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范文类型:申请书,适用行业岗位:设计,留学,全文共 4810 字

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Dear _,

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that

has made all the difference.--Robert Frost--Have you ever taken the road less

traveled? When you drive home from work, do you ever explore? Sure, it might

take longer than usual, and there may be unpleasant stops along the way, but

occasionally you will find an unexpected surprise. By casting aside strict

conventions and routines and by taking risks, we can achieve things we never

considered or thought possible. I find that many people in our religiously

capitalist society only seek the fastest, cheapest, and most efficient route.

While some industries hire to increase diversity and thereby innovation, many

dare not attempt anything new. In particular, many established architects and

developers fear taking chances and fear the risk of failure inherent in untested

methods. I, on the other hand, believe that architects must not feel constrained

by the past but must follow up on promising possibilities. Exploring

undiscovered methods and paths requires self-criticism, self-assurance, and


In my junior year in college, I doubted the teaching style of my instructor

in my first design studio class. I felt as if he pushed his own rigid ideas into

the students' creations and did not allow the students the opportunity to pursue

their own original designs. Fearing my intellectual growth might be stunted by

his lectures and dissatisfied with his teaching, I basically taught myself

design by researching and combing through hundreds of architecture books.

Through my own studies, I came to realize that architecture should be learned,

not preached. That semester, I further challenged myself by working on a design

of my own creation, a design not as signed by my instructor. While it would have

been easier to accept the instructor's lessons and just follow his ideas, I

realized that I could never take the easy way again now that I discovered that

the beauty of architecture lies in learning it myself. That semester helped

formulate my approach towards architecture and influence my design decisions to

this day.

Although self-motivation is extremely important, seeking the guidance and

critique of others is essential to good design since others can find what I may

have overlooked. One critic who has been particularly crucial to the development

of my work is Craig Scott, a Progressive Architecture Awards Winner in 1996, who

worked together with Homa Fardjadi and Sima Fardjadi. Craig was my studio critic

during the spring term of 1997. His instruction helped me achieve a level of

design that I could not have attained from books alone. Of greatest importance,

he taught me a combination of methodology and theory to the process of creating

designs. He taught me to begin with a simple conceptual spatial model, then add

site context and programmatic concerns to create an integrated building. The

application of a methodology to the design process made my work more structured

and rigorous than before. In Craig's studio, I designed a furniture workshop for

downtown Ann Arbor that was chosen as an exhibit in the 1997 Summer Student

Exhibition in the University of Michigan. Professors chose the most outstanding

projects in their studio and put them in the exhibition. Although this was

certainly not a major trophy, the exhibition represented my first accomplishment

in the studio and was a milestone in my architectural career. When I saw my work

in the exhibition room, all the failures and difficulties I had experienced

seemed worth it.

Later, I designed urban housing in downtown Ann Arbor for the fall studio

1997, which was also chosen as an exhibit in the 1998 Annual Student Exhibition.

For that exhibition, entitled "Taking Aim," each professor chose the best three

projects from his/her studio. In the exhibition, the alumni of previous years

and students from other architecture schools were invited to share our success.

These exhibitions were important to me not only because my designs were chosen,

but also because they gave me the opportunity to display my work before the most

important critics of all--the general public, which included the students and

teachers from different years and different schools. I plan to continue my

studies at the graduate school level to have the opportunity to interact and

share knowledge with students who are as focused and excited about architecture

as I am. I have visited Harvard Graduate School of Design several times, and

each time I left impressed and enlightened by the variety and complexity of the

students' work. The work I saw at GSD had that same element of innovation and

freshness that I strive for, the one that goes beyond the ordinary path. I want

to be an explorer and to face challenges that I can solve with sheer will and


Yours sincerely,




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"All I know about leadership I learned from..." What items could a personuse to describe leadership qualities?

Inspired by the student council advisors at my high school.

Student council was a big part of my life in high school. I haveparticipated in it since my frst year of high school. When I frst joined, I wasquiet, na?ve, and unwilling to participate in many activities. I was scared tomeet new people and afraid to apply myself. This all began to change. Half waythrough my frst year in student council, one of the advisors can up to me andasked why I did not participate that much. I did not have an answer for her anddid not know how to respond. After this, I began to think of an answer. I becamefrustrated and decided to change. I started to show up at events and had a greattime. I realized I loved this and wanted to start leading these activities. Inmy sophomore, junior, and now my senior year of high school, I asserted myselfand took on a strong leadership role in student council. I did not fgure out theanswer to why I was so reserved until this year with the help of thisquestion.



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范文类型:申请书,适用行业岗位:大学,留学,全文共 3367 字

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Dear _,

Ever since I have had the ability to understand it, I have been fascinated

by the English language. As a child, I would either be writing, reading or

telling stories and ever sine then, have read a wide variety of both fiction and

non-fiction texts from a variety of genres and eras.

This passion for language has led me to many different extra-curricular

activities. For the past four years, I have attended a Youth Theatre each week

where we concentrate very much on both improvised and scripted drama but also

have done work on stage management, stage make-up, singing, and signed singing

(an interest which begun with my learning of both violin and double bass to

grade 4 standard).

With this same organisation, I have volunteered for the past three years at

one of the children’s groups where I work helping with drama, music and art. It

was with this same organisation that I decided to learn Sign Language.I have

recently gained my British Sign Language Level 1 certificate and am now

beginning a Level 2 course. I began learning Sign Language at the same time as

starting my A-Level in English Language and Literature, a course I have found

extremely interesting. Taking these two courses concurrently was very exciting

for me as learning more about the linguistics of the English Language enabled me

to make comparisons between the two languages.

These interests have led me to this course which I not only feel suits my

needs and interests aptly, but also excites me in its course content. Although

I’ve enjoyed all of my A-Level English Language and Literature course but have

found a few parts of it particularly interesting. I specifically enjoyed our

coursework tasks for our AS Level as it included writing a piece of original

fiction, an aspect of English which I have always enjoyed. I also enjoyed the

task of performing a monologue as I have missed not being able to study drama as

a subject.

I try to follow my interests outside of school and so attend a wide variety

of theatre productions, art exhibitions, musical performances and subject

related lectures. When studying psychology last year, I attended a large

psychology conference with a variety of speakers which was both helpful and

interesting. Last year I also attended an ‘art master class’ organised with

Middlesex University and with nine other students, it gave more opportunity for

more detailed and involved discussions. I have not yet had the opportunity to

attend an English related lecture but look forward to a study day in March which

will aid me with my study of Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra.

Alongside this and my voluntary work with the drama organisation, I have

worked in a variety of jobs which have all helped to develop my sense of

responsibility as they were dependent on both teamwork and co-operation but also

my use of initiative.I have chosen to defer my entry to 2005 as I plan to

complete a voluntary teaching placement in Africa. The prospect of this

placement excites me as it will give me the opportunity to travel, to meet new

people, to experience new cultures, and, above all, help out where much help is

needed. I feel that taking a gap year is going to benefit me greatly as it will

enable me to gain valuable life skills that will benefit me both at university

but also in whatever I choose to do following university whether it be a

postgraduate course or work.

Yours sincerely,




范文类型:申请书,适用行业岗位:个人,留学,全文共 3966 字

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Dear _,

Advances in Computer and Information Technology over the past few decades

have brought about revolution in science, medicine, education, business, and

entertainment. I wish to be part of the future revolution and that is why I want

to study Computer Science. The idea of studying Computer Science came to me as

soon as I started considering my career options: I have been around computers

from an early age and have absorbed myself in them ever since. I am particularly

interested in the integration of computing in music production (which I have a

passion for), research into breakthrough technologies such as “Direct Note

Access” has shown me the amazing possibilities that could be achieved with the

right ideas and knowledge behind them. My interest in Computer Science comes

from my view of it as a challenging and creative subject, I am particularly

eager to study software engineering and computer graphics.

Studying ICT has enhanced both my knowledge and experience in the uses and

applications of computer systems. For my AS coursework project I successfully

developed an order processing system for a local business which gave me good

experience in system analysis and development, including use of complex

formulae, creation of macros and use of VBScript. I am currently leading the

project to revamp my school’s website which has given me the opportunity to show

off my self-taught web design skills and has also given me the chance to gain

further experience working to an end user’s criteria and to develop leadership


Mathematics has been my strongest subject for as long as I can remember.

Due to my quick grasp of concepts within the subject I have been in advanced

classes since primary school, continuing up to my A levels which has allowed me

to have already passed 5 out of my 6 modules with a grade A in each. I have

always found the subject interesting as it demands pure logic. My natural

ability for logical thinking and problem solving has been strengthened through

the study of this subject and the constant challenge of applying new methods and


Physics is yet another subject that demands logical thinking, while at the

same time demands evidence and theory to back it up, providing application of

maths aspects of the real world. My coursework investigating the deformation of

solids enabled me to combine both my mathematical and research skills to help

produce detailed analysis and evaluation to prove that the concept of Hooke’s

Law was valid. I was particularly fascinated with the Waves Properties module as

the theories on stationary waves and superposition explain a lot about how sound


My work experience with Futuretrend Technologies gave me a good insight on

how IT based organisations work and the importance of IT within the business

world. My employment with Blockbuster Inc. and volunteer work with Cancer

Research have both given me the opportunity to interact with customers to

provide a helpful service as part of a team, reinforcing both my communication

and team working skills.

Being brought up in a household with a father of East-African Islamic

culture and Christian-raised English mother, as well as living in multi-cultural

areas and attending multi-cultural schools, I have had the pleasure of

experiencing many different cultures and religions allowing me to develop a wide

understanding and acceptance of lifestyle and belief of others which has also

given me insight into global politics and history. I have various hobbies such

as basketball, cycling and music. I enjoy listening to music, but even more I

enjoy composing music, playing the piano and am currently teaching myself how to

play the acoustic guitar.

Taking a persistent approach to all my work, I always strive for the best

results and never turn away from a worthy challenge. I believe that my endless

curiosity, infectious self motivation, and ability to work effectively as part

of team would make me an ideal candidate for Computer Science.

Yours sincerely,




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自费 出国留学人员必须确保能够获得足够的经济来源。外国学费、生活费、住宿费等各种费用年年上涨,申请留学者必须证明自己有足够能力支付这些费用。经济来源方









经 济担保书就是经济担保人开具的写明自费留学人员与担保人的关系、自费留学人员所申请就读的国家、学校、专业及学习期限、表明经济担保入愿意承担自费留学人




























2. 助学金


3. 申请奖、助学金时应注意的问题



























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Due to the comprehensiveness of china’s “reform and open” policies,

economics plays an increasingly important role in the development of its global

position. though more and more companies built, management of companies cannot

catch up with the development of the companies. management is a burgeoning field

in china, so i hope i can acquire more modern knowledge on management in


The roots of my strong interest in business can be traced back to my

childhood. my father was among the first of china’s new breed of modern

entrepreneurs. as a young girl, it was inspirational hearing about his business

ventures, and meeting the varied and interesting circle of entrepreneurs. my

mother was also involved in business as an accountant, helping him with simple

calculations. and so it was early in my life that i hoped i, also, would someday

be able to enter the realm of business.

With the time of growing up, i preferred reading books to satisfy my

curiosity. i never ceased to contemplate over the questions i encountered.

subjects on business and management became a special fascination to me and my

knowledge of psychology as well as interest in this field was increasing


As a high school student in china, i had to concentrate on the college

entrance examination (cee), even so, books not related to the exams were never

excluded from my life. unfortunately when sitting in the exam in june, _, i was

so nervous that i didn’t score well in the cee exam. i enrolled in the

department of computer science in zhejiang college of traditional chinese

medicine. any attempt to persuade myself to focus on my major turned out to be a

failure at the beginning of my college life. after several terms, i realized

that i would never be interested in being a programmer or an engineer. at that

moment, i lost my direction and objectives.

My persistence in reading saved me from the dark situation. as a matter of

fact, i enjoyed reading the books included encyclopedia american, and some books

about management by peter ker. i began to notice something interesting: why some

companies can produce more than others? why some company can sell more than

others? why some companies can build up but others cannot when facing the same


With the questions in my mind, i started to read many relevant books. i was

lucky to read the book “jack: straight from the gut”by jack welch, in which john

a. byrne makes a clear illustration that the management is important for a

company. when i was a junior, i ran a bookshop by myself near my school. i

should manage not only the finance in the shop but also the employees in my shop

even made some strategies to enlarge the business in my shop to hold on the run

the shop. from this, my interpersonal skills and the capacity in business has

been greatly developed, definitely i was increasingly interested in what i was

doing. by december, _, i had finally determined to take business management as

my career instead of it. to accumulate more relevant knowledge, i strived to

gain more practical work experience in some big companies.



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范文类型:申请书,适用行业岗位:留学,全文共 3303 字

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Dear _,

"I feel the capacity to care is the thing which gives life its deepest

significance."I want to make a dramatic difference to people's lives!

I feel that Radiotherapy is the perfect profession to fulfil this. I am

confident that I can become, with your help, a very successful Radiotherapist

because I believe that my personality traits and skill sets are perfect for

Radiotherapy - I'm responsible, caring, supportive,trusting, empathetic and most

of all I am an inexhaustible source of positivity and always have a smile on my

face. I am extremely interested in Science - particularly Physics which I study

in school.

The continuing professional development within Radiotherapy is very

appealing to me and I love the idea of entering a diverse and rapidly changing

career. I enjoy working as part of a team, and feel my good interpersonal skills

would be utilised as a Radiotherapist.

I did work experience in one of Ireland's largest and busiest Radiotherapy

Departments -Whitfield Clinic. I was given a thorough guide through the areas of

consultancy, simulation, treatment and mould making phases of Radiotherapy which

only fuelled my desire to study your degree. I was shown simulation machines,

scans of patients with various illnesses, CT and MRI Scanners as well as the

Linear Accelerators. I was introduced to other members of the Oncology team,

such as the Medical Physicist, and was given an outline of their roles. I felt

the work experience was inspirational and fascinated me, and even though I was

only in the Radiotherapy department for a short time, it proved to me that

Radiotherapy is the career that I am most suited to.

To further expand my knowledge of Radiotherapy and its practices, I did

extensive research on the subject, to ensure that it would be a suitable career

path for me. I read several publications from the Society of Radiographers, most

notably the publications on "Summary of Intervention for Acute Radiotherapy

Induced Skin Reactions in Patients", "Learning and Development Framework for

Clinical Imaging and Oncology","Implementing The Career Framework in

Radiotherapy", Policy Into Practice, "End of Life Strategy", and "Patient


I feel the Radiotherapy courses in the UK have much more to offer than the

one Radiotherapy course in Ireland, in terms of employability after the course,

Employers deem the vast clinical experience gained on UK courses essential for

the successful introduction of newly graduated Radiotherapists into their

clinic. The world class standard and professional recognition that your course

offers would also ensure that I would graduate a very capable Radiation


I have done a lot of voluntary and fund-raising work in my local community.

I volunteer at my local Youth Club every week, where I work as part of a team to

provide a social outlet to children in the local community. I have also

volunteered in a local retirement home which has showed me my ability to

establish trusting relationships quickly and has also proved that I can

successfully interact with a diverse range of people.

I am very excited at the prospect of starting your Radiotherapy course and

if selected I hope I can follow in the footsteps of your long list of very

successful alumni.

Yours sincerely,




范文类型:申请书,适用行业岗位:大学,留学,个人,全文共 1945 字

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Dear _,

Since I was very young I have always been interested in accounting and

finance and how they operate. In China, my favourite TV programme is the finance

programme and I enjoy international finance. I frequently worked in my mother's

company to help the staff in the accounts department. All of these have given me

an understanding of accounting and finance

My passion for the subject expanded when I chose accounting as part of my

A-level programme. Although this subject is somewhat demanding, I find it

extremely interesting. I believe this is the right choice for me. I am confident

that a course in accounting and finance satisfies my interest. I am looking

forward to learning more of accounting in my A-level course

In my spare time I enjoy playing basketball. I play once or twice a week

with my friends. I also like to listen to music. I think that playing basketball

can help me to increase the team spirit and music can help me relax. Also while

I was working as a cleaner in Downing College at Cambridge University, I believe

that I gained invaluable experience in dealing with the boss and trying to

deliver colleague satisfaction, whilst learning to work effectively and

efficiently in a well-structured team. Hopefully I will be able to get this kind

of opportunity to work whilst at university. I enjoy my spare time and try to

use it effectively

I consider myself to be a hard working outgoing individual. I still have

some shortcomings. For example, I am a little bit disorganised sometimes. But I

have known this and I am trying to correct it. I have made a timetable to

organise my daily life. I am looking forward to the challenge of university

life, both socially and mentally. I strongly believe that my years at university

will be enjoyable and those that I will remember for the rest of my life. Most

of all I am hoping that my chosen subject will give me a strong foundation for a

successful career.

Yours sincerely,




范文类型:申请书,书信,适用行业岗位:大学,个人,留学,全文共 846 字

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Dear Ms. Sullivan,

I'm Li Hua, a middle school student from China. I'll graduate from high

school this year, and I'm planning to apply for the Yale Summer Session 2013.

Now I'm writing to ask about several questions concerned.

Firstly, I'm curious to know about the course arrangement. How many courses

will you offer in all and what subjects will it cover? Since I'm interested in

computer science very much, I would very much like to take computer related

courses. I would also want to know the time schedule of these courses to see

whether I'll have time to visit other places in America on weekends.

Secondly, can you introduce boarding arrangement during the Summer Session?

Are all the students living on campus or shall we rent houses in advance?

Thank you!

Looking forward to your reply!

Best regards,

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



范文类型:申请书,适用行业岗位:个人,留学,全文共 1865 字

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Dear _,

I am a student of _ school _ (female, born on August 20th, _), and I

amabout to become a middle school student. My biggest wish is to be able to

studyin _, because destiny made me know _middle school. In the summer of 20_ I

wasfortunate to become a member of the school club, and represented _ middle

schoolto participate _ in _ the middle school student sports meeting (table

tenniscompetition) that year, and achieved good results. In just a few days of

thecompetition, through the introduction of the leading teachers and teammates,

Ihave a full understanding of _middle school. After that, I pay more attention

tolearning and love sports. In my heart, learning and exercise have

constitutedthe driving force for mutual promotion. At present, my table tennis

skills havebeen further improved. In the 20_20_years, I have won the second

place in thewomen's group A of the table tennis competition for two consecutive


Ping-pong is my hobby, and it is my goal of continuous efforts to

improveacademic performance. A good learning environment can create

outstandinglearning talents. The suburban high school is my dream choice. The

school hasthe traditional virtues of solidarity and mutual assistance, and has a

learningatmosphere of "comparison, learning, catching up, and surpassing", and

it ismore problem-solving. Good teachers and leaders who are difficult and

willing toteach. Opportunities are met but not sought. If the school leaders

give me thisopportunity, I will continue to sum up my experience and lessons, be

mentallyprepared to dare to endure all hardships, establish the confidence to

overcomeall difficulties, and strive to be excellent Achievement completed three

yearsof junior high school life. Never let the school leaders down. I

don'tunderstand whether this formulation is appropriate, but I implore the

leaders tostudy my application.



范文类型:工作计划,申请书,适用行业岗位:个人,留学,全文共 1019 字

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le Président,


le souhait dune inscription auprès de votre université, jai lhonneur de vous

exposer ci-dessous mes principales motivations.


le fran?ais depuis bient?t quatre ans, et jobtiendrai ma licence(bac+4) en

juillet 20__ .(1)


la langue fran?aise, jai étudié aussi...la littérature fran?aise à laquelle je

mintéresse particulièrement.(2)


lobtention de mon dipl?me, jaimerais poursuivre mes études de littérature

fran?aise dans votre université réputée pour son enseignement de



pour entreprendre les démarches nécessaires, jai besoin d’un certificat de

pré-inscription délivré par votre université. Cest pourquoi je vous demande

quelles conditions je dois remplir pour obtenir ce certificat et quelles sont

les attesations que je devrais fournir.


cest possible, pourriez-vous me faire parvenir, à ladresse ci-dessus, un dossier

dinscription ?(4)


remerciant par avance de votre bienveillance, je vous prie dagréer, Monsieur le

Président, lexpression de mon profond respect.




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Dear Sir,

I am going to graduate from Department of Computer in Huabei University in

June next year. I am very eager to enter the Graduate School of your university

next fall to study applied computer for Ph.D. degree.

I would appreciate it very much if you would send me a graduate catalog of

your university and any other necessary information, and also a set of

application forms for admission. Thank you for your kind assistance.

Sincerely yours,

Wang Feng



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I know about leadership I learned from . . ." What items could a person use to

describe leadership qualities?


by the student council advisors at my high school.


council was a big part of my life in high school. I have participated in it

since my frst year of high school. When I frst joined, I was quiet, na?ve, and

unwilling to participate in many activities. I was scared to meet new people and

afraid to apply myself. This all began to change. Half way through my frst year

in student council, one of the advisors can up to me and asked why I did not

participate that much. I did not have an answer for her and did not know how to

respond. After this, I began to think of an answer. I became frustrated and

decided to change. I started to show up at events and had a great time. I

realized I loved this and wanted to start leading these activities. In my

sophomore, junior, and now my senior year of high school, I asserted myself and

took on a strong leadership role in student council. I did not fgure out the

answer to why I was so reserved until this year with the help of this



I looked up leadership in the dictionary, it said that it was the capacity to

lead and the act or instance of leading. These are two very broad defnitions of

leadership. Many people have different notions of what this word actually means.

When I was challenged to use different items to describe what leadership

actually is, I thought this was going to be a hard and obnoxious task. What

could I learn from comparing leadership to a stuffed animal or a rubber chicken?

But when I sat down to come up with a couple of answers, I realized that

leadership could be compared to almost anything a person wants.


I know about leadership I learned from a calculator. A calculator can add

everything together to come up with the best answer. It can delet e what is

unnecessary and only include what is important. It can solve any type of

problem. These are all important equalities a leader has to have. A leader has

to be able to add all of the ideas together to make the best possible plan.

Leaders have to know how to decipher the good and the bad out of an idea. They

have to be versatile and know how to deal with different types of issues.


I know about leadership I learned from a ball. A ball is able to bounce back up

after it is dropped. It is round and has no creases. A ball can be thrown back

and forth to different people. All of these qualities are also leadership

qualities. A leader has to be ready for every situation that is thrown at him or

her. He or she has to be able to bounce back from any setbacks and never dwell

on the past. Leaders have to exhibit many qualities and never be closed-minded

about a situation. A leader must be able to delegate when he or she cannot get

the work done. They have to trust everyone they lead to be able to "catch the

ball" and keep a project rolling.


activity made me realize that being a leader is so much more than just having

authority and having the ability to take control of a situation. A leader has to

be trusting of all the people he or she leads and, leaders must be able to

combine ideas into one encompassing idea. They cannot sit in the background and

watch events happen; they have to jump in and be involved. They should not

delegate all their responsibilities away.


is more than what the dictionary says it is.


learned through all of this that I have many of these qualities.


have the ability to solve problems, lead through adversity, and be versatile.

From answering this question, I realized that I could lead effectively, even if

my leadership style is different from other individuals. When I joined student

council in my frst year of high school, I did not have these qualities because I

was never put into a situation where I had to lead. I was too reserved to try.

When I tried, I learned that I could succeed in this. I did not realize until I

answered this question about leadership. I was never able to see that being a

leader is not just about taking control of a group and telling everyone what to

do.www.liuxue.la When I was a freshman, I thought leadership was this. I did not

know that did not have to be forceful and strict. I stereotyped a leader then.

Thisis where I went wrong. A leader is about being yourself and never letting

anyone change you. I thought I had to change to be a good leaderOnly when I

expanded my comfort zone did I realize this was not trueIt only took three years

and a silly question/game to fgure this out.



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Dear _,

As a double major in Anthropology and Psychology at the University of Rhode

Island, I have gained a strong background in both fields. My background is

especially strong in physical anthropology, my primary field of interest.

Physical anthropology consumes my life; I do not study it because I find it

somewhat interesting but because I am devoted to it; I want to make it my life.

In addition to maintaining a high GPA throughout my college career, and making

the Dean's list several times, I have also worked hard as a supervisor at Brooks

Pharmacy for the past five years. Working my own way through college not only

demonstrates my determination to gaining a high quality education and the

seriousness with which I treat academics, but also attests to my leadership

ability, maturity, and responsibility, both as a supervisor and as a student at

the University of Rhode Island.

My primary goal in applying to your graduate program is to prepare myself for

a career in forensic anthropology. Interested in furthering the current body of

research and in improving techniques used in the identification of human

remains, I am very committed to pursuing forensic anthropology and believe your

graduate program in anthropology will provide me with an excellent foundation in

the area of physical and forensic anthropology. With a Master's degree and

Ph.D., I will be well prepared to lead a very promising career. While I have no

doubt that the program will push me to my limits, I am confident that I can face

the rigorous challenges posed by graduate study and thrive under the demanding

environment that advanced studies entail.

From my transcripts, you will see that not only am I a well-balanced student,

I actually thrive in rigorous, upper level courses, courses akin to

graduate-level courses. Armed with the confidence that I can excel at difficult

courses, I believe I can achieve the highest level of success and satisfaction

by taking the most demanding graduate program available.

In addition to my ability to excel in the classroom, I have demonstrated a

proficiency in all aspects of conducting research. Research has become a

fundamental part of my college career, and I hope it will become the primary

component of my future. As a sophomore at the University of Rhode Island, I

designed a research project entitled "Grooming and Affiliative Behavior in Three

Species of Non-Human Primates" under the guidance of Dr. Su Boatright Horowitz

in the Psychology Department at URI. My research proposal gained approval from

the Institutional Care and Use Committee at URI and at the Roger William Park

and Zoo where the three species of non-human primates (Gibbons, Sakis, and

Lemurs) included in my study are kept. In addition to writing a successful

research proposal, I also wrote and received a small funds grant from the

University of Rhode Island in order to conduct my research. By being intimately

involved in every aspect of research, from proposal and grant writing to data

collection and analysis, I have learned what it takes to be a researcher, but

more than that, I have learned how fulfilling and interesting research can


In the spring of 2005, I will be presenting my results at a poster

presentation at the University of Rhode Island, and am planning to eventually

publish my findings. Not only has this experience shown me that I am capable of

excelling in conducting research, but it has also allowed me to develop a love

for the hands on learning that is so crucial to successful research. In my final

semester at URI, I will be participating in an ongoing research project

concerning brain function and attention span under the direction of Dr. Dominic

Valentino, a professor in the psychology department at URI. This project will

undoubtedly further advance my academic skills and reinforce my passion for


Physical anthropology is more than just my primary area of education; it has

also become my hobby and lifestyle. The questions posed and answered via the

study of physical anthropology have fascinated me for a very long time and have

stimulated me to ask and seek to answer further questions. With my mind set on

the very specific goal of preparing myself as excellently as possible for a

future in the field of forensic anthropology, I am fully confident that, with

the ability to pursue my education at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, I

will not only be able to fulfill my dream, but to contribute substantially to

the university as well.

Yours sincerely,

