
南京是中国四大古都 ,是中华文明的重要发祥地,长期作为中国南方的政治、经济、文化中心 。以下是小编准备的南京总统府煦园导游词范文,欢迎借鉴。






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篇3:南京夫子庙导游词简短 南京导游考试夫子庙导游词

范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 16311 字

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hello, everyone! welcome to nanjing confucius temple. the confucius templeis located on the bank of qinhuai river in the south of the city. it is ahistoric site and tourist attraction that nanjing people are proud of. it is aprosperous place where culture, commerce, sightseeing center and temple marketare integrated.

confucius temple, also known as confucius temple and confucian temple, is aplace to offer sacrifices to confucius, a famous educator and thinker in ius was honored as confucius in ancient times, so his temple is commonlyknown as "confucius temple". due to the orthodox status of confucianism, itsfounder confucius was highly respected by the rulers and scholars of feudalsociety. there were more than one confucius temples all over the country. as aplace for feudal scholars to worship, confucius temple is mostly arrangedtogether with educational facilities (such as school palace, gong yuan, etc.),that is, the so-called temple is attached to school, usually in front or on oneside of the school palace.

historically, there were three confucius temples in the urban area ofnanjing, one in the compound of the current municipal government and the otherin the chaotian palace. now we are going to visit the third and most famousplace. it was moved from chaotian palace in the first year of jingyou of songdynasty (1034). at first, it was jiankang school, jiqing road school in yuandynasty, guoxue in ming dynasty, yingtianfu school in qing dynasty, andjiangning school and shangyuan school in qing dynasty. it was destroyed in thexianfeng period, rebuilt in the tongzhi period (1869), and burned by thejapanese during the anti japanese war. the existing confucius temple was rebuiltin the early 1980s. it uses the former temple and the later school, confuciustemple in the front and the academy in the back, and the later gong yuan isarranged on the left side of the academy. therefore, the relatively completepattern of confucius temple in nanjing includes three parts, namely, confuciustemple, academy and gongyuan. the north-south central axis with dacheng hall asthe center and the main buildings on both sides and the jiangnan gongyuanexhibition hall with mingyuan building as the center have become the maintourist spots in the confucius temple area.

due to its long history and convenient water transportation, confuciustemple area has become a famous "beautiful place" and a place where celebritieslive in ancient nanjing before the appearance of confucius temple. therefore, inaddition to the main scenic spots mentioned above, there are also scenic spotssuch as wu jingzis former residence, ancient taoyedu, cuiyuan, one hundred yearold shop street, wendeqiao, wang xies former residence, wuyi lane, meixianglou,etc.

now we are standing at the starting point of the central axis of confuciustemple - confucius temple square. looking around, there are panchi, zhaobi andmufang in the south, juxing pavilion, kuiguang pavilion and business district inthe east and west, dacheng hall in the central axis and the east and west citieson the east and west sides of confucius temple in the north, which form theunique atmosphere of confucius temple area different from other cities, that is,the pattern of temple market integration in history.

look at the river in front of the square. its called qinhuai river. itsthe mother river of nanjing people. its 110 kilometers long and gave birth tothe early nanjing civilization. the section that flows through the square is apart of the inner qinhuai river. when the temple was built, it was transformedinto panchi, named after the water flowing through the confucius temple in qufu.a red wall on the south bank is a large screen wall built in the wanli period ofthe ming dynasty (1575). it is 110 meters long and majestic. it is the largestscreen wall in china. zhaobi played a role of shelter and decoration, which wasthe beginning of the whole confucius temple complex. the stone railings on thenorth bank of panchi were built in zhengde (1514) of the ming dynasty. aftermany vicissitudes, they became the only best preserved ancient architecturalsketch in the confucius temple complex, which had been repaired before the antijapanese war. here, visitors take a rest on the fence and enjoy the beautifulscenery of qinhuai.

the wende bridge on the west side of panchi is now hanbaiyu bridge. it gotits name from the confucian schools advocacy of article morality. because thedirection of the bridge is the same as that of the meridian, every november 15of the lunar calendar, when the bright moon is in the sky and you look down fromthe railing, you can see the shadow of the bridge on both sides of the bright moon in the river is divided into two and a half months, which iscalled "wen de fen yue". wu jingzi recorded it in his book scholars. if you havea chance, you might as well come to wende bridge on november 15 of the lunarcalendar to have a look.

a group of hui style buildings at the entrance of south wuyi lane ofwendeqiao is called "wangxie ancient residence". as the settlement area of wangxie and wang xie in the eastern jin dynasty, it has a great influence,especially the verses of wu yi xiang, the famous work of liu yuxi in tangdynasty, which makes wu yi xiang and wang xies former residence very famous,and now it is "the historical and cultural exhibition hall of six dynasties innanjing." you can visit it when you have time.

now, to the north of the stone column is the newly rebuilt tianxia wenshusquare, which indicates that it is the cultural center of tianxia. three doorsand four pillars, quite spectacular. in ancient times, it corresponded to thelingxing gate at the back, which was used for the emperors to go on a pilgrimageto worship confucius. the high gate square in the middle was the royal roadwhere the emperor was lucky to come. it was used for the princes of the countyto go in and out. the ordinary officials and subjects could not pass through, soit was usually closed with wooden fences.

the star gathering pavilion on the west side of the square in front of thetemple has a hexagonal cornice, which is simple and elegant. it looks like atwo-layer structure with double cornices on the outside. in fact, it has onlyone floor. the name of the pavilion is the gathering of stars and talents. inthe east, the small courtyard facing the water is kuiguang pavilion. the kuixingpavilion in the pavilion has three floors and six sides, and faces qinhuairiver. the scenery is unique. in ancient times, there was a saying of "kui zhuwen". kuixing, or kuixing, is a sign of prosperity of the literary movement anda symbol of winning the first place in the imperial examination. therefore,kuixing was regarded as a god by the students of the past dynasties. kuiguangpavilion and juxing pavilion look at each other from the east to the west,echoing each other and integrating into one.

the stone square gate in the north of the square in front of the temple isthe first gate of the confucius temple - lingxing gate, with six columns andthree gates. it is simple and beautiful, and the lintel in the middle isengraved with the seal character "lingxing gate". lingxing is the "wenxing" inancient astronomy. the reason why it is named is to show that scholars in theworld gather here. the brick relief inlaid with peony pattern between the threedoors is exquisitely carved and gorgeous. the top of the stone column is made ofcloud plate, which means huabiao, as a sign. this is the gate for the emperor toworship confucius.

after passing the lingxing gate, we came to the dacheng gate of dachenghall.

dachengmen, also known as jimen, is the main gate of confucius temple, withzhijing gate on both sides. in feudal times, only officials could get in and outof dachengmen, while ordinary scholars could only get in and out from otherdoors. entering the gate, there are four ancient steles on the left and right:in the east, there are the stele of fengzhishengs wife in 1331, the remnantstele of jiqing confucius temple in 1330, and the stele of kongyuwenli in 484,which was moved by the municipal government. this book is based on the picturestele of confucius asking for rites.

on both sides of the courtyard and corridor are arranged eight ofconfucius twelve students, namely min sang, ran geng, ran qiu, duan muzi, ranyong, zai yu, yan yan and zhong you. they are all carved from white jade of handynasty. they are very devout and lifelike.

looking forward, the platform in front of the dacheng hall is danlong,commonly known as the terrace. it is 1.4 meters high, 21.8 meters wide from eastto west, and 14.0 meters long from north to south. it is surrounded by stonerailings, 24 cloud looking pillars, and stone lanterns are set at the twocorners of the platform. this terrace is used for sacrifice, singing bfanweng. the statue of kongyu in the middle of the terrace is particularlyeye-catching. its made of bronze, 4.18 meters long and weighs 37 tons. itsexquisitely made, lifelike, full-bodied, with a kind and deep face. the eyebrowsreveal the wisdom of a great thinker and leave a very deep impression on both sides of the terrace, there were two verandas, which were used toworship the memorial tablets of the 72 sages in confucius gate and to storesacrificial, ceremonial and dancing utensils. now it is reduced to a small twoveranda and changed into a stele gallery. there are more than 30 steles with inkmarks of famous calligraphers such as zhao puchu, lin sanzhi and wu zhongqi,which are displayed for tourists to enjoy.

at the end of the terrace is the majestic main hall of confucius templedacheng hall, which is 16.22 meters high, 27.3 meters wide and 27.9 meters is an antique building on the top of chongcaoxie mountain. under the eaves ofthe front, there is a sea blue vertical plaque, which reads "dacheng hall".confucius is the most sage and forerunner of dacheng, and dacheng refers toconfucius. the word "dacheng" comes from "notes. learning notes", which is thehighest level of learning. it can also be seen in mencius wanzhang. "confuciusis the sage of time. confucius called it jidacheng. " there is a beautifulstanding sculpture of "double dragons playing with pearls" in the birds kiss onthe roof, which is the first of its kind in china; the light and beautifultendency of the roof covered with green tiles is obviously different from themagnificent tendency of the yellow glazed tiles used in the roof of the northernconfucius temple. it is more easygoing and popular. this is also one of theperformances of nanjing confucius temple closer to popular culture, or "do asthe romans do". the whole building is magnificent with double eaves, crisscrossbrackets, seven couplets in the hall, 26 wooden columns in the corridor, 16lattice doors in the front and back, and purlins in the inner hall. in thecenter of the hall, there is a 6.5-meter-high and 3.5-meter-wide portrait ofconfucius, the largest in china. on the front two sides of the portrait, thereare another four of the 12 students, namely mencius, kongji, zengshen andyanhui. in front of the portrait, there are also ancient musical instrumentssuch as gong, qin, wokonghou, chime, bianzhong, guzheng and drum.

38 inlaid murals reflecting confucius life stories are hung on thesurrounding walls, which are called "confucius holy trace". they are made ofinner jade from zhejiang, fujian, inner mongolia, liaoning, qinghai, guangxi,guangdong and other provinces (regions), famous crystals from jixueleng,shoushan stone, feicuilv, zhoucunleng and precious jewelry such as gold,jewelry, luodian, etc. by 2oo craftsmen in yueqing, zhejiang province. it takesthree years the total investment is 5.8 million yuan. the picture adopts thechinese classical panoramic composition method, supplemented by the detaileddescription of textual research, with fine workmanship, natural color, richthree-dimensional sense, giving people a sense of lifelike magic. each sheet is2.5 meters high and 1.3 meters wide. there are 408 figures in the painting. theshape is natural and lifelike. the 38 murals are the picture of the holy trace,the preface to the title, the prayer of nishan, the qilin yushu, the erlongwulao, the juntian shengjiang, the zudou xueli, the functionary commissar, thename rongfu, the functionary chengtian, the questioner laofu, wenshao in qi, yanyingju feng in yan, the retreat of shishu, jiagu huiqi, returning to tianxiegouo, zhushaozhengmao; the female music wenma, and yingu qulu. help peopleout. in song dynasty, people felled trees, attacked the falcon, struck the chimeby shiwei, learned to play qin by xiang, drove back to xihe, asked linggongabout chen, zilu about jin, in chenjueliang, zixijufeng, songqiuling, xingtanritual music, kneeling by chihong, xishou huolin, mengdian liangying, zhirenbiegui, han gaosi to lu. this is just like the couplet in the temple, which saysthat "qi bei si shi xing heaven and earth, ghosts and gods, sun and moon are inaccordance with their virtue; teach the world to follow yao, shun, yu and tangwenwu as teachers". the truth is that "the tao of heaven and earth runs throughthe ancient and modern times, and the six classics are deleted and listed in theconstitution for all ages.".

from the north gate of dacheng hall, you can enter xuegong district throughdongshi.

dongshi and xishi have been changed from the east and west passagewayswhich used to enter and leave the academy to the places where the ships can sellgoods on the qinhuai river. now they have become the most distinctive places forarts and crafts, cultural goods sales and cultural activities in the confuciustemple area.

the school palace was a place to cultivate talents in feudal times. therewere different levels, such as county school, government school (road school,state school, etc.) and national school. they were all adjacent to confuciustemple, which showed the orthodox status of confucianism in building the countryand cultivating self. the school palace includes mingde hall, zunjing pavilion,jingyi pavilion, chongsheng temple and qingyun tower. entering the gate of theschool is the ancient mingde hall. it is a place for scholars to listen to theirtutors preaching of holy teachings and instructions (ethics and governmentdecrees) after their monthly pilgrimage to the sun (i.e. confucius), so as tocultivate their loyalty and patriotism. as for the name of mingdetang, sometourists may ask that there is only "minglun hall" in the confucius templecomplex. why nanjing confucius temple is an exception, which is called"mingdetang"? indeed, in nanjing confucius temple, mingdetang was originallyalso called "minglun hall". it was just wen tianxiang, the prime minister of thesouthern song dynasty, who was imprisoned when the yuan army was about toconquer nanjing, in order to show that he would rather die than surrender hechanged "ming lun tang" into "ming de tang" in order to show his loyalty to thecountry and serve the people. zunjing pavilion, built in the middle of mingdynasty, is 18.7 meters high, with double eaves and t-shaped ridges on the topof the mountain. it is an extraordinary hall for storing confucian classics andteaching lectures. it is now an exhibition hall of folk customs. standing sideby side with zunjing pavilion are chongsheng temple and qingyun tower. zunjingacademy is divided into two sides behind zunjing pavilion. in the qing dynasty,qingyun building was changed into a library, and zunjing academy was used as alecture center, which is equivalent to the classroom now. the small highlandbehind the zunjing pavilion, called weishan, has a jingyi pavilion. allconfucian temples in the world have jingyi pavilion. it began in the jiajingperiod of the ming dynasty. in the pavilion, the emperors motto of "jingyizhen" was set up as the motto of the students. the so-called "respect one" isthe dedication to confucianism.

after touring the academy, walk tens of meters to the east past gongyuanwest street, which is jiangnan gongyuan. during this period of time, i wouldlike to introduce to you some other information about the confucius temple. inaddition to the buildings of confucius temple, there are more noticeable folkcustoms, characteristic markets and snacks in the area.

dear friends, this is the end of the tour of confucius temple. thank youfor your support and cooperation!



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"wild grass and flowers by the zhuque bridge, sunset at the entrance ofwuyi lane..." this is my first understanding of confucius temple when i was achild.

i dont know. im scared. if you are a tourist, have been to nanjing, buthave not been to the confucius temple, it is really in vain!

confucius temple is a famous scenic spot in nanjing with a long confucius temple is close to the qinhuai river, the mother river of nanjing,just like the yangtze river and yellow river in china. qinhuai river rippling,sparkling, water from time to time out of the lovely fish, sitting on the boatof confucius temple to see the scenery, do not have a taste.

to see the confucius temple, you must come in the evening. at this time,the confucius temple is full of bright lights and colorful neon lights. it lookslike the aurora in the sky of the city. at this moment, people come to theconfucius temple regardless of the fatigue of the night. hungry? ha ha, noproblem! folloe me! duck blood vermicelli soup, chicken juice soup bag, muttonkebab, not enough to kfc! mcdonalds also has! and nanjing stinky tofu and otherclassic snacks by the way! there are salted duck! salted duck is a specialty ofnanjing! welcome to taste! one of the salted duck is called osmanthus duck,which is improving on the level of salted duck, with the fragrance of ius temple is not the "no.2 lion bridge". its just food. there are manyfashionable shops for you to visit. of course, your eyes will not be idle. theconfucius temple is an ancient building long ago, which contains the flavor ofold nanjing. the exquisite carving on the walls and the gorgeous nationalpattern on the roof are so beautiful. in addition, the qinhuai river at night iseven more beautiful. the clear water reflects the starry night sky, green trees,buildings, and the colorful lights, which make the qinhuai river colorful.

on the lantern festival, the confucius temple is full of people. there aresmall shops selling lanterns in the streets, including lovely rabbit lanterns,ancient horse lanterns and kongming lanterns. in addition to lanterns, there aremany lantern shops in the confucius temple during the lantern festival. lanternfestival has big and small, big inside sesame, small bubble sugar water, arevery delicious.

we believe that not only the confucius temple, but also nanjing, a citywith a long history, will have a better future!



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展馆共分四个展室: “督署寻踪”主要用“定制两江”“宫府旧址”“兵火劫掠”“同光重修”四个专题以及两江总督署的复原模型,展示了两江总督署的总督设置、署地建设和演变的发展历史。

“近代名督”展陈列了 12位在中国近代史上有重要影响的两江总督。如“鸦片战争”时期的林则徐;“洋务运动”时期的曾国藩、李鸿章、左宗棠;“仿制西学”时期的刘坤一、张之洞;“辛亥革命”时期的端方、张人骏。此外展厅内还陈列了总督服饰。






南侧院落还有半亭簃[yí] 、镜漪池、国色天香照壁等。
























景点概况: 1分钟










1、 前方是牛首广场,位于景区的主入口,总占地面积7万平方米。广场的设计理念来源于星空和宇宙。广场上有七个大小不一的同心圆,每个都有不同的主题。这是风铃塔,高28米,塔身上“牛首胜景”四个字由我国著名的书法家言恭达先生书写。风铃塔下是碧莲池,以后会在池中种植莲花。这是游客服务中心,它的造型像是一只大鹏鸟,其实它的设计理念是佛教的标志,称为万字符。







































这条环廊也是以供养为主题的。环廊内侧有31幅壁雕,有4幅经变图,代表佛供养;8幅不同语种的心经,代表法供养;还有 15幅中华名寺浮雕,代表僧供养,共同表现了“佛、法、僧”三宝供养的主题。另外还有金陵四景的浮雕,四景分别是:牛首山、紫金山、玄武湖与秦淮河。



































牛头禅文化园在宏觉寺遗址上建造。宏觉寺是牛头宗的发源地,初建于南朝梁武帝天监二年(503年),原名佛窟寺,又称弘觉寺,清代为避乾隆帝弘历名讳,改称宏觉寺。抗日战争时期,宏觉寺遭日军焚毁。 牛头禅文化园核心景点弘觉寺塔,塔高45米,七级八面,是南京地区现存最古老的一座仿木结构的砖塔。1956年在弘觉寺塔的地宫里出土的鎏金喇嘛塔是南京博物院的镇院之宝之一,塔高0.35米,须弥座高0.16米,塔底刻有“金陵牛首山弘觉禅寺永充供养”和“佛弟子御用监太监李福善奉施”题记。同时出土的还有玉瓶、金睡佛、青瓷罐等文物,现均收藏于南京博物院。而后,南京市文物保管委员会派人对砖塔塔壁上题记进行了调查,发现了七十余条明清两代游人题记。1957年弘觉寺塔被列为江苏省文物保护单位。






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广场 从空中往下看,中山陵像一座平卧在绿绒毯上的“自由钟”。山下中山先生铜像是钟的尖顶,半月形广场是钟顶圆弧,而陵墓顶端墓室的穹隆顶,就像一颗溜圆的钟摆锤。

碑亭 石坊后是长达375米、宽40米的墓道。前行为陵门,门额上为孙中山的手迹“天下为公”四个大字。再进为亭,一块高约6米的碑石上刻着“中华民国十八年六月一日中国国民党葬孙先生于此”的鎏金大字。过碑亭即为陡峻的石阶,石阶共分八段392级。

祭堂 走到陵墓最高的平台,上有华表两座,后为祭堂。祭堂的正中,为孙中山先生的汉白玉坐像,祭堂四壁的黑色大理石墙上刻有孙中山亲笔书写的《建国大纲》和胡汉民等人书写的《遗嘱》。

墓室 祭堂之后有一个铜门,横额上书“浩气长存”四个大字。门内即为钟形墓室,其中央有一直径4米、深5米的圆形大理石圆穴。孙中山的汉白玉灵柩及卧像即安放在圆穴中。




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看夫子庙,一定要在晚上来。这时夫子庙灯火通明,霓虹灯五光十色,把城市的上空找的宛如发生了极光一般,十分华丽,此时此刻,人们也不顾着夜晚的疲惫,都来夫子庙闲逛。饿了?哈哈,没问题!folloe me!鸭血粉丝汤,鸡汁汤包,羊肉串,不够再去kfc!麦当劳也有!还有南京的臭豆腐等经典小吃……对了!还有盐水鸭!盐水鸭可是南京的特产!欢迎品尝!盐水鸭的其中一种叫桂花鸭,在盐水鸭的层次上精益求精,含着桂花的清香。夫子庙当人不是“二号狮子桥”光是吃,也有许多时尚的商铺任你逛。当然,你的眼球也是不会闲着的,夫子庙是很久以前的一个古建筑,蕴含着老南京风味,那墙壁上的精雕细刻,屋顶的绚丽国花纹,美不胜收。还有,那夜晚的秦淮河也更是美丽,那清澈的水面倒映着繁星点点的夜空,绿树,建筑,还有那五颜六色的灯光,把秦淮河照的五彩缤纷。





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游客:你们好!欢迎各位到华东线的第一站南京参观旅游。初来乍到,大家一定很想了解这座城市。下面请允许我向各位介绍一下。 南京,简称宁,地处富饶的长江三角洲,北接辽阔的江淮平原,是江苏省的省会。全市面积为6597平方公里,辖4县11区,人口545万。其中市区面积约881平方千米,人口270多万,为中国十大城市之一。














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chers visiteurs, bonjour tout le monde! aujourdhui, nous allons visiter letemple confucius situé sur les rives de la rivière parlant du templeconfucius, nous devons dabord parler de la rivière mère du peuple nanjing - larivière rivière qinhuai, également connue sous le nom de rivièrehuai, rivière xiaojiang, dragon tibétain, est lancienne origine de la est entré dans la ville à partir de leau de lest et est sorti de laville à partir de leau de louest. il a traversé la section devant le templeconfucius denviron dix li de long, donc il est appelé "dix li qinhuai".depuislantiquité jusquà aujourdhui, les deux rives de la rivière qinhuai sont unescène animée, le poème de du mu de la dynastie tang dit: "cage à fumée, eaufroide, lune et sable, nuit près de la maison de vin femmesdaffaires ne connaissent pas la haine de la dynastie des morts, mais chantentdes fleurs de cour arrière à travers la rivière, "un poème a parlé de laprospérité de la rivière ès la libération, gr?ce à la constructionvigoureuse du gouvernement municipal de nanjing, les dix li qinhuaidaujourdhui sont devenus un lieu pittoresque national de classe 5a qui montreles caractéristiques uniques du sud de la rivière yangtze.

le temple confucius se compose de trois grands groupes de b?timents: letemple confucius, le palais des étudiants et lacadémie gong. pendant ladynastie jin orientale, la cour impériale y a construit le palais des étudiants;la dynastie song a agrandi le temple confucius sur lancien site du palais desétudiants de la dynastie jin orientale; et la dynastie song du sud a égalementouvert la salle dexamen impérial - lacadémie ant, le templeconfucius a été détruit cinq fois dans lhistoire, la dernière fois en 1937 dansla guerre dagression japonaise contre la chine. aujourdhui, le templeconfucius a été reconstruit après 1984.

place du temple (2 minutes)

chers visiteurs, nous sommes maintenant sur la place devant le templeconfucius.lintégration du marché du temple est lune des caractéristiques lesplus remarquables du temple place est longitudinale pour le temple,horizontale pour la ville, le temple et la ville sont unis, l mur rouge derrière tout le monde sappelle le mur déclairage, qui apour fonction de protéger, déviter les maux et de décorer. il fait 110 mètresde long et est le plus grand mur déclairage de notre pays.létang semi -circulaire devant le mur est appelé pan chi. lendroit où lempereur a enseignédans lantiquité était pi yong. lécole où les princes ont enseigné était panpalace. le niveau de lécole du temple confucius est équivalent à lendroit oùles princes ont enseigné. par conséquent, létang est appelé pan chi. le pont àlouest de pan chi est appelé wendeqiao. il est nommé parce que le confucianismepr?ne la morale de larticle. parce que la direction du pont est la même quecelle du méridien, lagriculture et lagriculture chaque annéevers le 15novembre, le reflet de la lune dans le ciel sera divisé en deux par lombre dupont.? louest de la place du pont wende, il y a un pavillon de rassemblementdétoiles, qui signifie ? concentration détoiles, rassemblement de talents?.face à cette grande arche, cest "larche du centre culturel du monde".laforme est quatre colonnes et trois portes, ce qui signifie que cest le centrede la culture y a le pavillon kuixing au sud de larchecommémorative, et il y a la théorie de "larticle du seigneur kuixing" danslantiquité. kuixing est le signe de la prospérité de la culture et dumouvement, et aussi le symbole de la victoire à lexamen impérial. parconséquent, kuixing a été considéré comme un dieu par les étudiants de toutesles nord de la place se trouve la porte de létoile tressée. il estdit que létoile tressée est létoile littéraire dans le ciel et la maison delétoile responsable de léducation. son nom signifie que le baccalauréat enarts et en sciences humaines du monde entier y est intégré.

porte dacheng, terrasse (1 minute)

la porte dacheng est la porte principale du temple dacheng et la porteprincipale du temple lancienne hiérarchie féodale, seuls lesfonctionnaires pouvaient entrer et sortir de la porte dacheng, et les éruditsordinaires ne pouvaient entrer et sortir que de la porte grandscaractères gravés sur les murs des deux c?tés derrière la porte, à savoir "li"et "ren", sont au c?ur de la pensée confucienne et le but de sa ès laporte dacheng, il y a une route yongdao devant la salle dacheng. sur les deuxc?tés de la route yongdao se trouvent huit des douze disciples de confucius,tous sculptés en jade blanc han, qui sont min chuan, ran geng, ran qiu, duan muchi, ran yong, zhiyu, yan yan yan et zhongyu.? lextrémité de la route yongdaose trouve la terrasse, qui mesure 1,4 m de haut, 21,8 m de long dest en ouest,14 m de large du nord au sud. il y a des haies de pierre autour de lui. il y adeux dragons jouant la pierre de sa majesté zhudan. il y a des lampes de pierresur les deux c?tés. la terrasse est lendroit où les sacrifices et les chants etles danses ont lieu. au milieu de la terrasse se trouve une statue de cuivreconfucius. devant la statue de cuivre, il y a un br?leur dencens de fer. surelle est gravée "très saintla statue en bronze mesure 4,18 mètres de haut etpèse 2,37 tonnes. cest la plus grande statue en bronze du temple confucius deux c?tés de la terrasse étaient à lorigine de liangxian, qui étaitun endroit pour adorer les soixante - douze sages de confucius et pour stockerdes ustensiles de sacrifice, de cérémonie et de danse. maintenant, il a étéréduit à xiaoliangxian et transformé en galerie de tablettes. il y a plus de 30tablettes de pierre avec lencre de calligraphes célèbres comme zhao puchu, linsanzhi et wuzhongqi, qui peuvent être appréciées par les visiteurs.

dacheng hall (2 minutes)

dacheng hall est un b?timent emblématique du temple confucius, dunehauteur de 16,22 mètres, dune largeur de 27,3 mètres et dune profondeur de27,9 lavant - toit de la fa?ade, il y a une plaque verticale decouleur marine avec le livre "dacheng hall" en trois y a deux dragonsjouant avec des perles sculptées sur la crête de la salle dacheng et le baiserdu hibou. cest lun des premiers b?timents similaires en chine. le toit estrecouvert de petites tuiles bleues, ce qui est évidemment différent de lagrandeur du temple confucius dans le nord, qui est plus facile à vivre et àentrer dans la coutume. cest aussi lune des expressions du temple confucius denanjing qui est plus proche de la culture centre de la salle setrouve le plus grand portrait de confucius en chine. au - dessus de ce portrait,trois plaques sont accrochées par les empereurs de toutes les dynasties sont écrites par kangxi "tableau des ma?tres de tous les ?ges", qianlong"ginseng to the world and the world" et guangxu "si wen in zi".il y a quatreétudiants confucius sur les deux c?tés avant le portrait, à savoir mencius,confucius, zengshen et yan hui. devant le portrait, il y a des instruments demusique anciens comme qin, guzheng et y a 38 murales incrustées sur lesmurs environnants qui reflètent lhistoire de la vie de confucius. cest lacarte des reliques de confucius. 200 artisans de yueqing dans la province duzhejiang ont utilisé des pierres célèbres comme le jade, la gelée de sang depoulet, la pierre shoushan et dautres ornements précieux comme lor et lesbijoux de zhejiang, fujian, mongolie intérieure, guangdong, guangxi et dautresendroits. il a fallu trois ans pour faire la sculpture. linvestissement totalest de 5,8 millions de rmb et la valeur actuelle est de 100 millions de 38 fresques sont les suivantes: la peinture des reliques, la préface du titre,la prière de nishan, le livre de jade de kirin, les cinq anciens de erlong,etc.

inscriptions (1 minute)

de dacheng hall, lancien puits à droite est yuliuquan, selon les dossiers,yuliuquan a été découvert et creusé par le c?té de la source setrouve la tablette de collecte des frais dinscription à lexamen de la dynastieqing, qui enregistre lhistoire de li hongzhang et zuo zongtang qui ontcontribué aux frais dinscription à lexamen de la dynastie qing pendant lapériode du gouverneur de lautre c?té, il y a quatre stèles, dontla plus célèbre est la stèle du temple confucius, gravée dans la dynastie dusud, qui enregistre lhistoire de confucius demandant des conseils à lao tzupour maintenir le système de lois et de règlements de la ville où lesclavage avécu de lu à zhou tianzi, tandis que lesclavage était sur le point deseffondrer à la fin du printemps et de lautomne. en outre, il y a trois autresstèles yuan à nanjing, la stèle du temple confucius jiqing et la stèle du saint- mari."peoples tablet" et "fengsi tablet".

palais de lécole a: porte du palais de lécole (30 secondes), salle mingde(1 minute 30 secondes), pavillon zunjing et ses environs (1 minute)

le palais de lécole est situé à larrière de la salle dacheng. il estécrit par zeng guofan sur le linteau de la porte vers le sud et le premierapprentissage du sud - est sur le linteau de la porte vers le nord. il est écritpar lérudit qin, le double chef de la culture et des arts martiaux dans lapériode qianlong de la dynastie entrant dans la porte du palais delécole, vous pouvez voir quil y a une cloche et un tambour dans les deuxpavillons à gauche et à droite. sur le front du pavillon, il y a les mots "xili" et "yang sheng", qui sont utilisés par les anciens érudits pour adorerconfucius.

face à la porte du palais de lécole se trouve la salle mingde, dont le noma été inscrit par wen tianxiang. la salle mingde est lendroit où les étudiantsse réunissent. après le pèlerinage chaque mois, les étudiants se réunissent icipour former leurs tuteurs à prêcher léglise sainte et loracle afin de cultiverleurs pensées de loyauté et de e larmée yuan était sur lepoint de conquérir nanjing, wen tianxiang a changé le nom de minglun hall enmingde hall afin de montrer sa détermination à mourir et à servir le pays et lepeuple.

le pavillon zunjing, situé au troisième étage derrière le hall de la vertude la dynastie ming, avec des avant - toits en forme de t reposant sur le sommetde la montagne, est une salle de conférence où les classiques confucianistes etles instructions sont stockés et où les coutumes populaires sont tuaire et la tour qingyun se tiennent c?te à c?te avec le pavillon zunjing.lacadémie zunjing est divisée en deux c?tés derrière le pavillon zunjing. lesanctuaire était à lorigine dédié aux ancêtres confucius et est maintenant unjardin de b?timent qingyun a été transformé en bibliothèque sous ladynastie qing.lacadémie zunjing est léquivalent de la salle de petite montagne derrière le pavillon du respect des ?crituressappelle wei shan, et il y a un pavillon du respect. le soi - disant pavillondu respect des ?critures est le dévouement à confucius.

autres (1 minute)

chers visiteurs, le temple confucius est animé le jour, et le templeconfucius est plein de lumière la nuit! dès la période des dynasties du nord etdu sud, la rivière qinhuai était à nouveau jinling light fair, et a atteint sonsommet dans la dynastie ming. la rivière qinhuai dans lombre de la lumière depagaie était lune des plus belles au temple confucius daujourdhuisuit le style architectural de lemblème de "petit mur de tuiles vertes et depetits carreaux de cheval, clo?tre accroché avec des fleurs tombantes et desfenêtres séparées".les visiteurs peuvent non seulement profiter de la culturetraditionnelle, mais aussi profiter de snacks uniques de qinhuai, explorer leslégendes de qinhuai bayan, prendre le bateau de peinture de qinhuai pourprofiter des paysages des deux c?tés de la rivière ou explorer les traces decélébrités telles que wuyi lane, lancienne résidence du guide wang xiean etlancienne résidence de li xiangjun.cest la fin de mon explication.

b gongyuan front street, mingyuan building (1 min 30 s)

aujourdhui, nous sommes arrivés dans la rue avant de gongyuan, où sixstatues de figures ont été érigées. ce sont des hommes talentueux qui sontsortis dici dans toutes les dynasties, y compris tang yin, wu chengen, zhengbanqiao, wu jingzi, lin zexu et zhang jian.? lest de la sculpture, il y a 11stèles en pierre, qui enregistrent la montée et la chute historiques delacadémie, ainsi que les louanges, les évaluations et les chants des empereurs,des ministres et des hommes célèbres de toutes les dynasties à lacadémie. justedevant la rue avant se trouve lacadémie. sur larche de lacadémie, il y a descoupons écrits par li yu, qui a été construit dans la dynastie des song du sudet est spécialement utilisé pour les examens début, le nombre decandidats à lexamen nétait pas grand et léchelle nétait pas grande. il naété utilisé que pour lexamen de la préfecture et de lécole de comté. il a mêmefallu emprunter le temple comme salle dexamen temporaire au cours de lannée oùil y avait plus détudiants. jusquà lannée yongle de la dynastie ming,lacadémie a été reconstruite. plus tard, léchelle de lacadémie de nanjing acontinué daugmenter. lorsque lacadémie de nanjing a été officiellement nommée"académie de jiangnan" dans la dynastie qin? louest du palais de lécole et dutemple confucius, au sud de la rivière qinhuai, au nord de lensemble carré dela route jiankang, jusquà 20 000 ès la république de chine, la courdhommage a été abandonnée. jusquà présent, seule la tour ming yuan a étéconservée comme relique b?timent ming yuan a été utilisé pouravertir et donner des ordres lors des examens impériaux rez - de -chaussée, des stèles en pierre datant des dynasties ming, qing et de larépublique de chine sont conservées dans larc, qui enregistre en détaillhistoire de la montée et de la chute de lacadémie dhommage de jiangnan etpréserve efficacement la scène de lexamen impérial à lépoque lesannées 80 du __e siècle, les départements concernés ont créé ici le "jiangnangongyuan exhibition hall".

chambre (1 minute)

aujourdhui, plus de quarante maisons de numérotation ont été restauréesdans la cour dhommage. dans lordre de lécriture en mille caractères, lahauteur de la maison de numérotation est de 6 pieds, la profondeur est de 4pieds, la largeur est de 3 pieds, et la superficie nest pas plus de 1,5 mètrecarré. il ny a quune seule plaque supérieure et deux plaques inférieuresexposées à l candidats doivent rester à lintérieur pendant neufjours et passer trois examens, manger et boire lazare et dormir t lajournée, ils ont répondu sur la planche à découper, et la nuit, ils se sontcouchés sur la planche à pouvons imaginer les difficultés delexamen cette année - là, lallée à louest de lacadémie gong a montré lescandidats avec des statues de cire, lest est pour lexpérience touristique, lesamis intéressés peuvent lexpérimenter.

to the hall (1 min 30 s)

lexamen impérial a commencé dans les dynasties sui et tang et sestterminé à la fin de la dynastie qing. il a duré 1300 ans. il a progressivementformé lexamen pour enfants, lexamen de campagne, lexamen commun et lexamende palais dans les dynasties ming et salle dexamen impérial est diviséeen trois salles dexposition: lest et louest. la salle dexposition centraleest la salle dexposition de la culture impériale. il y a une sculpture dekuixing point fight et la tête de cuisson exclusive à lintérieur. le groupehorizontal à c?té de la salle dexamen impérial montre la situation de lécolesecondaire zhuangyuan traversant la rue t spectaculaire.lorigine etle développement du système dexamen impérial chinois sont présentés sur lesmurs environnants.? lest, la salle des champions présente la liste deschampions de lhistoire chinoise.? louest se trouve le hall de la renommée, oùsont exposées des célébrités liées à lacadémie dhommage du sud du fleuveyangtze, ainsi que des photos et des documents matériels liés à lexamenimpérial.

cest la fin de lexplication du temple confucius.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:大学,导游,全文共 1136 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2623 字

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"lherbe sauvage près du pont zhuque, le coucher de soleil à lentrée de laruelle wuyi..."cétait ma première connaissance du temple confucius quandjétais enfant.

je ne sais pas, jai vous êtes un touriste, vous êtes déjà venu ànanjing, mais vous nêtes pas allé au temple confucius, cest vraimentblanc!

le temple confucius est un lieu pittoresque célèbre à nanjing avec unelongue temple confucius sappuie sur la rivière qinhuai, qui est larivière mère de nanjing, tout comme la rivière yangtze et la rivière jaune rivière qinhuai est bordée de vagues bleues et scintillantes. de tempsen temps, de jolis petits poissons sautent de leau. asseyez - vous sur lebateau de peinture du temple confucius et regardez le paysage. il ny a pas dego?t.

pour voir le temple du ma?tre, venez la nuit.? ce moment - là, le templeconfucius était lumineux et lumineux avec des néons colorés. il semblait quelaurore sétait produite au - dessus de la ville. il était magnifique. en cemoment, les gens sont venus au temple confucius pour errer malgré la fatigue dela ? ha ha ha, pas de problème! folloe me! soupe de vermicelles de sangde canard, sac de soupe de jus de poulet, kebabs dagneau, pas assez pour kfc!mcdonalds aussi! et des collations classiques comme le tofu puant denanjing...oui! et le canard deau salée! le canard deau salée est unespécialité de nanjing! bienvenue à déguster! lun des canards deau salée est lecanard osmanthus, qui est raffiné au niveau du canard d deau salée et contientlodeur douce de l temple confucius quand les gens ne sont pas "lepont lion n° 2" juste manger, il ya aussi beaucoup de magasins à la mode s?r, vos yeux ne seront pas oisifs, le temple confucius est un ancienb?timent il y a longtemps, contient la saveur de lancien nanjing, les murs dela sculpture fine, le toit des motifs nationaux magnifiques, ne peut pas plus, la rivière qinhuai était plus belle cette nuit - là, et leauclaire reflétait le ciel étoilé, les arbres verts, les b?timents et les lumièrescolorées qui illuminaient la rivière qinhuai.

au festival des lanternes, le temple confucius est encore plus bondé degens. il y a de petits magasins vendant des lanternes dans les rues et lesruelles. il y a de belles lanternes de lapin, des lanternes de cheval ancienneset des lanternes de plus des lanternes, il y a beaucoup de magasinsde lanternes dans le temple du ma?tre pendant les jours du festival lanternes sont grandes et petites, les grandes contiennent dusésame, les petites bulles deau sucrée, sont très savoureuses.

nous croyons que non seulement le temple confucius, mais aussi nanjing,cette ville historique, lavenir sera plus beau!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 546 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 9389 字

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ladies and gentlemen. during yesterdays tour, i arranged for you to visitsuch places of interest as zhongshan mausoleum, ming xiaoling mausoleum, linggutemple and the former site of the presidential palace. today, i will take you toqinhuai river and confucius temple. qinhuai river tourist area is located in thesouth of the old urban area of nanjing. it takes about 20 minutes to get thereby bus from the urban area. it is a tourist destination with confucius temple asthe center, integrating sightseeing, shopping and tasting, displaying the styleand features of the ancient city and ethnic customs.

[origin and historical changes of qinhuai river]

qinhuai river is a river that once played an important role in thepolitical, economic and cultural development of the ancient city of nanjing. itis said that the qinhuai river is an artificial canal ordered by the firstemperor of qin dynasty. when the first emperor of qin dynasty visited kuaiji inthe east, in order to facilitate the navigation of ships, he ordered to digfangshan to connect the huaihe river with the yangtze river. however, accordingto geological investigation, qinhuai river is a natural river with a longhistory. at that time, the ancient river did pass through fangshan. however, dueto geographical changes, the river changed its course and gradually formed thepresent river. the qinhuai river in history has a wide channel. since yangxingmi, king of wu in the five dynasties, built the stone city in the area ofchangganqiao, the river began to narrow and was spanided into the inner and outerqinhuai river. the inner qinhuai river flows from the city of dongshuiguan,through the confucius temple, and then from the city of xishuiguan in the southof shuiximen to join the outer qinhuai river. the total length of the river is10 kilometers. this is the "ten mile qinhuai river" that has been praised andvisited by countless scholars and scholars since ancient times. li bai, liu yuxiand du mu, the great poets of tang dynasty, wrote poems for her. kong shangrenspeach blossom fan and wu jingyangs scholars also vividly described the "ten liqinhuai river".

compared with the yangtze river, which flows through the north of nanjingcity, the ancient qinhuai river is very small, but it is closely related to thebirth and development of nanjing city, as well as the political, economic andcultural development of nanjing area. as early as five or six thousand years agoin the neolithic age, there have been human reproduction. so far, as many as 50or 60 relics of primitive villages have been found along both sides of theriver. in the six dynasties and the early ming dynasty, the feudal court alwaysregarded it as a natural barrier for the capital and a natural passage for theimperial palace. after the establishment of the capital jianye (nanjing), sunquan of the eastern wu dynasty used to make "gate ponds" on both sides of theqinhuai river, which could not only resist the enemy, but also prevent the six dynasties, both sides of the qinhuai river in the area ofconfucius temple have been prosperous places with dense residents and connectedmarkets. the qinhuai river has served as the main channel for foreign trade innanjing, with boats and boats shuttling through the river. it is said that inthe old days, there were many song houses and restaurants on both sides of theqinhuai river, the river houses and water pavilions were full of splendor, theyacht paintings were well lighted, and the rich and noble lived a life ofpleasure and money. the working people, especially the vast number of women, hada good taste of the bitterness of the world. at that time, prostitutes innanjing were mostly concentrated on both sides of the qinhuai river. lixiangjun, a famous prostitute who is not afraid of power and nobility, isdescribed in peach blossom fan by kong shangren, a dramatist in qing lives by wendeqiao on the south bank of qinhuai river.

the beautiful qinhuai river once flowed the loneliness of the wild age, theprosperity and extravagance since the six dynasties, the dirt of the oldsociety, the blood and tears of the working people, and even the blood of thenanjing massacre. however, todays qinhuai river, after the precipitation ofhistory and the transformation of the people, has exuded the fragrance of healthand civilization, showing a clear and moving style. it is the witness ofnanjings history. no wonder people used to take "qinhuai" as the pronoun ofnanjing.

[qinhuai boat - banchi - zhaobi of confucius temple - square in front ofthe temple - lingxing gate]

ladies and gentlemen: now we come to the bank of the qinhuai river. thepainted defenses in the river are all made in the style of ming dynastyarchitecture, with big red balls and red lanterns hanging on the bow. wheneverthe lantern festival, nanjing people used to come here to enjoy the lights. itis said that after the establishment of the capital of ming dynasty, zhu yuanjinpaid a visit to the capital. when he came to the bank of the qinhuai river, hesaw trees on both sides of the river, clear water, pavilions and pleasantscenery. he said casually, "im sorry for the lack of boats in the river." whenthe emperor opened the golden gate, he sent people all night to build the boatin order to win the favor of the emperor. since then, qinhuai painting hasbecome a major feature here. especially in the mid autumn festival, tens ofthousands of lanterns are in full bloom on the river, and dragon lanterns aredancing on both sides of the river. songs, drums, cheers and laughter arecontinuous all night. it can be said that "qinhuai is the best in the world". nowonder there is a folk saying in nanjing that "every family walks on the bridge,everyone looks at the light".

this section of qinhuai river in front of us has become a confucius temple(confucius temple) and panchi since the song dynasty, also known as crescentmoon. in ancient times, the imperial academy was called biyong, and the princesacademy was called pangong. the confucius temple academy was equivalent to theplace where the princes gave lectures, so this pool was called "panchi".generally, there are three stone bridges built on panchi. according to thegrade, county officials and students take the middle one, and scholars take thebridges on both sides. it is said that in ancient times, a scholar mistakenlywent to zhongqiao. he was in a dilemma and had to jump into panchi byhimself.

please look at a section of vermilion stone brick wall on the other side ofthe river. this is the screen wall of confucius temple. zhaobi was built in thethird year of wanli in the ming dynasty (li ze nian), 110 meters long, which isthe highest zhaobi in the whole family. ladies and gentlemen, this confuciustemple was built in 337, the third year of emperor chengdi of the eastern jindynasty. at that time, emperor chengdi adopted the advice of wang dao: "thecultivation of talents is the most important thing in governing the country",and decided to establish the university on the bank of qinhuai river. in thefirst year of jingpai (1034), the confucius temple was built on the basis ofxuefu. therefore, confucius temple is a bustling city evolved from a culturaland educational center. it includes three main buildings: confucius temple,academy and gongyuan. its scope is adjacent to the north bank of qinhuai riverin the south, the east end of jiankang road in the north, yaojia lane in theeast and sifu lane in the west. although the confucius temple was destroyed manytimes, it was built and expanded in different dynasties. by the end of the qingdynasty and the beginning of the republic of china, the structure and layout ofits pavilions and temples were the best in the southeast. the present confuciustemple is partly rebuilt in the late qing dynasty and partly rebuilt in recentyears. please look back. this pavilion style building is called kuixingpavilion. it was first built in qianlong period of qing dynasty. the waterfrontbuilding was destroyed twice and rebuilt in 1985.

now we come to the square in front of the temple opened up in the qingdynasty. there are two steles standing at the east and west ends of the square,about one foot high, on which are engraved two words in manchu and chinese:"minister of culture and military dismounts here", which shows respect for thesage confucius. the pavilion with six corners and double eaves on the left iscalled "star gathering pavilion", which means that all the stars areconcentrated and talents are gathered. it was built in the 14th year of wanli inthe ming dynasty (1586), but it was not rebuilt until the 8th year of tongzhi inthe qing dynasty (1869). this is the only qing dynasty building that survivedthe japanese artillery fire. unfortunately, it was demolished as "four old" in1968 and rebuilt in 1983, restoring its original style. the memorial archway inthe middle of the square is called "tianxia wenshu archway". please continue tofollow me. this gate is called lingxing gate, which is the gate of confuciustemple. it is said that ta xing is the star in charge of education in the is convenient and happy. the gate is a stone structure with six columns andthree gates. it was built in 1480, the 16th year of chenghua in the mingdynasty. it was later destroyed and rebuilt in 1870. however, the polar gate wesee now was rebuilt in 1983. the east and west sides of the gate are the eastand west markets.



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1 897年,德国以演习为名,从栈桥所在的青岛湾登陆,武力占领青岛,栈桥成为德军侵占青岛的见证。德军占领后,重修栈桥,但仍为军用码头。1920__年,大港第一码头建成后,栈桥逐渐失去它作为码头的历史使命,开始向游人开放。1931年,南京国民政府出巨资重建栈桥,桥身加长到440米,桥南端修建了半圆形的防浪堤,上面修建了具有民族风格的回澜阁,栈桥从此成为中国第一景。新中国成立后,人民政府多次拨款修栈桥。1985,1998年都对栈桥进行了大规模整修。20__年,包括栈桥内的海滨风景区,被国家旅游局评为首批aaaa级风景区。









沿双层栈桥走向海洋深处,在未来二期建设规划中要建一座金碧辉煌的宫殿——中苑海上卫雄光塔。是一座科技,餐饮住宿,休闲娱乐,观光购物于一体的青岛 樗性建筑之一。







来到小鱼山不仅可以看到青岛风貌,釉彩壁画也是一绝。我们看到的这幅是釉上彩壁画“八仙过海”,它是由中央工艺美 院(现清华大学美术学院)79级物艺系的师生共同创作,画稿曾获得全国美展一等奖。




