temple, cemetery, also a new sky court, bao memorial, benediction, such as square, the water fountain.

Reorganize built bao park, bao temple, bao cemetery, cool breeze pavilion three as the main scenic spot building, another footprint associated with bao tong, floating zhuang two open spots.

The footprints pond:

Originally hatosy a pond on a small island, it and jump to the hatosy, middle lies in hatosy. Footprints pond nearly 20 meters long, about 8 meters wide, as the giant left a deep footprint.

In the legend, bao zheng youth pier reading, often to visit here. Then north island did not "jade belt bridge", one day, zheng have a good time here think of to see the other side, the surface is not wide, but without a bridge without a boat, so had to suddenly jump forward. Because legend bao originally wanted heaven descent in the foetus, so that a single island left a deep and big footprints, over time to form a small pond, so people call it "footprints pond". This may be a myth legend, colour, for hefei citizens to bao's admiration.

Floating zhuang:

Former academy of baogong involved, reconstruction in 1983, in August 2000, and to build, covers an area of 20 mu. Its south and neighbouring packet cemetery, the wind pavilion, west and bao temple from afar is a set of the teahouse, the lotus pond, TingXie, winding scene of classical gardens built in accordance with the water, with jiangnan gardens and artistic architectural characteristics.

Floating around the green water swirl zhuang, like floating on the surface of the ancient village, so the former defense secretary general zhang aiping named "floating" zhuang for it.

Bao temple

Bao temple is located in hefei hatosy lake, south of the town, there is a long and narrow island, the island green trees, colorful flowers like scene, with a white wall park of ancient buildings is the temple of baogong involved, bao temple is the official representative figure in the history of Chinese bao's ancestral temple. Hefei now bao temple has become a beautiful scenery. The four seasons here visitors constantly, as anyone who to hefei to honor the official history.

Hatosy lotus root

Hatosy lotus root is a big attraction, the lotus root silk, also symbolizes the bao zheng impartially. Lead all the nations.



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Baiyun district is one of the six municipal district of guiyang city, is located in the middle of guiyang city, the north by the county, east, west, south and adjacent wudang district, southeast and yunyan district adjacent, connected with gold-sun new district in the west and western borders qingzhen corner. Is one of the nation's largest aluminum industrial base. Rich in natural resources, beautiful scenery.

Baiyun district rich in tourism resources. Baiyun park is one of the famous park in guiyang city, the environment here is invigorating, top 10 landscape park is blue. As the site of the international kite festival, she attracted many tourists from home and abroad, to baiyun district won the "China kite of the township", "weifang are north, south have white clouds" of reputation. Baiyun park also hosted the world orchids expo bodybuilding championships and the national fitness, the 19th Asian championships, international flower arranging flowers firsthand and the first flower arranging grand prix and the international tea art, tea ceremony performance in guizhou and guizhou's tea art, tea ceremony, grand prix, etc., make the baiyun district greatly increased visibility. Since the garden package for shanxi coal bosses open playground, from free to closed-end management of people in the park was missing a shade of the holy land at rest garden it shall not come into people. Long PoLing national forest park is also a must-see tourist destination. Park a total area of 1075 hectares, is an important part of guiyang city green belt around the city, baiyun district and gold-sun is the new "green barrier", it has the best quality in southwest of natural forest grassland, forest coverage rate is as high as 82.96%, is called "ecological museum" guiyang, fresh air and made it a natural oxygen bar "forest".

Park distribution for five scenic area, respectively, cherry blossoms lake, forest lawn, streams forest farm, two ethnic minority villages. Park set of mountain, forest, water, grass, monuments to a body, with a quiet, beautiful, wild, kuang, ancient landscape features, such as is the ideal leisure vacation, popular science education, tourism, sports good place. Baiyun district also has the national AA level scenic spot of swan lake forest park (lake, willow droop, refresh. Billow the lake blue waves, Lin Ying cloud print, birds suddenly over, to leave a daydream. Spring, cherry blossoms in full bloom, red and white, tender is about to drip, inspiring --), jinshan temple and the Buddha, adult mountain ecological park (construction), air strange car site and other well-known scenic spot. New build mic stand township green fruits and vegetables, flower production base trip (such as baiyun district near the rose garden is located in guizhou normal university, is the recent rise of the popular and attractive leisure tourism resort, visitors here can hand-picked different design and color of the rose, is romantic and unique, the price of each flower is less than 0.5 yuan, very cheap) and aluminum plant tour of industrialization is also healthy and fashionable leisure tourism.

Baiyun district four seasons all appropriate travel. Baiyun district subtropical climate zone, changes in temperature air current strong alternately, monsoon plateau climate, summer without heat and winter without cold, in the annual average temperature around 14 ℃. The extremely pleasant climate, the environment is very beautiful, the four seasons is not clear, small temperature difference, is an ideal summer cold for many tourists.

In 1959, guiyang city government to set up McCauley, equivalent to municipal district level administrative units, baiyun district building resumed in 1973. Baiyun district history, although less than fifty years, the humanities atmosphere. This culture education career development quick, productivity was fierce to increase science and technology, talent, a high efficiency. Guizhou normal university is located in baiyun district dam. Baiyun district there are many famous schools and scientific research institutions, such as the four famous schools: baiyun 2, sug gested, baiyun no.6 middle school, and the white clouds in middle school.



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The Badaling Great Wall is about 75 kilometers northwest of Beijing,and it is the best-preserved part of the Great Wall.Bada means“convenient transportation to all directions”. Roads from Badaling lead to Yanqing Country to its north; Xuanhua, Zhangjiakou and Datong to the west; to the east is Yongning and Sihai; Beijing is to the south. From here people can go to all directions,hence the name of Badaling. The Badaling section is about 12 kilometers long with 24 watch towers and 4 wall platforms. There are four characters inscribed on the eastern pass of Badaling; “Juyongwaizhen” which means there was another strategic town outside the Juyong Pass. On the western pass of Badaling, there is an inscription with four words “ Beimensuoyue” carved on the top of the pass, which means, “a key to the north gate”, describing that Badaling Pass was just like a lock on the gate of Beijing. Therefore, if the gate was unlocked by a key, Beijing would be open to danger.

East of Badaling Pass lies a big rock known as, “Looking-Toward Beijing Rock.” Originally, this rock was a huge rock measuring 7 meters long and 2 meters wide. It is said that in 1900, when the Eight Allied Forces attacked Beijing, Empress Dowager Cixi hastily escaped from Beijing. When she got here, she suddenly wanted to see the city of Beijing once again. She got up on this big rock and turned to look toward Beijing in the distance, so that’s why it is called “Looking-Toward Beijing Rock”

The Great Wall at Badaling averages 7.8 meters high, 6.5 meters wide at its base, and 5.8 meters on the top, wide enough for five horses or ten solidiers walking abreast on the wall.

Watch Towers were built at regular intervals on the Great Wall itself for watching over the invading enemy .A watch tower was usually two stories high, and the defense solidiers lived inside. The ground floor was used for storing weapons and had a number of windows for archers. The upper floor had battlements, peep holes and apertures for archers. In the middle of the tower there were small living quarters for the defense solidiers.The watch towers were not only used by the defending troops to take shelter from the wind ,rain and heat, but also to fight and check the enemy’s advance ,and store arms and ammunition .

Beacon towers were built on both sides of the Wall at the cnmanding points,which were at the top of the mountains or the twists and turns for making warning signals. Whenever the emeny was sighted, fires were lit on the top of the beacon tower at night ,and the smoke in daytime. The smoke was specially made by burning dried wolves’ dung in daytime. Moreover, the number of the fire and smoke could reveal the number of invading enemies.The signal of a single fire or smoke with one shot of artillery fire, warned the invading troops of 100 enemies; two smokes and two shots of gunfire indicated 500 enemies; if the number of the cning enemies was around 1,000, there were three smokes and three shots of gunfire. Four smokes and four shots of gunfire indicated over 5,000 enemies, and 10,000 enemies with five smokes, ect. In this way , the cnmanders would not only know where the enemy was approaching, but also the numbers of the enemy. Then they could be well prepared for defense against the enemy.

Well, that is all for my presentation .Thanks for your attention. I’m looking forward to your next visit. Thank you!



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篇14:丽江旅游导游词英文范文2:Jade water village

范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 2957 字

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Jadewatervillageis located in lijiang white sands, facing the beautiful lijiang dam, back against the magnificent jade dragon snow mountain. Is the naxi dongba teaches. Is a systematic and comprehensive, vivid display of naxi culture tourist destination, is the source of the ancient city of drainage is one of the cradles of the naxi culture.

God springs within the village green pure and clear ripples are transparent, flows along down, the formation of the famous dragon organ "dragon waterfall" play ", "to send the dragon waterfall" "dragon Triassic water". The "three fold water" in the naxi culture system has an important symbolic significance, from the naxi water springs, building structure, to the banquet, clothing throughout the "dragon Triassic water" culture connotation. Jade water village is the naxi dongba holy land in the central region is the roots of the ancient city of lijiang. The nature conservancy will jade water village is specified as base of dongba culture inheritance and baisha fine music inheritance and base the inheritance of dance, naxi ethnic ancient culture mining, sorting, inheritance, research, display, etc.

Jade water village dongba culture inheritance base, retain the naxi traditional style of of primitive simplicity, hand in photograph reflect with the beautiful natural landscape, truly reflects the "harmonious development of man and nature" of the naxi traditional idea, the essence of dongba culture. Now there are three famous dongba master host daily affairs, several dongba student, studying in jade water village dongba scripture, dongba dance and dongba sacrificial ceremonies, dongba art, etc. Lunar calendar March 5, the naxi areas of dongba gathered at the jade water village, the dongba Mr Luo temple held the annual dongba ROM will. Baisha fine music is music of the naxi ancestors created a miracle.

Baisha fine lijiang dongjing music, is the double wall of ancient naxi music. The original Chinese musicians association chairman lu ji also heartfelt praise baisha fine music is a "living fossil music". Jade water village is seven star cross-country challenge match point in 2001. In 2002, lijiang dongba culture international tourism festival held in jade water village. In June 2003, jade water village through the ISO9000/14000 international quality/environmental system certification.

Jade water village has many rich national and local characteristics of landscape, such as the dragon Triassic water waterfalls, salmon farming ecological sightseeing, ancient trees and biggest jade dragon mountain springs, dongba god gallery, dongba ancestor temple, meat stone stone pavilion, dongba art gallery, baisha fine music show, naxi ancient and traditional life show, dongba hurrying activities, traditional sacrificial field, display, naxi dongba dance waterwheel, millstones, water mills, alpine meadow landscape, etc.



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Welcome to here, let me to introduce for everybody!

Wild goose pagoda is located in the southern suburbs within the temple, is the national famous ancient buildings, is regarded as the symbol of the ancient capital of xi 'an. It was said that tang's monk came back from the experiences of India (ancient tianzhu), specializing in translation and the scriptures. Because imitation Indian wild goose pagoda style of the wild goose pagoda. Since then in changan jianfu temple built a small wild goose pagoda, to distinguish, people are often given, jianfu temple tower called the small wild goose pagoda, has spread so far. Wild goose pagoda square plane, built on a party about 45 meters, about 5 meters high stylobate. Seven layers, the bottom side length of 25 meters, from the ground to the top of the tower is 64 meters high. The towers are built with bricks, ground brick for seam strong anomalies. Tower with stairs, can be upwards. Each layer all around a arch form, and can be trapped. Changan view panoramic view. The bottom of the tower is shek mun, have fine lines on the door mast carved Buddha, for big has write in tang dynasty. Within the recess on either side of the tower, the south gate brick, with one of the four famous calligrapher in b on the book of tang monk st preface to teach and the Assyrian monk holy teaching sequence, two pieces of stone tablets. War after tang dynasty, temple, the house burned down, only the wild goose pagoda stand alone.

Another story: the wild goose pagoda was built in the tang Gao Zongyong badge for three years, because of located within the temple, so The tower also known as temple. Temple is the tang dynasty twenty-two years (648) prince Li Zhi reading his mother queen wants to chase. Wild goose pagoda built in only five layer. Wu zetian was rebuilt, and later after numerous repairs. The tower is now seven layers, a total of 64 meters, square pyramid shaped. The tower for the blue brick flies in the build by laying bricks or stones becomes, the layers of wall column fang, bar and so on wood structure. Each layer all around has coupons masonry arch. This in the 2-foot-tall tower, modelling concise, magnificence, is a masterpiece of buddhist art in China. Wild goose pagoda, on both sides of the south gate to the inlaid with b, a famous calligrapher write two pieces of stone tablets of the tang dynasty. One is the preface to tang monk SAN teaching; Another piece is the emperor tang from the teaching sequence, the tang monk holy. A beautiful monument side creeping weed decorative pattern, design, modelling is vivid. These are the research in the tang dynasty calligraphy, painting, sculpture art important cultural relics. Big temple is the most famous and most HongLi Tang Changan city buddhist temple, it is built in the tang dynasty royal decree.

Longevity monk xuan zang, once conducted temple service here and get a tube of sutras translation field, founded Buddhism sect. He personally DuZao temple pagoda is. So big temple has a very prominent position in the history of Chinese doctrines, has been brought to the attention of the domestic and foreign.

Temple gate, the bell and drum tower confrontation. Bell and drum is a temple on the REINS, vulgar said the morning bell and evening drum reminders. The east tower in suspension in the Ming dynasty iron bell, weight thirty thousand jins, three meters. Students in tang dynasty, after the exceeded otherregions jinshi to jion tower under the title, "the wild goose pagoda" title ", after turned lineage. The tang dynasty painter wu daoxuan, wang wei has been for the temple murals, such as precious little already annihilation. But in the wild goose pagoda, stone of four door lintel, door frame, has kept the fine line in the tang dynasty. Westone lintel carved palace figure of the lines is particularly valuable.

The wild goose pagoda, a monk's tomb tower group. Six of them are built in the qing dynasty. Ursa major palace is is the center of the temple buildings, there are three bodies like the Buddha, bodhisattva, and arhat clay sculpture. Is the chanting of course. Dharma is a lecture that place. Hall with amitabha Buddha statue.

Today CiSi temple is the scale since the Ming dynasty, the temple of the temple is the construction of the late qing dynasty. Now after repair of great wild goose pagoda, the majestic, ancient pagoda temple, the temple incense incense, garden flowers bloom, which is a special attract domestic and foreign tourists to visit.



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Dear friends, my friends, everybody is good. I am the guide you guide, visit mount tai scenic spot Zhu Yingtong. We have now arrived, taishan scenic area. Right in front of us there is a mount taishan stone: Qin Taishan stone in his 28 years, was in 219 BC, mount tai is one of the earliest sharpening.

Taishan sharpening, according to its different USES, purpose and means, and formed the different category. It is a stone tablet stone carving. Second, the portrait stone carvings. Third, the buddhist statues carved stone. Fourth, moya carved stone. Five classics carved stone. Six is the epitaph tomb inscription carved stone tower. Seven is fude stone carvings. Eight is a carved stone construction.

Taishan stone carving in stone carvings of figures, animals, relief of chariots and horses, houses, animals, such as image, carved stone words, etc., is an organic part of the ancient Chinese art history, and philosophy, literature, history, and ceremonial aspects of content, is also the embodiment of spiritual civilization in ancient China. At the same time, mount tai stone carving stone of the han, han dynasty reflect the production and living standards, is the concentrated reflection of material civilization in ancient China. As li admire Mr Lin said: "taishan is one of the main symbol of Chinese culture, and promote Chinese culture, first, carrying forward the culture of mount tai, it is natural thing to do."

There is a legend about mount tai: when pangu fell, his head, dongyue, abdomen into zhong, left arm into nanyue, become beiyue in her right arm and two feet into the west.

Finally I wish you all have a good time, thank you!



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As the saying goes: "above there is heaven and below there are suzhou and hangzhou." When it comes to hangzhou, you will think of a bright pearl - the west lake.

"The peach willow, clip to plant. The west lake TaoGongLiuLu of spring. The beauty of the peach blossom laugh red in the face; Green LiuShuChang out of the new green leaves; Lovely songbirds sing the songs of pleasant; Lots and lots of water birds came to the west lake having children. A vibrant spectacle.

"Infinite blue day lotus plants, should be, lotus another red." Qu yuan the wind and the city is the best place to watch lotus: lotus leaf to get package, like a big disc, lotus from between these large disk, some just LiangSanPian petals; Some petals fully opened, revealing one tender Huang Sen small lotus; Sometimes or others, looks full bilge is about to burst.

Autumn autumn extra special. With the fragrance of osmanthus opened. A gust of wind blowing, fragrance drifting with the wind, the scent of osmanthus asperses full of every corner. "Three lalu captures month" is the classic of the west lake is ablaze. When the lunar August 15, can see the big and small, true 32 of the moon.

"Qing lake lake don't like rain, and as yuehu lake, moon lake lake than snow." The snow in the winter of the west lake. Broken bridge cx city of the west lake of a beautiful winter. Broken bridge in the cx "broken bridge" why called "broken bridge"? He is very strange, the location of the original south snow melt faster, so is the constant residual snow bridge.

Song of the west lake at the four seasons, played many deep feeling!


篇19:河南景点英文导游词范文1:Md palace

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Mdpalace, located in eastern henan already county, was built in the han, from began. 10 li away from Lao tze birthplace, Lao tze old age once lecture here, after the people ride a green cattle under a immortal legend Lao zi in this. Md intrauterine laojun units in the national key protected cultural relics, was built in the tang dynasty tianbao for two years, 13 meters high, is an ancient big brick building, surrounded by 14 high altar form ancient buildings.

Along the 33 steps into the old gentleman on the gate, is the main hall, hard mountain qing dynasty architecture, inside each a partial temple. On 13 Sabina chinensis tree green lush, cool wind blow gently, all the year round flying birds singing. Below smooth haze, the lake a travelling Hui, pleasant scenery. Along the central axis of the entrance in the south about xu, and enjoy the temple, welcomed the xuan yuan temple, jubilee temple, pavilion, tao kiosks, teng YunGe, it faces, gossip, the door to all the wonderful memorial arch of dragon of dike, hong tao yuan, etc. Because of laozi moral high honors, traveled through the ages the visitors an endless stream, Tang Gaozu tang gaozu, tang dynasty, the emperor Li Zhi Tang Xuansong lung-chi lee, Song Zhen Song Zhaohuan, was as well as the great writer su dongpo, ouyang xiu, etc have been here to or sacrifice to the ancestors, or inappropriate tour, leaving many immortal poems glorious chapter.


篇20:上海外滩导游词500字 上海外滩导游词讲解

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凝固音乐的第二高潮,是由汇丰银行大楼和海关大楼所组成。是万国建筑博览群的最有代表性的建筑。 汇丰银行大楼 位于中山东一路11号,1923建成,1955年至1995年这四十年间它曾是上海人民政府所在地,再在是浦东发展银行使用。这座大楼英国人自称是从苏伊士运河到白令海峡的最讲究的一幢建筑,它是外滩占地最广,门面最宽,体形最大的建筑,整幢建筑呈现十七、十八世纪欧洲出现的古典主义风格,是古罗马式的建筑。大楼底层是三个罗马石拱券大门,大楼第二层至第四层,用六根希腊式科林斯柱子。这种柱式出现在希腊时代商业繁荣的科林斯城,其柱顶上有一束树叶和花蔓组成,似花篮形状,雕刻华美,是“富豪”的象征,在他的顶端还有巴洛克式尖塔,最值得我们注意的是它还有着三件稀世之宝:第一件是大门两侧有一对铜狮,坐北朝南一只张着大口,坐南朝北的一只闭着嘴,这正好有银行资金的吐纳之意。据说在英国铸成之后就将其模型毁掉,使他成为世界上的绝版;第二件是室内顶上有一幅世界上极为鲜见的巨型马赛克壁画,画面有200平方米。第三件是大楼大堂内有28根高13米的意大利大理石石柱,全是天然形成。其中有四要是没有拼接的,是纯天然巨石雕成的,据说世上只有六根,这里拥有四根,可见它的价值,(另外两根在法国卢浮宫)。使整幢大楼皇宫,它统领着附近的二十多幢建筑,显出了华丽庄严的风范。使得它在整个外滩建筑群中最为引人注目。

海关大楼 建成于1920xx年,花去430万两白银。大楼是具有折中主义建筑风格。大楼顶部的大钟,是仿英国,伦敦国会大厦大钟式样制造,花白银20xx余两。它是亚洲第一大钟,又是世界上著名的大钟。大钟直径5。4米,分针长3。17米,时针长2。3米。钟内有三个最达两吨的钟摆,这个大钟每周开三次,每次上发条要四个人操作一小时。另外每天在一刻钟的时候会奏响一段《东方红》乐曲,到整点奏响一整曲《东方红》。



汇中饭店 位于中山东路南京路口,它的正六在南京东路23号。1920xx年建造,它外形美观,白色清水砖作墙面;红砖作腰线。有“外滩美女”之称。这里曾是三次重要会议所在地。第一,1920xx年“上海万国禁烟大会”;第二是1996年“上海国际 ”会议;第三是1920xx年中国17省代表召开欢迎孙中山先生回国就任临时大总统会议。

沙逊大厦与中国银行大楼 沙逊大厦因当时内部装修豪华被称为是“远东第一楼”。现在是和平饭店的北楼。外形象大写英文字母a。中国银行大楼是万国建筑博览中唯一一个中国人自己建造的大厦,他比沙逊大厦低60厘米,这还有一个故事。当被中国资本家觉得在外滩全是西方列强建造的形式各异的高楼,而且反映了各国列强的雄厚的经济实力,为了不让我们中国人丢脸面,于是中国官僚资本主义也决定造一个大楼,而且要造比其他国家的都要高,于是原计划要造34层,但是后来受沙逊大厦的业主也就是沙逊的阴挠,他说“你们们中国人是一点地位没有的,造的楼怎么可以比我们英国人的还要高呢?”于是打官司打到英国伦敦,结果大家是可想而知的,中国人败诉了,后来只能造成15层,比沙逊大厦低了60厘米。但是中国人还是不服气“上有政策下有对策”,你楼房不让我超过你,我在楼底上竖了两杆国旗,这两个棋杆比你们沙逊大厦高,这回你们应该没话讲了吧?所以我们现在看到的这两个棋杆就是鉴证。中国银行大厦外形有中为民族特色,楼底国角微翘,檐口用斗拱装饰。窗框是中国钱币的变形的形状。


东方汇理银行为巴洛克式建筑,整幢大楼富有凹凸感,对比强烈。现在是上海市建筑保护单位。 百老汇大厦具有现代主义风格是观赏黄浦江、外滩、浦东景色的最佳处,周总理曾经陪同不少外国元首和贵宾登临观光。20世纪90年代,连续获得涉外宾馆“十佳安全优胜单位”称号。

