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游客朋友们请随我走进水帘洞,因为石道比较湿滑,请大家注意安全! 现在,我们可以零距离与瀑布接吻与瀑布对话了。
















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Members of the group, I'm very glad to accompany you to visit the Dragon

Palace scenic spot, which is known as "the first cave water in the world".

Before arriving at the scenic spot, let me give you a brief introduction to the

Dragon Palace. The Dragon Palace is located in Anshun City, Guizhou Province,

next to Huangguoshu scenic spot and zhijindong scenic spot. This line is also

the golden line of Guizhou tourism.

The Dragon Palace has also created some of the best in China. The Guinness

World Records headquarters in Shanghai once awarded two gold lettered signboards

to the Dragon Palace. The first one said that "there are 68 karst caves in the

Dragon Palace scenic area, which is the largest, most and concentrated place of

karst caves in the world." the other gold lettered signboard said that "the

Dragon Palace is the place with the lowest natural radiation in the world."

there is another one in the Dragon Palace, that is Longmen waterfall in our

Dragon Palace is the highest waterfall in the cave in China, which is worthy of

being "the first cave water in the world" As we all know, we Chinese have a

special feeling for the dragon. We call ourselves the descendants of the dragon.

All the words related to the dragon are auspicious, such as dragon leaping and

Tiger Leaping, dragon flying and Phoenix dancing. Not only that, we also play

with the Dragon during the Chinese new year, and the flood will sacrifice to the

Dragon King. In fact, the dragon is a very mysterious animal in our imagination,

and its image is unique In fact, it is composed of several animal body parts. As

we all know, which animal body parts make up the dragon? (supplement: horse's

head, cow's ears, tiger's eyes, deer's horn, snake's body, eagle's claw, fish's

scale) by the way, it is these animal body parts that make up the image of the

Dragon we see today. Moreover, as we all know, the dragon lives in water, and so

does water A very special product of our nature, it can become cloud and mist

when it rises and rain and snow when it falls. On the ground, it is rivers,

lakes and seas, and on the ground, it is Yin river. Shuowen also defines the

dragon as follows: the dragon can be hidden and visible, can be quiet and

bright, can be big and small, can rise and fall.

Let's connect water with the dragon. Do you think that water is actually

the embodiment of the image of the dragon? Well, our trip to the Dragon Palace

starts from this archway of the Dragon Palace. Please follow me. The first thing

we want to go is the largest waterfall in the cave, Longmen flying waterfall.

The cave hall where Longmen waterfall is located is 50 meters high, 38 meters

high and 26 meters wide. So how did the magic Longmen waterfall come into being?

You see, above Longmen waterfall is our Tianchi Lake. The water of Tianchi lake

turns a 90 degree bend in the southwest due to the obstruction of sand shale. In

this way, the surrounding rocks are eroded year after year, and finally the

cracks are getting bigger and bigger, Tianchi Lake In this way, the water of the

Dragon falls, which we see today.

Now, we are going to take a boat to enter the Dragon Palace from the

Tianchi Lake and start our 840 meter long water journey. There is a legend about

the formation of the Tianchi Lake. It is said that a dragon has been trapped in

the mountains for a long time. When we want to see how wonderful the outside

world is, we lean out. Unexpectedly, a dragon's horn pierces the rock, and the

Dragon leaps out. It turns into our Longmen waterfall, and he takes us The water

comes up and forms the Tianchi Lake. There is another magical thing about the

water in the Tianchi Lake, that is, the fluctuation of the water level is not

big in either the wet season or the dry season. OK, now let's go into the first

cave Hall of the Dragon Palace. The two characters "Dragon Palace" are written

by Liu Haisu, a famous artist in China, when he was 90 years old. Don't

underestimate these stalactites. They are formed by the dissolution of

carbohydrates for tens of thousands of years. OK, now we have entered the first

cave Hall, we can see many dragons greeting us. The name of this hall is "dragon

welcoming hall". Some of them want to show their heads to see us, some are

playing in the water. Here, all the Chinese imagination about dragons can be

reflected, and we also need to give full play to your imagination.

Now, do you feel particularly cool? OK, please take a deep breath. Do you

feel the air here is particularly fresh? Because this is the place with the

lowest radiation in China. Now the pollution in the world is very serious. You

tourists who come to the Dragon Palace really earn money. You can not only enjoy

the strange caves and waterfalls, but also enjoy the low radiation care. Now we

come to the second cave hall. Do you think the scenery here is different from

that of the cave hall just now? The stalactites in the first hall are all

hanging, and the stalactites here are pasted on the walls on both sides of the

cave hall, like murals. Therefore, this hall is called "relief mural Palace".

The huge landscape paintings over there can't be created by artists in the

world, It's really made in heaven. Now we are passing through a narrow passage.

The distance between the huge stone in front and the water is less than one

meter, so we have to bend down to pass. In 1986, when crosstalk master Hou

Baolin came to visit, he jokingly called this stone "politeness stone".

Now, please be quiet. Do you think the atmosphere here is very quiet? Look

up at your heads, there are five intertwined dragons guarding the cave hall.

This is the third cave Hall of the Dragon King's three princesses, and the third

cave Hall of our Dragon Palace: the five dragons protecting the main palace.

Naturally, this Lord is our three princesses, and the princess's boudoir. Of

course, we should be more serious. The next power supply will make everyone's

vision suddenly clear, because we come to the Crystal Palace, which is the main

hall of Dragon King's banquet. It covers an area of more than 4000 square meters

and has a water depth of 26 meters. There are many immortals in the Crystal

Palace. It depends on your eyesight which are immortals. There are not only

immortals, but also rich banquets. You can see the crystal grapes only once in

300 years To entertain our most precious guests. Now we are passing through a

gorge, more than 200 meters long and about 40 meters deep. This is the fifth

cave Hall of the Dragon Palace -- Gaoxia Yougu palace. It is called "Three

Gorges in the cave and underground Lijiang River".

We have visited 840 meters of water cave. Now we abandon our boat to land

in bengke rock to continue our trip to the Dragon Palace. Now we go to the

Xuantang scenic spot in the Dragon Palace. The uniqueness of Xuantang is that

the bottom of its pond is like a big funnel. The water from Youcai river flows

into Xuantang from the north, sneaks into the underground water dissipation cave

and pushes it clockwise Tang Li's water, we can see the wonder of the pond water

spinning. We have been exploring the dragon in our mind before. Next, I will

take you to see the real dragon. What we are going to visit now is the Guizhou

dragon fossil exhibition hall, which focuses on the Guanling marine fauna. There

are mainly four categories of marine animals in Guanling, belonging to more than

ten genera and species, which have triangular heads, big and round eyes It's a

very lovely dragon. It's called "magic dragon" in science. It's only the size of

a four legged snake and it's very small. The kind of flying dragon that looks

like a fish, not a fish, but a dragon, has a short head, a long neck, and four

limbs like fins. It's called "Yulong", represented by Zhou's qianyulong. If you

are interested in dragons, you can go to our Xingyi, where there is a group of

dragons from earlier times.



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甲秀楼在贵阳市城南的南明河上,以河中一块巨石为基而建。始建于明,后楼毁重建,改名“来凤阁”。清代多次重修,并恢复原名。现存建筑是宣统元年(1909年)重建的。楼上下三层,白石为栏,层层收进,由桥面至楼顶高约20米。南明河从楼前流过,汇为涵碧潭。楼侧由石拱 “浮玉桥”连接两岸,桥上原有小亭一座叫“涵碧亭”,现已拆除。甲秀楼朱梁碧瓦,四周水光山色,名实相符,堪称甲秀。





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:旅游,全文共 7186 字

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Dear tourists

Good morning, everyone! Welcome to join the Guizhou tourism team of

Chongqing air travel. I'm Mu Ke, your tour guide. I wish you a happy


It is believed that many people's understanding of Guizhou begins with the

saying "the sky is not clear for three days, the earth is not level for three

miles, and people are not silver"; I don't think the 38 million people of all

ethnic groups in Guizhou will agree with it, because its description is

diametrically opposite to the actual situation of Guizhou. "It rains at night,

it's sunny, the roads are peaceful everywhere, and people are full of silver

every festival" is the real Guizhou. Occupying all the advantages of time, place

and people is actually "the treasure of China".

According to the two character "Guizhou", it is "Zhong, Yi, Bei, Zhou",

that is, "a treasure state of China", which reveals the peculiarity and value of

Guizhou. What kind of treasure is Guizhou? It is the perfect combination of

heaven, earth and human. It is a pure land of nature and human culture.

Guizhou's "sky" is clean, humid and pleasant; Guizhou's "Earth" is composed of

varied karst wonders; Guizhou's "people" live in a variety of cultural

environments and create splendid cultures and civilizations. Guizhou is located

between 24 ″ 37 ′ N and 29 ″ 13 ′ n, which belongs to subtropical monsoon humid

climate with abundant precipitation, small temperature change, warm in winter

and cool in summer.

Today, the earth's climate is getting worse and worse. In many parts of the

world, people are suffering from heat, drought, flood and sandstorm; Natural

disasters are eroding people's homes on a large scale. However, in this precious

land of Guizhou, the weather is still four seasons like spring, three sunny days

and two rainy days, with fresh air and pleasant climate. It is like a rare large

air conditioner.

The unique natural climate and environment have created a wide variety of

green vegetation in Guizhou, which is the magic picture of "mountain

Zhangjiajie, Jiuzhaigou everywhere". From this, Guizhou has won the reputation

of "Park province" and "air conditioning province". This is where Guizhou's

charming charm lies. At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Liu Bowen once

predicted: "in five hundred years, Yunnan and Guizhou will compete in Jiangnan."

What does Yunnan and Guizhou win over Jiangnan? Liu Bowen said: "thousands of

rivers in Jiangnan are the most important mountains in Yunnan and Guizhou." The

concentrated expression of Guizhou scenery is the vast mountains. Guizhou is a

plateau mountainous area, with mountains and hills accounting for 95.2% of the

territory's land area. It is known as "eight mountains, one water and one

field". Those who have been to Yunnan may have heard of its "Eighteen monsters";

there are also eight monsters in Guizhou this time

The first one: stone as tile

Guizhou's stones are very special, with clear layers. They can peel off

pieces of stone a few centimeters thick. Using these pieces of stone instead of

traditional sintered tiles, although the area is not too uniform and neat, it

saves the cost of firing, and is stronger and more durable than tiles. Why


Second strange: the old lady goes up the mountain faster than the car

There are many mountains in Guizhou, so the road is also difficult. The

winding mountain highway has been circling around the mountain. Even if the

fastest car can go up the mountain along the winding mountain highway, it has to

go up one by one. Naturally, the distance is dozens of times of people's walking

path. Therefore, when the car goes up, even the slow old lady will arrive


Third: half of the houses are built on the mountain

Anshun Dragon Palace scenic area has many houses built close to the

mountain. By borrowing the mountain as the back wall and skillfully borrowing

the terrain, it also saves the stone of one wall. According to the common

people, this kind of house has the advantage of being warm in winter and cool in


Fourth strange: shanbaoer is independent

Guizhou's mountains, especially in southwest and South Guizhou, are

isolated and abrupt. Only the foot of the mountain is connected with each other.

Far from Yunnan's mountains, they are connected by the same ridge, rolling and

green peaks. Maybe that's where shanbaoer stands alone?

Fifth: growing vegetables on the roof

This is not a common phenomenon, but a special way, that is, when the

residents with good conditions are building houses, they often use cement to

reinforce the roof, and then leave a parapet, spread good soil in the parapet,

and grow some common vegetables, but they also end up with a feeling that they

can not ask for people without asking for them!

Sixth strange: chili as a home dish

Guizhou is located in the plateau and mountainous area. At the same time,

the rainy weather makes up a complete humid climate. Eating chili often can

drive away the cold and strengthen the body? Sometimes I don't understand. On

the edge of the desert in the northwest, the residents in the setting sun also

have chili after eating. So what are they doing? Maybe under the bad food

conditions, in order to have a meal? Guizhou residents, especially Miao and Dong

people, like spicy food, but also acid . As the local saying goes, "if you don't

eat sour food for three days, you'll walk around (meaning unstable)". Thus, two

famous dishes were derived: one is fish in sour soup. During the production, the

tomato and ginger are put into the rice soup, stored in the earthen jar for

fermentation, and then a variety of Chinese herbal medicines, Chinese prickly

ash, green onion and Chinese toon are added to cook with the fish. The soup is

fresh, tender, hot and sour, and the appetite is wide. The second is tiger skin

pepper, that is, green pepper is roasted on the fire, torn into strips, mixed

with soy sauce and other seasonings, and served on the plate.

The seventh: three mice in a sack

The rats here, of course, refer to the giant rats. Each mouse weighs

several kilos and can be packed into a sack.

However, this monster should be the same as the three mice and a sack in


The eighth: take it with you in the toilet

It refers to the fact that there were few toilets in the past, and the long

skirts of Miao people made it convenient to use the toilet everywhere. In

Guizhou, more than 40 ethnic minorities, such as Miao, Dong and Buyi, live in

harmony and have colorful ethnic customs. Women especially like to dress up with

silver ornaments. It is said that a Miao woman's silver ornaments weigh 16 kg.

However, when working in the field, they don't wear accessories, and they often

wear skirts (also known as hundred fold skirts) on their lower body. When you

need to "release", you can squat down at any time, and the skirt opens around,

just like a natural toilet.

Also heard another guide said: the uglier the better sell (Guizhou

Gastrodia elata) bark as medicine to sell (Guizhou Eucommia ulmoides) wine not

floating at home abroad (Guizhou Maotai)



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位于贵州兴义市的万峰林景区,曾被明代著名旅游家徐霞客赞誉为 “磅礴数千里,为西南奇胜”,并做诗称赞曰:“天下名山何其多,唯有此处峰成林”。








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Hello, ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to visit Baili Rhododendron. My name is __. Please call me Xiao __.

Please remember my mobile phone number for contact. It's a great honor to serve

you today. I will try my best to let you enjoy the beauty of the hundred mile

azalea and let the beautiful azalea bloom in our hearts. I wish you good luck

every day and have a good dream every night. Please support and cooperate with

me, pay attention to your own safety and keep your belongings during the tour.

Please don't spit, throw (scraps of paper, peels, beverage cans, etc.) things,

and don't throw lighted cigarette butts, pay special attention to forest fire

prevention. After entering the scenic area, please don't pick flowers and trees,

let's all be flower protectors, friends (guests), please.

Baili Rhododendron is a National Forest Park, a provincial scenic spot and

a nature reserve. It is the largest area and the most species of native

Rhododendron forest identified in China so far. It is known as "the earth

ribbon, the world garden, the health preserving and blessed land, the summer

resort" and "the world natural garden". It has successively won the titles of

"China's excellent tourist attractions", "China's excellent eco-tourism

destination most worthy of being recommended by the Embassy in China to the

world", "ten natural eco-tourism scenic spots in Asia and greater China", "ten

charming scenic spots" and "ten influential scenic spots" in Guizhou, and

national low-carbon tourism Experimental Zone, etc., and is a national 4A level

tourist attraction. She is not only the "paradise of flowers and the wilderness

of heart" for enjoying the beautiful azalea and washing away the dust of the

city, but also the "hometown of azalea and the ancient region of Yi" for

appreciating the original ecological national culture and customs of Wumeng and

exploring the beauty.

Rhododendron Baili is located in the middle of Bijie Experimental Area in

Northwest Guizhou Province. It is the best preserved part of the original

vegetation in western Guizhou. The forest area is 7388 hectares. There are more

than 3000 hectares of dense Rhododendron forest, about 4000 hectares of sparse

Rhododendron forest and scattered Rhododendron forest. It has been identified

that there are 41 varieties of Rhododendron camara, Rhododendron dabaihuaense,

Rhododendron shuihongensis and Rhododendron dewdrop, accounting for 4 of the 5

subgenera of Rhododendron in the world. There are various designs and colors. It

opens from March to May every year, and the hundred mile flower mountain is as

colorful as a vast brocade. Rhododendron forest stretches more than 50

kilometers, 1-5 kilometers wide, with a total area of 125.8 square kilometers,

known as "the world's largest natural garden". Baili Rhododendron scenic spot is

not only a sea of Rhododendron and a world of Rhododendron, but also a primeval

forest scenic spot with towering ancient trees, beautiful mountains and rivers,

and rare birds and animals. There are 104 species of birds and 31 species of

mammals. Among them, clouded leopard and forest musk deer are the first level

protected animals, while pangolin, leopard cat, kitten, red bellied pheasant,

white bellied pheasant and white crowned pheasant are the second level protected

animals. Ginkgo biloba and Taxus chinensis are the first class protected plants

in China. Secondary protection plants are Cinnamomum camphora, Magnolia

officinalis and Camptotheca acuminata. There are 131 kinds of fungi. The ancient

and famous trees include the thousand year old giant mulberry, the king of

Osmanthus fragrans, the king of Rhododendron, the Royal gingko and the ancient

catalpa in Shajiang. Baili Azalea National Forest Park is located in karst

development area, forming a rich natural landscape. There are red rock peak and

white rock peak in Pudi, five finger peak in Jinpo and other mountain landscape;

there are magnificent huadiyan cliff landscape with cliffs like cutting; there

are strange stone landscape with whispering "a kiss for a thousand years"; there

are karst cave landscapes such as big pit cave, big nitrate cave and Bailong

cave; the underground flow of MIDI River in Jiamu scenic area gushes out from

Yanzidong gorge, with clear water and quiet beauty; There is also an ideal place

to rest and nourish the heart, such as Baili Azalea lake.

Baili Rhododendron scenic area mainly inhabits Yi, Miao, Buyi and other

ethnic minorities, with rich ethnic customs. In particular, the traditional

festivals of Yi and Miao, such as Yi year, Torch Festival, flower arrangement

Festival and tiaohuapo, are unique and fascinating; the music and dance of Yi,

cuotaiji, is known as "the living fossil of drama and the ancestor of human

beings"; the primitive and simple dance of Miao, such as Gunshanzhu, Lusheng,

daguquan, is mysterious and attractive; The national and folk crafts such as

embroidery, batik, weaving, lacquerware and costumes are unique; the special

food of Shuixi such as Gongbao meat, gelding chicken and bean curd, Shaba dried

bean curd and Rhododendron yellow cake are mouth watering; During the

world-famous Long March of the Red Army, Helong and shauke led the Red Army's

26th corps to fight with the enemy in Wumeng Mountain area. The bronze statue of

Helong, the "huangjiaba memorial to the resistance war" in the scenic area, and

the newly completed Red Army square all record the fighting story of the Red

Army in Pudi on the way of the long march in February 1936 (February 18, 1936).

Here we can pay tribute to the revolutionary martyrs who fought in blood in

those years.

Baili Rhododendron scenic spot is divided into Pudi scenic spot, Jinpo

scenic spot, Renhe scenic spot and Dashui scenic spot. Now, we invite you to use

the eyes of your photographers and the hearts of artists to walk with me into

the sea of flowers and the magical world Baili Rhododendron scenic spot.



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