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( 进入其南大门野人寨上行不远就到达三祖寺。这是天柱山最著名的景点。相传,寺始建于南朝,现仅存藏经楼、偏房数间和屹立于寺前的觉寂塔。三祖寺西,有大石累累的山谷 ,谷侧陡岩直立,谷中流水潺潺,松竹遮天蔽日,称之为“山谷流泉”。山谷门有一石洞,石洞前有一巨石状如卧牛,称“石牛古洞”。相传,北宋人黄庭坚曾坐此石上读书,并自号“山谷道人”。在这里的一块巨石上刻有黄庭坚的诗和同时代大画家李公麟所绘的黄庭坚坐于石牛上的画像。这件珍贵的古代诗画刻石,现仍清晰可见。)

话不多说,我们现在就出发吧 。很快我们就到野人寨景区了! 野寨是“野人寨”的简称。这样依山傍水、风景如画的地方怎么取名“野人寨”呢?这里有两个动人的传说:一说是很早以前,这一带常有野人出没,伤害人畜。当时的一位县令决心牺牲自己,解救民众。他带上好酒好菜,深入野人洞中,陪野人喝酒,命人用生铁水将洞口凝住,和野人同归于荆其二,说是在南宋末年,本地土豪刘源率十万义兵在天柱山抗元。他自号“刘野人”,在谷口扎的第一寨命名“野人寨”。刘源抗元前后十八年,最后被内奸出卖壮烈牺牲。后人为纪念他,野人寨的名字延用至今。



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Welcome to Bozhou, the hometown of Huatuo and the hometown of medicinal

materials. First of all, I would like to extend my warm welcome to you. I'm Wang

Ping, the tour guide of Anhui travel agency. Just call me Xiao Wang. Sitting on

the right side of Xiao Wang is the driver of our Bozhou trip, Mr. Zhang. Mr.

Zhang is warm, honest and has many years of driving experience, so we can take

the bus safely. As the saying goes, "five hundred times of looking back in the

past life, we just pass by in this life." so we can ride in this car together

today, it must be a good fate that we saved up after wearing our clothes in our

last life. Ha ha, I'm joking to make you laugh. Let's get back to business. The

first scenic spot we will visit today is huaxilou. Before I arrive at the scenic

spot, I'd like to introduce huaxilou to you.

Huaxilou, built in the 13th year of Shunzhi reign of Qing Dynasty, is a key

cultural relic protection unit of the state. Originally known as Shanshan guild

hall, also known as daguandi temple. In the old days, the local people also

called it the song stage. At that time, it was the contact and distribution

center of Shanxi and Shaanxi merchants in Bozhou for the business of medicinal

materials. The reason why huaxilou has its name today is that there is a

gorgeous huaxilou in its courtyard. The entire building area of the flower

theatre is 3163 square meters, but the essence of it is still reflected in the

fascinating three wonders. Do you want to know which is the best? Don't worry,

let's walk and see. We are about to arrive at the scenic spot in front of us.

Now please pack your carry on luggage and valuables and get ready to get off.

Dear tourists, we are now at the gate of huaxilou scenic area. The two iron

flagpoles that you can see in front of your eyes are unique in Huaxi theater.

Each flagpole weighs 15 tons and is more than 16 meters high. The flagpole is

divided into five sections, each section is also divided into eight trigrams,

flat dragons and other patterns, and each flagpole is also hung with 24

exquisite iron bells. Whenever the wind blows, it will make a pleasant Ding


After that, let's take a look at the second one. Now in front of you, this

three story archway building with imitation wood structure, Shanmen, is the

second unique flower theater. It is inlaid with world-famous three-dimensional

water mill brick carvings. On the less than 10 cm thick water mill brick, there

are 115 characters, 33 birds, 67 animals, and many buildings, platforms, halls

and pavilions. It has created 16 character stories, which are permeated with the

integration of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism in traditional Chinese


The essence is Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. It's almost omnipotent,

showing the world in every inch

The third unique skill of huaxilou is wood carving. The de wood carving of

huaxilou is divided into ordinary wood carving and big wood through carving.

There are 18 dramas of the Three Kingdoms, with hundreds of characters and

different expressions. You can see the one above the stage in the middle. It

depicts the heroic story of Zhao Zilong saving ah Dou and praises Cao Cao's

excellent character of cherishing talents. The treacherous heroes described by

Sima Qian are still highly respected in Bozhou. Huaxilou, a collection of brick

carving art, is of great value to the study of ancient architectural carving art

and drama in China. I wonder if huaxilou has left a deep impression on you? Dear

tourists, our journey is coming to an end. It's time for Xiao Wang to say

goodbye to you. "It's hard to meet each other, and it's hard to leave each

other." looking back on the days of getting along with each other, Xiao Wang is

really reluctant to leave us. Thank you for your support and cooperation in my

work. If Xiao Wang does anything unsatisfactory during the tour, please

criticize and correct me. Your opinions are the direction of my future efforts.

Finally, I wish you a safe and healthy journey. Thank you!



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Each visitor:

How are you, welcome you to a Bo state tour, I am your guide__.

We want today place, is the Bo state that has the fame of"history cultural

thou city", speak of Bo state, that is small to acquaint with any further

however is my place, because the Bo state brought up me, my home town in the Bo

state.If sometimes, you want to taste our special feature a light repast of Bo

state, you followed behind small to go.Today, take everyone to come out for the

first time, explain in detail our Bo state, I feel matchless proud of with

happy.So these two days, your route of travel handed over to me, friends, you

follow my footprint, let lets taste the city that has heavy cultural breathing


We Bo state, be located in province the northwest of Anhui, area 8374 the

squares are thousand meters, and it have three the counties are one area, Wo

sun, receive city, the benefit is bitter, also have the Qiao city the area.What

about my house, at the Qiao city area China Tuo town.We Bo state, before just a

county city, called that it is "Bo county" to, till the time in 1998 advanced to

pair ground class City, the time in 2000 formally became the ground class Bo

state City.Some visitors started asking me, you the Bo state establish pretty

and late of, but see the building of this flank, development of can also!Yes, we

although the Bo state establishes to only have for 11 years, can in this very

short 11 the middle of the years, we the Bo state is it may be said the

development that flies soon.Remember my childhood, street basically have no so

breadth, and best of, also just asphalt road, wayside side also just brick an

one-storied house.Everyone can see the many-storied building in nowadays already

towering rise in this Gao, standing gracefully.The neon light of road last

myriad shapes, this till evening, Bo the night scene of the state is equally

charming.Now, be like smooth Sus fruit, and Wall-Mart...etc. of China some

international brands also go into in succession we Bo state.So say, we the Bo

state isnt only a history cultural city, now and hereafter still a metropolis

that fly to soon develop!We Bo state the products is abundant, people of talent

coming forth successive, the historic monument spreads all over, the vegetable

contains the good reputation of "Wan north bright pearl".Companys soup in

history once founded a capital here, Cao Wei established temporary capital here,

the dollar end farmer started revolution leader Han Lin Er built up big"Sung"

political power here, therefore, the Bo state was called "three dynasties the

thou was all".What about it, not only is a Cao to hold China Tuo native

district, on the history still many celebrities gather to reside here.Is like

Chuang son, the Cao plants, Cao Pi, Tang Dynasty Min agriculture poet, Li Shen,

, Zhang Liang, Hua Mulan in military history, possess a Chen Tuan that very

loudly praise etc. on the religion of Taoism history.Long history, numerous

celebrities, special geography position, not only left for the Bo state numerous

famous spots and historical remains, also accumulate Dian Bo state decorous

region special feature culture.We the Bo state more famous tourist spot has the

flower drama the building, the Cao hold to transport troops the temple, river in

the way, the Cao surname clansmen last homes, China Zu An and morals rather

guild, and thou well museum...etc..Friends, we Bo state, is still the country of

medicine material, reside four greatest medicines in the whole country all of

head.On January 12, 1995, chairman Jiang Zeming is us Bo state epigraph:China

Tuo native district, the country of medicine material.We Bo state not only have

a historic monument, celebrity, medicine material, we still longly make wine

culture.I believe that our everyone in was affirmative to all once listen to or

once drink ancient well Gong wine., If have you never drunk, that didnt also

relate to, today small, will take you to ancient well town, take a look making

by fermentation of ancient well wine process, taste our tunnel of ancient well

Gong wine.We the Bo is also creating the health tour Bo state for states last

few years, the time in 2010, we Bo states returning be reviewed "China has the

city of happy feeling most ".Friends, only wish we of the trip of this time Bo

state can wash for you mind and body of exhausted, let you also take happy

feeling to leave this city.

Friends, we just, also probably understood 1:00 we Bo state of history

culture, also knew, it was a Three Kingdoms Wei Wu Di Cao held of home town,

that now, make little Lyu Dai everyone in the park of Cao surname appreciate

concerning the Cao and held with the cultural object historic monument of Cao

surname household.Like, the visitors, we go to of first station be, now, have

been already arrived, everyone pleases go into a park with me.Cao surname park

because have the Cao surname the clansmen last homes inside the park but get,

and he and cover 300 acres of, building in order to imitate mans building, the

park is totally divided into four parts:Be in remembrance of area, emperors

mausoleum area and calm down to fix an area and entertainment zone.Be in

remembrance of area with the Cao hold memorial hall for corpus, the emperors

mausoleum area is the Cao surname clansmen last homes, set up a stone tablet

wood, stone tablet gallery, Yong way etc., calm down to fix area and

entertainment zone mainly is be provided for visitor to stop and rest and play

happy place.Like, the visitors, we now the southern front door in Cao surname

park, please go toward with me in walk, we visit Cao to hold memorial hall.The

Cao holds to mainly display Cao to hold wax and exhibition article inside the

memorial hall and reflects a thousand years great accomplishments that the Cao

holds politics, military and literature.Like, the visitors, we then visit Cao to

hold household last home to bury-the Cao is four, and it, be also called it

BE"four", and it, it is four hillocks that the southern north arc-shaped

distributes inside the park to is a Cao surname, 8 meters of Gao Zhe Yue, low

about 5 meters.The last homes surroundings time plants a loose cypress, in the

dead of night, the breeze moves branches and leaves, the Sa Sa makes ring, as if

ocean big waves, so have "four loose cypress" it to say.The precious cultural

object that the Cao surname clansmen last homes sprout has much, such as silver

wisp jade dress and copper wisp jade dress and the Chinese brick engraving to

have various form of written is more than 300 etc.s, bury in these a few last

homes that have been already discovered in, the greatest

Big be the last home of Cao Teng.Cao Teng, word the quarter is cheerful,

the grandfather whom the Cao holds, sealed for the fee station Hou, hold

official post for more than 30 years, waited on to receive four emperors,

backlog a great deal of of the patrimony be afterwards made track for is Gao

emperor.The Cao Teng last home shape is a high big square mound, build to°from

824 pieces of granites inside the last home, biggestly grow two meters.The room

inside the last home grows 15 ? 3 meters, breadth 10 ? is 2 meters, 3 meters in

height, from Yong way, front room, empress the room, southern north ear room and

thing be partial to room 7 stone houses to constitute.The door is to dub out

granite, the symmetry intaglio wears green dragon, woman without pubic hair,

Vinaceous Rosefinch and Xuan on the side of door force.Horizontal sum in the

stone door is a pair of layers granites, the upper level engraves 《double Feng

diagram 》 , the bottom layer engraves 《keep deer diagram 》 , or so engrave 2

people, likeness monster, for the of protecting of last home host.

Like, friends, we are next to go to of place, is a Cao to hold to transport

troops a way.BE leading to destination, whether we see have one to be like

similar pleasure ground in the park, and it, was justour Bo state to just set up

a good Wei the year before last year force square.This square, arrive in the

evening particularly of jollification, become 100 to sing and dance here up

thousand people, train for physical fitness, amuse a mood.There are also a lot

of runt sellers, all coming together of a light repast hereat, that is noisy,

seem to be every day is rushing through busy streets.We the Bo state spread such

a folk song from thou:"Cao full, real Xuan, will in groups, the soldier is

repeatedly.Transport troops to train soldiers a horse in way, rush a Bo state to

have China", what this folk song say is a Cao to hold to transport troops a way,

and it at big Yu head district.It is said that the soldier for Cao to holds rise

in revolt is weak will few, he for showing the soldier is many will wide,

attraction everywhere the hero return fluently, construct tunnel to lead to

thing in city at the Bo state south north four, the life soldiers round wears

many colors dress, an is four, again from another together turn back, the

beginning and end connects.Everywhere hero hears that the Cao holds soldier

strong Ma Zhuang, can with matter in Chengkong University, in succession come to

this mutually hurl, the Cao holds hence being rising to in group of heroes, at

the same time transport troops a way to continuously transport troops can also

paralyze an enemy and use surprise tactics.Transport troops a way disheveled

hair in 1938s now, and it and take big Yu head inside the city as the center

extends to 4 and builds to°from the green brick, the total length is more than

12000 rices, leave 1 ? 8~ in the ground~3 ? is 5 meters, and it have one-way

road, proceed together a double way, top and bottom double the layer way, turn

way types with various etc., moreover still have the cat ear the hole, single

bunker and double persons bunker, obstacle book, trap, air hole, converse bore

etc., design very skillful.And this tunnel, there is also a wonderful place, is

a strict cold deep winter warmth is like spring here, intense heat midsummer

here cool like deep autumn, be modern have time to adjust can not reach the

effect like this is either.The underground transports troops genuine next

transport troops a way is a Cao to hold then military can of history witness,

its detection and exhumation aroused tremendous sensation in the whole country,

is a local scale is the biggest currently, age at the earliest stage, keep the

most intact underground military passage.It is praised as "underground Great

Wall", it isnt only the miracle on the military history, but also ancient times

to construct one big miracle on the history.

The visitors, and morning, small said the ancient well wine he/she wants to

take everyone to taste our Bo state tunnel on the car, and I, will never fail to

keep promise as well.What about now, let lets together go to with driver

teacher!The Bo state made wine at the earliest stage, having a history could

check is at eastern man last years of the period.It is "nine altar spring wine"

to carry the precursor of the wine of ancient well Gong according to the

historical records, hold to make under charge for the Cao the person make by

fermentation, empress the Cao hold to dedicate it to the man to dedicate emperor

Liu Xie and dedicate the emperor everyones applause, is a palace it to use

wine.From now on, Bo state a take to make wine workshop to grow profusely and

quickly to develop.The man sets up Anne for 14 years, the Cao holds for going

down south to strike against east Wu, return to old house Bo state to make big

antebellum preparation, collect a whole country to make wine a superior to come

to Wo sun at the same time blast furnace creation wine to provide army

supplies.Now with thou of Bo state the well Gong wine and the Wo sun wine in the

blast furnace house for the representatives Bo state wine has become the main

force of Wan wine.Make wine one of the support industries that the industry has

become Bo state.We now already till thou well wine culture read extensively a

park, and it be located in our Bo state northwestern thou well town, cover 3200

square meters.There is four-part cent that constitute:Wine cultural museum,

ancient well park and Wei well park and production observe and learn area.This

reading extensively a park is what thou well group in Anhui invests more than

10000 dollarses 1500 to be finished, and the beginning outward open in 1996.What

about it, the building style is special, whole layout skillful, Chinese Que

door, clearly the pure palace forms of"thou well special feature" style, mean

ancient well Gong wine to begin from a Han Dynasty, is more prosperous than

clearly pure(contribution), is meeting peaceful times today.The visitors, we

whether a scrolls seen big palace clear pillar:Spread Weis well for vintage wine

thousand years, thick joss-stick ten thousand inside hair the soup is all.This

scrolls are what Qi achievement Sirs presents.What about exhibition hall and is

divided into four parts, on entering hall, right against the face is a high big

black wood screen, up inset to have Jiang Zeming total secretary and many

Beijing leaderships photograph linked to the thou well Gong wine.The exhibition

hall described through a great deal of writing, picture and wine cultural

history cultural object the thou well Gong wine, the the brand that contains

wine culture at history cultural city of fume the history of pottery growth

under the atmosphere.Still introduced at the same time, concerning cultural

histories, such as wine source, wine government, wine gift, wine teacher and

wine interest...etc..

Ascend the second floors, what to come into view is the thou well Gong wine

to produce craft process first model.Real object and picture prize that is a

great deal of thou well group the modernization from a hand workshop to today

develop the process present at our audience in front.What about the second

floors, is "the wine constellate", "thou

Well art gallery"two exhibition halls.It displayed national white spirit

all previous sessions to review the gold prize that the cocktail party reviews

the white spirit is 17 kinds of and the whole country is all three review kind

wine.The art gallery exhibition hall is mainly the celebritys work and epigraph,

such as Qi achievement, Chen Peng, Lyu Ji Min, the Luo Zhe text waits

Come out hall, appreciate the inscription and the ectype that finishes a

curving corridor inside, and we, can also go "Sung generation is underground

thou well" and"eminent contribution cellar pond" visit.The eminent contribution

cellar pond is Ming Dynastys cellar pond, and now, still can use.The visitors,

we have already arrived at an ancient well park now, the thou well park is type

buildingses in Suzhou, the rockery is pretty, river water Chan Chan, the top of

hill contains station and below the hills has a bamboo, Lin Jian Niao blares.Is

the thou well business reception center here, and is the good whereabouts that

the visitor takes a rest.

Wei well park, be located in area in the north of distillery, inside have

the ancient well one eye according to carry, spring the native son have already

used the well in autumn, till Han Dynasty the tidy water is mainly used for

making wine.There is one ancient Huai tree by the side of Weis well, this is

thou well Gong the trademark of the wine, there is ancient well station on the

well, there is Zhao Pu Chu, Chen Peng and Qi inside the station son achievement

of Bian.

The visitors, we arrived at the last visit to order~~~the production

observe and learn area, it mainly from ferment, steam wine and pack three cars,

here, you since the well Gong that can grasp till thou the main craft process of

the wine, can also taste to arrive the fresh wine that the production just came

out.But the good wine can not be greedy for a cup!

On the second day route of travel guides phrase

The visitors, small once says, we the Chinese medicine medicine of the Bo

state the industry is it may be said a source far flow long, the common saying

says well:The world medicine company gathers Bo state, Bo state medicine the

company rush world.We the Chinese medicine medicine of Bo state develop eastern

Chinese last years of the period and come to an a peak and was also born on the

Bo state the earth the person-China of one inside medicine field milestone type

Tuo.Clearly the pure period is the Bo state Chinese medicine medicine the

industry greatly develops of another high peak, the Bo state becomes the Chinese

herbal medicine commercial center of whole country.The reform opens, we the Bo

state welcomed the third development high peak.As long as having the medicine

material the place of the warehouse, have us the Bo state the person.The place

that we want in the morning that today, is cultural the relational place is with

Chinese medicine medicine.That we the first place for wanting, is filling the

air heavy medicine joss-stick of Chinese herbal medicine bargain center.The Bo

state is all four greatest medicines in the whole country(Anhui Bo state, the

Henan Yu state, Jiangxi greenheart and Hebei Annes country) of head, Chinese

herbal medicine bargain centers starting is set up to 1994 covers 387 acres and

throws in an use in 1995 and gets stripe a reformation in 2006 and trades hall

area 32000 square meters, is a local scale is the biggest currently, facilities

had better, file times Chinese herbal medicine with tallest and the most whole

function trade the market , here, dided not can not buy of medicine material,

dont also can not sell off of medicine material.

Through approval in State Department, since 1985, the Bo state has already

successfully held 23"Chinese medicine medicine international exposition in

China(Bo state)" in a row and holds on this day on September 9 annually, so we

Bo state the person be so called:"99 medicines hand over a meeting", this period

to our Bo state is a biggest grand occasion annually, the large numbers of

foreign companys guests, international friend and Chinese medicine medicine

representative take part in this grand occasion, we the Bo state also hold a

large literature evening party on that day and have large numbers of well-known

entertainers annually the Bo state perform, is like Han Hong, Zhao Wei to us,

Wang Li Hong etc..The medicine in past hands over meetings all to hold in the

neighborhood of train station, everyone can also see, the train station is

leaving not far eastern side in the bargain center, at two years, hold at the

our Bo state new city hall, this year later, medicines handing over will hold in

the just- been finished Bo state gymnasium, it is inside new southern area at

our Bo state.If next time, you sometimes return to our Bo state, small will take

you to go to that place and see.Friends, we the Bo state real estate medicine

the material is also known for a whole country, especially the Bo Shao, Bo

chrysanthemum and Bo mulberry skin, Bo pollen cures square in the house more to

win first gradely.Up to 2007, the whole city Chinese herbal medicine plants area

to have a whole country pretty much of a, reach to more than 40,000

hectares.Have already drunk a slice of production business enterprise 36 through

the Chinese herbal medicine of national GMP attestation now, take up 44% of the

whole country, the Chinese herbal medicine drinks a slice of yield to take up

1/3 of the whole country around, the Chinese herbal medicine import and export

sum has the third in the whole country.Educate aspect in the Chinese medicine

medicine, the Bo state occupation technical college set up Chinese medicine

medicine profession, the Bo set in the state City set up the Chinese medicine

medicine technique school.Currently, we the Bo state have already formed a

gather a medicine to plant, process, sell, transport, educate, the research,

tour is integral whole of industry system.

Friends, we bargain center in the year 20 time start closing the door, hard

year of medicine company by this time also all goes home to like a rest and

places to do the New Years shopping, preparation New Years Day.Bargain center of

there are clock building and drum building in southern square, annually 8:18 of

January 16 mornings of lunar calendar, colleague hall in Peking of old always

all want to bump a clock in this Lei drum punctually, and then the Chinese

herbal medicine bargain of whole country opens for business.Friends, I said so

many, also not equal to everyone a see for quick, that we now go to a hundred

years grand old-colleague hall, watch valuable medicine material in the world in

the Bo state!

The visitors, we have already understood, we the medicine material of the

Bo state industry and culture, and that now, we are still going to visit the

founder-China of Chinese medicine medicine boundary Tuo.China Tuo, word dollar

China, eastern man outstanding medical science house, we Bo state person, he

this from cradle to the grave not wish an official, not Mu fame and wealth, make

a deep study medical skill, medicine arrive disease in addition to, drive

Chinese medicine educational circles your respectful name BE"China Tuo old Zu",

he mainly invented to anaesthetize the medicine"hemp the Fei spread" and

compared west early usage to tingle Fei to spread to implement surgical

operation for patient for more than 1000 years.Created to weave "five birds

dramas"s sport set road, the action of the tiger, deer and bear, ape and bird of

the mimicry"five lines of theories"s, use to train for physical fitness,

strengthen physical endowment, founded an athletics medical treatment to

exercise first river.Like, that nows making us drive a car together memorial

hall is to R.O.C Tuo.What about it, again China Zu the An is the temple that

respectfully receives China Tuo and manage the in the past as Ni inside the

original temple, so call temple as An.What about it be located in permanent

stability street the west carry, "permanent stability" takes China Tuo always

guarantor people peaceful idea.China Zu Ans starting is set up to Tang, 80s in

last century original Bo county peoples government carries on greatly fixing at

a time, the Bo peoples government in the state City again spends a huge sum to

renovate in 2006, become now everyone see of view area.The China Tuo memorial

hall wins a view to be known for by"the grass hall is spread to stay joss-stick,

cloud bridge to lie wave, five birds to blare a life, the poem stone tablet Mo

joss-stick and benefit life to save Jean by voice, medicine" etc..Now China Tuo

the memorial hall and China Tuo Be past to reside, China Tuo the Chinese

medicine medicine cultural museum connect for the integral whole.The visitors,

we have the horizontal tablet that see the center door, those are those early

years Guo Mo if Sir in 1961 in person write.

Like, the visitors, please go into a park with me, come in is a main

temple, main temple ex- have a scrolls, ascend allied:The vegetable theory didnt

spread a spool of sad jailer fire;Next allied:Door Shu the immortal slice of

speech be eventually living a person square.What scrolls speak is at time of

death China Tuo before will entrust to maintain for jailer from the curing of

Zhao book 《green bag through 》 , the jailer doesnt dare to accept, China Tuo has

to it throw in fire in, the book burns half hour, the jailer stungs by

conscience, from the material for new fire extrication half department, hence

the in this world had the half department of two great uses the book:One is Sung

mutually Zhao Pu cure world with the half department 《Analects 》 , the another

is half department 《green bag through 》 that is called "live a person square" to

save persons innumerable.China Tuo carving inside the palace is like, is the

work that is famous to carve Qian Shao Wu, and the Cao of our train station

holds statue is also come from this masters hand.Up there aring a scrolls on the

pillar beam of main temple is a big Manchu dynasty calligraphist to believe in

an ability the Zhuan,(while seeing, the contents says) the meaning is to say

that China Tuo creates five birds dramas of plait huge to the mankinds healthy

function, the achievement can contrast with Emperor Huang of Xuan Yuan.Still

displayed some works of China Tuo inside our palace.

Two sides of main temple have 6 sets to carve, and everyone, can take a

look, each one carves to all have a small story, here, small is everyones simple

introduction for a while small story concerning"absolute being needle is tiny,

admirable skill":It is said that the Cao holds the disease of having the

headachy disease, once just in the argument matter, suddenly have a headache,

please cure to toss about along while too much also useless.The son China Tuo is

used a seven inch silver needle, shine on the acupuncture points on the head

firm next go, the instant Cao holds of headache disease then completely

recovered.Main temple east the side contain two side doors, is gone in by the

side door, it is thus clear that from the Yi station, it is the place that China

Tuo takes a rest to mutually rush.Bo state while being that China Tuo is classic

to cure case and Three Kingdoms the exhibition inside the palace peripheral

geography diagram.What the western side of main temple displays is China Tuo in

the pediatrics, surgery, gynecology, Medicine, health, puncture, square medicine

etc. of achievement.Led main temple, can immediately see the dollar turn a grass

hall, east the set of rooms is a benefit life Xuan, western wing building for

save Jean Zhai.Benefit life Xuans mutually rushing is China Tuo to diagnose vein

to treat disease place, saving Jean Zhai is the place that China Tuo deposits

medicine.Save Jean Zhai to have two kind exhibition the article is well worth

speaking, on being to slice medicine knife, two is a medicine Nian son.It is

said that there was a blacksmith to get a heavy disease, be cured by China Tuo

good, for expressing appreciation the heart of Helping of China Tuo, the

blacksmith sends to China Tuo a slice the tool of medicine-slice medicine

knife.Send for a long time, this blacksmith slowly disappears China Tuo to use,

till the last just know, China Tuo once swore before, the whole life need not

left hand.Originally time of young China Tuo, cure a heavy disease, think that

he has already canned not save to cure and lets it goes home to make

arrangements for funeral and just has old process at this time and think that

the patient can cure, China Tuo because of young annoy prosperous, hence export

crazy speech:If you can chase his medical treatment good, I chop down my left

hand.Afterwards the old Jean of that patient cure like, China Tuo hence raise

knife chop down to go to the left hand, be blocked by the old:Cure to have no

destination, you are still young, study hard, hereafter save to cure more

patients.China Tuo keeps firmly in mind this precept and swears that whole life

in no case uses a left hand.The blacksmith esteems highly the personal character

of China Tuo more after knowing, hence with meticulous care develops to by foot

operate again of medicine Nian son.

The visitors, led a dollar China grass hall, wash Zhi pond, we was lesson

Tu building.The lesson Tu building devolution was China Tuo to teach Tu in those

early years, spoke to learn of place.Three big words in"lesson Tu building"s are

lifted by that big calligraphist Chen is naturals.The lesson Tu front and back

of the building has already washed Zhi pond, is those early years China Tuo to

wash away dirt the place of medicine material.Wash there is one medicine park by

the side of the Zhi pond, it is said that this is the first medicine Pu that is

Chinese to develop, also a Bo state human race to plant the point of departure

of medicine material.

The visitors, we are a tour tourist spot of this end, it may be said press

stalk of, we wanted to once wear the pure old street get into the 4 A class view

area in nation"Central plains the treasure hide" clearly-flower drama

building.Let you appreciate the brick vulture and wood carving art of

magnificent rival divine skill, the vivid portrayal literary reference makes you

like Chi if inebriate.The tour Zhang Fei Miao and Yue flies thou buildings such

as temple, Zhu Gongs academy and god of fire temple etc., feel we for a while

the lingering charm of Bo state health culture and thou city old street.

The visitors, before arriving at and spending drama building, we have to

see square and up write four big words in"temple fair square", and that, is us

the sink type of the Bo state square, the square designs medium the west match

Bi, west the noodles has a large Chinese man white jade shop;The east contains

gossip diagram and the Bo state cultural wall, the western side of cultural wall

engraves the Bo state book history the celebrity is 15, the east side engraves

Bo state to win view diagram.Need a meeting we free activity of time, if you are

more interested in, can cautiously appreciate.The visitors please get into to

spend drama building with me, the flower drama building is a national point

cultural object to protect unit, original the song set is a satge of

performance, is the temple ancestral temple that offers sacrifices to celebrity

in Shanxi to close feather, the medicine companies of Shanxi, Shaanxi conduct

the ground of the contact of medicine material in the Bo state while being also

clearly pure, therefore also call "guild in Shanxi", "toll-gate emperor

temple."Close the emperor temple lord palace Be set up to pure fluently cure for

12 years, the drama building is set up to Kangxi for 15 years, increased again

during the reign of Qianlong many color and carve.The whole building area is

3163 square meters, guild of so call in order to spend drama building it, is

because spend drama building in the hospital the color is gorgeous,

magnificent.Aforetime Bo state vulgar cloud:"Suzhou sells good head oil, the Bo

state sees flower drama building".

The visitors, we spend drama building to have three extremely, this first

unique, two iron flagpoles before being a center door, each one weighs 6000

kilograms, the flagpole is many 16 meters in height, the flagpole divides 5

sections, the each stanza divides the Zhu gossip Pan Long Dengs pattern, the top

Zhu Dan Feng is a , the shape is vivid, be like at lead a neck long blare, the

exhibition wings desire flies.Each pole still has the 3 F square Dou to hang

breeze bell total 24, aweather the dingdong makes to ring, clear and crisp

pleasing.Japanese scholar after investigating to spend drama building the

flagpole sighs for the view, 100 think not to get its solution:At that time

people how solution divided stanza foundry and the problem for welding, did the

such weight how stand up again, how did it experience rains and winds for 300

years but still keep standing erect not to pour?This, also well embodied, we the

diligence and intelligence of the Bo state the ancients.We spend drama building

must the seconds cutting off is an at present gate to a monastery, it is a 3 F

memorial arch type that imitates wood structure building, up inset to be known

for world of stereoscopic water mill brick the vulture is extremely keen, feast

for the eyes.If deeply the big wood that says theatrical stage the vulture is

full of sun just of beautiful of words, that water mill brick vulture then

presented an another extreme achievement-Yin soft United States.The brick

vulture that spends drama building, belongs to Jin to send a badge vulture art,

the condition is great, topic abundant but again have inside contact, absorbed

Na at the same time badge parties choiceness lovely, knife method careful

carvings art, even engrave the hairs of person clear, the true feeling,

stereoscopic feeling and clairvoyance feeling is the strongest, the skilled

superb technical skill makes people be full of praise.

The visitors, we have already come right away the flower drama building

song now set, the flower drama building song set sits south noodles north, lord

before the set Tu, both sides each the set with a small wing, or so set up a

clock, the drum second floors, allocation have a preface, layer clear thing set

of rooms is 2 F several-storied building, is at that time inside the Juan go to

opera of reserved box.Northern sides getting this building is to close emperor

temple main temple.So formed a courtyard of exact square, at have no acoustic of

ancient times, at the right moment form the effect of natural wreath sound.The

Ying of song set both sides is allied:A song the spring time awakens now thou

dream, two sort features do to serve faithfully adultery.Song set above Zao well

up, have already colored nine, like Long Fengs good luck, pleased top tip of

brow, recruit a wealth the etc. is into the treasure, the quickly passing time

overflows colourful, form absolute being and have.Particularly spending the

drama building third extremely is worthy of paying attention to-wood

carving.Believe our visitor has been already seen as well, the top of the song

set carves a lot of tasks and pattern.What about this, is use a big wood deeply

vulture carvings but become, this up and totally has a Three Kingdoms drama the

text is 18, the person is several hundred, the expression is each difference,

fierce battle between two giants, seem ready to come out.Spend drama building to

gather a big carvings art to become, is our country satge building of delicacy,

construct, carve towards studying ancient times of our country, the histories of

art and drama all have very important value.Like, the visitors, we together get

into to close emperor temple now,

The visitors, we visit now of is a god of fire temple, the Chinese think

that the creation all has absolute being, the fire is mankind the sign of the

civilization and mankind exist the material of most, there is certainly also

absolute being, this is the virtuous true god of fire-fire gentleman.The god of

fire temple is the temple of oblation fire virtuous true gentleman, belong to a

religion of Taoism building.

We have already arrived at Zhu Gong academy now, and it and start Be set up

to feeling Kangxi 37 years are a Bo state the factitiousness is in remembrance

of Kangxi the benevolent government that know the Lian of state for year but

builds of livings an ancestral temple, because is to set up an ancestral temple

for still living person, belong to and call academy, but dont call an ancestral

temple.The Lian of , the word companys jade, enters a private for pure Kangxi 31

the middle of the years, is sealed to know a mansion for Bo state at the same

year.He weighs agriculture mulberry while allowing, not tired people,

tenaciously impartial.Change Anne to celebrate to know a mansion behind.Kangxi

48 years, the Bo state occurrence flood disaster, the epidemic rises everywhere,

the people find it hard to live on.The Lian of is again once adjusted Bo state,

lead people to pass through disaster, the Lian of at Bo state people another

time leave a fine impression in the middle of the heart, we Bo state artificial

express us heart of appreciate of feeling, so set up this academy.Zhu Gongs

academy existing gate to a monastery, over the hall, empress building etc.

construct.What mountain wall insets is 46 years of pure Kangxi, Wu Chu Qi writes

《Zhu Gongs academy records 》 of combining the book stone tablet.Empress building

three, is a hard point mountain type the mountain 2 F floor building, brick wood

structure, the ash tube tile house noodles, the first floor is the place that

offers sacrifices to the Lian of .

The visitors, we are going now of tourist spot, is a Yue to fly temple, it

is to offer sacrifices to south Sung the patriotic famous general Yue fly of

temple ancestral temple, believe the story flying Yue, widely known, here, small

also no longer did to excessively introduce.We the Bo state set up due to

respecting adore the race moral integrity that the Yue flies temple with offer

sacrifices to, the temple being existing is pure Kangxi year of building.It from

gate to a monastery Chong the building is a , big palace 3 constitutes.Exact

center have Qin Kuai husband and wifes stone carving to suffer torture to kneel

to be like inside the hospital, be provided for person to excoriate.This still

has a legend to the stone statue:In those early years Yues flying is harmed by

Qin Kuai clay-cold, Bo state the people were very angry, went to hell, descended

the parlance of oil pan according to the Buddhism concerning clay-cold bad

person, made into two people with the face powder, represent Qin Kuais husband

and wife respectively, put in the oil pan to use to fry in oil to solve the

spirit in the heart.Unexpectedly this after eating also want to eat, because of

very delicious and again solution spirit, quickly become popular, the person who

eat is more and more.The person who does noodles has to with two noodles and

presses together, again Ning for a while, mean that they are husband and wife,

put to provide a person after deep-frying in oil pan edible.It is said that this

is the origins of twisted dough-strips



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承租方(以下简称乙方) :___________





第一条 甲方出租房屋(以下简称该房屋)坐落于________________________房屋结构为________________________,产权证建筑面积______平方米,共______间(套),产权证号________________________ 。

第二条 该房屋用途为 ,除双方另有约定外,乙方不得改变房屋用途。

第三条 租赁期限自 ______月______日止。

第四条 该房屋______月租金为人民币(大写)____________元,合同期限内租金不变。

第五条 租金按 (______月,季,______年)结算,每 (______月,季,______年)______日以 (现金或转账)支付。

第六条 甲方于本合同生效之日起日内,将该房屋交付给乙方。

第七条 甲方属于该房屋的所有权人,承诺无与产权有关的民事或行政纠纷,合同生效后如有上述事项,由甲方承担全部责任,由此给乙方造成经济损失的,由甲方负责赔偿。

第八条 甲方是否允许乙方转租该房屋(在空格内填写是或否)

第九条 租赁期间的房屋维修由甲方负责。因乙方管理使用不善造成的损失及维修费用由乙方承担。

第十条 乙方负责租赁期间的防火安全,门前三包,综合治理及安全,保卫等工作,乙方应执行当地有关部门的规定并承担全部责任和服从甲方监督检查。

第十一条 甲方同意乙方在不改变房屋结构的前提下,投资对租赁房屋进行装饰装修,装饰装修方案须经甲方审核签字同意。租赁期满后,乙方维持装饰装修后的现状交付房屋的,甲方不补偿装饰装修费用:_____乙方拆除装饰装修的设备,材料的,必须出资恢复原样。

第十二条 在房屋租赁期间,与使用房屋有关的费用由乙方支付,并由乙方承担逾期付款的违约责任。由乙方支付的费用为:_____水费,电费,电话费,煤气费,有线电视费,宽带费,物业管理费 ,

第十三条 租赁期满后,本合同即终止,乙方依照合同到期日将房屋退还甲方。如乙方要求继续租赁,必须提前个______月书面向甲方提出,甲方在收到书面申请后15日内向乙方作出书面答复,如同意继续租赁,应重新签订租赁合同。租赁期间届满,承租人继续使用该房屋,出租人没有提出异议的,原租赁合同继续有效,但租赁期限为不定期。

第十四条 乙方有下列情形之一的,甲方可终止合同并收回房屋,造成甲方损失,由乙方负责赔偿。

1. 擅自将承租的房屋转租的;

2. 擅自将承租的房屋转让,转借他人或擅自调换使用的;

3. 擅自拆改承租房屋结构或改变承租房屋用途的;

4. 拖欠租金累计达

5. 违反第十条规定,二次被行政处罚的;

6. 利用承租房屋进行其它违法活动的;

7. 故意损坏承租房屋的;

第十五条 甲方不及时交付房屋,不及时修缮房屋影响乙方正常使用的,乙方可以终止合同,造成损失的由甲方赔偿。

第十六条 租赁期间,任何一方提出终止合同,需提前______月书面通知对方,经双方协商后签订终止合同书,在终止合同书签订前,本合同仍有效。

第十七条 甲方出卖租赁房屋的,应当在出卖之前 买的权利。房屋在租赁期间发生所有权变动的,不影响租赁合同的效力。

第十八条 如因城市建设,不可抗力因素,甲方必须终止合同时,应提前______月书面通知乙方,乙方的经济损失甲方不予补偿。

第十九条 租赁期间双方必须信守合同,任何一方违反本合同的约定,以______年租金的%,承担违约责任。乙方逾期交付租金的,以逾期总额的 %按日加收滞纳金。

第二十条 因不可抗力原因导致该房屋毁损和造成损失的,双方互不承担责任。

第二十一条 本合同未尽事项,由甲,乙双方另行协商,并签订补充协议。补充协议与本合同不一致的,以补充协议为准。

第二十二条 甲方产权证复印峻及其他附件,空格部分填写的文字与印刷文字具有同等效力。本合同及其附件和补充协议中未规定的事项,均遵照有关法律,法规执行。

第二十三条 其他 第二十四条 本合同在履行中发生争议,由甲,乙双方协商解决,也可申请当地工商部门调解。协商或调解不成时,按下列第 种方式解决。

1.提交 仲裁委员会仲裁;

2.依法向 人民法院起诉。

第二十五条 本合同连同附件共

第二十六条 本合同自签字之日起生效。

甲 方(签章):___________ 乙 方(签章):___________

甲方代理人(签章):_____ 乙方代理人(签章):_____



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