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昆明湖简称滇池,位于云南昆明市西南,周遭300平方公里,,海拔在1800多米,均匀水深5米阁下。周围名山、名寺、名园无数,池上烟波浩淼,湖水碧绿,景色极佳。因此,被誉为云贵高原上的一颗明珠。 滇池的形成是滇中的底层因为断层的沦陷,形成湖泊。附近群山升沉,绵延不绝。地下溶洞不行胜数,辽宁的本溪水洞和桓仁的望天洞,沈阳的藏军洞与其对比,犹如蜗牛和大象。作文网







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Dianchi lake belongs to Fuying lake, some of which show abnormal nutrition

signs. The water color is dark yellow and green. The inner lake has serious

organic pollution and organic harmful pollution, and the pollution develops

rapidly. Part of the outer lake has been polluted by organic matter, and the

toxic and harmful pollution (mainly heavy metal pollution) is not prominent.

Nitrogen, phosphorus, heavy metal and arsenic are deposited in the bottom of the

lake, resulting in serious bottom pollution In recent years, it has been in the

state of "old type" lake, with an average annual water temperature of 16 ℃; The

results of no investigation in the 1980s showed that: with the change of

ecological environment in Dianchi Lake, the ecological environment of fish

spawning and hatching sites was destroyed, and with the influence of overfishing

and fish population interaction, the fish population in Dianchi Lake changed

greatly. There were only four indigenous fish species, and the indigenous fish

species were on the verge of extinction. For example, the tender and delicious

golden thread fish had been extinct, while the exotic fish species were on the

verge of extinction

Morphological description: Dianchi Lake is distributed in north-south

direction. The lake body is slightly arched, with its bow back to the East.

There is a natural sand dike in the northeast with a length of 4 km. Dianchi

Lake is divided into North and south parts, which are called Outer Lake and

inner lake; With an altitude of 1887.5 meters and a total area of 311.338 square

kilometers, the inner lake covers an area of 10.67 square kilometers and the

outer lake covers an area of 287.1 square kilometers. The length of the lake is

41.2 kilometers, the maximum width is 13.3 kilometers, the average width is 7.56

meters, the maximum water depth is 11.3 meters, the average water depth is 5.12

meters, and the volume is 1.593 billion cubic meters; The bottom material of the

inner lake is rich, with thick silt, animal and plant residues, black and very

bad smell, while the outer lake is rich, brown and yellow, with mud. The

upstream rivers are Panlong River, Baoxiang River, Xinhe River, Yunliang River,

Maliao River, Daqing River, Luolong River, Laoyu River and Liangwang river

Dianchi Lake is located at the foot of Xishan Mountain in the south of

Kunming city. Its north end is close to Kunming Daguan Park, and its south end

is within Jinning County, 5km away from the urban area. Historically, it has

been a resort for vacation and summer resort. Dianchi Lake, also known as

Kunming Lake, is about 20 kilometers away from Kunming city. There are more than

20 rivers in the southeast and north of Dianchi Lake, such as Panlong River. The

lake water flows out from the West Haikou and into Jinsha River through Pudu

river. It is 39 km long from north to South and 13.5 km wide from east to west,

with an average width of about 8 km. The lakeshore line is about 200 kilometers

long, and the lake area is 300 square kilometers, ranking first in Yunnan

Province. The maximum depth of the lake is 8 meters, the average depth is 5

meters, and the water storage capacity is 1.57 billion cubic meters. It is known

as "five hundred Li Dianchi Lake". It is the sixth largest inland freshwater

lake in China.

Dianchi Lake is a plateau limestone fault lake formed by the influence of

the tertiary Himalayan Crustal Movement, with an altitude of 1886 meters. There

are dozens of peaks around Dianchi Lake, surrounded by mountains and water, sky

light and cloud shadow, forming a beautiful natural picture.

Dianchi Lake is a magnificent lake with broad water surface. Standing on

the dragon's gate, you can have a panoramic view of Dianchi Lake, known as "the

Pearl of the plateau". Its charm lies in that it changes with the change of sky

color and cloud in one day. The wide water surface of Dianchi Lake is not only a

good place for tourism, but also has great economic value, such as shipping,

fishing, irrigation, water supply, etc. There are many scenic spots around

Dianchi Lake, which are separated from Xishan Forest Park and Daguan Park.

Yunnan Ethnic Village, national sports training base and Yunnan Ethnic Museum

are connected and independent. They are ideal places for sightseeing,

entertainment and vacation. In 1988, Dianchi Lake, in the name of Kunming

Dianchi scenic spot, was approved by the State Council to be listed in the

second batch of national scenic spots.

The origin of the name of Dianchi Lake can be summarized into three kinds.

First, from the perspective of geographical morphology, the people of Jin

Dynasty often said in the annals of Huayang · annals of nanzhong: "Dianchi

county is governed by a county, so the state of Dian is the same; there are

rivers, 200 Li around the water, which are deep and wide, shallow and narrow,

such as backward flow, so it is called Dianchi." Another view is to search for

sound and study meaning, that "Dian Dian is also the highest peak of speech."

Some people think that it is the Yi die (Dian), that is, dabazi. The third

theory is based on the national appellation. According to the records of

historical records, the biography of Southwest Yi, Dian was the largest tribe

name in this area in ancient times. After entering Dian, Zhuang Qiao, the

general of Chu, became the king of Dian, so the name of Dian Lake came from Dian

Lake tribe.

Dianchi Lake water area, surrounded by mountains, rivers, thousands of

hectares of fertile land, known as "Jiangnan plateau.". Around the pool, there

are fishing villages and sails dotted with Guanyin Mountain Scenic Area; there

are flowers and trees shadow of Baiyukou Konggu garden; there are stretches of

miles, clear water and sand Clear Beach Beach and beautiful grand view building

Park, etc., are very comfortable places to visit, especially on the other side

of the green waves, the majestic peak of the western mountain, water floating

clouds cover. The beauty of the lake and the mystery of the sea will appear

before your eyes. Dianchi Lake has both the beauty of the lake and the spirit of

the sea.

Now Dianchi Lake is one of the first 12 national tourist resorts approved

to be established in China, and it is also the only national tourist resort

located in inland province. Haigeng park is close to the Bank of Dianchi Lake,

and the whole park is built along the Bank of Dianchi Lake. Weeping willow green

litchi, white wave beach, a school of colorful scenery in southern Xinjiang, is

the ideal natural swimming pool. Overlooking the Xishan Forest Park on the high

mountain opposite to the lake, the park is more enjoyable. If you want to go to

the Xishan Mountain for sightseeing, there are fishing boats driven by fishermen

on the dam Wharf in the park, which can cross the water to reach the foot of the

Xishan Mountain. You can also go to Haigeng ethnic village and take a cable car

to go up the Xishan Mountain. From the cable car, you can have a panoramic view

of Dianchi Lake.

Dianchi Lake is also the center of Kunming's scenic spots. Tourists can not

only take a boat around the lake to enjoy the scenery of lakes and mountains,

but also go ashore to see Zheng He's hometown, Guanyin Mountain and other scenic


Dianchi Lake pollution is a worrying topic. In order to purify the muddy

waves of the five hundred Li Dianchi Lake, the state and Yunnan Province have

invested more than 4 billion yuan in pollution control since the Seventh Five

Year Plan. Although these funds from the central and local governments and loans

from the world bank have effectively alleviated the deterioration of the

ecological environment of Dianchi Lake, they have not completely eradicated the

pollution of Dianchi Lake. At present, it still belongs to five types of heavily

polluted lakes.

In recent years, the pollution of Dianchi Lake is very serious, which is

listed as one of the "three lakes and three rivers" by the State Council. The

pollution of Dianchi Lake has experienced a long and complex process. Water

pollution began in the late 1970s, and eutrophication became more and more

serious in the 1980s, especially in the 1990s. The causes of water pollution in

Dianchi Lake are as follows: firstly, Dianchi Lake is located in the lower

reaches of Kunming City, which is the lowest concave area of Dianchi Basin;

secondly, domestic sewage enters Dianchi Lake; thirdly, industrial wastewater

enters Dianchi Lake; fourthly, agricultural non-point source pollution; fifthly,

the rapid development of urbanization in Dianchi Lake Basin; sixthly, Dianchi

Lake is a semi closed lake, which lacks sufficient clean water to replace the

lake water body; fifthly, Dianchi Lake is a semi closed lake; Seventh, in the

process of natural evolution, the lake surface shrank, the lake basin became

shallow, and entered the aging stage, resulting in the accumulation of

endogenous pollutants and serious pollution.



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Kunming is located in the middle of Yunnan Guizhou Plateau, with a history

of more than 2400 years. The elevation of the city center is 1891 meters. It is

close to Dianchi Lake in the South and surrounded by mountains on three sides.

Due to the influence of the warm and humid air flow in the southwest of the

Indian Ocean, it has long sunshine, short frost period and an average annual

temperature of 15 ℃. The climate is mild, summer is not hot, winter is not cold,

four seasons such as spring, pleasant climate, is very famous "Spring City". For

this reason, the predecessors have described its characteristics as follows:

there is no fur in the December moon of Kunming, the light cotton sweats in the

dog days, the plum blossoms in the middle of winter, and the new year leaves of

Liushu will be thick. From December to march of the next year, groups of red

headed gulls, which escape the cold wind in the northern sea area, come from

afar and settle in Kunming city.

Kunming, with an altitude of 746 meters to 4247 meters, covers an area of

15942 square kilometers and a built-up area of 98 square kilometers. It is

directly under the jurisdiction of Panlong, Wuhua, Xishan and Guandu, and eight

counties of Chenggong, Jinning, Anning, Fumin, Songming, Yiliang, Lunan and

Luquan. The population is 3635212. There are 25 ethnic groups, including Han,

Yi, Hui, Bai, Miao and Mongolia. The minority population accounts for 12.6%, and

the urban population is 1611969.

250000 years ago, there were ancient human activities in Kunming area. From

the 13th century, Kunming became the political, economic and cultural center of

Yunnan Province. It is the hub and channel connecting the "ancient Southern Silk

Road" in Southeast Asia and Sichuan Yunnan Vietnam. Kunming is the hometown of

great navigator Zheng He and people's musician Nie Er. Patriotic democratic

movements such as the national defense movement and the "one two one" movement

contributed to China's democratic revolution. The long history and diversified

culture have formed the distinctive characteristics of Kunming today, which are

"long history, many historic sites, beautiful scenery, many places of interest,

a gathering of talents, many celebrities, early development and many


Since the reform and opening up, Kunming's economy has always maintained a

good momentum of rapid and healthy development, and its comprehensive economic

strength has entered the advanced ranks in the western region. After years of

development, it has formed five pillar industries, including cigarette,

electromechanical, biological resources, information, business and tourism.

Agricultural development is sustained, stable and coordinated, structural

adjustment has achieved remarkable results, and its characteristics are

outstanding. "Dounan flowers" and "Chenggong vegetables" have become well-known

brands at home and abroad. It is the industrial base of Yunnan Province and an

important industrial city in Southwest China. The proportion of the tertiary

industry in the national economy is increasing. The rapid development of

Commerce, tourism, information and modern service industries has played an

important role in promoting the economic and social development of the city.

Kunming is one of the famous historical and cultural cities in China. It is

a gathering place of natural landscape and cultural landscape. It is also one of

the best tourist cities in China. The holding of the World Expo has improved

Kunming's popularity in the world. There is no heat in summer, no cold in

winter, four seasons like spring, flowers all year round, known as the "Spring

City" reputation.

Kunming has beautiful mountains and rivers. Kunming has a long history,

many nationalities and unique natural conditions, which leave an extremely rich

cultural relics and scenic spots. Among them, there are 3 national scenic spots,

6 national key cultural relics protection units, 66 provincial and municipal key

cultural relics protection units, 30 scenic spots, more than 100 scenic spots,

11 national tourist routes, 1 provincial scenic spot, ethnic customs with Yunnan

characteristics, 1 large-scale ethnic village, more than 50 Hot Springs, and

more than 400 kinds of flowers It has become a tourism system with Shilin and

Dianchi Lake as the focus, along Anning Shilin highway as the first line,

driving Kunming City and radiating the whole province, integrating tourism,

vacation and entertainment.

Kunming is also a multi-ethnic capital city, with fascinating ethnic

customs, numerous historical sites, natural landscape and cultural landscape,

depicting a magical and confusing picture.

Kunming is the transportation hub and communication center of Yunnan

Province, and China's port facing Southeast Asia. Kunming airport is one of the

five major international airports in China. It has six international routes to

Yangon, Bangkok, Singapore, one regional route to Hong Kong, about 40 routes to

large and medium-sized cities in China, and seven routes in the province. At

present, there are 12 main and branch lines from Kunming to Chengdu, Kunming to

Guiyang, Kunming to Hekou, as well as Kunming to Nanning, as well as the vast

number of Railways in the province, Kunyu railway, etc. Kunming's roads extend

in all directions, with more than 5000 kilometers of roads leading to all parts

of the province and neighboring provinces.

Facing the new situation and new tasks, we have established the development

strategy of building a modern new Kunming and accelerated the process of

building a well-off society in an all-round way. Taking Dianchi Lake as the

center, the project of "traffic around the lake", "pollution interception around

the lake", "ecology around the lake" and "new city around the lake" will be

implemented to further optimize the urban development environment,

comprehensively enhance the image of urban and rural areas, enhance the

comprehensive strength of the city, and build Kunming into a prosperous economy,

developed culture, beautiful environment, perfect function, "Spring City",

"famous historical and cultural city", and ecological city of landscape

architecture It is a modern regional international city facing Southeast Asia

and South Asia.



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Dianchi Lake, also known as Kunming Lake, Kunming Lake. Dahu, Yunnan

Province, China. In the southwest of Kunming City, together with Xishan on the

west side of the lake, it is a famous tourist and convalescent resort. Dianchi

Lake is the largest freshwater lake in Yunnan Province, known as the Pearl of

the plateau. Dianchi Lake is a scenic spot with magnificent scenery and wide

water surface. Standing on the dragon's gate, you can have a panoramic view of

Dianchi Lake, known as "the Pearl of the plateau". Its charm lies in that it

changes with the change of sky color and cloud in one day. The wide water

surface of Dianchi Lake is not only a good place for tourism, but also has great

economic value, such as shipping, fishing, irrigation, water supply, etc. There

are many scenic spots around Dianchi Lake, which are separated from Xishan

Forest Park and Daguan Park. Yunnan Ethnic Village, national sports training

base and Yunnan Ethnic Museum are connected and independent. They are ideal

places for sightseeing, entertainment and vacation.

Dianchi Lake water area, surrounded by mountains, rivers, thousands of

hectares of fertile land, known as "Jiangnan plateau.". Around the pool, there

are fishing villages and sails dotted with Guanyin Mountain Scenic Area; there

are flowers and trees shadow of Baiyukou Konggu garden; there are stretches of

miles, clear water and sand Clear Beach Beach and beautiful grand view building

Park, etc., are very comfortable places to visit, especially on the other side

of the green waves, the majestic peak of the western mountain, water floating

clouds cover. The beauty of the lake and the mystery of the sea will appear

before your eyes. Dianchi Lake has both the beauty of the lake and the spirit of

the sea. Dianchi Lake is the center of Kunming scenic spots. The tour is rich in

content. You can visit Stone Age sites around the lake, trace the ancient Yunnan

King's tomb, and explore the mystery of Yunnan's cultural cradle. You can also

visit more than ten places of interest and historic sites on the shore, such as

Xishan, Baiyukou, Zhenghe's hometown, Panlong Temple, Guandu diamond pagoda,

etc. you can also go deep into towns around the lake, such as Haikou, Kunyang,

Jinning, Chenggong, Guandu, heilinpu, etc.

There are many scenic spots along the Bank of Dianchi Lake: Haigeng

Lakeside Park, Xiyuan villa, Longmen Village, Guanyin Mountain, Baiyukou, etc.

Due to the influence of the warm and humid air flow in the southwest of the

Indian Ocean, Dianchi Lake has long sunshine, short frost period and an average

annual temperature of 15 ℃. The climate is mild, summer without heat, winter

without cold, four seasons such as spring, pleasant climate, four seasons are

suitable for tourism. The origin of the name of historical and cultural Dianchi

Lake can be summarized into three kinds. First, from the perspective of

geographical morphology, the people of Jin Dynasty often said in the annals of

Huayang · annals of nanzhong: "Dianchi county is governed by a county, so the

state of Dian is the same; there are rivers, 200 Li around the water, which are

deep and wide, shallow and narrow, such as backward flow, so it is called

Dianchi." Another view is to search for sound and study meaning, that "Dian Dian

is also the highest peak of speech."

Some people think that it is the Yi die (Dian), that is, dabazi. The third

theory is based on the national appellation. According to the records of

historical records, the biography of Southwest Yi, Dian was the largest tribe

name in this area in ancient times. After entering Dian, Zhuang Qiao, the

general of Chu, became the king of Dian, so the name of Dian Lake came from Dian

Lake tribe. Now Dianchi Lake is one of the first 12 national tourist resorts

approved to be established in China, and it is also the only national tourist

resort located in inland province.



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Dear friends, Hello everyone! Welcome to Kunming, a warm and humid spring

city with four seasons like spring! Here you will enjoy the natural beautiful

water and green mountains, and you will appreciate the real national customs.

Here, ancient and fashionable blend with each other, yesterday and today

interweave, you will be moved by the most real and original ecology of Yunnan,

infected by the mountains and rivers here, you will love this place deeply. Let

me introduce the Dianchi Lake to you.

Dianchi Lake, located in the southwest of Kunming City, is a vast and

elegant plateau lake. It is a limestone fault lake formed by the influence of

the Himalayan movement in the tertiary. The lake is 1886 meters above sea level,

39 kilometers long from north to south, 13.5 kilometers wide from east to west,

with an average width of about 8 kilometers. The lake shoreline is about 200

kilometers long, with an area of about 318 square kilometers. The maximum depth

of the lake is 8 meters, with an average depth of 5.5 meters. The water storage

capacity is about 1.57 billion cubic meters. Among all the lakes in Yunnan, it

has the largest area. Among all the freshwater lakes in China, it ranks sixth

after Poyang Lake, Dongting Lake, Taihu Lake, Hongze Lake and Chaohu Lake.

Dianchi Lake is surrounded by many mountains, including Jinma mountain in the

East, Biji mountain in the west, Sheshan mountain in the North (also known as

changchong mountain) and Baihe mountain in the south. These rolling mountains

form the natural barrier of Kunming Bazi. Along the lakeside line of about 100

kilometers, there are many cities and towns such as Kunming, Chenggong,

Jincheng, Kunyang and Haikou, as well as scenic spots such as Daguanlou,

Haigeng, Xishan, Guanyinshan, Baiyukou, Zhenghe Park, niulianxiang, Yunnan

King's tomb in Shizhaishan, Panlong temple, Liulin and Guandu pagoda. Dianchi

lake belongs to the Yangtze River system. There are more than 20 rivers flowing

into Dianchi Lake, the largest of which is Panlong River, and other rivers such

as Jinzhi River, Baisha River and Baoxiang river. The water from Dianchi Lake

flows out to the sea, then flows to Jinsha River through Tanglangchuan and Pudu

River, and finally flows to the sea.

Dianchi Lake water area, surrounded by mountains, rivers, thousands of

hectares of fertile land, known as "Jiangnan plateau.". Around the pool, there

are fishing villages and sails dotted with Guanyin Mountain Scenic Area; there

are flowers and trees shadow of Baiyukou Konggu garden; there are stretches of

miles, clear water and sand Clear Beach Beach and beautiful grand view building

Park, etc., are very comfortable places to visit, especially on the other side

of the green waves, the majestic peak of the western mountain, water floating

clouds cover. The beauty of the lake and the mystery of the sea will appear

before your eyes. Dianchi Lake has both the beauty of the lake and the spirit of

the sea.

The origin of the name of Dianchi Lake has always been different. The first

is from the perspective of the geographical situation of Dianchi Lake. According

to the records of Huayang state nanzhong, "Dianchi county is governed by

counties, so Dianchi is also a state; there are rivers, 200 Li around the water,

which are deep and wide, shallow and narrow, such as backward flow, so Dianchi

is called." from this article, we know that Dianchi is Dian; the second is that

Dianchi is located on the plateau, so Dianchi is named; The third holds that

"dian" is the largest of many ethnic groups in this area in ancient times. After

Chu general Zhuang came to Dian, he changed his clothes and followed his

customs, and then established the Dian state, called the king of Dian.

Therefore, the name of Dianchi came from the name of this tribe. Although there

are various opinions about the origin of the name of Dianchi Lake, it does not

affect its huge economic utility. For thousands of years, it has nurtured the

people here and irrigated the land here. To provide people with the convenience

of boat, to provide people with rich aquatic products, and now with its

beautiful scenery, charming scenery ushered in many tourists, really worthy of a

"Pearl" on the Yunnan Guizhou Plateau.

Now Dianchi Lake is one of the first 12 national tourist resorts approved

to be established in China, and it is also the only national tourist resort

located in inland province. Haigeng park is close to the Bank of Dianchi Lake,

and the whole park is built along the Bank of Dianchi Lake. Weeping willow green

litchi, white wave beach, a school of colorful scenery in southern Xinjiang, is

the ideal natural swimming pool. Overlooking the Xishan Forest Park on the high

mountain opposite to the lake, the park is more enjoyable. If you want to go to

the Xishan Mountain for sightseeing, there are fishing boats driven by fishermen

on the dam Wharf in the park, which can cross the water to reach the foot of the

Xishan Mountain. You can also go to Haigeng ethnic village and take a cable car

to go up the Xishan Mountain. From the cable car, you can have a panoramic view

of Dianchi Lake.

Dianchi Lake is also the center of Kunming's scenic spots. Tourists can not

only take a boat around the lake to enjoy the scenery of lakes and mountains,

but also go ashore to see Zheng He's hometown, Guanyin Mountain and other scenic

spots. Around Dianchi Lake, there are two peaks of Jinma and Biji in the East

and West, and two mountains of changchong and Baihe in the north and south.

There are many scenic spots. The lake is vast and beautiful. When cherry

blossoms bloom in spring, the scenery is more beautiful and charming.

Today's Dianchi Lake, with its unique charm, attracts a large number of

Chinese and foreign tourists and has become a world-famous tourist attraction.

With the development of tourism, Dianchi Lake, a symbol of ecological beauty,

will radiate new vitality. We will welcome you again with better tourism service

and more beautiful tourism environment!



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