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桥上有上百根石柱,柱子上刻着无数的小狮子,那么多的小狮子,有的颔首低眉,好像是忧闷而不开心的样子,有的张牙武爪,好像是展示自己的威武。 故宫的御花园,原名宫后椀,占地一万二千平方米。以鉄安殿为中心,园林建筑采用石砖来修建,左右对称的格砖紧凑。殿东北的堆秀山上筑御景亭,每年重阳节,皇上就在此登高。



篇2:北京恭王府游记 庆王府导游词

范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 9686 字

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dear tourists

hello and welcome to beijing. im your guide.

prince gongs house garden is a unique garden located behind prince gongshouse, also known as cuijin garden. it is located at no.14, liuyin street. itwas built in 1777. according to research, it was rebuilt on the old garden ofming dynasty. the park covers an area of 28000 square meters, with 31 ancientbuildings. prince gong has skilled craftsmen in the garden to rebuild thegarden, adding mountains and woods, colorful paintings, integrating thelandscape architecture of the south china and the northern architecture. it is agarden for the western architecture and chinese classical gardens. after itscompletion, it was the crown of the hundred imperial palace of beijing. it isthe essence of the existing art of wang fu in the city of beijing, and it can becalled the pearl of the shichahai. among them, the western gate in the garden,the stele with the word "fu" in yushu, and the indoor theater building are alsoknown as the "three wonders" of prince gongs mansion. some scholars believethat this garden may be the prototype of the grand view garden in a dream of redmansions written by cao xueqin.

wangfu is the largest and best preserved palace of qing dynasty in is located at no.17 qianhai west street, northwest of shichahai. it is now akey cultural relic protection unit in china. prince gongs mansion was built atthe end of the 18th century. in the early period of the reign of emperorqianlong, it was the residence of a bachelor named helian. in the fourth year ofjiaqing (1799 ad), helian was convicted, and the residence was confiscated andgiven to prince qing. in the first year of xianfeng (1851 ad), it was given toprince gong, aixinjueluo?.

in qing dynasty, there were strict regulations in the royal residence,which stipulated that the princes residence had five main gates, seven mainhalls, five back halls, seven back bedrooms, and a side hall on the left andright. however, many royal palaces have gone through many vicissitudes and havelong been beyond recognition. only prince gongs mansion is the most completeand well decorated qing dynasty royal mansion in beijing. mr. hou renzhi, afamous scholar, called it "a palace of prince gong, half of the history of qingdynasty".

prince gongs residence is divided into three parallel roads, east, middleand west. it is the largest courtyard in the world. the three buildings on themiddle road are the main body of the mansion. the first is the main hall, thesecond is the back hall, and the third is the extension building. the extensionbuilding is 160 meters long from east to west and has more than 40 houses. thereare three courtyards on east road and west road respectively, which echo thebuildings on middle road. the last part of the palace is the garden, with morethan 20 different scenic spots.

the garden of prince gongs mansion has both central axis and symmetry. thewhole garden is divided into middle road, east road and west road, forming anumber of courtyards. on the central axis are yuanmen, feilaifeng, bat pool,anshantang, fangchi, rockery, yuetai, lvtianxiaoyin and bat hall. the buildingson the middle road are basically symmetrical with the mountains and waters,while the east and west roads are only symmetrical with the mountains andbuildings. the whole garden is surrounded by six mountain dragons: two mountainsin the south, east and west, and one mountain in the back of the middleroad.

the east road is mainly built. in the east, there are two mountains runningnorth and south, each turning into a enclosure in the southeast and building is divided into three small courtyards. in the south, it is closeto the east courtyard. looking up, there is an exquisite vertical flower , there is a long and narrow courtyard. bamboo was planted in thecourtyard. the main hall is behind the grand theater, the west chamber is behindthe middle road mingdao hall, the east chamber is a row of wing rooms, and thewest chamber is another long and narrow courtyard. at the entrance of the mooncave gate, he said, "sing the fragrance and drink the moon.". on the north sideis the main building of east road, the grand theater building, which is a smalltheater with an area of 685 square meters. there are front hall, auditorium,stage, acting room, etc. in the theater, the decoration is luxurious, and it isthe viewing place of the palace.

the west road is dominated by mountains and rivers. the beginning of thewest road is from feilai peak to the west, and at the south end is a majesticpass between the two mountains. the name of the pass is yuguan, which is theshanhaiguan pass of the great wall. it is the symbol of the great wall and isknown as the first pass in the world. at that time, the emperor of the qingdynasty entered the pass from then on. setting this pass in the garden is enoughto show that the garden owner does not forget the great achievements of the qingdynasty when he came to the central plains from shanhaiguan. before yuguan,there is dafangchi, the center of the west road. in the southeast corner of thedafangchi, there is a small stream, which is connected with fuhe river in theeast. in the dafangchi, there is a square island with a fish watching platform,which is used to describe zhuangzis allusion to the joy of watching fish onhaoshang. in the west of the pond is xishan. in front of the pond, there arefive hall houses. the chaoshou corridor in the east is connected with the curvedcorridor in the middle road.

the theme of the garden is obvious. there are some new ideas in mountainenclosure and yuguan xiongshi, but there are many buildings in the east, and theenclosure of curved corridor in the middle is not organic enough, especially thewater management is poor. from the perspective of rockfill, architecture, plantsand pattern, it still has the characteristics of northern garden.

prince gongs residence is located on the north bank of shichahai. it isthe largest courtyard in the world and the most complete one among more than 60qing dynasty palaces in beijing today. it is divided into parallel east, middleand west roads. the three buildings on the middle road are the main body of themansion, one is the main hall, the other is the back hall, and the third is theextension building. yanlou is 160 meters long from east to west and has morethan 40 houses. east road and west road each have three courtyards, which echothe middle road. the last part of the palace is the garden, and more than 20scenic spots are different.

prince gongs residence is the residence of prince gong zhong, the sixthson of emperor daoguang of qing dynasty. it was formerly the residence ofqianlongs bachelor and arsenic. in the fourth year of jiaqing (1799), he wasconvicted, and his residence became an official. emperor jiaqing gave part of itto his younger brother, prince qingfu yongp, as the palace of prince , xianfeng city took back king qings residence and gave it to his youngerbrother yiyi as prince gongs residence. during the reign of xianfeng andtongzhi, it was renovated and a garden was built behind the mansion.

because prince gongs mansion has some scenery described in a dream of redmansions, it is said that the garden of prince gongs mansion is the blueprintof grand view garden. however, many people put forward different opinions.

yi chu, the owner of the palace, is a first-class aristocrat. therefore,his mansion is not only spacious, but also has the highest standard ofarchitecture, which shows its insurmountable level. the obvious signs are thefacade and the number of houses. there are five front rooms, seven main rooms,five back rooms, seven back rooms, and a side room. there must be no more royalmansions than these. the form of the house and the color of the tiles cannot bereplaced.

the former owner of prince gongs mansion was prime minister hekun. theqingyi hall he built imitated the emperors ningshou palace. when the emperor"bestowed a gift and ordered him to commit suicide", this was one of thecrimes.

the building of prince gongs mansion can be divided into two parts: themansion and the garden. covering an area of 46.5 mu, the mansion is divided intothree roads, east and west, each of which is composed of multi entrancequadrangles, surrounded by a two-story back cover building with a length of morethan 160 meters. at the back of the building is a garden, covering an area of38.6 mu. the buildings in the garden also form three roads, i.e. the east-westroad, the east-west road, the east-west road, the east-west road, the east-westroad, the east-west road, the east-west road, the east-west road, the west-westroad, the west-west road, the west.

in the front of the middle road are the gate with 3 rooms in width and thetwo gates with 5 rooms in width. in the gate, the original main hall, yinanhall, has been destroyed, and the existing rear hall, namely jiale hall; theeast road is composed of three entrance courtyard, which is the living room ofprince gong yizhe; the main room of the west road is xijinzhai, which has agrand courtyard and a grand style. after the third road courtyard, there aremore than 40 two-story back buildings with a length of 160 meters from east towest, namely zhanwu building in the east and baoyue building in the west. thegarden behind the building is pingjin garden, commonly known as gongwangfugarden, covering an area of 28000 square meters. the buildings in the park aredivided into three roads: the middle east, the middle east and the west, andthere are also some axes. there are scattered rockeries, pavilions andpavilions, and flowers and trees in the pool. the main buildings are scorpionhall, inviting platform, grand stage, qinqiu pavilion, etc.



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狮子:象征威武 獬豸:象征公平正义 骆驼:象征运输和坚忍不拔的精神 大象:象征力量和祥瑞 麒麟:象征太平和祥瑞 马:象征皇帝的御用仪仗 将军:象征帝王朝会中的将军 品官:象征帝王朝会中的各级官员 功臣:象征帝王朝会中的功臣。




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Beijing is the capital of the people's Republic of China, a municipality

directly under the central government, a national central city of China, and a

center for political, cultural, educational and international exchanges. It is

also the decision-making center and management center of China's economy and

finance. Beijing is located in the north end of the North China Plain, connected

with Tianjin in the southeast, and the rest is surrounded by Hebei Province.

With a history of more than 3000 years and a history of more than 850 years,

Beijing is one of the "four ancient capitals of China" and has a certain

international influence. Its earliest name in literature is "Ji". Beijing is a

city with the largest number of world cultural heritages in the world. Beijing

is also one of the areas with the most rainfall in North China. Peking

University and Tsinghua University are also located in Beijing.

Beijing has the largest number of world heritage sites (6) in the world,

and is the first capital city with world geoparks in the world. Beijing is rich

in tourism resources. There are more than 200 tourist attractions open to the

outside world, including the world's largest imperial palace, Forbidden City,

Temple of heaven, Royal Garden Beihai, Royal Garden Summer Palace and

Yuanmingyuan, as well as Badaling Great Wall, Mutianyu great wall and the

world's largest Siheyuan palace, Prince Gong's mansion. The city has 7309

cultural relics and historic sites, 99 National key cultural relics protection

units (including the Beijing section of the great wall and the Beijing Hangzhou

Grand Canal), 326 municipal cultural relics protection units, 5 national

geoparks and 15 national forest parks. World Cultural Heritage: the Forbidden

City, the Great Wall, Zhoukoudian Peking Man Site, the temple of heaven, the

summer palace and the Ming Tombs. World Geopark: Fangshan World Geopark,

Beijing. National Scenic Spots: Badaling, Ming Tombs and Shihua Cave. Famous

streets of Chinese history and culture: Guozijian street and yandaixie street. A

famous historical and cultural town in China: Gubeikou Town, Miyun County. A

famous historical and cultural village in China. Mentougou District: Cuandixia

village of Zhaitang town, Lingshui village of Zhaitang town, Liuliqu village of

Longquan town.

In the Western Zhou Dynasty, it became the capital of Yan, one of the

vassal states of the Zhou Dynasty. Since the Jin Dynasty, it has become the

capital of ancient China. Since the Yuan Dynasty, it has become the capital of

China. The Ming Dynasty began to expand Beijing on a large scale after becoming

its ancestor. During the Ming Dynasty, Beijing became the capital of the first

Han Dynasty. The Qing Dynasty carried out some renovation and expansion on the

basis of the continuation of the Ming Dynasty Beijing city. At the end of the

Qing Dynasty, Beijing became the largest city in the world. Beijing has a

history of 3000 years and 859 years. Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, Beijing

has been an important military and commercial city in northern China. In 1860,

the Allied forces of Britain and France invaded Beijing; in 1900, the Allied

forces of the eight countries invaded Beijing again. The beautiful city of

Beijing was seriously damaged and looted, and a large number of cultural relics

were looted by the invading forces and the bad people. After the 1911

Revolution, on January 1, the first year of the Republic of China, the capital

of the Republic of China was Nanjing. In March of the same year, the capital of

the Republic of China was moved to Beijing. Until the 17th year of the Republic

of China, the Northern Expedition army captured Beijing, Zhang zuolin was

defeated and returned to the northeast, and the Beiyang government stepped down.

At the beginning of the Republic of China, the local system of Beijing was still

in accordance with the Qing system, which was called shuntianfu.

Until the third year of the Republic of China, shuntianfu was changed to

Jingzhao, which was directly under the central government and Beiyang

government. During this period, Beijing built a new tram system and a number of

modern cultural and educational institutions, such as Tsinghua University,

Yanjing University, Peking University, Fu Ren University, Union Medical College,

etc. After the July 7th incident in 1937, Peiping was occupied by Japan. The

provisional government of the puppet Republic of China was established here, and

Beiping was renamed Beijing. On August 21, 1945, the Japanese army that invaded

Beijing surrendered and renamed it Peking. On January 31, 1949, the Chinese

people's Liberation Army entered Beiping City, realizing the liberation of

Beijing. On September 27 of the same year, the first plenary session of the

Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference adopted the resolution on the

capital, calendar, national anthem and national flag of the people's Republic of

China, and Beiping was renamed Beijing. On October 1, 1949, the Central People's

Government of the people's Republic of China was established in Beijing.

Beijing city not only gathers the world's five famous religions (Taoism,

Buddhism, Islam, Christianity and Catholicism), but also has its own

characteristics in architecture and culture. For example, in just a few

kilometers on Chaofu Road, there are four religious buildings (Dongyue Temple,

Dongsi mosque, longfu temple, Guangji temple, emperors' temple and Baita temple

outside Chaoyang Gate). In Xuannan area of Beijing, the surrounding area with

the memorial column of Beijing Jiancheng as the center, there are many famous

activity places of the five religions. They are: Tianning Temple, Fayuan temple

and Changchun Temple of Buddhism; baiyun temple of Taoism; Zhushikou Church of

Christianity; Xuanwumen Church of Catholicism (South Hall); Niujie worship

Temple of Islam; This kind of "religious and cultural area" is rare in the

world's big cities, which embodies the Oriental "harmony" cultural atmosphere,

the unique charm of Beijing's urban culture, and the great cohesion of the

Chinese nation.

Beijing is an ancient capital for thousands of years. In history, because

it has been at the intersection of the Central Plains and the northern

nationalities for a long time, it has integrated the cultures, customs and

languages of many nationalities. Over time, Beijing customs with local

characteristics have emerged. For example, the Beijing temple fair, which

integrates eating, drinking and playing.

The traditional festivals in Beijing are various in form and rich in

content, which is an integral part of the long history and culture of the

Chinese nation. From these popular festival customs, we can clearly see the

wonderful picture of ancient people's social life. Special festivals include

Longqingxia Ice Lantern Festival, Xiangshan red leaf Festival, Baiyunguan temple

fair, Dongyue Temple Fair, etc.











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Hello, everyone. Today we are going to visit the summer palace, which was

listed in the world cultural heritage list in 1998. It is the most abundant and

well preserved Royal Garden in the world.

Located in the northwest of Beijing, the summer palace covers an area of

290 hectares, of which the water surface is about 220 hectares. The summer

palace, formerly known as Qingyi Garden, was built in 1750 to celebrate the

birthday of his mother in the year of Emperor Qianlong. In 1860, it was burned

by the United Kingdom and France, and most of the buildings were destroyed. Cixi

misappropriated the Navy's military expenditure and took 10 years to rebuild.

After completion, it was renamed the summer palace. Cixi spent most of her later

years in the garden, where traces of major events of that year can still be

traced. The basic layout of the summer palace can be divided into three parts:

the administrative area with Renshou hall as the center, the living area for

emperors and empresses with Yulan hall and Leshou hall as the main parts, and

the tourist area with Kunming Lake and coastal scenery and scenery of Front

Mountain and back mountain as the main parts. If you add the paiyun hall, it can

also be divided into four parts.

At first there was no name. In the Liao and Jin Dynasties, Jinshan palace

was built on the mountain, so it was called "Jinshan" and "Jinhai". It is also

said that an old man dug out a stone urn at the foot of the mountain, and the

Yuan Dynasty changed the name of this place to "wengshan" and "wengshanpo".

Wengshan park is located in the west of Dadu in Yuan Dynasty, with enchanting

scenery, so it has the reputation of "West Lake" in literati's works. In the

Ming Dynasty, some temples and temples were built here. The emperor called it

"good mountain garden". In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, large-scale

construction of royal gardens began here. At that time, there was the famous

"three mountains and five gardens". They are: Yuquan mountain, Wanshou mountain,

Xiangshan Mountain, Changchun Garden, Jingming garden, Jingyi garden, Yuanming

garden, Qingyi Garden. Qingyi Garden is now the summer palace.

When we arrived at the east palace gate, our tour officially began. Outside

the East Palace is the largest crossing archway in the Qing Dynasty. The east

palace gate is also the main gate of the summer palace. The plaque on the door

of the summer palace is the handwriting of Emperor Guangxu. The word "Yihe"

means "Yiyang spirit, peace of mind".

Entering the east palace gate, we first came to Renshou hall. The word

"Renshou" comes from the meaning of "Renzhe Shou" in the Analects of Confucius.

That is to say, those who govern with benevolence can live a long life. Renshou

hall used to be the hall of diligent administration during the reign of Emperor

Qianlong. After the reconstruction of the summer palace, it was changed into

Renshou hall. This is the main place for Royal political activities in the

garden. The five Taihu stones we see face to face are called fengxu Wulao, which

means longevity. The bronze monster on the throne of Han white jade Xumi, known

as Qilin and Sibuxiang, is one of the nine sons of the dragon, symbolizing

auspiciousness and wealth. In front of the hall, there are two pairs of bronze

censers in the shape of dragon and Phoenix, arranged in such a way that the

Phoenix is on the inside and the dragon is on the outside, highlighting the

position of the Phoenix. This has something to do with the fact that Empress

Dowager Cixi listened to the government behind the curtain at the end of the

Qing Dynasty.

Now the furnishings in Renshou hall are basically the same as before. There

are royal cases, throne, corner ends, palm fans and screens on the ground bed in

the hall. The screen is made of red sandalwood and carved with nine dragons. The

center of the screen is a glass mirror with 226 characters of longevity written

in different ways. The palm fan is a palace decoration decorated with peacock

plume. The horn end is a unicorn, which is said to be able to "communicate with

the four barbarians". The practical use is the censer. On the walls on both

sides of the hall, there is a picture of a hundred bats holding longevity. The

word "Shou" in the middle is written by Cixi. Bat and Fu have the same

pronunciation, which means more happiness and more longevity.

Through the rockery behind Renshou hall, we can see Kunming Lake in front

of us.

The best view of the summer palace is on the East Bank of Kunming Lake.

Here we can look at foxiangge in the north, Yuquan mountain in the West and

Nanhu island in the south.

Next we will visit the empress living area.

Now we can see that this group of chic and elegant courtyard is Yulan hall,

"Yulan" comes from the verse of Jin Dynasty poet Lu Ji: "Yuquan gushes in the

gentle waves". This is the place where Emperor Guangxu lived and dealt with his

daily affairs when he came to the summer palace. After the failure of the reform

movement of 1898, Guangxu was put under house arrest here. In order to control

his every move, Cixi even closed the cloisters on the East and west sides with

brick walls. All these are the witness of the reform movement of 1898. Yulan

hall is a traditional courtyard building with breakfast room in the East,

dormitory in the West and study in the middle.

Behind the Yulan hall is the Yiyun Museum, which means "Yiyun" is suitable

for collecting books. During the reign of Emperor Qianlong, it was the place

where the emperor collected books. After reconstruction, it was changed into the

palace of empress Longyu.

After walking through Yiyun hall, the corridor in the northwest corner is

Leshou hall. "Leshou" comes from the Analects of Confucius, which means that

this is the place where the benevolent and the wise live. Leshoutang is the main

building in the living area. It has two floors. It was originally the place

where Qianlong's mother lived. After reconstruction, it was changed into the

residence of Empress Dowager Cixi.

Entering the courtyard, we can see a lot of things here. Copper deer,

copper crane and copper vase are used to refer to the homophony of deer, crane

and vase, which means "Six Harmonies and peace". Magnolia, Begonia and peony are

also planted in the courtyard, which symbolizes the wealth of Yutang. The Taihu

stone on the south side is just the shadow wall of leshoutang. Because the shape

is like Ganoderma lucidum and cyan. So it's called qingzhixiu. There is also a

true story about qingzhixiu. In the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, there was

a senior official named Mi Wanzhong who was addicted to stones. After he found

this stone in the mountains of Fangshan County, he wanted to transport it to his

home. But because the family ran out of money, and as a result, he lost his

family. Therefore, the stone is also known as the "black sheep's stone", which

was later discarded on the roadside of Liangxiang. After more than a hundred

years, Qianlong went to the Western mausoleum to sweep the tomb. When he passed

Liangxiang, he saw this stone. They ordered the soldiers to transport them to

the Leshou hall under construction. But because the stone was too big and the

door was too narrow, they broke in. Only because the shape of the stone is

similar to ganoderma lucidum can it be preserved.

Now, let's go to the gallery. The gallery, also known as "wanjuan Gallery",

has 273 rooms with a total length of 728 meters, starting from the moon gate in

the East and ending at Shizhang Pavilion in the West. There are four beautiful

pavilions, Liujia, Jilan, Qiushui and Qingyao. The corridor is like a ribbon

connecting the scenery in front of the mountain. There are more than 14000

pieces of Soviet style paintings in the gallery, which made it the world's

largest gallery by Guinness World Records in 1900.

Finally, I'd like to introduce Qing Yanfang, which is located at the west

end of the corridor. When Emperor Qianlong built Qingyi Garden, he used the

allusions of Wei Zheng to persuade Cambodian Li Shimin by borrowing the verses

in Er Jing Fu. The Qing Yan boat was built in the courtyard. It is used to

encourage oneself and to warn future generations. This is the place where the

emperors enjoyed tea and the scenery of Kunming Lake. Emperor Qianlong also set

free here. When it was rebuilt in the reign of Guangxu, machine wheels were

installed on both sides of the stone ship, which seemed like a Western ship.


Hello, everyone. Today we are going to visit the largest and most complete

royal palace complex in the world,

The Palace Museum is located in the center of Beijing, formerly known as

the Forbidden City. It was built in the fifth year of Yongle in Ming Dynasty and

completed in the 18th year of Yongle in 15 years. It is the palace of 24

emperors in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Its name is borrowed from Zihui Xingyuan.

Covering an area of 720000 square meters, it is rectangular, 960 meters long

from north to South and 750 meters wide from east to west. It is surrounded by a

50 meter wide moat and a 10 meter high city wall. There are more than 9000


It has a history of nearly 600 years. It is the largest and best preserved

royal palace complex in the world. This group of large-scale buildings is built

according to the principle of "front Dynasty, back room, zuozu and YouSHE" in

"Zhouli KAOGONGJI", with rigorous structure, brilliant color and regular


The Palace Museum is divided into two parts: the former dynasty and the

latter. The former dynasty was the main place for emperors to hold ceremonies

and summon officials. The central buildings were Taihe hall, Zhonghe hall and

Baohe hall, as well as Wenhua hall and Wuying hall. The harem can also be

divided into three parts. They are the main palace with the theme of Qianqing

palace, Jiaotai palace and kunningguan palace, the east palace with the theme of

Fengxian palace and Huangji palace, and the West Palace with the theme of

Yangxin palace and Chuxiu palace.

The Palace Museum has four gates. The main gate is the Meridian Gate in the

south, Donghua gate in the East, Xihua gate in the West and Shenwu gate in the


From Tian'anmen Gate to the north is Duanmen gate. You can see the Meridian

Gate when you cross the Duanmen gate. Meridian Gate is the main gate of the

Forbidden City. It was rebuilt in the fourth year of Shunzhi. It is a double

eaves veranda roof building with 95 bays and 35 meters in height. Its plane is

concave, with four double eaves pavilions on each wing. It is commonly known as

wufenglou. The small square in front of the Meridian Gate can hold more than

20000 people. On the first day of the tenth month of the lunar calendar, the

emperor presented a Almanac. In case of going to war or offering prisoners, the

emperor issued an order at the Meridian Gate or accepted the surrender of

prisoners. All the ministers who were criticized as "rebellious scale" for

angering the emperor came to the Meridian Gate to receive the "Imperial Staff".

According to the records, two times in the fourteenth year of Zhengde and the

third year of Jiajing of Ming Dynasty, people were killed by the Imperial


After the Meridian Gate, you can see a zigzag, jade belt like artificial

river, which is the jade belt river. The five exquisitely carved white marble

bridges across the river, Yudai bridge, is the only way to the three halls of

the former dynasty.

The three halls of the former dynasty, commonly known as the three main

halls, are Taihe hall, Zhonghe hall and Baohe hall in turn. They are the main

buildings on the central axis and the tallest buildings in the Forbidden


The hall of Taihe can be seen through the gate of Taihe where the emperor

of Ming Dynasty listened to the government. Taihe hall, commonly known as

"Jinluan hall", was built in Yongle period of Ming Dynasty. It was destroyed and

built many times. It was once called Fengtian hall and Huangji hall. Finally, it

was rebuilt in Shunzhi period of Qing Dynasty and renamed Taihe hall. With a

height of about 35 meters and a width of about 63 meters from east to west, and

12 red pillars on the front, it was the largest wooden structure building in

Beijing at that time. The base was built with white marble and Aiqing stone

about 10 meters high. The base is surrounded by a stone pillar with the pattern

of cloud dragon and cloud Phoenix. At the bottom of the base, there are more

than a thousand white jade dragon heads carved with holes for drainage. In case

of rain, we can see the wonderful landscape of "thousand dragons spitting

water". There are 18 incense burners on both sides of the stone steps, and 4

bronze pots on the balcony in front of the hall. The copper tortoises and cranes

on the left and right symbolize the longevity of the emperor and empress

respectively. The sundial in the East symbolizes being ordered by heaven.

Jialiang in the West symbolizes the emperor's justice. There are 48 big columns

in the hall. In the middle is a flat bed, on which there is a gold lacquer

dragon throne. On the top of the hall, there is the meaning of "caisson" to

suppress fire. There is a dragon with a pearl in its mouth on the middle dome.

Pearl coated with mercury, known as "Xuanyuan mirror.". It seems that the

emperor who ascended the throne was a descendant of the emperor Xuanyuan.

The main function of the hall of Supreme Harmony is to celebrate the three

festivals of new year's day, winter solstice and longevity every year. National

ceremonies such as the new emperor's accession to the throne, the issuance of

important imperial edicts, and the issuance of new Jinshi Huang Bang are also

held here.

Zhonghe hall, located behind the hall of Dahe, is a square building with a

sharp top. The weather is also extraordinary. There used to be three names -

Huagai hall, Zhongji hall and Zhonghe hall. The name of this hall itself

reflects the Confucian doctrine of the mean. Its main functions are as follows:

to wait for the time of going to court and rest in the hall of Supreme Harmony;

to accept official congratulations. 2: The day before the emperor went to the

field, he examined the seeds and farm tools. 3: Keep the emperor's


Baohe hall is the rear of the three main halls. The top of the mountain for

the double eaves. It also has three names - Jinshen hall, Jianji hall and Baohe

hall. Baohe hall had two functions in the Ming Dynasty: first, the emperor tried

on his court clothes before going to Taihe hall. 2、 At the end of each year, a

celebration banquet is held here to entertain civil and military officials. In

the Qing Dynasty, it also had two functions: first, on the first and fifteenth

day of the first month of each year, it hosted banquets for foreign vassal

princes, ministers and foreign ministers. 2、 During the reign of Qianlong, the

imperial examination was held in Baohe palace. The palace examination is held

every three years. The emperor made the proposition and examined it in person.

The first name is number one, the second name is top ranking, and the third name

is Tanhua. Palace examination began in the Sui Dynasty and ended in the Guangxu

period of the late Qing Dynasty.

After visiting the first three halls, we came to Qianqing gate, the main

entrance of the back dormitory. The palace to the north of qianqingmen was the

place where the empress lived and lived. The Qianqing gate is the boundary

between the former dynasty and the later palace, where the Qing Emperors "listen

to the government". Several low buildings in the West are the military aircraft

department, the decision-making organ of the central government set up in the

Yongzheng period. To the east of the Qianqing gate is the upper study, which is

the reading place for the prince of the Qing Dynasty.

Qianqing palace is the main hall of the back palace. It is also the bedroom

of the Ming and Qing emperors and the place where they usually deal with

government affairs. Since Emperor Yongzheng moved to Yangxin hall, it is no

longer the emperor's dormitory. On the terrace in front of the palace are four

bronze stoves, a pair of turtles and cranes, a sundial and a Jialiang. On both

sides of the terrace, there is also a "small golden hall of the country" in

Qianqing palace. There is a gold lacquer throne in the center and a gold lacquer

screen in the back. The plaque on it is the place where Yongzheng secretly

established the imperial edict, which is quite mysterious. The main functions of

Qianqing Palace are as follows: first, the emperor dealt with daily affairs

here. 2、 Every new year's day, Lantern Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid

Autumn Festival, Double Ninth Festival, winter solstice, new year's Eve and so

on, we have to carry out the activities of inner court ceremony and banquet. 3、

The two banquets of Qianlong and Kangxi in Qing Dynasty were also held here. In

addition, many important events and secrets of the Ming Dynasty that shocked the

government and the public took place here, such as "renyin palace incident",

"Hongwan case", "wuzongxihuo" and "Chongzhen escape".

Behind the Qianqing palace is the Jiaotai hall. Jiaotai is like

"zhengtiandi Jiaohe, Pingan Kangtai". The hall is square in shape, with 25 seals

in the center and a plaque of "Inaction" of Emperor Kangxi hanging above. On the

east side, there is a timer invented by ancient Chinese people, the copper pot

drip, and on the west side, there is a big self ringing clock. In addition,

there is an iron card warning eunuchs not to interfere with the government.

Every year, when the Queen's birthday and grand ceremony, she will receive a

celebration gift in Jiaotai hall. The day before the ceremony, the queen will

review the mulberry picking tools here. After that, Kunning palace, the palace

of the empress of Ming Dynasty, was changed into a place for offering sacrifices

to the emperor and getting married. Dongnuange was the bridal chamber of the

emperor when he got married.

At the back of the inner court is the imperial garden, formerly known as

gonghouyuan. The garden covers an area of only 12000 square meters, but it

contains more than 20 buildings of different styles. In the middle of the

imperial garden is tianyimen, and guotianyimen is Qin'an hall. Qin'an hall is

the main building in the imperial garden and the only religious building on the

central axis of the palace, which is dedicated to Xuanwu emperor. The famous

LIANLI cypress in Beijing is in the imperial garden. In the Royal Garden, there

are four pavilions, Wanchun Pavilion, Fubi Pavilion, Qianqiu Pavilion and

Chengrui Pavilion, which symbolize the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn

and winter.

The buildings in the Forbidden City are the crystallization of the

extraordinary skills and rich imagination of ancient Chinese architects and

craftsmen. They are precious cultural heritage of China and even the world. OK,

let's visit the Forbidden City first.



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