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The 21st century is the century of integration and mutual promotion of various disciplines and industries. Need to have innovative technology, professional knowledge and teamwork ability of talent. Through four years of basic knowledge of basic chemistry, basic theory and basic skills and related engineering and technical knowledge, as well as scientific thinking and scientific experiment training, initially with a good scientific literacy, with the use of knowledge and experimental skills to apply Research, technology development and technology management of basic skills.

In the ideological character, through Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory and other advanced theory of learning, establish a correct outlook on the world, life and values, love of labor, law-abiding, unity and cooperation; Ethics and professional ethics.

At work, although the work experience is not much, but through their own efforts to initially have the ability to work independently, independent thinking, hardworking and honest, with the spirit of teamwork. One of my major strengths is a big weakness is that no matter how many times the failure will not easily give up. Although I was as an ordinary student of Wenzhou Normal University Oujiang College, the brain is not smart, but through their own efforts have been repeatedly awarded scholarships, but also by the school teachers and students recognition.

In life, through the University of tempering to develop a good living habits, honest and trustworthy, hard-working spirit. To this end, I also actively participate in school organized various types of work-study activities.

Through four years of college life, learned a lot of knowledge, more importantly, have a quick grasp of a new thing.




范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:安全员,个人,全文共 2773 字

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I am motivated, hard-working and practical. After the University of learning has been engaged in the construction and security staff of the ability, a solid professional knowledge. Graduated a year of work experience, engaged in the construction management of the project are: Meishan Silverpeng International Hotel Project, Chengdu Museum of the new museum project, Daci commercial cultural complex project, Chengdu Yintai Center Steel Building, Northeast Sichuan natural gas with high Sulfur plant. Now I can work in engineering construction, project management, safety management and so on. Self from the West China Normal University project cost management undergraduate has all passed, two construction division examination has been adopted. Phoenix Nirvana, want fire clusters, I firmly believe that hard work will have a reasonable return. I hope that I can find a satisfactory destination, together with the cause of the bright future, to a better tomorrow!

At the beginning of this year, we carried out the situation and the task education in the whole workshop, combined with the plastic parts of the chemical plant reform, education workers to establish a sense of crisis, competition consciousness, innovation consciousness. A profound understanding of "quality service is electric workers in a benefit" meaning.How to understand the "rapid and reliable handling of accidents, maintenance of high-quality equipment in good condition"? Through the large and medium-sized enterprises to improve the quality of the workplace, through the large and medium-sized enterprises, Discussion, workers clearly recognize the deepening of the situation in the reform, their own interests and the company and the plastic parts of the chemical plant production and management are closely related. If you want to win in the competition, we must enrich themselves, improve the overall quality. Put themselves in the production workshop in the position. To raise the awareness of service and improve the quality of work as the workshop on the team, the main basis for the assessment of individual workers, workers for the production of service attitude improved significantly.

In March, a major overhaul of the injection device. We have a total of 19 sets of motor maintenance, repair circuit breaker 3, 28 sets of lighting installation, test equipment and building 439 ground, to solve the 35KV substation 3 # bus cable leakage major hidden dangers. To ensure the safety of production and equipment spare. At present, the plastic parts of the electrical equipment in good condition to reach 9____, power factor remained at 0.93 or more, 2 6KV substations are intact substation, 10 low-voltage substations in 9 is a good substation Therefore, the rate of 9____.



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范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:工厂,个人,全文共 4753 字

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Under the leadership of the teacher we lined up into the Shaanxi flames limited liability company's production workshop, after the relevant person in charge of the distribution I and the other four students were assigned to the bakelite workshop.

Into the workshop, the master of the workers on the performance of our very happy, enthusiastic greeting me, as far as possible to me to introduce me to do the work, I just came in a sense of tension swept away. In the workers under the master's explanation we understand the next week's work content. And found that we seem to be doing a great cause, because we processed the antenna is to be installed in the tank above. And many of these antennas are sold abroad. The thought of their use of the antenna in some of their own to do, and my heart can not say proud.

The antenna body has four sections, connected to one from the low to high diameter in turn, from the bottom to the top in turn; a connecting base, 2 with a fixed rope, fixed rope and a metal, is used to connect the antenna , The main package a total of 7 positions, 7 accessories can be loaded into, and then a line of the rope, the antenna package folded up.easy to carry.

Our work that trouble to not trouble, but need to have enough patience.The first is to use a small blade to a white plastic end of a dust removal.Because the blade is very hand the school is very difficult to take, a long time, the hand will be blisters, even though we have to clean up, or inevitable, but the thought of these workers uncle for decades to do the job, admiration Feeling arises spontaneously. They are for the motherland of tomorrow, not afraid of suffering, then we have nothing to fear.

The second task is to remove the antenna under the core, there is the fiberglass shell to the gelatinization treatment, it seems simple, it is not true, because the plastic outside the plastic film is very hard, accidentally cut Finger, the master of the workers in the explanation, we found a small hand does not cut the hand tips. The third task is the casing, in order to prevent the antenna interference, will use the plastic tube to isolate the antenna.

The fourth work has a good name to listen to this is a high-tech live, in a one-meter-long plastic tube wearing a thin copper wire is only 0.3 mm.Really is not an easy thing, even more depressing is that sometimes when you wear to the end of the moment, just so bad 2 cm, just can not pass, and my heart that hate Egypt do not know who invented the antenna practice, although complaining There are still, but we still learn to make fun of, we five people started the game, to see who wear the fast and. In this way the work was also very easy to solve. We summed up the truth - do not just have the patience to do this, there is another condition, that is luck, good luck, smooth. Bad luck, then move.

The fifth task is welding, this welding is different from the radio welding, it is the soldering iron fixed, mobile components to complete the welding. As the temperature is high, it requires us to fast, accurate, and requires a beautiful weldment.

The sixth task is to insulate small transformers with insulating varnishes.This work is the most easy to complete. Is the best learning.

The seventh job is the mat, although good to do, but need a little effort.Because there are many components will not affect the role of the antenna, so even if the production is not very qualified, in order not to waste, will continue to use. This requires a little more effort.

The eighth task is to tie the line, it sounds very easy to do it is not simple. The reason is not only to tie, but also tied labor, so as not to tamper with the antenna in the glass tank. Worker master taught us to tie the method, the beginning of the tie is very awkward, tied the number of more, even find work is the door to fun.

Week internship is the deepest feelings of some of the Fiberhome Group of dedicated workers. Here the workers are very amiable and friendly people, often some humorous words to our work to add fun. The most touching is that when we can not personally participate in the Olympic torch relay, they play radio for us so that we hear the whole process of tracking the torch relay.

The rapid development of modern science and technology era, the types of high-tech products more and more, production technology and production processes are also different. But no matter what kind of products, from raw materials to produce products are processed to follow certain production principles, through a number of major equipment and process to complete. And never try to use machines instead of manual, no matter how fast the machine can not replace human labor. And this is not only labor, or passion to pass.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:个人,全文共 1523 字

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I work resolutely obey the leadership arrangements, and actively play their own initiative, diligent in thinking, and strive to have new ideas, a breakthrough in their own work are responsible for outstanding performance. Usually able to stand alone side, so that early in the year there are plans to summarize. Calm, able to effectively solve the problem, but also carry forward the spirit of mutual assistance and cooperation,

In the file management work, orderly arrangement of files in an orderly manner, the establishment of a directory for easy access, and scattered files for registration and timely archiving to prevent the loss of the file, the file is well distributed, anytime, anywhere can quickly find File, but also ready to use the database software to improve file management, simplifying the work process, this work is planning in progress. A total of 2 sets of archives were sent to the city group to receive acceptance, collecting 439 copies of scattered files, access to files 66 times. In charge of the Department of computer and office equipment management and maintenance, can be done in an orderly manner, there are problems in time to solve or repair, to ensure the smooth progress of the work.

At work, I never care about personal gains and losses, division of work regardless of home, respect for leadership, unity, colleagues, helpful, always a party member of the strict demands on themselves, the performance is obvious to all, has been superior leadership and colleagues recognition and Praise.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:出纳,个人,全文共 2851 字

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As an accountant, in all aspects of business are careful about, patience, enthusiasm. Since the work, due to their continuous efforts, in all respects have made great progress. Work is also a successful completion, and now the individual identification is as follows:

First, have good work skills

Cashier external units more settlement, is an image window; internal is a service window, internal staff reimbursement is frequent, is a masters. So I have to do is not confused, tickets on the spot error-free, inventory cash fast and accurate, not only to grasp the financial policy, dry up the work also handy, have strong operational capacity, plans, computer, Money everything is accurate, busy and not chaos.

Second, the sense of innovation

In the eyes of many people is a major invention of innovation is what, it is not true, as long as the actual work from the start, to improve the actual work, to promote practical work to a new level, is innovation. I have this spirit. I work for the staff reimbursement of travel expenses reimbursement and the original invoice paste sheet, are made through my reasonable proposals after the improvement of the voucher paper size selection, the original document paste single filling format, the original paste single Requirements of the content design, font layout requirements, the back of the original paste paste the attention of managers, not only to improve the work, more importantly, is to put the accounting file binding and management.

Third, there is a responsible attitude

1, the strict implementation of cash management and settlement system, regular checks to the accounting cash and accounts and found that the amount of cash does not match, so that timely treatment.

2, the timely recovery of the company's income, out of receipts, cash withdrawals in time to the bank, never sit cash.

3, according to the basis for providing accounting, teaching staff wages and other timely payment of funds to be paid. I am hard working, willing to endure hardship, willing to sacrifice. This year, due to the overall relocation and standardization of the basis of accounting rectification work, the intensity and difficulty of financial work has increased. In addition to complete the reimbursement work, I also take care of Corey's back office work and other business. In order to complete the task according to the quality and quantity, I do not care about personal gains and losses, not pay, sacrifice personal interests, often work overtime. In work to develop willing to endure hardship, willing to sacrifice the spirit of the work can always be hard working, conscientious. In the completion of the task of reimbursement, taking into account the back office, do a good job budget, the management of labor camp deposits, excellent work to complete the task, played a role in advanced and role models.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:个人,全文共 1600 字

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1, to actively move closer to the party's external organization, and strive to learn the basic knowledge of the party.

2, and constantly improve their self-cultivation to the strict requirements of party members themselves.

3, a positive response to the call of the party, in line with the party Central Committee, Party branch on time to complete the tasks assigned.

4, and strive to learn business, hard-working, Yong burden, to fight the bad phenomenon. 5, and actively carry out criticism and self-criticism, respect for leadership, unity, comrades. Disadvantages: the understanding of the party's basic knowledge is not deep, the need for further study. According to this idea can be added or subtracted. We work, often to a person's work, study and other aspects of evaluation, doing ordinary work. When we evaluate such people, we tend to say that they have nothing to preach. So it will not be too much emphasis on these people, that is, obliterate their scores. Therefore, we in the evaluation of a person, it should be comprehensive, accurate, serious and responsible. Note that the discovery of a person's strengths, pay attention to his flash point, let him in the ordinary work, shine out more light. Stateroom self-sacrifice for the people to give birth to life and death

Strong sense of initiative, independent work ability, good communication skills, self-motivated, energetic, thoughtful, cheerful, mature and mature, capable of being honest, self-confident, self-motivated, enthusiastic, brave, eccentric, , Young, smart, energetic, hard-working, approachable



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:工程,资料员,个人,全文共 4140 字

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Four years of college life full and tense, I strive to train themselves into a society needed talent. Our engineering management major is to cultivate the basic knowledge of management science, economics and civil engineering technology, master the theory, method and means of modern management science, and can be engaged in project decision-making and the whole process management in the field of domestic and foreign projects. Management talent. Learning:

I have been trained in engineering, management, economics, law, foreign languages and computer applications with the basic quality training of engineers and economists. Project management professional and national registered supervision engineer, the national registered cost engineer knowledge structure, professional direction covers engineering project management, real estate management, engineering investment and cost management, international engineering contracting direction.We can be engaged in engineering consulting, project construction, real estate development and management related work, professional coverage, wide range of practitioners, social needs.

This four-year study makes me realize the mystery of knowledge. I am not satisfied with the status quo, and constantly challenge themselves, successfully passed the English four or six examinations, and won the first class scholarship.

Social practice: the spirit of learning in practice, the theory of combining practice, in the summer of __, I internship in the construction unit, by doing the work of construction workers, I am more deeply aware that we must put into the community of the University of their own Will really grow up, I will try to focus on the future study and life in these areas to improve the capacity to strive to do all aspects of the new quality of talent.

Knowledge and ability to master:

1. Master the basic theory and methods of project management;

2. master the basic theory and basic knowledge of investment economy;

3. Familiar with civil engineering technical knowledge;

4. Familiar with the principles, policies and regulations of the project construction;

5. Understand the development of engineering management at home and abroad;

6. With the use of computer-aided management problem solving ability.

My advantage is honesty, enthusiasm, character perseverance. I believe that integrity is the conduct of the country, so I have been a must-do to ask their own, and promised to do some things on time, which left others a deep impression. In learning the knowledge, I know better, consider the problem should be thoughtful, which in dealing with interpersonal relationships when I fully demonstrated. I have a characteristic of this person, that is, do not like anticlimactic, things have always been beginning and end, even if the matter is also hard to go all out, the pursuit of the best results.

Project management professional employment areas involved in construction, construction and control management, real estate management and finance, hotels, trade and other sectors of the management. This profession involves a large demand for talent in the field of employment is relatively common. From bank securities to hotels, from construction companies to real estate development companies are anxious to add a large number of projects to create management and related professional personnel, the talent market demand for the professionals. The major areas of employment involved are: the integrated use of basic knowledge of management, construction, economy, law, focusing on engineering construction, construction management and real estate development, and familiar with China's related policies, policies and regulations, conduct The Management and Operation of Enterprise Engineering Development and Construction Project

Through this four-year study career so I know a lot, from that innocent child I, through that life's setbacks and ups and downs, and now mature, stable me. So I understand a truth, life can not exist smooth sailing things, only their courage to face life in every post. Of course, the results have become the past, the future belongs to themselves.


篇9:财务经理年度总结报告 财务经理年度个人总结

范文类型:工作总结,汇报报告,适用行业岗位:财务,经理,个人,全文共 957 字

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范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:财务,经理,个人,全文共 1602 字

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I am a curious person to the outside world, everything likes to explore what happens, I do not like to accept the interpretation of others out of thin air, for all kinds of things I want to be able to use their own eyes to observe, and then use their own mental software , This cycle of learning makes me aware that one's cognitive and analytical tools are always limited, so I also like to interact with people from different places and cultures, and from different people The conversation will inspire me to use more different angles and methods to observe things and analyze things, and in the process I learned to different people's character to adjust their communication with the people, more importantly, I think , Which I learned in interpersonal communication is the most precious thing I think life is a continuous learning and progress of the process, although I do not have a lot of community activities and social practice experience, but in Europe six months of exchange life so I grew up I can use English well to communicate with others, and in writing can also be handy in the English listening I believe he is still one-upmanship, because every country in Europe, residents of English accent is very Different, but I can quickly adapt.

I want to do things, I like all the efforts and passionate people, I have a good execution, but for the pursuit of perfection and makes me in the implementation of the same time do not forget to take take initiatives, to complete the task closer to perfection

I hope I can join your company and the company grow together, and common progress.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:个人,全文共 460 字

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Have strong electronic expertise (for digital circuits, analog circuits, c #, single-chip, communication principles are more familiar with); of electronic products manufacturing process, component characteristics and poor product analysis are more familiar; have strong ability to express , Communication and coordination of organizational capacity, management ability and ability to deal with problems; have strong learning ability and good sense of teamwork.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:保安,个人,全文共 5832 字

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My name is __-x, __-x police school graduates, I __-x years to __ hotel security department in office, has passed a year's time. Although the working hours are not long, but I fully carry forward the work while learning the spirit of the successful completion of the __ hotel fire safety throughout the year and the hotel issued a higher level of temporary tasks.

First, the basic work:

Just took over the Department of Security found that the department staff attitude is not active, poor coordination of work, job responsibility is not strong, often missing Kong, missed Kong, dozing, work is not deployed, regardless of the tube, , Do not do the work and staff mobility is not flexible and so on. After nearly a month of observation and thinking, I decided to start with the attitude of the staff. Adjust the staff's work attitude, and actively communicate with each other to help employees establish self-confidence in the work and train staff awareness of the team, business skills,

In the work of constantly motivate staff to continuously train employees, learn from each other. As a department director, insisted on their own set a good example, adhere to do the work of leadership in the forefront. On the work of a positive, hard to learn the appropriate security guards to reward. Not to make progress, the passive slow down all the staff removed from the sector, no mercy. In addition to the strict application of the candidates interview this off, strictly do not meet the Ministry of Personnel Security standards of the candidates are determined and do not give the appropriate pressure on new employees to work as soon as possible to adapt to the job, and do hierarchical management, layers of refinement .

The above methods of work have achieved great success at the same time for the future work has laid a good

With the stable and good work mentality, all the staff of the Security Department from January 1, 200x to December 10, 200x in addition to the daily work of the department to assist the various departments to complete the meal delivery of food, transport items, site construction, And other temporary tasks a total of 457 times, dealing with complaints from the guests 3 to help the public security departments to carry out security work 6 times, 1 hotel staff to deal with civil cases, reception security fire relations unit inspection work 13 times to participate in the city fire training 1 The city, district fire security conference 11 times. In addition to the successful completion of the 200x Group Administration Center held a hundred days of security activities and 200x November 12 to November 22-year 11-day monitor installation supervision, by the hotel management company Zongjing Ban, various departments and hotels The various units of the praise.

Second, the registration of instruments:

The scope of work related to the security department to the entire hotel security fire, as small as the departments of the information. From January 6, 200x to March 31, 200x, combined with the actual work of the hotel needs to have established and modified the Ministry of Security on duty register, the Security Department parking register, guest baggage access registration, fire equipment inspection records and Hotel fire prevention plan, hotel fire emergency fighting plan, hotel emergency contingency plans. All instruments registered at the same time, will continue to be based on actual needs rectification. All the registration in the department after the exhaustion of the competent inspection, all sorted out and preserved.

At present, because the hotel management company is the social service industry, various departments to replace employees more frequently, in 200x

In mid-November I developed a fire training materials, and personally produced a slide teaching template. Decided to 200x years before the arrival of the World University Games, with the actual situation of the hotel management company building hotel management company to conduct a fire training for all employees. The purpose is to let all employees know the fire hazards and emergency response, familiar with the hotel management company fire organization, familiar with the post in the event of fire should do and how to do it.

Third, the main problems:

1,200x annual security department staff training is not enough, mainly in the courtesy of courtesy and security equipment used by the general maintenance of two aspects. In the 200x increase in the Department of Security and old and new staff training, began to modify the training materials. And according to the actual situation of the development of new security equipment maintenance and fault registration, so that the use of pre-approval, use included in the transfer.

2, the Ministry of Security should expand the management of human management system, the main experience in the security guards leave and leave leave system, to avoid the management of passive and mechanical.

3, the work order is not strictly prohibited, in strict hierarchical management under the principle of strict hierarchical deployment. So that the implementation of hierarchical deployment to the daily and per person, the level of attention to enhance the deployment of an important basis for assessment.

4, reported to Zongjing Ban, try to change the previous management and management system, to reverse the concept of the word management, and truly flexible thinking and action to lead the staff.

The 200x __ Hotel Security Department has set new goals for itself, and will be in the hotel management company's

Under the leadership of seeking truth and being pragmatic, innovative, determined to complete the tasks assigned by higher authorities.

In the future work and study, I will be more efforts to do their jobs, proactive, to contribute to the preservation work in 2009.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:工程,经理,个人,全文共 2050 字

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1, the construction project is a production of a single, liquidity, large fluctuations, it is not like the general industrial products as the production line so standardized, a fixed production lines, a standardized production technology and improve the detection technology, Of the production equipment and stable production environment, so the project quality is easy to produce fluctuations and fluctuations are still relatively large, while affecting the quality of the project is still more factors, any of which factors change, will make the project quality fluctuations. Such as the use of material specifications varieties of errors, improper construction methods, the operation did not follow procedures, mechanical equipment failure, design errors, the production system construction environment, and so will cause the project quality accident. A major factor is the human factor, according to my company is currently under construction projects, the existence of quality problems, and the vast majority of security risks caused by human factors of quality and safety issues, the total summed up in five , Human factors, material factors, mechanical factors, construction methods, construction environment five factors.

2, personnel factors, people are the main production and operation activities, but also the construction of the project decision-makers, managers, operators, the whole process of project construction, such as project planning, decision-making, surveying, design and construction, To complete. The quality of personnel, that is, people's cultural level, technical level, decision-making ability, management ability, work ability, control ability, physical quality and professional ethics, will directly affect the quality of construction, so the personnel factor is an important impact on project quality factor. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the management of their own management quality, improve the quality and safety of management quality, first of all from the leadership to start from the leadership.



范文类型:汇报报告,适用行业岗位:财务,经理,个人,全文共 824 字

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范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:财务,个人,全文共 1634 字

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Time, the blink of an eye three years of work and life will soon be over, work since the unit leaders carefully nurtured and taught through their own continuous efforts, whether it is ideology, learning or work, have made great progress And the great harvest!

Strong sense of responsibility, strong ability of adaptability, attentive attitude, with more than __ years of enterprise financial management experience and __ years of accounting firm management experience, good coordination and communication skills, good communication, with a certain leadership Ability, in character, honesty and trustworthiness, loyalty, kindness, humility, optimism; in business, with overall business processing and good professional judgment ability, good at financial analysis, proficient in financial tax system, can complete the financial work independently. Familiar with the use of national tax, land tax, finance, banking, industry and commerce, statistical statements and anti - counterfeit tax control software, skilled use of computers to solve financial problems.

I think it is a responsible, positive, hard-working people, because like English, so engaged in the work, hoping to use their own learning to work to improve their own at the same time, bring benefits to the company! And in the work summary is good at finding their own shortcomings and efforts to correct.

In the future work, I will continue to exercise to improve themselves and strive to be a good worker.I hope to use my beautiful youth, to ignite the surrounding every guest, inspire colleagues to inspire together for our cause dedication, Enterprising, a better tomorrow.



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Into the University, the first to get the biggest exercise should be a military training life, and a short ten days or so will the people's willpower, physical and mental have been greatly improved. Military training end of life, how to write military training self-identification? The following is to provide you with a military self-identification model reference.

Military self-identification model essay: able to smoothly in the college entrance examination in the tight encirclement into the university gate I am very excited. I want to get exercise in college. Party training began when I told the students all the university training camp, began to receive training.

80 after most of the greenhouse is the growth of flowers, I am a typical example of a military training at the beginning of the feeling is particularly suited to the training is tired and painful soak in their sweat all day, doneEverything should obey orders, not arbitrary, in front of a week of training are so I feel very irritable. Fortunately, the fine tradition of the Chinese people refused to admit defeat I have been adhering to the down, in the most tired moments did not relax on their own requirements, care when the hand and shoulder pressure was sore, I still adhere to, Junzi, and actively hone their own will quality. Later, more sweat, to adapt, and do not feel tired. But also from the military's simple hard experience of the excellent quality, from which to find fun.

Military training let me know how to do a qualified military is not easy, the military to pay more than we can not imagine the sweat, to be a soldier, we must discipline, obey orders. I am in military uniform is half of the military, through strict military training in their own requirements, my physique and will have been honed even stronger, this kind of bitter and tired I may never meet again, but may Will encounter even more tired of the challenges. I believe that after the military training I will not fear any hardships, I will be brave to face all challenges, no matter how serious the task, I will continue to complete the task.

Military training is also a team training, hard training created a well-trained company, marching, side guns, kettle, we everywhere unified action, we are concerned about each other, mutual exchange of experience, let us squareMore neat. Thirteen companies, even though this company formed only a short period of ten days, but it has been firmly in memory in each of the hearts of thirteen, 13 is the pride of the entire battalion! We created it Honor, and we are proud of it!

In the days to come, I can not do a greenhouse flowers, I want to be a towering trees, thrive! For the motherland's future and make due contributions. I will be brave and firm in their own life on the road ahead.



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范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:出纳,个人,全文共 2444 字

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After three months of probation, I learned a lot at work. Financial cashier work seems to be simple, but it needs to do a lot of careful and patience, but also need to be cautious. For each sum of money for reimbursement, carefully, strictly in accordance with the company's financial system, and in accordance with the procedures for the implementation, in case of special circumstances are special treatment to ensure the normal operation of the company. To make cashier work can not use the "easy" to describe, it is the first line of financial work, financial revenue and expenditure of the juncture in the company's management plays an important role. As a qualified cashier, must have the following basic requirements: First, learn, understand and master the policies and regulations and company system, and constantly improve their level of business and knowledge and skills. Then, cashier personnel to abide by the good professional ethics. Second, the cashier must have a strong sense of security, cash, notes, all kinds of seals, it is necessary to have the internal custody of the division of responsibility, but also to contain each other.Finally, good communication skills, especially for others to explain or convey the relevant financial matters, good communication and expression can reduce the number of unnecessary unnecessary misunderstanding, greatly improve efficiency. Of course, in many ways, due to their professional knowledge, ability limitations, there are still some deficiencies in the future work in addition to abide by the above basic four points, I will continue to study hard to improve their professional skills, To adapt to the changing social environment and future work carried out by the company, with the times.

These are my three months of this work I have some experience and summary. In the future work and study I will make unremitting efforts to do their own work, and the road with the company's development in sync. At the same time actively assist others, the common development for the company. I sincerely thank the company leaders and colleagues for their support and concern in their work and life. I also earnestly ask the leaders of the company to give me a chance to continue to exercise and realize the ideal. I will use modest attitude and full of enthusiasm to do my own work, create value for the company at the same time, so that their own towards a higher level.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:个人,全文共 2526 字

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Job seekers in the campus recruitment how to self-evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages? In their own evaluation, we must learn to fully affirm their own, highlighting their ability to work and work advantage, so that employers see my self-confidence, to allow employers to believe that you can do the job. People are not perfect, but the shortcomings do not describe the details of the statement, the time to learn to express the generous statement, words and more will lose, or let the employer think you can not do it. At the same time that has been soberly aware of the shortcomings, and have the method to correct shortcomings and confidence.

Self-evaluation Advantages:

First, introverted, serious, suitable for secretary, accounting work;

Second, outgoing, good communication, suitable for public relations, marketing work;

Third, studious, good at summing up, suitable for teaching and research work;

Fourth, a strong sense of responsibility, good at helping people, suitable for services, security work;

Fifth, fair and impartial, doing things justice, suitable for law enforcement, line management work.

For their own characteristics to answer, learn to avoid the characteristics of this post, the shortcomings into advantages, the following are the answers for the shortcomings of several candidates for reference.

First, not too good at too much communication, especially with strangers have a certain degree of difficulty, but friends carefully;

Second, the more rigid, sometimes easy and people seriously, but more compliance with the established work norms, there is a certain principle;

Third, what knowledge or professional want to learn, did not learn anything fine, but more love to learn, a wide range of knowledge;

Fourth, the community's new way of life or popular things to accept more slowly, but more traditional, not blindly follow the trend;

Fifth, I think not the right people or things, easy to put forward different views, leading to frequent offend people, but more assertive, there is a certain principle;

Sixth, things are more urgent, sometimes not enough accuracy, but the completion of the work faster;

Seventh, the difficulty of their own work, their own pondering more to their colleagues or leaders to ask for less, but the ability to complete the task of independent ability. The advantages and disadvantages of self-evaluation should be simple and concise explanation of your greatest strengths, to let you stand out from the many competitors. Find their own satisfaction with the work.



范文类型:自我评介,适用行业岗位:个人,全文共 2856 字

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I entered the company in the company's work, a company's pilot employees, as the company manager of the post, the main responsibility is to assist the company to deal with the affairs of the jurisdiction, involving the company's human resources, administration, production and other matters . First of all thank the general manager and the company all my colleagues in the work of their strong support and help, but also for the company to provide me with a stage to display their talents. At the same time, through their own efforts, making the company's production, administration and other aspects of the system has been further improved.

As a manager of a department, I know my job is to assist the general manager of the work, coordination between the various departments work, improve the company system and promote the production of a virtuous circle, so communication coordination, development of systems, tracking production My three major work content. Communication and coordination is an essential factor for the survival and healthy development of the organization. Only by coordinating the work among the various departments can the functions of the various departments be brought into full play and the smooth production of the enterprise can be guaranteed. System is to better maintain business order, to ensure the smooth operation of all aspects of business. The production is the fundamental business, to ensure the smooth progress of production to ensure that the company is the largest corporate profit target

First came to the company, the face of the company's many problems, as assistant general manager of the task I feel heavy, heavy responsibility, greater pressure, and sometimes even fear that they can not complete the task given by the company, can not achieve general manager Expectations for me. However, there is pressure to power. It is also based on this pressure, only gave me the power to work hard, so I always want to do their work to the most perfect level, and slowly find the work of self-confidence. In the process of work, the company colleagues gave me a great help, so I am in a very short period of time to be able to understand the company, familiar with the company environment, so I can smoothly carry out the work of the company's system Is also an orderly way to embark on a standardized road.

During this period of time, I have fulfilled my duties with due diligence. I believe that everything I have done and my abilities have been felt by the general manager and all my colleagues in the company. In this general manager to submit a positive application, I urge the general manager of careful consideration. If positive, I will continue to use modest attitude and full of enthusiasm to do my job, create value for the company, with the company to look forward to a better future!
