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entering the meridian gate, there are five marble bridges on the innergolden water river, shaped like a bow. the five marble bridges just look likefive arrows reporting symbolically to heaven. the five bridges were supposed torepresent the five virtues preached by confucius-benevolence, righteousness,rite, intelligence and fidelity.

across the inner golden water bridge, we get to the gate of supremeharmony. during the ming and early qing dynasties, here was the place where theemperor gave his audience, accepted documents from his ministers and madedecisions here. there are two bronze lions guarding in front of the gate ofsupreme harmony. the male lion was usually put on the left, playing with anembroidered design ball, which is said to show the emperor's supreme power. theother one on the right is the female lion, playing with a lion cub with its leftpaw symbolizing prosperity of the royal family's offsprings.

across the gate of supreme harmony , we come to the hall of supremeharmony. here the emperor held grand ceremonies such as the emperor'senthronement ceremony, the wedding ceremony, dispatched generals to the battles,and the emperor received the successful candidates of the imperial examinationetc. also, the emperor held grand feasts each year on new year's day, wintersolstice and his own birthday.

the hall of supreme harmony is 35.5 meters high with double layered roofthat represents the highest construction rank of all. now, let's ascend thestairs and move on to look at articles in display on two sides of the hall. onthe top layer of the terrace stands a sundial on the east an imperial grainmeasure on the west. the sundial is an ancient time measure or a time-measuringapparatus used in the old days. the sundial tells the time by seeing the shadowof the metal pin on the sundial, which has an inclination angle of 50 degreeswith the graduation on it. the grain measure was used as the national standardmeasure in agriculture in the old days. both the grain measure and the sundialwere symbols of the emperor's justice and rectitude.

there are two pairs of incense burners in the shape of bronze dragon-headedtortoises and bronze cranes placed on each side. they are both symbols oflongevity.

when you look up the building in the forbidden city, you can see mythicalanimal statues on the eaves of each building. originally, there used to be bigwooden nails on the roof to prevent the tiles from sliding down. later they werereplaced by glazed tiles, which were shaped into mythical animal statues forbetter beautification. they are symbols of auspiciousness and peace, and peoplebelieved that they are capable of subduing fire and warding off evilspirits.

inside of the hall of supreme harmony, you can see the gilded caissonceiling high above the throne with a magnificent sculpture of a curling dragonplaying with a huge pear was called “xuanyuan jing”, representing orthodoxsuccession.

this hall is supported by 72 giant columns inside. in the old days, thetraditional way of the chinese to calculate a “room” is that: a square enclosedby four pillars was treated as one “room”, so the hall can be said to have 55“rooms” in total. the six columns inside are gilded and painted with coileddragon amidst clouds, and the rest are painted red.

the emperor's throne is placed on the dais in the center, and carved incloud and dragon patterns and gilded. on both sides of the throne are a pair ofelephant-shaped incense burners symbolize universal peace and two incenseburners shaped as a mythical animal 9,000 kilometers per day and speaking allthe languages of nearby kingdoms. around the throne stand a pair of bronzecranes and in front of the dais is four cloisonné incense burners. the floor onthe ground is paved with “gold bricks”, specially made in suzhou.

the hall of middle harmony is a square-shaped hall with a single pyramidicroof standing behind the hall of supreme harmony. this was the place where theemperor would take a short rest before he went to the hall of supreme harmonyfor grand ceremonies. every year before the emperor went to the altars andtemples, the emperor would receive and read the sacrificial address here.

before the emperor went to the altar of agriculture for offering thesacrifice, the seeds intended for spring sowing and the ploughs were examinedhere, just to show the concern of the emperor for agriculture.

according to the rule, the imperial genealogy should be revised every tenyears. the ceremony of presenting the genealogy to the emperor for revision andapproval would also be held here.

now, we come to the hall of preserving harmony, the last of the three fronthalls.

in the ming and qing dynasties, on each new year's eve and the 15th day ofthe lunar moth, banquets would be held to entertain the civil and militaryofficials and the princes and envoys of the mongolian nobles and othernationalities. to celebrate the princess's marriage, the emperor would incitethe bridegroom and his father as well as their relatives who served for theimperial government to a banquet.

the imperial palace exam was held here once every three years in the qingdynasty.

just behind the hall of preserving harmony, there is a big marblerampcarved with mountain cliffs, sea waves, clouds and nine dragons. it is 16.57meters long, 3.07 meters wide and 1.7 meters thick, and weighs about 250tons.




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Each friend: hello!

Welcome the wulingyuan sightseeing, glad to guide for you, you will visit the place where is one of the center of wulingyuan scenic spot, is known as the "king of the hoodoo" son of heaven mountain nature reserve.

The world natural heritage wulingyuan scenic area including the zhangjiajie national forest park, SuoXiYu nature reserve and the son of heaven mountain nature reserve of the three scenic spots. Tianzi mountain scenic area is located in the northeast of the wulingyuan, south to zhangjiajie forest park, west and Yang Gujie scenic spot and the hometown of marshal he long sangzhi county, adjacent to the southeast and SuoXiYu scenic spot. Here originally is an organic whole repeatedly with huangshi village such as mountain peaks, collectively propylite mountain. Tujia people in the song dynasty, a hero to the big of dissatisfaction with the feudal imperial grip, led hundreds of thousands of bi nazca (tujia uprising, huge, shock in one's hand. The court sent army incursion, after decades of fighting, the final heavily outnumbered by the pap, combined with the rebels informers have led to the army, the uprising ended in failure. Kind of tujia people in order to miss the brave hero, the name of the mountain is called "son of heaven mountain".

Tianzi mountain from the SuoXiYu swim two way: a "li gallery" walk, by the "pagoda peak" to "wolong mountain", after watching the "west sea stone forest" reach "son of heaven pavilion" the top of the mountain. Another is a son of heaven mountain cableway.

Tianzi mountain scenery, pleasant climate, lifted up his eyes looked, qianshanmohe panoramic view. The entire scenic area by the house of stone eaves, tea tray tower, such as habitat house field, phoenix mountain, yellow dragon spring five an, covers an area of 67 square kilometers, tianzi peak 1262 meters above sea level, sea scenic spot has a flat swim total 16 km walk. Below please foot roaming, feel the "expansion of bonsai, miniature wonderland", enjoy the endless charm of the king of the "hoodoo".

We now come to shen tang wan. Shen tang wan is the most mysterious place wulingyuan scenic area. Generation rate of xiang when defeat has dozens of riding a retreat at this point, the thought of countless soldiers blood fought and his many years of wasted effort, brute, who jumped off the unfathomable cliff, men followed behind him jump down... A vigorous peasant uprising failed of tujia people. Many years later, a storm day, few people passing through, but hear the voice of people coming from a cliff shout neigh, as well as a variety of weapons to touch. This situation also happen in after several years, it is said that this is xiang refuses to accept after defeat, to continue to practice military forces in the valley, in an effort to make a comeback. Listen to the local villagers, shen tang wan consists of rock block level 9, someone wanted to into the adventure, but only down to 40 to 50 zhangs deep level 4, dark, evil wind howling, also with all kinds of the shrill cry, creepy, soul fly up. Portion of the liberation army in 1968 as the ganoderma lucidum and other precious medicinal materials, take the gun, using ropes and tools, only next to six pier dare not bottom go to, because looked down from the 6th pier, or eerie, bottomless, looked down through a telescope, can also see huge python and all kinds of wild animals. "Shen tang wan" since then become into a mysterious world.

From "shen tang wan" back for about 500 meters, is the famous "about", according to legend xiang was practice, step, water forces, here will be on the stage, to call the shots, that is how to size! Please look at the foot of stone mountain in the past, rough looking is desultorily, scrutinize is orderly, they eaves, spirit, terrible spectacle, neat and serious, is not like the war officers? It is reminiscent of the famous song dynasty poet su shi "topic Westwood temple wall" = "cross the truth. which, near and far different, not the truth, the good luck body is in the mountain."

Is in front of the he long park, built in stone eaves on the east side of cloud propylite, set up in 1985, 1986 completion ceremony. He long park is the only one in the wulingyuan humanities landscape, covering an area of about 3 hectares. Commanding here, see, look around the square, the scene. Park YuanMing successively by hu yaobang, jiang zemin inscribed, park has hu yaobang, peng zhen, Liao Hansheng inscription. Into the park, the first hit, people see is he long statue, it is 6.5 meters high, including horse weighing more than 9 tons, is the largest in China over the past century's great men of a bronze statue, it is by the famous professor of guangzhou academy of fine arts, the famous sculptor Pan He design, guangdong foshan institute of ductile iron casting by the installation. The statue like a towering of wuling mountain.

Not far behind the statue, is "cloud propylite" observation deck, from here you can see the "west sea stone forest". Is a veritable mountain of sea, west sea thousands of peaks were surging as show in the fundus, rows, towering spectacular. Can according to different seasons and weather and enjoy the son of heaven mountain "four wonders" - the stone forest, sunrise, cloud organ, and winter snow.

Marshal looked he long, continue to visit the son of heaven mountain stone forest wonders. Please see the not far away, a row of beautiful delicate stone mountain, coarse fine, such as pens, and make such as cutting, jagged. It was one of wulingyuan "greatness" top ten "YuBi peak", according to legend xiang after defeat, had burned all the manuscripts, when he saw this several YuBi, think that use them to read documents and command hordes, now a slip between the cup and the lip! How does it face to face their home crowds, and indignation to several YuBi fall in the valley. However, pen reiki, be born ChengFeng, formed a "YuBi peak". If the hongxia, when the sky YuBi yi yi is unripe brightness, still remain some red ink pen. In 1994, the state issued by the ministry of posts and telecommunications "wulingyuan" stamps and first day cover, was published in 1999, "zhangjiajie international forest protection day" and "zhangjiajie through tianmen international flight grand prix" commemorative cover, 2000 issue of the "memory of general secretary jiang zemin to mark the fifth anniversary of zhangjiajie inscription" commemorative cover and wulingyuan tickets design, pen peak "in the background.

Friends, then please to "YuBi peak" across from the observation deck, to enjoy the beauty of the soul "" a bunch of flowers. Please pay attention to the central across the mountains, in the hazy mist has the beautiful image of a beautiful woman in the cloud and mist graceful. Her head hair don't, embrace spring flowers, such as the full moon, his mouth smiling, are lovingly flowers scattered on the earth, so called "love" a bunch of flowers. Legend has it that she is the jade emperor's daughter, due to the attachment of human landscape, spirited away tiangong basket to himself, walked away flowers, it is said that this starts from the odd coloured different grass is her to stay. Because the fairy to descent, angered the jade emperor, the jade emperor in a rage will fall down all her life, so she became the flora here, guarded day and night this beautiful pure land!

Tianzi mountain scenery is charming, here folkway is simple, there is not, to tell the story of don't finish, no wonder people evaluate the tianzi mountain for "who knows right face, back to watch the world mountain". Let son of heaven mountain scenery for everyone is beautiful memories forever, hope you come again next time tianzi mountain tourism.




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Now we drove to tianzi mountain nature reserve. Son of heaven mountain, 1262.5 meters above sea level, because the local leader of the tujia nationality to big he is army named as "xiang". Tianzi mountain for terraced landscape, middle high, low, around and vision, the perspective line length, distinct, imposing manner and firm. Tianzi mountain view, different from the feeling of huangshi village, huangshi. Huangshi village, are you with the highest sitting, with the highest level; Huangshi, you are "people" in the drawing look on both sides of the towering Yu Xi peaks; And the son of heaven mountain, overlooking the whole world, you will give birth to "the mountain without me first mountain" of infinite ambition. The son of heaven mountain four wonders: also, sea of clouds, sunrise and winter snow. Elegantly spectacular and unique charming sights, believe that will let you view and flow and pleasant.

Here is the Yuan Gujie (pine nut bar). In front of the terrace is the pine nuts hillock, legends that year xiang built right, the original site is here. Then I choose in the water around the four door, so here is the second old xiang.

(vertigo) "vertigo" take the scenery here is absolute, is distracted fan chi soul seize the spirit of god. Standing on the stone bench, huangshi village and village into a half arc of landscape painting; Huangshi knife and sand ditch loom; At the foot of the valley, clouds, between clusters of one sheet of cloud mist, diffuse into the grand river, sometimes show a number of peak green "river" strange picture. At this time, will naturally think of the ancients sentence: "day curtain scholar is where? Those river makes people sad." Sad is the soul lost in the mountains, between different water can't find the way home.

(world a bridge) that is "day of the first bridge". You see, the two peaks is a long corridor together, form a natural little tunnel, puffing away at ordinary times, a splendor of Japan. Bridge deck, about two meters wide, more than 20 meters long and absolute height of 357 meters. Pines forceful on the bridge, the bridge hanging old vine, deep under the bridge. Walking on the bridge, I saw the fog transpiration, the pines roar, stone bridge as if also bouncing, shook to shake, alarmingly. Here is the zhangjiajie landscape sculpture, is a marvel of nature.

Huangshi village has a front garden (garden), there's a back garden, the legend is xiang limping place for leisure. The garden gate, show round double arch, as it was in the full moon type garden gate. Combined with dozens of stone mountain, compact, adorn in the jungle; Birds singing, water gurgling, with a large house garden YunWeiEr almost in ancient times. In a costume play, a lot of homeland are written with and scholar in the back garden tryst, private book the story of a lifetime. I wonder whether there are any comedown scholar among us, might as well sign up to try my luck back garden?

(birds of paradise) everybody to look ahead, the stream is knife gap, one of the "bird paradise" scenic spots, every winter, ice and snow outside, cold attacks, there is grass green, the flowers plants and birds around here, have gathered in succession until after the spring of next year, scattered clouds. During this period, I became a bird communication carnival grand festival. It is said that they are not regularly held regularly "garments festival", "model", and a variety of singing, genre "singer grand prix"? Winter tour zhangjiajie, suggest you go to "paradise" birds and birds!

General (rock) see, that is the general rock! Folklore is the embodiment of xiang. You see him in a shining, belly, back of hand, and the spirits, the charm, just like a command hordes of general. Mo should feng poetry writing late famous writer shout: "loneliness of ages deep and remote mountains, characterized by nature artists, in the mountains right along with the cloud, the Stone Age of the general partner to leave." Vicissitudes of life have no language, style, fresh is general presence of heaven and earth!



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Called "yunmeng ze", as the second largest fresh water lake in China. Across offices, two provinces, it is the Yangtze river in the north, the south of hunan, and yuan, Feng four water, so-called "dongting lake" in eight hundred. The meaning of the dongting lake is the celestial abode of fairies and immortals, its scenery is beautiful and attractive. Dongting lake vast circuitous, mountains, its biggest characteristic is outside the lake lake, the lake there are mountains, fishing sail, LuYeQing green, yt, gulls heron safer. The spring and autumn period and the view of four different, change a lot in the same day. The ancients described the "xiaoxiang eight sights" in the moon "dongting", "pu GuiFan far", "pingsha fall wild goose", "fishing village afterglow", "jiang mu snow", etc., are now the portrayal of east dongting lake.

All previous dynasties scholars have a passion for the beauty of the dongting lake in the echo. Northern song dynasty famous statesman, strategist and writer fan zhongyan "the yueyang tower", from the Angle of yueyang tower (down) on the beautiful scenery of the dongting lake change multiterminal, have to do to free, popular. The magnificence of dongting lake, dongting lake magnificent of soft moonlight. Even when the weather getting heavy chardonnay, also give a person the sense of chic, its secret, evoke kid around ska. The dongting lake, white with deserves to be "world monohydrate. To find the scenery pleasing to both the lake, and fun.

Dongting lake is a famous land of fish and rice, its product is extremely rich. A specialty of the lake are mussels, eel, dongting crab, rich fish and other precious tree, and junshan island famous tea, bamboo, phyllostachys aurea, chimonobambusa qundrangularis, solid purple bamboo, mottled bamboo, bamboo and other bamboo products, is also very wide range.




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Hunan assembly product resources and rich. The city has 660000 mu of farmland, and is the commodity grain and lean pig production base, ranks the pig grain production counties (cities). Mineral deposits more than 30, "chess catalpa limestone", natural mineral water containing zinc, dolomite, silica, gypsum, talc, iron, manganese, etc. High quality and more. Formed by building materials (cement), leather, environmental protection equipment, wine, beer, liquor), cast pipe, electronic six pillar industries.

Hunan assembly convenient transportation, communications. Multiple electricity xiangqian trunk railway and is building on highway crosses the thing. Wear and the city, 320 state road, LouXiang highway. The total mileage of 3200 kilometers. , mobile phone has more than 50000 door opened more than 4000 households, the Internet accounts for nearly 200 households, famous water conservancy project built in the 60 s of shaoshan irrigation system throughout the whole city 63 kilometers. Hunan assembly has a long history, talents and heroes, build county has been 2000 years since the han dynasty. The three phase jiang wan shu xiang chief zeng guofan, our star Huang Gonglve, Chen Geng, Tan Zheng, proletarian revolutionist zhuo-ran li, international poet xiao, children's literature writer takes are born here. Generation great man MAO zedong and CAI he-sen bases his party's early leaders, a group of revolutionary martyr in dongshan school.

Since the founding of new China, hunan assembly economic construction and social development made great achievements. Present value of GDP reached 4.7 billion yuan in 1998. Industry has formed by metallurgy, building materials, food, electrical and mechanical, chemical, leather as the main body of the modern industry, has more than 5000 enterprises, more than 4000 kinds of products, output value of 5.3 billion yuan. The central and provincial, to belong to enterprise have ShaoFeng cement group co., LTD., hunan assembly aluminum plant, ferroalloy plant in hunan, hunan assembly plant.



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Five jianshan national forest park is located in the xiangbei portal 1 kilometers southwest of linxiang city city, 35 kilometers from yueyang city, and only 2 hours drive from wuhan, changsha, 107 state road, beijing-zhuhai expressway, beijing-guangzhou railway, high-speed wuhan-guangzhou passenger dedicated line and the mountain. Is the back garden of the two big wuhan, changsha urban agglomeration and the radiative zone of the Yangtze river delta, the pearl river delta tourism market.

Park is composed of five peaks, so named five jianshan, with a total area of 2879.89 hectares, the highest elevation of 588.1 meters, the forest coverage rate of 98.2%, is located in the subtropical north subtropical transition zone, as the Yangtze river, dongting and urban green lung, is very rich in forest resources, is the north and south of plants and animals gene pool, is a "green, leisure, culture" as the theme of the forest park. Park in history, the humanities, the natural landscape, more than 100. There are qu yuan lived "xianggong" blunt and step into a ying mountain, the three RuJiang tracing the cause plan about the battle of red cliff, emperor qianlong to board the best step ladder, and indifferent to the museum, the museum of the forest of steles, the I ching health park, city of a batch of cultural attractions, etc. Natural landscape can be seen everywhere, among them, the peach blossom brook, hope of rare arboretum, wood is home to the original forest especially representative.

Exploration into the original forest, for the world's largest museum of the forest of steles, appreciation, indifferent to the museum of flood disaster, blessing to the china-south Africa's largest open-air guanyin, to I ching garden keeping in good health, to the city for the child... This is your life not to be missed. Don't need to hike, weekend, let me have a mood!



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ladies and gentlemen , welcome to Fenghuang, the place where were arriving is one of the two most beautiful town in China----the old town of fenghuang, its a very important point that connects huaihua hunan and tongren guizhou together.and its the hometown of mr shengcongwen.

fenghuang has wonderful natural landscapes,its very hot for travelling since the old time. even a lot of teleplays were produced here.fenghuang is also a dradle for famous people ,shencongwen and xiongxiling are both spent their childhood here.now, lets set out to enjoy these fantastic good views.


This is the former residence of shencongwen,a very famous auther, archaeologist and historian in china.

lined in the zhongying street in the south part of the fenghuang old town, the residence is a typical spacious ancient countryard with special tectonic style of ming and qing dynasty. walk into the yard, you can find that there is a small patio in the center of the countryard. which is built with red rock. around the patio , there are about 10 rooms which are small but decorated by special carved wooden windows .its so beautiful.

common people,and know their tragic lives. this special experience stunned up his enthusiasm of writhing . so in 1919, mr shen went to beijing alone, and began his hard writing . after his series of works WEST OF HUNAN FRINGE TOWN were punished, mr shen became nation -wide well -known.at that time, he was even as famous as luxun, another famous auther in chiese literature area. its said that shencongwen is the one who is the most possible to win the prize.

mr shen devoted all his life to writing,his 5-million word works are though as the precious legacy to the world literature.meanwhile, these works are also very veluable date for researching the history of hunan province and even china.

凤凰古城国家历史文化名城,曾被新西兰著名作家路易艾黎称赞为中国最美丽的小城。这里与吉首的德夯苗寨,永顺的猛洞河,贵州的梵净山相毗邻,是怀化、吉首、贵州铜仁三地之间的必经之路。 209国道和湘黔省道从县境穿叉过,铜仁大兴机场距县城仅27公里, 交通实为便利。




1986年,一群扛着古怪仪器的人来到了这里,一番折腾之后竟然成就了第七界中国电影金鸡奖的传世佳作芙蓉镇。姜文饰演的右派分子秦书田和刘晓庆饰演的豆腐西施胡玉英在 四清五反的运动中不顾环境的艰辛,依然决定将爱情进行到底,在当时感动了多少性情中人啊,这部影片也成了大导演谢晋的扛鼎之作。导演走了,米豆腐的香味却留了下来,昔日胡玉英的113号豆腐店生意还是那么火爆,电影看过了,芙蓉镇的名字也随之留了下来,现在很多人只知道有芙蓉镇,而不知王村在何处。


影后的豆腐我们也吃了,芙蓉镇的美艳也见识过了,过了身后不远的芙蓉镇大桥我们就到了湘西的金凤凰宋祖英的家乡了,同时也是著名歌唱家何继光的家乡。 2003年,宋祖英在世界的音乐殿堂维也纳金色大厅进行了首个华人演唱会,吸引了全世界的眼光。婉转动听的山歌让人如痴如醉;全身上下光芒四射的苗家盛装更是人人叹为观止。苗家人为什么那么喜欢唱歌和苗家人为什么那么崇拜银饰就成了耐人寻味的问题。












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The Exhibition of Inscribed Bamboo Tablets of Wu Kingdom of the Three Kingdoms at Changsha Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to Changsha museum. Well be here to visit “The Exhibition of Inscribed Bamboo Tablets of Wu



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AI Wan pavilion was first built in 1792, the 57th year of Qianlong reign of Qing Dynasty. It was founded by Luo Dian, the head of Yuelu Academy, a scholar and educator at that time. In the past, Fenglin was all over Qingfeng gorge, so Luodian named the pavilion "Hongye Pavilion", also known as "Aifeng Pavilion". Later, the governor of Huguang, Bi Yuan, felt that the scenery there was very suitable for Du Mu's poem "a trip to the mountains" of the Tang Dynasty, so he renamed it "Ai Wan Ting".

Far up the cold mountain, the stone path is inclined, and there are people in the depths of the white clouds;Park and sit in maple forest at night, frost leaves are red in February flowers.

Indeed, in late autumn, the top of Yuelu Mountain is shrouded in clouds and mist, and the maple trees around aiwan pavilion are as red as fire and gorgeous as blazing, which vividly expresses the artistic conception of the poem.

At this moment, I can see the panorama of aiwan Pavilion. It sits in the West and faces east, surrounded by towering green mountains and jagged rocks. It is surrounded by streams on the left and right, with mountains, trees, streams and stones flowing.

Aiwan Pavilion is a typical Chinese classical pavilion with a sharp top. It has two sets of roofs; it is called "double eaves", which is vigorous; its roof adopts four inclined ridges, which is called "four drapes", which shows the beauty of being steady and dignified; the sharp roof makes the pavilion have a kind of centripetal cohesion. All of these are the embodiment of Confucianism in ancient architecture, such as emphasizing "reason", "standing on one's own", emphasizing "golden mean" and "great unification" in Chinese traditional culture. At the same time, the eaves angle of the pavilion is concave curve upward, which makes the original heavy and sinking pavilion have a lively and elegant feeling. Together with Danzhu Biwa, Baiyu guardrail and painted caisson, the ancient beauty of this century old Pavilion is fully displayed.

Aiwan Pavilion is not only a place of historic interest, but also a holy land of revolution. In his youth, when he was studying and working in Hunan No.1 Normal University, Comrade Mao often went to aiwanting together with Cai Hesen, Luo xuezan, Zhang kundi and other close friends to "point out rivers and mountains, encourage writing", sometimes even all night. Old man Zhou Shizhao, a member of Xinmin society at that time, recalled this period of time. He wrote a poem "walking on Shakespeare in autumn, visiting the love Pavilion in the evening"

Bijian sound Qin, red forest for painting, a mountain autumn more natural and unrestrained. In order to find the past, I went to fangting to pick up yingfengyi school.

When you are in the mountains, you are worried about the world. You can count on the hurdles and spend the night. We should write the history from the beginning.

Because of this, when the pavilion was rebuilt in 1952, Li Da, then president of Hunan University, asked Chairman Mao to inscribe the pavilion. Chairman Mao happily wrote down the three characters "Ai Wan Ting", which is the plaque on the lintel of the pavilion.

At the moment, you can see a couplet on the pavilion column: "the mountain path is red and comfortable at night, and five hundred young peaches are new; the gorge clouds are deep and green, and a pair of tamed cranes are waiting to be caged." This is the title of Luo Dian, the builder of AI Wan Pavilion. It shows the style of AI Wan Pavilion at that time.



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shanghai, located at the outlet of the yangtze river into the sea in eastchina, is a metropolis, the largest economic center and one of the four citiesunder the direct jurisdiction of the central government in area ofshanghai totals 6,340 square kilometers. shanghai has a permanent population ofmore than 13.50 million while it sees a large moving population of over 2.5million daily.

historically speaking, shanghai is not only a city of a long history andculture but also a heroic city with a glorious tradition in chineserevolution.

when the western great powers broke through the closed gate of china withtheir gunboats during the opium war shanghai was forced open by the colonialistsas one of the five trading ports. with concessions carved out in shanghai thearea was reduced to be a “pandemonium of adventurers.” shanghai is also a heroiccity with a glorious tradition in chinese revolution. first of all ,it is thebirthplace of the communist party of china. to fight for the nationalindependence and liberation the people of shanghai waged a series of such epicstruggles as anti-british struggle at the wusong estuary, uprising of the smallsword society, “may 4 movement”for new culture, “may 30th movement,” three timesof armed struggles, “january 28”and “august 13”anti-japanese battles insongjiang and shanghai. and after the war of resistance against japan was overthe people in shanghai again devoted themselves to the struggles of opposingautocratic rule and civil war while fighting for democracy and freedom, forminga second battle-line in opposition to the rule of the kuomintangreactionaries.

with the dying down of rumbling guns in battles for the liberation ofshanghai the city returned to the arms of the people on may 27,1949,and the nextday saw the people’s government of shanghai proclaimed to be set up ,may 28,1949being defined as the very “day of liberation for shanghai.”

shanghai is an economic city of great importance for china. especially thedevelopment and opening of pudong has pushed shanghai to the strategic forefrontof reform and opening up to the outside world.

shanghai is not only a metropolis renowned in the world but also a greattourist attraction in china. on the one hand it is known to the world with itsunique urban-attractions, rich and varied humane and cultural resources ,as from1982 onwards, the overseas tourist hosted in shanghai has witnessed a number ofover one million every year while the domestic tourists have seen a yearlyaverage of more than tens of millions. in future, shanghai is going to be a cityfeatureing sightseeing tours as a trend in the development of tourism.

with great efforts made shanghai is going to place itself as early aspossible among the world famous economic and trade centers, thereby bringing upthe new economic boom in the yangtze river delta and even the whole area alongthe mighty river. at present, the rudimentary shape of splendid blueprint hascome into being, and it is confident that a new shanghai enjoying a bluer sky ,clearer water, greener land and more sociable people in a more improved andharmonious society will come to appear on the western shore of the pacific oceanin not too long a future..

jinmao tower building:there is a gigantic majestic high-rise tower like abamboo shoot in spring pure pillar, yataghan and magic pen beside huangpu riverand at the seashore of east sea, it is jinmao tower which is 420.5 meters inheight and is called “the first building in china” with a surprisingly beautifulappearance .jinmao tower has come into being and become a monumental work in thearchitecture industry of china and a symbol of shanghai.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1682 字

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changsha is a beautiful place, there are beautiful as pavilion, love late pavilion. at night, lights, like the stars in the sky, twinkle.

changsha charactizing a fine spring, spring breeze blow gently. sunshine in march, the flower is gorgeous. the flower azalea is indescribable.

summer, known as the "four big stove" one of changsha is hot. cicada hot straight called "cicadas, cicada," dog hot tongue, floppy chicken wings. no matter how the weather during the day, children come out to play, so they had a hot, can't help but to the sun.

autumn, the leaves fall, the fruit is ripe, the farmer uncle smile red in the face. the wild goose south, ants and squirrels have in preparation for winter food.

winter, heavy snow, the children can be happy, because you can snowball fights, make a snowman! leaves a also have no, many small animals also for the winter. the children are in the warm home looking at the beautiful snow...

changsha year the four seasons scenery attractive, no matter day or night, she is always a kind face.

changsha snack is to let a person dazzling, stinky tofu, bean jelly, roast sweet potato, onion cakes, taste shrimp, sucking screw... is numerous, even the saliva all can't help flow down.

changsha tourist resort also has a lot of, such as: taiping street, small simon, as pavilion, baisha ancient, yuelu academy, and so on some places of interest. but they speak well "nobody's perfect, gold without gather" changsha ointment is loop mirror is not good, can see garbage everywhere, air is polluted by a lot.

changsha is our common home, when i grow up must see her construction better, become a more attractive city.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2270 字

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Hello, I'm Peng Yi, your guide. Welcome to Yuelu Mountain, the scenic spot of Changsha.

Yuelu Mountain is located in the West Bank of Xiangjiang River in Changsha City, with a total area of 1 It covers an area of 36 square kilometers. It is a part of Hengshan Mountain, one of the five mountains. There are 72 peaks in Nanyue Mountain, headed by Huiyan peak in Hengyang City, Hunan Province. It is said that the North geese come from the south. From autumn to spring, they no longer fly south over this peak. They just spend the cold winter in this warm place like spring. They wait until spring comes and then go north, so they are called Huiyan peak. Wang Bo, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem in preface to Tengwang Pavilion: "the wild geese are frightened by the cold, and the sound breaks the Hengyang river.". As we all know, Hengyang City is known as "Yancheng". This is how it got its name. The word "Lu" of Yuelu mountain means "at the foot of the mountain" in the ancient Chinese. Yuelu Mountain is named because it is the last of the 72 peaks in Nanyue.

Yuelu Mountain is not high in the sea. The highest peak is only 300 meters, but it is very famous. The main reason is that at the foot of the mountain there is one of the four famous pavilions in China, aiwan Pavilion. Aiwanting, formerly known as "hongyeting", is also known as "aifengting", which is named after the famous poet Du Mu of the Tang Dynasty who said, "stop and sit in the maple forest at night, frost leaves are more red than February flowers". Mao , a great man of a generation, also had a long history with AI Wan Ting: as early as 1913 to 1921, when he was in the First Normal University of Hunan Province, Mao often talked with his teachers, friends, elders and revolutionary comrades at the side of AI Wan Ting at the foot of Yuelu Mountain to point out the country, encourage the writing and freely talk about the revolutionary ideal. After the founding of the people's Republic of China, Chairman Mao wrote "Ai Wan Ting" in calligraphy at the invitation of President Li Da of Hunan University in 1952. Now, the plaque on AI Wan Ting is Chairman Mao's handwriting.

Well, have a good time!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3706 字

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Dear visitors, everybody! Beginning from today, let me guide you wonderful three days trip to zhangjiajie.

At the university of zhangjiajie, formerly known as the big, big is big (note: this refers to a literary work, not now of tsinghua university and Peking University.) Agent is the doctrine of the mean agent (note: the doctrine of the mean is also a literary works. All the people here love literature, even the name up so endowed with culture.

Ok, now we are going to rest, I'll go to our first stop - world a floating fierce hole!

To fierce hole river rafting takes two hours, and have to wait a long time, you have the patience?


Good! Then we will go to! "I don't go!" Don't go to what a shame! Here, the mountain green water, beautiful scenery, is there not to cut, you meet me at 5:30!!!!

The next day, 5:00 AM, we get in.

Well, today we are going to a famous huangshi village, as the saying goes: "huangshi village, no limits to the zhangjiajie". Huangshi village is located in the middle of zhangjiajie forest park, is a table mountain plateau, 1092 meters above sea level, is a majestic high observatory kuang, ZhaiDing area of 16. 5 hectares, southwest slightly higher, the northeast slightly lower. Is around the cliffs, green trees, out of many air observation deck. Rainy weather, village surrounded by mist diffuses, feng huddle together, the sunrise in the morning, the mist amount, peaks or bright or dark, changeable magic, in the stillness of the night, the vast sky, the peak of quietly elegant, deep background ethereal; Winter ice and snow, icicles hanging mountains and under the pile of cloud build by laying bricks or stones jade, along the village of circular, peaks are based, near and far all wonders, panoramic view, so there: "huangshi village, no limits to the zhangjiajie"!

Well, you go!

Evening dinner time, everybody had a meal after their activity, and 5:30 tomorrow morning set.

At 5:30 in the morning on the third day: today is the last day, we will go to the son of heaven mountain, you get on the bus, go!

Son of heaven mountain scenic spot in zhangjiajie, SuoXi valley landscape dependencies, arm neighbors, covers an area of sixty-five square kilometers, the main peak 1256 meters above sea level. Looked up and looked from here, wuling mountains panoramic view. Mount tianzi mountain is known as "xiuse world, master knew" the natural scenery of virgin soil, it has a bridge, two tianchi, three ancient temple, four doors, fly like five, six abode of fairies and immortals, seven scenic spot, eighty-four natural observation deck. It sets, deep and remote, wild, danger and as a whole, especially in the stone forest, sea of clouds, chardonnay day, snow for the spectacle.

Good, visitors to have a rest, later we went to the son of heaven mountain, the son of heaven mountain to follow me!

Good, to the son of heaven mountain, we will take the ropeway walk from the left, to walk away from the right.

You see, the pieces of stone forest, differences, or halberd sen set such as knives and swords day, or as hordes pentium. Pervades under the cloud and mist, unpredictable, sometimes chung if rolling waves, sometimes floating if plumes. Sunglow it glittering like a painting, in the moonlight it blurred like a landscape painting; Tianzi mountain in winter is the world of silver... Truly was the only one like the son of heaven mountain! And meditation room bay, YuBi peak, the fairy scattering flowers, about many of the city, covered with mysterious veil, telling the story moving, attracting people to secluded spot exploration.

Everyone in the happy? Zhangjiajie beautiful not beautiful, not strange...
