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entering the meridian gate, there are five marble bridges on the innergolden water river, shaped like a bow. the five marble bridges just look likefive arrows reporting symbolically to heaven. the five bridges were supposed torepresent the five virtues preached by confucius-benevolence, righteousness,rite, intelligence and fidelity.

across the inner golden water bridge, we get to the gate of supremeharmony. during the ming and early qing dynasties, here was the place where theemperor gave his audience, accepted documents from his ministers and madedecisions here. there are two bronze lions guarding in front of the gate ofsupreme harmony. the male lion was usually put on the left, playing with anembroidered design ball, which is said to show the emperor's supreme power. theother one on the right is the female lion, playing with a lion cub with its leftpaw symbolizing prosperity of the royal family's offsprings.

across the gate of supreme harmony , we come to the hall of supremeharmony. here the emperor held grand ceremonies such as the emperor'senthronement ceremony, the wedding ceremony, dispatched generals to the battles,and the emperor received the successful candidates of the imperial examinationetc. also, the emperor held grand feasts each year on new year's day, wintersolstice and his own birthday.

the hall of supreme harmony is 35.5 meters high with double layered roofthat represents the highest construction rank of all. now, let's ascend thestairs and move on to look at articles in display on two sides of the hall. onthe top layer of the terrace stands a sundial on the east an imperial grainmeasure on the west. the sundial is an ancient time measure or a time-measuringapparatus used in the old days. the sundial tells the time by seeing the shadowof the metal pin on the sundial, which has an inclination angle of 50 degreeswith the graduation on it. the grain measure was used as the national standardmeasure in agriculture in the old days. both the grain measure and the sundialwere symbols of the emperor's justice and rectitude.

there are two pairs of incense burners in the shape of bronze dragon-headedtortoises and bronze cranes placed on each side. they are both symbols oflongevity.

when you look up the building in the forbidden city, you can see mythicalanimal statues on the eaves of each building. originally, there used to be bigwooden nails on the roof to prevent the tiles from sliding down. later they werereplaced by glazed tiles, which were shaped into mythical animal statues forbetter beautification. they are symbols of auspiciousness and peace, and peoplebelieved that they are capable of subduing fire and warding off evilspirits.

inside of the hall of supreme harmony, you can see the gilded caissonceiling high above the throne with a magnificent sculpture of a curling dragonplaying with a huge pear was called “xuanyuan jing”, representing orthodoxsuccession.

this hall is supported by 72 giant columns inside. in the old days, thetraditional way of the chinese to calculate a “room” is that: a square enclosedby four pillars was treated as one “room”, so the hall can be said to have 55“rooms” in total. the six columns inside are gilded and painted with coileddragon amidst clouds, and the rest are painted red.

the emperor's throne is placed on the dais in the center, and carved incloud and dragon patterns and gilded. on both sides of the throne are a pair ofelephant-shaped incense burners symbolize universal peace and two incenseburners shaped as a mythical animal 9,000 kilometers per day and speaking allthe languages of nearby kingdoms. around the throne stand a pair of bronzecranes and in front of the dais is four cloisonné incense burners. the floor onthe ground is paved with “gold bricks”, specially made in suzhou.

the hall of middle harmony is a square-shaped hall with a single pyramidicroof standing behind the hall of supreme harmony. this was the place where theemperor would take a short rest before he went to the hall of supreme harmonyfor grand ceremonies. every year before the emperor went to the altars andtemples, the emperor would receive and read the sacrificial address here.

before the emperor went to the altar of agriculture for offering thesacrifice, the seeds intended for spring sowing and the ploughs were examinedhere, just to show the concern of the emperor for agriculture.

according to the rule, the imperial genealogy should be revised every tenyears. the ceremony of presenting the genealogy to the emperor for revision andapproval would also be held here.

now, we come to the hall of preserving harmony, the last of the three fronthalls.

in the ming and qing dynasties, on each new year's eve and the 15th day ofthe lunar moth, banquets would be held to entertain the civil and militaryofficials and the princes and envoys of the mongolian nobles and othernationalities. to celebrate the princess's marriage, the emperor would incitethe bridegroom and his father as well as their relatives who served for theimperial government to a banquet.

the imperial palace exam was held here once every three years in the qingdynasty.

just behind the hall of preserving harmony, there is a big marblerampcarved with mountain cliffs, sea waves, clouds and nine dragons. it is 16.57meters long, 3.07 meters wide and 1.7 meters thick, and weighs about 250tons.




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Hello and welcome to the north sea park visit tour. You must have heard of "let us once more sculls again" the popular song! Song is people went boating on the north sea.

Beihai park was built in the liao dynasty, dating back nearly one thousand years of history, is existing in our country the most glorious, preserves one of most complete imperial garden, is the art of Chinese historical gardens masterpiece. Beihai park covers an area of 69 hectares, of which there are 39 hectares of water surface, is mainly composed of jade island, east and north shore scenic spot. Its scenery is both momentum and graceful and restrained.

Beihai park is the most famous is the white pagoda. White tower is located in the center of the jade island, was built in the qing shunzhi eight years (in 1651), is the most significant building beihai park. It is a Tibetan lama tower, 35.9 meters high, from Kentucky, tower, treasure of three parts, it is the relics, lama scripture, and the mantle, with the "wave"). You see, in the set off of blue sky, towering pagoda is particularly dignified and beautiful, is the symbol of beihai park.

Beihai park there is a famous poem, it is to use yellow, purple, white, blue, red, green, and blue seven colour of masonry, a total of 635 dragon. China is now only three nine dragon screen, only the north sea is the double dragon, is one of the most beautiful one of the three nine dragon screen.

Numerous beihai park landscape, I said, let us sing at the same time, while walking slowly to visit beihai park! "Let us once more, paddle ship on the small waves, the sea reflects the beauty of the white tower, surrounded by green trees and red walls..."




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Dear visitors, today I'll guide you swim and get a glimpse of the west lake and moving scenery!

Look, is the legendary "broken bridge", not far in front of the legendary xu xian and the white niang son is on the broken bridge for life! Everyone looked ahead from the bridge, can see both coasts. It is said that this is the place where method customs pressure the white niang son. Finally by the villagers will take both coasts of brick, makes the white niang son who escape the clutches of sea.

Our next stop, is the place where Lin biao armed uprising. It has two names, one is 704, built in 1970 in April. Another name is 579, and the armed uprising is harmonics. People usually call it 704. You can now go in and see their works. Of course, the so-called uprising was a failure.

Now, we are standing in a the foot of the mountain. The mountains have a well. Is said to be emperor qianlong came to this mountain, very tired, just use it well after washing a face wash feet, feel refreshed, the well water. From the later, the well is as much a mystery. It is said that after washing with the well bonanza, wedding, good a lot. Interested friends can have a try, can guarantee that you later day across the fire! However, water can not be erased at yo, it is better to let it dry naturally. Otherwise, your finances so will erase!

Today I give everybody introduction here, looking for a walk, please! In addition to your joy, laughter and footprints, what all don't leave! Thank you to the west lake, west lake always welcome you!




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Hi, I'm lee, take you to visit the Terra Cotta Warriors today?

Behind me is a vaulted hall, this is a famous scenic spots and historical sites. What places of interest you guess what it is? It is known as "the eighth wonder of the world" terracotta warriors.

The Terra Cotta Warriors in mount li, lintong county, shaanxi province in China under the north river near the village. Now explore three pit. We have come to is one of the biggest, the Terra Cotta Warriors pit pit no. 1. You can put these down. Oh, you are alone, I'll help you take pictures with the Terra Cotta Warriors in the background. To come. One, two, three eggplant!

Let's visit the qin shihuang's mausoleum. Adults, please take your children. At the same time, also please mind your own hand, do not litter. Move down inside, we see this is the qin shihuang's mausoleum, it is imitation built the palace of the emperor used to live. The qinshihuang in north and south long, the width of a rectangle. The whole cemetery, surrounded with two walls in "back to" glyph. The magical thing about this is it.

We have come to is about the position of the underground. Because buried deep underground, and plus there are crossbow authority, so we can't go to visit. According to "historical records" records, however, the underground to depict the sun, the moon and the stars on the ceiling, and artificial earth, the earth has a mountain, flowers and plants, and rivers. The river is made of mercury, glittering, extremely beautiful.

Everybody, the tour is over. You must be very happy, right? Everyone had so happy, hope you can remember me.



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Hello, everyone, today I take you to visit China's great legacy - the Great Wall.

We see the Great Wall from a distance, the Great Wall is like a long dragon hovering between the mountains. On the Great Wall, we can see the wall, there are many small incision, which is used to shoot nozzle, convex to buttress, where soldiers can hide to shoot outside.

Used by the emperor built the Great Wall and on the building of the Great Wall there is a beautiful legend! I say to you: once upon a time there was a man called Fan Xiliang, he has a wife named meng jiangnu. , Fan Xiliang was levied to build the Great Wall, qin winter came, didn't see meng jiangnu give husband Fan Xiliang woolies husband, when he asked other migrant workers when other migrant workers told her Fan Xiliang is dead. Meng jiangnu cry, tears fell the Great Wall is over 800 meters.

The next free activity, but be careful not to graffito of the scribble on the wall.



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There are words that: the sight of the sea water, the body to penglai is a fairy; Fairyland sea wonderland cannot find, find the fairy.

Distinguished visitors, hello, and welcome to the known as "paradise on earth," said the penglai pavilion to visit tourist. I'm the tour guide to service for you, I... .

Penglai pavilion is located in yantai penglai city. Penglai's charm lies not only in its heavy historical and cultural accumulation and the diffused scenery, also is that it has a beautiful myths and legends. Shanhaijing and I book the penglai, yingzhou, the abbot three graphically depicts the sacred. Then the king sent explorers were all at sea for mountain; Qin shihuang east tour for medicine; The emperor USES fangxian, etc. According to historical records, penglai to often appear a north sea, the scattered gas, get together and forming, elusive and unpredictable. Those good things to the alchemist in a fantasy magic deduce the legend of three mountain sea mountain, lifelike picture a desirable fairy world, added a few minutes to penglai. Later "ensemble" also to join here, more vivid and attractive, referred to as the "wonderland" is worthy of the name.

Now penglai pavilion scenic area centered on danya mountain, penglai shuicheng hotan hengshan as two wings, is a natural scenery and human landscape and be in harmony an organic whole of sites of scenic spot. Penglai pavilion was built in the northern song dynasty jia on six years (AD 1061), after the song, Ming and qing three generations of constant expansion and renovation, the size of the form now.

Penglai pavilion stands Yu Danya mountain, sea of clouds light wave surrounded by mountains, sea and mountain scenery emerge in endlessly. The grand buildings from the penglai pavilion, the queen of heaven, dragon palace, Lv Zudian, cliffs, MiTuo temple six monomer and its affiliated construction, covers an area of 1.89 square kilometers. Because of penglai pavilion magical sights and grand scale, and the yellow crane tower, yueyang tower, tengwang pavilion and referred to as the "four famous towers in China". Pavilion literati in calligraphy, couplets and inscriptions, abound. Published in 1982 by the state council as the national key cultural relics protection unit. On December 24, 2006 penglai pavilion scenic area as the first national 5 a-class tourist scenic spot.

Said ok, we have to penglai pavilion, now, let us together along the old imperial fairy found footprints, walk into fairyland to meetthe you immortal!

We have now come to the front of penglai pavilion, look at "the world penglai", this is the four pillars to the type of single eaves coloured drawing or pattern, frontal subject "human penglai" four characters, and for the script of su dongpo. Inside and outside the pillar were inscribed on both sides of the artist liu haisu topic "penglai pavilion, amazing spectacular momentum XiongJun danya mountain" and bother me inscribed "danya Joan pavilion is at large, blue fairy if mind leap" couplets, reveal the arched gate of fairyland, visitors can start immortal tour.

See next is MiTuo temple, was built in the tang dynasty, this is the only buddhist temples to penglai pavilion scenic. Inside the main hall of worship is three SAN eighteen arhats in the west. Is in the middle of amitabha, the left is the avalokitesvara, is on the right is a general trend to bodhisattva.

What we see now is "danya wonderland" fang, fang forehead "danya wonderland" four word was written by dong to mention. Into the wonderland of natural psychic ability, now you see visions. Manifestations of the gate we went west to the dragon palace. Dragon palace QianDian inside to worship the dragon king of the two generals gatekeepers, east to dinghai, general west for general jing hai. Walked into the dragon king's throne room, sitting among the east China sea dragon king AoGuang. The east stand were patrolling the sea hag, clairvoyance, tripterygium wilfordii and electricity. On the west side of the catch fish lang, clairaudient, wind and the rain god.

To move forward, we have entered the temple QianDian, first of all, you can see on the wall there is a word, you know not to know what a word is this? , "shou" word, just the life of word and ordinary life of words is different, it is by the five dynasties bodhi old zu Chen tuan book, it is made up of three words, are "rich", "Mr", "Lin" form a "shou" word, means to tell us: to be rich, if you want to live longer, have to a variety of trees.

Further on we came to the throne room, you can see, in the middle of sacrifice this is days empress, she in fujian and Taiwan area was known as the "mazu", her name is called Lin Mo, fujian putian person, won't cry when it is said that she had just been born, so her parents gave her a name called Lin Monian, she is very smart, at the age of five will chant, at the age of twelve to maritime induction very efficacious, so she often helps fishermen had at the seaside again and again to the perils of the sea, unfortunately she was twenty-eight years old that year were lost at sea, in memory of her people, by the sea built temples to worship her. It is said that she was very efficacious, soft touch, so this is the place where the penglai pavilion, incense is the most exuberant.

To move forward in our left hand side is the "blue sea steps" sharpening. "Educational spirit of the" four word is written by Mr Feng yuxiang. So why did he write down here "educational spirit of the" four word? It is said that after the 918 incident in 1931, Japan began to large-scale invasion, Chiang kai-shek, not only not advocating anti-japanese, but also the civil war, feng yuxiang is compelling, Chiang kai-shek can't take part in the anti-japanese, mood is very low. Another patriotic general in the kuomintang Li Liejun feng yuxiang in 1934 May invite to visit penglai, discuss the anti-japanese, then wrote a couplet Li Liejun, top allied is: if our stone, the same steps helped himself; Allied is: jiangshan picturesque, all by hand to hand, holding things around. Feng yuxiang let out a horizontal batch, the feng yuxiang then start to write down the "blue sea steps" these four words, later generations to commemorate him, just four words engraved on it to here.

We look this way again, this is the main body construction "penglai pavilion", it with the yueyang tower, yellow crane tower and tengwang pavilion And called China's four famous towers. It was built Song Jiayou six years, "penglai pavilion" three word above is by the qing dynasty calligrapher TieBao book. Now on the first floor is some penglai scenery photo exhibition, the second floor of the eight immortals drunk wax.

Through the penglai pavilion, come back.

Shelter pavilion, formerly known as a pavilion, built in zhengde eight years (1513) magistrate yan t l. application building. Pavilion wall engraved stone 25 square, one of the Ming dynasty yuan can force the concept of a poem, dong qichang allograph, warm jade sharpening, motorcycling, as into a quiet said. Another ShiRunZhang, Kong Jisu script in the qing dynasty, is a very precious calligraphy. But I want to say the magic blurred was not here, but the shelter pavilion buildings stand on a mountain, facing the sea, but no matter what kind of wind blowing, you in the booth in the lighting a candle, the flame will still. Friend, don't you think it's mysterious?

Now let me tell you the secret, from the north side of the pavilion is a brick walls, the walls to halfway up the pavilion, the walls of the city and an arc. So when the north wind blow to the curved walls, formed a strong airflow, rising sharply. Flying over the roof, to the south, booth in then there is no wind. Plus what pavilion south three sides is a wall, only the north have doors and Windows, air convection. So, despite the wind roar, doors and Windows wide open, booth in silk still, but wind candles not jing.

Continue to go to the east is lie on display. It is su shi "a poem today", "book after wu daoxuan painting" banner named tablet. The front of the monument is cursive "book after wu daoxuan painting", is a regular script on the back of the projects the poem ". Small at the back of the words in front of the inscriptions is big, we all know that su shi is like drinking poems, tribute wine when it is becoming more and more bold. After experts identified this is su shi's original. Side and the qing dynasty Gong Bao antithetical couplet of "mirage mirage, loyal son namely fairy" that is the fairy wonderland is unreal unreal, only faithful to the country, the man is really a filial daughter of the gods.

To move forward we came to the su gong tie is the temple, to commemorate su dongpo su gong tie is shrine was built. This is su dongpo among image sharpening calligraphy, the original six let temple in guangzhou. He has worked in in 5 year. But save in this short five days made two good thing for the people of penglai. One is to build coastal defence, the other is reduction the salt tax of the people. In penglai folk have circulated su gong tie is "knowledge in five days, one thousand temple" 美谈.

This is called bing, floor, say again your back floor, stair climb, vision, and make a great place for the sunrise. The dance epic "the east is red" big history, has been chosen as a background, the film at the beginning of the picture of the sunrise is taken here.

Landmark is beside penglai pavilion shining floor, we saw from the mountain is the highest building in it. In the past is indicates the lighthouse beacon.

Standing here we see the penglai shuicheng, another name for city. Is the first port in ancient China, the portal of the east. Since the han dynasty was listed as a military town. Song Qingli for two years, when driving a ship called water-forces "saury ships", the walled city is called "saury village". Ming hongwu nine years, the Ming government in order to prevent the enemy's attack, as saury village built on the basis of the wharf, formed the shuicheng prototype today. City have two doors, the north is called the watergate, is the throat of in and out of the sea. South gate called powersun door, and land are interlinked. This is also where practice qi jiguang wenhuan.

Now the house is in front of us is Lv Zudian, Lv Zu is lu dongbin, pavilion with lu dongbin like stone. Go ahead cliffs, enshrined in Taoism, is considered the father of the three, they are pure spi Buddha, too clear moral Buddha, jade qing yuan Buddha.

Further on, we came to the last penglai pavilion scenic spot - the cloud palace. Legend has it baiyun palace is a place where they have himself. In "goddess marriage", they have a lyrics, "my family live in penglai village". Hand-woven cloth in penglai village, of course, is dedicated in Asgard, so, out of the clouds of palace, even if returned to the earth.

Ok, above is the penglai pavilion are the main attractions, you can now take pictures photos, after 15 minutes, in this collection we get in the car and went to the next attraction.



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Hello, everyone, We are now going to pay a visit to a place of special interest. This scenic spot is locate0hello, everyone,

we are now going to pay a visit to a place of special interest. this scenic spot is located at the center of beijing and is characterized by thousands of palatial architectures and purple walls as well as yellow glazed tile roofs- it is simply a sea of palaces. this is the world – famous wonder – the palace museum.

the palace museum has served as the royal residence during the ming and qing dynasties. it was here that a total of 24 monarchs ascended the throne and wielded power for some 500 years. the palace museum, as the most beautiful spot of interest throughout beijing, is unique for its location: to the northwest is beihai(north sea) park, famous for its white pagoda and rippling lake; to the west is the zhongnahai (central and south sea); to the east lies the the wangfujing shopping street; and to the north id jinshan park. standing in the wanchun (everlasting spring) pavilion at the top of jingshan(charcoal hill) park, you overlook the skyline of the palace museum. at the southern end of the palace is tian` anmen (gate of heavenly peace) and the famous square named after it . this is the symbol of the people` s republic of china.

a world-famous historical site, the palace museum is on the world heritage list of unesco and is an embodiment of oriental civilization.

the palace museum is rectangular in shape, 960 meters long from north to south and 750 meters wide from east to west, covering a space of 720,000 square meters of which 150,000 is building area . it has 9000-strong rooms in it . according to legend there are 9999.5 room-units in all .the whole compound is enclosed by a 10-meter-hign wall and is accessed through four entrances, namely, the meridian gate in the south ,the gate of military prowess in the north, donghua(eastern flowery ) gate in the north, donghua ( eastern flowery) gate in the east and xihua(western flowery ) gate in the west. on each corner there is a turret consisted of 9 roof beams, 18 pillars and 72 ridge . encircling the compound there is a 3,800-meter-long and 52 meter-wide moat, making the palace museum a self-defensive city-within-a city.


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One of the nanming district, guiyang city. Is located in the northeast of yunnan-guizhou plateau, is one of the center of the guizhou provincial capital guiyang city, provincial party committee office, the province, the city's political, economic, culture, science and technology and education center, the province of the construction of the first top ten economic county, the province, the city's important transport hub, communication hub and tourist resort.

(have underground park) south park, located in the southwest too CiQiao street agency headquarters about 2.5 km car river, is found when the shelter was dug in 1965 to an underground cave (called a white dragon hole). Hole 578 meters long, 3 meters wide, hole 6-10 meters high. Hole with the present situation of all kinds of stalactites, stalagmites, stone pillars, stone curtain, stone bell, rock flowers, enough became a beautiful picture. Scenic mountain water-eroded cave outside the car river, into the shadow of the trees, lotus bay, cool and refreshing fountain, flower beds and other scenic spots, beautiful quiet, Chinese mountain, mountain mountain climbing mountain city panoramic view. South park is a "garden on the ground, underground palace", is far away from the city blatant, fortification people looking for a peaceful and leisure resort. Empress temple at the beginning of qing jiaqing (1796), guiyang magistrate yu cheng in the house (hall) the right to establish an empress temple (now refers to the street, 17). Temple is said to have plastic one empress in his arms the statue of the child, not a son of the woman, and then carry the eggs to the sacred offerings, for a son next year. Therefore, respect for people a lot, especially at holiday is very busy. Wang Boqun's former residence is a provincial-level cultural relics protection units.

Wang Boqun (1885 a 1944), an anthology, the word "group. Born this QianXiNa buyi and miao autonomous prefecture, xingyi five town, under scene home village. Early years studying in Japan, after returning to the protecting movement, as the nation sports backbone molecules. Served as the KMT central committee, the national government transport minister and headmaster of jiaotong university. 17 years of the republic of China (1928) to create a private summer "university", then chairman and President, the Anti-Japanese War broke out, the building of university and moved to guiyang, Wang Boqun back to guizhou, summer leadership in exile. Died in 1944 in chongqing. South hall is a scenic resort during the Anti-Japanese War of guiyang, address in guiyang city, nanming river southeast of the deepest river, because of the quiet environment, pleasant scenery and famous. Fairy cave, ancient fairy cave, located in guiyang city dongshan after about 500 meters of shuikou temple hill, fairy cave is one of the places of historic interest in guiyang city is earlier.




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Everybody is good! I'm the tour guide Zhao Hongjie, you must know the imperial palace in Beijing? That's right! Beijing the imperial palace is famous in the world heritage, is the imperial palace during the Ming and qing dynasties, is the world's largest and most complete existing ancient building group. Is known as the world's top five palace. It is located in the centre of Beijing, the old city. Then let me take you to visit us...

From tiananmen square, through a piece of the blue brick flies in the floor of the square, then arrived at the main gate of the Forbidden City - the meridian gate. The Forbidden City has four door, front door of the meridian gate, east gate DongHuaMen, Simon xihua gate, north gate of creature. Meridian gate, commonly known as the five-phoenix towers across the meridian gate, and have wide big courtyard, in more than 30000 square meters of open courtyard, there are five delicate white marble Bridges to the gate. To the gate, into the palace of "the outer court," the palace of architecture on the basis of its layout and function is divided into "the outer court" and "imperial palace" two most. In the etheric and, neutralization, and three main halls as the center, is the place where emperors held at will, also known as the "power". Across the bridge through the gate is the grand hall of supreme harmony. The hall has a tortuous story, heard it burned with skyfire, three times also repaired three times, and even more amazing is the construction of the palace didn't a nail! Imperial palace to the palace of heavenly purity, tai temple, palace of earthly tranquility after three palace as the center, the two wings of yangxin temple, east, west sixth, and bypass the imperial palace, we finally arrived at the imperial garden, the garden planted full of plants. Along the way, will smell a burst of light fragrance. Is the feudal emperors and empresses live.

Into the Forbidden City, from tiananmen square, also can by the back door - creature door into the taihe palace, zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace, through the gate of heavenly purity, entered the imperial palace, imperial palace road, east and west road route. If it is a half day tour, the three routes can only swim a, can generally be walk road. Can see the palace of heavenly purity, walk road pay tai temple, palace of earthly tranquility, and the imperial concubines lived. In general, use a half-day tour of the Forbidden City, is more difficult, want to knowledge more widely, everybody admire to touring!



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Dear friends hello, welcome you to visit xi 'an lintong qin Terra Cotta Warriors. I am a travel agency in the new century little tadpoles, very pleasure to serve you. Hope in my company, you can appreciate the qin Terra Cotta Warriors is unique, unique.

Many dissenting Confucian horse pit is located in xi 'an established about 5000 metres, qin shi huang's le hill and the east. Its large scale, has discovered three pits, a total area of 20000 square meters, nearly the size of our school. We now come to one of the largest crater. It's about 230 meters long, 62 meters wide, with a total area of 14260 square meters, more than six thousand have the Terra Cotta Warriors. Among them, the most infantry. See: pit terracotta warriors columns, rows, how neatly ah, really as the emperor qin shi huang did preside over a travelling, invincible army.

The qin Terra Cotta Warriors here not only large scale, and numerous types, personality is distinct. Look! The family is a burly, self-respect, poses the general figures. Wearing a call from crown on his head, its body is covered with armor, hold the sword. A look at will know that it battle-hardened, accountable. Now, everyone toward the left front, the terracotta warriors, trim, power and grandeur. They are wearing a shirt, armed with weapons, ready to go. Good, tourists come with me - this is a cavalry figurines. In short armour on it, under wearing tight pants, foot, boots, right hand holding the REINS, left hand with bows and arrows. Bright-eyed and solemn demeanor, as if ready to mount a horse to kill.

Dear friends, how do you know the Terra Cotta Warriors were found? The way to listen to me slowly. In lintong county rural, circulated a couplet: turn does not forget the communist party, to get rich by qin shi huang. Guangpi: kui Lao Yang. Lao Yang who is it? Lao Yang's name zhi-fa Yang, the established xiyang village farmers, he is one of the discoverers of qin Terra Cotta Warriors. In March 1974, Lao Yang and several villagers in the village of Japanese persimmon forest in March, in more than 2 meters of underground aquifers to the head of the terracotta figures and ancient bronze pieces. Although there are near the villagers dig into these things, but all of them the head of the person to dig into the color as inauspicious, also quietly buried break. But they didn't bury these things break off zhi-fa Yang. Hence, these terracotta figures head, bronze pieces was found township cadres, he wants to, close to the emperor qinshihuang here, will be about? Let them to Lao Yang county cultural center. County cultural centers of expert judgment is precious cultural relics, while see is and contemporary interred, qin is the sovereign treasure of the Chinese nation. An ordinary drought drilling unlocked the secret of the trapped underground for more than 2000 years, "the world's eighth largest heritage" by Lao Yang them play up. Interested visitors might as well to see Lao Yang.

Qin Terra Cotta Warriors, is unique in DiaoSuShi of ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign. Thank you for your visitors to my work today to support. Now let's go to have established hotel for dinner!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4722 字

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Hunan province is located in the south of the Yangtze river middle reaches, the majority of areas in the south of dongting lake, the name of hunan. Within the territory of the xiangjiang river runs through north and south, and hunan for short. Allegedly, the xiangjiang river basin in the past more than planting lotus, the tang dynasty poet Tan Yongzhi have "autumn wind wan li furong country" of words, so it is called the "lotus" of hunan. Sichuan hunan jiangxi province in the east, west, south which the guangdong, hubei province in the north.

The dongting lake plain is located in the north of hubei province. East range Mimi, yueyang, west to LinLi, changde, taoyuan, yiyang, Joe, XiangYin mouth, south to the north to the south of jingjiang reach of hubei province. Covers an area of 12690 square kilometers (hunan province). At an altitude of 30-50 meters. Long-term deposition of dongting lake, lake of exposed the fluvial alluvial plain. The dongting lake plain and south-central es on the plain of jianghan plain, hubei province, is one of the three great plains is an important part of the Yangtze river plain.

River in hunan province, do so more than 5 km river in 5341, the total length of 90000 km, the basin area in more than 5000 square kilometers of the river article 17. Except a few of the pearl river water system and the gan river in the province, mainly in hunan, endowment, yuan and li four water and its tributaries, along the terrain into dongting lake from the south to the north, the city ling angeles into the Yangtze river and dongting lake water system formed a relatively complete. The largest rivers in the xiangjiang river in hunan province, is also one of the seven major Yangtze river tributaries. Dongting lake's largest lakes in the province. The lake across hunan and hubei provinces. In 1644-1825 in dongting lake area of 6270 square kilometers. In 1937, covering 1937 square kilometers. 1983 measurements, dongting lake water is only 2691 square kilometers, less than half in 1825. Due to the increasing lake sediment loads, 28 years, from 1949 to 1977 in dongting lake shrink 85500 mu per year on average.

Hunan is a minority more provinces, are back, tujia, miao, zhuang, manchu, dong, yao, Mongolian, uygur, yi, Tibetan, Korean, etc. 26 ethnic minorities.

Changsha in hunan province is located in the eastern north of hunan province, the xiangjiang river downstream, jing railway line, the east and jiangxi tonggu, over load, yichun, pingxiang border, south to xiangtan and zhuzhou city, west and loudi and yiyang region adjacent, north borders on yueyang area. Changsha is the province's political, economic, cultural and transportation center, one is one of the famous historical and cultural city by the state council. About seven thousand years ago, changsha has the original ancestors reproduced here. The name of changsha began in the western zhou dynasty. Dynasty period to the southern town of chu, qingyang, the qin dynasty unified the rear changsha county, the early western han dynasty set up changsha kingdom, han, jin and southern dynasties, changsha as the slag in the county, sui xingsha, tang for tam states, the five dynasties and ten states for capital, and chu yuan to tam state road, and another day in the road, the Ming and qing dynasties for changsha office, set up in 1933 in changsha city. Since the qing dynasty, changsha calendar for hunan. On August 4, 1949, changsha peaceful liberation.

After the founding of new China, this economic development soon, has now formed by mechanical, textile, light industry, chemical industry, building materials, food and other industrial comprehensive industrial system, the main products are cotton, cigarettes, industrial pump, blower, coal, steel, cement, etc., traditional industrial products, changsha, hunan embroidery, liuyang grass cloth, firecrackers, chrysanthemum stone, copper officer, pottery, etc. Agricultural and sideline products is given priority to with rice, pig, fish, tea, citrus, tea oil, rapeseed and other also.

Hunan province rich in mineral resources, is the national important mineral base, known as "the hometown of nonferrous metals," said, nearly is known as "the hometown of non-metallic" again.

A lot of places of interest in hunan, yueyang tower, dongting lake, yuelu academy, writing, as pavilion, orange chau, shaoshan MAO zedong's former residence, xinmin society, water pool revolutionary memorial hall, self-study university site, site of liuyang Wen Gu city meet site, comrade liu shaoqi's former residence, residence of comrade Yang Kaihui, lei feng memorial hall, etc., and hengshan, zhangjiajie national forest park, etc.


篇16:杭州西湖导游词300字 杭州西湖导游词800字

范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 469 字

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篇17:昆明旅游英文导游词范文3:Kunming xishan

范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,导游,全文共 1944 字

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Kunmingxishan called blue mountain chicken. For brigitte Nao mountain, huating mountain, mt huashan, the floorboard of the Luo Hanshan. West mountain is located in the western suburbs of kunming, dianchi lake west bank, 15 km away from downtown, lie between the dianchi and golden horse mountain, is relative. North green chicken guan, south to haikou, 35 kilometers. Peak Luo Hanfeng, 2, 511 meters above sea level. Rolling hills, red is like sleeping Buddha, so also called lie in foshan. On the other side of the water just like the dianchi lake shore - rich woman lay, of "sleeping beauty mountain" good name. Sanqing pavilion on longmen grottoes. The first scene in kunming area. First see the name of xishan and tomorrow shun six years (in 1462), he gives the Minneapolis mountain, the great garden temple imperial tablet "county of yunnan province kunming xishan sea".

Xishan dense woods, flowers and plants flourish, beautiful beautiful, scenic, in ancient times has the reputation of "the first state in the yunnan". From a look to the southeast of kunming, xishan just like a beautiful woman lying in dianchi lake on both sides. Her head, chest, abdomen, legs, hair floats in dianchi lake sparkling waves of shadow, appear outline and graceful, enchanting and moving, so also called sleeping beauty.

Folklore, ancient when a princess to bear palace lonely, sneak out of the palace with a small group of married couples. Later, breaking up a happy marriage, the king and to the young man to death. Princess grieving, and wept, tears remit the dianchi lake, she also fall on his back into the western hills. Xishan are bi is a forest park, attractions. Every year in March, kunming people have the custom of "march third, play xishan", when the four sergeants gathered party, sing folk songs, to minor, play the dragon lion dance, the picnic to admire the view, very busy.



篇18:惠州西湖导游词50字 惠州西湖导游词400字

范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3325 字

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各位游客朋友, 大家好! 首先欢迎大家和我一起来到我的家乡, 一个美丽而古老的城市,惠州。我是今天的导游

在旅游之前呢,先让我来为大家介绍一下惠州啦!惠州坐落在广东省东南部,珠江三角 洲东北端,属于珠三角经济区,它毗邻深圳和香港,素有“粤东门户”之称。惠州是一个山水 兼容的旅游城市,它有长长的海岸线和众多港湾,惠州的旅游资源也是非常丰富的,像龙门 南昆山的国家森林公园, 惠东平海文化古城, 平海海龟国家自然保护区, 还有美丽的西湖等。

说了这么多,大家是不是很想去惠州看看呢?好了,以下就是我们今天的行程安排。首先我 们的第一站是惠州西湖, 接下来的午餐问题当然是由我带大家去解决啦! 饭后我将带各位去 数码街逛逛, 沿途大家可以买些纪念品和特产带回家, 接着我们将有空调旅游车带着大家游 览汤泉。在今天的旅游中,大家有什么问题和要求尽管提出来,我将尽力为大家解决。

在此 祝愿各位在这次旅游中,玩得开心,吃得满意! 现在就开始我们的旅程! 首先来到的是惠州西湖。说到西湖呀,先请大家猜一个与惠州西湖息息相关的大名人, 大家知道他是谁吗?这个人可是很有名的哦, 他就是超级无敌大文豪苏东坡先生了! 想当年, 苏东坡因为政治上的失意谪居惠州, 与惠州西湖结下不解之缘, 而惠州西湖也因为东坡的到 来而倍显光彩。中国有这么一句古话“大中国西湖三十六,唯惠州足并杭州”。

大家都知道杭 州西湖闻名遐迩,而历史上的惠州西湖是与杭州西湖齐名的,那么,惠州西湖有什么值得与 杭州西湖齐名的地方呢? 惠州西湖原名丰湖,表示丰收之湖,它坐落在惠州城西。惠州西湖原来是山水冲刷成的 洼地,后来湖水涨益形成五个湖,这五个湖一脉相通,形成了今天惠州西湖的特色。惠州西 湖的特色有三个,那就是五湖六桥十八景。

五湖指的是平湖,菱湖,鳄湖,丰湖和南湖。传 说很久以前鳄湖里面是有鳄鱼的,但是现在就没有了。六桥是明胜桥,西新桥,拱北桥,圆 通桥, 迎仙桥还有烟霞桥。


据说以前原来有湖怪住在这里, 是一个道长用七七四十九根木头围住湖怪, 后人为纪念道长在这七七四十九根木头上架木成 桥,于是有了西新桥。另外十八景中的每一个景点都有一个让人充满遐想的名字哦,这正体 现了惠州西湖的人文内涵和无限魅力。

其中我们今天要去的就包括这十八景中的四个景点, 是哪四个呢?现在婷婷就卖个关子,大家到了就知道啦! 现在我们让我们从正门进入西湖。

因为惠州西湖非常大,所以有很多个大门,我们今天 主要游览的地方就是西湖的北部,那我们现在走进来的门就是北门 ,叫做平湖门。这是从平 湖门上空眺望的夜景。进入平湖门首先看到的就是平湖了。

平湖是刚才所说的五湖之一,也 是十八景之一, 湖光眼掩映之下,少不了的当然是桥了。沐雨霏霏之中,大家可以看到这座白色的桥, 它叫做“拱北桥”,是六桥中的第二桥。它也是宋代惠州太守陈称所建的,距今已有900多年 的历史。1920xx年东征时,黄埔军校师生就经过这座桥攻打惠州北门。现在拱北桥桥头建有 黄埔军校东征烈士纪念碑。

沿着桥走过来,我们可以看到“苏堤玩月”的标志,苏堤玩月是十八景的又一景点,刚才 我们从大门一直走过来的这段长堤就是苏堤了。

苏堤顾名思义是与苏东坡有关的, 大家已经 知道惠州西湖是因苏东坡而出名的, 那苏堤和东坡有着怎样的关系呢?这里究竟发生过什么 故事呢?欲知后事如何,请听婷婷分解。


首先我们要介绍一下王朝云这个人, 王朝 云是苏东坡的爱妾。当年苏东坡几经贬谪,他的诸位妻妾也相继离他而去,唯独王朝云始终 如一,追随着苏东坡长途跋涉,翻山越岭来到了惠州。

被贬之后的东坡生活非常凄苦,而朝 云却能细心照料,但是她为东坡生下一个儿子就去世了,东坡因为思念朝云,夜里梦到朝云 全身湿淋淋的,东坡问她怎么回事,朝云说西湖上面没有路,我只好踏着湖水而来,前来喂 乳尚未断奶的儿子,于是梦醒之后,东坡决心要在湖上修建桥堤,以便朝云前来入梦,于是 便有了今天的苏堤,它也被后人称为“苏公堤”。

东坡将朝云葬在西湖湖东的孤山之上, 孤山是西湖的一座名山。

后来东坡因为思念王朝 云,在孤山上建了朝云墓和六如亭。后人纪念东坡为惠州做的贡献,又在孤山上建立了苏东 坡纪念馆。惠州人是如此的爱戴苏东坡以至于他们把孤山上所有与苏东坡有关的遗迹成为 “孤山遗迹”,大家听这名字如此有诗意,就知道这又是十八景之一了。

好啦,听完了故事,大家有没有觉得饿呢?想不想吃东西呀?想吃的话可要跟紧 我咯! 现在我们看到的这个坐落在小岛上的宾馆,就是惠州宾馆啦。这是一家四星级宾馆,它 的特别之处就在于它的亭台楼阁错落有致地分布在西湖的两个岛上。下面我们就进去看看 咯。

来到惠州你不能不吃惠州非常有特色的三样菜, 哪三样呢?它们就是梅菜扣肉、 游盘饭、 东坡西湖莲。相传梅菜扣肉是苏东坡居让厨师仿杭州西湖的“东坡扣肉”,用梅菜制成“梅菜 扣肉”,深受广大惠州市民的欢迎。盘游饭是一种它是用竹筒做的糯米饭,相传它是苏东坡 非常喜爱的糯米饭。

东坡西湖莲是苏东坡独创的一道菜, 相传苏东坡常希望王朝云美貌常驻, 于是用芦荟、西湖莲子等具有养颜功效的原料,亲自下橱为王朝云做的一道菜。相信在座各 位朋友都是爱美的,爱美的你又怎能错过这道菜呢?其中其中这三样菜梅菜是惠州的特产, 惠州梅菜在中外都是有名的哦,惠州于1995年被誉为“中国梅菜之乡”。

虽然大家在梅州也 有吃过梅菜,但是惠州的梅菜和梅州的可是各有特色,做出来的梅菜扣肉味道也不同,大家 有机会就一定要尝尝啦! 吃完了美食,下面带大家去买特产啦,在这里问一下,各位平时在梅州都是去哪里逛街 的呢?想必大部分同学经常去的就是百花洲了吧! 那么惠州也是有百花洲的, 惠州的百花洲 就是惠州数码街了!

惠州数码街位于惠州市中心地带,除了琳琅满目的各种商品和风味小 吃, 数码街街还展示了惠州的现代气息, 是目前中国规模最大、 数码产品最集中的自由市场, 数码工业已成为惠州市的支柱产业, 这里还有一年一度的国际数码节, 展示了来自全球的数 码产品。其中惠州的独创品牌 tcl、德赛、麦科特、侨兴等企业已经走向全国乃至世界。

如今惠州政府正在大力支持 tcl 集团冲刺世界五百强。下面给点时间大家自由地逛逛数码 街。

逛完了数码街,现在让我们搭上豪华客车来到汤泉,这是汤泉的大门。汤泉位于惠州市 惠城区小金口内,隐身于三面环山的泽谷之中,被誉为“岭南第一汤”,大家可要记住咯,” 岭南第一汤”就是惠州汤泉啦!千百年来,汤泉以以温泉、冷泉、瀑布三位一体而著称,70 多度水温的温泉水对治疗各种慢性皮肤病、 保健驻颜具有显著的效果, 吸引了许多各地游客 前来沐浴。

告诉大家哦,汤泉就是因为这个温泉而得名的。 在温泉的西北处,上苍再次显灵,又施仁爱,抛下一串美丽的珍珠,九龙潭瀑布。说到 这个瀑布啊,就不得不提到一个美丽的传说了,相传很久以前,天上有九条龙在飞,当时天 气很热, 它们在寻找一个栖息之处, 它们看到汤泉绿树葱茏, 凉气冲天, 于是决定在此停留。

由于龙身太重了,经过长期的蛟龙翻滚,地面越凹越深,加上千百年的山水冲刷,于是形成 了今天九龙潭的样子。当年苏东坡也是对汤泉情有独钟,常常在此尽情沐浴,吟诗作赋,每 次都流连忘返。

因此汤泉又有“东坡温泉”之称。九龙潭,中国大地上不止这一个,但是能让 苏东坡浩歌而归的,只有惠州汤泉的这一个。

现在汤泉还新建了一个游泳池,这个池和别的 游泳池可不一样哦,池水来自山上瀑布的流水,如果你喜欢游泳,下次来的时候记得带上你 的泳衣哦! 好啦,不知不觉太阳都快下山了,一天下来我们已经游了惠州西湖和汤泉,吃了惠州的 三件宝,还逛了商业步行街,不知道大家玩的开不开心呢,希望惠州能给各位一个美好的印 象,也欢迎大家下次再来惠州。那我们今天的旅程就这样结束了,很高兴今天可以和各位一 起度过, 如果有什么不足的地方, 还希望大家多多包涵。

惠州还有很多很多好吃的, 好玩的, 有机会一定要再来惠州哦!最后祝愿大家一路平安,阖家欢乐,身体健康!谢谢大家!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 570 字

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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3328 字

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Dear visitors, good morning, everyone, my name is Zhu Minjia, you can call me zhu guide. Welcome to "the paradise on earth" - the west lake. We will open the way to the west lake tour, we will go to visit butte, middle-east and three pool reflected on. Wish everyone have a happy travel! Please don't throw the skin rubbish, painting of the scribble.

The west lake is so beautiful, of course, there are many wonderful legends. From many years ago, the sky has a jade dragon and jinfeng, they found on the island which beside the Milky Way a piece of jade, they peck together for many years, jade becomes a radiant orb, the orb of light shine where, where trees are evergreen, flowers are blooming. Then news to the heavenly palace, the heavenly queen sent mountain god snatch like treasure in the future. Yulong jinfeng and hurried to SuoZhu, met her mother refused, then scramble up. Heavenly queen down, with a loose, jade fell, became a Jin Ying west lake, the yulong jinfeng and becomes a feng huang mountain and YuHuangShan, protect the west lake.

Everybody look east, that is the broken bridge! It is one of the most famous bridge in the west lake. It is very interesting: the broken bridge is in the north of lake and lake water. When snow attendance, the positive aspect has deglaciation snow bridge, and the shadow of the bridge still snowy, distance, bridge seems broken broken, hence the name "broken bridge".

You now, please look forward, this is the "three pools reflected on", also called "small ying state". This is a "lake island, island in lake" garden on the lake. Island is "tian" glyph, something even the willows, the civil building winding and winding side and planted with large red, white and colorful.

Then please island tour. See: three towers stand on the lake, 2 meters high tower, the towers are spherical, lined with five small round hole, the top of the tower a gourd shape, beautiful modelling. Whenever the Mid-Autumn festival, bright, people light candles in the tower, along the mouth with tissue paper, candle light outside. At this time, the "shadow, shadow, cloud" dissolved into a slice. Candlelight, moonlight, hand in photograph reflect lake, in the refraction of light, the lights of the three towers through 15 round hole projection on the surface of the water, with a total of 30 small moon, plus one in the sky, a lake, there are 32 small moon, present "the day round last month, the lake shadow into three" the beauty of the scenery, is: "one lake autumn the goldwater to dissolve"!

We go forward, the edge of the west lake and a famous mountains - butte! Why the name "isolated hill"? This is because the mountain is very beautiful in history, has been held by the emperor, so called "isolated hill".

The west lake is a poem, a picture of a lovely girl. "Yi jiangnan, is the most beautiful hangzhou. Find out the laurel blossoms filled the air. Yamadera months, county pavilion pillow watching tide. When more revisit?" This is the bai juyi to extol the west lake left posterity recall boundless song!

My dear friends, we is nearing the end of the trip to the west lake, and hope to make the west lake in the mountains and rivers, the fond memories of you forever!
