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Now we come to Shanghai Huangpu River bank Bund, first, I tour to everybody visit Bund to express the welcome, and wishes in advance each traveling to be happy.

New Bund altogether has five traveling routes, nearby yours left hand is by the reputation is Wan Guo constructs reads extensively the magnificent architectural complex and spacious Zhongshan Road, nearby your right hand is the wave light clear Huangpu River as well as the future resembles the brocade the Pudong land to embellish the financial trade area, at present for is novel uniquely goes sightseeing the tour area. This architectural complex, Zhongshan Road, go sightseeing the area, the Huangpu River, Lu Jiazui in the as if music five spectra, the industrious Shanghai people seem between the string string the symbol, is composing most newly the most gorgeous music movement, is welcome fellow guests' presence.

The powder can call Bund? Simple saying, it passed once was the desolate beach place which outside the Shanghai old city the reed grew thickly together.

In 1840 after first Opium War, the tight lock entrance to a country has been driven out by the colonizing ocean artillery, Shanghai also is compelled to ward off for the commercial port. Since then, all kinds of west foreign style construction hastens to ground along with colonizing but towers in abundance, to this century the beginning of 30's, Shanghai as soon as leapt into the far east biggest metropolis from seashore small Yi.

At present these have the Europe Renaissance time style the construction, although stems from hand of the identical design, also is not constructs at an age, but their construction style is such harmonious unification, the day becomes. From Jinling east road Bund to outside white temporary bridge long only 1.5 kilometer arcs in,height scattered about, is standing erect row after row 52 styles each different construction, has England -like, France -like, ancient Greece -like and so on. Same year many foreign banks, the general meeting, the consulate and so on converged to this, some East Wall Street the name, formed the old Shanghai semicolonial and semifeudal society a historical miniature.

Everybody please looked that, the new Bund 2 east winds hotels, in the past once were the English general meetings which extremely is well-known, it is a model English ancient canonical expression constructs. The building high has 6 (continually basement), the roof north and south beginnings and ends respectively suppose □t look pavilion, the interior decoration are extremely magnificent. Inside a yet higher goal bar same year once because of has 110.7 foot Eastern longest bar cabinet but to be arrogant for a while, now US'S Kentuckey quick dining room is located in.

New Bund 12 before are famous the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, this building constructed in 1923, was in the style of antiquity Greece -like dome construction. The building for approaches the square the rectangular construction, high 5, a crown hemispheroid level goes against the vegetable to have 7 in addition, the steel portal frame construction. In the building decorates extremely is fastidious, is equipped with country each kind of reception room and so on America, England and France, Russia, date. This place constructed the English once to brag for from The Suez Canal to far east Bering Strait most was fastidious construction.

Nearby close neighbor Hongkong and Shanghai Bank that building is the Shanghai customs building, is 19th century restores the old the principle construction, constructed in 1927, is now the world institute rarely is ominous. Above the building bell all around worthy of looking at arrives is in luck, each 15 minutes play sound section of short tunes, melodious are deep, reputation 10 miles.

After the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank building and the customs building all stem from English designer Wilson, Shanghai kindly called they are the sisters building, at present was still one of Shanghai's important symbols.

East Nanjing the street intersection two buildings are called the peaceful hotel. Sat north the Southern Dynasty this Lou Jianyu in 1906, at that time the name collected the hotel, was a Shanghai extant earliest hotel. It may take a historical construction, is the English Chinese world renaissance. This building most major characteristic is sets up the surface color red brick to make the waist line, Bai Qiangzhuan makes the cover, looks by far both gravely is elegant, and other style, the reality is a rare excellent work.

Bund's these constructions, all are the China working people industrious wisdom crystallization, simultaneously has also reflected western colonizing to Shanghai's plundering and the aggression. Now in order to let the people understand these constructions the history, in front of each big front door hangs has the data plate which the Chinese and English compares.

Regarding Bund, the Shanghai person also passes for hers name along with the time changes. Shanghai person's is called old Bund, after the liberation liberation before Bund to be called as Bund, now the people approve her are new Bund. In the history occurs has seized Bund many times the scene, but each time all has the completely different historical significance. Since party's 11 sessions of three CCP plenary conferences, the China reform and open policy strategic center of gravity also from the south but north, Pudong's development and the promotion enable Shanghai to walk the nation reform and open policy most front. The spring breeze blew awakes the deep sleep many year Shanghai Bund, the Chinese and foreign financial organ in abundance has also seized Bund. Shanghai has made the clear nest directs the phoenix the significant action, the Bund finance street house big replacement, will attract everywhere the old customer reto come to settle down, again will reveal the far east Wall Street elegant demeanour.

Bund is Shanghai's symbol, also is the Chinese and foreign tourists must arrive place. But in before because the path narrow, the pedestrian vehicles are packed like sardines, seriously has affected the Bund overall image. For the change place beach appearance, the Shanghai people's government performs Bund as the key point to transform. At present this street called, also is Bund which Zhongshan a group, is for commemorate pioneer Mr. Sun Yat-Sen which China democratic revolution names synthesizes the transformation a part. This group span 826 meters, the width 45 meters, suppose 6 to 10 traffic lanes. This broad line of communication not merely is restricted in area Bund, it follows the reform and open policy step unceasingly to extend, north the Jiangwan five jiao fields, south arrive at the Nampo bridge. To the next the beginning of century, this north and south corridor long amounts to 15 kilometers, will become the sign landscape which the Shanghai traveling will go sightseeing.

We now walk this Bin Jiang main road quite has the characteristic. It not only collection culture, afforestation to a body, moreover the morning is the people practices the good place which the article practices martial arts,daytime is domestic and foreign goes sightseeing the tour world, evening is the ideal place which talks love to the lover, heard has many foreign friends all in admiration of somebody's fame to come to experience the life.

Fellow guests, stroll in new Bund to go sightseeing the area, whether you do feel, new Bund not only appearance changed beyond recognition, moreover in lively is lively passes the rich artistic breath. Everybody please looked that, In the Yenan east road Bund establishment subject will be for tomorrow the artistic landscape,will hug by 6 columns, with will have more than 80 years historical meteorological signal to become a group to the scenery. The customs building and the electronic waterfall clock also is quite has the fresh idea to the scenery. The electronic waterfall clock assumes the steps and ladders type, the length 27 meters, the height 3.5 meters, supposes 10 entire stairs. The entire operating process by the computer control, approximately some more than 1,000 nozzles water column is composed each kind of color the Arabic numeral, causes world each place since such remoteness, double is how being intimate with. Went sightseeing the area worthily to become to hold hundred Sichuan, is compatible Shanghai school characteristic culture scenery line which and gathered.

Strolls Bund, we unconsciously entered the Whangpoo River park. In mentioned this park, each Chinese all could not forget the former days foreign country big powers to hang the Chinese people and the dog did not have to enter in park entrance that block the sign, that notorious sign, let then Chinese people suffer the enormous shame! Now, looked at present that 60 meter high Shanghai people outstandingly talented monument, stands erect is facing the water place. The military might magnificent sight three columns yellow hillocks body in has told the people as if, the people forever cherishes the memory of since the Opium War, 54 movements and the war of liberation, is the scrubbing nationality shame, devotes the heroes for Shanghai's revolutionary business.

The Whangpoo River park faces is well-known everywhere Huangpu River. On month Huanglong water's edge water yellow, extremely vividly described the Whangpoo River river water color. Improves Pujiang is Shanghai's mother river, it originates to the Wuxi Tai Lake, is within the boundaries of Shanghai longest, is widest, deepest rivers, the span 114 kilometers; The mean breadth 400 meters, are deep 7 to 9 meters. Its original name calls Dong Jiang, also has the spring Shenjiang river, alternate name and so on Huang Xiejiang. Hands down before more than 2,000 years, Shanghai was Chu at that time, at that time Chu country has a senior general yellow to call to rest, he had very much rules a nation ability, is appointed by Chu king as prime minister, and sealed for presents Mr. Shen, had jurisdiction over Shanghai this land. At that time because upstream Dong Jiang's clogged with silt, he led the Shanghai people to carry on scours, and revised the route, caused Shanghai the aquatic transportation and the agriculture obtains the very big development, the posterity for commemorate Huang Xie the merit, renamed Dong Jiang as the spring Shenjiang river and yellow , only then officially chose a name until the Southern Song Dynasty time as the Huangpu River.

The Huangpu River has two the child, calls Pudong, another calls Puxi. Before new China is born, their whole family deeply three mountains oppressions, on the mother river body is anchoring is the outside warship and the merchantman, two children also are pressed have not gasped for breath. Jumps Whangpoo River my sentence Shanghai person's pet phrase, refers to the common people which the old society really is unable to live,throws the river to here to commit suicide.

Looks out into the distance the opposite shore, Pudong Lu Jiazui the finance trade area and Puxi Bund distantly faces one another, its function for the finance, the trade and foreign serves, it will be the new Shanghai's core and the symbol. East Bund the Bin Jiang main road, the total length 2,500 meters, the collection traveling, go sightseeing with the entertainment and so on are a body, is equipped with 6 multi-faceted squares along the road. Although the present only rumble cuts in line the sound, but the sound sound , is in five spectra the most magnificent music movement, will be forecasting a Bund more glorious future.





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1950 字

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Called "yunmeng ze", as the second largest fresh water lake in China. Across offices, two provinces, it is the Yangtze river in the north, the south of hunan, and yuan, Feng four water, so-called "dongting lake" in eight hundred. The meaning of the dongting lake is the celestial abode of fairies and immortals, its scenery is beautiful and attractive. Dongting lake vast circuitous, mountains, its biggest characteristic is outside the lake lake, the lake there are mountains, fishing sail, LuYeQing green, yt, gulls heron safer. The spring and autumn period and the view of four different, change a lot in the same day. The ancients described the "xiaoxiang eight sights" in the moon "dongting", "pu GuiFan far", "pingsha fall wild goose", "fishing village afterglow", "jiang mu snow", etc., are now the portrayal of east dongting lake.

All previous dynasties scholars have a passion for the beauty of the dongting lake in the echo. Northern song dynasty famous statesman, strategist and writer fan zhongyan "the yueyang tower", from the Angle of yueyang tower (down) on the beautiful scenery of the dongting lake change multiterminal, have to do to free, popular. The magnificence of dongting lake, dongting lake magnificent of soft moonlight. Even when the weather getting heavy chardonnay, also give a person the sense of chic, its secret, evoke kid around ska. The dongting lake, white with deserves to be "world monohydrate. To find the scenery pleasing to both the lake, and fun.

Dongting lake is a famous land of fish and rice, its product is extremely rich. A specialty of the lake are mussels, eel, dongting crab, rich fish and other precious tree, and junshan island famous tea, bamboo, phyllostachys aurea, chimonobambusa qundrangularis, solid purple bamboo, mottled bamboo, bamboo and other bamboo products, is also very wide range.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1049 字

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亲爱的游客们,大家好!我叫竺佳艺,就是这次旅游的向导,大家可以叫我竺导。您一定听说过 “上有天堂,下有苏杭 ”这句名言吧!诗人把杭州比喻成了人间天堂,大家想这天堂有多美啊!其实,把杭州比喻成人间天堂,很大程度上是因为有了西湖千百年来,西湖风景有着经久不衰的魅力,她的丰姿倩影,令人一见钟情,流连忘返。其实。今天,我就带大家去美丽的杭州西湖游览。

现在我们已经来到了岳庙码头,准备乘船去游览西湖。我先来介绍一下西湖的概况:西湖位于杭州城西,三面环山,东面濒临市区,南北长约3.2公里,东西宽约2.8公里,绕湖一周近15公里面积约5.68平方里。相传苏东坡做杭州地方官时,写了一首赞美西湖的诗: 水光潋滟晴方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇,欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜诗人别出心裁的把西湖比作我国古代美女西施。

船已经慢慢驶动,大家看前面这条间株杨柳间株桃的游览长堤就是白堤。当我们的船驶到这里,西湖最秀丽的风光就呈现在大家面前了 瞧!堤上两边各有一行杨柳碧桃,柳线泛绿,桃树嫣红,一片桃红柳绿的景色,游人到此,仿佛如临仙境。大家再看,白堤中间的这座桥叫锦带桥,以前是座木桥,名中涵碧桥 ,如今更名为石拱桥,在白堤的尽头,到了断桥,全长1公里的白堤就由此而 断了。大家再看断桥后面那座山叫宝石山,山上就是著名的雷峰塔。

接着我们去观赏湖中三岛 。请随我上岛游览三潭印月这座小岛,初建军于明代万历三十五年 1607年 ,是用疏浚的湖泥堆积而成的,它的精华就在于岛南面的三座石塔 请看:三塔鼎立在湖上,塔高2米,塔身球形,排列着5个小圆孔,塔顶呈葫芦形,造型优美每逢月夜,特别是到了中秋佳节,皓月当空,人们在塔内点上蜡烛,沿口蒙上薄纸,烛光外透,这时 塔影 云影 月影 溶成一片, 烛光 月光湖光交相辉映,在光的折射中,三塔的灯光透过15个圆孔投影在水面上,共有30个月亮,加早天上的一个水中的1个,湖面可以倒映出32个小月亮,呈现天上月一轮,湖中影成三 的绮丽景色,真是 一湖金水欲溶秋 ,有说不尽的诗情画意。接着我们再来看湖中那座飞檐翘角的亭,名叫湖心亭它是西湖中最大的一座亭 也是在西湖三岛中最早营建的一座岛, 站在湖心亭处眺望西湖,水光山色,尽收眼底,西湖风光,一览无余。湖心亭西北的那个小岛,称为阮公墩 是西湖三岛吧最小的一个,面积仅5561平方米,阮墩垂钓已成为杭州市民假日休闲的好去处。





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 664 字

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龙井问茶(Enjoying tea at dragon well)新西湖十景之一。龙井,位于西湖西面竹茂林密的风篁岭上,有泉名龙井,附近有龙井村,龙井本名龙泓,又名龙湫、龙井。它和白鹤峰下慧禅寺内的虎跑泉,杭州植物园的玉泉在内被誉为杭州三大名泉。







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According to legend, emperor yangdi Yang Guang in memory of his father sui wendi monuments, bless Jiang Shanyong solid, our descendants ten thousand generation, in TaiLing created next to the temple. Due to our temple create has the support of the emperor, so was grand and splendid. "Rebellion" after the national strength gradually weak, our temple and other buddhist dojo, with incense, less since Buddha, also doomed to our temple, temple of Buddha all destroyed.

Ming hongwu, the qing emperor qianlong and light years, our temple was rebuilt three times and the repair, thrived for many times, is bigger than before, more monks, meter has more than one hundred and eighty mu of land, of the moment, the late qing and early republic, war, bandits, more than our temple temple destroyed, and only three room of hall, six wing and on the second floor of the bell and drum, several monks guard.

1949 years later, the temple abbot monk, has more than 20 acres, land temple, Buddha, bell and drum ready, but unfortunately destroyed in the "cultural revolution". Mage advocated by the net day in 1987, under the original to our temple site restoration and reconstruction, July l989 Ursa major, change a temple called "daming monastery", take a big put light, become the government approval to legally buddhist temples. Since then, the local government, village cadres and four sides under the support of people, especially in Hong Kong publishing, holy one, the realization of the mage on the economy vigorously support, more than a decade to build without dropping out, developing very quickly. Solemn holy land of Buddhism has become a considerable scale. Temple covers an area of 12 acres with Ursa now 5 rooms, great hall 5, ZhaiTan between two layers of 14, he was the 3 rooms, three kuan ti temple temple and chanting hall, study hall, store kingle, drum tower, etc, and have electric room, a bathroom, a guest, wing and other supporting facilities.

Now daming monastery, have taken on a new look. Here is only 10 li away from the county seat, the transportation is convenient. Monastery in FeiFeng ShanYuan built, commanding, eye shot is open, large south the white snow, and west is west gaps back river, north to look deep famen temple pagoda, the east sui wendi TaiLing relatively. Lush scenery elegant, pleasant climate, flowers and trees. Is a wonderful place, temple central Ursa major iron tip of the roof center for SuiTai mausoleum's top of the east, east illicit affair, namely using theodolite, nor partial silk recommend her. Is this the ancients' masterpiece, deliberately or providence of close, remains unknown, but it makes people wonder, more make people feel mysterious. On the top of the temple in langfang long a towering cooper, dangling, for hundreds of years, despite the wind and rain, fighting, but still flourish, pilgrims and tourists all sigh for the spectacle.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1714 字

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Hello and welcome to the north sea park visit tour. You must have heard of "let us once more sculls again" the popular song! Song is people went boating on the north sea.

Beihai park was built in the liao dynasty, dating back nearly one thousand years of history, is existing in our country the most glorious, preserves one of most complete imperial garden, is the art of Chinese historical gardens masterpiece. Beihai park covers an area of 69 hectares, of which there are 39 hectares of water surface, is mainly composed of jade island, east and north shore scenic spot. Its scenery is both momentum and graceful and restrained.

Beihai park is the most famous is the white pagoda. White tower is located in the center of the jade island, was built in the qing shunzhi eight years (in 1651), is the most significant building beihai park. It is a Tibetan lama tower, 35.9 meters high, from Kentucky, tower, treasure of three parts, it is the relics, lama scripture, and the mantle, with the "wave"). You see, in the set off of blue sky, towering pagoda is particularly dignified and beautiful, is the symbol of beihai park.

Beihai park there is a famous poem, it is to use yellow, purple, white, blue, red, green, and blue seven colour of masonry, a total of 635 dragon. China is now only three nine dragon screen, only the north sea is the double dragon, is one of the most beautiful one of the three nine dragon screen.

Numerous beihai park landscape, I said, let us sing at the same time, while walking slowly to visit beihai park! "Let us once more, paddle ship on the small waves, the sea reflects the beauty of the white tower, surrounded by green trees and red walls..."




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1411 字

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Suzhou city in 514 BC, the prince he lu fu father life defecting will set up he lu wu chu city, has a history of more than 2500 years ago.

During the spring and autumn period, here is the capital of the kingdom of wu, still retains many sites about xi shi, wu zixu, etc. Sui huang nine years (AD 589) said in the beginning of suzhou, in use today.

City of suzhou city building early, large scale, surface parallel and adjacent river street, the ancient city is located on the site, still rarely seen at home and abroad.

Suzhou gardens of guilin, has been listed in the world cultural heritage list, in China's four big gardens, suzhou has a humble administrator's garden, lingering garden two seats.

The first places of human ". Hu qiu profound cultural accumulation, making it a tourist will visit to suzhou; The tang dynasty poet's poem "the present paper arrives at an inter pretation" poetry, the ancient and modern tourists to visit maple bridge, hearing hanshan temple bells.

Gusu outside the beautiful natural scenery, resentments, balance, tianchi and the mountains in dongting, ornament in taihu lake, formed the rich jiangnan amorous feelings of lakes and mountains.

Suzhou has both the beauty of the landscape and scenery of wins, natural and human landscape in photograph reflect, together with letters fude sings, made suzhou a veritable "paradise on earth".




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Art field is located in gold, Chang second between the official figure. Landscape bright, style simple, more to save the pattern of the early days. With its high historical and artistic value. Dominated have only about five acres, centered on accounts for about one 5 of the water. Water concentration, the southeast and southwest two horns, each have water bay stretched out, and on the nozzle shape different masonry bridge, so the surface appear open flow, no sense of congestion constraint. The water of the north building, boya main hall hall for the garden, the south has a small courtyard, a lake rock flowers, courtyard south LinChi, built waterside pavilion 5, on both sides of the wing is connected to the east, and west sides of the water wing.

The water of the south as the rockery, mound, in the place, with lake stone fold into a precipice, diameter, change more and more natural. In pool looks at here, the north rock mountain, lush trees, give a person with the beauty of the under well, mountain forest of, become the main places of the garden. Such as water, stone, unique combination of technique, commonly used by suzhou Ming and qing dynasties generation home gardening, determining the nature and strive to go beyond nature. Have milk fish pavilion, e of water system in the Ming dynasty relic, a path and everywhere is same. The water of the west, qin lu, small courtyard to round David connected to other scenic spot and apart. Into the gates, that the courts have small pool, with a big pool. It also belongs to the outlier in the suzhou gardens. The courts scattered stone flowers and trees, the lake for the retreat in the park.

Former Ming Wen Zhenmeng (Wen Zhiming great-grandson of medicine field, change, placed at the beginning of the qing dynasty, also called JingTing mountain house. Area of about 5 acres, now generally still remain in the Ming dynasty and early qing. Art field plane are slightly north and south long and narrow rectangle, north of the courtyard, is composed of the main hall of boya hall and waterside pavilion; Cut pool, the central area of about one mu for dominated the center, the surface concentration, southeast and southwest have water bay, on the structure low stone bridge. In addition to the north for the waterside pavilion revetment, the remaining pool shore flexor nature, while the pool surface from nearby for low small building is open, take nets garden. Fanaw stacking rockery, structure bridge pavilion, southwest a rear yard. ChiBeiAn five waterside pavilion, low floating in waves, both sides has a separate buildings.

The elevation of all these buildings occupy the pool in the north, which are rare in the suzhou gardens. Stone angeles fanaw near water, followed by heap heaped-up mountains, mountain near water side wall lake stone with the dangerous path. Southwest hospital with wall, water diversion bay in the small pond, stone mountain also delay pulse at this point. Courtyard west hall, between two weeks column stone lake, cultivation of camellia, magnolia flower, see a new world. Pool pavilion, southeast of fish for traces of Ming dynasty. Next to its slow QuShiQiao that also belongs to the early days, is very precious.

Art nursery for suzhou cultural relics protection units. Has been UNESCO world cultural heritage.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2412 字

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Nonyl years, golden autumn in October, will be in shanxi pingshun, play is also to admire the view. The Japanese also, brisk and pretty breeze bracing. There are mountains, south, and turbulence, a clean about video clips very nicely.

Although the concert orchestra of sheng, also enough to renew the hard-currency. We are starting from the foot, along the search to the rough trail - up, climb. This is indeed an inspiring people to its infinite yearning longing and expectation of the path, because you can't imagine how to get on the road met beautiful attractive scenery, you can't predict which moment you will at the top of the climb up the mountain, overlooking the foot all, appreciate everything in the world. Combined with it as the ancient plank road transport, a dangerous path, added a mystery and saintly moment in my heart. With the sun shining up bit by bit, our footsteps became more and more heavy.

Climbing upward, however, each step of ditching incisively and vividly, they cannot buy anything! Because your every move forward, will make you see the different scenery, bring you different visual impact. Don't know how long, we finally arrived the gate. Here, I await, I overlook. My feet, on the other side of the cottage, p and road induced, staggered, as if in the sight of long curly launched a reel of traditional Chinese realistic painting; At a distance, mesa, such as screen, feng of TV, the mist of smoke, vaguely CanCuo, I as if faced with a sharp splash-ink landscape, from time to time bursts of autumn wind blows a hair, a quiet heart arises spontaneously, solemn, admiration, to the creations of nature.

Later, I with a strange light leapt up on the top of the hill, at this moment, I can see, hear, feel, all get that. This trip to shanxi, one of the most memorable to me is the a mountain, and in this period, if we say, the most let me not forget for a moment, it is will be out of the mountain peak is here - in the gate of the moment. If the mountain the whole process as a man's life journey, in the after life, before get rid of the entanglement of fate, a person's state of mind, often leading to the most cool, quiet at this moment, no matter the memories of the past, or in the face of tomorrow, there will always be a puzzling indifferently. And the gate that one line, it is so. I think that this is the trip to shanxi, bring me the biggest harvest.


篇12:广西景点英文导游词范文3:Guangxi wuzhou Dan table mountain

范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 3717 字

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Guangxi wuzhouDantablemountainis located in the east of guangxi wuzhou teng county territory, with a total area of about 15.8 square kilometers, and the intersection of the beibu bay economic circle in the pearl river delta economic circle from China, only 88 kilometers, the transportation is convenient, rich in tourism resources, various types, including raw water landscape, beach, danxia landform landscape, history, humanities landscape, rural village landscape, etc., are danehill, clear water, beach, bamboo, village combination perfect place, is according to the national AAAA level traveling scenic area planning for the collection of leisure, vacation, range in the integration of nature and humanity landscape poetry Scenic spot, has high ornamental recreation value.

Scenic area is located in the town of chess is the history of Taoist village village, since the sui and tang dynasties, who lived all set up in this post, now more than a dozen cultural relics remaining in our village, tongji bridge during a moat during sui, tang and qing fu long zhuang on is still in good condition.

Thoughts drift Nile belongs to the original ecological leisure bleaching of scenic spot, the about 7 km, danehill, clear water, golden beach, bamboo, Nile dot is a poetic dream three-dimensional gallery, where the air is clear, quiet environment, clear rivers, lush, the bamboo is a natural oxygen bar, sitting on a bamboo raft carefree and drift, still can enjoy the local amorous feelings of the original water, is a rare loosen body and mind, a good place for close to nature.

The Taoist stone table mountain area in inland China's first beach beach park lies in known as the reputation of "the ancient southern silk road" water north river. Beach sand is rich in minerals, the use of sand sand treatment, these days there are very obvious physical therapy effect, the park also has sand development camp camp, sand, sand, sand entertainment projects such as food, water park in the gardens to tread water, is an ideal place for sightseeing, entertainment, leisure, recuperate.

Stone table the stronghold of scenic spot is a typical danxia landform, set "elegant, quiet,,, god" into an organic whole, the mountain vegetation is rich, the wall of rock danya deep cliff and steep frontal shape corridor can be seen everywhere, stood on the hill also can appreciate the pastoral scenery of mountain culture, dreaming. Because, it is subject to the military fortress, or natural stone table mountain in qin and han dynasties was built in the mountain village, the mountain still retained the ancient building of the ancient village gate, the ancient stone wall, ancient castles, stone relics such as well. Stone table shanzhai is danxia landform, ecological knowledge, history and culture study tour a good place to go.

Clear water, clean beaches, deep canyons, lush bamboo groves and mysterious shanzhai, tiancheng village of danxia landscape uncanny workmanship, of primitive simplicity, is a blend of natural Zhong Xiu artistically, culture and historical vicissitudes of life, make the whole scenic spot, unique glamour infinite.

Good scenic spot resources entities huge volume, density and element combination degree is high, are highly complementary to each other and can meet the demand of diversified tourism, according to research, there are four 4 tourism resources, 37 level 3 tourist resources, the secondary tourism resources of 58, 16 primary resources, tourism resources up to 43 kinds of basic types, reached grade Ⅰ standard. Since 2007, the stone table mountain scenic area is evaluated in guangxi wuzhou of agricultural tourism demonstration site, 10 fun attractions.




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"Bao guang, west park, north green cloud, in yuan." To yuan temple is located in wuhan hanyang CuiWei feng cui wei road west side, and GuQinTai adjacent. Say "convenient to return yuan no 2, there are many." Yuan temple temple name comes from this. To yuan temple site for private garden in Ming dynasty, by 1658, the park owner give alms to the monk in this build three small tower, tower buried unowned bones. Deng shedding pay property to build temples, then experience generation reconstruction in succession, hence become today's pattern. Owned by yuan temple building area of more than twenty thousand square meters?

Main construction points, both inside and outside. The outer court is mainly composed of gate house, courtyard, ponds; The inner court by the north courtyard, then Ursa and south courtyard sutra depository arhat hall three main body construction, as well as great, earth treasure house, etc. To yuan temple give an outstanding impression is consistent with the other temple is its architecture. It would not be symmetrical pattern of grand, but slightly clutter. Originally, built the temple, begging monk can't gather together in a short time together enough money to do the arrangement. Rich when you hurry to buy to repair, otherwise wait to raise enough money, ideas in the surrounding area has first bought by others. Monks have to can only have a sum of money in one place. The gate toward the east, but gradually from the south to the north side in buildings. Compared with the general big jungle, be yuan temple "hundred feet maolin, thousand bamboo pole, and red, brake, green around the cloud room", colorful, beautiful and pleasant.

Drops after lotus leaf green lotus pond, lotus flower in full bloom, is Ursa major, the temple Buddha like guanyin is the island, on both sides and 24 the heavens like, placed on a sloping surface, high technological level. Particularly noteworthy is that the sugar like sweets before running, it is not normal fabric, but wood and wood is wiser. Behind the of primitive simplicity and elegant modelling is unique, with high appreciation value, is a rare art treasures.

To the north and to the sutra depository, the magnificent building, decorative and elegant, is the treasure house of collection of cultural relics to yuan temple. Hidden inside a set of qing and bei Ye Zhenjing,.chinese or copper Buddha, both for treasures, and also has given some buddhist relics abroad. Main hall displays a Burmese jade Buddha statue, very beautiful.

West sutra depository, bypass tuas pavilion, south to the south of arhat hall, went into his house, can see a "field" glyph of five hundred arhats. Their ups and downs sit, joys and sorrows, each feminine beauty, rich distinguishing feature each, or legged earphones, or design, or studying buddhist scriptures, bouldering or drive out evil spirit, each are not identical, some brave, some gentle, some naive, silly, and some vicissitudes, expressions are all different, some in the pick up ear cleaning, some in a bored manner yawning, make people laugh. Ocean's production craft level is very high, to the end of the 19th century the qing guangxu years HuangBei County wang's father and son take a nine-year into. Type used on the process linoleum bodiless lacquer special method: first use unpainted clay idol with molding model, with a thick cloth, raw lacquer paste TaoSu step by step, and make each ocean's head and shoulders, ribs, leg respectively form a tendency, thus in the line of art image draws the outline of a large surface, make the action, different expressions. This process is conducive to the screw, enduring, and corrosion protection, is not bad, it is unique to China. Wuhan flood in 1954 and five hundred arhats, floating down the house after water back but intact, so wuhan folk have bathed ocean's "five hundred".

To yuan temple is also one of the birthplace of the modern buddhist revival. In the spring of 1922, too the mage to yuan temple lecture buddhist, when all the listeners, stimulate too buddhist volunteers, it is the same with listening celebrity to negotiate, to better buddhist generative, must set up the buddhist, extensive training talents of Buddhism, buddhist institute to run one of the cause of this is wuchang.



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About chongqing cities first. Billed as the "mountain city" of chongqing, really liked. The city built around the mountain, so the road is not like our suzhou made peace, but the ups and downs. There, you are hardly out of difficulty, is going downhill. If you want to compare the two houses of the high and low is very difficult, because that the foundations of the house were not the same level. Chongqing is a city on a three-dimensional, three-dimensional, once I was walking by the road, I saw a roadside hotel, went in to have a rest, drink a cup of coffee, that a stepped in, here is the 11th floor. Mentioned that the house, chongqing buildings more than suzhou, people walk in it, such as tunnel vision. Chongqing is a famous jiangbei, 26 meters high, that is the tallest building in the city of chongqing, but now surrounded by tall buildings, chicken is made a swoop. Chongqing night scene is beautiful, in the evening we go to the "tree" the view, standing on a mountain, the mountain city lights, hand in photograph reflect with river water. Which chongqing sheraton hotel building special type, like two big bamboo shoots, very funny.

Chongqing is famous for its food all over the world. Go to chongqing, my mother and I are deeply regrets, suzhou is really no good snacks. Chongqing cuisine stand much more special, variety, and the price is cheap. My mother and I all the way walk all the way to eat. I think is the most inexpensive corn crisp, 5 dollars can buy a big bag. I ate a lot of meat string, taste very sweet. The most memorable or old oil hot pot of chongqing. This hot pot we are in the roadside stalls to eat. The hot pot after nine, so also called scratchable latex hot pot. Put a lot of chili hot pot, but also good, no imagination of spicy. Hot pot in the old oil is really old, chopsticks dip out, have a few seconds, chopsticks, you married a thick layer of fat. Drop a drop of oil in the water, also like wax immediately condense into a block. It is said that the oil has been eaten N times, is not very health, but it tastes really good, we eat very comfortable.

Because of the time, we only went to the ChaoTianMen in town, the jiangbei, HongYa hole, arhat temple, 18 ladder. Arhat temple is the most fun, there is a 500 arhat hall, lohan, of different fun. I also calculate life there, it is said that will dry out a career, but fortune-teller warned me, can't fall in love before starting work, ha ha! We only went to the outside "tiankeng" (claims to be the world's second-largest tiankeng group). There is very far away from chongqing, three hours' drive, but impressive view, worth a visit.

Chongqing dialect also has distinguishing feature very much, we can only communicate in mandarin there, chongqing people can understand basic mandarin, but all say not standard, we must be prepared to fight often can understand. If you ask I want to go to chongqing, I'll answer loudly: "be!




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:景区,导游,全文共 14675 字

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Everybody is good! Welcome to sightseeing, as cabinet. I am a scenic docent of xx, hope that through my explanation, can let everybody to the ancient city of changsha and the massive historical culture as ancient pavilion has a preliminary understanding.

As cabinet are signs and symbols of the ancient city of changsha, changsha is the testimony of history and culture development, ancient times known as "xiaoxiang pavilion, qin and han dynasties city" reputation, as the national AAAA level scenic spots. Because its ley uplift, the auspicious trillion, it has been regarded as a geomantic precious place of changsha. Scenic area was built in 1924, is to protect the ancient city wall with a history of more than 2200 years and 2200 years of history of the ancient attic built in changsha first garden scenic spot.

First of all you see is "embalm wind pavilion" and "lun jian pool". "Cured" is a kind of vanilla, "kaori wind" namely "sweet wind"; Pavilion built in midsummer, pleasant fragrance, all around its name. Red rock cliff "Aaron as" two words, "Aaron" is the similar meaning, "learning" as the mirror, meaning is refers to the water as bright as a mirror. Words taizong account in the proposal making official Wei Zheng died, sadness of leaving "for copper mirror, can is the headgear; with history as a mirror, can know replaced; the looking-glass self, can know the gain and loss" of training, "Aaron as a".

As pavilion is the spirit of chu culture of changsha, changsha is the state council released the first batch of 24 cities in our country one of the famous historical and cultural city, heavenly heart pavilion is a symbol of changsha, witnessed the historical development and changes of the changsha. All the cities in the world history has a city into town, because of the history of the town and city, so the changsha city origin with long history, according to historical records as early as in the shifu, king "of the western zhou dynasty, the changsha city after thousands of years, don't move don't move, don't change, still thrive, a rare in today's cities. Changsha every construction project is likely to dig up a batch of rare and precious cultural relics, such as the western han dynasty mawangdui woman corpse, chow tai bronze ware, cook's floor bamboo slips of The Three Kingdoms, etc... Are legion.

Now you see this piece of strewn at random have the stone forest, is the "historical figures carved stone gallery" scenic area, it is time for us to draw the 33 hunan had outstanding contribution of historical figures, some of them was born in hunan, an official in hunan, including XiangJi 16 people. Yan emperor shen nung, tasted grass bouquet to benefit the people, he later because of eating a "flame grass" (also known as "graceful jessamine herb") plants and xie in hunan, emperor yandi mausoleum in our hunan ZhuZhou tianxinli; Zhu xi, Zhang Shi under the capital city of changsha yuelu academy lecture; Lee Fei, changsha (called tam states) year hunan conciliation, the late southern song dynasty, yuan soldiers in an attack on guarding city changsha 3 hopeless situation, bring the whole family 19th mouth people collective suicide, in order to show the valiant ones; Zeng guofan, hunan hunan assembly of people, the qing daoguang years one of the westernization movement leader, created the "xiang no of xiang army", was crazy to suppress the taiping rebels, after the defeat by twisting forces, but his way of life has always been talk of learning, by later generations, by income more complete works "once Wen Zhenggong; Wei yuan, from longhui, hunan, and puts forward "long skill with barbarians", the Lin zexu, supported by the 50 volumes "sealand 'disposition, known as the world's first person, I opened my eyes XiangYin guo song-tao, hunan people, diplomat in the late qing dynasty, to the west in modern China sent the first permanent chiefs, during the mission's (Singapore), access to public funds only pay to rent two, and said: "budget before the gentleman to remorse, unfavorable to blame others; hui is the gentleman to suicide, unfavorable in hopes to man", said.

Is engaging you see in front of the pavilion, there are "as whirlwind to heaven, to the party engaging" say, mean as natural began. Please note that the above couplet, top allied "day if sentient days also old," second line is "heart to the selfless heart wide". This is embedded word couplet, poem is orz. Did you see it, by the way, is the name of our scenic area "as", this couplet a cultivate one's morality philosophy in it.

Please look at the other side of the pavilion "chong DE", this plaque for Chiang kai-shek, "fresh call forth the past unforgettable a surprised noon dream, thousands of miles to see sunrise" according to legend for Chiang kai-shek, built for the 1946 memorial for those who died in the anti-japanese, also known as "the fierce pavilion". From September 1939 to December 1941, the Japanese aggressively attack changsha three times, in the ninth theater commander Sir Hsueh yueh as the main body of China's armed forces to take the back decisive battle "strategy, strive to resist. Three times in battle, the Japanese were losing from changsha. Changsha become resistance for five years in the history of world war ii hero city, become one of the main positive battlefield of the Chinese Anti-Japanese War stalemate. Because, as cabinet in changsha city high ground, have lost three times as one of the main platforms of our important department. Hero of changsha city undefeated to figure stands in front of the world, and majestic, magnificent ancient city wall, also became the pride of changsha people.

Now everyone viewed from the looks, is built in the Ming dynasty chongzhen years ago, has 400 years of history, as cabinet. Attic for a layer, when he first built qing qianlong built into two layers, in 1774 as a "ku" always read officer wang li degrees also made the repairing as pavilion "; As to the qing dynasty jiaqing years, your academy dean luo funding reconstruction, Ohio, south of the city is now everyone can see three layer, and increase the south and north two attached to the cabinet, make it more grand, magnificent; 14.6 meters high, is now the main pavilion two attached cabinet each 10 meters high, the entire attic imitation Ming and qing dynasties south garden architectural style, "not as pavilion, don't know the ancient changsha." Please follow me together pavilion to visit.

Main pavilion, a layer for the exhibition in one hundred, changsha, changsha one hundred history of the 20th century is shown. First of all, please see the heavenly heart pavilion overlooking a poem, the poem "tam states that" today's changsha. The poem are taken from the good county annals "(the original changsha, good two counties are divided into changsha, as pavilion is a good county), the author YuYi for Ming chongzhen years in Beijing took command, which can be concluded as cabinet as early as 400 years ago stand high above the city. Then take a look at the ancient changsha old topographic map, it is the long and narrow strip, changsha has a picture of a household name, popular pairs: "land and sea chau interstate system boat boat move motionless, as presently live pigeons fly cabinet did not fly", this amphibious continent is j, amphibious continent is about more than 5500 meters long, about 100 meters wide, is the changsha this special geographic landscape. Changsha geological structure on the basis of quartz sandstone, through all the year round external force, make a lot of sand and stone are gathered in the surface, thus changsha placenames origin in "long Fang Zhou, sandy land".

Main cabinet of the second floor has two large relief, one shows the late November 12, 1938, "Wen Xi fire", zhou enlai and then KMT chairman zhang zhizhong to attic inspect the scene of the disaster of hunan province, wuhan, the Japanese open the portal to southern China, Chiang kai-shek to defend the changsha lack of confidence; The order after the yueyang lost, zhang zhizhong in changsha "scorched earth" of the war of resistance against Japan, with their torches as cabinet, put a good carry of changsha city into a ruin, destroyed the city area of 90%, burned more than 3000 people, burns victims of nearly twenty thousand people, the city common people homeless, history says "Wen Xi fire", changsha which is listed as a world war ii one of the most serious city four great destruction. But less than three months, heroic unyielding changsha people and set up a small hut on the ruins of new changsha, with a burning desire to fight the Japanese again, make the Japanese admitted for the first time in all the way the successful cases of the Chinese people do not reproach. Second is shown in July 1930, the red headed by peng dehuai SanJunTuan armed attack changsha, in ShanTing victory stationed in the scene. Hunan liling people at that time li lisan's adventurism authorized by the communist international, put forward the strategic thought of "armed to encircle the cities", after the general strength is too wide, the red army and take the initiative to leave changsha.

Why call this building as "pavilion"? According to ancient Chinese star like learning, heaven have 28 stars, including seven southern provinces as "the linnet", in its tail there is a main life "star" in changsha, and attic built after just on the "changsha star" in the sky, as it is the stars in the sky, therefore, formerly known as "star pavilion", is the star of stars, is the ancient worship god, stars "gv 10"; We all know that the ancients has always been advocating dao, original attic to worship the statue of Confucius, mencius and others, the moral "for Kong Mengchuan orthodoxy, for heaven and earth and heart", so the star of stars and change to the heart of the heart. Another story, the qing emperor kangxi years, emperor kangxi to changsha southern found changsha wooden house much more special, very easy to cause HuoHuan, to save the people in distress, and local officials in changsha, changsha is highest, feng shui, the best place to build such a disaster in the town of fire prevention, attic, said "the mind of" son of heaven. Written by scholars in the late qing dynasty Huang Zhaomei yunshan all eyes, all around of fireworks always concerned about "in the name of the union, better generalization for the cabinet in the first place.

Now you see, is the ancient city wall in changsha. In 202 BC, that is, the west five years, emperor gaozu Liu Bangjian han closed his eight major contributor to the king, the changsha Wang Wu rui, has formed ram changsha built the ancient city wall, according to the present 2200 years of history. In the Ming hongwu five years, that is, in 1372 AD, changsha command make Qiu Guang defence, content of the wall for masonry building, the purpose is to strengthen the defense, makes changsha is solid "citizen". Ming scored changsha yellow tiger rate army onishi, the wall had been destroyed; Qing shunzhi eleven years (AD 1654), seduction on the plains of hunan, in changsha, dismantle MingFan fu brick building the wall, to return to the old city walls. Two years qing xianfeng (1852 AD), the walls and damaged by taiping rebels, after successive hunan governor LuoBingZhang, Mao Hongbin repair reinforcement, such as design and additional battery around, the ancient city wall to a pattern of arch ring type in Minnesota. Original ancient city wall is 8.8 kilometers, the north and south long and narrow strip, in 1914, the kuomintang government in order to repair the ring road, retain only 251 meters at present this period survives, as an important witness of changsha history development.

Please look the direction of my finger, this is an important component of the ancient city wall in changsha - "around", also known as the barbican. As the name implies, named after the deep shaped like a half moon, is an ancient riot police, according to the place and the battery. It usually consists of two parts, the long-range artillery is placed above, the following placed close to Tom. In the city as well as storage of ammunition and food with warehouse and the secret to the outside, it are of great value to the research of ancient Chinese military fortifications. Interested friends can visit it.

Tourists friends, everybody in the official kilns are everywhere on the wall. The brick kiln with Ming and qing dynasties, which was the ancient brick factory brand, another is "responsibility" for the Great Wall brick sample.

Now watch, please "changsha fire" phantom imaging, said it was just introduced in 1938 "Wen Xi fire".

Occurs under the ancient city wall of the most famous battle, is "the duke guan war changsha". Chibi war, zhuge liang detachment of the will, and enterprising lingling, guiyang, wuling, changsha county. Guan yu at the gates in changsha war ShouJiang huang zhong, alternate admire: each a 50 rounds the first world war, regardless of the outcome; World war ii, the duke guan "knife meter" and huang zhong up, close the second brother to win and aboveboard, so put huang zhong; Three wars huang zhong cheat, go back to the GuanYuFang three arrows, the first two arrows to close the second brother, also Huang Zhongfang is empty of arrows, in return for first don't kill the grace of huang zhong only shot at guan yu's head scarf, this time to turn off the second brother know huang zhong, frighten when hands are off, so today changsha and "fishing knife river". Back to changsha after the satrap han xuan yi huang zhong collaboration, will launch him beheaded. Saved huang zhong wei, han xuan, han xuan for wei, deliberately put the two boots the south and north two places, so today, changsha, and "south, north to take off the boots. Wei yan see through the trick, grasp its kill, the changsha has given "idle lake" (thorn Han Hu). After Wei Yanxian city; Huang zhong home anyway, guan yu, please visit to surrender.

To this end, the interpretation of good, I thank you for your support for my work, I wish you all a pleasant journey, bon voyage!



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Hello!我是导游陈禹安,大家可以叫我小陈。欢迎参观我国十大名胜古迹——杭州西湖。杭州西湖三面环山,景区由一山(孤山),两堤(苏提、白堤),三岛(阮公墩、湖心亭、小瀛洲),五湖(外西湖,北里湖,西里湖、岳湖和南湖),十景(曲院风荷、平湖秋月、断桥残雪、柳浪闻莺、雷峰西照、南屏晚钟、花港观鱼、苏堤春晓、双峰插云)构成。这么多景点一天肯定游不完,不如我向大家推荐一个吧,比如断桥残雪,哈哈!不用我说大家一定知道这是白娘子和许仙相遇的地方,在湖边野餐一定很好!但记住可不要乱扔垃圾哟! 在野餐的同时,我给大家讲一个故事:古时候,天河两岸各住着一位仙子,东边的叫玉龙,西边的叫金凤。他们十分要好,天天在一起玩耍。









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In today's guizhou anshun, inhabited by a different group of han Chinese - tun pu people, their speech, dress, local-style dwelling houses building and entertainment with the surrounding villages vastly different, this unique han culture phenomenon is known as "tun pu culture. Residents here because are the descendants of ancient tun army door so people call them "tun pu". More than 600 years ago, Ming hong wu emperor of zhu yuanzhang for reinforced company rule in xinjiang area. In jiangsu and zhejiang recruits soldiers, let XieQi tape them in guizhou, who live in Settings, when war, settlement when idle. Who was spreading across the province, to the tens of thousands of people.

Passage, and now most of those who sites scattered in the historical space and time, but in the "throat of the belly, of qian dian" anshun, still holds a site by the who and the legacy of people's life, yunshan is acting on his behalf. Tun pu people clothing, mainly in women, their costumes are usually off your big sleeve, big garment is long and knee. Neckline, cuffs, the front edges are embroidered with flow pattern, the waist with both ends at your knees the tapestry of bow of ribbon tie. Long hair done in a bun pulling in net, put on the bun with h. silver chains such as jewelry.

The difference between women's marital status is that unmarried girl comb DuBian long; Married people are in addition to holding bun, has yet to be shaven forehead threading. In dress, women tend to have the pendants, bracelets, rings, hand cage, long skirts and with embroidery, patch, ornamental, inlay, rolling method such as high for single hook made of crested cloth shoes. If visitors come in due course, you can enjoy the many unique and festival culture with a boundless lasting appeal; 9th in the jade emperor, the 16 day face Wang Gong, people will land in June, June 24 worship Raytheon... The festival to meet Wang Gong lastly, the most characteristic.



篇19:新疆景点英文导游词范文1:Hami back to the palace

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Guangxu (1882), eight years ShaMu hu sauter inheritance,palacefor the expansion and renovation. After the expansion of wangfu accounted for a quarter back to town, the area has room for more than 880, size nine gate house. Is a gate structure of match well of Chinese and western, the eaves ridge, paintings carved beams, green glazed tile roof. The overall architecture is divided into internal and external two palace, NaGong high ground with walls, appearance is the palace gate type. Thousands of yuan, as officials office accommodation, guards and storage ordnance, entertain guests. Owing to the king is a devout Muslim, therefore the mosque building seriously. In back inside the palace, there are three different size, different style of the mosque.

Since the wangfu XiMenDong fold to the sitting room, the sitting room is after palace garden. Little garden for rest back to the king and his household. TingXie design is exquisite, with flowers and plants is given priority to, the jiangnan garden style. Many scholars for attached garden, has been in the hami has repeatedly described in the book. Fiji JingFu in "hohai kunlun record" records: "acquired mu, earth with brick, pavilion pavilion three or four divisions, graceful structure, and ancient Yin, flowers, red, white and brilliant, for the middle garden is unprecedented". Xie Bin in the xinjiang travel also wrote: "back to Wang Huayuan, TingXie number, arrangement is appropriate. All the trees of walnut, Yang, yu, tall and spreading, and herbaceous peony, peach, apricot, red-violet to various". Due to hami wang back depend on the qing government to maintain the rule of feudal lords, and since the qing dynasty xinjiang uygur cure area feudal princes and maintain a longest-ruling, and hami in xinjiang has exerted a great influence in history, and keep a special relationship with the qing government.

To the qing government to loyalty, back to the king in the northeast corner of the garden, also built there is a flower, with Chinese classical architecture ShangZhai sits three flour wall, positive applique partition board is wood doors and Windows. Palace on display from qing sai-jo to DE zong color portrait of the emperor, like the use case, vermilion on the memorial tablet, write the name and born on pawn, the emperor on the spring and autumn period and the rainy season every year, back to the king and hami officials are to worship.



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AI Wan pavilion was first built in 1792, the 57th year of Qianlong reign of Qing Dynasty. It was founded by Luo Dian, the head of Yuelu Academy, a scholar and educator at that time. In the past, Fenglin was all over Qingfeng gorge, so Luodian named the pavilion "Hongye Pavilion", also known as "Aifeng Pavilion". Later, the governor of Huguang, Bi Yuan, felt that the scenery there was very suitable for Du Mu's poem "a trip to the mountains" of the Tang Dynasty, so he renamed it "Ai Wan Ting".

Far up the cold mountain, the stone path is inclined, and there are people in the depths of the white clouds;Park and sit in maple forest at night, frost leaves are red in February flowers.

Indeed, in late autumn, the top of Yuelu Mountain is shrouded in clouds and mist, and the maple trees around aiwan pavilion are as red as fire and gorgeous as blazing, which vividly expresses the artistic conception of the poem.

At this moment, I can see the panorama of aiwan Pavilion. It sits in the West and faces east, surrounded by towering green mountains and jagged rocks. It is surrounded by streams on the left and right, with mountains, trees, streams and stones flowing.

Aiwan Pavilion is a typical Chinese classical pavilion with a sharp top. It has two sets of roofs; it is called "double eaves", which is vigorous; its roof adopts four inclined ridges, which is called "four drapes", which shows the beauty of being steady and dignified; the sharp roof makes the pavilion have a kind of centripetal cohesion. All of these are the embodiment of Confucianism in ancient architecture, such as emphasizing "reason", "standing on one's own", emphasizing "golden mean" and "great unification" in Chinese traditional culture. At the same time, the eaves angle of the pavilion is concave curve upward, which makes the original heavy and sinking pavilion have a lively and elegant feeling. Together with Danzhu Biwa, Baiyu guardrail and painted caisson, the ancient beauty of this century old Pavilion is fully displayed.

Aiwan Pavilion is not only a place of historic interest, but also a holy land of revolution. In his youth, when he was studying and working in Hunan No.1 Normal University, Comrade Mao often went to aiwanting together with Cai Hesen, Luo xuezan, Zhang kundi and other close friends to "point out rivers and mountains, encourage writing", sometimes even all night. Old man Zhou Shizhao, a member of Xinmin society at that time, recalled this period of time. He wrote a poem "walking on Shakespeare in autumn, visiting the love Pavilion in the evening"

Bijian sound Qin, red forest for painting, a mountain autumn more natural and unrestrained. In order to find the past, I went to fangting to pick up yingfengyi school.

When you are in the mountains, you are worried about the world. You can count on the hurdles and spend the night. We should write the history from the beginning.

Because of this, when the pavilion was rebuilt in 1952, Li Da, then president of Hunan University, asked Chairman Mao to inscribe the pavilion. Chairman Mao happily wrote down the three characters "Ai Wan Ting", which is the plaque on the lintel of the pavilion.

At the moment, you can see a couplet on the pavilion column: "the mountain path is red and comfortable at night, and five hundred young peaches are new; the gorge clouds are deep and green, and a pair of tamed cranes are waiting to be caged." This is the title of Luo Dian, the builder of AI Wan Pavilion. It shows the style of AI Wan Pavilion at that time.
